The Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans originated in central Mexico rather than the Andes Goss, E. M., Tabima, J. F., Cooke, D. E. L., Restrepo, S., Fry, W. E., Forbes, G. A., ... & Grünwald, N. J. (2014). The Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans originated in central Mexico rather than the Andes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(24). doi:10.1073/pnas.1401884111 10.1073/pnas.1401884111 National Academy of Sciences Version of Record The Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans originated in central Mexico rather than the Andes Erica M. Gossa, Javier F. Tabimab, David E. L. Cookec, Silvia Restrepod, William E. Frye, Gregory A. Forbesf, Valerie J. Fielandb, Martha Cardenasd, and Niklaus J. Grünwaldg,h,1 a Department of Plant Pathology and Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; bDepartment of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331; cThe James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, Scotland; dDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of the Andes, 110321 Bogota, Colombia; eDepartment of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; fCIP China Center for Asia and the Pacific, International Potato Center, Beijing 100081, China; gHorticultural Crops Research Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, Corvallis, OR 97330; and hDepartment of Botany and Plant Pathology and Center for Genome Biology and Biocomputing, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 Phytophthora infestans is a destructive plant pathogen best known for causing the disease that triggered the Irish potato famine and remains the most costly potato pathogen to manage worldwide. Identification of P. infestan’s elusive center of origin is critical to understanding the mechanisms of repeated global emergence of this pathogen. There are two competing theories, placing the origin in either South America or in central Mexico, both of which are centers of diversity of Solanum host plants. To test these competing hypotheses, we conducted detailed phylogeographic and approximate Bayesian computation analyses, which are suitable approaches to unraveling complex demographic histories. Our analyses used microsatellite markers and sequences of four nuclear genes sampled from populations in the Andes, Mexico, and elsewhere. To infer the ancestral state, we included the closest known relatives Phytophthora phaseoli, Phytophthora mirabilis, and Phytophthora ipomoeae, as well as the interspecific hybrid Phytophthora andina. We did not find support for an Andean origin of P. infestans; rather, the sequence data suggest a Mexican origin. Our findings support the hypothesis that populations found in the Andes are descendants of the Mexican populations and reconcile previous findings of ancestral variation in the Andes. Although centers of origin are well documented as centers of evolution and diversity for numerous crop plants, the number of plant pathogens with a known geographic origin are limited. This work has important implications for our understanding of the coevolution of hosts and pathogens, as well as the harnessing of plant disease resistance to manage late blight. biological invasion stramenopile distribution for Phytophthora andina, a phylogenetic relative of P. infestans (6). Evidence supporting a Mexican center of origin is substantial, but inconclusive (4). Two close relatives of P. infestans, Phytophthora ipomoeae and Phytophthora mirabilis, are endemic to central Mexico (7, 8). P. ipomoeae and P. mirabilis cause disease on two endemic plant host groups, Ipomoea spp. and Mirabilis jalapa, respectively. Populations of P. infestans in the Toluca Valley, southwest of Mexico City, are genetically diverse, are in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and contain mating types A1 and A2 in the expected 1:1 ratio for sexual populations (9, 10). Before a migration event from Mexico to Europe in the 1970s (11, 12), only A1 mating types of P. infestans were found worldwide outside of central Mexico, limiting other populations to asexual reproduction (13). Tuber-bearing native Solanum species occur throughout the Toluca Valley (14). Of the R genes that have been used to confer resistance to strains of P. infestans in potato, the majority described to date originated from Solanum demissum or Solanum edinense in the Toluca Valley, with some discovered in South America (15). Significance The potato late blight pathogen was introduced to Europe in the 1840s and caused the devastating loss of a staple crop, resulting in the Irish potato famine and subsequent diaspora. Research on this disease has engendered much debate, which in recent years has focused on whether the geographic origin of the pathogen is South America or central Mexico. Different lines of evidence support each hypothesis. We sequenced four nuclear genes in representative samples from Mexico and the South American Andes. An Andean origin of P. infestans does not receive support from detailed analyses of Andean and Mexican populations. This is one of a few examples of a pathogen with a known origin that is secondary to its current major host. | coalescent analysis | oomycete | population genetics | T he potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight, is the plant pathogen that has most greatly impacted humanity to date. This pathogen is best known for its causal involvement in the Irish potato famine after introduction of the HERB-1 strain to Ireland from the Americas in the 19th century (1). To this day, potato late blight remains a major threat to food security and carries a global cost conservatively estimated at more than $6 billion per year (2). In the 1980s, a single asexual lineage named US-1, possibly derived from the same metapopulation as HERB-1 (1), dominated global populations, whereas a genetically diverse and sexual population of P. infestans in central Mexico led to formulation of the hypothesis identifying Mexico as this pathogen’s center of origin (3, 4). A competing hypothesis argues that the center of origin of the potato, the South American Andes, is the center of origin of P. infestans (5). This hypothesis recently gained prominence after an analysis demonstrated ancestral variation in Andean lineages of P. infestans (5). Other evidence supporting this hypothesis includes infection of native Solanum hosts and an Andean Author contributions: E.M.G., D.E.L.C., S.R., G.A.F., and N.J.G. designed research; E.M.G., J.F.T., D.E.L.C., S.R., W.E.F., G.A.F., V.J.F., M.C., and N.J.G. performed research; D.E.L.C., S.R., W.E.F., G.A.F., and N.J.G. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; E.M.G., J.F.T., D.E.L.C., V.J.F., M.C., and N.J.G. analyzed data; and E.M.G., J.F.T., D.E.L.C., S.R., W.E.F., G.A.F., M.C., and N.J.G. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank database (accession nos. KF979339–KF980878). 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: grunwaln@science.oregonstate. edu. This article contains supporting information online at 1073/pnas.1401884111/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS | June 17, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 24 | 8791–8796 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Edited by Detlef Weigel, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany, and approved May 6, 2014 (received for review January 30, 2014) Results Population Structure and Mode of Reproduction. Our sample of P. infestans included 40 isolates from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru and 48 isolates from Toluca Valley and Tlaxcala State in central Mexico (SI Appendix, Table S1). We found 30 multilocus simple sequence repeat (SSR) genotypes in the Andes sample and 43 in the Mexico sample. The Mexico sample had slightly higher mean allelic richness per locus compared with the Andes sample (6.7 vs. 5.2) after correction for sample size by rarefaction. The mean number of private alleles per locus for the Mexico sample was more than twice that for the Andes sample (2.1 vs. 0.8). In the Mexico sample, clonality was detected in isolates sampled from single patches of the indigenous host S. demissum. The index of association, IA, calculated for clone-corrected data for the Mexico isolates accepted the hypothesis of sexual reproduction (P = 0.25). In contrast, the hypothesis of no linkage among markers was rejected for the Andes sample (P < 0.001), supporting a clonal mode of reproduction. We inferred population structure based on SSR genotypes separately for the Mexico and Andes samples of P. infestans, based on a priori knowledge of their sexual and clonal reproduction, respectively, using structure (32). The Mexico sample consisted of admixed subpopulations with at least K = 4 underlying groups (Fig. 1A and SI Appendix, Figs. S1 and S2), whereas the Andes sample consisted of two distinct clusters with very little admixture (Fig. 1B and SI Appendix, Figs. S1 and S2). Phylogeographic Root of P. infestans. We used Bayesian multilocus phylogeographic analysis to infer the geographic location of the 8792 | A Mexico Observed IA = 0.08 P = 0.25 Count 150 100 PiMX29 PiMX65 PiMX21 PiMX22 PiMX02 PiMX15 PiMX23 PiMX04 PiMX20 PiMX03 PiMX12 PiMX41 PiMX61 PiMX62 PiMX27 PiMX40 PiMX14 PiMX16 PiMX10 PiMX42 PiMX06 PiMX26 PiMX18 PiMX30 PiMX19 PiMX11 PiMX24 PiMX25 PiMX28 PiMX01 PiMX64 PiMX67 PiMX63 PiMX66 PiMX13 PiMX17 PiMX72 PiMX71 PiMX05 PiMX07 PiMX50 PiMX48 PiMX49 PiMX43 PiMX44 PiMX45 PiMX46 PiMX47 50 0 0.2 0.4 Index of association Observed IA = 2.63 P < 0.001 200 Count B -0.4 -0.2 Andes 150 100 50 PiPE01 PiCO01 PiCO02 PiCO03 PiCO04 PiEC03 PiPE11 PiPE12 PiPE14 PiPE05 PiPE09 PiEC01 PiPE04 PiPE02 PiPE08 PiPE13 PiPE07 PiPE26 PiEC02 PiPE10 PiPE03 PiPE06 PiCO05 PiPE21 PiEC06 PiEC04 PiPE20 PiEC11 PiEC12 PiEC07 PiEC08 PiEC10 PiEC13 PiEC14 PiPE27 PiEC05 PiPE22 PiPE23 PiPE25 PiPE24 Support for the alternate hypothesis that P. infestans originated in the Andes is based on a coalescent analysis conducted by Gómez-Alpizar et al. (5). This analysis used the nuclear RAS locus and the mitochondrial P3 and P4 regions to infer rooted gene genealogies that showed ancestral lineages rooted in the Andes. Furthermore, the Mexico sample harbored less nucleotide diversity than the Andean population. P. andina was identified as the ancestral lineage for the mitochondrial genealogy; however, P. mirabilis and P. ipomoeae were not included in that study. P. andina has since been shown to be a hybrid species derived from P. infestans and a Phytophthora sp. unknown to science (16). Surprisingly, populations of P. infestans and P. andina are clonal in South America and are not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (6, 17– 19). Thus, the question of whether P. infestans originated in the Andes or central Mexico remained unresolved. Powerful approaches for determining the demographic and evolutionary history of organisms are now available (20). Many of these approaches rely on the power of coalescent theory for inferring the genealogical history of a species based on a representative population sample (21–23). Bayesian phylogeography uses geographic information in light of phylogenetic uncertainty to provide model-based inference of geographic locations of ancestral strains (24). The isolation with migration (IM) model and associated software uses likelihood-based inference to infer divergence time between evolutionary lineages (25). Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) makes use of coalescent simulations and likelihood-free inference to contrast complex demographic scenarios. Each of these methods has proven useful in reconstructing the demography of pests and pathogens (24, 26–29). The objective of the present study was to reconcile the two competing hypotheses on the origin of P. infestans using Bayesian phylogenetics and ABC. We sampled key populations of P. infestans from central Mexico and the Andes and expanded on the analysis of Gómez-Alpizar et al. (5) by sequencing additional nuclear loci to assess support for the center of origin across multiple loci. To determine ancestral state, we added sequences from the sister taxa P. andina, P. mirabilis, P. ipomoeae, and Phytophthora phaseoli, all of which belong to Phytophthora clade 1c (30, 31). Finally, we aimed to reconcile the biology of P. infestans in Mexico with the findings of Gómez-Alpizar et al. (5) of ancestral variation in the Andes. EC1 PE7 PE3 US8 US1 0 1 2 Index of association Fig. 1. Population structure of Mexico and Andes samples of P. infestans inferred using structure (32). (A) The Mexico sample shows admixed individuals assigned to K = 4 clusters. Isolates collected from patches of S. demissum are in bold type. Based on the index of association, IA, there is no evidence of linkage disequilibrium among loci (P = 0.25), consistent with a sexually recombining population. (B) The Andes sample clusters into K = 2 distinct clades with little or no admixture. The hypothesis of no linkage among markers is rejected (P < 0.001), indicating a clonal population. root (“root state”) of P. infestans and the Phytophthora clade 1c species using BEAST (24, 33). For this analysis, we included a representative global sample including isolates from the nowdiverse populations in Europe (SI Appendix, Table S1). Comparison of different molecular clocks for each sequenced nuclear locus showed that three of four loci fit a strict clock, in which the standard deviation of the uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecular clock indicated no variation in rates among branches. In contrast, the RAS locus (intron Ras and Ras fragments) showed high variation in rates among branches and required a relaxed lognormal molecular clock (SI Appendix, Table S2). The PITG_11126 locus had the highest rate of evolution, whereas β-tubulin (b-tub) had the lowest substitution rate. Root state reconstruction produced the highest posterior probabilities for Mexico as the root state of both the P. infestans and clade 1c datasets (Fig. 2). For each locus independently, posterior probabilities of a Mexico root were >0.8 for clade 1c (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). In nearly all of the P. infestans clades, there was an inferred ancestral connection to Mexico (SI Appendix, Figs. S4– S8). All of the species in Clade 1c were monophyletic with high support, except for the hybrid species P. andina as previously demonstrated (16, 34). Evolution of P. infestans in the Andes. We found that three out of four loci had either greater nucleotide diversity or Watterson’s theta for the Andes sample compared with the Mexico sample (SI Appendix, Table S3). To better understand the evolution of the Andes lineages and the relationship between P. infestans in Mexico and the Andes, we estimated pairwise times since divergence using combined SSR genotypes and nuclear sequence data using the IMa program (25). Divergence times were estimated between each of the clonal lineages in the Andes sample (US-1, EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7) and one another and the Mexico sample (Fig. 3). EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7 produced recent pairwise divergence times. EC-1 showed the most recent divergence from US-1 and the Mexico population. The time since divergence of PE-3 and US-1 was less than that of PE-3 and Mexico. The time since divergence between PE-7 and Mexico was greater than for EC-1 or PE-3 from Mexico. The marginal posterior probability distribution for the divergence time between PE-7 and US-1 was flat, indicating uncertainty in the history of PE-7. We further explored scenarios for the evolution of the Andes lineages by testing a series of alternative models using ABC as implemented in the DIYABC program (35). We first examined Goss et al. P. ipomoeae MX 0.9 MX MX 1.0 1.0 P. mirabilis EC 1.0 P. andina MX 0.8 Location Mexico MX P. infestans Ecuador 1.0 P. andina Root state posterior probabiliy C Clade 1c 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 CO EC ES HU MX NL PE SA SW UK US VT P. infestans 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK US VT Fig. 2. Root state probabilities by country inferred using BEAST (33). (A) Summarized maximum clade credibility phylogeny of Phytophthora clade 1c species. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Posterior probabilities of major branches supporting the tree topology are shown below each branch. Root state posterior probabilities indicate that Mexico is the most probable origin of clade 1c (B) and P. infestans (C ). the relationships among the lineages EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7. Model comparison indicated that the PE-3 and PE-7 lineages have more recent shared ancestry compared with the more widespread EC-1 lineage (SI Appendix, Fig. S9). We next tested the relationships of each of these lineages to the Toluca population in Mexico and the US-1 lineage in the Andes (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). Here we used only isolates from the Toluca Valley, because we know that this population is panmictic (4). Preliminary analyses showed support for the PE-3 and PE-7 lineages being both closely related and distantly related to the other lineages. To better understand this pattern, we included scenarios containing all possible pairwise admixture events among populations as well as an admixture with an unsampled population (36) (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). There was relatively strong support for PE-3 as an admixed lineage. The scenario in which PE-3 is derived from an admixture event between US-1 and an unsampled population had a posterior probability of 0.67 (Fig. 4A and SI Appendix, Table S4). All other scenarios had posterior probabilities <0.14, most <0.01. The equivalent scenario for PE-7 also had the highest posterior probability of the tested models at 0.37, but there was also support for PE-7 emerging from an admixture event between the Toluca population and the unsampled population (Fig. 4 B and C and SI Appendix, Table S4). The relationship of EC-1 to US-1 and the Toluca population was uncertain as well, with nearly equal support for two scenarios (Fig. 4 D and E and SI Appendix, Table S4). In one scenario, the EC-1 lineage recently diverged from the Toluca population (P = 0.25), and in the other, EC-1 was an admixture of the Toluca population and an unsampled population (P = 0.31). Our Andes samples were highly clonal; thus, we interpret these results as indicating that the PE-3, PE-7, and perhaps EC-1 lineages formed after a sexual event between two distinct lineages or populations. We used the most highly supported scenarios to test more complex scenarios including all four Andean lineages and Toluca. Testing all possible admixture events proved to be too complex with support split among scenarios with various combinations of admixture events. Furthermore, the PE-7 results from both IMa and DIYABC analyses suggest that this lineage has a complex ancestry. Therefore, the final scenarios tested admixture in the evolution of EC-1 and PE-3, and excluded PE-7 (Fig. 5). We found that scenario B, in which EC-1 split from the Toluca population and PE-3 originated from an admixture event, had the highest posterior probability of 0.74 (Fig. 4). Notably, there was minimal support for scenario C, with simple ancestral divergence of PE-3 (Fig. 5). Goss et al. We estimated type I and type II errors for scenario B and found that 65% of the datasets simulated under scenario B produced the highest posterior probability for scenario B (type I error, 0.352). Pseudo-observed datasets generated under scenarios A and C were wrongly assigned to scenario B at frequencies of 0.210 and 0.096, respectively (type II error). Posterior distributions for parameters were wide, indicating limited confidence in the parameter estimates. Discussion We found multilocus support for a Mexican origin of P. infestans. Bayesian phylogeographic analysis rooted both P. infestans and Phytophthora clade 1c in Mexico for each of four nuclear loci. Our results are consistent with the population biology of P. infestans in central Mexico and, taken together, point to Mexico as the origin of this pathogen. These results are supported by the previously noted pathogen and host characteristics. Specifically, Toluca populations are sexual, whereas South American populations of P. infestans are clonal (6, 9, 10, 17–19). Both mating types of P. infestans are known to have been present since at least the 1960s in central Mexico (37, 38). The genealogical connections between continents that we observed in our phylogeographic analysis are consistent with the movement of P. infestans among widespread potato growing regions. Migration estimates using microsatellite variation also support our sequence analysis by showing migration from Mexico to the Andes, but not from the Andes to Mexico (SI Appendix). The commercial potato seed trade can explain much of the current global population structure of P. infestans; however, the early movements of P. infestans have not been fully reconstructed (1), and examination of the processes underlying the emergence of new, highly successful strains is ongoing (3, 39). The diverse population in central Mexico may be the ultimate source for the appearance of new strains worldwide (3, 40), although seed potatoes from Europe are behind recent migrations of virulent strains (41, 42). Detailed genetic reconstruction of global migrations of P. infestans may be feasible using population genomic data. We explored the evolution of the Andean lineages and the relationship between P. infestans in Mexico and the Andes by testing a series of alternative models using the ABC technique. Our intention was to determine the timing of divergence of the Andean lineages and their relationship to the Toluca population in Mexico. Surprisingly, we found evidence for diversification of the Andes population as a result of admixture or hybridization. Because of our limited power to discriminate between models, we view this analysis as hypothesis-generating. Nevertheless, even moderate support for hybridization generating novel 50 EC-1 PE-3 PE-7 US-1 PE-3 PE-7 US-1 0 50 0 50 0 50 Mexico 0 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 Scaled time since divergence Fig. 3. Estimated marginal posterior probabilities of relative divergence times in pairwise comparisons among Andes clonal lineages (EC-1, PE-3, PE-7, and US-1) and the Mexico population estimated using IMa (64). Smaller means and modes of the scaled time since divergence indicate more recent divergence of lineages. Lineages EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7 show more recent divergence from one another than from US-1 and Mexico. PNAS | June 17, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 24 | 8793 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1.0 B Estimated marginal posterior probability MX Root state posterior probabiliy A A P = 0.67 Toluca US-1 PE-3 B P = 0.37 Toluca US-1 PE-7 C P = 0.29 US-1 Toluca PE-7 DP = 0.25 Toluca EC-1 E P = 0.31 Time US-1 US-1 Toluca EC-1 Fig. 4. Scenarios for the evolution of P. infestans in the Andes tested using ABC in DIYABC (35). Shown are the scenarios with the highest posterior probabilities out of 15 scenarios testing the relationships of PE-3, PE-7, and EC-1 lineages, in turn, to the US-1 lineage and Toluca Valley population (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). Present-day populations are at the base of the tree schematic. Ancestral relationships among these populations are represented by lines intersecting in the past, with the vertex of the schematic representing the most recent common ancestor of all samples. Horizontal lines indicate admixture events between the ancestral populations connected by the horizontal line. Potential changes in population size over time are indicated by changes in line thickness, but line thickness is not proportional to population size. The dashed line represents an unsampled population that has contributed to the genetic variation observed in sampled populations. (A) For PE-3, the most probable scenario includes an admixture of US-1 and an unsampled population, leading to the PE-3 lineage. (B and C) For PE-7, support is split between two scenarios containing an admixture event with an unsampled population. (D and E) For EC-1, the scenarios with the greatest support showed a simple divergence from the Toluca population or an admixture between Toluca and an unsampled population. Posterior probabilities for all tested scenarios and their 95% confidence intervals are given in SI Appendix, Table S4. explicit treatment of geography in our BEAST analysis did not require us to make assumptions about population structure, but rather incorporated the divergent origins of our isolates into the analysis. Resolving the origin of P. infestans is important to our understanding of the emergence and reemergence of damaging pathogens. P. infestans is one of a limited number of agricultural plant pathogens with a well-characterized center of origin (45). An expectation of long-term coevolution between a crop and its host-specific pathogen can mislead one into thinking that the pathogen originates from the crop’s center of origin; however, there are other well-documented and suspected instances of host-jumping by crop pathogens (45–47). P. infestans appears to be an example of a pathogen originating from wild relatives in a secondary center of host diversity. Identification of the center of origin also advances our understanding of pathogen evolution outside of this region, that is, how the pathogen has changed after introduction to new environments. Global populations of P. infestans have undergone rapid changes owing to both migration and evolution after migration (39, 48). Knowledge of pathogen diversity and evolution both within and outside of the center of origin is critical to crop breeding efforts (49). The long-term success of efforts to breed late blight-resistant potatoes will require breeders to account for geographic and evolutionary sources of novel variation in P. infestans and its hosts. Materials and Methods lineages of P. infestans is compelling, given that a new pathogen of Solanum hosts, P. andina, has been generated via hybridization (16), and that infrequent hybridization among lineages of P. infestans is suspected to be responsible for novel genotypes elsewhere (43). Considering the diversity of Solanum hosts in the Andes, there is great potential for clonal diversification of P. infestans as available niches are colonized and rare events contribute to generation or recombination of variation. There is no evidence of genetic variation among P. infestans isolates from potatoes in Peru as recently as the mid-1980s (44). If there were diversity in P. infestans or clade 1c in the Andes, it must have been limited to other unsampled hosts. Based on our analyses, we hypothesize that the Andean diversity in P. infestans has been driven by global migration together with hybridization among populations established via independent migration events. Given our results, why did Gómez-Alpizar et al. (5) infer an Andean origin? First, their mitochondrial coalescent gene tree included the Andean endemic P. andina, but not the Mexican sister species, and thus species selection rooted the tree in the Andes. At the time that the work was conducted, P. andina was not recognized as a hybrid species with two haplotypes derived from two distinct parental species (16). When we removed P. andina from their dataset, the location of the root was ambiguous (SI Appendix); therefore, the mitochondrial loci used in the analysis were not phylogeographically informative. The root of the P. infestans mitochondrial genome was recently dated to 460 y ago (95% highestprobability density, 300–643), around the time of the Spanish conquest of the Americas (1). Thus, the two major mitochondrial haplotypes may be the product of movement of the pathogen by humans, resulting in the formation of a new population of P. infestans and the evolution of diverged mtDNA haplotypes before global expansion of the pathogen some 200 y later. Second, the coalescent root of the single nuclear locus used by Gómez-Alpizar et al. is dependent on migration rate (SI Appendix), which was estimated using the same locus. The RAS gene in P. infestans has two diverged haplotypes in the first intron. This creates two diverged clades of haplotypes, one of which is not found in the Mexican sample. This might have biased the migration rate estimates for this gene and affected the outcome of the coalescent analysis. Our analysis of this locus required a relaxed molecular clock and took an exceptionally long time to converge. Finally, 8794 | Sampling Individuals. A sampling of the known global diversity in P. infestans was obtained from several collaborators (SI Appendix, Table S1). We focused on assembling two large samples from Mexico (n = 48) and the South American Andes (n = 40) representing the known diversity from each of these regions, and included a more moderate global sample of P. infestans for context (SI Appendix, Table S1). SSR Typing. Isolates were genotyped using 11 SSR markers as described previously (39, 50). Given that the individuals varied in ploidy, analysis was restricted to approaches that can accommodate nondiploid genetics (51). Population Structure (SSR). Allelic richness was calculated using the ADZE program (52). Population composition was inferred using structure 2.3 (32) by testing the number of population clusters (K) between 1 and 20 using the admixture model for the Mexico and Andes samples (53) and the noadmixture model for the Andes sample. The no-admixture model may be more appropriate for the Andean population (i.e., Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru) given a priori knowledge of its clonality (17). Analysis was performed separately for the two different populations. A total of 10 independent runs each of 1,000,000 iterations with a burn-in period of 20,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) iterations were conducted. The results from structure were postprocessed using Structure Harvester (54). The ΔK method was used to evaluate the rate of change in the log probability of data between successive K values, to infer the number of clusters (55). AP = 0.02 BP = 0.74 [0.016, 0.028] CP = 0.24 [0.686, 0.791] [0.187, 0.292] Time Toluca EC-1 US-1 PE-3 Toluca EC-1 US-1 PE-3 Toluca EC-1 US-1 PE-3 Fig. 5. Final three scenarios used to examine the relationships between the Toluca Valley population and EC-1, PE-3, and US-1 lineages in the Andes by ABC. Tree schematics are drawn as in Fig. 4. The three scenarios are simple divergence of populations such that PE-3 is an ancestral lineage (A); emergence of the PE-3 lineage after an admixture of US-1 and an unsampled population (B); and scenario B plus emergence of the EC-1 by an admixture between the Toluca population and an unsampled population (C). Scenario B was the most likely of the three, with a posterior probability of 0.74. The 95% confidence intervals for the posterior probabilities are in brackets. Goss et al. DNA Amplification and Sequencing. Nuclear loci were amplified and directly sequenced as described by Goss et al. (16). A larger fragment of the b-tub gene was sequenced than that sequenced by Gómez-Alpizar et al. (5). Haplotype phases of nuclear gene sequences with multiple heterozygous sites were inferred using PHASE software (51). Inferred haplotypes were confirmed by cloning PCR products for a subset of genotypes and sequencing inserts. In several instances, three distinct alleles were recovered from a given individual; these were the only times when the PHASE-inferred haplotypes were not validated. In some instances, isolates with three alleles at one locus were cloned at another locus, and only two alleles were found; thus, it was not assumed that these isolates had three distinct alleles at other loci. For the phylogenetic and coalescent-based analyses, we removed indels and recombinant alleles from the datasets. We used the four-gamete test to detect signals of recombination, and found recombination in the b-tub, PITG_11126, and RAS alignments. For PITG_11126, the last 65 nucleotides were excluded owing to recombination in this region relative to the remainder of the fragment. For b-tub, the signal of recombination was removed when an indel was deleted from the alignment and isolate PiEC01 was excluded. For the RAS locus, PiEC07, PiUS11, and PiUS17 were excluded. The sequences generated have been deposited in GenBank (accession nos. KF979339–KF980878). Demographic and Phylogeographic History. We adopted a Bayesian coalescent approach to investigate divergence and phylogeographic history using BEAST 1.7.4 (33, 60). BEAST implements a method for sampling all trees that have a reasonable probability given the data. The analysis is based on haplotypes, and two haplotypes in a given individual may or may not share a most common recent ancestor. Furthermore, genealogies obtained from BEAST necessarily estimate how old the common ancestor of these haplotypes might be for each haplotype (even when haplotype sequences are identical), resulting in slight branch length variation among identical haplotypes. This is an expected outcome of coalescent analysis in which identical sequences at a given locus are expected to show divergence at the genome level. Note that although branch length variation is observed among identical haplotypes, there is no support for nodes at this level until different haplotype sequences coalesce to their common recent ancestors, and this branch length variation should not be interpreted. To initialize BEAST, we obtained the most likely models of nucleotide substitution for each alignment using jModelTest 2.1 (61) and ModelGenerator 0.57 (62), and selected the consensus model from these programs (SI Appendix, Table S5). To ensure adequate sampling of parameters, we conducted the BEAST analyses with independent MCMC simulations of 200 million iterations for each locus both for P. infestans only and with the other clade 1c species. Analyses were conducted at least twice to ensure repeatability. For each MCMC run, we sampled every 10,000 generations and discarded nonstationary samples after 25% burn-in. Effective sample size estimates were typically greater than 200, and parameter trace plots supported MCMC convergence and good mixing in each independent run. Multilocus analyses were also run for P. infestans only and also for all Phytophthora clade 1c species. For each dataset, models of nucleotide substitution, constant coalescent priors (for the P. infestans dataset) or Yule speciation models (for the clade 1c dataset) were used as specified priors to improve the calculation of clock rates, geographic ancestral states, and phylogenetic relationships. To infer the most likely geographic origin for each clade, we used the discrete phylogeographic approach as implemented by Lemey et al. (24). This method uses the geographic locations of the samples to reconstruct the ancestral states of tree nodes, including estimation of the root state posterior probability. Maximum clade credibility (MCC) trees were obtained using TreeAnnotator and visualized in FigTree 1.3.1. The bar plots for the posterior probability of the root state were created with the ggplot2 package (63) using R statistical computing and graphic language (59). Maximum clade credibility trees were obtained for each locus as well as for multigene analyses. Divergence Times Under Isolation with Migration. IMa version 2.0 was used to estimate divergence times for each pair of Andean lineages and between Andean lineages and the Mexican population (64). The data used were the 4 nuclear loci and 8 of the 11 SSR loci. Two SSR loci that did not conform to the stepwise mutation model (D13 and G11) and one SSR locus that was nearly Goss et al. monomorphic (Pi33) were excluded. The infinite sites model was used for all nuclear loci. Initial maxima for uniform prior distributions of the parameters were as follows: population size (q), 15.0; divergence time (t), 0.5; migration rate (m), 1.0. Runs including the Mexican sample were also performed using larger priors for q (20.0) and t (1.0), and similar results were obtained. The option of running the burn-in and recording periods for indefinite durations was chosen to ensure stabilization of likelihoods before the end of the burnin and adequate sampling of the posterior distribution. Metropolis coupling was implemented using the geometric increment model and 80 chains with geometrical increment parameters of 0.97 and 0.3. ABC. We evaluated alternative scenarios for the evolution of the Andean P. infestans lineages in a systematic stepwise manner using ABC with DIYABC version (35). ABC has been used to estimate parameters for complex evolutionary models for which likelihoods are difficult or practically impossible to compute (65, 66). The DIYABC program simulates coalescent genealogies under user-specified evolutionary models using parameters drawn from prior distributions and compares statistics summarizing various aspects of the simulated data with those of the observed data. The similarity of summary statistics between observed and simulated datasets is used to calculate posterior probabilities of competing evolutionary models and posterior distributions of parameters. In effect, models that generate datasets with summary statistics close to the observed data have higher probability. We used this method to evaluate posterior probabilities for alternate scenarios representing different possible evolutionary relationships among P. infestans populations in Mexico and the Andes. The use of ABC to evaluate alternate scenarios has been questioned owing to potential problems with using summary statistics, but DIYABC incorporates tests that address many of these concerns (67, 68). In particular, confidence in model choice can be evaluated empirically by calculating type I and II errors using pseudo-observed datasets. To narrow the number of evolutionary scenarios tested against one another, we used four sets of scenarios to inform a final fifth set of scenarios. We grouped the Andes isolates by clonal lineage to tease apart the evolutionary history of each lineage. Isolates were assigned to a clonal lineage based on a previously determined RG-57 fingerprint (3) and confirmed with SSR genotypes grouped using structure and k-means clustering (69). We first simulated the three different possible relationships among the Andean lineages EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7 (SI Appendix, Fig. S9) using the settings in SI Appendix, Table S6A. We next examined 15 alternative relationships for the US-1 lineage, the Toluca population, and each of the Andean lineages in turn (SI Appendix, Fig. S10 and Table S6B). Although the US-1 lineage has had a global distribution, for these analyses we used only US-1 isolates collected in the Andes, because our focus was on the genetic variation and evolution history of the Andes population. Based on the results of preliminary analyses, these scenarios included admixture events between lineages as well as admixture with an unsampled population. Finally, we used the scenarios with the highest posterior probabilities to construct three final scenarios (Fig. 4 and SI Appendix, Table S6C). This final set tested admixture events generating the EC-1 and PE-3 lineages relative to a scenario with no admixture. We removed the PE-7 lineage from this final analysis, because there were too many plausible admixture events behind the emergence of this lineage. We tested prior distribution settings with small numbers of simulations by running a principal components analysis on the summary statistics and comparing the overlap of the simulated and observed data. Posterior probabilities and 95% confidence intervals were estimated by polychotomic weighted logistic regression on 1% of the simulations, as implemented in DIYABC. Model checking was conducted for the final three scenarios by estimating type I and type II errors. In short, 500 pseudo-observed datasets (pods) were generated according to each evolutionary scenario using parameters drawn from the same prior distributions as used for the simulated genealogies. The posterior probability of each scenario was calculated for each pod. Type I error was estimated as the proportion of pods for which the correct scenario did not receive the highest posterior probability. Type II error was calculated as the proportion of pods erroneously assigned to a given scenario. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We are grateful to the many colleagues who provided isolates for this study. We thank Karan Fairchild, Kevin Myers, Caroline Press, and Naomi Williams for maintenance of the cultures and general technical support. This research is supported in part by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service Grant 5358-22000-039-00D, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Grant 2011-68004-30154 (to N.J.G.), and the Scottish Government (D.E.L.C.). PNAS | June 17, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 24 | 8795 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES The mode of reproduction was assessed by evaluating observed linkage among loci against expected distributions from permutation using the index of association, IA, as proposed by Brown et al. (56) and applied in multilocus (57). IA was calculated using the poppr package (58) in R (59) separately for the Mexico and Andes samples and evaluated with 2,000 permutations using clone-corrected data. 1. Yoshida K, et al. (2013) The rise and fall of the Phytophthora infestans lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine. eLife 2:e00731. 2. Haverkort AJ, et al. (2008) Societal costs of late blight in potato and prospects of durable resistance through cisgenic modification. 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Supporting*Tables*................................................................................................................................*4! Supporting*Figures*............................................................................................................................*19! Supporting Methods Genetree analysis. We revisited the coalescent analysis of Gómez-Alpizar et al. (1) using their data and ours to investigate the sensitivity of root inference to estimates of migration rates. Our concern was that there is little power to estimate migration rates with only a single locus, yet these rates were used to infer the rooting of structured coalescent trees in the program Genetree (2). Furthermore, Gómez-Alpizar et al. considered migration to and from South America, which confounds migration from Mexico and other global populations. P. infestans is transported transcontinentally and intercontinentally via infected seed tubers, and there is a vibrant commercial seed tuber trade from Northwest Europe with known pathways of migration from Europe to South America. We revised the Genetree analysis of the P3 and P4 mtDNA regions using sequences from Gómez-Alpizar et al. (1) for isolates from Mexico and the Andes but removing the haplotypes representing the P. andina isolates (haplotype 1c). The topology and rooting of the coalescent tree for the P. infestans haplotypes remained the same. We inferred the maximum likelihood value of theta and a symmetric migration rate for the revised data set. We then used 1×107 simulations to examine the inferred subpopulation of the most common recent ancestor (MRCA) of the sample while varying theta and symmetric migration rates using three sets of runs, each set using a different starting seed. For the RAS nuclear gene, we repeated the Gómez-Alpizar et al. (1) analysis while varying migration rates. We used their data set and value of theta. We conducted two runs of 1×107 simulations for each set of migration rates. We varied migration rates from low and symmetric to the values used by Gómez-Alpizar et al. We also examined the coalescent history of the RAS locus using our sequences from Mexico and the Andes. The tree was rooted using ancestral states obtained from P. ipomoeae, P. mirabilis, and P. phaseoli. We used four runs of 1×106 or 1×107 simulations and three symmetric migration rates using two different values of theta (1.5 and 2.0) and four starting seeds. Migration scenarios from SSR genotypes. The program Migrate version 3.3 was used to examine recent migration between the Andes and Mexico, using SSR genotypes. Three migration models were compared (3): bidirectional migration, migration from Mexico to the Andes only, and migration from the Andes to Mexico only. The runs used Brownian motion approximation for the stepwise mutation model, initial parameter values from FST, and mutation rates per locus estimated from the data. Bayesian inference across 10 replicates used slice sampling, uniform prior distributions from 0 to 1000 for both theta and M parameters, and four chains (temperatures: 1,000,000, 3.0, 1.5, 1.0) in which the cold chain was sampled at 10,000 ! 1! steps at 200 step increments after a burnin of 500,000 steps. Models were evaluated using Bezier approximation of log marginal maximum likelihoods. Supporting Results Dependence of Genetree results on migration rates. When we removed P. andina from the Gómez-Alpizar et al. mitochondrial data set and included only the Mexican and South American isolates, the root location was uncertain such that there was equal probability of rooting in Mexico or South America when migration rates were symmetric (Table S7A). Asymmetric migration rates increased the probability of the root in the population that was the source of migration to around 0.95, irrespective of which population was assigned the higher emigration rate. For the RAS locus, the location of the coalescent root was dependent on migration rates as well (Table S7B). When we used the Gómez-Alpizar et al. data under low symmetric migration rates the rooting was uncertain, and asymmetric migration rates affected the inferred population of origin. The migration rates used by Gómez-Alpizar et al. produced a high probability for a South American root, which replicates their result. The opposite condition produced a similarly high probability for a non-South American root. Therefore, both mitochondrial and RAS analyses were highly dependent on choice of migration parameters. We used our data set to examine the root location of RAS for Mexican and Andean isolates only. Using RAS sequences from P. andina, P. mirabilis, P. ipomoeae, and P. phaseoli, we were able to unambiguously assign ancestral states to each segregating site and these ancestral states were used to root the P. infestans RAS tree. The coalescent history of the gene was simulated on the rooted topology to infer the location of the root in Mexico or the Andes. Moderate and inconclusive probabilities for root location were observed under nearly all conditions examined, including three symmetric migration rates and two values of theta (Table S8). Key to the Gómez-Alpizar et al. analysis was their finding of a higher migration rate from South America to non-South American populations (i.e. Mexico, USA, and Ireland) than vice-versa using the nuclear RAS locus. Given this result, we used our SSR data to test among models of migration between the Andes and Mexico using the program Migrate (3). Multiple loci are expected to provide more robust estimates of migration rates for the nuclear genome than can be obtained from a single locus. This analysis revealed a higher migration rate from Mexico to the Andes than from the Andes to Mexico (M = 11.7 vs. 0.3, respectively). Bayesian comparison of migration models strongly supported unidirectional migration from Mexico to the Andes (Bezier approximation of the log marginal likelihood = -11,055) compared to the opposite scenario of migration from the Andes to Mexico (-12,243) or bidirectional migration (-52,357). This result is consistent with the known directions of trade in commercial seed tubers. ! ! 2! References Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ! Gómez-Alpizar L, Carbone I, & Ristaino JB (2007) An Andean origin of Phytophthora infestans inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene genealogies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(9):3306-3311. Griffiths RC & Tavaré S (1994) Ancestral inference in population genetics. Statistical science 9(3):307-319. Beerli P & Palczewski M (2010) Unified framework to evaluate panmixia and migration direction among multiple sampling locations. Genetics 185(1):313-U463. Nei M (1987) Molecular Evolutionary Genetics (Columbia University Press, New York) p 512 Watterson GA (1975) On the number of segregating sites in genetic models without recombination. Theoretical Population Biology 7:256-276. Tajima F (1989) Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism. Genetics 123(3):585-595. Fu Y-X & Li W-H (1993) Statistical tests of neutrality of mutations. Genetics 133(3):693-709. 3! Supporting Tables Table S1. Isolates used in the study. ID Original name Year sampled Country State Host Source1 Lineage P. infestans EC-1 PiCO01 PiCO02 1011 1063 Colombia Colombia Cundinamarca Cundinamarca S. tuberosum S. tuberosum Restrepo Restrepo PiCO03 1064 Colombia Cundinamarca S. tuberosum Restrepo EC-1 EC-1 PiCO04 1068 Colombia Cundinamarca S. tuberosum Restrepo EC-1 PiCO05 4084 Colombia Cundinamarca Physalis peruviana Restrepo US-8 PiEC01 EC_3843 2004 PiEC02 EC_3527 2002 Ecuador S. andreanum Forbes EC-1 PiEC03 EC_3626 2003 Ecuador potato Forbes EC-1 PiEC06 EC_3841 2004 Ecuador S. habrochaites Forbes US-1 PiEC07 EC_3921 2006 Ecuador S. jugandifolium Forbes US-1 PiEC08 EC_3774 2004 Ecuador S. ochanthum Forbes US-1 PiEC10 EC_3378 2001 Ecuador S. lycopersicum Forbes US-1 PiEC11 EC_3381 2001 Ecuador S. lycopersicum Forbes US-1 PiEC12 EC_3150 1997 Ecuador S. muricatum Forbes US-1 PiEC13 EC_3520 2002 Ecuador S. muricatum Forbes US-1 PiEC14 EC_3809 2004 Ecuador S. caripense Forbes US-1 2005_10 2005 Estonia potato Fry 2005_17 2005 Estonia potato Fry 2005_19 2004 Estonia potato Fry PiES04 2004_4 2004 Estonia potato Fry PiES05 2004_16 2004 Estonia potato Fry PiHU02 Josze_S32 Hungary potato Bakonyi PiMX01 MX010006 Mexico potato Fry PiES01 PiES02 PiES03 Ecuador potato Forbes EC-1 MX980211 1998 Mexico potato Fry PiMX04 MX980230 1998 Mexico potato Fry PiMX05 MX980317 1998 Mexico potato Fry MX980352 1998 Mexico potato Fry MX980400 1998 Mexico potato Fry PiMX10 PIC97008 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX11 PIC97066 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97106 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97111 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX03 PiMX06 PiMX07 PiMX12 PiMX13 PiMX14 PIC97130 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX15 PIC97136 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX16 PIC97146 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97149 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97153 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX19 PIC97159 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX20 PIC97187 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97310 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97318 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX23 PIC97335 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX24 PIC97340 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97389 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97392 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX27 PIC97423 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX28 PIC97432 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97438 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97442 1997 Mexico Toluca potato Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX40 PIC97716 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX41 PIC97724 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97727 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97744 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97748 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX17 PiMX18 PiMX21 PiMX22 PiMX25 PiMX26 PiMX29 PiMX30 PiMX42 PiMX43 PiMX44 ! 5! PIC97749 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX46 PIC97750 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX47 PIC97751 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97785 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PIC97791 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX50 PIC97793 1997 Mexico Toluca S. demissum Flier/Grünwald/PRI PiMX61 Tlax 701 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia Tlax 715 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia Tlax 722 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia PiMX64 Tlax 728 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia PiMX65 Tlax 740 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia Tlax 748 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia Tlax 756 2007 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia PiMX71 T48 2003 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia PiMX72 T68 2003 Mexico Tlaxcala potato Fernández Pavia NL_01096 2001 Netherlands potato Kessel NL_96259 1996 Netherlands potato Kessel BTLM 004 1997 Peru Lima NA Forbes PE-7 PiPE02 PHU 076 2003 Peru Huánuco potato Forbes EC-1 PiPE03 PHU 079 2003 Peru Huánuco potato Forbes EC-1 PiPE04 PPI 015 2000 Peru Piura S. huancabambense Forbes EC-1 PiPE05 PTS 031 Peru Cajamarca S. caripense Forbes PiPE06 1696 1995 Peru Arequipa potato Forbes PE-3 PiPE07 PCA 004 1999 Peru Cajamarca potato Forbes PE-3 PiPE08 PCZ 024 1997 Peru Cuzco potato Forbes EC-1 PiPE09 PCZ 080 1997 Peru Cuzco potato Forbes EC-1 PiPE10 PSR 001 2005 Peru Junín NA Forbes EC-1 PiPE11 PCA 020 1999 Peru Cajamarca NA Forbes PE-7 PiPE12 PLI 003 1999 Peru Lima NA Forbes PE-7 PLI 036 2000 Peru Lima S. wittmackii Forbes PE-7 PiMX45 PiMX48 PiMX49 PiMX62 PiMX63 PiMX66 PiMX67 PiNL01 PiNL02 PiPE01 PiPE13 ! 1998 6! EC-1 PiPE14 POX 100 2003 Peru Pasco potato Forbes PE-7 PiPE20 PCA 025 1999 Peru Cajamarca NA Forbes US-1 PiPE21 PPI 009 2000 Peru Piura S. caripense Forbes US-1 PiPE22 PPI 013 2000 Peru Piura S. caripense Forbes US-1 PiPE23 PPI 014 2000 Peru Piura S. caripense Forbes US-1 PiPE24 PPI 023 2000 Peru Piura S. caripense Forbes US-1 PiPE25 PPI 028 2000 Peru Piura S. caripense Forbes US-1 PiPE26 PPU 048 1997 Peru Puno potato Forbes PE-3 PiPE27 PPU 097 1997 Peru Puno potato Forbes US-1 PiPE28 PCA 006 1999 Peru Cajamarca potato Forbes PE-3 PiPE29 PCA 010 1999 Peru Cajamarca potato Forbes PE-3 PiPO01 MP_618 2005 Poland potato Lebecka MP_622 2005 Poland potato Lebecka SA960008 1996 South Africa potato Fry SE_03058 2003 Sweden potato Andersson SE_03087 2003 Sweden potato Andersson PiUK01 2006_3984C 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_1_A1 PiUK02 2006_4012F 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_3_A2 PiUK03 2006_3928A 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_13_A2 PiUK04 2006_4132B 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_13_A2 PiUK05 2006_3888A 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_2_A1 PiUK06 2007_5866B 2007 UK potato Cooke EU_5_A1 PiUK07 2006_4388D 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_17_A2 PiUK08 2006_4100A 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_6_A1 PiUK09 2006_4440C 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_10_A2 PiUK10 2006_4232E 2006 UK potato Cooke EU_8_A1 PiUS08 US040009 2004 USA potato Fry US-8 PiUS11 US050007 2005 USA tomato Fry US-11 PiUS12 US940494 1994 USA tomato Fry US-12 PiUS17 US970001 1997 USA tomato Fry US-17 Vn02-076 2002 Vietnam tomato Le US-1 PiPO02 PiSA01 PiSW01 PiSW02 PiVT01 ! 7! US-1 PiVT02 Vn02-106 2002 Vietnam tomato Le US-1 PiVT03 Vn03-416 2003 Vietnam potato Le US-1 Vn03-590 2003 Vietnam potato Le US-1 PiVT04 P. mirabilis PmMX01 CBS 136.86 Mexico NA CBS PmMX02 CBS 678.85 Mexico NA CBS PmMX03 DF 409 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia PmMX04 G 11-3 1998 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI PmMX05 00M 410 2000 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia PmMX06 P 3001 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI PmMX07 P 3006 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI PmMX08 P mirabilis DF 07 2007 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia P. mirabilis Mich 2003 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia WF014/PIC99114 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI WF035/PIC99135 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI 00Ip5 2000 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia Ipom1-2 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI Ipom2-1 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI PoMX04 Ipom2-4 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI PoMX05 Ipom3-3 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI Ipom6 1999 Mexico NA Flier/Grünwald/PRI P. ipomoeae 1999 Mexico NA Fernández Pavia PaEC01 EC_3189 1998 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Forbes PaEC02 EC_3399 2001 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Cooke EC_3818 2004 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Cooke EC_3821 2004 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Forbes PaEC05 EC_3780 2004 Ecuador S. hispidum Forbes PaEC06 EC_3655 2003 Ecuador S. hispidum Forbes PmMX09 PmMX10 PmMX11 P. ipomoeae PoMX01 PoMX02 PoMX03 PoMX06 PoMX07 P. andina PaEC03 PaEC04 ! 8! EC_3163 1998 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Forbes PaEC08 EC_3510 2002 Ecuador S. betaceum Forbes PaEC09 EC_3540 2002 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Forbes EC_3561 2002 Ecuador S. quitoense Forbes EC_3563 2002 Ecuador S. quitoense Forbes PaEC12 EC_3678 2003 Ecuador Anarrichomenum Forbes PaEC13 EC_3836 2004 Ecuador S. betaceum Forbes EC_3860 2005 Ecuador Torva Forbes EC_3864 2005 Ecuador Torva Forbes PaEC16 EC_3865 2005 Ecuador S. jugandifolium Forbes PaEC17 EC_3936 2006 Ecuador S. ochanthum Forbes POX 102 2003 Peru S. betaceum Forbes POX 103 2003 Peru S. betaceum Forbes PaEC07 PaEC10 PaEC11 PaEC14 PaEC15 PaPE01 PaPE02 P. phaseoli PpUS01 CBS 556.88 CBS PpUS02 P10150 USA Delaware Coffey 1 Isolates were contributed by the authors and the following colleagues: Sampled by W. G. Flier and N. J. Grünwald and curated by Geert Kessel, Plant Research International (PRI), Netherlands; Geert Kessel, Plant Research International (PRI), Netherlands; Silvia Fernández Pavia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico; Michael Coffey, University of California Riverside, USA; Vihn Hong Le and Arne Hermansen, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Norway; Björn Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Renata Lebecka MÅ‚ochow Research Centre, Poland; Jozsef Bakonyi, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hungary. ! 9! Table S2. Molecular clock and mutation rates obtained in this study for each locus for (A) Clade 1c and (B) P. infestans datasets. See Table S3 for indices of nucleotide variation at each locus. A. Clade 1c Locus β-tubulin RAS Trp1 PITG_11126 Clock Strict Log Normal Strict Strict Clock Rate 0.824 1.839 1.73 4.09 UCLD stdev 0.04 2.2 0.03 0.02 B. P. infestans Locus β-tubulin RAS Trp1 PITG_11126 Clock Strict Log Normal Strict Strict Clock Rate 0.54 2.25 1.73 3.03 UCLD stdev 0.02 1.94 0.012 0.01 10 Table S3. Nucleotide variation by locus, species, and sampling location. Statistics given are number of individuals (Nind), number of sequences (Nseq), length of alignment excluding gaps (L), segregating sites (S), number of heterozygous sites (Het), number of haplotypes (Hap), average pairwise nucleotide diversity (π), Watterson’s theta (θw), Tajima’s D, and Fu and Li’s D* and F* (4-7). Locus Species/Popn Nind Nseq L S Het Hap π θW Tajima’s D Fu & Li’s D* Fu & Li’s F* P. infestans Europe Mexico S. America United States Africa/Asia P. andina P. ipomoeae P. mirabilis P. phaseoli 119 22 48 40 4 5 19 7 11 2 242 46 96 82 8 10 38 14 22 4 764 764 764 764 779 779 748 787 778 779 13 7 9 11 2 3 16 2 11 0 13# 7# 9# 11# 2 3 16# 1 11 0 10 5 6 8 2 2 3 3 3 1 0.00286 0.00294 0.00154 0.00394 0.00138 0.00214 0.01040 0.00052 0.00593 0 2.144 1.593 1.752 2.210 0.771 1.060 3.808 0.629 4.610 0 0.04 1.10 -0.82 0.97 1.45 2.06* 3.39*** -0.96 1.83 NA 0.79 1.25 -0.17 0.79 1.11 1.15 1.58** -0.45 1.44* NA 0.61 1.41 -0.47 1.01 1.30 1.53 2.56** -0.66 1.80** NA P. infestans Europe Mexico S. America United States Africa/Asia P. andina P. ipomoeae P. mirabilis P. phaseoli 118 22 48 39 4 5 19 7 11 2 238 44 96 80 8 10 38 14 22 4 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 9 6 7 9 5 0 23 2 16 0 9# 6# 7# 9# 5# 0 23 2 15# 0 8 3 3 7 3 1 2 2 6 1 0.00138 0.00061 0.00185 0.00113 0.00124 0 0.00743 0.00018 0.00469 0 1.488 1.379 1.363 1.817 1.928 0 5.474 0.629 4.389 0 1.06 -0.79 2.75** -0.03 0.08 NA 3.92*** -1.48 2.54** NA -0.43 1.18 1.20 -0.84 0.75 NA 1.70** -1.83 1.54** NA 0.13 0.67 2.03** -0.67 0.65 NA 2.89** -1.97 2.14** NA P. infestans Europe Mexico S. America United States Africa/Asia P. andina P. ipomoeae P. mirabilis P. phaseoli 117 22 48 38 4 5 19 7 11 2 234 44 96 76 8 10 38 14 22 4 813 813 813 813 813 813 813 812 813 813 9 4 6 6 4 3 10 0 1 0 7 3 4 6 4 3 10 0 1 0 9 4 5 6 4 2 3 1 2 1 0.00183 0.00185 0.00144 0.00211 0.00180 0.00205 0.00293 0 0.00011 0 1.492 0.920 1.168 1.224 1.543 1.060 2.380 0 0.274 0 -0.004 1.48 -0.20 0.95 -0.22 2.06* 3.48*** NA -1.16 NA 0.42 -0.06 1.12 0.22 -0.18 1.15 1.40* NA -1.57 NA 0.32 0.47 0.81 0.54 -0.21 1.53 2.42** NA -1.68 NA P. infestans Europe Mexico S. America United States Africa/Asia P. andina P. ipomoeae P. mirabilis P. phaseoli 117 21 47 40 4 5 17 7 10 1 234 42 94 80 8 10 34 14 20 2 762 766 766 762 766 766 765 768 766 764 15 10 11 10 11 1 23 3 6 0 15# 10 11# 10 11 1 23# 0 6# 0 13 6 8 5 4 2 4 2 3 1 0.00364 0.00569 0.00164 0.00377 0.00643 0.00205 0.01433 0.00103 0.00091 0 2.487 2.324 2.150 2.019 4.242 1.060 5.625 0.943 1.973 0 0.290 2.585* -1.09 1.12 0.808 2.06* 3.28*** -0.49 -2.13* NA 0.311 1.40 -2.51* 1.38 1.52** 1.15 1.39 1.07 -3.08** NA 0.364 2.096** -2.39* 1.53 1.50 1.53 2.37** 0.76 -3.25** NA PITG_11126 β-tubulin Trp1 RAS ! 11! # Also heterozygous for one or more indel. * P < 0.05 ** P < 0.02 *** P < 0.001 ! 12! Table S4. Results from testing relationships among Toluca population, US1 and Andean lineages as illustrated in Figure S10. Andean lineage PE3 PE7 EC1 ! Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Admixed population PE3 Toluca US1 PE3 PE3 US1 US1 Toluca Toluca PE3 US1 Toluca PE7 Toluca US1 PE7 PE7 US1 US1 Toluca Toluca PE7 US1 Toluca EC1 Toluca US1 EC1 EC1 US1 US1 Toluca Toluca EC1 US1 Toluca Probability 0.0040 0.0071 0.0066 0.0014 0.0062 0.0009 0.6709 0.1094 0.0023 0.0052 0.0020 0.1302 0.0474 0.0011 0.0053 0.0089 0.0327 0.0141 0.0038 0.0093 0.0191 0.3656 0.2893 0.0016 0.0248 0.0121 0.0880 0.1242 0.0012 0.0050 0.2524 0.0293 0.0575 0.0908 0.0843 0.0216 0.0320 0.3060 0.0071 0.0234 0.0177 0.0140 0.0088 0.0517 0.0035 13! 95% CI [0.0028,0.0052] [0.0058,0.0084] [0.0055,0.0077] [0.0010,0.0017] [0.0051,0.0073] [0.0008,0.0011] [0.6478,0.6939] [0.0994,0.1194] [0.0011,0.0034] [0.0034,0.0070] [0.0009,0.0032] [0.1093,0.1511] [0.0410,0.0537] [0.0004,0.0017] [0.0034,0.0073] [0.0055,0.0124] [0.0265,0.0389] [0.0107,0.0176] [0.0025,0.0051] [0.0073,0.0112] [0.0148,0.0234] [0.3393,0.3919] [0.2656,0.3131] [0.0003,0.0030] [0.0145,0.0350] [0.0032,0.0211] [0.0673,0.1087] [0.1069,0.1416] [0.0003,0.0022] [0.0021,0.0079] [0.2335,0.2713] [0.0260,0.0326] [0.0519,0.0631] [0.0830,0.0987] [0.0773,0.0913] [0.0192,0.0239] [0.0276,0.0364] [0.2811,0.3309] [0.0053,0.0088] [0.0188,0.0280] [0.0144,0.0210] [0.0116,0.0163] [0.0069,0.0106] [0.0420,0.0614] [0.0026,0.0043] Table S5. Nucleotide substitution model for each locus as inferred from jModelTest and ModelGenerator. The appropriate most similar model available in BEAST was used for each analysis. A. Clade 1c Locus β-tubulin RAS Trp1 PITG_11126 jModelTest HKY JC K80 HKY ModelGenerator HKY JC HKY HKY Model Used HKY JC HKY HKY B. P. infestans Locus β-tubulin RAS Trp1 PITG_11126 jModelTest HKY F81 HKY HKY ModelGenerator HKY JC HKY HKY Model Used HKY JC HKY HKY ! 14! Table S6. Settings used for DIYABC analyses. All runs used the same summary statistics: within population statistics were number of segregating sites, mean of pairwise differences, variance of pairwise differences, and number of private segregating sites; between population statistics were number of segregating sites, mean of pairwise differences, and FST. Posterior probabilities of scenarios were calculated using the closest 1% of simulated datasets using logistic regression. A. Prior distributions for scenarios in Figure S9. Parameter Population size EC-1 PE-3 PE-7 Ancestor of two lineages Ancestor of three lineages Shape Min.–Max. Increment Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform 1–200000 1–200000 1–200000 1–500000 1–1000000 1 1 1 1 1 Time since divergence1 t1: two lineages t2: all three lineages Uniform Uniform 1–300000 1–500000 1 1 Nucleotide sequence evolution2 Mean mutation rate Uniform 1.00×10-10 – 1.00×10-8 Gamma distribution Uniform 1.00×10-11 – 2.00 1.00×10-7 1 An additional condition was put on the prior distributions such that t2>t1. 2 The Kimura 2-parameter nucleotide substitution model was used with invariant sites=90 and gamma rate variation parameter α=0.050. B. Prior distributions for scenarios in Figure S10. Parameter Population size Toluca EC-1 PE-3 PE-7 US-1 Unsampled population Ancestor of two lineages Time since divergence3 t1: two populations (scenarios 1-3) t2: two or three populations t3: sampled & unsampled populations (scenarios 7-15) Admixture events Proportion from parent population ta1: timing since admixture event (scenarios 4-12) ta2: timing since admixture event (scenarios 13-15) ! Shape Min.–Max. Increment Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform 1–1000000 1–300000 1–200000 1–200000 1–500000 1–2000000 1–2000000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform Uniform Uniform 1–200000 1–500000 1–10000000 1 1 1 Uniform Uniform 0.001–0.999 1–300000 0.001 1 Uniform 1–1000000 1 15! Nucleotide sequence evolution4 Mean mutation rate 1.00×10-10 – 1.00×10-8 Gamma distribution Uniform 1.00×10-11 – 2.00 1.00×10-7 3 Additional conditions were put on the prior distributions to force the timing of events into the tree structure shown in Figure S9, including placing admixture events before or after population splits and ordering of the population splits such that t2>t1, t2>ta1, t3>ta1, ta2>t2, and t3>ta2. 4 The Kimura 2-parameter nucleotide substitution model was used with invariant sites=90 and gamma rate variation parameter α=0.050. Uniform C. Prior distributions for scenarios in Figure 5. Parameter Population size Toluca EC-1 PE-3 US-1 Unsampled population Ancestor to Toluca & EC-1 Ancestor to Toluca & US-1 Shape Min.–Max. Increment Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform 1–1000000 1–400000 1–200000 1–400000 1–1000000 10–1000000 10–1000000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Time since divergence5 t1: Toluca–EC-1 t2: Toluca–US-1 t3: All populations Uniform Uniform Uniform 1–200000 1–600000 1–1000000 1 1 1 Admixture events Proportion from parent population Timing since admixture event Uniform Uniform 0.001–0.999 1–200000 0.001 1 Nucleotide sequence evolution6 Mean mutation rate Uniform 1.00×10-10 – 1.00×10-8 Gamma distribution Uniform 1.00×10-11 – 2.00 1.00×10-7 5 Additional conditions were put on the prior distributions to force the timing of events into the tree structure shown in Figure 5, including placing admixture events before or after population splits and ordering of the population splits such that t3>t1, t3>t2. 6 The Kimura 2-parameter nucleotide substitution model was used with invariant sites=90 and gamma rate variation parameter α=0.050. ! 16! Table S7. Inferred root subpopulation using three starting seeds for (A) the mitochondrial P3 and P4 regions using only isolates from Mexico and the Andes, and (B) the nuclear RAS locus, using the data from Gómez-Alpizar et al. (1). A. P3 and P4 Theta Migration 1.8 0.3, 0.3 1.0, 1.0 5.0, 5.0 10.0, 10.0 1.0, 1.0 5.0, 5.0 10.0, 10.0 2.0 Seed 1 Root location Mexico Andes Mexico Mexico Andes Andes Andes Seed 2 Prob. Root location 0.505 Mexico 0.501 Andes 0.559 Mexico 0.587 Mexico 0.504 Andes 0.513 Andes 0.689 Mexico Prob. 0.500 0.505 0.556 0.577 0.501 0.531 0.727 Seed 3 Root location Andes Mexico Mexico Andes Mexico Andes Andes Prob. 0.501 0.508 0.510 0.669 0.503 0.562 0.549 B. RAS Seed 1 Seed 2 Root Prob. Root location location 2.0 0.5, 0.5 SA 0.515 NSA 5.0, 5.0 SA 0.514 SA 10.0, 10.0 NSA 0.889 NSA 5.0, 10.0 SA 0.916 SA 10.0, 5.0 NSA 0.679 NSA 4.3, 14.6 * SA 0.965 SA 14.6, 4.3 NSA 0.939 NSA * Migration rates used by Gómez-Alpizar et al. (1) Theta ! Migration 17! Prob. 0.537 0.582 0.875 0.949 0.902 0.992 0.996 Seed 3 Root location SA SA SA SA SA SA NSA Prob. 0.535 0.847 0.686 0.985 0.935 0.970 0.979 Table S8. Root population inferred using RAS sequences from Mexico and Andean samples from this study. Migration rates were symmetric for all runs. Simulations θ M 1.5 0.5 5.0 10.0 2.0 0.5 5.0 10.0 ! Seed 1 1×106 Root Mexico Mexico Andes Andes Mexico Mexico Prob. 0.541 0.638 0.723 0.676 0.883 0.714 Seed 2 1×106 Root Mexico Mexico Mexico Andes Andes Andes Prob. 0.584 0.703 0.975 0.638 0.614 0.688 18! Seed 3 1×107 Root Andes Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Prob. 0.510 0.564 0.612 0.513 0.590 0.663 Seed 4 1×107 Root Mexico Mexico Andes Mexico Andes Mexico Prob. 0.521 0.583 0.794 0.514 0.794 0.939 Supporting Figures Figure S1. Structure plots for K from 2 to 10 for the Andes (with and without admixture) and Mexico samples of P. infestans. Figure S2. Delta K values obtained from Structure Harvester for (A) Mexico and (B) Andes (with admixture) samples of P. infestans. Note the highest delta K value corresponds to K=4 for Mexico and K=2 for the Andes. Figure S3. Root state posterior probabilities for each location for (A) Clade 1c and (B) P. infestans. Independent analysis of each locus produced high probabilities for the root of both Clade 1c and P. infestans in Mexico (green bar). Figure S4. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the β-tubulin locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Figure S5. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the PITG_11126 locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Figure S6. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the RAS locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Figure S7. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the Trp1 locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Figure S8. Maximum clade credibility phylogeny of Phytophthora Clade 1c from all four loci. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage and taxon colors represent species (purple: P. phaseoli; blue: P. ipomoeae; green: P. mirabilis; red: P. andina; black: P. infestans). Figure S9. Scenarios used to test evolutionary relationships among Andes lineages EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7 using DIYABC. Present day populations are at the base of the tree schematic. Ancestral relationships among these populations are represented by lines intersecting in the past, with the vertex of the schematic representing the most recent common ancestor of all samples. Horizontal lines indicate admixture events between the ancestral populations connected by the horizontal line. Change in line thickness indicates a potential change in population size, such that all branches in scenarios D, E, and F had independently estimated population sizes. The scenarios in which PE-3 and PE-7 diverged more recently from each other than from EC-1 produced high posterior probabilities. Figure S10. Scenarios used to test evolutionary relationships of EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7 lineages to US-1 in the Andes and to the Toluca, Mexico population. The 15 scenarios were compared against each other, using three independent sets of scenarios with EC-1, PE-3, and PE-7, in turn, substituted for population ‘X’. Present day populations are at the base of the tree schematic. Ancestral relationships among these populations are represented by lines intersecting in the past, with the vertex of the schematic representing the most recent common ancestor of all samples. ! 19! Horizontal lines indicate admixture events between the ancestral populations connected by the horizontal line. Potential changes in population size over time are indicated by changes in line thickness, but line thickness is not proportional to population size. The dashed line represents an unsampled population that has contributed to the genetic variation observed in sampled populations. ! 20! A. Andes (No admixture model) B. Andes (Admixture model) C. Mexico (Admixture model) A. Mexico B. Andes Posterior Probability of Root State A) Clade 1c B-tubulin Trp1 PITG_11126 RAS/iRAS CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT B-tubulin Trp1 PITG_11126 RAS/iRAS CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT CO EC ES HU MX NL PE PO SA SW UK USA VT 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Posterior Probability of Root State B) P. infestans 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Location (Country) Figure S3. Root state posterior probability values for each location after 300 millions MCMC generations by locus for (A) Clade 1c species and (B) P. infestans. The posterior probability for a Mexico root (green bar) is higher than for any of the other countries for each locus independently and both datasets. Figure S4. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the β-tubulin locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. location.states Colombia Ecuador Estonia Hungary Mexico Netherlands South Africa Sweden United Kingdom United States Vietnam 9a b E2 50 PiP iMX 01b b P iES 16 b P iMX 64 b P iMX 02 P iMX 18b P iMX 72b P iMX 42a P X 1b PiM X1 0b PiM X4 1b PiM X4 9b PiM X2 8b PiM X4 b PiM X19 PiM E02b PiP E09b PiP E08b PiP E05b PiP E04b PiP O01b PiC O03b PiC 02b PiCO 04b PiCO 03b PiEC 02b PiEC 07b PiMX 2b 4 PiMX 1b PiMX7 b X iM P 06 b PiMX15 PiMX10b PiMX49b PiUK10b PiMX19a M X US MX PpUS01b PpUS02a PpUS01a PpUS02b PmMX02b PmMX02a PmMX03b PmMX06b PmMX0 9a PmMX01 PmMX b PmMX 09b PmM 01a X PaPE 06a PaPE 02b PaEC 01b PaE 09b PaE C15b EC PaE C13b PaE C08b PaE C02b PaE C16b PaE C12b Pa C04b PaEEC11b Pa C14 Pa EC01 b Pa EC03 b E Pa C0 b Pa EC1 6b Pa EC0 7b M Pa EC 7b P EC 05b X P mM 10b PmmM X04 P M X1 b P mM X1 0b P mM X1 1b Pm mM X0 0a Pm M X0 4a M X12 5b X0 a 5a MX P Pi iMX P MX 16 PiMiMX 26b a P X 23a PiMiMX 25a PiM X4 03a PiM X4 3a PiM X4 0a PiM X0 3b PiM X0 5a PiM X4 4a 5 PiM X44 a PiM X44 b PiM X17b a PiM X29a PiM X10a PiM X47b PiM X12a X PiES 15a PiES 05a 0 PiES 2b PiES 03a PiES 01a 0 PiES 4b 0 PiES 4a PiMX 02a 6 PiMX 7b 61 PiEC0 a 6b PiEC11 a PiEC12a PaEC03a PaEC15a PiES05b PiES03b PiPO01b PiUK01b P iU K 0 8 b P iU K 0 9 b 0.04 substitutions per site MX 2b X1 a M X11 3a Pm M X0 b Pm mM X03 a P oM X03 a P oM X04 a P M 01 Po oMX 06a P oMX 06b P MX 04b Po MX 2a Po MX0 02b Po MX 5b Po X0 1b M Po MX0 8a Po M X0 a Po X05 8b PoMM X0 Po S11b PiU O05c PiC X01b PiM X06a PiM X30b PiM X71a PiM 24b PiMX 05b PiCO 63b PiMX 8b 0 PiUS 3a 6 PiMX 1b PiMX6 a PiMX30 a PiMX66 PiMX62a PiMX72a PiMX62b PiMX21b PiMX66b PiMX18a PiMX65b P iM X 0 2 a PiCO01c P Pa iEC Pi EC 11b PiN NL0 09a P L 1b P iNL 02a PiM iNL 01a PiM X2 02b PiM X0 8b PiM X4 4b PiM X6 7a 5 PiU X28 a PiU K05 a PiU K03 b a PiU K07b PiU K10a PiU K09a PiU K01a PiU K08a PiU K05a K PiU 02b K PiUK 06a 0 PiUK 7a PiUK 02a PiUK 04b 0 PiUK 3b 0 PiUK 4a 06b PiPO0 1 PiPO0 a 2 PiPO02 a b PiUS08 a PiUS17a PiUS17b PiUS12a PiUS11a PiUS12b PiCO05a PiCO01a PiCO03a PiCO02a PiCO04a PiMX07a PiMX26a PiMX27a PiMX13a PiMX25b PiMX01a PiMX13b b PiMX12 a PiVT03 4b PiVT0 b 3 PiVT0 2a PiVT0 1a 0 T iV P 01b PiVT 04a PiVT 02b iV P T 20b X PiM X41a PiM X22a PiM X23b PiM X46a PiM X05b PiM X46b PiM X03b a PiM X14 a PiM X20 b PiM X45 a 1 PiM X1 4a PiM X2 7b PiM X2 4b PiMMX1 17a Pi iMX 21a P X 67a PiM X 50a PiMiMX 22b a P MX 49 a Pi iMX 48 P iMX P PiPE29b P iP E 1 0 a P iP E 1 1 a PiPE28b PiPE24a PiPE20b PiPE14b PiPE22a PiPE23a PiSW02 PiSW02 b PiSW0 a PiPE1 1b PiPE2 3b PiPE 5a 2 PiPE 7a PiPE 04a PiPE 10b PiPE 12b PiSW14a PaP 01a PiP E01a PiP E28a PiP E20a PiP E09a PiM E23b PiP X64 PiP E24 a PiP E12 b Pa E01 a PiP PE0 a PiP E2 2a P E0 6b PiPiPE2 5a P E 6a P iPE 25b P iPE 27b PiP iPE0 11b P E 7 Pi iPE0 06b a PE 2 01 a b Poland P iP E 2 1 a P iP E 2 1 b PiPE22b PiPE08a PiSA01b PiSA01a PiPE06a PiPE13a b PiPE07 a PiEC02 0b PiEC1 a 17 PaEC 6a 1 PaEC 08a PiEC 2a 0 PaEC 02a PiHU 02b PiHU 06a C a PaE C01 PaE C10a PiE 13a C PiE 12a C PaE C05a PaE C13b PiE C04a b PaE C14 a PiE C07 PiE C07a a E Pa EC10 4a Pa C1 a PiE C08 3a E Pa iEC0 7b P C0 8b PiE C0 3a PiE EC1 06a Pa C 1a PiE EC1 14a Pa aEC 12b P iEC P Peru Figure S5. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the PITG_11126 locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. location.states Colombia Ecuador Estonia Hungary Mexico Netherlands Peru MX 3a X0 2a M X0 4a o M P o X0 3b P oM X0 6a P oM X0 5b P oM X0 2b P oM X0 1b P oM X0 b P oM X 0 8 8a 0 a P oM P MX X05 b Po mM X05 a P M 03 m P MX 07a Pm MX 01a Pm MX 06a Pm MX 3b Pm MX0 4a Pm MX0 6b Pm MX0 2b Pm MX1 b Pm MX07 a Pm MX12 Pm MX02a Pm X11a M Pm X01b PmM X09b PmM X10a PmM X04b PmM 11b X PmM 10b X PmM 09a M Pm X 2b 0 PmMX Pp US 01 b a S02 PpU PpUS 02b PpUS01 a US PaEC04b PaEC07b PaEC06b PaEC02b PaEC11b PaEC01b PaEC16b PaEC17 b PaPE02 PaEC12 b b PaEC 1 PaEC 0b PaEC 15b PaEC 09b PaE 05b C PaE 14b PaP C03b PaE E01b PaE C08b PiP C13b PiP E12b PiP E09b PiP E04b PiP E01b PiP E08 PiP E13 b PiP E03 b P i E0 b P i E C 0 2b Pi EC0 1b P i EC0 3b P U K 2b P iCO 09b Pi iUK 01b 0 U P K 5 P iCO 01 b Pi iCO 04 b b C 0 P O 3 P iS 0 b P iS W0 2b Pi iES W 0 1 b ES 0 2 b 02 2a b EC MX b 14 1b PE 1 b Pi E 05 b P Pi iPE X 2 7 2 b P iM X6 b P 49 b M Pi iMX 05 b P iCO 02 P O 04b P Pi i U K 08c P UK 03b Pi UK 0b Pi UK1 7b Pi US1 1b Pi US1 2b Pi S1 a PiUN L 0 2 b Pi L02 b PiN U02 b PiH X42 PiM X26a P iM X 2 6 b P iM X 1 1 b P iM X 4 8 b P iM X 2 5 b P iM X 1 1 a P iM X 1 7 a P iM 4 0 b P iM X 1 7 b P iM X 2 3 b P iM X 61b P iM X 4 b P iM X 6 a P iM X 28 b P iM X 41 Pi M X1 6b Pi MX 25 a PiM X1 3b PiM X20 b PiM X65 b PiMX18b PiMX14b P P iM P iM X3 Pi iMX X50 0a M P X 04 a P iMX 21 a Pi iMX 41 a a M Pi X 4 6 2 a P i PE 2 a P i M X 22a 0 M 5 Pi X6 a Pi MX1 5a Pi MX1 2b M PiM X0 5b PiM X4 4b PiM X40 4a PiM X66 a PiM X63 a a PiE X 2 0 a PiE C10b PiE C11b P iV C06b P iV T 0 2 b T P iV 0 3 b T P iS 0 1 b A01 b P iV T PiPE 0 4 b P iM X 23b 64a PiPE 2 PiPE2 2b 1 PiPE2 b 4 PiEC14 b b PiEC12 b PiEC13b PiPE25b PiPE20b PiPE27b PiM X50 b PiMX16a PiMX19b PiMX28b P P iEC P i V T 07 Pi iVT 02 a P VT 01 a P iPE 0 4 a P iPE 14 a Pa iPE 21a a 2 Pi PE0 3a Pi PE1 2a P i PE2 4c P i U K 0 0a U PiP K 1 6 c PiP E27 0 a P i U E24 a PiU K05 a PiU K04 a PiE K02 a a PiU S01b P iS K 0 3 a W P iN 0 1 a P iN L 0 1 a PiU L 0 1 b S PiU 08 a S PiU 12 a S PiU S 17 a P iU S 11 a 0 PiES 8 b 0 P iU K 1a 0 PiPO 8 a 0 P iC O 0 1b 4 P iC O 03 a a P iC O 02 a Pi CO 01 a Pi SW 02 a PiES05b PiPE03a PiPE10a PiPE09a PiPE26a PiPE04a PiPE07a PiPE28a PiPE02a PiPE06a PiEC02a PiEC01a Pi UK 06 a a P iU K 09 a PiPE29 a 5 PiPE0 a 8 0 E PiP 6 a 0 P iM X 0 6 b P iM X 0 7 b P iM X 0 7 a X P iM 0 5 b X P iM 2 4 b X P iM X 7 1 b P iM X 2 2 b a iM P X46 P iM X 2 4 a P iM X 1 3 a a PiM X45 b PiM X47 a PiM X43 a PiM X49 3a PiM X2 2b PiM X7 3b M Pi MX4 1a Pi MX7 7b Pi MX6 14a Pi MX 27a Pi MX 21b b Pi MX 10 a Pi iMX 15 b P iMX 29 b P iMX 03 9a P iMX X1 2a P iM X1 P iM P X Vietnam M United States PiEC10a PaEC03a PiPE11a PiPE25a PiS A01 a PaEC07a Pi VT 03 a PiES04a PiES03 a PiES05 P iC O 0 a 5 a PiPO 0 PiPO 1a PiEC 02a PiEC 13a PaP 0 6 a E P iM 01a P iM X 6 7 a P iM X 0 3 a P iM X 0 2 a P iM X 3 0 b P iM X 4 4 b PiM X22a PiM X10 PiM X18 a PiM X46 a Pi X4 b P i MM X 6 8 a Pi X0 3b Pi MX2 1b Pi M X 9 a Pi PE1 4 5 b P PE 3a P iPE 12a P i M X 01a Pi iMX 01 P M 72 a P iM X6 a P oM X4 6b Po oM X0 7a Po M X0 6b M X0 5a X0 4 1a b United Kingdom X Sweden M South Africa PaEC06a PaEC16a PaEC10a PaEC04a PiEC14a PaEC01a PiEC03a a PaEC11 a PaEC02 a 15 PaEC 1a 1 PiEC 8b 0 PiEC 8a 0 PiEC 7b 0 PiEC 17a C PaE 12a C PaE C09a PaE C13a PaE 05a C PaE C12a PiE C14a a E Pa C08 c E Pa EC02 b Pi X 0 2 a PiM X61 b P i M PE06 0b Pi E1 b PiP 29 6b E PiP PE2 3b Pi S0 7 b E 0 a Pi UK 7 P i UK0 04b Pi iES 0 2 a P U 02b H a Pi iUK 01 b P iUK 08 b P UK 06 b P i i U K 28 7b P iPE E0 P iP P Poland 2.0E-4 substitutions per site Figure S6. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the RAS locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. location.states Colombia Ecuador Estonia Hungary Mexico United States Vietnam PiPE25a PiPE12a PiPE27a PiUK01a PiPE22a PiPE23a PiPE14 a PiMX02 a PiMX28 a PiMX 15a PiMX 41a PiMX 24 PiMX a 06a PiPE 24 PiPE a 03 PiPE a 05a PiP E0 PiP 2a E0 PiM 9a X43 PiM b X PiM 66b X PiM 44a X4 PiM 5b PiM X44b PiM X14b PiM X42a PiM X45 a PiM X43 a PiM X41 PiM X04 b PiM X1 b 2 PiM X4 b PiM X2 2b PiM X0 5a 3 X4 b 6a United Kingdom PiPE21a Sweden PiPE01a South Africa PiVT01a PiVT02a PiVT03a PiVT04a Poland PiNL02a PiEC10a 7a PiMX1 a PiMX21 a PiMX01 a PiES01 06a PiEC 13a PiEC 11a PiEC 14a PiEC a X64 PiM 2a X1 PiM b X06 PiM 19a X PiM 03a X PiM 48a X PiM 61a X PiM 28b X PiM 11a X PiM 20b X PiM X62a PiM X07b a PiM X13 a PiM X40 b PiM X19 b 1 PiM O0 a PiP O01 b PiP C13 a 7 PiE C0 a E 3 Pa C0 PiE Peru PiPE13a PiPE11a PiPE20a Netherlands 6b X4 9b PiM X4 a 2 PiM S1 5b PiU X6 a 2 PiM W0 a PiS E08 b PiP E04 b PiP X18 a PiM X47 b PiM X25 PiM X11b PiM X48b PiM 08b C PiE 11a C PaE 03a C PaE 02a C PaE 10a C PaE 01a C PaE 3b 0 PiEC 4a C0 PaE 02a PiPO b 03 PiCO 02b PiEC 01b PiEC 02a PiCO 1a PiNL0 a PiUK05 a PiCO04 b 01 PiCO PiMX16b Pa Pa EC1 3 E PiE C1 a 2 C PiE 06 a Pa C01 b EC a Pa E 06 PiM C09 a a PiM X05 a X PiM 67 b PiM X07a X PiE 22a C0 Pa EC 2a PiM 05a X PiM 16a X1 3b PiM X PiM 21b X2 PaE 6b C15 PiEC a 1 PiEC 2a 11 PiEC b 08a PaE C14 PiEC a 12b PiMX 30a PiUS 08a PiUS 12b PiMX0 2b PiMX14 a PiMX2 0a PiMX29a PiMX01b PiUK09a PiUK07a PiUK02a PiMX63b PiMX29b PiMX27a PiMX40b PiMX47b PiUK10b PiEC14b PiEC10b US MX PaEC08a PiPE06a PiPE20b PiPE07a PoMX07a PoMX01a PoMX04a PoMX05a PoMX01 b PoMX0 3a PoMX0 4b PoMX 06b PoMX 03b PoMX 05b PoM X06a PoM X02b PoM X02a PaE C12 b PaE C0 PaE 8b C11 b PaE C07 b PaE C PaE 06b C PaE 13b C PaE 01b C0 4b Pa E Pa C10b EC 02b Pa E Pa C15b E Pa C05 b E Pa C09 b E Pa C14 E b Pa C03 P Pa E02 b Pm PE01 a Pm MX a 0 M 4 Pm a X Pm MX 03a M 03 X0 b 1a MX M EC M PiUK09b PiUK01b PiUK06b PiES05b PiV PiM T0 PiM X6 4b PiM X2 3a 6 PiM X2 a 2 PiM X1 b 7 PiM X05 b b PiM X66 a PiM X64 b PiM X30b PiM X72a PiM X50a X PiM 61b X2 4b PiM X PiM 71b X04 a PiS A01 a PiS A01 b PiC O01 a PiC O05 a PiC O04 PiCO b 02 PiCO b 03a PiUK 10a PiUK 04a PiES03 a PiES01 b PiES05 a PiES04 a PiES02a PiUK05b PiCO05b PiUK04b PiUK02b X 1b X0 b M 11 Pm MX 11a Pm MX 07b Pm MX 08b Pm MX 6a 0 Pm MX 4b X0 Pm a M 0 Pm MX1 b 5 Pm MX0 b 0 Pm MX1 a Pm X05 M 08a Pm MX a Pm X07 M Pm X09a M Pm 06b MX Pm X09b M Pm 02b O PiP b E11 PiP 3b 1 PiPE b 01 PiPE 26b PiPE 14b PiPE 28b PiPE 07b PiPE b PiPE12 b PiPE10 b PiPE29 b PiPE06 b PiNL01 PiUK07b PiUS08b PiSW01b PiSW02b PiES04b PiES03b PiES02b PiPE10a PiPE29a PiPE08b b PiPE22 a PiSW01 a PiPE26 b 24 PiPE 27b PiPE 8a 2 E PiP 09b PiPE 04a E PiP 21b PiPE b 25 iP P E 2b X7 PiM a X71 iM P b E02 PiP b E01 PaP 23b E iP P 5b E0 PiP 03b T PiV 02b L b iN P 02 PE Pa X67a a PiM X49 b PiM X27 b PiM X15 a PiM X65 b 2 PiM X6 a 8 PiM X1 2b PiM T0 1b PiV T0 PiV X PiPE03b PiUK06a 2.0E-4 substitutions per site PiMX50b PpUS01a PpUS01b PoMX07b location.states Figure S7. Maximum clade credibility genealogy for the Trp1 locus. Colors of branches indicate the most probable geographic origin of each lineage. Colombia Ecuador Estonia Hungary Mexico Poland South Africa Sweden United Kingdom United States Vietnam b 03 4b PE 0 b Pi iPE 07 1 b P iPE 0 b P iPO 02 b P iPO 04 b P iCO 02 P iCO 11b P iUS 09b P iUK 08b P UK 6b Pi UK0 0b Pi UK1 1b P i U K 0 7b P i C0 b PiE C01 b PiE C08 b PiE C03 PiE C02b PiE K 0 5 b PiU K04b P iU K 0 7 b P iU X 0 2 b PoM X02a PoM X06b PoM X05a PoM X01a PoM 03a X PoM X 0 8 b P m M 06a PoMX 4a 0 PoMX 4b 0 PoMX b P oM X 01 5b X0 M Po Po MX 03 b Po MX 08 a MX MX MX PpU S02 a PpU S01 b PpUS 02b PpUS01a PmMX07a PmMX02a PmMX 12b PmM X04 a Pm MX 03b Pm MX 10 a Pm M X0 5a Pm M X1 2a PmMX 06 PmMX b 0 PmMX 1a PmM 05b X PmM 04b PmM X01b X PmM 06a PmM X07b Pm X11b M Pm X09b M Pm X11a Pm MX10 b Pm MX02 Pm MX09 b Pa M X 0 a Pa EC0 3 a Pa EC1 8b Pa EC0 3b Pa EC0 1b Pa EC 9b Pa EC 11b Pa EC 14b P EC 07b P aEC 03 Pa aEC 02 b P E 15 b P aE C1 b Pa aEC C05 7b P E 0 b Pa aE C 1 6 b PE C0 0 b 02 4b b US MX M X b 01 6b PE 1 2 b C Pa aE C 1 a P aE 01 a P SW 02 Pi iSW 02b P i S W 11b P EC 10b Pi C 4b E Pi EC1 3b Pi EC1 6b Pi C0 b PiE C12 b PiE A01 b PiS T02 b PiV T03 PiV T01b PiV T04b P i V E24b PiP E22b PiP E25b PiP 27b E PiP 20b E PiP 4 1 a X P iM 2 7 b X P iM 4 1 b P iM X 0 6 b P iM X 5 b 1 P iM X 8 b 2 P iM X 7b P iU S 1 a P iM X 14 Pi N L0 1a PiES02a PiES05a PiES04a PiM X22 a PiMX23a PiMX05a PiMX21a P Pa aE C P EC 01 Pi iEC 03 a Pa EC 07 a a E 1 P i C 0a P i V T 06a P VT 01 Pa i V T 0 2 a a 0 P EC 3 a Pa iEC 14a EC 06a P 1 Pa iEC0 2a Pa EC1 2a Pa EC0 0a 7 E Pi C02 a Pa EC03 a E a PiE C09a PiE C01a PiE S03b PiE S03a S PiE 02b PaP S01a E PiP 02a E PaP 22a E PiPE 01a P iH U 11a 0 PiPE 2 a 1 PiPE2 0a 6 PiPE0 a 1 PiPE04 a a PiPE01 b PiPE03a PiPE06a PiPO01a PiPE23a PiES04b PiPE21a PiUK03a P P iPE P iP 0 P i iPE E29 5a P M X 09 a Pi iMX 67 a Pi MX 21 a M Pi X 66a b Pi MX 29a Pi MX6 28a Pi MX6 1b Pi MX0 3a M Pi X2 6a MX 9b PiM 4 PiM X07 3b PiM X03 b PiN X30 b a PiN L02a PiM L01b P iM X 4 8 b P iM X 4 4 a P iM X 1 1 a P iM X 2 5 a X P iM 1 1 b X P iM 4 7 a X P iM 5 0 a X P iM X 0 4 b 2 P iM X 7 a 1 P iM X 6 b 42b P iM X 66 PiPE20 b a P iM X 16 a Pi M X5 0b Pi MX 42 a PiM X6 5b PiM X46 b PiM X19 a PiMX6 4b PiMX61a PiSW01b PiPO02a PiMX1 2a PiM X72 a PiM X01 a PiM X2 0b Pi MX 01 b Pi M X0 2a a P iM X 24 5b P iM X 0 b 47 P iM X 6 a 4 P iM X 4 b 4 P iM X 2 b 0 P iM X 4 9 a X P iM 2 4 b X P iM 2 6 a X P iM 0 7 a X P iM X 6 5 a P iM K 0 4 a P iU X 7 1 a P iM X 6 2 a PiM X45a a P i M A01 a PiS K08 a PiU K05 a P i U C05 a 8 E Pa EC0 2a Pa iEC1 4 a P V T 0 5a P i EC1 4a 0 Pa EC 13a Pa iEC 14a a P EC 17 Pi EC 13a a Pa aEC 11 a P iEC C11 8a P E 0 a 6 Pa iEC C1 P E Pa PiUS11a PiUS17a PiUK0 9a PiUK 02a PiU K06 a PiU K1 0a Pi UK 07 a Pi U K0 1a P iU K 03 b P iM X 1 3 P iM X a 4 P iM X 3 a 3 P iM X 0 b P iM X 2 2 b PiU S 4 9 b P iM 12 a X P iM 1 8 b P iC X 1 8 a P iC O 0 3 b P iM O 0 1 b P iM X 6 3 b PiM X67b PiM X10 PiM X62 b PiM X13 b Pi X7 b Pi MX2 1b Pi MX1 6b Pi MX7 2b Pi U K 0 2 b P i ES0 2 b H Pi U 5b P ES 0 2 b Pi iPE0 0 1b P P E 5b P iPE 09 P iPE 26 b Pi iPE 06 b P PE 28 b Pi iPE 10 b PE 0 b 29 2b b Peru PiUS08a PiCO0 4a PiCO 01a PiC O0 2a PiC O0 3a Pi CO 05 a Pi M X4 5b b P iM X 14 9b P iM X 1 b 17 P iM X 04a P iM X 0 b 4 P iM X 1b 2 PiPE 27a PiPE 2 0 a X P iM 2 3 b X P iM 2 5 b X P iM X 1 0 a P iM X 1 5 a P iM X 1 7 a P iM X 6 4 a PiM S08b b PiU S12 a PiU X03 a PiM X48 a 0 P i M X 4 4a P i M PE2 5a Pi E2 2a PiP E1 5 b P 0 a Pi CO 3 P i iPE1 12b P PE 1b Pi PE1 3b Pi PE1 0 2 b Pi N L 23b a P i E 28 a P Pi iPE 02 a P iPE 07 P iPE P Netherlands 4.0E-5 substitutions per site location.states Colombia Ecuador Estonia Hungary Mexico Netherlands South Africa Sweden United Kingdom United States Vietnam P iMX 43b P iMX47a PiMX46b PiMX45b PiMX44a PiMX04b PiMX10a PaEC17a PiMX45a PaEC04a a PaEC02 a PaEC03 a 1 PaEC0 0a PaEC1 1a PaEC102a PiPO 46a PiMX 6c 0 PiUK 05a PiUK 27a X PiM X44b PiM X47b PiM E24a PiP C02c PiE 07a PiEC S12a PiU C06a PiE 11a PiEC C14a PiE C13a a PiE C10 a PiE T04 a PiV VT01 a Pi T03 a PiV VT02 4a Pi X2 5a PiM X1 1a PiM iES0 13a P PE 1a Pi iPE0 P Poland PiMX43a P iMX 03b PiCO04a PiCO02a PiPE05a PiPE03a PiPE08a PiPE02a PiPE09a PiUS08a PiUS17a PiMX49 PiMX4 a PiMX 0a PiCO065a PiEC1 5a PiUS1 2a PaEC 1a PiSA 12a PiUK 01a PaE 02a PaE C13a PaECC07a PaE 15a PiE C06a PaE C03a Pa C14a PiE EC05a PaE C08a Pa C08 Pa EC09 a PiMEC16 a Pi X2 a P MX 5b PiNiMX2 14b P L0 5a P iMX 2a P iMX 17a PiMiMX 23b P X 28 PiMiMX 26a a X1 20b 6a Peru MX MX MX MX MX 2b L0 11a PiN iMX X17b P iM 03b P iUK 12b P iUS 4a P iPE0 1a P CO0 3a Pi CO0 a Pi E26 a PiP E29 a PiP E28 a PiP C02 PiE C01a PiE E10a PiP E07a PiP E06a PiP K09a PiU K06a PiU K08a PiU X05b PiM X07a PiM X29a PiM X64a PiM 21b PiPE 3b PiPE2 61a PiMX 7a PiUK0 2a PiHU00a PiUK1 a PiUK04 a PiMX04 PiES03a PiMX13a PiMX48a PiMX20a PiMX67a PiMX22b PiMX12a PiMX03a PiMX50a PpUS02a PpUS02b PpUS01a PpUS01b PoMX07b PoMX07a PoMX02b PoMX04a PoMX06a PoMX03 MX PoMX0 b PoMX0 5a PoMX 1b PoMX 03a PoMX 01a PoM 04b PoM X05b PoM X06b PoM X02a PoM X08 b Pm X08a PmMMX01a Pm X06 Pm MX07 a Pm MX02 a Pm MX0 a Pm MX0 2b Pm MX0 6b Pm MX 1b Pm MX 03b Pm MX0 09b Pm MX 9a Pm M 03a Pm MX X05b P M 05 P mM X11 a P mM X0 a PmmMX X12 7b P M 1 b P mM X1 2a Pm mM X0 0a M X04 4a X1 b 0b 1b X1 8b M EC0 3b Pm Pa aEC1 02b P PE 1b Pa aPE0 04b P EC 0b Pa EC1 b Pa EC01 6b Pa EC0 5b Pa C1 b PaE EC17 b Pa EC11 b Pa C16 PaE EC03b Pa EC09b Pa C12b PaE C05b EC PaE C07b PaE C02b PaE C14b PaE 14c PiPE E01a PaP 02a PaPE 01b PiNL 3b PiES0 8b PiUS005b PiCO 7b PiUK0 b PiUK02b PiES05 b PiUK08 PiPE28b PiES04b PiPE26b PiUK06b PiPE07b PiPE10b PiPE29b P iP E 06b P iUK 04b P Pi iEC0 PiE UK1 1b P S 0 Pi iMX 01b b Pi MX 10b PiMMX7 72b Pi X0 1b PiMMX3 1b PiM X24 0a PiM X6 b PiM X71 3a PiM X66 a PiM X62 a PiM X21 a PiM X30bb PiM X72a PiM X66b PiM X06a PiM X02a PiM X61b PiMXX65b PiUS 18a PiCO 11b PiMX 05c PiMX 62b 6 PiPO0 3b PiCO0 1b 1c PiPE11 PiPE12bb PiPE13b PiPE14b PiPE01b PiES02b PiSW01b PiSW02b PiUK01b P iUK 09b PiUK05b P iP O02b PiUK08c MX P Pi iPE1 Pi UK0 4a PiP PE12 1a Pi E1 a Pi PE2 1a PiP PE25 2a P E2 a PiM iPE2 7a PiM X01 0a X PiM 1 a PiM X05 4a PiM X23 a PiM X22 a a PiES X67b PiE 05a PiPOS04a PiS 01a PiM W01a PiM X13b PiH X26b PiM U02b X PiUS 28b PiMX 17b 27b PiES0 PiPE2 2a PiPE2 7b 2 PiPE25 b PiPE20 b PiSA01 b b PiPE24b PiVT01b PiVT03b PiVT02b PiVT04b PiEC06b PiEC11b PiEC10b PiEC12b PiEC13b PiEC14b PiEC07b PiEC08b PiMX12b PiNL01a PiUK03a PiSW02a PiPE21a PiPE23a PiMX41a a PiMX21 b 0 PiMX5 0b 4 X PiM 8b PiMX4 1b 1 PiMX 42b PiMX 49b PiMX 16b PiMX 18b PiMXX41b PiM X64b PiM X19b PiM X42a PiM X29b PiM X19a PiM X02b PiM X07bb PiM X06 b PiM X15 b PiM O04 b PiC O02 b PiC iPE03 b P E09 b PiP PE05 b Pi PE02 8b Pi PE0 3b Pi O0 1b PiC CO0 04b Pi iPE 03b P EC 2b Pi iEC0 P 3.0E-4 A. EC1 B. PE7 PE3 PE3 0.9 [0.7, 1.1] PE7 EC1 1.4 [1.1, 1.7] PE3 PE3 PE3 PE7 0.9 [0.7, 1.2] E. PE7 EC1 21.9 [19.7, 24.0] D. EC1 C. F. PE7 73.5 [71.1, 75.8] EC1 EC1 PE3 1.4 [1.1, 1.7] PE7 1. 2. Toluca X US1 4. Toluca 3. US1 X 5. Toluca X US1 7. US1 X X Toluca X Toluca US1 13. Toluca US1 Toluca X US1 X Toluca US1 Toluca US1 X Toluca X US1 12. X Toluca X US1 Toluca 15. 14. US1 Toluca 9. 11. 10. US1 6. 8. Toluca X X US1 X US1 Toluca