RESPONSE OF ALFALFA UNDER GREENHOUSE CONDITIONS IN RELATION TO FERTILITY AWl) CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO UPLAND SOILS OF' OREGON by Joseph Edward Yahner A THESIS ubrnitted t.. OREGON STATE COLLEGE in partial fuiflilmetit of the requirement5 for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1963 APPR OVED Redacted for privacy A aaociat4 Professor In Charge of Soils of Major Redacted for privacy / /7 - Head of Soilß Departrneá( Redacted for privacy ChaIrinoSr-Iuate Committee Redacted for privacy Dean Date theIa Is of Graduate School presented Typed by Margaret smith May 14 1960 A Ci(NOWLEDGE.MENTS The writer is indebted in a measure he cannot express to the following; To Dr. H. B. Cheney and the Department of Soils for the opportunity to pursue this study; To Dr. M. E. Harward for unfailing patience, help, and good advice; To Dr. T. L, Jackson for his time, information, and consideration; and To my wife for her continued encouragement and for her help In typing and proofreading. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i R E1.rlE O J_d 'r. B..14. T Uit. ............ . . . . . ............. ........................................... ... ., ........... Phosphorus .......................................... Magneciurn ....... Sulfur .............................................. TraceElements ..................................... kSoron .......ø Molyixienurn ...................................... Multiple Nutrient Effect .............................. Ca- - k. ..................................... 1.41r1e-Boron ...... Lirne-?4oiybdenurn ................ ..... ................ SuJfur-Molybdenuxr ResponseSurfaces ...................... Ion Ratios ìn i.quilibrium oii Solutions ...... ........ I_ixrie . . . Pot.assiu.rxi ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 6 8 9 1) 13 10 14 15 16 16 16 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS, MATERIALS, AND ............ SiteCharacterizatiozi ..... ........... ..... .......... Soil Physical and Chemical Measurements ........... Clay Mineral Ana1yis X-Ray Diffraction ......... C }{.A.RACTERIZ_ATION . . . . . . . .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . by . Experimental DeEign and Treatment Level Combinations F ield Experiirients ....... Greenhouse Experiments . . . 22. ¿Z 23 ¿4 . . 30 . . 30 . . . 36 ChemicalAnalysisofSollSamples............ ........ .. 43 .............. ..................... . . . . . . . . . .......4443 ................... . . ........ 46 Exchangeable and Available Plant Nutrients IonRatiosinEqu.ilibriumSolution Chemical Analysis of Plant Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page RLSULT&ANL)DISCUSSX()N F Leid . . 4o Ecpertntenta ............ General Aaalysis of Feipooe iTat 4o . . ..... YleidhesponsesandSurfaces..... . A. Uoyd L,ocatíon ot&usium z Magnesium Composite . . . Pho.phoru Factorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Linie x Molybdenum Factorial . . 52 70 70 .. 71 . . /7 . . . 77 i. Lirnc X :Lime < 2. D. Mutherbaugh Lccttioti i. 2. LiL , POt.1Q3iUlfl X Magnesium Composite. Lime x Phosphorus Factorial x 3. . . . . . . . Molybdenai Factorial . . . Relatiou,hip of Yi1d and Soil Chemical Analy8ss . . . .L4loyd 1.ocation . L. Muthersbaugh Location A. C. t(.fl Ratio ;tudy ....... ............ . . . . . . . Re1ationshi of Yield and Plant . naiyi C at1onEquiva1ets . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..............4. ......................... of Yield fleponaee and Surfaces . . . .. ...... ............... 1. Lin-te x Phosphorus x P.tassiun z Moly......... bdez..ixxi Cornpoiite ......... Z. Sulfur x Molybdenum Factorial . .. . ..... 3. Potassium z Magnesium Factorial ......... . ''L.loyd Soil." . . . . . . . . . 4. Lime x Boron Factorial . . . . . . . .. 95 .7 98 98 99 . 100 . . . 74 74 .... GreniouseLperinieiit. ........... . A . 71 . Data L(.cation , Ii;. Muthcrsbaugh Liocation C. Cation Balance, Ratìo, and Sum . . . . . . L.].yc1 4L 52 . . . 52 . 103 . . . . . . 110 ____ .'tthrFbatghSoi1" .110 . . Composite.. Lime < Phosphorus x Potassuirn x Moiyì1i . bdenuzn 113 . Sulfur x Molybdenum Factorial 113 Pota5siuni x Magnesii.un 3. 4. 1.rìe xBöro Factorial. ............ ...... ¡13 1. ..... . ..... 114 ............................... 'Lìóvdoil'' MutersbaugbSoiih1 11.4 ......... 119 !elationsbip of Yield and Soll Chemical Analyses A. B. f Yieid and Relationahlp ¡. ''Lloyd Soit'' 1. Plant ìrtalyis Data Caluu, Pvassium, ....., 'Muthersb.ugh £oii' :t. Magzic8i;im, arid .. ...... S'.Lm of ... ........ .......... ......... . . 12. . ii! Cation-equivalents and Catic'n- Fuiva1cnt Ratios ........................ Co;pariscn 119 141 Magnesium, and z. Mr1ybdcnuirandSulfux C. ........ .................... ........................., P'tasittrn, p h.o&p1.oru 115 ............................... 119 Phosphoris Z. MolybdcaurnandSuifur B. . of Fich . . . . . . . . 132 and Greerihoosi' Rsu.Lta ............ 133 SUM.MA.RYANDCONCLUSIONS....... ............. BIB......................................... I4 7 - LIST OF TABLES Page Table L Results of Physical and Chemical Analyses of Horizon Samples from the Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. II. Bea'ilts of Moisture Tension Measurements made oti 3rl ?roflle Samples from the Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. Kind and Relative Amounts of Clay Minerals Found In Clay Fractions of Soils from Lloyd and III. Muthersbaugh Locations, 26 28 IV. Treatment Levels, Treatment Level Lloyd Location. Elements, and Source of Fertilizer 34 V. Treatment Level Combinationa, Treatment Levels, and Source of Fertilizer Elements, Muthersbaugh Location. 35 Treatment Levels and Sources of Fertilizer Elements Used in the Greenhouse Study on Soils from Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. 39 Combinations1 VI . vn . Treatment Level Combinations Used in Greenhouse Experiments. Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Soils. vm . Observed and Predicted Yields of Alfalfa (Pounds of Dry Matter per acre) on the Lloyd Location. Composite Design. Means of Three Replications. 1957. Ix. X. Observed and Predicted Yields of Alfalfa (Pounds of Dry Matter per acre) on the Lloyd Location. Composite Design. Means of three Replications. 40 53 1958. 54 Observed and Predicted Yields of Alfalfa (Pounds of Dry Matter per acre) on the Muthersbaugh Location. Composite Design. Means of Three Replications. 1957. 55 List of Tables - Continued Page Table XL Observed and Predicted Yields of Alfalfa (Pounds of Dry Matter per AcrQ) on the Muthersbaugh Location. Composite Design. Means of Three Replications. 1958. XII. Anaiymi8 of Variance and Regressi3n Coefficients in Terms of Pounds Dry Matter per Acre for the Composite Design. Lloyd Location, ist and 2nd Cuttings. 1957. 57 XIII. Analysis of Variance and Regression Coefficients in Terms of Pounds Dry Matter per Acre for the Composite Design. Lloyd and Mutheribaugh Locationa. Total Yield of Alfalfa. 1957. XIV. Analysis of Variance and Regression Coefficients in Terms of Pounds of Dry Matter per Plot for the Composite Design. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. Total Yield of Alfalfa. 1958. 59 Yields and Analysis of Variance for Lime x Phosphorus and Lime z Molybdenum Factorials Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. 1957. 75 Yields for Lime x Phosphorus and Lime Molybdenum Factorials and Analysis of Variance for Lime x Molybdenum Factorials. Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. 1958. 76 Response of Varìous Soil Test Values to Lime Application. Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations, 1957 and 1958. Means of Three Beplications. 7 XV. XVI. XVII. xvm. XIX. Response of Soil Test Values to Rates of Potassium and Magnesium Applications. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. 1957 and 1958. Average of Three Replications. ¿Z Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terma of Percentage and Millequivalents per 130 grains Dry Matter. 1957. ist and 2nd Cuttings. Lloyd Location. ¿9 L1t of Tables - Continued Ta bi e XX. XXI. XXII. Page Chemical Composition of Alfalfa In Terms of Percentage and Millequivalent. per 100 grams Dry Matter. 1957. ist and 2nd Cuttings. Muthersbaugh Location. 90 Effect of Lime and Molybdenum Treatments on the Molybdenum Content of Alfalfa Tops. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. 1957 and 1958. 92 Observed and Predicted Yields of Lime x Phosphorus x Potassium x Molybdenum Modified Composite Design Used In the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Soils". Yields in Grams Dry Matter per Pot. Means of 2 Replications and Sum of 4 Cuttings. 102 XXIII. Analysis of Variance and Regression Coefficients for the Lime z Phosphorus x Potassium z Molybdenum Modified Composite Design in the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Mutheribaugh Soils". 103 XXIV. Observed Yields from Molybdenum z Sulfur, Potassium x Mg, and Lime x Boron Factorials Included in the Greenhouse Experimental Design. "Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Soils". Yields in Grams Dry Matter per Plot. Means of 2 ReplIcations and Sum of 4 Cittings. 104 XXV. Analysis of Variance from the Sulfur x Molybdenum, Potassium x Mg, and Lime z Boron Factorials Included in the Greenhouse Experimental Design. "Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Soils". 105 XXVI. Response of Varioi.s Soil Teat Values to Lime Application in the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Mutherabaugh Soils". Means of 2 Replications X_XVII. . Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terms of Percentage and Millequivalents per 100 grame of Dry Matter. Greenhouse Study of Soil from the Lloyd Location. Means of 2 Replications. 116 122 List of Table a - Continued Table XXVIII. XXIX. Page Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terms of Percentage and Millequivalents per loo grams of Dry Matter. Greenhouse Study of Soil from Mutherbaugh Location. Means of 2 Replications. 123 Molybdenum and Sulfur Composition of Alfalfa from Greenhouse Experiment. "Lloyd and Mutherabaugh Soils". Means of Z Replications. 126 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. dimensional model of the composite design experiments at the L1cyd and víuthezhaugh Locations. .A 3 used in the field 2. 3. Deviation of observed minus predicted yield as yield in relation to levels of perc2nt of lime. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh field experimente. mn 1957 and 195t. 50 Response surf.ce for yield as a function of lime and potassium application. Lloyd location. Field experiment. cutting, 1957. 60 it 4. Response surface for yield a a function of lime and potassium application. Lloyd location. Field experiment. 2nd cutting, 1957. 5. 61 Response surface for yield as a function of lime and pota8iuin application. Lloyd location. Field experiment. 6. 31 Total yield, 1957. Response eur.ace for yield as a function oí lime and potassium application. Mutherebaugh locati(in. Field experiment. Total yield, 1957. 62 63 7. Response eurfac* for yield as a function of lime and potassium application. Lloyd location. Field experiment. Total yield, 195S. 8. Response surface for yield as a function of lime and potassium application. Muthersbaugh location. Field experiment. Total yield, 195o. 65 Relationship '3f yield to exchangeable Ca in the soil. Lloyd and Mutherebaugh locations. 1957 and 1953. Means of 3 replications of plots receivin.g different rates of lime. 79 Re1ationshi of yield co exchangeable K in the soil. Lloyd arid Mutherebaugh locations. i957 and 1953. Means of 3 replicationi of plots receiving different raLes of K. 83 9. 10. List of Figuree - Continued Fjgure U. 1. 13. 14. 15. 16. Relationship of yield to percentage in plant tops. Lloyd an Muthersbaugh locatiùne. 1957. Plotted 'alues are for each replication 1 plota receiving different rates of K. 91 !epone surface for yield a a function of lime and potassium application in the greeniwu2e. 5oii from Lloyd location. 106 Response eui-face for yield aa a function of lime ana potasiucn application in he greenhouse. Soil. from Muthersbaugb locatIon. 107 Response surface for yield as a function of lime and phosphorus application in the greenhouse. soil from Muthcrubaugh location. 108 Deviation of observed miaus prtdlcted yield a percent of niean yield in relation to levels of lime and potaesi'.uri in the greenhouse. So1 Lloyd location. 109 . Relationship of yield to echangeb1e Ca in the soil. Greenhouse. Soils from Lloyd and Muthersbaugh locations. Means of Z replications of treatmeati receiving diíCereat iate of lime. 117 17. Relatwru1up of yield to perctnage K in plant tops. Greenhouse. Soili from Lloyd and Muthersbaugh locations. Means of 2 replications of tratrzmentS receiving (llffertnt rates of K. 124 18. Re1ationhip of yield 19. to percentage P in plant G.enhouse. Soils from Lloyd and Mutliershaugh locations. Means of Z rep1ìcation of treatments receiving different rates of P. 125 Relationship of yield to percentage S in plant tops. Greenhcuse. Soils frm iìyd and Muthersbaugh 1ocitions. MeanB of Z replications of treaiments receiving different rates of S. 127 RESPONSE OF ALFALFA UNDER GREENHOUSE AND FIELD CONDITIONS IN RELATION TO FERTILITY AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO UPLAND SOILS OF OREGON INTRODUCTION Columbia County Oregon is located near the extreme north- west corner of the state and borders the Columbia River. Portions of Its area were cleared of timber and are now used for agriculture. These areas are in the hills which rise from the Columbia River and form part of the Coast Range. Alfalfa, as a high yielding forage crop, would seem to have a place in the cropping systems of this area. If it Is to be grown in this area, the nutrient elements affecting its yield should be determined and the response that may be obtained from fertiliza- tion should be found. Alfalfa Ii recognized as a heavy utilizer of mineral elements and, for maximum growth, needs large amounts of available potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and mag- nesium (10, p. 31). Since the hill soils and the soils of the north Willamette Valley are almost universally acid, lime would be expected to be necessary for growth and increased yield of legumes. The potaseium supplying power of these aoila is known to be low and low values for exchangeable potassium are frequently found (50). For these reasons fertility research workers are to find properties of a somewhat basic nature which will enable them to better understand the phenomena they observe. It is, of course, important to observe 2 these phenomena themselves; but even Lm)re important Irorn a practical standpoint is the study of the more basic aspects of the problem in order to gain prcììctive icisight. Simply stated then, the purpose of this study was threefold: (1) To determine the response of alfalfa in terms of limiting nutrient factors, alone and in varioua combinations, applied to these soils under field and greenhouse conditions. (2) To evaluate the use of greenhouse techniques in delineating by fertilizer response information comparing responie functions obtained in the greenhouse and in the field. (3) To relate chemical properties of these soils to response and plant composition. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW A 5 ton crop of alfalfa hay would remove from the soll approximately 200 iba, of calcium, iba, of nitrogen, 30 150 lbs. of potassium, 250 iba, of phosphorous, 30 lb.. of magnesium, and 25 lbs. of sulfur. These figures give a general indication of what the soil is expected to supply to assure satisfactory growth. If the soil cannot supply them, they must be added. Boron and several other elements must also be available to the plant. Since legumes obtain the greater portion of their nitrogen requirements by fixation, optimum conditions for this fixation should be present. Linie Many workers have reported the effectiveness of lime in increasing the yield of alfalfa and other legumes. Lime has long been recommended for legumes on western Oregon soils and, in particular, on the hill soils surrounding the Willamette Valley (34) (67). Dunn, (23, p. 313) in greenhouse experiments, showed that several western Washington soils (the Olympic, Melbourne, Salkum, Everett and Puget serles) required lime for the growth of alfalfa and clover. The amount of lime required to raise the soil pH to 6. 5 for the Olympic and Melbourne soils was 2 and 2. 8 tons respect- ively. The reasons for the effectiveness of lime in increasing 4 ye1d hav &ei th bct of rxcL deb.c. Lr1y ixi- veatigatorB believed the beneficiai effect of lime wai due to a reduction in H ion concrtratioct. (1) who, T1Lì wa3 criticized by Albrecht wordn with soybeanø in sand-clay that the greatest benefit came from calcium cu1ture1 a* a indicated plant nutrient. However, the concentrations of Ca used in the cultures were nuch lower than even those found in acid soils. Schmehi, Peech, and Braduield (60, p. 406-407) in- vestigated the reasons for poor growth of alfalfa on an acid soil in the greenhouse. They found that it was not due to low exchangeable Ca content of the soil or to low Ca saturation as the Ca content of the alfalfa was not correlated with yield. The application of gypsum increased Ca content but not yield. Mn tcxicity at low soil pHts was found not to be sufficient to account for the greatly reduced growth. Their conclusion vas that the growth of alfalfa ori unlimed soils was due to an excessive concentration of Al tri the eoil solution. In contrast to this, Baker and Brady (7), in studies of alfalfa on acid soils, found a better relationship between Mn content and yield than that of any other element studied. Thus, they concluded that increased yields resulting from lime application may be due on these soils to the effect of lime In reducing rianganese uptake. In general, the reasons for the effectiveness of liming acid poila are many arid complex. They may include (a) the effect of pH on the availability of Fe, Al, Mn, P, K, N, and Mo. (b) The 3 rern:'nJ rj a Ct deficiency and (c) the cffoct down of oi1 organic cf pli o the break- matter. Potassium In an eperirnent designed to study the nutrient require- ments of alfalfa In New L'er!ey, Bear and Wallace (10, p. 31) came to the conclusion that a lack of K was the moat serious factor limiting yield. DeficIency symptorn appeared early In the e:.periment even though 145 lbs. nf KO per acre had been applied prior to establishment. The heaviest ratee of K20 applicatton Z20 lbs. per acre) gave the hlg)eat yie1d. Over a three year period, -n Plainfield fine sand and Cincinnati .ilt loam in Indiana, Stivers and Ohirogge (69) noted largo yield increases. The difference between the check ( no !Z ) and the highest rate of aplicat!nn became greater each year of cropping. Nelson and MacGregor (44) in a three year expeririaent using alfalfa un an aeu!Ian soil of eastern Minnesota, found highly significant yield increases only when K wae included in their ferti- lizer. Their highest rate of application was iU5 ZOO lbs. KO per acre 40 lbs. every other year. :Frorn a survey of alfalfa fields n New York (15), U was concluded that when the K content of the whole alfalfa topa was less than 1.25 percent the majority oI stands showed a yield response E; greater thn Z) prr.ent. c'nteit i-t abve !.2 ;crcent Y!bea the the yield reaponses obtai'ted were generally lees than 20 percent. The plant samples viere aien at the te first and second of the cuttings. Nelson an(! MacGregor (44) !ncreasee were aEociate with high found that a K et al (32), fOUflf K that stgnif1cat yeJd content ùf the forage. Jackson, content of l.Z5 to 2 range for higheet irields and gno snrvival of percent is the optimum alfalfa whei liroe i adequ2te. Stiver and Ohiregge (9) foin! no consistent relationship betvreen K content and yield. However, they noted a positive corre- lation between stand and veld. Other workers percentage o. 9 to L Carolina . i K in the plant necessary for percent. sr''ival Woodhc'se and Hort- reported that tandq thin out (0) , fmnd that the was approximately . 10) .n North rathe sharply on soils low in Low K levels reduced root growth more than top growth. Ohlrogge, Jackson. ;ind Webb (45, p. 31) relat that, as ,ates application increased, heaving and the incidence of crown rot ',f K de- crea s ed. Phophoris increases in the yield of leg'.me crops due to phosphorus fertilization have been noted for at least 40 "care. Stivera and Ohlrogge (69) obtainec' large yield increae v.ith aLfalfa over two 7 cropping years due to P fertilization. 200 lbs. of P205 Of the two The rates used were O to per acre applied as 20 percent superphosphate. soils studied1 a Cincinnati silt loam showed significant response. This was associated with a very low soil teat value for available P. The responses obtained on this soil were the first 50 lbs. of P205 applied. increased by these treatments, but largest for The P content of the alfalfa was no relationship was found between P fertilization and stand maintenance. Though P is an element readily fixed by the soil under many conditions and, consequently, does not move through the soil readily, P is topdressed on established alfa-ifa. Stanford, McAuliffe, and Bradfield (64) applied rates of 36 and 180 lbs. of P205 per acre as isotope labeled ordinary superphosphate to alfalfa growing on several New York soils. They measured the fraction of P in the plant derived from the fertilizer. These amounts were high. being 20 percent in the case of the lb. rate. 36 lb. rate and 50 percent for the 180 Thus, even though very little of the P applied moved into the soil more than a few inches, large responses in uptake were obtained. Another advantage of P fertilization is illustrated by the fact that P fertilizers applied to deficient voila will usually cause an appreciable Increase in the protein content of alfalfa hay (4, p. 567). The availability of soil P is intimately concerned with the pH of the Boil and many of the postulated mechanisms of fixation r o involve iron and aluminum hydroua oxides. These compounds are more soluble at low pH values and, consequently, fixation of P is greater on soils of low pH than on those of high pH. Parker nd Tidniore (48, p. 440) studied soils from field experiments in Alabama, Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky and found that lime increased the P content of the soil solution of unfertilized plots and Increased the solubility of acid fertilizer phosphates added. Magnesium Magnesium is an element quite significant in plant nutrition. Though it is usually preseut in the plant in smaller amounts than Ca, it is relatively more abundant in plant parts con- cerned with vital processes. It is part of the chlorophyll molecule and several enzyme prosthetic groups. Moat soils contain a sufficient supply of Mg for most of the crops commonly grown. However, Cooper, et al, (19) suggest that Mg may be a limiting factor in crop yields on. many soils of lighter texture in humid areas. Truog, et al, (74) suggest that increased attention be given to the supplies of available Mg in soils. Their work indicates that soils may respond to Mg indirectly through a higher utilization of soil phosphorus. As their Mg levels were increased both the Mg and P contents of the plant tissue were increased. In a study of the Mg supplying power of 20 New Jersey 9 soila (52) ranging in texture from sand to i1ty clay loam, no correlation was found between the total Mg in the soils and their crop producing ability. Responsee to Mg fertilizatiöri v'ere obtained however. The atthors, Prince, Zimmerman and Bear, state that the response to Mg governed to i a large extent by it ratio to the other cations on the exchange complex, particularly K and Ca. They indicate that 80 lbs. of available MgO per ton of fertilizer is probably not adequate when fertilizers high in K are used. lt was estimated that the ideal amount of Mg was about 10 percent of the total exchange capacity of the soil, an if this level fell below 6 percent marked responses were likely to be found. Sulfur Alfalfa hae been shown to respond to applications of eulfur fertilizer in many areas notably Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Washington and Oregon. In Oregon, on the Red Hill soils, topdressing of 50 - 80 lbs. of CaSO4 per acre has given profitable responses (57, p. le). These soils were low in sulfur originally and little or none had been 4dded in the &ystetn of farming used, either in manure or as impurities in fertUiera. As much as 100 lbs. of sulfur per acre may be added to the soil from the atmcbphre In the vicinity of industrial or urban areas. Aiway and co-workers (3) obtained responses to sulfur applications with alfalfa on a belt of Minnesota soils which received le little sulfur from the atmosphere. Soils developed from parent material are often, very low In sulfur. Thus, if o.f volcanic oregin lcaching is heavy and little uMur is adcec from the atmosphere, responses may 2e expected. Trace Elementi ron: Experiments with many western Oregon soils have shown large responses to boron. This ii especially true of lighter textured soils, acid peats, or the older, more strongly leached soils (37). Response of alfalfa to boron has been invebtlgated in several other states. The resulta of these studies were generally not conclusive, emaIl yield responses being obtained in some cases and no responses in others (76) (64). However, application of borax has been found to both increase the boron content of the plant and alleviate boron deficiency symptoms. Molybdenum: Though needed in extremely small amounts, deficiencies of molybdenum have been noted in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States, especially on deuiciencie8 crucifers and legimes. Most of these have been noted on acid sandy soils, but many instances have been foimd on Liner textured soils Including some from cal- careous parent materials, 11 ieienauer (5-) on e:çerilnents with a imilybdenum re8pou5ive soil in wrtliastern Vtahingtm. related plant content í molybdenum to response to fertilization with this element. Liciency symptonlE aoted in the field were nitrogen, indicatiig the role of ships. level of A O. 5 thcuht Le- to be those of rnolybdernirn in plant-nitrogen relation- ppm or more of leaí-xio1ybdnt.m was establi- shed as adequate for alfalfa. In field studies on soil of New Jersey, alfalfa responded to i lb. of sodium inolybdate per acre on four of six soila studied (24). These increases were correlated inversely with the molybdenum content of the untreated plants. In a study of the response of alfalfa to ou lE Indiana Toy and Barber (26) obtained significant yield Boii, increases on significance. soils with A these soils with 7 others giviag responses approaching significant response to Mo was obtained on two of ( others ¿pproaching significance when lime and molybdenum were added tgether. This is illustrative of the import- ant lime-molybdenum nteractlon. tavies, (21) iii a review of factors affecting molybdenum availability, lists the £ollowin types of soil as prone to be nulybdenuxn deficient: (1) 3.ils deficient in total molybdenum. (2) SoiLs of high anion exchange capacity or high in hydrous oddes of irû and and low pH. aluxninnm ¡ L. SoUe depleted by exhaustive cropping. (3) Multiple Nutrient Effecta In the preceding review of literature cncernng the espon8e of alfalfa to the various n'2triertts, interactions between these nutrients were generally riot cosidered. A picture of the relationehip of these elenents to the growth of alfalfa ii not complete by a consideration of these elements singly, aa in many cases, actions tend to overshadow direct effects. The mechanisrne of inter- these interactions are by no means always clearly understood. general areas may be recognized in many of these Twr multiple element effects: first, stidies involving plant composition or uptake, and second, studies concerning the soll or exchange relationships 'f the se elements. Ca-Mg-K: In 1901 Lnew (40, p. 52) postulated the necessity of a ratio in the soil tor proper growth of plants. Since then much work has been done on this hypothesis, some results specific Ca:Mg refuting and some supporting it. Moser (43, p. 375), employIng ratios of 1:1 to 4. 5:1, concluded that there was no best Ca:Mg ratio for the growth of any crop. Hunter (29), found the yield of alfalfa not to be affected by Ca:Mg equivalent ratios of 1:4 to 32:1 In the soil. Hovíever, the percent Ca, Mg, and K in the plant was highly affected by the ratio. Ai the Ca:Mg ratio increased, the is percent Ca increaßed percent K axid percent Mg decreased. The highest in the tísEue was aaociated with the [oweat Ca:Mg ratio. lialatead, et al. (28). work determining the effective- in ness of calcitic and dolomitic limestone on acid soils with alfaJía, found no differences in yield due to the Ca:Mg They found ratio. that MgCO3 reduced the Ca in the plants more than CaCO3 reduced the Mg. Percentage reduction of magnesium in the plant was greater than reduction of Ca in the plant upon additions of K. In a study of Ca:K ratios sear (30. with alfalfa, l'unter, Toth, and p. 71) concluded that alfalfa could adjust to wide Ca:K ratios In the soil and make normal growth. They did find, however, that when the percentage Ca a the plant exceeded percentage K fell below I percent or Z percent and the when the Ca-K equivalent ratio in the plant bectxne greater than 4::i, yields dropped abruptly. l3ear and Prince (9) and Hunter (29, p. 60) note that the sum of Cit, Mg, and K In the plant tends to be constant under speci- lied conditions. The cause of this is not nown, but Bear and Prince believe that the evidence supports his at least the theory that each of these cations two functions in the plant, one specific and the other, or others, of the type that can be performed interchangeably by all three of the cations. Once the supply of each cation is adequate to meet the specific need for it. there can be a wide range of ratios in th. remaining quantities that are absorbed by the plant in order to meet its total cation iieeds. Bear and Prince suggest that, since alfalfa tends to accumulate K in excess of its critical need, difficulty 14 is experienced tri maintaining an adequate supply of this element in the soil. Annual applications of K muat be sufficient to maintain the K content of the plant at riot less than a critical lower limit of i percent but should not be so large as to effect a substitution of Ca and Mg in the functions that K for are common to all three cations. Lime -Boron.: This interaction is apparently two-fold in its action. Both the pli and calcium level of the soil have an affect on the boron content of the plant. Oleen and Berger (46) found that boron fixation in soils was closely related to the clay content and soil reaction. The use had little influence on of either Ca or Na, added as the hydroxides boron fixation, but the alkalinity produced by them resulted in fixation. However, even at pH values of 9. 5 or higher, only 40 percent of the available boron was fixed. Reeve and Shive (53 p. 7), working with nutrient solutions found that as more Ca was added, more boron was required to prevent boron deficiency itt the plant and that more boron could be added without causing boron toxicity. Jones and Scarseth (36) .ising a number of crops in the greenhouse. found that plants would take up varying amounts of Ca and boron1 but that normal growth would occur only when a certain balance existed between them in the plant. This ratio varied for different crops. Thus, not only is boron temporarily fixed in soils of high pli, but more boron is required by 15 plinta growing in high calciiun 8Oil. Lime -Molybdenum: racUon i soil major ftctor bi].ity of rnclybdexiuiu to plante a, iii controflin.g in many inatence the avaiìa- liming and molybdenum application will bring about the same improvement in yield. Davie8, Holmes, and Lynch. (22) noted a negatìve interiiction betweeu linie and molybdenum on pa8ture yielde in New Zealand. hlíalfa from plots on dernonatrated the effect of 1 Nixon loam in New Jeraey al3o molybdenum availability Boil reaction on ALfalfa from plots that had been limed to a pH (25, p. 124). betwcen 6. . and 6. and that from 5 contained between alotE with a pH of i). 7 6. 9 to 7. 6 and 1 1 vate ppm molybdenum contained between 1. 6 and 3.0 ppm molybdenwn. Barshad bdeuum content (S p. 312) found thzt, on mo!t oi1ø, the moly- of plants tended to be related more to water soluble molybdenum than to total molybdenum in the aoil. He also found that the nolybdenum coneut of two legume species (Ladino clover and Lotuv corniculatus) generaUy increased to p} 7. 5 where a lncreaed a the pH of the soil reduction of molybdenum content took place. Though the :Qechanin1 is not inerstod ae yet, many workere believe that molybdate, being a negative, divalent ion, i fixed in the soll by an anion exchange niechaniem r by reaction with hydrous oddes of iron or a1uminurr (70, p. ß5). In this way molybdenum may 1£ be tkicught of as being similar to photphorus. Stout (70, p. 85) concluded that though rrxolybdates are fixed more atrongly at acid reactiona, culture solution studies show that th absorption of molybdette by pl4nts ¡s greater at acid pH's. hen lime ia added to acid SOilb, the increase in available soil inoly- bdenun overcomes the decrease in the ability of plants to absorb it. Sulfur - Molybdenum: The reseace of aulial.e on aìsi 4pears to interfere with uptake of mlybdate ion by the plant. Stout (70, p. 80) attributes this effect a competition by the plant for an ion of aiid charge. The dditioa of 196 lb. of Ga3O42HU similar elze per acre de- creased the mulyixienum content of pea from 12. S to of tomatoes from 5. 25 t 3. 52 ppm. acre decreased the molybdenum 3920 lbs. of CaSO4 in jeaE from 16. 0 to and 8. 05 ppm Z. 75 H20 per ppm. Iartthad, 'orcin, with alkaline soils failed to find this. 1-lowever be explained huL4 results by the fact that at high pH values the availa- bility of soil molybdenum is greatly enhanced ad that this ovrconie the suppressive effect present. uf the sulfate may Response Surfacea Iti arder to gain complete ififorAnation concerning the effectì of several nutrient varitbles un the growth of a crop, these variables should not only be studied singly, but in all combinations 1' with each other. h.i1d be done to evaluate the interaction or TM in response to the evera1 elements. the gimu1taneou chang usual way in which a problem f thi! nature is handled is nf the complete factorial experiment. -f treatment combirtations it a by the Howeer, siace the The use nurrLbe factorial is the :umbcr of levels used raised to the power of the number of factors irxcluc.e, the xurnber of treatment combinations necessary for a large factorial experiment frequently becomes irpractical, espeia11y in field experimeiits. Box arid Wilson (13, p. 16) have described called a ai experimental design which aUows estimation of these effects composites iing far fewer treatment c'mbination then vere previously necessary In these with corrp1ete factora1s. designi, data from a smaller number of treatrnent is artilyzed to obtain regression equtionE which will describe a response surface. ThUE, the information th&t would be gained from a large factorial with the attendant large nuniber !)f treatments 1g obtained by the use of a smaller rnirnber of treatment combinations. More total Information vovJd have been btained using a complete fctoria1. However, total information acriflced for a 1* sn-iUer and more efficient number of treatrnent8 in the compo3ìte design. Though these designs were originated fr use in engineering, they have been adapted for agronomic use by several workers (27), (6, . 135). 18 Ion Ratios in Equilibrium Soil Solutions Equations have been developed by Babcock, et al , (5) which describe the activity of an ionic species in a force field, such ao a soil system. The activity of an adsorbed ion Is found to be the same as that of the same ion in solution at equilibrium, and in an infinitely dilute solution, provided the activities are defined in terms of electro-chemical potentials. Babcock, et al, also suggest that Individual ion activities are not au important in soll chemistry as is the ratio of ions. This is because pairs of ions will be involved in exchange reactiona. Exchange of one ion for another in cation exchange reactions is governed by the change in free energy accompanying the change. Marshall and Upchurch (42) developed a means for determining these free energy changes. They state that it can be shown mathematically that for small exchanges the activity of the cation.s in the extract are related to those in the colloid by equations of the type I L àB j coiloid F(aH)nl J L solution or aH []co11oid [n] aH solution 19 r, in the case of a Ca - H exchange a.. colloid L L aa J Woodruff (77) using the fornu1a ¿ : .F 1364 log aK calculated the energy of replacement of Ca by K. Tne ratio of the molar concentration of a monovalent cation to the square root of the molar concentration of a divalent cation of exchange which is an reflecte the energy important criteria in j'zdging the soil solution. He also attempts to relate these energies of exchange to plant nutrition. Using the aforementioned equation, he found that energies of exchange of Ca by K of -Z, 500 cal to -3, 000 cal were necessary for the balanced nutrition of plants. Energies in of exchange excess of-3, 500 cal were associated with K deficiencies and those below -2, 000 cal were as8ociated with an excess of K. in relation to Ca, or a Ca deficiency. Schofield (61) has developed a "ratio law' which attempt. to define the relationship between adsorbed cations and those in solution at equilibrium. Schofield and Taylor (ÓZ) later determined the activities of several basee (Ca, Al, K and Na) in terms of their hydroxides in soil suspensions. The constancy of the ratio of the activity of the metal chloride to the activity of 11Cl was shown to hold over a given c3nentration :an. veloped the function pH - lIZp(Ca 3clofLcld and Taylor alao de- + Mg) or the "lime potential". This function, expreesed non-logarithmicdlly, i the ratio aH fa + Mg These authors have ahown the importancia o this type of ratio expression in attempts to accurately defirte Ion distribution in a system such as the In a oi1 80i1. systen where potassium and calcium ioni ae present the function + Mg becomes appropriate. The igthficance of tiüs function has already been referred to by Woodruff, who zhows its relation to the partial molar free energy of these cations in the soil and Its passible m- portance in determining the K status of the soil. Pia nt Analysi s The usefulness of the chemical analysis of plant material lies in the ability of this analysis to yield information concerning the nutrient content of crops and the nutrient eipplying power of the soll. However, the information gained and its interpretation arc subject to qualification. According to Steenbjerg (65), 4 groups of factors are capable of influencing the nutrient content of the plant. 1 They are: (a) oi1 s2pp1y water), factr (b) the the ability of the !oil (including nature 1 thv tc crop, (c) climatic conditiona' and (d) the age of the crop when the p1ant are amp1ed i. e., the atage of development of the crop. In using plant data it i. important to know a much a poesible concerning the effect of the above-mentioned factors on the yield vs percentage nutrient content curve. Ulrich (75, p. 110) emphasizes that the concentra- tion of a nutrient in the whole plant or any plant part le a function of soil, climate, pLant, time, management and other factor.. Chemical analy.i. of plant tiiaue gives an integrated picture of the effects of all the factors operating on the plant up to the time of sampling. The sensitivity of these analyses depends on several factors, (a) the part of the plant analyzed, (b) the particnlar fraction of the nutrient determined, an4 (c) the positirn on the plant from which the sample is taken. Plant analysis also offers a valuable tool in understanding nutrient Interrelationships within the plant. ÌXP1RIMLNT4L MITHOLS, MATER1IS AND CHARACTERIZATION Site Characterization Field experiment3 wore e8tabliched in Lloyd and Muthersbaugh farrn. 1956 on the The sites were cho6en o the baai tMt they are partially roprescritative of the scils of the region and that the owners of the farms would be good cooperatorB. It was felt deirabie to characterize the experirnentai Locations. Characterization should previde a means for projecting the rescarch information and also provide a better lasis for understanding the responae obtained to the various plant nutrients applied. With this in mind pits were du adjacent to the field p1ot, profile deßcriptions were ebtaiaed1, and ample vere taken for soil physical rneaau.resnents aad clay ilneral analysis. In the U.S.D.A. soil survey for Columbia County, the soil at both the Lloyd and Muthersoaugh locations was m&pped ae the Cascade series. The Ca8cade series, as defined here, is residual soil. over basic igneous rocks. More recently, the soil serieL of this area have been redefined and. new series established. The Muthersbaugh location has now been ciaai1ied as Cascade intergradin.g to a series tentatively naned D3. The Lloyd location has been classified as Cascade. This Cascade series, however, is not I writer is indebted to Mr. Arthur Theisen for the profile descriptions of these locations. The 23 to be confused with the Cascade f the orIginal survey. In general, the redefined Cascade series is an imperfectly drained soil de- veloped from loess overlaying residuai material. The D3 series is a moderately well drained member of this drainage catena. The residual material at the Lloyd location is water c1eposted dt while that at the Muthersbaugh location is basaltic or sedimentary rocks. The profiles of soils in the Cascade series have been complicated by nonconformities caused by differing layers of de- posited silts or loess. Thus, the materiale from which these horizons have developed may vary within the profile. Fvidence for Eomne of these discontinuities is shown by the results of the clay mineral analysis. Soil Physical ana Chemical Measurements: Both disturbed and core soil samples were taken from profile horizons. It was ímposeible, however, to get core sa.nples or Mutherebaugh B3 horizons due to the massive of the Lloyd structure The core samples were used for bulk density of the soil. measurements and soil moisture tenSion measurements at i atinosphere tension and below (56). The bulk soil samples were air dried and ground to pass a 2 mm sieve. These were used for mechanical analysis (12), soil moisture tension measurements of 2 atmospheres tension and above (57), analysis for pH. exchangeable cations. and 24 cation exchange capacity, and for the clay mineral analysis. Soil mechanical analyses, buLc density, and moisture tension measure- ments were i'un by the Oregon state Goliec Soil Physics Labora- tory. Analy&e capacity £Q1' exchangcable cation& and cation exchange re run by the Oregon State Cllegc tory (47). The results of theo anaiys soil Testing Labora- are given in Tables I and n. Clay Mineral Analy8i by X-Ray Diffraction: Prior to the separation of the clay fraction of the soil samples, the iron oxides were removed using the sulfite method E cf MacKinzle (4 1) sodium hydro- Alter completion of this . treatment the clay fraction was removed and uparated into two size fractions, one Z - O. 2 u in size and the other O. Z u. The separation procedure used was that of Jackson, Whittig and Pennington (33) and Tanner and Jackson (71). Calgon was used as the diepering agent. The clay fractions thus separated were then either calcium or potassium ßaturated and mounted on ceramic tilea using an oriented aggregate technique (39). The X-Ray diffraction analysie was performed on Appratus with a Brown recorder. A a Philhip3 X-Ray Diffraction copper target was used with a divergence slit of 1/4 degree, a receiving slit of 0.006 inch, and a scatter slit of 1/4 degree. The beam was filtered with nickel foil so that CuK0, radiation was used for diffraction aialysis. TABLE I ResultB of Physical a Chemical .1nalyses of Horizon. Muthers baugh Locations. Samples from the Lloyd and Slowly Available Lloyd Location Horizon £0_ % Sand % 8" 23,6 Silt % Clay pH P ppm Exch. K Ca m.e./I Mg K! CEC m.e. /1Q /1tJ 51.6 24. 8 6.2* 28.5 0.19 6.9 0.95 0.72 13.50 14.5 0.10 2.6 0.95 0.57 9.15 13.2 0. h) 3.2 2.65 0.68 11.60 5.3 0.12 7.4 6.70 1.03 14.20 A3 8-18" 18. 6 60. 7 20. 7 5.8 l-27" 4(7 62. 7 20. 6 5. lo. 9 57. 0 24. 5.9 B1 B1 27-32+' A p0_l2,, 1 75 Mutherabaugh Location lß.Z 50.8 31.0 6.3* 12-27" 13. 5 48. 6 37. 9 27-43' 13.2 52.1 3. 25.0 0.34 7.5 0.95 0.93 14.00 6. 1 6. 0 0. 19 5.0 1.45 0.63 11.20 34.7 5.8 11,7 0.19 3.1 1.60 0.72 11.60 56. 0 5. 4 3. 8 3. ¿.20 0.42 13.50 A3 B1 B3M 43-521-" 5. 3 ! 7 0. 2k 1 Samples taken from limed area adjacent to plOt8. Analytical re8ults courtesy of Hugh Gardner. '7* TABLE El. Resulte of Moisture Tension Measurements made on Soil Profile Samples from the Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. Horizon Moisture equivalent O. 30 atm Moisture in percent of dry weight held at tensions listed below 50 atm 1. 0 atm 2. 0 atm 5. 0 atm 15. 0 atm 10 atm . . Lloyd Ap O-8" 39.80 31.46 28.66 ¿0.22 15.75 11.09 A3 8-18" 34. 66 ¿9. 26. 18 15. 84 12. 78 9.21 B1 18_271 ¿8. 66 23. 48 26. 19 15. 75 13. 31 9. 86 15.86 12.94 10.08 B2 27-324 24.75 (1) 31 ) ) Muthe rebaugh Ap 0-12' 32.56 29.72 27.01 21.32 16.32 11.42 A3 12-27' 28. 65 24. 72 23. 37 19.43 16. 31 12.99 Bi 27-43" 28. 24 24. 16 22. 10 18. 87 18. 14 12.25 (1) (1) 27.43 27.43 23. 19 B3 31.49 43-52 1U )f 1) Core samples could not be taken from this horizon. ? p., C' L. Scale, multiplier, aad time constant settings varied from &mp1e to samplo. X-Ray patterns were run on the calcium an.d potauium saturated tiÏe, on o1vated ca1curn atured tiles, potaasium sa'uiated tiles keat. treated to 560' )atterns or.anc3d thee various niierals peont. under to identify the clay and on and 700' C. The C cúndition were compared The clay minerals present or probably present in the samples are given in Table Ill. Several points houd be mentioned the clay minerals identified and the proportion of each concerning in the soil amplc. In general, diffraction patterns of the Ap, A3, and B1 horizons of thc Lloyd location and all the horizons of the Muthers- baugh location show peaks at 14. Z4A , 7. 19A', 4. 74A, 3. 56A, and 3. 35 spacings on the Ca saturated tile. The first four peaks mentioned may be the ist. 2nd, 3rd, 14A The material euch as vermiculite, chlorite, peas at peaks of a 7 7.e clay and 3. material be indicative of the ad 4th orde! peaks 5 nay suc1 as ¿lo be the oi a nontmoriI1onite. or lat anil 2nd order Jaolinite. The 3. 35& peak may quartz or possibly the ceramic tile used to support sample. Solvation of the Ca saturated tile with ethylez glycol yielded no difference in peak location or itsnsity thus eliminating moatmorillor4ite. Peak intensities and locations of the K saturated tile were the .ame as thoae of the Ca saturated tile. Heat treatment of 2E TbiE Ill. Kind and Relative Amounte of Clay Mineral. Found u Clay Fraction3 of Soi1 from Lloyd and huthersbaugh Locations. dLC;YD u u Verxn. - Horizon culite Ve rim Kaolinite Chlorite mite Kaolinite culite Ap o- s" A3 8-18" * Tì * Tr - -- ** Bi l-Z7" 27-324" ---- * MUTHERSBAUGH Ap Tr A3 12-27" B1 27-43" 43-2.(-" - 4 4 * Tr Tr -- - - * Tr the K saturated îarnoles to 560' C for 30 minutes f broad dtffue rtd a IO A eaks zd o clitinct peak at A rge of 1Z. 6 1tter a t A euggesting the relatively broad peak appeared after he?.t treatment at at 10. 26 The abcvit 14 A, the rbab1e pretence of ch1orit. 3S appear in caue identification of vermiculite. It 700 C. shtJd This collapse be taken i mentioned however, ii onewhat atypical. iuce orre of the col!ap vtricu1ite is indicated. However, the ¿comp1isiic with diffic4dty. to h1fting of basal that the vermiculite aterig1 did :uiïapse wa spacing vas ob9erved on K saturation in the absence of heat. The St,O° heat treatmett -.vould reüted in only partìt1 ollape. ;he vermiculite lattice units. ht the material Rich and 3ben5hain (55), and otherE. (31,} No peak wau )bserved after the heat treatments. Since the riappearaz&ce of th itd It would appear gi-ni1ar to the "chlorite" material observed by KIage8 anu W'iuie 7 A caa interlayer material was preEent between suggest that found here i The peak is often obseried with both chlorite 7 kaolin, a differentiation between chlorite and Tflade in a tarJ.e ontaithng both clay mineralí. Considering the strotLg intensAty of the weak inten1ity of th kaolin cannot be 7 14 J peak with Ca saturation and tb relztve1y A peak after thiz heat treatment kaolin was very probably present. A very weak 10 peak was recognized in Ca saturated samples of certain of the horizona. This ndicates the pos3ible 30 presence of lute in these horizonß. The Ca saturated tile of the Lloyd B2 horizon gave no 14À peak, butpeaksat io.zl, . 7.372, 5.042, 3.582, and 1 vere observed. K saturation increased the intensity of the 10.2 2 peak arLd heat treatment destroyed the 7.47 A peak. Solvation of the Ca saturated tile had no effect. From this lute and kaolinite were identified. On the basis of interpretations auch as the above the clay minerals listed in Table III were identified. Asterisks are used to indicate the relative amounts of each clay mineral In each sample. These estimates were made on the basis of peak intensity and, since these intensities will vary from sample to sample, only comparisons of relaLive amounts within the same horizon are valid. Expe r mental De sign and Treatment Level Combinations Field Experiments: The experiment at the Lloyd and Muthersbaugh locations consisted of a composite design with the three factors of lime, potassium, and magnesium (treatments Iv and V). Figure 1 1 through 15 in Tables shows a three dimensional model of the compo- site design containing the variables of lime, magnesium, and potassium for the field experiments at the Lloyd and Mutherabaugh locations. The numbers In the figure represent the treatment 31 353 444 244 35 24 2 H44 'I 1333 .- -----»----- 133_ I o, w z 0 4 z - 833 / -'j4-. ,, 2 2 1--' / // 424 t 331 I - I .I n .- 222 I ,. 422 313 LINE FlEure 1. A 3 d1iensona1 aiodel of' the composite doBlEn used In the field experimento at the Lloyd and MuthersbauEh loctlons, 3 level combinations actually used in the experiment. Further treatments were added to the experiment which would provide, in conjunction with certain treatmenta in the coznpo- site portion, a 2 x 3 lime z phosphorus factorial and a ¿ z molybdenum factorial (treatments V). through lime z ¿lin Tables 1V ar The design at the Muthersbaugh location was the same as noted SOn 16 Z above of the with the exception that plots were added for a compari- presence or absence of boron and a comparison f the effects of Ca(OH)2 versus agricultural limestone. The model used for the analysis of variance for these experiments is as follows: Muthersbaugh Lloyd Source Degrees of freedom Source Degrees of freedom Replication Z Replication 2 Treatments 14 Treatments 14 Linear 3 Linear 3 Quadratic 3 Quadratic 3 Interaction 3 Interaction 3 Deviations 5 Deviations S Error2 40 Error2 44 Total 62 Total 71 Statistical analyses were done through the courtesy of R. G. Petersen, Experiment Station Statistician, 'oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon. Z. This is a combined error term obtained from a preliminary analysis of the experiment as a whole including the composite and the factorials. 1. The n1y&is of variancc of thc factorials included in the design is as followb: Lime x PhosphoruE 2 x 3 Lloyd source Mutherabaugh Degrees_of freedom Degrees of freedom Source L 2 L ¿ p 2 p 2 LxP 4 LxP 4 Error1 2 x 2 Error1 40 44 Lime x Molybdenum Lloyd Source L Mo LxMo Error' Mutherebaugh eeof freedom Source Degrees of freedom L i i Mo I 1 LxMo i i Error' 40 44 At the time of establishment, the plot. were limed and fertilized according to the treatments listed in Tables The lime was broadcast and diaced into the upper 6 IV and V. inches of soil. The fertilizer treatments were then applied and incorporated. The 1. This is a cotribined error tern obtaxed £rom a prelimiry analysis of the experiment as the factorials. a whole including the composite arid 2'rerLcx Leva Combinati, IV. Trea.tireLit Leve1s aud Source of Fertilizer Elements. L1yd Location. Treatiient Level Tcai.ment Combia.tions Number Trettrxient t1umber Liiìc (1) (2) (3) ('i) (5) (6) (7) () 1 (ai) 3 3 i 3 1 3 5 3 1 Z Z 2 3 1 Z 3 3 3 1 Z i Z 4 4 1 5 3 3 3 3 4 (9) (10) (11) 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 i 1 Treatment Coded Lime Mg evc! Level K20 (TI.A) (1hz/A) (11a/..) 4 2 4 1 1 3 3 1 2431 2431 4431 443 3311 3321 3311 3321 3332 3332 PO Mo Ç!ffsfA) (1b Na2Mo(DjA) I -Z O O O O O -1 2 44 0 4 4 #1 +2 6 8 88 175 60 120 5 3 50 100 150 350 200 AIL plots received blanket applications of lb. of B per acre. 60 1b of S per acre and Source of Fertilizer Elements Lime - Agricultural Lime.tone Phosphorus - Sulfur Free Concentrated Superphosphate Potassium - Muriate of Potash Magnesium - 1psom Salts Boron - Borax sulfur - Gypsum Molybdenum - Sodium Molybdate 2 l Z 5 4 Lime' (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 3 1 3 5 3 3 3 3 Treatineu. Level Combinations Trttt TABLE V. J YMveI C hintin, Treatment Levels, and Source of Fertilizer Elemente. Muthersbugh Location. Treatment Treatment Level Gornbinatou Treatment Nttmbr Lirne'i?Mo (1) (2) 333312 33 12 313312 353312 331312 33 312 222312 422312 242312 224312 3 3 1 ¿ () (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (21) (12) ' 4 ¿ 3 1 2 ¿44312 133112 133212 333112 333212 133322 333322 333311 313312 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 5 (4) C on-ibination8 Ume?MQB 3 1 Treat-nent Level 3 ¿ ± 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 Treatment Coded Lime Level (T/A) -2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¿ 5 0 4 4 3 +.1 6 8 50 100 150 60 120 4 5 30 60 120 240 1 2 +2 All plots received Mg (ibs/j P20 K20 (1ba/A) (ibs/ Mo B Çb NaMoO/A) (lbs/A) 200 blanket application of 60 lbs of S per acre. Source of Fertilizer Elements Lime Agricultural Limestone Sulfur Free Concentrated Superphosphate Potassium - Muriate of Potash PìLuphorou8 - MagtAesiurn - Epsom Salts Boron - Borax Sulfur - Gypsum Molybdenum - Sodium Molybdate : Ca(O1T)2 used as lime source. pbt ±ze va 3'? : et. T' fln P'i1t vret- nf n1f11a '' eded in the plotv. The f&r2t harvest was taken from the p1ot during May, Jo-, ::1 the SCC')tU ir, .J%ly, 195? r: re 3,5 Lee: by Z et was aarvestd from center of eacn plat ìi a ampie oí 1000 gam was tacei Irom each plot harvt for the deernizatioa of he moistir ccntei uf the aiiaifa. YisA1ì were then rcpoec i terms of toLnd i:.. were al 1ctions of dry matter per ¡ce. Samples M plant taken for chenicai ana1yss. Lue were not irrigated, usufficient te, ia'er- the fact that these owth was present to warrant a 3rd harvest. re-fertilized in the early spring of 1953. Additions of all fertilizers, excepting urne a.rict sodium rnolybdatc, were made. The 1951 harvests vcre made n The plot3 at both locations were the same manner as those of 1957. Greenhouse Experiments: Quantities of Soil sufficient for the establishment of the greenhouse experiments were taken from the upper 6 Inches of soU bordering the field plot ends and alleyways. This soil was taken In the spring of 1956 prior to addition of any lime or fertilizer. The soil was then air dried and screened through a 3/ inch mesh screen to remove large roots and other extraneous material. The greenhouse experimen. on both ols consisted of a modified conLpoz.te design using the four factor a of lime, phosphorus, potassium, and molybdenum. The basic composite was modified ncìu4e to ãtioual levcis of lime and bttr deiije tn interactoa addition, cher 3 of 3 rnc wer n the treatment combinations were molybdenum x suLfur factorial, a and a phosphorus in x 3 Urne x b4tr1 3 x of o tpp1icatin. added to obtain a potassium z 3 order lu 3 factorial, Mg factorial. Th complete design or series treatment combinations was replicated twice in a randomized block design. The models used for the analyses of variance for the greenhouse e erirneu.ts are given :eîow. Modified Composite: prees Source Replication i Treatment 30 Surface Deviations 3 z 3 16 Error 30 Total 61 Factorial: Molybdenum x Swíiir Source Rep Mo s MoxS Error Total d.f. i Z Z 4 8 17 z _____ Source Rep K Mg KxMg Error Toa1 X ¡4g d.f. i Z Z 8 17 Limez Boron d.f. Source Rep i L 2 B Z LxB Error Total 4 8 i? Tke treatrnen applied tu t±e The trctricnt levet& and ferdllize These rate3 '.ere c:dcuiated by ii1 are listed in iah1e VI. i.rcs a liated cied fittìxu th VII. iz 1ev018 to the fullow- ing equations in order to cover the range of responie, while maintainin a linear reLtitaiiip òetwei lev, tion of the regreßsion coeíficicuta. (1) and to øirnpliy the caicula- The eqi.tons are: For phoBphorua, potassium, sulfur, boron, and (rt power): tütal neutra.Lizing u er acre) y (iba. b tan [17(x Mg + ¿] where x i the cc.,ded level. (2) for molybdenum: log (3) In order y (iba. per acre) LAme waa on a to sirnpliiy the direct liitea. a a + (x Z) IS)g b a cale. wtatitica1 analy*ie of the dîta, the level of eaci variable was assigned a coded value. These are given in the tablei of treanent c3mbìn.ation. 'ju ztiou in the anded were eliminate the effect of differir. magnesium treatments, decreased by the iurnbec degrees of neutrali- the equivalents of calcium equivalente oI added. Calcium hydroxide, niagnealuin carbonate, and gypsum, depending on the treatment, were mhed with the ¡oua as the solid materials prior to potting. All otier anaendnnt were appLied in solution after pott.t. Six bs. of aiI w.s used in Z lIZ TABLE VI. Treatment Levels arid Sources of Fertilizer Elements Used in the Greenhouse Study on Soue from Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. Treatment Level Coded Level P205 (iba/A) Lime T/A 2 -1 2 0.0 44.5 3 0 4 98.1 4 5 +1 .2 1 +2 0 6 8 179.6 360.0 Lloyd K20 (lbs/A) Muthersbaugh Mo K20 (lbs/A) (lbs/A) S Mg (lbs/A) B (lbs) 0.0 0.0 0,04 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.15 0.60 19.8 43.6 9.60 79.8 160.0 1.5 3.3 6.0 12.0 0.8 272.5 498.9 1000.0 39.5 87.2 159.7 320.0 123.5 2.40 1.7 3.2 6.4 Sources of Fertilizer Elements Lime - Ca(OH)2 Pho.phors - CaN PO4 2 Potassium - K Ci H0 Boron - Na2 B4 07 - 10 Ii0 (borax) Molybdenum - Na, MoO4 Sulfur - Ca S0621i20 Magnesium - Mg CO3 1. Percent of total neutralizing effect contributed by Mg. 'o 40 TABLE VII. Treatment Level Combinations Used in Greenhouse Experiments. Lloyd and Muthershaugh Soils. T reatm e at Number Lime P K Mo 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 4 3 1 3 1 I i i z 3 i Z 1 3 4 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 3 z z z 2 2 2 2 2 3 a z lo Z Z 11 12 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Z 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 z 26 27 28 29 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 30 31 32 33 34 35 5 1 36 37 38 39 40 Z 4 3 1 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 1 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 ¿5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 B 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 23 24 Mg 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 S 5 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 3 5 3 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 A 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 5 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 3 3 3 1 3 5 3 41 TABLE VU. Continued: T re&tm ent Number Lime F K Mo S Mg B 41 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 42 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 5 3 3 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 1 3 3 5 5 3 1 1 3 1 5 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 5 42 quart polyethylene pots. A 1/8 inch hole wa drilled in the lower outeide edge of each pot to facilitate drainage of the soil to field capacity. A thin layer of Pyrex glas8 wool was laid ìn the bottom of each pot before the soil \.;ras added to facilitate drainage. The excess water applied was caught in a small cup ard reapplied to the pot to prevent leaching losses in che drainage water. The Talent variety of alfalfa was vegetatively propogated by making cuttings mature plants and rooting them in Perlite. of The cuttings were treated with a rooting hormone and were inocu- iMed to induce noduiation. When the roots of the cuttings were i inch long they were transplanted to the pots, 6 or 7 cutLing. to the pot. After the planta wert established, the pots were thinned to plants each. These were allowed to fully establish and were then cut back before harvests taken for record. An effort was made, through the use of thermostatically controlled coolers and heat, to maintain the daytime temperature at approximately 75 - SO F and night temperatures at 55' - 60' F. The lower limit was achieved but on several hot days the tempera- titre rose to above F. O Supplementary lighting was provided through the use of 40 watt daylight type fluorescent bulbs spaced 6 inches apart. This supplied a light intensity of approximately 400 foot candles. This light was supplied for 13 hours during the day. Deionized water was used for the irrigation of the pots. 43 To upp1y this, tap water was passed through Amberlito ion ex- change resine. ¡R-120 catione IRA400 V1Ofl, and MB-1 monobed exchange resin8 were used. The conductance of the water was rnilllrnhoB. The pots were irrigated maintained at 1e when the moisture tentlon reached apprcxlrnately 800 cm. This 80i1 than S x tension was estimated by periodic weighing of evera1 randomiy selected pots. A moisture-tension curve wac run for each soil which enabled the calculation of the weight of a pot when soil moisture had been depleted to this tension. Four harvests were taken at approdmately 1/3 to 1/2 bloom stage. The plants were cut approximately one inch above soil level. The harvest material was dried prior to weighing and yields reported in grams of dry matter per pot. Chemical Analysi. of Soll Sample. Exchangeable and Available Plant Nutrients: Surface soil samples were tasen írm &elected plots of the field locationj in the fail of 1957 and 1958, after the last harvest and prior to spring fertilization. Each replication was sampled. A composite sample of the soil used in the gieerthouse study was taken prior to potting and application of treatments. Soil sample. were taken from selected treatments in thc after completion of the experiment. Soil analyses for exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, available phosphorus, lime eq.urcmeit, pH, and exchange capacity were ru by the Oregofl State College Soil Te!ting Laboratory (47). Ion Ratios in Equilibrium S.lution: Sample8 of surface soil from the plot areas were u8cd to study the ratio of io:is in eqnilibrium sctut&on. The sarnple were dried and ground to pass through a Z rn-n Lieve. Preliminary work was done to check the rnethod8 of analysis and ability to duplicate r4sults. 20 gram zamplea of soil were plccd in a erlenrneyer 125 n-d flask, 40 ml of water added, and the nixture shaken for i hour to establish eq'.ilibriurn. During the shaking. compressed air containing O. 0108 atn partial pressure of CO2 was bubbled through the mixture. The apparatue used wai that described by Webster (77). After an equilibrium wa established by shaking, the solution was separated from the eoil by centrifugation on z Servall SS-i Superpecd Angle Centrifuge for 20 rninute at 13, 400 rpm. Organic ¡natter floating on top of the o1ution wa removed by filtering through filter paper. Potassium wa determined a Wbatman No. 5 on the equilibrium aolution with a Beckman Model DU Flame Spectrophoto- meter set at 768 cn the solution T a mu. Calcium plus magnesium was determined by titration with verenae Ißing Erichrome Black the indicator. Calcium alone was determined by a versenate titration ulng ammonium purpurate (murezicie) az the tndicator. Magnesium wa then determined by difference. The methods and reagents for these titrations are described in U. S. Dept. of -4.) icu1ture Hndb.iok No. 60 (76). Once the concentr.iticn of activities of mation of the these ions were C., M. and K are known the estirr.ated using the secoua approxi- Debye Huckel equation log f = ltl.5 T where f is the activity coefficient, z the valence of the ion, and I the ionic strength. The va1u 1.5 in the denominator Is an arbi- trary constant used by Schofield who duced by it use will be small (62). stat that the error intro- This is particu.Larly so a the activity c3efuicient ppear in both the aurnerator and deaorniator uf the ratio ajç The Ionic strength is calculated by the eqnation I where £1, zZ : 1/2 (c z, C2 Z --------- c1 zZ ) ----Ca are the molar concentrations of the ions and ____Zn are the valences of the respective ions. Both c1, C2 cations and anon are included in this calculation. Bicarbonate was assumed to be the predominate anion in the water - CO equilibrium uulutIon and it concentration ws assumed to be the saine as potassium ion and twice that of calcium ion. Knowing .he aivity ço £iciit, it was ?oLbie tu calculate the acLiv.y ratio a.. Mg from the dttermined concentrations. Chemical An4ysis of PlatTisue At the time of the field harvest, sample. of plant tissue were taken from each plot. The upper one-half of the plant was sampled, The greenhouse harvetø were also saved and the material of the 3rd harvest was used for analysis. The whole plant tops from the greenhouse and the field samples were oven dried at sieve. 65 2 C and ground with a steel 'Wiley miU to pass a gram samples were placed in 125 n-d Z mm erlenmeyer flasks and wet ached with nitric and perchioric acids (73). Calcium plus magnesium was determined by titration with versenate using Erichrome blacic T as au indicator (16). Calcium alone was determined with a verseaate titration using a screened rnurexide indicator. The screening agent used was napthol green B, of which grame 1. 25 grame was added to cso4 O. 5 grams murexide and to give the proper indicator mixture (1 1) . 100 The screened indicator gave a sharper, more easily seen endpoint than murexide used alone. The heavy metals of copper, nickel, and cobalt are preveuted from interfering by addition of a KCN iX')iL ¿zd rarganee we ot fotn to be in ßuíficiet ccnceatration to intcrfere. :úv/ever, ìf they are found to iiter- cre, liey may be omp1cxd with diethyldithiocarbarnate and extracted with an iary1 alcohol-chloroform mixture (17). The Interference of phosphate ion in the calcium titration was removed by the additicrn of a 20 wa percent sii:rcsc soltitlrn (66). Magnesium determined by difference. PotaEiurn w.s deterrruiaed heted &airip1 at 76 riu with a n the cc..nan Model t"J Flarrie ectrcphotomcter with photomutlipli2r. Phsphorouc was deterr:ined by a reduced molybdophosphoric blue colcr uethod (3, p. 142.151). Sulfur was dotrrriined by a turbiLetrlc (1g) and molyhdenur by the meti.od of Jchson an Arkly method (35). 48 PESULTS AND DISCUSSION Field Experiments General Ana1ysi of Response Data and Response Function: It was assumed, using the composite design, that the yield responses would be approximated by the following equation: Y b0 .- b1 z1 xj x2 4 + f- b13 x1 x + b b z2 + b3 x3-f x3- b23 b33 x. z2 x3+ b12 b11 where: the predicted yield for a particular treatment combination; Y the predicted yield at the center of the composite design; b0 b1, 1,, b3 : the estimated regression coefficients describing the linear change in yield with respect to changes in applied lime, magnesium and potassium respectively; : the coded treatment leveis of lime, magnesium, and potazsium re spectively; xl, x2, and X3 the estimated regreaeion coefficients describing the lime x magnesium, lime z potassium, and magnesium z potassium b12, b13, and b23 interactions respectively; the estimated regression coefficients describing the curvature in the yield response to lime, magnesium, and potassium. b11, b22, and b33 The first three terms represent the generalization of the linear response to the variables of lime, magnesium, and potassium. 49 The second three terms repreent the generalization of the inter- action between the varlablee. The last three terms are a generalization of the quadratic responle. The whole function (Y : ---- b0 - b1 4) 1. an approximation defining a 'reiponie surface1' in space, having the coordinates of xj, x2, x3 and Y. £.quations of an order higher than quadratic are seldom considered necessary in xj b33 agronornic applications of this type of design (27). The observed yield data were used to calculate the regression coefficients. These, together with the coded values for the treatment levela, were uøed to calculate the predicted yields for the treatment combinations. Some general features of the responses obtained may be seen by looking at the analysis of variance and regression coefficients for a particular set of data. The actual size of the regression coefficient depends on the units being used. However, the size of each may be taken as a measure of the relative effect of each of the A variables. comparison of the observed versus predicted yields (Tables Vifi through Xl) shows considerable differences In some cases. This lack of fit is indicated by the deviations term of the analysis of variance (Tables XII and XIII). The deviations term results from the contribution of five unmeasured degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom are those of the 2nd order interaction L z Mg x K, and the Ist and nd order interactions between L2, Mg2, and K2. Figure 2 shows the differences be- twecn observed and predicted yields as a percentage of the mean +20 + Io o -Io 20 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 WO > V:: o W p] LIME Fleur 8 (TONS PER ACRE) Deviation of observed minus predicted yield s percent of mean yield in relation to levels of lime. Lloyd and Muthersbauh field experiments. l97 2. and 1958. 51 y-icld plotted &\r( the rang cif ccntage iiidicae that the predici3rL erved yield ti Ml. ad 3ìtiv* Ngati-ic per- iir quati oversUrnate8 th percentae& inthctc an Uncere8tirna- The rep:)a&. eSiatioa aparez1y ovtretimtea Z4 low urne eve1a aid undere3tmaed at high lime 1evs1. The pr.dictive ability cf the equatiix wa best near the 6T 1iuie rat:. Thiß 3ffect anisa frcm tie .act that, for tour treat eit* at tli 2 and each replication, there were 6 ton linie 1avelG, Live lime lve1, but cnIy ou treatment at the The gratoi anber de.ign has the effect at the of obeerved yield of and 3 at the tii lirn 4 ton ratee. ;ointe in the center of the overriding the inu1ence of the single points eztrenea. Figure equation 2 aiuws that at the overetini.ttd O and 4 ton lime ratea the actual responiae. but at the thc cquation undercetirnated the obcrvcd yiclda. The Z the ti r..te reversal from overestimati.n to underestimation wae caused by the inability of the equaticu to ol1ow the of lime. In the above, in the large re&ponse to the first increment order to accurately predict abrupt changee snch a morc observed yield pointa region where this large repons Figure Z arid the nust be added i to the design expected. igthficincc of the deviations terms in the analysea cf variance indicate that accuracy of piedicicn was better at the Mutheabugh location than at the Lloyd location. )eviation were tmaller in 1953 thai in V,57. Errors in prediction .ccurod mainly at lov' levels of the nutrients having the greatest 52 effect on yield. Estimation was best near the center of the design where the maximum yields were found. Though the errors wezc as high as 20 percent at low lime rates, they were generally leis than 5 to 10 percent elsewhere. Thus even though the lack of fit was poor, in.formation was gained as to the general trends and orders of niagziitude of the yield responses. Yield Rssponses and Surfaces: A. Lloyd Location 1. Lime z Potassium z Magnesium Composite: Observed and predicted yields for the treatments comprising the composite design are given in Tables VIII to IX. The statistical analysis of this data Figures 3, 4, 5 and 7 show the s given in Tables XII through XIV. response surfaces of yield as a function of lime and K application. The surfaces were ca1cthted by solving for different combinations of lime and K, all at the 3rd level of Mg. This level was chosen as it should be near the area of optimum yield, and predicted yields at this level should be the most accurate. Significant responses to lime were found at the Lloyd location for both cuttings in 1957 and 1958. Application of lime was essential to yield. of any magnitude regardless of other treatments added. In fact, the predicted yields plotted in the response surface. at the O rate of lime are probably a 10-15 53 )bicvcd azd Prethctcd Ïie1d oI Altalfa (Pounds of TAILk.. V1U. Dry Matter per Acre) on th Lloyd Location. Composite Destin. Means of ¡st Cat Trsafrnsnt The« Rìiciúua. 195?. Znd Cut Total Yield - M K I 3 3 2192 1566 3758 5546 3 3 3 4384 315d 8142 8977 5 3 i 5323 31!j4 9237 826 3 1 3 4697 4071 7ó 9c.30 3 5 3 5166 4277 9393 9967 3 3 I 3758 ¿975 6733 7269 3 3 5 5323 3758 9381 932 2 2 2 4854 3601 8455 7295 4 2 2 4071 3601 7672 b03 2 4 2 4697 3601 8298 7130 4 4 2 4354 4227 9O,1 9134 2 2 4 5167 4071 9Z3 351 4 2 4 4554 3914 76 9095 Z 4 4 4697 4697 9394 6136 4 4 t 5323 4541 9tS64 10191 obs_2P..!L! For regresstrn cofficientr used e table XIII. to calculate predicted yieLd TAL LX. Obterved aci ?relicted Yields of Alfalfa (Pounzitc of Dry Matter p'r Acre) on th Lloyd Location. Compûsite Design. Means of Three ieplication8. 1956. Treatment Ist Cut L Mg Obeved i 3 3 3O 3 3 3 5 3 3 i Znd Cut Observed Total Yield Observed Prthcted* O1l 5C)79 6241 4506 3636 8142 8602 3 4614 4043 p.657 7967 1 3 5313 2942 E260 836b 3 5 3 4468 4050 .51C 3 3 1 3664 ¿594 6253 6648 3 3 5 4259 3079 7338 7407 2 2 2 4421 3955 8376 752.1 4 2 2 4302 397 7899 8033 2 4 2 4652 ¿962 7614 7179 4 4 2 4746 3234 7930 8147 2 2 4 499e 3552 8550 791u 4 ¿ 4 5336 33e-2 871S 1366 2 4 4 46 3Z1) 7907 7303 4 4 4 4659 2911 7570 &232 * For regression coefficients used to calculate predicted yielì iee table XIV. rALE Obsrvid .uìd ?rdicted Yi1ds of Alfaiía (Fxuid of Acre) on the Muthersbaugh Location. Conposite 1957. Design.. Means I Three Replications. X. Dry Mzttc pr Treatment 1t Cut Znd Cut Mg Observed 'bcervcd L :?: Tutal Yield ObcerviPdited* i 3 3 l79 733 ?6: 3701 3 3 3 4354 975 7829 7950 5 3 3 -1071 2662 6733 6423 3 1 3 4541 2662 7203 7134 3 5 3 54O Z1 3Z9;3 519 3 3 1 3914 2191 6106 ÔSZ1 3 3 5 43j4 2662 7046 733 2 2 2 4071 2349 6420 5812 4 2 2 5O1 21S 7828 7494 z 4 a 4697 2349 7046 6203 4 4 2 4697 Z1B 7515 1629 z z 4 4697 262 73i0 6398 4 2 4 4697 2818 7515 761Z 2 4 4 454 2505 7359 6946 4 4 4 4,354 :14Z 3003 , For rgreioi sec Table XIII. coe«lcIent used to calculate predicte4 yields 56 TAL1 XX. Obßerved ant. Predicted Yie!s of Aiía!fa (Pounc3 of Dry Matter per Acre) on the Deigu. Treatment Measa8 iBt Cut Mutherebah Location. ihree Znd Cut Observed__Observed l9c. piicatiors. oipoite Total Yield Obserrec kredicted* Ï_ Mg K i 3 3 3434 137 5271 599 3 3 3 4761 339i SIS? 8506 s 3 3 55!7 3370 ¿;7 8335 3 1 3 464e 3419 E367 &13Z 3 5 3 4468 3303 7771 31 3 3 1 4442 3099 T41 773S 3 3 5 4691 3248 7)39 8021 Z 2 2 4689 3307 7996 7460 4 2 2 4751 3621 u372 8440 2 4 Z 458 3116 77O 7066 4 4 2 4861 35fl S442 841) 2 2 4 462C 3257 7335 740 4 2 4 4337 3487 8324 8430 2 4 4 4689 3221 7910 7338 4 4 4 5407 3371 77R 3743 For regreion coefficients ue1 gee Table 1f. to calculate predicted yieldri 57 TABLE XII. Analysis of Variance and Regression Coefficienti In Terms of Pounds Dry Matter per Acre for the Composite Design. Lloyd Location. lit and 2nd Cuttings. 1957 Analyiia of Variance Source Treatment Linear QuadratIc Interaction Deviations Error Degrees of Freedom lit F value 2nd Cutting F value 3 5. 5O'* 1O.38** 1O.6l* 3 3 5 1.66 5.72** 473** 14 Cutting 6. 34** 4.02* 8.78** 0.80 40 (Lloyd) 44 (Mutheribaugh) Regression Coefficients ist Cutting Effect b1 b2 Lime K b3 Mg b12 b13 b23 LK b11 L2 b22 K2 Mg2 b1 b33 b0 ** * 37187** ¿93. 54** 97.54** 117.42 LMg KMg - 234.92 78.25 -202.12 - 6.44 91.31 4749.33 Significant at Significant at 1% 5% Standard Error 2nd Cutting b; Standard Error 86.71 313.14** 86. 71 234. 89* 73 51 136.98 86.71 73.51 122.62 122.62 -117.29 73.51 103.96 78.29 103.96 122. 62 78. 38 104.21 _313.09** 104.21 -150.40 39.17 4227.55 103.96 99.62 99.62 99.62 104.21 probability level. probability level. 58 TABLE XIII. Analysis of Variance and Regression Coefficients in Terms of Pounds Dry Matter per Acre for the Composite Design. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. Total Yield of Alfalfa. 1957. A1alyl. of Variance Source Degrees of Freedom 36' 5. 74** 11.65** lì. 85** Treatment Linear Quadratic Interaction 14 Error 40 (Lloyd) 44 (Mutherebaugh) 10. 1943** 3 3 9.67** 1. 19 3 5 Deviation.. Muthersbaugh F value Lloyd F value NS 975** 3.03 Regression Coefficient! Lloyd lffect b1 b2 b3 b12 b13 b23 b11 b22 b33 b0 b1 Lime K Mg LX LMg 1(Mg L2 K2 Mg2 b85.01** 528.43* 234.77 0. 13 313.21 Standard Error 117.39 117.39 117.39 166. 03 166.03 166.03 141.10 141.10 141.10 probability level. Significant at 5% probability level. ** Significant at 1% 4' 0.13 515.20** -162.90 130.56 8976.88 Mutìiersbaugh b1 64.90** ¿15.25 195.71 -117.Z5 -39.08 39.17 _719.68** -249.79 43.76 7950.32 Standard Error 138.18 138.18 138.18 195.4Z 195.42 195.42 166.08 166.08 166.08 59 TABLE XIV. Analysis of Variance and egreasion Coefficients in Terms of Pounds of Dry Matter per Plot for the Composite Design. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. Total Yield of Alfalfa 1958. Analysis of Variance d.f. Source Treatment F value 5. 84** (Lloyd) 23 (Muth.,) ZO Deviations Error Lloyd 4.Ol'C* 5 Mutherebaugh F value 6.95** 2.43* 40 (Lloyd) 46 (Muth.) Regression Coefficients Lloyd Effect bi Lime b2 b3 b12 Mg K b13 b23 b11 b22 b33 LK b0 LMg MK L' M/ K b' O.9I* -0.26 -0.40 0.09 -0.02 -0.29 Muthe rebaugh 1.18** _O.83* -0.05 0.14 0.18 0.03 0.16 0.65* -0.21 -0.31 18. 14 16. 83 _0.79* 0.01 Pounds per acre dry matter 474. Z x pounds per plot at the Lloyd Location. Pounds per acre dry matter 505.4 x pounds per lot at the Muthersbaugh Location. ** Significant at 1% probability level. * Significant at 5% probability level. i 6000 5000 6000 I 000 ILl 5000 3000 w Q- -d t- 4000 >- Cl) 3000 o a- 0 2 LtME Figure 4 6 80 (TONS PER ACRE) Response surfacé for yield as a function of lime and potassium app1tctlon. Lloyd location. Field experiment. ist cuttinE, 1957. 3. C.C-- _.. 4000 Lu Q 4 tu Q. 3000 o -J w 4 >. 2000 a, o z o Q. 1000 O- -.- O LIME Fiure 6 4 Z 80 (TONS PER ACRE) Response surface for yield as a runctiori of liae and potassium apolication. Lloyd location. Field experiment. 4. 2nd CUttiflE, 1957. [,I.I.I. 8000 w o I000C 6000 w Q. 800C 1S w -j'- o u, o z o Q. 4000 o 0 2 LIME 6 4 (TONS PER ACRE) and FlEure 5. Response surface for yield as a function of lime experiment. Field locticn. potassiun application. Lloyd Total yield, 1957. 3000 000 8000 4000 w Q 4 Lii Q- 6000 a000 X w o'-j'->- X 4000 o u, o z o Q- - o0 2 LIME 4 6 80 (TONS PER ACRE) FlEure 6. Response surface for yield as a function of lime 4uthersbauh location. and potassium application. Total yield, 1957. Field experiment. I.1.1'I'] 8000 10000 6000 C) w a- 8000 w 4000 I- i4 »» 6000 cl, o z D o a. 4000 0t__ o .- 2 LIME 4 (TONS PER 6 80 ACRE) Figure 7. Response surface for yield as a function of liais and potassium application. Lloyd location. fl.eld experiment. Total yield, 1958. "Ii BO 00 10000 6000 C., 4 w Q- 8000 4000 I- 04 ,- >- 6000 Cl) O z D o Q. - 4000 T LIME Fi.gur 4 2 0 6 80 (TONS PER ACRE) Response surface for yield as a function of lte and apolicattcn. iutbersbauh 1oaticn. Field Total yield, 1953. experloent. 8. ptassiu percent verestiruation of since the starxl In the lime O Ai, th yields that weri3 ibserved. plotb wa ras, predominantly actual yields of aUalfa would be lower than ¿VtA the he plot yields indicate, Applica.ion of 3 tons of lune was ptrcertt iizcrsaòe iu total yield in response surface (figure reepnible fur a 145 1957 at the Lloyd location. The also predicts a marked yield increase. 5) The surface predicts responses to lime of 80 and 58 percent at the O and ZOO lbs. rates of I(O respectively. The maximum pre- dicted response to lime in terms of total yield occured between the 4 and 6 ton lime ratei. The effectii of t.iLe Z and 6 evtls are included ton lim. in the predicted ieids calculated from the reapc.ns equation. compatison of the yields of the (1eve1 Z Z versus the and 4) in Table VIII ShOWS 6 A ton lime ratui tlat yield decreases occured wheü the two lime rates were ppHe at ìV1 Z of Mg. 'hi caused a bemling downward of the yield curves tn the response surface. Tb,. quadratic decreased as much as y.1 effect 1000 was significant and predicted yields lbs. at the highest lime rate. The eid depression should be smallest in the presence of Large applicatione of Mg and K. Significant responses to K application were found on the Lloyd location in 1957. 200 lbs. of per acre increased the total observed yield 35 percent (Table VU). FIgure 5 shows that the predicted yields were increased from 4000 lbs. to 6000 '-'7 Ib.. íroixi wtre d:y o matti er ìcre to 4OO &11g14.Iy 37Çh) Figure to ò 1úe x- at the ) ìLnh eoponIea t1 z-ate A. tìe 6 ton lune level th&a at tiro Z ton level. repoase to Unie and the to varied at the Lloyd 1ocaioa cuttia 3 abb. at the appIcataona uf Iaxgez at The between by a.0 iflu8trate& a lme x . how& by 1iuie a 3 ancA 4. interaction. Thi. interaction .tati.ticalìy significant. probably due to the large error term at the kloyd location and the con.equent lo. of precision. wa not Li extra treatn1eAt kad been included at low lime and K ratee, a aignificant nteraction might have been meaeurea. The predicted lime r..pon.e titan at O in the 1t lbs. o' lb.. of K20 reopoï.e to ii aown Lu cutting waa larger at a igbX UiiLy ZOO tAie ye.d increase of approzu.iatey 60 percent Le pr6dicted at the b toii linie rate. -puicaion of ¡ aùected the poeltion of he niaximun predicted apone to lime. In the absence abBence of Aime, but a of itt the ¡naximum ZU3 lb.. of K.O repone tu per acree preaicted at the Lcne the lime toti rate. iepoue mxim.un chuíttd to the 6 ton lAine level. In the 2nd cuttiìi (íigue Lhe iuteractioa efiect cil reponee to Lime is the response to ¿ i ¡reatest in the let cutting wa reversed. The predicted greatest in the absence of i( and the absence ot lime. Thie wa probabiy by he lowered yields un the treatments cornbinin low linie and low those combiniûg high lime and high . TL K, and on duction £4 yields in tw ratts wa proLabt, Jui' to th sna1ìer ariount '4 ras in the 2ic1 cting harvest. The yiì.i reduction at the high the ;a eat 4 time an1 cf level. In the allow o.- nc. ¿( wa Lrobably 1e to & lo'vertd lt cutting adcqu.t. soil n'ioistur oi1 waa avaiLbl ax.iíruiri uti1izati..n f the nutrients available. Sincc orecijtaton ocurd after the l to lii 1iìrvEt and the experizncnt irrigated, Rufficie1t soU moisture was not available for lughcst yields. Thus he reepons. minum 3ccured at lower rates f a?plic.tion ii the 2nd cutting. 'was not FIgure shows that the point of 3 niadrnm response to is somewhere beyond the highest rate of K20 applied. This point cannot bt e'rnateci ai lìre is daag in extrapolating K bevor the lbrdta of the eerinient. i{wever, it eeens tLt alfalfa, on this location and in thia cutting, wonid have respc.ndcd t higher X20 rat than viere ap?lie& The n'a imu. locati'n v.cre lavzer than those obtaiAed during I)f 1957. A 195C at the Lloyd coiaparison of the observed yield data frûm 1957 an 195S (Tablee VIII and IX) show that the largest dccrearie in --ield be:-veEn the two yetr occur in the second cutting. These differences might be due to overal factors. Soil zzoisturo available to the second cutting might have been more limitir. in 1?5 than in 1957. The time f harvest of the lt cuttiri was not the same each year. Thie might :educe nd cutting rjeid. The perceittae responses to 1irre nd l v'ere al the raPer trlelç-ls in P)57 than in 198. reasured on the prtlafly iue tr the Mrher mw linie plotr (Tble IX). ¡4-wrv?r, these yields were onmose respone woultc1 T1-Js wa alrnot probnb1v have ntirly occurd Grete nf gr.ts. only the yield if1fa1fa if 'id been rneavuec. The 'adirnrr rerrn,e t and K, both observed 14r-te and predicted, occurec near the middle rates of applicatlin. This may be due to the fact that nil moisture wa limiting or thtt a level In the soil wa reached which allowed optimum response. The depression of yields at high rates of lime and K was significant. Another factor which may have influenced the obtained ic L.loycm 1Q5F z. larqer 'iprer hoizonr (Tab'. a1f)fa root nf amount illite in the B, hnrizon at the of slowly available E extents than di! the Field ohervations indirated that the TU). dd not :ienetP.t the may have spread out over response while degraded to a certain This lute, location. still cnntaiued is the 'oree-ice LC the upper bt they treat e:ent, to a B crface of th horizon and obtained W from this source. No 195e. 1gn1ficant res-onnees to Mr were found In However, increainc to 175 lbs. per acre (levels of liroe (level 2) 1im cave little the Mg 2 ad 4 aplied from or no Increase In yield; at the E t)n Mg yield Increases of 1200 to 1400 lbs. of dry at per acre respectively) at the 2 ton rate rate (level 4), the above Increase In would seem that 44 lbs. l57 or low lime rates, M was leve! brought about rrtter per acre. It not necessary, but 70 at high levels, additions of Mg were necessary for optimum yields. 1957 Z. Lime x Phosphorus Factorial: No significant responses to P application occured in or 1958 (Tables XV and XVI). However, in 1957 and 1958 yield increases of approximately absence of lime. No 10 percent were noted in the P lesponse occured in the presence of lime. Application of lime increased the total yield O P rate. 110 percent at the This response was increased slightly by the presence of P. 2. Lime z Molybdenum Factorial: A significant response to molybdenum was obtained for the 2nd cuttIng at the Lloyd location in 1957 (Tables XV and XVI). The total yield was increased 21 percent in the absence of lime and 13 percent when lime had bean applied. The response to molybdenum in the presence of lime is somewhat surprising. Apparently the soil molybdenum level was low and liming did not make enough available to the plant for optimum growth. Large responses were obtained to lime, either in the presence or absence of molybdenum in 1957. Molybdenum increased the total yield of alfalfa 30 per- cent in 1958 when no lime was applied. This response however, was not large enough to be significant. in the presence of lime 71 no molybdenum response was obtained. In 1958 there wa some evidence of a lime z molybdenum interaction as lime increased the total yield 60 percent when percent in the absence of molybdenum, and only ¿4 5 lbs. of sodium molybdate was applied. The response to molybdenum might have been increased at the O lime rate if conditions on these plots would have allowed a better establishment of aLfalfa. Only a small number of alfalfa plants were growing on these plots and this probably reduced the response to the applied molybdenum. B. Mutherebaugh Location 1. Lime z Potassium x Magnesium Composite: The observed and predicted yield data for this location are given in Tables X and XI. The statistical analysis of the data is given in Tables XIII and XIV. Response surfaces were not included for the ist and 2nd cuttings at the Mutherebaugh location. There was no marked shift in response patterns between cuttings and they were identical except for yield magnitudes. Significant responses to lima were found in 1957 and tons of lime increased the observed total yield 195 percent. 4 8 tons of lime gave a smaller yield response, 152 percent. In- creases in yield were generally noted from the Z ton to the 6 ton lime rates. Figure 6 shows the predicted total yield as a function of T lime and K applications. At 0 lbs. of K2) a maximum response to lime of 258 percent is predicted. At 200 lbs. of K20 the maximum predicted response to lime is reduced to approximately loo percent. This maximum response to lime is predicted to occur between the 4 and 6 ton lime rates. After this maximuxn the response equation predicts a depression of yields of as much a 2000 lbs. of dry matter per acre. The S ton lime rate was expected to result in some y-ield reduction since this rate was intended to be past the optimum. This was necessary in order to define where the maximum response occured. Application of 100 lbs. of K20 per acre increased the observed total yield from 6106 lbs. to 7829 lbs. of dry matter per acre In 1957. to 7046 lbs. A further 100 lb. application decreased the yield This response to K application was not statistically significant. The lime x K response surface (figure that larger percentage responses to K 6) indicates are predicted at the O lime rate than when lime is applied. The maximum yield on this surface is predicted for an application of approximately 150 6 tons of lime and lbs. K20. Percentage response to lime in 1958 was smaller than that of 1957. 8 tons of lime increased the observed total yield by 68 percent (Table XI). per acre (the 120 2 Increasing the lime rate from 2 to 6 tons and 4 levels) increased yields, especially at the lb. Mg rate (level 4). A predicted lime response of approximately 73 49 percent occurs at the O K20 rate. The response occurs betweei the 1957. At 200 4 and 6 nadiruro predicted ton Urne ratee as it did in lbs. of K,O the predicted lime response la approxi- mately 53 percent. Only a slight depression of yield at the 8 ton lime rate i predicted. Little or no response to K application was noted in 1958. The alfalfa was presumably established better than In 1957 and the larger root systeme were able and slowly available K to make better use of the available in the soil. Little or no response to K Is predicted by the response equation (figure 8). The observed and predicted yields at the Mutherabaugh location were higher in 1958 than in 1957. This was especially true at the O and 8 ton lime levels. This i. brought out because the opposite was true at the Lloyd location where total yields decreased from 1957 to 1958. Field observation indicated that the alfalfa on the Muthersbaugh location In 1958 was better appearing than that at the Lloyd location. Competition from grass was less and the al.falía appeared better established. Evidence of a Mg response was found at the Mutherabaugh location in 1957. Application of 240 lbs. of Mg increased the total observed yield by 1095 lbs. However thi3 response was not signi- ficant. No response to Mg was observed in 1958 (Table XI). 2. A Lime x Phosphorus possible Factorial: response to P in the presence of lime clicated for the Muthersbaugh location in 1957 (Table XV). yield was Increased approximately i loo inTotal lbs. per acre by the application of 120 lbs. of P2O. However, this response wa not igthficant. la No respne 1958 the to P occured in the abeence f lime. responses to P v,ere smaller in magnitude than those of 1957, and, contrary to the 1957 results, occured in the absence of lime (Table XVI). The response to lime i also smaller. These decreases in response from due to the high yields on the 3. A O 1957 were possibly lime treatments in 1958. Lime z Molybdenum Factorial: significant response to molybdenum occured at the Muthersbaugh. location in 1957. Application of molybdenum in- creased the total yield by approximately of lime (Table XV). A response of 38 100 percent in the absence percent occured in 1958. In the absence of lime uo responses occured. This is in accord with the observations of Barshad (8, p. 312) and Davies (21), who found that lime applications increased the availability of soil rxìolybdenum and reduced responses to this element. Response to molybdenum was generally larger at the Muthersb.augh location than at the Lloyd location. 7; YieldE and Analysis of Variance for Lime z Pho8phorus and Lime z Molybdenum Factorials. Lluyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. 1957. TABLE XV. Yields (Pounds Dry Matter per Acrç Muthe r ebag klo yd Treatment P I lt Cut 2192 2 3 2192 3 1 4384 3 2 3 5010 4384 L I 1 1 3 1879 1 1 1 2 2192 2192 3 1 4384 2 4697 3 2nd Cut Total lit Cut 2035 2nd Cut Total 4854 1253 733 783 2662 26C2 2973 3288 2505 2662 6733 7046 7829 2662 5167 7829 7985 1252 1722 1566 3758 4071 3758 3444 3601 3758 8142 9081 8142 1566 2349 3758 4384 3758 4541 1879 3601 783 1566 8142 4854 4854 2975 9081 1722 1879 4071 4384 3131 Analysis of Variance Muthers.baugh Lloyd Source of Variation let Cut 2nd Ctit d. f. i -L 1 78.Z5** 95.71** P 2 Lx? 2 L i Mo 1 LxMo Error Error i value .14 1.22 F value .90 .4 4p.35**T51.63* 574* .20 .20 .37 40 (Lloyd) 46 (Muth.) ** Significant at 1% probabIlity level. * Significant at 5% probabIlity level. løt Cut F value .5Z** .46 .80 31.Zl** 5.18* 5.18* 2nd Cut F value (.il.31 .35 .95 43.Z4' 2.70 fr Lime x Phosphorus and Lime x Molybdenum TABLE XVI. Yields f Factorials and Analysis Variance for Lime x Molybdenum Factorialg. Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Locations. 1958. Yields (Pounds Dry Matter per Acre) T r eatme ut L P 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 i Z 3 3 2 ist Cut 2746 1 2nd Cut Total ist Cut Z93 2nd Cut Total 4810 1867 444E, 5252 5079 8021 7790 8142 3147 3434 4783 4423 4761 1974 1837 3497 3563 3396 5121 5271 4256 4690 4506 1700 Z189 Z011 3765 3100 3636 3063 3636 4506 4664 2011 2941 3636 3525 5079 6577 8142 8189 3434 4098 4761 5099 1837 3105 3396 3396 5271 7203 8157 8495 3063 3068 LxMo Mthers1g Lloyd 82O 79S6 8157 Analysis of Variance (Total Yield) Lloyd - 1 F valuc 20.7T Mo i 2.27 745* i 2.02 3.93 of Variation LxMo 4g (Lloyd) 46 (Muth.) ror * F value L Source ** d.f. Mutherebatgh Significant at Significant at 1% 5T probabIlity level. probability level. 77 Relatitnship of Yield and Soil ChezuIcal .na1ye8: A. Lloyd Location The tion nr Mg ± req'irmt, lime pH1 K, in Table XVII show the effect of lime applica- nd perceit Ca + Mg + table for the nd 6 ton llm having îther or averaging acrsa 6 exchangeable Ca, tite s'im of Ca K rates verag Th1 varying of all the plots rte of O, thur; placing the O, Z and 4, aiid :3 6 tori is not absolutely true f Mg since the Mg ratee ncreae geometrically. cnsqiences Approximately 4 tons of lime, cr to achieve loo hd However, since the level of Mg little effect on the values in this table, the considered serioue. added in this tons of lime applied. This has the effect of ton ratee on the san-ie basis of omparieon as the rates. retlt saturation. The 4. percent Ca 4- Mg + K .3 m. e. tif were Liot must be Cz saturation at the Lloyd location. This application increased the soil pH to approcimately rates of lime appl&catim failed to raise it further. 6. 75, and higher This ray thdlcate that some of the lime not yet reacted with the soil. lime requiremert of the higher rates bad It should be noted that In 1957 a (Wocdruff method) was predicted even at the ton lime rate where the soil pH is 6. 79 and the Ca + Mg saturation Is 118 - K percent. This data tends to support the idea that difficulties may be found using the Woodruff method, 8 TABLE XVL Response of Various Soil Test Values to Lime Application. Lloyd and Muthersbaugli Locations, 1957 and 1953. Means of Three Replications. Lime Rate Lloyd 1957 TÍA ci 2 4 6 3 Lloyd 1958 O TÍA 2 4 6 8 pH tons/acre 5.82 6.30 6.75 6.79 6.79 252 5.80 6.30 6.67 6.79 6.83 Muthershaugh 1957 0 A 6.13 2 6.55 4 6.80 6 6.79 8 6.86 Muthersbaugh 1958 O T/A 5.80 2 6.35 4 6.57 6 8 * Lime Roquircment 6. 68 6.62 Exchangeable Ca Ca+Mg+K m.e. /100g xn.e./lOOg % Ca+Mgl-K Saturation rn.e. /lOOg 0.83 13.98 16.12 17.37 5.05 9.48 15.22 17.32 18.71 32.66 63.62 103.18 110.74 118.86 2.50 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30 7.19 11.27 13.38 14.67 4.44 8.41 12.47 14.57 15.96 28.12 56.44 84.54 93.15 101.39 2.60 1.47 1.00 5.04 9.95 1.00 16.21 17.26 21.21 6.41 11.16 17.78 18.71 22.84 43.40 72.60 118.37 125.40 151.66 1.83 0.87 0.63 413 754 11.03 5.50 8.86 12.41 14. 05 15. 51 37.24 57.64 82.62 1.94 1.00 1.00 0.83 0. 00 0.00 4.29 8.38 12.80 14.16 103. 95 94.02 Analytical Data courtesy of G. R. Webster. j 1957 900 s 7000 5000 C-, 4 w Q- Ó -J w w Q1 I 0 I.- i I I 6 2 I i IO i 14 18 I- 4 >>- o EIIIIIi -- K 958 u, o z o Q- K rII] / K 5000 3000 o I 4 6 I IO I i i i 4 18 22 EXCHANGEABLE Co (ME/lOO GRAMS) FlEure RelationshIp of ylcid to exchneab1e Ca soll. Lloyd and iiuthersbaugh locations. 1957 and 195e. Means of replications of plots recelvin[ different rates of line. 9. in the r, cfpecially for soils above pH 'vas giyn .bovea ii the pH reperts appro.rmtely routine ample To 6. 70. equJrement Laboratty now lime requirethent. O it the Lloyd location, data and !98 no lime In above thiè figure, the Soil Testing í a pH f 6. 5. 1i Table XVII indicates that cpthrum yields were th.e dc.ta obtaed above a comparison of obBerved ythld percent Ca 4 K saturation in both 1957 Optinìim yields v'ere obtaietl above m. e flt)Og. of and 1958. 6D 4- Mg . exch.ngeable Ca (figure 9). Theee levels of exchangeable Ca and perccnt Ca of between + K saturation were btaiied by the application 4- Mg Z and ' toas of lime. The response quation generally predicted cpthn'im yields in thi3 rance (fiues both years 5 and 7). A 11mo applications for f cmpariaon for 1957 and l95 gives a general idea cf the of the data in Table XVII effect of a years cropping and time on the level of eEchane Ca and other soil test values. Excìangeable Ca. decreased approdmately i to 3 nu. e. during one year's tLrne between sarnpliig. It should al5o be rnentior.ed here that different sampling methods wcre used in 1957 and l95(. A small spade W33 in 1957 and samples were taken from only plct. This :thid -tras rsed or 6 placeß in each due to the dry, hard coadition f the nìrface soil. In 1958 azr2les were taken 15 S ised wjti core sarpler from to 20 places in each plot. Application of K at the Lloyd location increased exchange- able K slightly in 1957 (Table XVIII). The effect of a year's cropping on the level of exchangeable K ta shown here. The initial level of exchangeable K was O. 19 ru. e. applied the K level was reduced to I IQOg. Where no K was )/l2 rn.e. /100g. This decrease in exchangeable K can be roughly accounted for by the removal of a 6500 lb. yield containing O. 8 percent K. Application of K ferti- lizer did not influence the level of exchangeable K in the soil as much a would be expected. Since the soil samples were taken at the end of the crop year. a large portion of the K added can be accounted for by crop removal. At this location mo8t of the K used by the crop must be added to the soil. In 1958 of K were made and the crop yields were irnaller. Thus, the ex- changeable of K further additions K level increased to a greater extent over the range rates than it did in 1957. It can be seen that, at the lb. K2O ratee, the exchangeable K a an.d 50 level remained almost cnntant in both years. The level of exchangeable K in the decrease to O o11 may possibly minimum level and then remain relatively coaetant. The highest yields were obtained at between 0. 14 and 0. 16 ¡n. e. of exchangeable K in both years (figure 10). Increasing rates of Mg application generally increased the exchangeable Mg level at the Lloyd location (Table XVUI. The effects of a yearts time and cropping are also somewhat evident here. Though some of the differences are small and could easiiy have been caused by sampling differences, the data tend to show that below 88 lbs. of Mg per acre, the exchangeable Mg level TABLE XVIII. Response of Soil Test Values to Rates of Potassium and Magnesium Applications. 1957 and 1559. Lloyd and Mutheribaigh Tocationa. verage f Exchangeable K(m.e. /100g) for 4plied Original 1957 ' 1956 K20 0.19 50 100 150 200 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.18 0.18 KO Applied (1 Mg(m. e. / 100g) for pplied Original o 44 88 175 350 1.17 1957* 1958 0.92 0.66 1.0t 1.15 1.47 0.78 0.81 1.03 128 1.55 Exchangeable K(xn.e./lOOg) for Origi_ 1957 * 0.31 50 100 15() 200 Exchangeable Mg Replication5. Muther baugh Lloyd 0 Tiìret U23 0.23 0.33 0.29 0.31 1958 0.19 ).24 0.33 0.31 O.3 Exchangeable Mg Applied 0 Mg(m. e. / lOOg) for Original 1957* 195E 0.92 30 60 120 240 Analytical Data courtesy of G. IL Webster. 0.71 0.96 1.24 1.19 1.21 0.65 0.94 1.05 1.29 1.33 .33 M'IsIs] o o 957 I958'\ 80001 6000 - I w o W LLOYD I. 0T_ I IO I I 14 12 Q. j j -16 IS f 20 oW -JII o 9000L 0 u) I z I o I. I -* - -X- -958 - _ - - -- o I 7000 -. I - MUTHE RSBAUGH 22 26 EXCHANGEABLE 18 FlEure 10. Boll, 1958. 34 3O K (ME/l00 38 GRAMS) RelattonB(-1p of yield to exchanaeable k in the Lloyd arid utherBbauah locations. 1957 and F'1ans of' 3 rcpli.catioria of plot& rec1v1ri different rats of K. C, 'j-,. Above ciccreacd. 3 lbs. 1ictiou tnauc.. a !ecssr7 f riatain to Tlie iiitia1 aL. Y. '.f pp1caUo:i cJ13tant, C 30 aad the Above pSSi;i the soil higher r ì Lcv1 i increased. ytr indiadn :night be the soil. + M - appUctin K i1creLZe! the of bet'vee.-ì 2 pH aturatiz.a to ieaz Urne Lhe pH pprcxi- t. 100 percent. rein&iued relatively lu 1957 application of hr-tie increased Frori i?5? to 1958 at the decee tcn iL-ne pprxìrnite!.y 30 percent K saturtior hai decreae d?cree ! nearly 5) percent. iccured at lower lime ratee. Thus, the effects of time and cropping were greater at the batigh locatLnt than at is f the variabiity of the shown by requireireat dita for the to 195F the O It Woodriff lime re- the pH, -exchangeable Ca, an Urne level in 1957 and 1958. pH decra3eE and expected to increase. Muhers- th Lloyd l'ctim. ìnicacc quircrneit meth and level abeve that 1ouad at the Lloyd 1ocatioi, ProportcnateIy £'iEl1er ¿ 4 and prccnt C. that not ail of the lirne had reacted n the ist year. exchaneblc Ca ha and tue Cù 1- cf cspec±ally at the 3 ton rate. 957 Main- the Mi.itlieraugh lccation :f Ca, Mg -I- ¿tt X,tU). ?. :-:!. i to f uxchneable Ca rate, cf ccl chaneab1c Ca 1vel pI-i, 4 tc lime1 6. h(: !!g Lcati:n (TzUe :rte1y with 1. 9 a gturtìn '.rc the Lloyd tous nazr lsg Muthersbaugh Location B. M 4 per acie th decrea5e lime From the lìme requirement would be however. 85 Optimum yields in 1957 were observed above an exchange- able Ca level of approximately 12 to 14 m. e. /100g (figure 9). Though yields were higher in 1958, the maximum yields occured at a similar exchangeable Ca level. Exchangeable Ca levels above 16 m. e. were associated with depressed yields in 1957. Optimum yields in both years were associated with 60 to 70 percent Ca Mg 4- K saturation .f. (compare tables X, Xl, and XVII). The initial exchangeable K level was higher at the Mutbers- baugh location than at the Lloyd location (Table XVIII) and the re- sponseg noted were smaller (Tables X and XI). The effects of time and cropping are evident in a comparison of the 1957 and 1958 exchangeable K levels. Applications of K at the Mutherebaugh location were more effective than at the Lloyd location in increasing the exchangeable K level of the soil. Magnesium applications resulted in an increase in the exchangeable Mg in the soil (Table XVIII). Responses were noted In 1957 but not 1958. In general, the level of Mg in the soil was probably adequate and responses to Mg application may be related to the balance between Ga, K, and Mg in the øoil when the Mg was applied. C. Ion Ratio Study Woodruff (79) has referred to the significance of the ratio aK yaC in the soil as a measure of the energies of exchange of m K for Ca in the soil. This activity ratio should form an estimate of the K status of the soll. Woodruff also postulated a relationship between this ratio (or the F for the exchange reaction) and the ¿ nutrition of a crop. As a part of this study the activity ratio K Mg was determined on soil samples taken from the Lloyd and Muthersbaugh locations in 1957 and 1958. Attempts were made to correlate this ratio with yield. The results were Inconclusive. The data tabulated below will give an indication of the value s found and illustrate the variation found within the data. ___________ ziO3 + Mg Treatment level LMg K 1957 1958 1957 1958 i 3 3 2.16 2.61 5.19 3 1. 06 1. 14 1. 49 1. 16 2, 73 4,14 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 5 Lloyd 0.77 0.78 0.55 1.29 Muthersbaug 1.26 1.26 1.33 2.42 2.25 2.43 1.47 193 3.16 2. 73 1.85 2.38 2.47 1.43 3.21 Woodruff found, using Putnam electrodyalized clay, that changing the K saturation of the clay by i percent changed the energy of exchange by 300 calories. Changing the Ca saturation of the clay by 1 percent changed the energy of calories. From this he assumed that factor in the delivery of K by the 1( .il. exchange by only 5. 5 saturation was the dominant Only the K level was T.leed as a variable to be related to the calculated exchange energies. The data of this etudy indicate that where lime applications were varied, the Ca level was also a variable. Though the data obtained is not conclusive, it seems to indicate that low yielda can be associated with either a large or small value for the ion ratio. locations, the lowct yields were obtained on the On both K20 treatments. As the table indicates, the (1, 3,3) had high values (3. 3, 1) O O lime or O lime treatmenti for the ratio, and the low K20 treatments had generaUy low values for the ratio. Application of lime increased yields and decreased the size of the ratio. Applications of K increased yields and increased the size of the ratio. no Thus, simple relationship was found to exist between yield and size of the ion ratio. Relationship of Yield and Plant Analysis Data: A. Lloyd Location The results of the plant analysis data from the harvests at the Lloyd location are given in Table found between the Ca content of XIX. No relationehip wa the plant tops and yield at the Lloyd location. This has been reported by other workers The rates of of Mg and K. (7) (60, p. 393). lime added caused only slight reductions in the content No increase in P content of the plant tissue was noted. 9 Even though one of the reported beneficiai effects of lime Is the in:rease in availabilily of soil P, the P level wa probably ade- quate at the 120 lb. P205 rate, where these comparisons were made. The effect of lime on the P uptake can be noted by comparing the P contente in the presence and absence of lime. At application of P increased the P content from 0. 20 to O lime, 0. 24 percent. a small, but poßsibly significant, increase. Application of 200 lbs. of K20 increased the K content of the plant tops from from 0. in the 58 to 1. 02 in O. 7(i to 1. 42 percent in the first cutting and the 9econd cutting. The K content of the Ussue second cutting was smaller than that of the first cutting in all instances on comparable treatments. This effect has been noted by Jackson, et al. (32). The relationship between K content of the plant tops and yield is shown in figure 1 1. Though no attempt should be made with the data from this experiment to find a for K in alfalfa, maximum yields at the critical level Lloyd location, ist cutting, had not been obtained when the plant material contained 1. 50 percent K. Reduced yields were associated with than 1. 5 K contents smaller percent. This value is in approximate agreement with that of Jackson (32) who found that K contents of .1.25 tc optimum for high yields (15) found that when the of alfalfa. K percent were Chandler, Peech, and Bradfleld content was below i. 25 percent, the majority of stands showed yield increases flue to the low K status Z of the of greater than 20 oercent. Lloyd location the K content of the plant tops did not exceed 2. 0 percent. In the 2nd cutting the response TABLE XIX. Chemical Composition of Alfalfa In Terms of Percentage and Millequivalents per grams Dry Matter. 1957. Ist and 2nd Cuttings. Lloyd Location loo ist Cutting CaMg Treatment Çpbination L Mg K P P Ca W . 'n.e. 1100g W Mg 'n.e. 1100g K 7. m.e. f100 K Cations /100g /100g e. 'n.e. 'n. 3 3 3 3 0.24 2.16 108.0 0.23 19.4 1.13 29.0 156.4 4.4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.24 0.24 2.27 113.5 105.3 027 22.5 1.23 1. 13 31.7 28.9 167.7 153.1 4.3 4.3 1 3 3 3 3 1.98 98.8 111.0 0.17 0.31 13.8 26.1 1.50 0.99 38.4 25.3 151.0 162.4 2.9 5.4 1 3 3 2. 76 1.71 138. 0 0. 32 26. 9 0. 76 19. 5 36.8 184.4 140.9 8.5 2.8 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3___3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 i 5 5 1 2 1 2 2. 1]. 2.22 --- 85.5 0.23 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.24 --------- -- 18.9 18.6 1.42 2nd Cuttin 2.72 136.0 0.4k 34.4 0.76 19.5 189.9 8.7 2.22 2.73 110.8 136.3 0.44 0.39 36,6 32.5 1.03 0.97 26.4 24.8 173.8 193.6 5.6 6.8 3.42 2.61 171.3 130.5 0.56 0.36 46.3 30,3 0.58 14,9 232.5 14.6 6.2 1.02 26.0 186.8 TABLE XX. Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terms of Percentage and Miilecjuivalents per 100 grams Dry Matter. 1957. ist and 2nd Cuttings. Muthersbaugh Location. let Cutting Ca Mg Treatment Combination L Mg K P P W Mg Ca o th.e.I10 % m.e./10g Cations K m.e.IlOOg m.e./lOOg K m.e.I10 1.7 3 3 3 3 0.26 1. 65 82. 7 0. 19 15. 6 2.27 58. 1 156.4 i 3 3 3 0.Z4 1.65 82.7 0.23 2.43 62.1 164,3 s 3 3 3 0.30 1.77 88,5 G24 19.5 20.0 1.87 48.0 156.5 2.3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1.81 1.89 90.3 94.7 0.19 0.22 16.1 18.3 226 1.77 57.8 45.4 164.2 158.4 2.5 3 3 ------- 1.98 992 0.24 20.0 1,46 2. 64 37.3 156.5 3.2 67. 7 170. 0 1.5 5 3 3 3 1 3 5 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 Z 3 1 3 2 --* 1. 73 86. 0. 19 15. 8 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 2nd 3 3 3 3 1 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 ----------- 1.6 1.8 Cuttg 2.09 104.7 0.27 22.5 1.66 42.5 169.7 3.0 1.90 94.8 2.42 121.2 0.30 0.30 25.0 25.0 1.55 1.22 39.7 31.1 159.5 177.6 4.7 2.69 134.5 2.24 112.2 0.36 0.30 30,0 25.0 1.00 1.47 25.5 37.6 190.0 174.8 6.5 3.6 3.0 91 o iST CUT o 2ND CUT / w X I t, ,X LLOYD 2000 w 0 5 I5 1.0 2O w4 6000 U) o z o *1ISTCT 4000 -. X 2NDCUT -'f X M UT HER SBA UGH 2000 I j I I 2 3 % K IN 4 PLANT TOPS F1ure 11. Re1t1cnBbip of yield to perceritaEe K tn plant tops. Lloyd and I'utrsbaueh locations. 1957. Plotted values are for each replication of plots rece1v1n flfferent rates et' It. TABLE XXI. Effect of Lime and Molybdenum Treatments on the Molybdenum Content of Alfalfa Tops. Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Locations. 1957 and 1958. Lloyd Loc&tion Treatment 1957 L Mo lep 1 1 1 1 2 1.9 1.3 3 1 3 5 2 i 42 2.9 1 Rep Rep 111 11 1.1 5.0 1.6 11 1.2 34 Repl 1.2 38 1.1 1 1 1.Z 2.9 1.0 1 33 1 Rep 1.1 24 li ¡ep 1.8 5.8 1 31 1.1 1 1 1958 i i i 6.3 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 i 2 samples taken from this cutting No 7. 1 1 1 i i 2 7.a 3 3 5 9.2 2.1 2 1.0 40 1 i 12 1.1 35 1 50 -- 1.3 19s8 * 1 i i i I Z 3.1 3.2 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 No 16 1.1 ¡ 6 5. 1 i 1 1957 i 3 4. ¡ Mutherebaugh Location 1 6 1.4 11 Li i i i 5.1 3.2 5.1 1 26 i 1 1 32 17 2.9 -- * -1 1 14 2.5 lime or molybdenum applied in 1958. I i 1.6 1.4 1 -- 1 1 1 - -- i 1 i 1 111 seemed to level off near 0. 8 to 1.0 percent K. It should be remember- ed that moiature was limiting during this period of growth. plant's ability to take up is known to be dependent upon the ucil K moisture 1eve. .Another posìbi1ity is the 2nd cutting The that the lower K content of a reflection of a decrease in available K duc to * cropping. Applicz.tions of Mg increa&ed the Mg content of the plant tops from O. 17 to 0. 31 percent. This was associated with a 10 percent increase in yield (Table Vu). The Ca content was in- creased slightly and the K content was makedly reduced. In terms of miUequivalents the iAcrease In Mg content (12. 3 m. e.) and the reduction of K content (13. 1 rn.e.) are nearly the aarne indicating a po3sible substitutive effect. Soil molybdenum i believed to be more ava.UaUe ro the plant above pH Additiûna uf of the (25, p. 124). The data of Table XXI bear this out. and plant tupß. un-ic also tin 4 6 L tons of lirc increased the molybdenum cc.itent App1Cat Of niolybdernm in the ab3nce of increaoed the uptake of nLciybdenum. When a of lime and rnc..lybdenuxn of molybdenum in the plant ti'eatrneits were combina- addci.1, the content increased sharply. Plant contents are higher In the 1 st cutting than in the 2nd citting. The amount of molybdenum contained in the plant is lxnport4nt as plant contents above conditions to 5 ppm are har:-ifu1 Iivcttock consuming the forage. under some Application of of sodium molybdate (recogth.ed as a vc.ry high rate) 5 lbs. increa3ed the yields, but albo raíßed he riìolybdentzrì curttent of the forage to near or above the danger poiat. Application of both lime and rolybdenum raiìed the tno1bdnixi contents to va1'e eL1 above the dan,cr 1).)int. The pob1ern cf tcc rioly dcrnn cintents in th forage ust be considered 1f rno1ybdnm ic to b ue i fertilizer. ¿ In 1958 no thne or ¡nolybdenum wa adced, and the raoly- bdenuin content of the plant tope from the ¿ad cutting wa reduced by 75 percent r better. Siuce plant coitnL viere iigher i the ist sn1ler citting, iioweye,, the plant conteiits ezncn ¿ud molybdenum t)XC to uabl reductions witi time wu..d .s a re5ult tsed here, of tite n-&ay oe ected. coiz.tbinaion lime tiU e above levels livestock. B. Mutherebaugh Location The Ca content of the plant tops at this ltion inc:cacd 1t cutting even though yields only slightly with lime additio&is in the increaied great'y (TaMe XX). The Mg content of the plant tissue from the lime plots remained relatively constant, but the i content was reduced from 2.43 to I. 37 percent. The Ca contents were lower and the K contents higher n the Muthcrabaug location than on the Lloyd location, indicating the higher K level cf the Since the soil K level wa8 higher. variation in Ca and Mg contents ill response to chang& in K content 'v'cr less marked thin at the idoyd location. In the 2nd cutting the Ca contentE increaced over the rates of lime. The Mg coatea. remained the same and the i 9 content, though lower, was decreaec1 markedly only at the ' ton b lime rate. Application2 of lime in the presence of P increased the P content frcn 0.24 to 0.30 percent (Table XX). Application of P increased the P content from U.Z to lime and from 0.24 to 0. 26 the presence of lime. aie small and may not b i 3.24 percent in the absence of These differences meaningful. Since yield reaponses to P were not significant, it is probable that the level of P in the soil was adequte, eHpeciafly when lime was applied. The K content of the plant tissue was increased by applica- tion of K (Table XX). In the Ist cutting, 200 lbs. of K20 increased the K content from 1.46 to Z. 64 percent. Correspondingly, the Ca and Mg contents were reduced, though to a smaller extent. Similar trends were noted in the Becond cutting, the increased from 100 to 147 percent. Though n.e K content being significant re- sponses to K were noted on the Muthersbaugh location, figure indicates a relationship between K 11 content of the plant tops and yield. In the Ist cutting, the scatter of points about the curve indi- cates that optimum yields were associated with K contents of to Z. 5 percent. [n the 2nd cutting, the ranging from i to 2 is. 1. 5 percentages were lower, percent. This increase in K content corresponded to yield increases of slightly better than 1000 lh. of dry matter. As was noted on the Lloyd location, the K contents of the 2nd cutting were lower than those of the ist cutting. The level of K In the plant tissue on this location at no time fell below i percent. However, this K content did not appear to be adequate for optimum yields. Application of Z40 lbs. of Mg increased the Mg content of the tissue from 0. 19 to 0.22 percent in the 1t cutting (Table XX). The Ca content remained unchanged but the K content was reduced from 2.26 to 1.77 percent. This increase in Mg content was associated with a ¿0 percent yield increase (Table X). At the Mutherebaugh location application of 5 lbs. of sodium molybdate increased the molybdenum content of the plant tops to a greater extent than it did at the Lloyd location (Table XXI). A combination of 4 tons of lime and molybdenum increased the molybdenum content of the plant tops to a level toxic to livestock (see p. 93). There was a marked decrease in the molybdenum content with time, but the contenta of plant tops from treatments receiving both lime and molybdenum were still above a toxic level. As at the Lloyd location, plant contents were lower In the 2nd cutting than in the ist. C. Cation Balance, Ratios, and Sum of Cation - Equivalents The cation balance within the plant was affected by the rate of lime, Mg, and K applied. Generally, the effect of K applica- tions was greatest, and was most noticeable in the 1st cutting at both locations. As K contents increased, Ca and Mg contenta tended to decrease. They decreased least at the Mutherabaugh location where the soil K level was higher (Table XX). Application of 200 lbs. of increaged the K content 15. 3 at the Lloyd location ni. e. (Table XIX). The content of Mg decreased 8. lbs. of ZOO increased the the Mg content 4. Z ni. e. ru. e., and that of On the Muthersbaugh location, Ca decrea6ed 52. 5 m. a. tion of 3 , K applica- content 30.4 ¡n. e., reduced and reduced the Ca content 12, 7 ni. e. The sum of cation-equivalents in the plant varied from 140.9 me. to 184.4 ru.e. at the Lloyd location in th Ist cutting, and from 173. 8 ni. e. to 232. 5 ru. e. in the 2nd cutting (Table XIX). At the Mutherebaugh location this value varied from 156. 4 rn. e. to 164. ni. e. in the ist cutting and from 159. 5 ni. e. to 190. 0 ni. e. 3 in the 2nd cutting (Table XX). This sum of cations has been spoken of as a constant. It does vary however, bu.t to a smaller extent than the contents of the individual cations in the plant. The um of cations varied 2nd. The 31 percent for the ist cutting and 34 percent for the variation was greatest at the Lloyd location. Values for the content of an individual cation in the plant varied as much as 60 to 100 percent. The highest values for the sum of cation- equivalents were found on low K treatments or when the Ca content was high and the K content was low. The lowest values vere generally found on the high K treatments. It has been reported that a Ga:K equivalent ratio of above 4:1 will of this O decrease the yield of alfalfa (30, p. 69). The limited dtta experiment show a similar effect. The plant tissue from the K20 treatments had a Ca:K equivalent ratio above this figure and these treatments had smaller yields. However, the K content of the plant tops from these treatments was considered deficient, regardles. perimenta of the Ca content. Also, occured on the lowest trearnenta receiving no yield& in the ex- lime. The ratio values on these treatments were below 4:1 and, according to this relation, yields should not have been reduced. Greenhouse Experiments Greeahouse eperirnents were established on soil fröm the Lloyd and Mutherbaugh locations in. order to determine if greenhouse facilit!es might be useful as a step preliminary to field experiments. lt was also desired to investigate more nutrient variables and in greater detail than was possible in the field. Greenhouse facilities have advantages In these respecte. 1f the major kinds of responses to be expected can be determined ahead of time, more appropriate field experiments can be designed. Greenhouse experimente can be established in a shorter time, the crop grows more rapidly, and the season is of lesa consequence thzn in the field. Larger experimental designs can be used and response functions can be elucidated in more detail. Greenhouse facilities enable better control of environmental factors such as light, soil iioisture, and temperature. Thus, experimental variation might be reduced. 99 Yield itsponses and Surfaces: A. Lloyd Soil' A siguificant deviationi term was found in the analysis of variance for the 'Lloyd soil (Table XVIII). Hwever, It was small in comparison to the surface effect. ligure 15 shows the difference between observed and predicted yields for the rates of Lime and K2C.) applied. Over the range of lime rates the greatest deviation (10 percent) occured at the yields were within 5 or 6 ton level. 4 Predicted percent of those observed at the other lime rates. The greatest differences between observed and predicted yields (la percent) occured at low K levels. This was probably due to the inability of the response equation to follow the iarge increase in yields associated with 500 and 1000 lb. K20 the first UI5 lbs. rates errors were of 5 rO applied. it the percent or lesi. The addition of extra observed yield points iii the low k rates would probably bave reduced the prediction errors. In general, deviations in the greenhouse were smaller than those in the field. Prediction is good in terms of trends and orders of magnitude of the observed yields. The deviations found will in no way affect the interpretation tioned later i the of the data. As will be men- percentage values of observed and predicted Hereafter the terms 'Lloyd soil" and Muthersbaugh soil" wiLl be uied to refer to the soil used in the greenhouse from these locations. The terms do not refer to soil series. reponae generally agree quite well. LIme x Phosphorus z Potaasium z Molybdenum 1. Composite: The obaerved and predicted yields obtained in the green- house for the modified composite design are given In Table XXII. Table gives the analysis of variance, regression coefficients, XX.UI and F values for the various terms of the response equation. significant response to lime occured on the "Ldoyd A soil'. comparison of treatment numbers 3, 18, and A XXII shows that application of 33 8 Z in Table tons of lime increased the yield percent. Increasing the Urne applications from (levels 31 Z tons to 6 tons and 4 respectively) generaUy increased yields. Figure 12 shows a predicted response to lime of approzi-. rnately 40 percent at the K20 rate. O K20 rate and 35 percent at the 1000 lb. Lime response was affected only slightly by K applicationa. The response equation predicts a decrease in yields at rate8 of lime higher than is predicted at the rate when 1000 A 4 4 to 6 tons. A maximum response to lime ton rate at the I(O level, and at the 6 ton lbs. of K20 were applied. large response to K was obtained. The initial level of exchangeable K in the 77Lloyd soilit was low, 0. 09 in. e. I 100g., and little growth occured in ita absence. Observed yields were increased percent by 97 percent by the application of 500 lbs. of K20, and 1000 lbs. of K20. The response equation predicts 146 101 -esponEe of like magnitude (figure 12). The response wa large over the first incremeita of K added. After 500 especially lbs. had been applied, yields leveled off, especiafly in the absence of lime. Maximum yields In figure 12 are predicted for a combination of about 6 tone of lime and 1000 lbs. of K20 per acre, A smaU of response to P (15 percent) occured in the absence lime. However, It was not significant. This response to P at low lime rates may also be seen by comparing the at level Z of Urne (treatment No numbers 6 2 and 4 levels of P through 14, Table XXII). significant response to molybdenum was noted in the greenhouse on the Lloyd soll. However1 rates of molybdenum were added only in the presence of lime. The Increase in soil pH due to liming probably made enough molybdeium available to the plant to eliminate a response. 2. A ul1ur z Molybdenum Factorial: significant response to sulfur application was obtained (Tables XXIV and XXV). Application increased yields approdmately 35 of 160 lbs. of sulfur per acre percent. This response was independent of the molybdenum application. No response to rnolybdenum wa obtained. 3. Potassium x Magnesium Factorial; The Mg material applied to the soil in this experiment was MgCO. The effect of this variable was moaF'red as a function of i TABLE XXII. Observed and Predicted Yields of Lime z Phosphorus x Potassium z Molybdenum Modified Composite Design Used in the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Muthersbaugh Soils". Yields in Grams Dry Matter per Pot. Means of Z Replications and Sum of 4 Cutting s. Treat. Treatment Level Numb. T 3 z 3 1 3 3 1 5 3 i i z i 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 1 3 2 2 Z Z 7 Z Z Z 4 8 9 Jo 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lloyd Soil L P K Mo S M F' Observed 3 1 3 14.95 15.30 14. 85 17. 35 20. 15 15.75 Mutherabaugh Soil Fredtcted' Obierved Predicted* 16.20 15.70 15.T5 15.45 14.80 15.34 15. 80 17. 80 19. 19 15. 35 17. 85 16. 75 15. 9.3 17. 56 Z 20.35 20.70 15.15 15.95 16.25 17.90 4 1 20.05 19.58 18.00 2 4 Z 2 4 Z Z 4 4 2 4 4 Z 17.35 18.10 15.78 16.78 16.30 18.75 18.45 19.20 17.45 17.45 18.00 18.00 18.65 20.55 18.25 Z Z 4 2 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 5 16.65 19. 55 20.65 21.05 21.20 9. 15 20.85 18.05 18.40 15.34 15.38 18. 61 20.58 20.42 20.74 11.58 20.42 20.02 19.94 21.26 16.36 16.04 16.12 16.69 17.98 18.26 16.50 18.02 18.30 19.72 17.24 17.14 17.50 17.58 20 21 22 23 24 3 5 5 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 22.55 15. 90 16. 6S 4 17.40 22.50 18. 05 4 2 2 4 2 4 Z5 16.36 22.72 16.25 18.10 lti.62 20.34 19.32 17.26 16.66 18.76 4 Z 4 4 18.80 13.36 4 4 Z Z 19.50 17.60 21.24 26 16.80 27 4 4 2 4 28 17.44 16.88 17.72 4 4 4 2 17.80 21.30 16.30 17.20 17.50 17.94 29 4 4 4 5 1 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 19.52 18.48 19.05 16.40 17.40 18.98 16.96 16.46 19 30 31 * 2 20. 55 22.65 19.45 19.75 21. 70 22.28 21.76 For regression coefficIents used to calculate predicted yields see Table XXIII. 103 TALLE XXIII. Analysis of Variance and Regressien Cefficients for the Lime x Phosphorus z Potasiurn x Molybdenum Modified Composite Design in, the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Muthe r sbaugli Soils'. naiyeis oí Variance ource of variation d.f. Lloyd F Mutherabaugh F 30 J0.43 3.23" bi 11'ta.l Treatment Surface i)eviations Replication 18.95" 14 2.98* 16 i Error NS 5. 99 NS 31.60" 30 Regression Coefficient5 Muthersbauh Lloyd Effect b2 b3 L P K b4t Mo 'bj LP b12 b13 b14 b23 b24 b3 Li LMo PK PMo iÇZ{o L' bj b22 b33 P2 b M0Z K2 b 0.6714 0.2424 2.4167 -0. 1167 -0.0823 0.1688 -0.0875 -0.1375 0.2438 .0.2875 a NS 60.36* NS NS NS NS NS N'S NS 7. 67 0.2958 -0.8983 59QZ 0.0454 NS Non significant. ** Significant at 1% ! 0.1224 0.Z732 -O. 7252 _z0.u2 3. bj ! 6.64 1.26 NS NS 0.3020 0.2813 -0.2148 -3.1094 -0.1718 -0.1094 0.3656 3.046E -0. 3416 F±. NS 4.73e- 28.59' 3. 52 NE 4.30 NS NS NS 3.96NS O.0524 NS 7. 3Z NS O.Zoi6 0.1199 NS 17.5b probability level. 5% probability level. determined by comparison of effect mean squares ' valuea against deviation mean square. determined by comparison of effect mean squares F against error mean square. Signlficat at i Qberved Yields £rn Molybdenum x Sulfur, .Potasßium x Mg, and Lime x 13cron Factorial3 Included in the Greenhouse T.Ai3iE XXIV. Experimental Design. "Licyd aiid MutherEbaugh SoiIa". Yields in Grarr Dry Matter per Pot. Means of 2 Repicatioas and Sum of 4 Cuttings. Treatneit P M L Mg S 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 5 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 5 3 Z1.50 5 331 33 13 3 1 16.30 20.5 5 5 x Mo LLyii 4C Muthersbaugh 15.45 ¡6.00 15.45 16.50 18.05 Z2.50 i5.3 16.45 13.40 l.55 15,53 1.55 KxMg 9.15 9.95 17.45 i1.95 1o.0 I 3 3 1 16.05 3 Z0,t)5 3 5 21.15 18.00 1L.25 1S.35 5 i 5 3 22.55 22,05 20.55 19.35 5 b ¿.O LB 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 i 5 3 3 3 3 5 1 5 1 5 3 5 5 ß.45 14.35 16.30 15.65 15.35 14.73 20.15 16,05 22.50 18.15 18.00 17.60 19.00 19.75 20.20 16.90 17.40 16.15 Soll 'e .Auaiyis f Variauct £rin uJ.r z Mo1ybdezu&i, z id, and £hn Loren Fctura1 Included in the Gremliuu c Lzpe riuie ntal t ign. "Llyd an. Muther abtugh .tX1'. SuXIuz z Molybdenum iource o'ariatìon Total Rep d.í. Lloyd F Mutheribaugh F 17 NS i C z z Mo SzM. ¿. 2': 9* 541ic* :5. 94*4' N NS 4 Error X Total l(ep Mg 17 K Error 4 8 KxMg i'4S i z z Z.7NS NS 122.39:* NS NS Lime x Boron Tal Rep L LB Error _ NS c* N i B - 17 z z 4 14S 15.95*4 8 significant. Significant at 1% probability iovel. Noii s U. 76*4' 22 8 22 14 I-. o IB a: w Io Q- a: w B W oo )a: o 0) IO a: 8 T - - OL__- 0 -- 2 '- - 4 6 8 LIME (TONS PER ACRE) ?iure 12. Fiesponse surface for yield as a function of lime arid oi1 fron EfltOUSG. potassiuri ao1icticn tri te Lloyd location, o'- 9 2 .7 I- o a- 5 w Q- w o I-. _J 4 4 Il o (I) 4 15 C, K 00 2 LIME FtEure 4 6 80 (TONS PER ACRE) 1. Response surface for yield as a function of iLne and Soil from potassium apDllcaticn in the Ereenhouse. MutLersbauh loestion. L) -J 185 18-0 17-O riii I- 18-O o 6-o a. w Q. ILl 17-0 I- 3< WI 15-0 >->. ,0 o 16-C Cn I 150 2 LIME 4 6 80 ?2 (TONS PER ACRE) Response surfac.e for yield as a function of line and Figure 14. 3o11 from reenhouse. the phosphorus application j uthrsbauh 1ocìtion. 109 +10 O a_z Cn -IO 'u. 00 w >w W 0 coO 0W 2 LIME 4 6 (TONS PER ACRE) 8 o z - 00 > Ui I,] 0 125 K20 500 (POUNDS PER ACRE) 250 1000 Deviation of observed minus predicted yield as percent of mean yl.elcl in relation to levels 3oil of lime and potassium in the Ereenhouse. Figure 15. from Lloyd location. lic, to'er of t contributlo'i rried from t) to its ccntribLlon to the total neutralizing CO3 treatment. This lirnc nd Mg .LZ percent. This variable was placed in factorial combination with K. As in the rrodified composite, application z-nately ws IZc? not o .' lacreaed yields pproxi- pe.tcekxt (Table XXIV). Though thc cufect of the Mg significantb respne to Mg cf I5 17, and term percent occured at the 0, 500, and 1000 lb. K20 rates respectively. 4. Linie x Borcn Factorial: No response to boron application was noted (Table XXIV). llciwever, poa3LbUIty of 'Ç of a. larer of epoise may have been by the ¿lasa wool in th bottom of the greenhouse pots. The boron reqiirernent of the alfalfa may have been 5upplisd by boron going into eolution from the glass wool. Responses to lime 'vere noted. These were of tho se.rne magnitude at those of the modified cornosite. B. 'Muthersbaugh Soi1 1. Urne x Phosphora ,. Potassium z Molybdenum Modified Composite: Observed and predicted yields are given in Table XXII. The analysis of variance and regression coefficients for this data are given in Table XXIII. A significant replication mean squ.aro was found on the 111 "Mutherabaugh soil". The explanation for this may lie in the position of the replications in the greenhouse in relation to the air coolera. These vere mounted in the greenhouse waU and blew directly on 2 of the 4 benches uaed. The experiment was laid out so that the coolers affected one replication more than the other. This effect appears to have been more significant on the "Muthersbaugh soil" than on the "Lloyd soU". The deviations term of the analysis of variance was non- significant and the difference between observed and predicted yields is seldom more than that observed In the 3 or field 4 percent. This figure is smaller than experimentI iUustratlng the effects of better environmental control and treatments of added In regions where responses were expected to occur. Four tons of lime increased the yield on the "Muthersbaugh soil" by s 17 percent. Yields decreased slightly from the 4 ton to the ton applications. The lime x K response surface (fIgure 13) predicts a lime response of approximately 13 percent. applications had little K effect on this response. A soil". significant response to Observed K occured on the "Mutherabaugh yields were increased 13 percent by the applica- tion of 320 lbs. of KLO. Yield Increases generally occured from the 40 lb. to the 60 lb. rates of K20. Figure 13 shows the predicted response to K. There was a general tendency for yields to in.. crease over the range of K applications. A maximum response was liZ nQt reached. even at 320 lbs. of K20. It should be mentioied that the predicted yields shown on this 2 or 3 percent sirface seldom varied from the observed yields. The more than K response was not affected by lime rate. A significant P response and on the "Muthersbaugh observed yield 18 these effects. A 19 soll". 360 lb.. lime z P interaction occured of P205 increased the percent in the absence of lime. At the 8 ton linie rate a smaller (6 percent) response was noted. Figure 14 illustrates percent respoise is predicted at lime response is predicted at the ment of observed and predicted 8 ton lime rate. A Urne. Note the percentage responses. confirms the effect of added points in the portion of responses are expected. O the Nc agree- This design where maximum response to P had not been obtained at 360 lbs. of P205, except at the high lime rate. A larger lime response is predicted at the O P rate than at the. highest p rate. These responses were 17 and 4. 8 percent respectively. The predicted maximum response to lime occurs near the rate in the absence of P and between the Z ton and 4 ton rates at 360 lbs. of P. Lime reduced yields markedly (up to higher rates. A 6 12 percent) at the small molybdenum response occurcd on the "Muthea- baugh soil" even though the molybdenum variable wae applied in the presence of lime. Z A comparison of the predicted yields of the and 4 levels of molybdenum indicates that this response occured mainly at the 4th level of P. Su]íur x Molybdenum Factorial: 2. A significant re*ponse to u.1fur occured on the !rMuthers.. baugh soil" (Tables XXIV and XXV). Yields were increased approxixate1y 19 percent. No molybdenum response occred and the sulfur response wa izdeperidcnt of molybdeimm levels. 3. Potassium x Magneilum Factorial: N. response to variations in Mg level was observed. K application increased y-ields l percent at the low Mg levei (Tables slightly larger response, 24 percent, occured XXIV and XXV). A at the high Mg 4. level. LIme x Boron Factorial: As was bserved on the Lloyd soiF' no to boron application occured. A response to lime, similar to that in the modified composite, occurod. Four tone of 17 Lixne percent. Yields decreased slìghtly from the lime level. 4 increased yields ton to the k ton / RelationaMp of Yield and Soil Chemical Aaalyes: "Lloyd Soil" A. The oì1 samples analyzed to nbtain the data in table XXVI were taken at the completion of the The effect8 of crop removal data. The removal of mated a 7 access to 4 reenhouee experiment. should be eori9idered in harveata in the greenhouse roughly approxi- ton yield of dry matter in the field. a studying the Plant roots have larger volume of soll in the field, and when they are constricted into the smaller volume of soil In the greenhouse pnt, they tend to extract a greater percentage of the available nutrients. Thus, as will be seen later, the soll v'as rather effectively de- pleted, especially of K. Application of lime Increased the soil pH, exchangeable Ca level, and the percentage Ca pH continued to + increase up to the Mg 8 4 K saturation. The soil ton lime level. This indicates that the liming material (finely divided Ca(OH2) continued to react with the soil, even at high rates of application. r K 16 tone of lime, in. e. of Ca, were required to achieve 100 percent Ca saturation. TM! is in the field. a larger amount However, more Ca was of lime than was treatments, and the high yields required in the Ca in the plant greenhouse to those in the field. Application of 4 tons of lime, 1a, was uficient raise the pH above to Mg undoubtedly removed by the pant. This is Indicated by the larger percentage on these .4- 6. 5 and or 8 relative nt. e. of eliminate a lime 4 requirement. Optimrn yields on the Lloyd soil were associated with an exchangeable Ca level of above 8 or 9 in. e. per loo grams (figure 16). ThIs Ca level would probably be supplied hr an application of 4 tons of lime or more. Only the highest rates of K and Mg succeeded In increasing the exchangeable K and Mg levels in the soil as rneaeured at the end of the experiment. soil was O. 09 m. e. per The initial exchangeable K level of the Lloyd loo grams arid exchangeable K values re- rnained in this range untIl 1000 lbs. of K20 had been applied. The high rate of application increaEed the exchangeable rn.e. per 100 K level to 0. 31 grams. Yield responses were associated with increasing rates of application of K in the greenhouse. Since cropping had reduced the exchangeable K level to a somewhat constant lower limit on all but the highest K rates, these yield response; cannot be related meaningfully to the exchangeable The was 0. o. 7 100 level in the soil after cropping. exchangeable Mg level of the "Lloyd soil" m. e. per 100 grams. This was reduced to approximately 65 in. e. by rate. initial K On cropping on all treatments but those with the highest these, exchangeable Mg grams. No wa& Increased to 1. 1 in. e. per yield responses were noted on this soil in the g re enhou se. B. Muthersbaugh Soil" The initial pH and exchangeable Ca levels of the Muthers- TABLE XXVI. lime Rate Response of Various Soil Test Values to Lime Application in the Greenhouse. "Lloyd and Mutherebaugh Soils ". Means of 2 Replications. pH Lime Requirement - Lloyd Soil 0 TíA 2 4 6 8 5.63 6.14 6.66 6.75 ___ 6.93 2,0 1,8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Exchangeable Ca me. /100g 3.3 6.6 10.2 12.9 17.0 Muthersbauh Soil p 2 4 6 8 TIA 598 6.45 6.91 6.93 7.13 2.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 CatMg+K m.e./lOOg 3.68 7.29 10.89 13.67 17.80 553 % Ca+Mg-4-K Saturation 26.1 51.2 72.7 88.4 109.9 4.8 8.2 11.5 15.3 8.90 12.47 16.15 39.1 60.5 33.1 104.1 19.1 20.03 122.1 Values for the various linie rates were obtained by averaging the following treatment numbers: T/A lime: Z TÍA lime: 4 T/A lime: O 1, 2, and 3. 12 and 14. 15, 18, and 21. 6 8 T/A lime: TÍA lime: 27 and 29 30 and 31. pp- a.. I IT 2O 18 -. IS I- o Q- w Q- o 6 2 w I i I I I 14 IO I IS -J,-- I9 o U) w '7 15 I I O 4 8 12 EXCHANGEABLE FlEure 16. Ca Re1ationstp in tte Lloyd and 2 I Boil. I I 20 16 Co (ME/l00 GRAMS) of yield to exchaneeable Greenhouse. Soils from xiens of iuthersbauEh locations. of' treatments receivina repl1ctlons rates of lime. different haugh soll were b1hc than those of thea L1cyd soll (Table XXVI). Conequeritly, ìets lime was required to increase the soU pH and the percentage Ca 4. Mg + K saturation. Application of between 2 and 4 tons of 1ie the rea sed the the lime recitirement. 6 tono of lime, or required to increase the Ca Figure 16 of exchangeable Ca would or Ca 3 .- tons of iii-ne Mg 12 + K 9 m. e. of Ca, were 4 Mg + K saturation to 100 percent. shows that the highest yields werc exchangeable Ca level of 2 soil pH to 6. 5 and eliminated to 12 aaociated with an m. e. per 100 grams. This level probably be euptlicd by an application of to this soll. This rate saturation to between 60 would also increase the and 80 percent. Slight yield decreaser occured when the exchangeable Ca level exceeded 12 m. e. High Ca per 100 grams. the plant's ability to obtain K levels may have interfered with from the oìl. J s villi be mentioned in a later section, the K contente of the plant tops from the lime treatments were 1.2 tc 1.4 percent and not high enough to be associated wIth the h.iChest yields (figure 17). The initial exchangeable soil" was 0. 25 im e. per leve] to O. 15 100 K level of the "Mutheribauh grams. Crop removal lowered thi9 rn. e. per 100 grams on the O K20 treatments. Alter completion of the experiment, only the highest K rate had succeeded in this value, arid then only to O. 18 m. e. per 100 grams. Yield responses to K obtained in the greenhouse cannot be related to the exchangeable K level in the soil due to the crop removal effect mentioned ;bcve. lìie ii.itiai cxcaangcable soil was i-n. . 9 ippromately ). 7 a-i. e. per 100 grams creased er v'ore obtained ni. e. fafl .f the "Mutherbaugh o all treatinentj except rate. Here, eclxat-geable M 1 levcL e. per 100 grams. Cropping reduced thie t those with the highe to 1. cilg 100 this soil ; ii the No Mg was in- yield resrJonse5 to Mg greenhouse. Relationship of Yield and Plant Analysis Data: 1oyd A. Soilu Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorous: I. Fiant content of Ca viag mire clusely asaociatec ijth yield In the greenhouse than in the field (Table XXViI). Applic&- tion of from tue 4 tons of lime increa3ed yields arta increased tne Ca cuateLìt 1. 91 plznt perct to 2. ti52iC from tne 3 percent. However, O lime treatmneni (1. e Ga o)j conttnt oí percert) was unduly by.. The íact that the Ca conent increased '.ìith increasing Itme applications in the greeitheuse maj aLio be an iudirdct 1)1 the rutes of 1he effect application used in the greethouse. These rates were higher than those used tops was riot highcr at tie O in the field. The £ content ûi the plant lime rate iz the greeiJìouse than it waz at 8ame limc rate in the field. t..pp1icaUon of linie reduced the K content from Z. O percent to Application of plant tops on the Lloyd 1. 3 K had a oi1 percent. ].ire effect on content of the (Table XXVII). The initial level of .valla11 i tke i! increa8ed the p1ait ca 1r; (O. )9 ¿t,. o.) and 1000 1b. ctent of K from O. 5 .ercent t» 2. 7 if prceut. tratment. Figure 17 5h0w5 th relatioaship of yield to thio iiicrease in K cortnt. Yields .acraeed liiely uiti1 th £' ccczt ;eichî appr»±ne1y i.Z5 to i. prcnt. From this th K coacit cc.tiu. L iacreatie ut yiedu reixìaia r1athe1y Cn13tL1t. Th3 ¿,recs with the resuE oí other workers. Cha1er, an Lduield 1ouzd th.t i' cnLut below 1. ¿ percent generaL!y aeociated wLh yieid rpunae& greater tlianZü percent (15). Jtckon. et al. £ouzd th.t X contente above 1. 25 percei to 2 percent wtie adequate Ca and Mg conteits 's'ere reduced by this for uptinu.m yields of alfalfa (32). Appliciton of 'a K lbs. of I(O app.xentlj ir excess of that needed Lcr opzinium y.clda and the contents above or Z. 1. 5 Ap1ication O percent repraeat 1uiry consumption. of Mg in Llia z soil" produced no definite effect ou the tope (Table LCVII). prising In tlia ratec in Z Mg The resu1t 1 Mg factorial on ta "Lloyd M content of th plant hese contents were reduce cases out of 3. 1OJ na1yses ar rther sur- by the mncrea&ng Howver checas, run to Mg detmine ii errors vierc involvcci indicated that both rcedures were in order. A deßnie effect of K application was noted and K ccn;enta were increastd from O. to Z. percent. The r.te of Mg applied apparently had little effect on the K content ampl1n c analytical 1 of the plant tope. Applications of lime increased the P content of the pLant 1'rd!rately @.2 iop efct -'n the P c'rtterit had litt slight, . non-Mgntficant rf re.pone percent. 3" P applications the ptant tieeue. Though n1y to P vere obtained on the "Lloyd soil", yield was generally related to the P content of the plant tops. This ir shwn vee aaooiated with by figure P . yieie obtained Sulfur: The rru1ybdenuni ratc 'cry higi, rangtng from hel: Tì contentr of above 0. 34 percent. Molybdenum and 2. Y to 9. O applied in the ' tht. greehozie were of molybdenum pe acre. Alzo theae rates were applied in ccriibinat1ort with 4 per acre. wer. not In this light, toc' surprising. increased the 410 Application of ppm molybdenum prn, in the absence of have been found if cor.tents 9. 6 the. XXIX n Table of rro',-hdenum in the platt 100 times, 5ulf1r. of lime from 4 to Lower contents wouc. probably lime had been applied. In any :asc, alfalfa no seems to poeress the of ite mlybdenurr the trii ability to absorb nwlybdenum far excess ned. Application of sulfur ha been hcwn to rlybdenurn content of plant matertJ (70, p. de:re.e the '5). The reu1t of thIs experiment showed a similar effect. The applicition of 160 lbs. of sulfur the O decreRed the mol'bdenurr content cf the plant moiybdenun treatment by nearly plant tissue grown at the 9. 6 half, arid the tissue of content of the lb. molybdenum rate, by cver 300 TABLE XXVII. Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terms of Percentage and MiUequìvalents per 100 grams of Dry Matter. Greenhouse Study of Soil from Lloyd Location. Means of 2 Replications. I Modified Composite Treatment Combination L P K Mo 3 3 3 3 283 1 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 2.77 138.8 2.79 2.07 139.3 103.5 3 3 1 3 3353 Ca m.e./1Oc. 141.5 95.8 1.91 z Ma Factorial Treatment Mg T. m.e./l0 Ca Mg K m.e.f1O CaUons m.e.Iló K m.e.IlOOg Z9.Z 1.3 0.39 0.36 32.5 30.0 2.0 1.2 51.2 30.7 179.2 199.5 2.5 5.5 0.46 0.30 36.7 24.6 0.5 2.7 29.2 11.5 187.5 197.3 15.3 1.9 O.3& 33.3 204.0 5.1 II K Combination K Mg 1 1 1 5 3 1 ¿.79 3.00 2.83 2.83 2.07 ¡.97 3 5 5 1 III L z Ga m.e.J10 1.3 150.0 141.5 141.5 103.5 Mg % m.e.R0 U.4b 36.7 0.32 0.36 0.43 0.30 0.24 26.7 29.2 24.6 2.7 2.9 35.8 98.5 19.6 P (Values are percentage P in plant tops) Lime Level 1 1 3 5 -- - 028 0.36 0.39 _ W 0.5 0.4 1.3 1.1 Ca Mg K m.e.I10 11.5 10.3 33.3 28.2 69.2 73.0 Cations_ K m.e.I10 m.e.I10 187.5 15.3 187.0 204.0 205.3 197.3 191.1 P level 3 0.30 0.35 0.39 5 u.7 0.36 17.2 5.1 6.3 1.9 1.6 TABLE XXVIII. Chemical Composition of Alfalfa in Terme of Percentage and Millequivalenta per loo grams of Dry Matter. Greenhouse Study of Soil from Location. Means of 2 Replications. I Modified Composite T rea tment Combination L P K Mo % Ca m.e.I1OÇ Mg K 141.5 % 0.34 m.e.1lO( Z8.3 l.Z Cations m.e.flO( 31.T m.e.11O ¿01.3 Ca Zg K m.eJ[0 4.7 3 3 3 3 Z.83 1 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 2.18 2.93 109.0 146.3 0.38 0.30 31.3 24.6 1.4 1.4 35.6 35.6 206.6 4.8 3 3 1 3 3 3 5 3 3.07 2.13 153.5 106.3 0.39 0.29 32.1 23.8 2.0 1.0 25.4 50.8 211.0 7.3 2.6 175.9 180.9 3.9 II K X MjFactoria1 reatmerit Combination Ca K Mg _% Ti 1 3.cY7- 2.69 2.83 2.57 2.13 2.05 5 3 1 3 5 5 1 5 5 LU L x P (values A28.5 106.3 102.5 0. 39 0.41 0.34 0.41 0.29 0.34 m.e.I1O 32. 1 32.4 28.3 34.2 23.8 28.3 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 2.0 1.8 m.e.110 25.4 33.3 31,7 29,4 50.8 44.8 Çations_ m.e./1O 211.0 202.0 201.3 192.1 180.9 175.6 Ca Mg K m.e.IlOg 7.3 5.1 4.7 5.5 2.6 2.9 P level 1 3 5 153.5 134.5 141.5 'Ye K are percentage P in plant tops) Lime Level i in.e./l0 Mg 0.31 0.38 0.37 3 0.34 0.40 0.41 5 0.36 0.44 N 124 24 I.- o Q- w 8 Q. w o O I-. 2 I 3 -J4 Ö 21 cl) 4 (D 19 3AUGH s O I % K IN 2 PLANT TOPS Relationship of yield to percentage plant tops. Greenhouse. Soils and ì4uthersbauh from Lloyd locations. ieans cf 2 rep1icitions of trtmerits recivin different rates of K. Figure 17. 1 in II s o 9 7 LLOYD o ': 0.24 32 28 40 36 >- 1119 o u, g o 4 7 1CH ¡5E 0f 30 F1ure 34 % 38 P IN PLANT 42 46 TOPS Re1tionsb1p of ylld to percentlEe l. plant tops. Greenhouse. 3oils tri frorn cans Lloyd arid 4uthersb3ui locations. 2 of rece iviii tretrnerits of replications different rates of P. F TA!IJ XXIX. Mo1ybd.nurr and Sulfur Cornpo3ition of Alfalfa from Cre'nhuse Experi:rent. uLloyd and Mutlie'sbaugh SoU&'. Mean.e of Z Replicaticns. Treatment Mo 1 1 1 3 5 ¡ 3 3 3 5 5 5 Lloyd Soil S (ppm) (%) Mo Level 1 3 5 o (ppm) 5 3 0.21 0.31 0.60 27 0.19 20 0.56 16 11 4 ¿ 16 12 3 410 252 5 105 1 Mutherbaugh 0.23 0.43 0.61 3 3 430 215 98 S (%) 0.27 0.53 0.70 0.24 0.5 0.79 0.2-1 0.50 0.72 Soil r I 22 18 o û- L 0V D 17 w û- I i O f 2 4 I I 6 8 -J4 >>- al9 o 's) 17 e BAUGH O 4 6 8 % S IN PLANT TOPS F1ure 19. ReLitlonship of y.e1d to percentuEe in plant tops. Greenhouse. Soils f'rorn Lloyd arid uthersbauEh 1octions. Means of' 2 relications of treatments rcceivnE different rates of S. 'za percent. Thus, the effect of sulfur in reducing the molybdenum content was much more evident at high contente of molybdenum. Stout. !.t 5.1. (70, p. 85) have postulated that this effect i a competition for an anion of .imilar size and charge. However, the sulfur content of the plant tops in thi. experiment was not affected in the least by the molybdenum level. Generally, the first 40 lbs. of sulfur applied accounted for approximately half of the reduction in molybdenum content at all molybdenum levels. This effect is probably not a simple one, as sulfur Interferes with absorption of molybdenum but molybdenum does not appear to interfere with the absorption of sulfur. The competitive effect noted In this study continued over the range of sulfur applications with the first applications being the most effective. Sulfur applications increased the S content of the plant tops (Table XXIX). Yield responses were also obtained to sulfur application. Figure 19 Showß the relationship of yield to sulfur content. High yields were associated with sulfur contents above O. 50 percent. These levels were higher than those found by Tungen (80) who obtained optimum yields of alfalfa on several southern Oregon soils at sulfur contenta of approximately 0. 30 to 0. 35 percent. B. "Muthersbaugh Soll" 1. Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus: Application of lime increased yield and the Ca content of .. Lhe plant from he top6 O (Table XXVIII). Iioweve, the Ca content of Urne trcatents was Z. la the '- planta percent and should not have been limiting to growth. Mg contents were reduced by lime applica..1on, but K contents were not. The K content of the plant tops from thae treatrnent3 ws 1.2 to L4 perc2nt, not a high value. The content of K in the plant tope wa increased from 1. percent to 2. 0 percent content un the The O by the application f 32'J lbs. of KO 0 per acre. K20 treatment vas higher than that found on the "Lloyd soil" for the corresponding treatment, reflecting the higher the level of available K soil'. However, in the "Mutherebatigh K content of the high K treatment was lower than that on the "Lloyd soil", indicating th* effect of Uiere. Yield increase3 due to K higher rates of the K used &pplication on the Muthersbaugh soil" were associated with the increase in K content of the plant tops (figure 17). The highest yields occured when the K content svas 1. 75 percent or greater, and the curve iiidicate that yield responsee could be obtained when the below this percentage. K content was anywhere (t the The lowest yield O KO t4eataenta) ou the "Muthershaugh soll" were higher than those obtained on the 'Lloyd soil", but K contents of 1.25 percent ou both soils were &&sociated with yields of matter per pot. Nu approxitnately 16 ¿O grains of dry indication of a critical content for K waa found and, if luxury coAaurntion occurs, it takes piace above 2. to 0 jercent. The curve in figure 17 &t a K content of indicates that responses further applications of K rrngbt have been achieved. Both the 130 response curve in Ligure 13 and figure 17 chow no maamum response within Uie range of applications. The yield level of the experiment as a whule might have been increased il a higher rate of K had been used. Applications of from 3. 07 percent to 2. 13 3Zu lbs. of K20 reduced the Ca content percent and the Mg content from 0. 39 percent to 0.Z9 percent. It is interesting to note that the highest and lowest Ca and Mg contents in the experiment on the tIMuthera baugh soil were brought about by variation in the rate of K applica- tion. Applications of Mg increased the Mg content of the plant (Table XXVIII); Ca contents decreased slightly but K contenti were not affected. No yield response to Mg was found on this soil. Both P and lime applications increased the P content of the plant tops (Table XXVflI). The highest P contents (0.44 percent) occured when 360 lbs. of P205 and 4 tons of lime were applied. The highest yields obtained on the P treatments occured when the P content was above 0. 38 to 0. 40 percent (figure 18). P contents higher than thia did not further increase yields. Lime responses on this soil were obtained partially through lime's effect on the availability of phosphorous. Thu. was indicated by the fact that when the P contents were raised by the addition of P the lime sponse was greatly reduced. re- 13 Z. Moiybderum and Sulfur: On the T1Mutkicrbaugn soU. , applicltionß of 9. C' 1m. of mybdeaun cortteilt :o 43 ppm (Table XXD). ..s was ieAtioi3a earlier molybdenum per acre ncreaec1 the in the absence of su.lfur n the thacusion of the molybdenum contents ii planto from the "Lloyd ¡oil', the rate of molybdenum applied was high (much higher than would be applied in the field) of lime. ¡and it wa applied In the pre&ence These contents are not generall'j related to yield even though there was some tendency toward a nolybdenum responze on the "Muthersbaugh soil'. Suiftir reduced the content of molydcnurn in the iisue drastically (330 percent) especially at the high molybdeaurn rate. Again, as on the Lloyd soil, the first 40 ibò. of uJíur were i:re effective in reducing the molybdenum content than were the last 120 lbs. Molybdenum apphcatioa of the plant d34 not affect the sulfur content tissues. Sulfur applications increa6e the au11ir content of the plant tissue (Table XXiX). As on the "Lloyd soil", the optimum yields were associated with sulfur contents above In generale U. 50 percent. 9uUur contents were slightly higher on the 'Muthers- baugh soil" than on the "Lloyd soil"; however, the yield response to sulfur was somewhat larger on the "Lloyd soil". Yield responses to sulfur application were achieved at higher sulfur contents thnti 132 thoie reported by Yungen C. (bU). Sum of Cation-Equivaleu±8 and Cation-Equivalent Ratioe The va1ue for the sum f cation-equivalents varied be- tween treatment bu they varied to a SniaUCT extent than did the m. e. contents of the individual cationa (Tables XXVII and XXVIII). This result i the same a that found in th analysis of the plant tissue from the field eperimeuts. For example, in the data for the modified compomite, application of 1000 lbs. of K20 decreased the m.e. of Ca 35 percent, the m.e. of Mg 50 percent, and In- creased the im e. of K 503 equivalent5 varied only 5 percent. perceit. the sum of cation- However1 The lowest values for the sum of cation-equivalents were generally found on the low lime or high k( treatments on the MuLherbaugh oi1". Low vaiue8 were generally associated wnh low lime and low K treatments on the "Lloyd soil", This variUon from the above effect was probably due to the very low K contents on the O KO treatments. J_owered yields were generally ubBerved when the Ca + Mg K equivalent ratio exceeded approximately 4:1. This was especialiy true on the Lloyd soil. Here, how-ever, the K contcntø of the plant topi from treatments having high ratio value. were approximately 0. 5 percent. This content definitely indicates a K deficiency. As mentioned previously in a similar section on the field results this relationship was not completely valid, as low yields on the low 133 lime treatments viere associated with Ca + Comprison of Greenhouge and One of the objectiveB the ue of greenhouse ratioa below 4:1. Field Reaults in this study was the evaluation of techniques in delineating fertilizer response information. Response in the field is the final basis or the evaluation o the effects of soil amendments, but greenhouse facilities may be useful in determining the general deficiencies or responses which might be expected. This evaluation can be made here on the basis cd these reapouss, (c) (d) a reaponcs found, (b) the magnitudes the poitioa of the response maximums, a1 of (a) a cornparl8on of the comparison of interactions or nutrient relationships. Lefore comparing the field and greenhouse results, points of dissimilarity between the two conditions of growth should be considered. The first is that only surface soil the field for use in the greenhouse. On was taken from the basis of this fact, and the fact that moisture was not limiting in the greenhouse, the greenhouse responses should be best related to the 1957, or the ist cutting, 1957, field responses. Second, the rates of applica- tion in the greenhouse experiment were generally ucd in the field. response higher than those This was done first, to be sure of obtaining a maximum and second, to compezisate for having a smaller volume of soil for the plant roots to utilize in obtaining nutrieuts. Third, soll temperatures can be assumed to be higher in the i 34 greenhouse than ±n the field. This may h&ve an effect on the P re5ponse obtained. Significant linear and quadratic lime reponse werø obtained in both the field and greenhouse experimenti on the "Lloyd eoil". On the "Mutherbaugh soil", ¡ignificant linear and quadrt1c responses were obtained in the field1 but onLy a quadratic repone was found in the greenhouse. The magnitudes of the field responses were much greater than those in the greenhnxse. In terms of percentages the maximum predicted Linie response in the field on the "Lloyd eoil" was house a 4U O percent at the O KZO level. In the greeu- "i percent response was predicted for the corresponding treatment combination. similar effects were noted on the baugh soil'. The exact reason for this difference in response magnitude cannot be determined from the data availabìe, siue the beneficial effects of lime are many and complex and environmental and other growth conditions in the greenhouse are different from those in the field. One of the reasons for this reduced response, however, may lie in the fact that greenhouse responses °ere obtained with well established and nodulated plants. In the greenhouse, the plants were grown froni cuttings. These were inoculated t the time of propogation, and at the end of the experiment were weU nodulated. On the other hand, the alfalfa in the field was grown from seed. It Is difficult to obtain a satisfactory stand of alfalfa on acid soils. Apparently, once a stand is established, some growth Is obtained. In this respect, conditions were more favorable I 3E or eteb1ihi staad of 1a1fi in the greenhous, ßince rooted cuttings were uied. AB a cornpariou of íigure& 3 or 5 and 12 will show the response curves for the field and greenhouee on the "Lloyd soil" are quite similar with respect to lime response. On the "Muthersbaugh soil" the appropriate figures for this comparison are 13. and 6 There is leas of a similarity in shape of the response curves on this soil. However1 the predicted response maximums in the greenhouse and field agree quite well on both soils. In all cases a maximum response is predicted at approximately the 4 ton lime rate. In terms of observed yields, the lime were obtained at the 4 or 6 largest responses to ton lime rates in both the field and greenhouse on both soils. The yield data from both the field and greenhouse indicated depression.s of yield at the 8 ton lime rate. Thus, with the exception of the magnitude of the yield responses found, the greenhouse and field responses agree fairly weil. Lime x K effect was indicated for the let cutting, 1957, field yields on the "Lloyd soil" small at the O ( gure 3). Response to K was lime level, and large (60 percent) where tons of lime had been applied. This effect was not shown in the greenhouse experiment. However, in terms of total yield in 1957, the interaction effect Is almost absent (figure 5). The field lime x K response surface for 1957 total yields is quite similar to the lime z K surface for 1957 for the greenhouse experiment (figure 12). K response i wa it 30 somewhat reduced at the iow lime level, but not to the extent wa in the field. 1000 ib9. of K2C increased yie1d lime level in the greezthouae. This large rate occured both in the ist cutting K 14ó percent at the response at the 8 8 ton ton lime field yields and in the green- 1957 house yields. The shape of the curves differ, bat the ratee of application also O differ radically. Responses to K were predicted for higher rates cf i. application in the greenhouse than in the field. It should be remembered that a response to 500 lbs. of K20 in. the greenhouse cannot be equated to a field response to the same application. A comparison of greenhouse and field responsos to l on the "Lloyd soil might be confounded by the presence of iMite in the B2 horizon of this soil. Only surface soil was used in the green- house. In time, the alfalfa roots in the fìeld will penetrate to the BZ horizon and avail themselves of the larger amount of slowly available K present there. Thus, in cases of this sort1 greenhouse data wiU only indicate the responses to be found in the early stages of the field exøeriment. This i especially true of alfalfa, a deep rooting plant. Responses to be found later, in the second year for instance, may differ from those indicated by greenhouse experimente. On the "Mutherebaugh soil", K responses smaller than those on the tiLloyd soil' were obtained in both the field and greenhouse (figures 6 and 13). In the field the observed yield response - to lbs. 10G to 320 lbs. of :K.D .rag 2' oerceitt; KO wa. 18 percent. in the Zn the reaponse greeribokze the mum occurec! at appzoxthiately 100 1b8. uf a field1 response maxi- per acre, but i rateB in the did not appear to be high enough to bring about a maximum Comment yield. has already been mMde on this effect, thcugh it seems certain that a arnaUer response to K would be predicted to occur at the Mutherbaugh location than at the Lloyd location. This is indicated by the shape of the response curves found (ligures 5 and 6, 12 and 13) and by the initia], soil teat values for the two Boils (Table XVIII). Neither the field or greenhouse studies indicated a response tu P on the v?Lloyd soil". However, significant P and lime x P interaction effects were found in the greenhouse on the 'Muthersbaugh soil". No such were opposite to one another. was found in the absence of P2O o Xxi the field in 1957, The appropriate field azu XV and XXII l percent at the reeniìouae data P response O Jb. ltme to illustrate this respectively. Figure responses to P and lime as predicted by the of the no linie, while in the greenhouse 360 1ncreaed the observed yield are found in Tables the in the field in In fact, the trends of the field and greenhouse experimes 1957. level. were found effects 14 response shows equation greenhouse experiment. The dìufereice in P response be- tween the held and greenhouse on the tMuthersbaugh soil" was probably duo to the differences in environmental conditions. The data of these experiments is too limited tu aid in explaining the - ffct. In thc-)ugh the ger.drLl1 diuíeretcE in .P rpoue beven the field and greenhouße cannot be eai1y ezplained on the 'Mutheribaugh field treLÁ& I:orard oi1", and greenhouse. The on the "Uoyd soil" in that either z P rspcne cccrcd here íield n. in both the and greenhouse results also agree P repoases were obtained under et of conditions. No significant responses to Mg were observed in either the field or greenhoue on either soil. These negative results tend to show a general agreement between the reults of field and greenhouse ttudles. Greenhouse and field responses to molybdenum cannot be easily compared as the largest field responses to molybdenum occured in the absence of lime. Since the molybdenum variable was not applied in the absence of lime in the greenhouse, comparison of results is possible. ever. This is that One fact the yield increases that is little direct noteworthy how- were found in response to molybdenum application tended to be slightly larger on the "Muthersbaugh soil" than on the "Lloyd. SOU" in both field and green- house. Soil nd plant anali9 cannot be generally compared. data This from the is due field and greenhuse to the soil volume differences previously mentioned, and the differing rates of fertilizer application. Some of these data can be compared however, if these differeoces are kept in mind. In both the fie.d and greenhouse on the "Lloyd soil", optimum yields are associated with exchangeable 139 Ca levels in the soil above 16 respectively). 8 zn.e. per 100 On the "Mutherabaugh giams (figuree Boil" 9 and optimum yields are associated with an exchangeable Ca level above approximately 10 In both the field and greenhouse, approxiin. e. per 100 grams. mately 4 tons of lime had to be applied to the "Lloyd soil" to achieve this exchangeable Ca level (Tables XVII and XXVI). On the "Mutherabaugh soil", slightly lesi lime was needed in both the field and greenhouse to obtain the exchangeable Ca level associated with optimum yields. The K content of the plant tops from the low K treatments on the "Lloyd soil" was approximately field and greenhouse (figures associated with K 11 contents above O. 5 and 17). 1. 0 percent in both the Optimum yields were to 1. 25 percent under both conditions. For the "Mutheribaugh soil", plant contents of K below approximately 1 percent did not occur in either the field or greenhouse. K contents above approximately 1. 75 percent were associated with optimum yields in both field and greenhouse. The general nature of the yield responses to be obtained in the field would be estimated adequately by an experiment conducted under greenhouse conditions on these two soils. No relationship seems to exist between the magnitudes of field and greenhouse responses, but the size of the response. to different elements relative to one another may be estimated. The results of greenhouse studies should be considered with respect to the conditions under which they were obtained. This is necessary if 140 a proper estimation of the lE response. to be expected in the field to be obtained. One further point that may be made concerning the comparison of the field and experiments on thece soi1 is the significance of deviations term of the statlitical analyeia. This term was larger on the "Lloyd soil" than on the "Mutherebaugh soil" in both the field and greenhouse studies. This may indicate that the effect of the unmeasured degrees of freedom was similar in both the field and greenhouse. Extra observed yield points for the reduction of this term were probably needed in approximately the same areas of both the field and greenhouse experimental designs. 141 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A study was initiated to determine the response of alfalfa In terms of limiting nutrient factors, appAcL singly and in combination, ori the soils of the À..loyd ana Muthersbaugh farms in Columbia County, Oregon. A further objective of the study was to evaluate the use of greenhouse techzuues in delineating £rLUizer response information. YieLa responses were reiated urnt to chemical properties of these soils and to piant oxnpositiun. Field experiments, utilizing a cornçosis type oi experimental design with lime, magnesitun, and potassium as factors, were established. lt was assumed that the vaibl yieid responses to the variables of the composite design would e approximated by a quadratic response equation. response surfaces were drawn Using this response equation. iLLustrating the occured. A lime z phosphorus sigathtnt eLta factorial and a Lime z moly- bdenurn factorial were included in tite experùnento. Observed and predicted yieius were cox1paret. The differences were lound to be least near the center of the doign where more observed yield points were available un which t,. base predicted yields. lue to the smaller number of observed yield point6 in the vicinity of the t) lime treatments, the response equa- tion could not follow the large yield increase caused by application of the first increment of lime. For this reason, the yields of the 142 O lime plots were overestimated and th yiticis of he ¿ ton limo rates were underestimated. Significant responses to lime were found on both locations duriiig both years. The ton application of lime increased yields as much as 145 percent at the Lloyd location in 1957. In 1958, the lime response was reduced, possibly due to the large amount uf grass in the O Aime plots. The response surface predicted maximum response to lime at the 4 to 6 a ton rates of application. At the Mutherabaugh location application of 4 tons of lime increased the observed yields by er rates of 195 percent in 1957. High- application reduced yields to some extent. In 1956, lime responses were smaller than in 1957, but a response maximum was again predicted at between 4 and 6 tons of lime per acre. Applications of lime increased the pH, exchangeable Ca level, and the percentage Ca +. Mg + K saturation on both soila. Optimum yields were associated with exchangeable Ga levels of above 8 m. e. per 100 grams at the Lloyd location and a level ahoye 12 m. e. per 100 grams at the MAer8baugh location. Applications of lime had little effect on the Ca content of the plant tops, but did location. increase P contents at the Mutherabaugh This indicates that one ol the effects of lime application at this location was to increase the availability of soil P. Large responses to K occured at the Lloyd location In 1957. These responses were especially evident at high lime rates. 143 In l98, sma.11er reporiscs were obtained, possibly alfalfa roots the due to the horizon which contained an appreciable amount of ill ite. K responsee obtained at the Mutherebaugh location were not significant, These responses were smaller than those at the Lloyd ocation, possibly reflecting the larger amount of available K in the soil. The madmum response was predicted for the 100 lb. rate of K2() and no lime x K interaction was observed. Application of both locations. u. 16 K increased the exchangeable Optimum yields were obtained between O. 14 and in. e, per 100 grams of exchangeable K at the Lloyd location in 19S7 and 1958. At the Muthershaugh ¡ç K level at location, the level of the soíl was in ali cases higher than 0. 18 exchangeable m. e. per 100 grams, and only small yield responses were ubtained by it. Application of K fertilizer increased the K increasing content of the plant tops. Optimum yields were associated with K contents of above l.Z5 to 1. 5 percent at tÌe Lloyd location anii above 1. 5 to Z per- cent at the Mutherabaugh location. No significant response to Mg was obtained on either location during either year. However, Mg increased yields as much as 1200 lbs. of dry matter per acre oì. the Lloyd location at the 6 ton lime rate. A yield response of 1000 lbs. per acre was noted at the Muthersbaugh location, but it was not large enough to be significant. £ Z A P respons. of 1 Z percent occured at the Mu.therbaugh location in 1957 in the presence of lime. Small responses were noted at both locations in 195e. These respon wert ot large enough to be ignLfic.nt in either year. ign±uicant resp ns to molyb.enm locations. Molybdenum increased yields ccurd at poimatly 100 pr- cent at thc Mithcrbug1i location in the z.bsexe í Iiic la maller respcnss occured in 1,58. Mo1ybdeAn ncreased the total yield £1 beth l7. kicatis percent a the Lloyd location in 1957. Application ol eithcr lime or molybdenum increased the mo1bdenum content of the plant tops. The highest with lime and molybdenum in cntent were scia.ed ombínatin. The ion raflo, \jaca +Mg was determined on soil sample. from the field locations. No couclusivs results were obtained in attempts to relate this ratio to yield. There was no simple relationship as low yields were associated with either a high or low ratio value. Greenhouse experiments were established on soil taken from each of the field locations. A modified composite design with the variables lime, phosphorus, potassium, and molybdenum was used. Response surfaces were drawn for the significant results. Included with the modified composite design were K x Mg, i 'u1fur X molybdnnum, and lime x boron fctor1a1. Significant responses to lime were obtained on both BOUl. Thele respon3cs were sma11r than those obtanee in the field, being generally in the range of percent. Thc maximum predicted 30 relpozse occured at apprc»imate1y the 4 thu level .i both s'ì. Lime app1ictionE r.creaied the soil pli, exchangeab1t Ca level, d percentage Ci + btaned at and 9 tc or 12 re.. rn. e. of exchangeable Ca in the "Lloyd soil" 9 e. saturafioz. Optimum yieldF were + ? in the "Muthersbat.zth 3oil Lime app1icatios increased the P cntnt in the greenhouse. of the plant tops on the ttMuthersbagh soil". A large K reaponee was obtar.ed on the "Lloyd soiU' ìn the greenhouse. Responea were obtained at K20 rates up to 500 lbs. per acre on this soil. A significant K response was also obtained on the "Mutherebaugh soil". Application of K Increased the K content of the plant tops on both soils. Responses to were generaUy obtained when 1. 5 the percent on the Lloyd soil and K cnteut was 1. 75 K lees than 1.25 to percent on the Mutherebaugh soil. A on the 18 8 significant P response sud Urne x P interaction occured Muthersbiugh soil. 360 lbs. of P2Oç increased the ytelde percent at the O level of lime. No P response was obtained where tons of lime were applied. Yield wa related to the P content of the plant tops on both soils, the highest yields being obtained when the P 0.38 content to wa above 0. 34 percent on the "Lloyd soil" and above 0.40 percent on the "Muthersbaugh soil". Mg appliatio tad no effect on yields on the "Muthers- iaugh soil", ;.nd increased yields only slightly oo the No sigtJ1icant rnoiybdeiwrn grenhonse. respons were on both soilS. It respnsee ari obtained in Application of 'n'1y- increased the content of this element In the plant. Application of culfur increased by ofl". due to the fact that the molybdenum This wa variable was applied in the presence of lime. ixleriuzr "L1yd The t'te u1fur ccntent cf the plant w.s coflcluded to be obtained iii yields sIgMfcantly wa also increasd. that the general nature of the yl2ld the fleirl wuYd he quaUtativ1y tImate.d experirnent conducted under greenhouse conditions on these two 20118. 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