From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Decision Tree Rule Reduction Using Linear Classifiers in Multilayer Perceptron DaeEun Kim Sea Woo Kim Division of Informatics University of Edinburgh 5 Forrest Hill Edinburgh, EHI 2QL, United Kingdom Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, KAIST Cheongryang l-dong Seoul, 130-011, Korea Abstract relationship betweendata points, using a statistical technique. It generates manydata points on the response surIt has beenshownthat a neuralnetworkis better thana face of the fitted curve, and then induces rules with a direct applicationof inductiontrees in modelingcomdecision tree. This method was introduced as an alterplex relations of input attributes in sampledata. We native measure regarding the problem of direct applicaproposethat conciserules be extractedto supportdata tion of the induction tree to raw data (Irani &Qian 1990; withinput variablerelations overcontinuous-valued atKim1991). However,it still has the problem of requiring tributes. Thoserelations as a set of linear classifiers manyinduction rules to reflect the responsesurface. can be obtained from neural networkmodelingbased onback-propagation. Alinear classifier is derivedfrom In this paper we use a hybrid technique to combineneua linear combinationof input attributes and neuron ral networksand decision trees for data classification (Kim weightsin the first hiddenlayer of neuralnetworks.It & Lee 2000). It has been shownthat neural networks are is shown in this paperthat whenweuse a decisiontree better than direct application of induction trees in modoverlinear classifiers extractedfroma multilayerpereling nonlinear characteristics of sample data (Dietterich, ceptron, the numberof rules can be reduced.Wehave Hild, & Bakiri 1990; Quinlan 1994; Setiono & Lie 1996; tested this methodoverseveral data sets to compare it Fisher & McKusick 1989; Shavlik, Mooney, & Towell withdecisiontree results. 1991). Neural networks have the advantage of being able to deal with noisy, inconsistent and incompletedata. A method Introduction to extract symbolicrules from neural networkshas beenproposed to increase the performanceof the decision process The discovery of decision rules and recognition of patterns (Andrews, Diederich, &Tickle 1996; Taha & Ghosh1999; from data examples is one of the most challenging probFu 1994; Towcll &Shavlik Oct 1993; Setiono & Lie 1996). lems in machinelearning. If data points contain numerical attributes, induction treemethods needthecontinuous- The KTalgorithm developed by Fu (Fu 1991) extracts rules valued attributes tobemadediscrete withthreshold values. from subsets of connected weights with high activation in a trained network. The Mof N algorithm clusters weights of Induction treealgorithms suchasC4.5build decision trees the trained networkand removesinsignificant clusters with byrecursively partitioning theinput attribute space (Quinlow active weights. Then the rules are extracted from the lan1996). Thetreetraversal fromtherootnodetoeachleaf weights (Towell & Shavlik Oct 1993). leads tooneconjunctive rule. Eachinternal nodeinthedecisiontree hasa splitting criterion orthreshold forcontinuous- A simple rule extraction algorithmthat uses discrete activalued attributes topartition somepartoftheinput space, vations over continuous hidden units is presented in by Seandeachleafrepresents a class related totheconditions of tiono and Taha (Setiono &Lie 1996; Taha & Ghosh1999). eachinternal node. They used in sequence a weight-decay back-propagation Approaches basedon decision treesinvolve making the over a three-layer feed-forward network, a pruning process continuous-valued attributes discrete ininput space, creatto removeirrelevant connectionweights, a clustering of hidingmanyrectangular divisions. Asa result, theymayhave den unit activations, and extraction of rules from discrete theinability todetect datatrends ordesirable classifica- unit activations. They derived symbolic rules from neural tionsurfaces. Eveninthecaseofmultivariate methods of networks that include oblique decision hyperplanes instead discretion which search inparallel forthreshold values for of general input attribute relations (Setiono &Liu 1997). morethanonecontinuous attribute (Fayyad & Irani1993; Also the direct conversion from neural networks to rules has an exponential complexity whenusing search-based alKweldo & Kretowski 1999), thedecision rulesmaynotreflect datatrends orthedecision treemaybuild manyrules gorithm over incoming weights for each unit (Fu 1994; withthesupport of a smallnumber of examples or ignore Towell & Shavlik Oct 1993). Most of the rule extraction somedatapoints bydismissing themasnoisy. algorithms are used to derive rules from neuron weights A possible process is suggested to grasp the trend of the and neuronactivations in the hidden layer as a search-based method. An instance-based rule extraction methodis sugdata. It first tries to fit it with a given data set for the Copyright ©2001, AAAI, All rightsreserved. 48O FLAIRS-2001 gested to reduce computationtime by escaping search-based methods(Kim &Lee 2000). After training two hidden layer neural networks, the first hidden layer weight parametersare treated as linear classifiers. Theselinear differentiated fimctions are chosenby decision tree methodsto determinedecision boundariesafter re-organizing the training set in terms of the newlinear classifier attributes¯ Our approach is to train a neural network with sigmoid functions and to use decision classifiers based on weight parameters of neural networks. Then an induction tree selects the desirable input variable relations for data classification. Decision tree applications have the ability to determineproper subintervals over continuousattributes by a discretion process. This discretion process will cover oblique hyperplanes mentionedin Setiono’s papers. In this paper, we havetested linear classifiers with variable thresholds and fixed thresholds. The methodsare tested on various types of data and compared with the method based on the decision tree alone. Problem Statement Induction trees are useful for a large numberof examples, and they enable us to obtain proper rules from examples rapidly (Quinlan 1996). However,they have the difficulty in inferring relations betweendata points and cannot handle noisy data. .... f .............................. "._~.. ° i 1 (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: Example(a) data set and decision boundary(O class 1, X : class 0) (b)-(c) neural networkfitting (d) data with 900 points (Kim & Lee 2000) Wecan see a simple exampleof undesirable rule extraction discoveredin the inductiontree application¯ Figure1 (a) displays a set of 29 original sample data with two classes¯ It appears that the set has four sections that have the boundaries of direction from upper-left to lower-right. A set of the dotted boundarylines is the result of multivariate classification by the induction tree. It has six rules to classify data points. Even in C4.5 (Quinlan 1996) run, it has four rules with 6.9 % error, makingdivisions with attribute y. Therules do not catch data clustering completelyin this example. Figure l(b)-(c) showsneural networkfitting with back-propagationmethod¯In Figure l(b)-(c) neural network nodes have slopes alpha = 1.5, 4.0 for sigmoids, respectively. After curve fitting, 900 points were generated uniformly on the response surface for the mappingfrom input space to class, and the response values of the neural networkwere calculated as shownin Figure l(d). The result C4.5 to those 900 points followed the classification curves, but produced55 rules¯ The production of manyrules results from the fact that decision tree makespiecewise rectangular divisions for each rule. This happensin spite of the fact that the responsesurface for data clustering has a correlation betweenthe input variables. As shownabove, the decision tree has a problemof overgeneralization for a small number of data and an overspecialization problem for a large numberof data. A possible suggestion is to consider or derive relations between input variablt s as another attribute for rule extraction¯ However, it is difficult to find input variablerelations for classification directly in supervised learning, while unsupervised methodscan use statistical methodssuch as principal component analysis (Haykin 1999). Method The goal for our approachis to generate rules following the shape and characteristics of response surfaces. Usually induction trees cannot trace the trend of data, and they determinedata clustering only in terms of input variables, unless we apply other relation factors or attributes. In order to improveclassification rules from a large training data set, we allow input variable relations for multi-attributes in a set of rules¯ NeuralNetworkandLinearClassifiers Weuse a two-phase method for rule extraction over continuous-valuedattributes. Given a large training set of data points, the first phase, as a feature extraction phase, is to train feed-forward neural networks with back-propagation and collect the weight set over input variables in the first hidden layer. A feature useful in inferring multi-attribute relations of data is foundin the first hiddenlayer of neural networks. The extracted rules involving networkweight values will reflect features of data examplesand provide good classification boundaries. Also they maybe more compact and comprehensible,comparedto induction tree rules. In the secondphase, as a feature combinationphase, each extracted feature for a linear classification boundaryis combined together using Booleanlogic gates. In this paper, we use an induction tree to combineeach linear classifier. The highly nonlinear property of neural networks makes it difficult to describe howthey reach predictions. Although their predictive accuracy is satisfactory for manyapplications, they have long been considered as a complexmodelin terms of analysis. By using expert rules derived from neural networks, the neural networkrepresentation can be more understandable¯ It has been shownthat a particular set of functions can NEURAL NETWORK / FUZZY 481 be obtained with arbitrary accuracy by at most two hidden layers given enough nodes per layer (Cybenko 1988). Also one hidden layer is sufficient to represent any Boolean function (Hertz, Palmer, & Krogh 1991). Our neural network structure has two hidden layers, where the first hidden layer makesa local feature selection with linear classifiers and the second layer receives Boolean logic values from the first layer and maps any Boolean function. The second hidden layer and output layer can be thought of as a sum of the product of Boolean logic gates. The n-th output of neural networks for a set of data is Fn = f(EN2w ,d()Sj 2 ---N1 wjkf( 1 --No w°ad)) After training data patterns with a neural networkby backpropagation,wecan havelinear classifiers in the first hidden layer. For a nodein the first hiddenlayer, the activation is defined as Hj = f(Y~i N° aiWij) for the j-th node where No is the numberof input attributes, ai is an input, and f(x) = 1.0/(1.0 -’ ~z) is a s igmoid function. When we train neural networks with the back-propagationmethod, a, the slope of the sigmoid function is increased as iteration continues. If we have a high value of a, the activation of each neuronis close to the property of digital logic gates, whichhas a binary value of 0 or 1. Exceptfor the first hiddenlayer, we can replace each neuron by logic gates if we assume we have a high slope for the sigmoidfunction. Input to each neuronin the first hidden layer is represented as a linear combinationof input attributes and weights, )--~N aiWij. This forms linear classifiers for data classification as a feature extraction over data distribution. WhenFigure l(a) data is trained, we can introduce new attributes aX + bY + e, where a, b, c are constants. We use two hidden layers with 4 nodes and 3 nodes, respectively, where every neuron node has a high sigmoid slope to guarantee desirable linear classifiers as shownin Figure l(c). Wetransformed 900 data points in Figure l(d) into four linear classifier data points, and then we added the classifier attributes {L1, L2, L3, L4}to the original attributes x, y. Induction tree algorithm used those six attributes {x, y, LI, L2, Ls, L4} for its input attributes. Then we could obtain only four rules with C4.5, while a simple application of C4.5 for those data genetated 55 rules. The rules are given as follows: rule 1 rule2 rule 3 rule4 if (1.44x + 1.73y <= 5.98), thenclass if(1.44x+ 1.73y > 5.98) and (1.18x + 2.81y <= 12.37) then class : if(1.44x + 1.73y > 5.98) and (1.18x + 2.81y > 12.37) and (0.53x + 2.94y < 14.11), then class : if(1.44x + 1.73y > 5.98) and (1.18x + 2.81y > 12.37) and (0.53x + 2.94y > 14.11), then class : : These linear classifiers exactly match with the boundaries shownin Figure 1 (c), and they are moredominantfor classi482 FLAIRS-2001 fication in terms of entropy minimizationthan a set of original input attributes itself. Evenif weinclude input attributes, the entropy measurementleads to a rule set with boundary equations. Theserules are moremeaningfulthan those of direct C4.5 application to raw data since their divisions show the trend of data clustering and howeach attribute is correlated. Linear Classifiers for Decision Trees Induction trees can split any continuous value by selecting thresholds for given attributes, while it cannot derive relations of input attributes directly. Thus, before induction trees are applied to a given training set, weput newrelation attributes consisting of linear classifiers in the training set, whichare generated fromthe weight set in a neural network. Wecan represent training data as a set of attribute column vectors. Whenwe have linear classifiers extracted from a neural network,each linear classifier can be a columnvector in a training set, wherethe vector size is equal to the number of the original training data. Eachlinear classifier becomesa newattribute in the training set. If we represent original input attribute vectors and neural networklinear classifiers as U-vectorsand L-vectors, respectively, C-vectors, L-vectors, and {U + L}-vectors will form a different set of training data; each set of vector is transformedfrom the same data. Thosethree vector sets were tested with several data sets in the UCI depository (Blake, Keogh, & Merz 1998) to compare the performance (Kim &Lee 2000). It is believed that a compactset of attributes to represent the data set shows a better performance. Addingoriginal input attributes does not improvethe result, but it makesits performanceworse in most cases. C4.5 has a difficulty in selecting properly the mostsignificant attributes for a given set of data, because it chooses attributes with local entropy measurementand the methodis not a global optimization of entropy. Also, especially whenonly linear classifiers from neural network,L-vectors, are used, it is quite effective in reducing the numberof rules (Kim& Lee 2000). Generally manydecision tree algorithms have muchdifficulty in feature extraction. Whenwe add manyunrelated features(attributes)to a training set for decisiontrees, it has tendency to worsenperformance.This is because the induction tree is basedon a locally optimalentropy search. In this paper, a compactL-linear classifier methodwas tested. We used L-linear classifiers with fixed thresholds and variable thresholds. In the linear classifier methodwith fixed thresholds, all instances in the training data are transformed into Boolean logic values through dichotomyof node activations in the first hidden layer; then Booleandata are applied to the induction algorithmC4.5. In the linear classifiers with variable thresholds, a set of linear classifiers are taken as continuousvalued attributes. TheC4.5 application over instances of linear classifiers will try to find the best splitting thresholdsfor discretion over each linear classifier attribute. In this case, each linear classifier attribute mayhave multivariate thresholds to handle marginalboundariesof linear classifiers. data wine iris blagast-w ios~sphere pinla glass bupa C4.5 orain (%) [ test (%) 1.2 4- 0.1 7.9 4- 1.3 1.9 4- 0.1 5.4"4-0.7 I.I 4-0.1 4.74- 0.5 1.6 4- 0.2 10.44- I.I 15.14- 0.8 26.4 4- 0.9 6.7 4- 0.4 32.0 4- 1.5 12.94- 1.5 34.54- 2.0 Linear Classifier [ train (%) [ test (%) 0.0 4- 0.0 3.6 4- 0.9 0.7 4- 0.2 4.7 4- 1.5 0.9 4- 0.2 4.4 4- 0.3 1.2 4- 0.2 8.8 4- 1.5 15.84- 0.4 27.04- 0.9 6.6 4- 0.8 33.6 4-3.I 10.24- 1.1 33.74- 2.1 nodes 4-3-3 4-5-3 4-7-3 4-10-3 4-3-3-3 4-5-4-3 4-7-4-3 neuralnetwork wain(%) test (%) O.84- 0.1 4.3 4- 1.5 0.5 4- 0.1 4.74- I.I 5.2 4- 1.1 0.5 4- 0.2 0.4-I- 0.2 5.1 4- 1.2 4.5-II.I 0.7 -40.1 4.1-1.-1.3 0.54-0.1 4.74- 0.9 veriable T’[ L.I’ # rules 3.8-1-0.3 3.9 4- 0.4 3.94-0.2 3.94-0.1 3.7 q- 0.2 4.04* 0.4 3.9 4- 0.2 ’[.L} fixedT # rules 3.44- 0.2 4.0 4- 0.5 4.1.4- 0.4 4.4 4- 0.6 3.8 4- 0.2 4.1 4-0.2 4.0 4- 0.4 Ca) Table1: Dataclassification errors in C4.5andlinear classifier methodwith variablethresholds(error rates in linear classifier methodshowthe best result amongseveral neural networkexperiments) 0 1 -- g .m . . t z, J. variable thresholds nodes train (%) test (%) 4-3-3 5.14. 1.3 4-5-3 0.7 4* 0.2 6.O4- 1.7 4-7-3 0.7 4- 0.2 4.64*1.1 4-10-3 0.8-4-0.1 5.2 4- 1.6 4-3-3-3 0.9 "4"0.1 5.9 4- 1.4 4-5-4-30.7 4- 0.2 4.7 4- 1.5 4-7-4-3 0.8 4- 0.2 4.7 4- 1.0 fixedthresholdst t, } train (%) (%) 1.7 4-0.3 4.84- 1.4 1.8 4-0.3 5.1 4- 1.2 1.5 4-0.3 5.3 4- 1.1 1.4 4- 0.2 5.2 4- 1.4 2.6 4- 0.7 6.14- 1.7 2.0 4- 0.4 5.3 4- 1.2 2.2 4- 0.4 5.14- 1.0 Table2: iris dataclassification result (a) neuralnetworkerror rate and the numberof rules with the linear classifier method(b) error rate in linear classifier methodwith variable thresholdsandfixed thresholds ¯ -- (a) (b) Figure 2: ComparisonbetweenC4.5 and linear classifier method(a) averageerror rate in test data with C4.5, neural network,andlinear classifier (b) the numberof rules with C4.5 andlinear classifier method Experiments Ourmethodhas been tested on several sets of data in the UCI depository (Blake, Keogh, & Merz1998). Figure showsaverageclassification errorrates for C4.5, neuralnetworksandthe linear classifier method.Table 1 showserror rates to comparethe pure C4.5 methodandour linear classifier method.Theerror rates wereestimatedby runningthe complete10-fold cross-validation ten times, andthe average andthe standarddeviation for ten runs weregivenin the table. Several neural networkswere tested for each data set. Table 2-3 shows examplesof different neural networksand their linearclassifier results. Ourmethodsusing linear classifiers are better than C4.5 in somesets and worsein other data sets such as glass and pima whichare hard to predict even in neural network.The result supportsthe fact that the methodsgreatly dependon neuralnetworktraining. If neuralnetworkfitting is not correct, thenthe fitting errors maymisleadthe result of linear classifier methods.Normally,the C4.5 applicationshowsthe errorrate is very highfor trainingdata in Table1. Theneural networkcan improvetraining performanceby increasing the numberof nodes in the hiddenlayers as shownin Table 2-3. However,it does not guaranteeto improvetest set performance.In manycases, reducingerrors in a training set tendsto increasethe errorrate in a test set by overfitting. The error rate difference betweena neural networkand the linear classifier methodexplains that somedata points are located on marginalboundariesof classifiers. It is due to the fact that our neuralnetworkmodeluses sigmoidfunctions with high slopes instead of step functions. When acti- n~s 6-5-2 6-10-2 6-5-5-2 6-8-6-2 6-10-7-2 neural network ~n <%) I testc%) 17.94- 1.1 31.94- 1.6 32.84- 2.1 15.24- 0.9 32.84- 1.9 9.3 4- 0.7 32.14- 1.9 7.34-1.4 32.74- 2.2 variable T~L } #~ 10.04- 1.3 15.3 4*1.7 10.6.4-1.3 14.34*2.1 16.24- 1.7 fixedT~-LJ. #r~ es 7.2 4-0.7 16.34- 1.7 9.4 4- 0.9 19.54- 1.3 24.4 4*2.3 (a) nodes 6-5-5-2 6-8-6-2 6-10-7-2 "[L} L} [1 variable thresholds fixed thresholdsf train (%) test (%) train (%) (%) 17.84- 1.5 32.84- 1.9 25.24- 1.9 34.14- 1.3 14.84- 1.4 33.74*2.1 19.94*1.5 36.24- 3.1 17.54- 1.0 33.64* 2.3 22.24- 1.1 34.34- 2.3 13.64*1.5 32.54* 1.7 15.14- 0.6 34.04- 2.4 15.24- 1.3 32.74- 2.9 17.34- 0.7 32.74- 1.6 (b) Table 3: bupadata classification result (a) neuralnetwork error rate andthe number of rules with the linear classifier method (b) errorrate in linear classifier method withvariable thresholds andfixed thresholds vation is near 0.5, the weightedsumof activations maylead to different output classes. If the numberof nodes in the first hiddenlayer is increased, this marginaleffect becomes larger as observedin Table2 - see fixed thresholds. Figure 2(b) shows that the numberof rules using our methodis significantly smaller than that using conventional C4.5in all the data sets. To reducethe number of rules, linear classifiers with the Booleancircuit modelgreatly depend on the number of nodesin the first hiddenlayer. It decreases the numberof rules whenthe numberof nodes decreases in the first hiddenlayer, whilethe errorrate performance is similar withinsomelimit, regardlessof the number of nodes. Thelinear classifier methodwithvariablethresholdsalso depends on the numberof nodes. The reason whythe number of rules is proportionalto the number of nodesis related to the searchspace of Booleanlogic circuits. Thelinear classifier methodwith the Booleancircuit modeloften tends to generate rules that have a small numberof support examples, while variable threshold modelprunesthose rules by NEURAL NETWORK / FUZZY 483 adjusting splitting thresholds in the decision tree. Twohidden layer neural networks are not significantly more effective in terms of error rates and the numberof rules than one hidden layer as shownin Table 2-3. Thus, neural networks with one hidden layer maybe enoughfor UCIdata set. Mostof the data sets in the UCIdepository have a small numberof data examplesrelative to the numberof attributes. The significant difference between a simple C4.5 application and a combinationof C4.5 application and a neural networkis not seen distinctively in UCIdata in terms of error rate, unlike the synthetic data in Figure 1. Information of data trend or input relations can be moredefinitely described whengiven manydata examplesrelative to the numberof attributes. Table 2-3 showsthat neural networkclassification is better than linear classifier applications. Even thoughlinear classifier methods are good approximations to nonlinear neural networkmodelingin the experiments, we still need to reduce the gap betweenneural networktraining and linear classifier models. There is a trade-off betweenthe number of rules and error rate performance.Weneed to explain what is the optimal numberof rules for a given data set for future study. Conclusions This paper presents a hybrid methodfor constructing a decision tree from neural networks. Our methoduses neural network modeling to find unseen data points and then an induction tree is applied to data points for symbolicrules, using features from the neural network. The combination of neural networks and induction trees will compensatefor the disadvantages of one approach alone. This methodhas advantages over a simple decision tree method. 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