From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A Comparisonof Noise Handling Techniques Choh Man Teng cmteng Institute for Humanand MachineCognition University of West Florida 40 South Alcaniz Street, Pensacola FL 32501 USA Abstract Imperfectionsin data can arise frommanysources. Thequality of the data is of primeconcernto any task that involves data analysis. It is crucial that wehavea goodunderstanding of data imperfectionsand the effects of various noise handling techniques. Westudy here a numberof noise handling approaches,namely,robust algorithmsthat are tolerant of someamountof noisein the data, filtering that eliminatesthe noisy instancesfromthe input, and polishingwhichcorrects the noisy instances rather than removing them. Weevaluated the performance of these approachesexperimentally.Theresults indicatedthat in additionto the traditional approach of avoidingoverfitting, bothfiltering andpolishingcan be viable mechanisms for reducingthe negativeeffects of noise. Polishingin particular showedsignificant improvement over the other twoapproachesin manycases, suggestingthat even thoughnoise correction adds considerablecomplexityto the task, it also recoversinformation not availablewiththe other twoapproaches. Introduction Imperfections in data can arise from manysources, for instance, faulty measuringdevices, transcription errors, and transmission irregularities. Except in the most structured and synthetic environment,it is almost inevitable that there is somenoise in any data we have collected. Data quality is crucial to any task that involves data analysis, and in particular in the domainsof machinelearning and knowledge discovery, where we have to deal with copious amountsof data. It is thus essential that we have a goodunderstanding of data imperfections and the effects of various noise handling techniques. Wehave identified three main approaches to coping with noise, namely,robust algorithms, filtering, and correction. In this paper we study these three approaches experimentally, using a representative methodfrom each approachfor evaluation. The effectiveness of the three methodsare comparedin the setting of classification. Belowwe will first discuss the three general approaches to noise handling, and their respective advantagesand disadvantages. Wewill describe one of the more novel approaches, data polishing, in moredetail. Thenwe will outCopyright~) 2001,AmericanAssociationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. line the setup for experimentation,and report the results on predictive accuracy and size of the classifiers built by the three methods in our study. Additional observations are givenin the last section. Approachesto Noise Handling Noise in a data set can be dealt with in three broad ways. Wemayleave the noise in, filter it out, or correct it. In the first approach,the data set is taken as is, with the noisy instances left in place. Algorithmsthat makeuse of the data are designedto be robust; that is, they can tolerate a certain amountof noise. This is typically accomplishedby avoiding overfitting, so that the resulting classifier is not overly tuned to account for the noise. This approach is taken by, for example, c4.5 (Quinlan 1987) and CN2(Clark &Niblett 1989). In the secondapproach, the data is filtered before being used. Instances that are suspected of being noisy according to certain evaluation criteria are discarded (John 1995; Brodley & Friedl 1996; Gamberger, Lavra~, & D~eroski 1996). Aclassifier is then built using only the retained instances in the smaller but cleaner data set. Similar ideas can be found in robust regression and outlier detection techniques in statistics (Rousseeuw&Leroy 1987). In the third approach,the noisy instances are identified, but instead of tossing themout, they are repaired by replacing the corrupted values with more appropriate ones. The corrected instances are then reintroduced into the data set. One such method, called polishing, has been investigated in (Teng 1999; 2000). There are pros and cons to adopting any one of these approaches. Robust algorithms do not require preprocessing of the data, but a classifier built froma noisy data set maybe less predictive and its representation maybe less compact than it could have been if the data were not noisy. By filtering out the noisy instances fromthe data, there is a tradeoff betweenthe amountof informationavailable for building the classifier and the amountof noise retained in the data set. Data polishing, whencarried out correctly, wouldpreserve the maximalinformation available in the data, approximating the noise-free ideal situation. Thebenefits are great, but so are the associated risks, as we mayinadvertently introduce undesirable features into the data whenwe attempt to correctit. KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY269 Wewill first outline the basic methodologyof polishing in the next section, and then describe the experimentalsetup for comparingthese three approachesto noise handling. Polishing Traditionally machine learning methods such as the naive Bayes classifier typically assumethat different components of a data set are (conditionally) independent. It has often been pointed out that this assumptionis a gross oversimplification; hence the word "naive" (Mitchell 1997, for exampie). In manycases there is a definite relationship within the data; otherwise any effort to mineknowledgeor patterns from the data wouldbe ill-advised. Polishing takes advantage of this interdependency betweenthe componentsof a data set to identify the noisy elements and suggest appropriate replacements. Rather than utilizing the features only to predict the target concept, we can just as well turn the process aroundand utilize the target together with selected features to predict the value of another feature. This provides a meansfor identifying noisy elements together with their correct values. Note that except for totally irrelevant elements,each feature wouldbe at least related to someextent to the target concept, even if not to any other features. The basic algorithm of polishing consists of two phases: prediction and adjustment. In the prediction phase, elements in the data that are suspected of being noisy are identified together with a nominated replacement value. In the adjustment phase, we selectively incorporate the nominated changesinto the data set. In the first phase, the predictions are carried out by systematically swappingthe target and particular features of the data set, and performinga ten-fold classification using a chosenclassification algorithmfor the prediction of the feature values. If the predicted value of a feature in an instance is different from the stated value in the data set, the location of the discrepancyis flagged and recorded together with the predicted value. This information is passed on to the next phase, where we institute the actual adjustments. Since the polishing process itself is based on imperfect data, the predictions obtained in the first phasecan contain errors as well. Weshould not indiscriminately incorporate all the nominatedchanges. Rather, in the second phase, the adjustment phase, we selectively adopt appropriate changes from those predicted in the first phase, using a numberof strategies to identify the best combinationof changesthat wouldimprovethe fitness of a datum. Weperforma ten-fold classification on the data, and the instances that are classified incorrectly are selected for adjustment. A set of changesto a datumis acceptableif it leads to a correct prediction of the target conceptby all ten classifiers obtained from the tenfold process. Further details of polishing can be found in (Teng 1999; 2000). Experimental Setup Belowwe report on an experimentalstudy of three representative mechanismsof the the noise handling approaches we 270 FLAIRS-2001 have discussed, and comparetheir performanceon a number of test data sets. The basic learning algorithm we used is c4.5 (Quinlan 1993) the decision tree builder. Three noise handling mechanismswere evaluated in this study. Robust: c4.5, with its built in mechanismsfor avoiding overfitting. Theseinclude, for instance, post-pruning, and stop conditions that prevent further splitting of a leaf node. Filtering : Instances that havebeen misclassified by the decision tree built by c4.5 are discarded, and a newtree is built using the remainingdata. This is similar to the approach taken in (John 1995). Polishing : Instances that have been misclassified by the decision tree built by c4.5 are polished, and a newtree is built using the polished data, according to the mechanism described in the previous section. Twelvedata sets from the UCIRepository of machinelearning databases (Murphy& Aha 1998) were used. These are shownin Table 1. The training data was artificially corrupted by introducing randomnoise into both the attributes and the class. A noise level of z%meansthat the value of each attribute and the target class is assigned a randomvalue z%of the time, with each alternative value being equally likely to be selected. The actual percentages of noise in the data sets are given in the columnsunder "Actual Noise" in Table 1. These values are never higher, and in almost all cases lower, than the advertised z%, since the original noise-free value could be selected as the randomreplacement as well. Also shownin TableI are the percentagesof instances with at least one corrupted value. Note that even at fairly low noise levels, the majority of instances contain someamountof noise. Results Weperformeda ten-fold cross validation on each data set, using the abovethree methods(robust, filtering, and polishing) in turn to obtainthe classifiers. In each trial, nine parts of the data were used for training, and the remaining one part was held for testing. Wecomparedthe classification accuracy and size of the decision trees built. The results are summarizedin Tables 2 and 3. Table2 showsthe classification accuracy and standard deviation of trees obtained using the three methods. Wecompared the methodsin pairs (robust vs. filtering; robust vs. polishing; filtering vs. polishing), and differences that are significant at the 0.05 level using a one-tailed paired t-test are markedwith an .. (An "*" indicates the latter method performedbetter than the former in the pair being compared; a "-*" denotes that the difference is "reverse": the former methodperformedsignificantly better than the latter.) Of the three methodsstudied, we can establish a general ordering of the resulting predictive accuracy. Exceptfor the nursery data set at the 0%noise level, and the zoo data set at the 10%noise level, in all other cases, wherethere was a significance difference, polishing gaverise to a higher classification accuracythan filtering, and filtering gaverise to a DataSet audiology LED-24 lenses lung cancer mushroom NoiseLevel Actual Noise O% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0.0% 5.2% 10.6% 15.5% 21.4% 0.0% 6.8% 14.6% 21.4% 28.4% 0.0% 5.3% 10.3% 15.4% 20.9% 0.0% 5.8% 13.3% 15.6% 23.3% 0.0% 7.3% 14.8% 21.9% 27.5% 0.0% 7.3% 14.8% 22.1% 29.5% Instances with Noise 0.0% 96.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 39.4% 66.8% 82.9% 90.5% 0.0% 74.8% 94.2% 98.3% 99.9% 0.0% 29.2% 50.0% 45.8% 75.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 82.5% 97.4% 99.8% 100.0% DataSet NoiseLevel Actual Noise nursery 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0.0% 6.9% 13.9% 20.8% 27.9% 0.0% 7.6% 14.3% 22.0% 29.9% 0.0% 5.6% 11.5% 17.0% 22.9% 0.0% 7.4% 15.0% 22.5% 30.1% 0.0% 6.4% 12.9% 19.8% 26.0% 0.0% 5.4% 11.8% 15.6% 20.0% promoters soybean splice vote ZOO Instances with Noise 0.0% 47.4% 74.2% 87.7% 94.7% 0.0% 97.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 85.7% 96.2% 99.6% 100.0% 0.0% 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 66.2% 89.2% 97.7% 99.8% 0.0% 63.4% 87.1% 98.0% 100.0% Table 1: Noisecharacteristics of data sets at variousnoise levels. higher classification accuracy than c4.5 alone. The results suggested that both filtering and polishing can be effective methodsfor dealing with imperfections in the data. In addition, we also observedthat polishing outperformedfiltering in quite a numberof cases in our experiments, suggesting that correcting the noisy instances can be of a higher utility than simplyidentifying and tossing these instances out. Nowlet us look at the average size of the decision trees built from data processed by the three methods. The resuits are shownin Table 3. There is no clear trend as to which methodperformed the best, but in almost all cases, the smallest trees weregivenby either filtering or polishing. Whichof the two methodsworkedbetter in terms of reducing the tree size seemedto be data-dependent. In about half of the data sets, polishinggavethe smallest trees at all noise levels, while the results were moremixedfor the other half of the data sets. Tosomeextent it is expectedthat both filtering and polishing wouldgive rise to trees of a smaller size than plain c4.5. By eliminating or correcting the noisy instances, both of these methodsstrive to makethe data more uniform. Thus, fewer nodes are neededto represent the cleaner data. In addition, the data sets obtained from filtering are smaller in size than both the correspondingoriginal and polished data sets, as someof the instances have been eliminated in the filtering process. However,judging from the experimental results, this did not seemto pose a significant advantagefor filtering. Remarks Westudied experimentally the behaviors of three methodsof coping with noise in the data. Our evaluation suggested that in addition to the traditional approachof avoidingoverfitting, both filtering and polishing can be viable mechanisms for reducingthe negative effects of noise. Polishing in particular showedsignificant improvementover the other two approachesin manycases. Thus, it appears that even though noise correction adds considerable complexityto the task, it also recovers information not available with the other two approaches. One might wonderwhywe did not use as a baseline for evaluation the "perfectly filtered" data sets, namely,those data sets with all knownnoisy instances removed.(It is possible in this setting, since we addedthe noise into the data sets ourselves.) While such a data set wouldbe perfectly clean, it wouldalso be very small. Table 1 showsthe percentages of instances with at least one noisy element. Even at the 10%noise level, in the majorityof data sets morethan 50%of the instances are noisy. This percentage grows very quickly to almost 100%as the noise level increases. Thus, we wouldhave had only very little data to work with if we KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY 271 Data Set audiology car LED-24 lenses lung cancer mushroom nursery promoters soybean splice vote zoo Noise Level 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Classification Accuracy:/: Standard Deviation Robust Filtering Polishing 78.0 -4- 7.7% 73.0 4- 7.9% 67.8 4- 8.0% 54.8 -l- 11.5% 33.6 -4- 11.7% 93.2 4- 1.7% 86.3 -4- 2.6% 83.6 4- 3.3% 76.5 4- 2.3% 74.5 4- 2.1% 100.0-4- 0.0% 100.0 4- 0.0% 92.3 4- 4.3% 76.2 4- 4.7% 49.4 4- 5.9% 83.3 -4- 30.7% 50.0 4- 24.7% 55.0 4- 28.9% 48.3 4- 32.9% 58.3 4- 38.2% 50.0 4- 23.9% 30.8 -4- 24.2% 45.8 4- 37.5% 57.5 4- 26.0% 50.8 -4- 16.9% 100.0-4- 0.0% 99.9 4- 0.1% 99.7 -4- 0.4% 98.9 4- 0.6% 98.6 -4- 0.5% 97.0 -4- 0.4% 94.4 -I- 0.4% 90.9 4- 0.6% 90.0 -4- 0.7% 87.4 -I- 1.1% 75.64- 13.5% 73.04- 12.5% 65.9::k9.0% 55.64-10.3% 55.64-14.7% 92.14- 2.0% 86.2::k4.9% 83.04- 3.3% 72.24- 6.1% 50.7 -t- 8.4% 94.04- 1.3% 89.34- 1.8% 83.14- 2.1% 73.14- 4.0% 61.64- 2.9% 94.7 -I- 2.0% 94.7 4- 2.5% 94.0 4- 2.1% 92.9 4- 3.2% 92.4 4- 3.1% 92.24-7.2% 91.24-8.1% 83.24- 7.8% 77.4-I-11.4% 78.34-11.5% 77.5 ::k 7.8% 73.0 -1- 7.8% 67.7 -I- 5.9% 54.5 4- 11.5% 42.5 4- 8.0% 92.8 -4- 1.6% 86.3 -I- 2.5% 83.6 -4- 3.2% 76.5 4- 2.0% 74.4 -4- 2.2% 100.0-1- 0.0% 100.0-4- 0.0% 95.5 4- 3.8% 83.2 4- 3.9% 53.8 4- 6.1% 83.3 4- 30.7% 50.0 4- 24.7% 55.0 -I- 28.9% 48.3 4- 32.9% 58.3 -I- 38.2% 47.5 4- 22.4% 43.3 4- 31.1% 39.2 4- 32.9% 55.0 4- 27.7% 56.7 4- 20.0% 100.0-4- 0.0% 99.9-4- 0.1% 99.7-4- 0.4% 98.9 4- 0.6% 98.6-4- 0.5% 96.8 4- 0.4% 94.5 -I- 0.5% 91.0 4- 0.6% 90.0 -4- 0.7% 87.4 -4- 1.1% 75.64- 13.5% 73.0::k12.5% 66.8::k8.2% 59.3-4-14.1% 57.44-14.7% 91.84- 2.2% 85.74-4.7% 82.54-4.6% 76.7-4-3.7% 51.2 4- 5.5% 94.14- 1.5% 89.64- 1.6% 83.54- 1.7% 73.1-4-3.2% 63.94- 2.2% 94.7 4- 2.0% 94.7 4- 2.5% 93.6 4- 1.7% 92.7 4- 2.9% 92.4 4- 3.1% 92.24-7.2% 88.34-9.3% 84.24-6.5% 79.34-9.2% 80.34-9.8% 80.2 4- 7.0% 73.0 4- 5.8% 70.9 4- 5.2% 61.6 -4- 7.8% 48.2 -4- 5.7% 92.9 4- 1.6% 86.7 4- 2.9% 84.3 4- 2.7% 80.6 4- 2.5% 77.1 4- 2.0% 100.0 4- 0.0% 100.0 4- 0.0% 97.2 4- 2.2% 90.0 4- 3.3% 68.1 4- 5.3% 86.7 4- 30.5% 78.3 -4- 31.7% 73.3 4- 32.7% 56.7 -4- 41.6% 60.0 -4- 30.9% 54.2 4- 31.0% 46.7 4- 23.6% 54.2 4- 37.1% 55.0 -I- 27.7% 63.3 4- 24.8% 100.0 4- 0.0% 100.0 4- 0.1% 100.0 4- 0.1% 99.3 4- 0.6% 98.8 4- 0.5% 96.8 4- 0.3% 94.5 4- 0.4% 91.2 4- 0.8% 90.3 4- 1.0% 88.1 4- 0.7% 77.54- 16.7% 80.44- 10.4% 78.54- 12.7% 67.94- 15.0% 58.54- 14.8% 92.14- 1.8% 88.74-2.3% 85.84- 3.6% 76.7::k4.4% 55.4 4- 3.7% 94.24- 1.4% 91.84- 1.5% 88.34- 1.5% 83.84- 2.6% 72.34- 3.0% 94.7 -I- 2.5% 95.2 4- 3.0% 95.4 4- 2.3% 90.6 4- 5.5% 92.8 4- 3.9% 93.14- 6.4% 95.24- 7.7% 85.24- 9.1% 86.24-4.7% 87.14-7.8% Significant Difference Robust/ Robust/ Filtering/ Filtering Polishing Polishing m, -, * * * * * Table 2: Classification accuracy with standard deviation. An "," indicates a significant improvementof the latter method over the former at the 0.05 level. A "-*" indicates a "reverse" significant difference: the former method performed better than the latter. 272 FLAIRS-2001 Data Set audiology car LED-24 lenses lung cancer mushroom Noise Level 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% !0% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Robust 50.5 66.6 90.3 125.0 143.3 173.4 108.5 103.7 88.8 41.6 19.0 78.2 193.4 335.8 490.8 6.4 4.2 3.5 3.8 3.9 19.0 20.6 15.8 12.2 16.6 30.6 214.3 268.3 345.0 535.2 Filtering 45.4 44.3 58.8 76.8 89.3 169.1 105.1 104.0 81.7 41.3 19.0 69.4 134.6 231.0 347.2 6.4 4.0 3.5 3.8 3.9 15.0 19.0 15.4 11.0 15.0 30.6 207.2 244.8 325.5 519.2 Polishing 47.0 56.2 90.9 121.6 130.1 169.1 102.1 102.7 104.0 61.2 19.0 34.8 85.6 162.4 317.8 5.0 6.7 3.4 7.3 4.5 14.2 23.0 15.4 11.8 16.2 30.6 109.9 124.6 129.3 286.4 Data Set nursery promoters soybean splice vote Zoo Noise Level O% 10% 2O% 3O% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% 0% 10% 20% 30% 4O% Robust Filtering Polishing 508.4 473.3 464.1 315.3 304.5 286.4 177.0 167.6 149.5 174.8 164.9 133.6 258.0 235.3 212.6 21.4 12.2 21.4 21.8 12.2 21.8 28.2 15.0 28.2 32.2 29.0 17.4 34.6 32.6 34.2 94.1 88.7 91.2 157.9 131.6 162.7 202.5 146.7 189.2 278.5 184.0 218.7 328.7 209.2 289.4 171.8 168.2 156.2 318.2 294.6 120.6 537.4 512.2 233.4 836.2 793.4 335.4 1143.0 1036.6 680.2 14.5 14.5 5.8 17.8 17.2 13.6 20.8 19.0 11.8 43.3 38.5 24.7 27.1 27.1 19.6 17.8 17.6 16.2 24.2 21.2 21.8 19.8 20.6 22.2 30.2 21.2 30.0 35.4 25.8 30.0 Table 3: Average size of the pruned decision trees had opted for a perfectly filtered data set. Note that, however, ironically we mayend up in this situation if our filtering technique becomes too effective. While we have evaluated the performance of the noise handling methods against each other, there is no reason why we cannot combine these methods in practice. The different methods address different aspects of data imperfections, and the combined mechanism may be able to tackle noise more effectively than any of the individual component mechanisms alone. However, first we need to achieve a better understanding of the behaviors of these mechanisms before we can utilize them properly. References Brodley, C. E., and Friedl, M. A. 1996. Identifying and eliminating mislabeled training instances. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Clark, P., and Niblett, T. 1989. The CN2induction algorithm. Machine Learning 3(4):261-283. Gamberger, D.; Lavra~, N.; and D~eroski, S. 1996. 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