AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF for the Herman Vaartnou (Name) Farm Crops in presented Doctor of Philosophy (Degree) on December 16, 1966 (Major) Title: (Date) RESPONSES OF FIVE GENOTYPES OF AGROSTIS L. TO VARIATIONS IN ENVIRONMENT Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy (Signature) Morphological changes in five clonally propagated genotypes of Agrostis L. resulting from variations in environment were studied in six natural environments extending from southern Oregon to northern British Columbia. These same clones were also sub- jected to four different cutting heights in turf plots. In addition to the field experiments, they were also studied in growth chambers using four different combinations of day and night temperatures. Tiller number, plant diameter, leaf width, leaf length, aerial branching, rhizome number, rhizome length, nodes per rhizome, stolon number, stolon length and the number of stolon nodes were the morphological characteristics studied. Consistent morphological differences indicated that the five clones do not belong to the same species. Detailed taxonomic study of the population from which these clones were selected is warranted. The five clones varied in their capacity to of tiller. The density tillers depended both upon environment during the time of tiller development and clonal genetic differences. Experimental genotypes differed greatly in their susceptibility to Fusarium sp. , therefore causing some of the differences in tiller density during the spring observation time. The genotypes reacted differently to cutting height defoliation during different seasons. They also reacted differently to temperature, day length and light intensity. The five genotypes each had different leaf widths and leaf lengths when grown in similar environments. Increased light in- tensity and day length increased the leaf width at locations where the temperature had not affected the development of leaves and initiation of leaf primordia. Within one temperature combination one genotype produced the narrowest leaves and the widest leaves were produced by the other four. The length of leaves depended mainly upon the genotype. No correlation between leaf width and length was observed. Aerial branching occurred in times when the dominance of the apical bud was removed and the lateral buds developed. Cor- relation between tillering and aerial branching within clones was observed. Clonal differences accounted for most of the variation in rhizome number. Rhizome length was influenced by clones, environment and the clone x environment interaction. No correla- tion existed between the clones ability to form tillers and rhizomes. The clones formed most stolons in the fall after the sterile shoots had been formed. Short days and lower light intensity in the fall combined with low night temperatures were the environ- mental factors which promoted the formation of stolons. The ability of clones to form stolons was not related to their ability to form rhizomes or tillers. Responses of Five Genotypes of Agrostis L. to Variations in Environment by Herman Vaartnou A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1967 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor ?of Farm Crops in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head a Department of Farm Crops Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Kay Smith for December 16, 1966 Herman Vaartnnu ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sincere thanks are extended to Dr. N. R. Goetze and Dr, V. C. Brink for their assistance and encouragement throughout the study and for their helpful criticism of the manuscript. Most sincere thanks is extended to Mr. Leon J. Koerner for his encouragement in times when it was most needed. Appreciation is expressed to Dr. D. O. Chilcote and Dr. K. L. Chambers for assistance in reviewing the manuscript and Guitard, Dr. J. Miltimore, Mr. W. to Dr. A. A. Burnes, Mr. J. Yungen and Mr. A. E. Gross for providing the land for experiments and main- taining the plants during the study period. Thanks are also due to Mr. C. D. Davenport and Mr. M, Vaartnou for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript, Last but not least, I am grateful to The Leon and Thee Koerner Foundation for financial help. To my wife Hella and sons Manivalde, Peter and Erik TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. II. Introduction 1 Literature Review 3 Genotypes 3 Tillering 5 9 Root Growth Growth of Rhizomes Growth of Leaves III. Materials and Methods Source and Description of Clones Clone A Clone B Clone C Clone D Clone E Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Environments Clonal Increase Planting and Maintenance Observation Times Types of Observation Turf Experiment Growth Chamber Experiment IV. Results Tillering Field Experiments with Single Spaced Plants Growth Chamber Experiment Turf Experiment Diameter of Plant Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Growth Chamber Experiment Growth of Leaves Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Growth Chamber Experiment 11 12 15 15 15 20 26 31 35 39 39 44 48 49 49 51 54 56 56 56 68 73 75 75 78 79 79 89 Page Aerial Branching Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Turf Experiment Growth of Rhizomes Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Growth Chamber Experiment Turf Experiment Growth of Stolons Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Turf Experiment V. Discussion Tillering Growth of Leaves Aerial Branching Growth of Rhizomes Growth of Stolons VI. 91 91 91 95 95 103 103 108 108 112 119 119 122 124 125 127 Summary 128 Bibliography 131 Appendix 138 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Medford Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. 41 temperature and rainfall data at Klamath Falls Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. 42 The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Vancouver, B. C. in the years 1964 and 1965. 43 The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Summerland Experimental Station in the years The monthly 1964 and 1965. 45 The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Smithers Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. 46 temperature and rainfall data at Beaverlodge Experimental Station in the years The monthly 1964 and 1965. 47 Average number of basal tillers per 25 square centimeters at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 57 Average number of basal tillers per plant and average diameter of plant for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at four different day and night temperatures. 69 Average number of tillers per cm. 2 for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 74 Average diameter of plant at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 76 Page Table 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Average leaf width at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 80 Average leaf length at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 86 Average leaf width and leaf length for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at four different day and night temperatures in combinations. 90 Average number of aerial branches at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 92 Average number of aerial branches per one hundred cm.2 area of five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights and observed at three times. 94 Average number of rhizomes per plant at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 96 Average length of rhizomes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 99 Average number of rhizome nodes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 101 Average number of rhizomes per plant, average length of rhizomes and average number of rhizome nodes per rhizome for five clones of Agrostis L, grown at four different day and night temperatures. 104 Average weight of rhizomes per 100 cm.2 at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 105 Average length of rhizomes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 106 Page Table 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Average length of rhizome at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 106 Average number of rhizome nodes per rhizome at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 107 Average number of stolons at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 109 Average length of stolons at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. 110 Average number of stolon nodes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations 113 Average weight of stolons per 100 cm. 2 area at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 115 Average length of stolons at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 117 Average number of stolon nodes per stolon at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. 118 Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, leaf width, leaf length and diameter of plant. Observation time as a main plot. 138 Mean squares and levels of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Observation time as a main plot. 140 Appendix Table 1 2 Appendix Table 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page Mean squares and levels of significance for number of stolons, length of stolons, number of stolon nodes and number of aerial branches. Observation time as a main plot. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, leaf width, leaf length and diameter of plant. Location as a main plot. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Location as a main plot. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of stolons, length of stolon, number of stolon nodes and number of aerial branches. Location as a main plot. 142 144 145 146 Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, amount of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Turf experiment. 147 Mean squares and levels of significance for number of aerial branches, amount of stolons, length of stolons, and number of stolon nodes. Turf experiment. 148 Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, leaf width, leaf length and diameter 149 of plant. Growth chamber experiment. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes, and number of rhizome nodes. Growth chamber experiment. 149 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Clone A growing at Vancouver, B. C. 2 Pattern of rhizome and tiller growth of clone 17 A grown at Vancouver, B. C. 17 3 Clone A grown at Summerland, B. C. 18 4 Panicles from clones grown at Vancouver, B. C. 18 5 Clone A growing at Vancouver, B. C. 19 6 Ligule of clone A. 19 7 First glume 21 8 Lemma, palea, and grain of clone A. 21 9 Clone B growing at Vancouver, B. C. 23 10 Clone B growing at Smithers, B. C. 23 11 Clone B grown at Summerland, B. C. 24 12 Clone B growing at Vancouver, B. C. 24 13 Ligule of clone B. 25 14 First glume 25 15 Lemma, palea, and grain of clone B. 27 16 Clone growing at Vancouver, B. C. 27 17 Pattern of rhizome and tiller growth clone 18 C C of clone A. of clone B. grown at Vancouver, B. C. Ligule of clone C. of 29 29 Page Figure 19 First glume 20 Lemma, palea, and grain of clone C. 21 Clone 22 Ligule of clone D. 33 23 First glume 34 24 Lemma, palea, and grain of clone D. 34 25 Clone E growing at Vancouver, B. C. 36 26 First glume of clone E. 36 27 Lemma, palea, and grain of clone E. 38 28 Clone A growing at Beaverlodge, Alberta. 59 29 Clone growing at Beaverlodge, Alberta. 59 30 Clone A growing at Smithers, B. C. 60 31 Plants grown at Summerland, B. C. 60 32 Plants grown at Summerland, B. C. 62 33 Average number of tillers of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Beaverlodge and Smithers and measured at three different observation times. 65 Average number of tillers of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Summerland and Vancouver and measured at three different observation times. 66 Average number of tillers of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Klamath Falls and Medford and measured at three different observation times. 67 34 35 B C of clone C. growing at Vancouver, 30 B. C. of clone D. 30 33 Figure Page Average number of basal tillers per plant of five clones of Agrostis L. grown 60 days at four different day and night temperatures in the growth chamber. 70 Clone D grown 60 days in the growth chamber at 60 °F. day and 45 °F. night temperatures. 71 Clone A grown 60 days in the growth chamber at 60 °F. day and 45 °F. night temperatures. 71 39 Plants grown 60 days in the growth chamber. 72 40 Plants grown 60 days in the growth chamber. 72 41 Average leaf width of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Beaverlodge and Smithers and measured at three different observation times. 81 Average leaf width of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Summerland and Vancouver and measured at three different observation times. 83 Average leaf width of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Klamath Falls and Medford and measured at three different observation times, 84 36 37 38 42 43 RESPONSES OF FIVE GENOTYPES OF AGROSTIS L. TO VARIATIONS IN ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION Bentgrasses, Agrostis L. , are among the most important turfgrass species in the Pacific Northwest. Besides being of un- matched value for turf purposes, they have gained importance as an income source for seed growers. Although this grass can be found in every garden and park in the Pacific Northwest, very little research work on its management has been onomic study exists as yet. carried out. No tax- Only limited breeding studies on the species Agrostis tenuis Sibth. and Agrostis gigantea Roth have been made. Although these two species provide most of the material for permanent turf areas, few articles have been published on the ecology of the genus within the last fifty years. The latitudinal adapta- tions of bentgrasses have not been determined. Also unknown at present is whether day temperature, night temperature, or disease limit the area suitable for bentgrasses. To clarify some of the points mentioned previously, this study was initiated and carried out in six widely separated natural environ- ments ranging from southern Oregon to northern British Columbia, using five vastly different clonally propagated genotypes of bent - grasses. 2 The same clones were tested as single plant cultures under controlled light and different temperature conditions in growth chambers. Their reaction to different cutting heights in turf plots under field conditions were also studied. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Genotypes Genetic and physiological factors determine the morphological features of a plant growing under natural environment. The ultimate limit would be set by genetic factors and within those limits the physiological factors would determine the morphological features (65) under the environment of the experiment. Local areas, charac- terized by differences in substrate, topography or microclimate, can produce clearly recognizable races within a species (27). Alti- tudinal and latitudinal climatic gradients are well known for their ability to produce ecological races (27, 48). Often we can find, very shortly after introduction of a species into a new area, two genetically distinct ecotypes evolving (11). We cannot be sure if these ecotypes evolved before their introduction or whether they were selected after their introduction by the new environment. Working with Agrostis tenuis, Jowett (28) suggested that rapid evolution can occur with little spatial isolation, and that adaptive significance is indicated by changes in morphological characters. Philipson (49) describes Agrostis tenuis as a perennial with short rhizomes and occasional stolons. above and closed near the base. blunt. The leaf sheaths are open The ligule is short, broad and Panicle branches and branchlets remain open in fruiting. 4 It has a radical leaf with a linear, pale to dark green blade. describes Agrostis gigantea as a perennial with spreading rhizomes Leaf sheaths split to near the and stolons, forming an open tuft. The ligule is longer than broad and is rounded. base. He In fruiting, the main branches remain spreading and the branchlets close against them. It has a radical leaf with the blades, usually gray -green or green, broadest above the base. Bjorkman (8), working with plants of Agrostis tenuis from natural habitats, found the chromosome number to with a few trisomics and some 2n = 28 + be largely 2n = 28 ss. Stuckey and Banfield (62), however, reported finding nearly all numbers between 28 and 42 in bentgrass plants raised from seed collected in nature. They found the progeny of such plants to exhibit great variations, both morphologically and in the chromosome number. There was no evidence of any correlation between chromosome number and plant morphology. Carrol (10), working with'Highland' and Agrostis tenuis plants, found that 'Highland' was injured more by low soil temperature than Agrostis tenuis. He found than air temperature. that soil temperature was more injurious The lethal minimum soil temperature was between -10 degrees to -15 degrees Centigrade and the lethal maximum soil temperature was between grade. 50 degrees to 60 degrees Centi- Plants from high nitrogen plots suffered more than plants 5 from low nitrogen plots. Hiesey (26) found that Poa L. species responded best to different day and night temperatures similar to the seasonal temperatures at their natural habitat. Beard (5) found that the micro - environment in shade promotes disease activity, which is more important in affecting the adaptation of turf species to shade than light, moisture or nutrient deficiencies. Juska (29), using eleven bentgrass varieties, concluded that turf grown under shade conditions would be lighter green, less dense and more succulent. He hypothesized that the relation between varieties would be the same in shade as in sunlight whenever disease preven- tion was practiced. Tillering Evans and Ely (17), working with Phalaris arundinacea L. , pointed out that aboveground shoots develop mainly in fall and early spring. The shoots developing in spring normally completed their life cycle in the same year. The shoots developing in fall completed their life cycle the following year. Environmental factors affect both the rate of leaf production and tillering since the new leaves (69). tillers arise from buds in the axils of the Langer (35) showed that the number of tillers per unit area declined from early spring to the middle of summer, and suggested that this phenomenon is quite common in grasses. 6 Silsbury (55) studied Lolium perenne and indicated that not more than 10 percent of the vegetative tillers present in the early summer are able to regrow in the following autumn. Auxiliary buds provide the new tillers and regrowth in the fall. Bromus inermis L. , Lamp (34), working with found that most of the tillers emerging in spring failed to survive and that they do not contribute greatly to the total development of the plant. The number of bud of a plant. primordia determines the tillering capacity It is an hereditary the species or clone (14, 41). characteristic and varies according to Growth of the lateral buds can be promoted by reducing the daylength or light intensity, high tempera- ture or by partial defoliation. The importance of single factor a depends on the level of other factors (41). Environmental effects on tillering make it nearly impossible to compare tillering for one year with that of another (59). Alberda (1), working with Lolium perenne L. , found that cutting provides an initial decline in tillering. When tillering re- commences, it occurs more vigorously than previously. Removing the growing points through cutting promoted tiller production in Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. (39). However, suc- cessive cropping reduced the number of tillers in barley, Hordeum vulgare L. (21). Zavitz (73), working with oats, Avena sativa L. , found that 7 vigorously tillering plants are able to adjust better to different cultural and environmental conditions than light tillering ones. Increasing the soil temperature from 22 degrees Centigrade to 42 degrees Centigrade reduced the number of wheat, Triticum vulgare Host. (71). tillers in Marquis Lowering the temperature or raising the light intensity increased the tillering of ryegrass, Lolium L. (40). When the number of individual a wide range of tillers showed little change, temperatures existed. Rapid reduction numbers occurred above 85 in degrees Fahrenheit and below tiller 55 degrees Fahrenheit (42). Lowering the night temperature increased the tillering in several grasses (43). Mitchell and Lucanus (44), working with browntop, Agrostis tenuis, and yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus stimulated tillering by low Low light Pers. L. 40 , degrees Fahrenheit night temperatures. intensity delayed the tillering of Sorghum vulgare (53) and also L. (15). 35 decreased tillering number in Bromus mollis Bean (4), working with 'S -37' cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata found that when light intensity was decreased to 60 percent and percent of full daylight, the rate of tiller production decreased. Nittler, Kenny and Osborne (46) found that varietal differences in tiller production were small when light was available in sufficient quantities, but very large when light was a limiting factor. Evans (16), studying the life history of timothy, Phleum pratense L., L. , found that the age of the plant was important in 8 tillering. Young seedlings tillered best in fall with short photo periods. Plants in an established meadow can tiller any time, but do so in greatest numbers about midsummer. Other environmental factors, such as temperature, light intensity, moisture, nutrition and cutting, modified the effect of daylength. The length of day factor can profoundly alter the vegetative growth in herbaceous grasses (2). It also leads to suppression of the reproductive develop- ment and the dominance of vegetative growth resulting in vigorous sod formation by increased tillering. Using southern grasses as experimental material, Knight and Benedict (33) found that tillering increased when daylength decreased below 14 hours, and especially when night temperature fell below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Plants of Bromus inermis produced rosettes when grown during short days of 8. 5 hours. Under these conditions the number of tillers was great- est (66). For tillering there are different optimum soil moisture contents for different species and varieties of grasses (56, 47). to Leopold (36), According tillering in barley can be controlled by auxin, and in alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., by using antiauxin (13). Apparently nitrogen is the limiting factor in tillering (12, 21, 31) and together with different temperature combinations (52), can control the number of tillers formed Poa pratensis L. on , perennial grasses. Darrow (14), working with reports that while using ammonium nitrogen, 9 the best growth was obtained at pH 6. 5, but if nitrate were used as source of nitrogen, any pH between 4. a the same result. 5 and 6. 5 produces about Normally, mineral nutrition deficiency reduced the number of tillers (21, 53, 67). . However, it may be that the balance between the supply and consumption of different mineral elements plays a role in controlling the number of tillers per plant (35). Brenchley (9), working with barley, and Grantham (22), work- ing with wheat, reported on the importance of phosphorus at certain developmental phases of the plants. decreased the number of tillers. on A deficiency of phosphorus Potassium had very little effect tillering under the experimental conditions (22). Boron deficiency increased the number of tillers in wheat (45) and in barley (64). Knight (32) did not associate the decline in tillering in Dactylis glomerata with the onset of the reproductive phase. Root Growth Hanson and Juska (24) found that the roots of Merion Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L. September and April. least one -half At , make most of their growth between bluegrass (58) developed in springtime. of the roots of Kentucky This is in agreement with Stuckey's (60) findings on bentgrass and fescues, Festuca L., where most of the old roots disintegrated after the new ones developed. However, the report disagrees with conditions found by Stuckey (60) 10 existing in Kentucky bluegrass where most of the roots were of perennial nature and only a few new ones developed each spring. Frequent cutting normally reduces the root growth much more than it reduces the top growth (37, 38). It is possible (60) that the high soil temperature in summer inhibits root growth. According to Stuckey (60), roots are able to grow at degrees Fahrenheit. Beard and Daniel temperatures close to (6) 32 blame poor aeration, high moisture, and high soil temperature for the midsummer dieback of roots of bentgrass turf. from 60 They found that increasing the temperature degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit decreased the formation of new roots. Soper (57) emphasized that high temperature combined with low light intensity reduces the root growth of perennial He pointed out ryegrass. that root growth is reduced more than shoot growth. Working with three different temperatures, Stuckey (61) found that bentgrass roots remained relatively unbranched and immature when the experimental temperature was 50 degrees Fahrenheit. soil temperatures of 60 and 80 Higher degrees Fahrenheit resulted in early root maturation and ultimate disintegration. Youngner (72), working with Zoysia Willd. , found that maximum root growth occurred at high temperatures (27 degrees Centigrade) if these were accompanied by 14 to 16 hour photoperiods. (14) Darrow's results show that Kentucky bluegrass roots, when grown under 11 low (15 degrees Centigrade) temperature, were succulent, white At the same time they branched heavily. and large. These can be compared with light brown, densely tufted, and small diameter roots grown under high (35 degrees Centigrade) temperatures. Excessive respiration, due to high temperatures, can lead to the exhaustion of carbohydrate reserves in roots, and combined with frequent cutting, to the death of the plants (63). Stimulating metabolic activity through nitrogen fertilization, defoliation or high tem- peratures would have the same effect on promoting or killing the roots. Environmental factors, such as nutrients, moisture, soil texture, temperature, and light, contribute to the balance of storage reserves in underground organs and general health of the plants (68). Growth of Rhizomes Kershaw (30) separated the rhizomes of Agrostis tenuis into two categories: (a) pioneer rhizomes - normally situated at a deep level in the ground and not often found tillering, and (b) colonizing rhizomes a - these developing much closer to the surface and forming tiller or an aggregate of tillers. The aggregation of separate rhizome systems is proposed as a tillers from basic feature for the cyclic phases in vegetation and is suggested as a widespread phenomenon in rhizomatous species. Hansen and Juska (24) found that there is very little increase 12 in rhizome growth in Kentucky bluegrass from September to April. In Kentucky bluegrass, rhizomes developed mainly during late spring and the number per plant was much greater under the long daylength season than under the short daylength season. Contrary to the response in Kentucky bluegrass, Canada bluegrass, Poa compressa L. , developed the largest number of rhizomes in late fall or early spring when the daylength was short (18). Watkins (66), working with Bromus inermis, found that long daylengths (15 hours) produced the maximum number of rhizomes, but maximum size and length of rhizomes were produced in 18 hour daylengths. Ammonium sulphate was inferior to calcium nitrate in promoting the growth of rhizomes (25). of nitrogen, a pH of between 4. growth but a pH of 6. 5 5 Using calcium nitrate as the source to 6. 5 did not affect the rhizome was best for rhizome growth if ammonium sulphate was used as the nitrogen source (14). Wood and Burke (70) did not find any close association between the ability to form a dense turf and rhizomes when they were working with 'Merion', 'Park', 'Delta', and 'Newport' varieties of Kentucky bluegrass. Growth of Leaves Ryder (50) suggests that leaf shape depends on heredity and it 13 may be changed by environment. Ashby (3) suggests that leaf shape can be influenced by light intensity, operating through carbohydrate metabolism, and by mineral nutrition. Beinhart (7) found that light intensity affected the activation of new meristems but not the rate at which leaves were produced by already active meristems. to produce large leaf In Low light intensities tend areas and to decrease the leaf thickness (54). 'Marquis' wheat (19), each increase in light intensity over the range 200 to 2500 ft. c. resulted in an increase in breadth and thickness but 8 a decrease in length of leaf. An increase in daylength from to 24 hours increased leaf length, breadth, and area. It is sug- gested that leaf growth is controlled by hormonal mechanisms which are sensitive to photoperiod. Competition for assimilates among developing leaves does not seem to be the deciding factor. Mitchell (42) found that the optimum temperature for the length of the leaf blade would be 75 ryegrass, and 85 degrees Fahrenheit for browntop and degrees Fahrenheit for Paspalum L. Ryle (52) found that the optimum temperature for leaf width may be somewhat lower than that for maximum leaf length in cocksfoot, ryegrass, and fescue. High temperature increased the rate of leaf appearance, the number of actively elongating leaves, and leaf length. However, the leaf width was reduced by high temperature. If environmental conditions delayed the appearance of the leaf, 14 the length of the initial leaves was reduced greatly (40). working with winter rye, Secale cereale L. the lamina length of the , Hansel (23), and barley, found that first and second leaf was decreased by ing the vernalizing temperature from -3 degrees Centigrade to degrees Centigrade. The extended period of vernalizing rais5 further shortened the lamina in winter grain but not in spring barley. Using calcium nitrate on Kentucky bluegrass, Harrison (25) was able to demonstrate a shortening of the leaf blade. Nitrate nitrogen had a greater effect than ammonium nitrogen on Kentucky bluegrass leaf development when the was 15 to 35 degrees Centigrade and the pH was temperature range 4. 5 to 6. 5 (14). Some genotypes of Potentilla glandulosa L. can be recognized only if grown under certain environmental conditions (11). This means that some of them can alter the expression of their phenotypic character with a change in climatic condition. Working with timothy, Ryle and Langer (51) found that in elongated vegetative shoots, stolons may be produced when high temperature or photoperiods inhibit the spikelet initiation. Garner and Allard (20) demonstrated that changing the day length from optimum to sub - optimum increased the branching through a decrease in apical bud dominance which in turn led to activation of the lateral buds. 15 MATERIALS AND METHODS III. Source and Description of Clones The plant material for this study was selected from various old sod fields or turf installations in the Northern Pacific Coast Region of North America between north latitudes of 45o and 55o. For all of the five genotypes, single plant selections were made in the Fall of 1963. University of B. C. They were clonally propagated and grown in the , Division of Plant Science greenhouse during the winter of 1963 -64. Clone A This was a clone from 'Highland' bentgrass which was collected in 1963 by Dr. N. Goetze and Mr. H. Schoth, both of Oregon State University, from an old 'Highland' bentgrass seed field belonging to Mr. Don Savage of Silverton, Oregon. to be 15 years old and is located in the grass producing area of Marion County. This field was estimated heart of the 'Highland' bent - Dr. Goetze and Mr. Schoth spent considerable time selecting this clone as the most typical of what is normally called 'Highland' bentgrass. 16 Morphological characteristics Perennial; forming numerous, long branching rhizomes. Plant. Secondary rhizomes easily extend to surface and then tiller slightly (Figure 40 - 80 cm. high, Culm. 1, 2). glabrous; sterile shoots forming long trailing stolon in fall (Figure 3). Fertile shoots erect, sometimes slightly geniculate at base (Figure Panicle. 10 - 18 1). cm. long; pyramidal in form; reddish brown, particularly the nodes of the panicle. Open in flower, Branches open, branchlets semiclosed at fruiting. closed against them (Figure 4). Main nearly smooth, branches scabrous and slightly Rachis. toothed. Rachilla. Leaf. Not extending beyond the floret. Sheath split nearly to the base. Blade flat, usually 1. 0 - 2. 5 mm. wide, 50 - 70 mm. long, bluish green, wider just above the base, tapering evenly towards the tip (Figure 5). Elongated, more length than breadth; Ligule. 1 - 4 mm. long, rounded and toothed, sometimes split (Figure 6). Glume s . Outer - 2.2 - 3. 2 mm. long, 0.6 - 0. 7 mm. wide. Lanceolate, tapering evenly towards the tip. Edges and 17 Figure 1. Clone A growing at Vancouver, B. C. Photographed August 20, 1965. Figure 2. Pattern of rhizome and tiller growth of clone A grown at Vancouver, B. C. Photographed September 1, 1965. b. Figure 3. ' -, 18 `^3 Alp Clone A grown at Summerland, B. C. This clone produced only a few flowering shoots because of winter damage. The trailing stolons are characteristic of this clone. Figure 4. Photographed September 5, 1965. Panicles from clones grown at Vancouver, B. C. From left to right; clones B, A, C, E, D. Photographed September 1, 1965. 19 a - - ;r ',,+-I ....... w v_ ....a ti ( ""-,... _. r-' _ Figure eR_+ k ' r - F-_ ;. 1 -.` ' - -. ..ü F "A. 5. .. 1 4 ' 1 . 1} 1 'r r. ld . o ,, -, w ` Se, - aTEINnpm - nori, , .; Clone A growing at Vancouver, B. C. In the fall long, trailing sterile shoots were formed. Photographed September 2, 1964. ;' Figure 6. Ligule of clone A. 20 center nerve finely toothed from middle to tip (Figure 7). Inner - 2. 1 - 2. 8 mm. long, 0.5 0.65 mm. wide, elliptic, tapering evenly towards the ends. Edges and midnerve toothed from center to tip. Lemma. Elliptic; silvery; wide (Figure 8). face. 1. 5 - 1.9 mm. long, 0.42 - 0.48 mm. Slightly scabrous over the whole sur- Covered with few unicellular pilose hairs. Three nerves reaching the apex of lemma, sometimes slightly excurrent. Callus. With two lateral fasicles of hairs. Hairs unicellular, less than 1/4 of lemma. Palea. Two -nerved, tapers evenly from the base toward the two - lipped apex (Figure 8). 0. 35 mm. wide. 0.9 - 1. 2 mm. long, 0.25 - Partially adhering to the grain; hyaline. Grain. Free; enclosed in the floret; broadest at the middle; depressed in front. 1. 2 - 1. 4 mm. long, 0. 4 - 0. 5 mm, wide (Figure 8). The morphological characteristics of this clone are very similar to the morphological characteristics of Agrostis gigantea Roth. as described by Philipson (49). Clone B This clone was collected in 1963 by Dr. N. Goetze, Oregon 21 ,y. --"'~°r Figure 7. First glume of clone A. 1 .1 se- Figure 8. Lemma, palea, and grain of clone A. 22 State University, and Mr. J. Wood, Clatsop County Agent, from an old abandoned, hand -dug dike on the Mr. Dave Hess farm near Astoria, Oregon. This area has not been disturbed since the late The plant was most typical of what is called 19th century. 'Astoria' bentgrass. Morphological characteristics Perennial; caespitose; sometimes forms Plant. spar- a few, ingly branching rhizomes (Figure 9). Culms. 40 - 80 cm. high; glabrous. Fertile shoots upright or slightly geniculate at base (Figure 10). In favorable environment the sterile shoots grow as stolons in the fall (Figure 11). Panicle. 12 - 20 cm. long; lanceolate; brown at maturity. Open at fruiting (Figure 4). Rachis. Main nearly smooth, branches scabrous and slightly toothed. Rachilla. Not extending beyond the floret. Sheath closed near the base, open above. Leaf. usually 2. 5 - Blade 4. 0 mm. wide, 70 - 90 mm. long, nearly linear, light green, flat (Figure 12). Ligule. Less length than breadth; 1 - 2 mm. long; truncate. Sometimes slightly elongated, split and toothed (Figure 13), 23 ' V;;:;:ir -"rTur,l':744,t 4!' .r N. , ' , . ' il "...4.4".''','- ;"1.>"' '°(,:%-:?,:tz 4. ,.. Ar'' L ' l7' I:- ,I4 +.;,,,../$7.4. 41, '-; *: 14..1 ..---- - ' , '. - . V.' ' , N .7.,....y . : cr,..1"4 Figure 10. NIT . 9tiltik,\ ,s1' T: ntis 17T Figure 9. 'W . . ' ' :Le '.3 4 growing at Vancouver, Photographed August 20, 1965. Clone B B. C. Clone B growing at Smithers, B. C. The clone is very vigorous. Photographed July 3, 1965. 24 ,V .q f,,r r. ~ áa 1 N. s, -.:4 :. i , i ) ., 1 F \I , / ' ` I 1. . . . M: ,;, V 1 _' , - =br \ . _ _` f IQ . Figure 11. grown at Summerland, B. C. This clone produced many fertile shoots in spring and only a few stolons in the Clone B fall. Photographed September * P;, 5, 1965. Pi..-,, - 2 wr . :S " .. s- a71-- f-' i 7: v3 K:J ; Figure 12. .= . _. '.á Pet . li IS 1 1 .A ., s. ; ,_ti¡i. ...,. Tv Clone B growing at Vancouver, B. C. In the fall at this location it forms a few long trailing sterile shoots. Robust growth was noticeable. Photographed September 2, 1964. 25 r. °... - 0T. s- N _ ----....-.- ..e:r.n « _2 . ..uu.Erforz *Ic ,OP iii -xroM,rU.1. P `- yy..Y, . y ra. Figure 13. Ligule of clone B. i Figure 14. First glume of clone B. ..- 26 Glumes. Outer - 1.7 - 2.2 mm. long, oblong to lanceolate (Figure 14). O. 5 - O. 6 Upper third or less of the midnerve and edges slightly toothed. 2. 1 mm. long, 0.45 - mm. wide; Inner - 1. 6 - 0.55 mm. wide; lanceolate. Slightly toothed at tip. Lanceolate; light grey; Lemma. O. 5 1. 3 - 1. mm. wide (Figure 15). 6 mm. long, 0.4 - Occasional unicellular pilose hairs on nearly glabrous surface. Three nerves reaching the apex of lemma. Callus. Sometimes quite prominent. Very few short hairs forming the lateral fasicles. Oblong -lanceolate; sometimes truncate with split apex. Palea. Two- nerved; 0. 6 - 0. 8 mm. long, 0. 2 - 0. 3 mm. wide. Hyaline and partially adhering to the grain (Figure 15). Free; enclosed in the floret; broadest at the middle; Grain. depressed in front. 0.9 - 1. 1 mm. long, 0. 4 - 0. 5 mm. wide (Figure 15). Clone C Source material of this clone was collected in 1955 by H. Vaartnou from the 12th green at old Shaughnessy Heights Golf Course at Vancouver, B. C. The vegetatively propagated material has been grown in a turf nursery in Vancouver, B. C. in the interim. This 27 , idc of,¡' a Figure Figure 1.5. 16. Lemma, palea, and grain of clone B. growing at Vancouver, Photographed August 20, 1965. Clone C B. C. 28 colonial bentgrass clone forms very fine turf and is suitable for golf and bowling greens in southwestern British Columbia. Under intensive maintenance it endures moist, shady conditions with little grain, especially when closely mowed. Morphological characteristics Plant. Perennial; caespitose. Forming numerous, sparingly branching fine rhizomes (Figure 16, 17). 25 - 60 cm. high; Culms. glabrous. Fertile shoots erect; outside ones slightly geniculate at base. Occasional stolons formed in fall by sterile shoots. Panicle. 8 - 15 cm. long; lanceolate; brown at maturity. Fully open at fruiting (Figure 4). Rachis. Main nearly smooth, branches very slightly toothed. Rachilla. Not extending beyond the floret. Sheath closed near the base, open above. Leaf. usually 1.0 - 2. 5 mm. wide, 40 - 70 Blades mm. long, nearly linear, flat and green. Ligule. Slightly elongated, equal length and breadth; long. - 2 mm. Truncate and toothed (Figure 18). Glumes. Outer - 1. 8 - 1.9 mm. long, 0. 4 - 0. 45 mm. wide. Keeled; lanceolate; slightly toothed (Figure 19). 1. 7 - 1 1.75 mm. long, 0.4 - 0. 43 mm. wide. Inner - Lanceolate; 29 Figure 17. Pattern of rhizome and tiller growth of clone C grown at Vancouver, B. C. Photographed September 1, 1965. A=I=I=1a Figure 18. Ligule of clone C. 30 Figure 19. First glume of clone C. Figure 20. Lemma, palea, and grain of clone C. 31 sometimes slightly toothed. Lemma. 1. 3 - 1.42 mm. long, 0. 37 - 0.45 mm. wide; lanceolate; silvery; nearly glabrous (Figure 20). Three nerves reaching the apex of lemma. Not too prominent; slightly slanted. Callus. two Palea. lateral fasicles 0. 55 - of Sometimes with hairs. 0.70 mm. long, 0. 19 - .23 mm. wide. Oblong - lanceolate; hyaline. Apex normally two - lipped (Figure 20). Grain. 0.9 Partially adhering to the grain. - 1. 0 mm. long, 0.4 - 0. 47 mm. wide. Free, enclosed in the floret; broadest at the middle; depressed in front (Figure 20). Clone D Source material of this clone was collected in 1955 by H. Vaartnour from the 7th green at the old Shaughnessy Heights Golf Course, Vancouver, is very low growing. B. C., and vegetatively propagated since. It It is dark green in color and best adapted to lighter, dry soil conditions. It forms an excellent, low maintenance turf, especially in environments with great diurnal temperature variation. 32 Morphological characteristics Plant. Perennial; caespitose (Figure 21). Forms very few rhizomes. 20 - 40 cm. high; Culms. glabrous. Fertile shoots erect, outside ones slightly geniculate at base. Forms a few long stolons in the fall. Panicle. 8 - 12 Brown at maturity. cm. long, lanceolate. Fully open at fruiting with branchlets well separated and spreading (Figure 4). Rachis. Main nearly smooth, branches well toothed. Rachilla. Not extending beyond the floret. Sheath closed near the base, open above. Leaf. 60 mm. long, 1. 5 - 3. 5 mm. wide. Blades 35 - Usually slightly boat -shape tipped; linear and dark green. Ligule. O. 5 - 1. 5 Glumes. Outer mm. long; truncate and toothed (Figure 22). - 1. - 7 1.95 mm. long, 0.48 Oblong - lanceolate (Figure 23). - 0. 55 Edges and center nerve slightly toothed one third from apex. Inner mm. long, 0.45 - mm. wide. 0.49 mm. wide. - 1. 7 - 1. 85 Oblong - lanceolate and slightly toothed. Lemma. 1. 3 - 1. 55 mm. long, 0. 38 - 0.48 mm. wide. Oblong- lanceolate; silvery; nearly glabrous (Figure 24). nerves reaching the apex of lemma. Three 3 , -,Netsfp74" - G. . 3. I , *ri V-... ..:.(1. . ./al U _°,,. t.i .. N..' , ',le..." A VI , I' ,. . , tj, _.; .,..1. ti , .,.. 0. .- 4kkki :1, g, 4 - ,_, Ic .7: , il... .,, : ilvit .,. AO ,*,0 e r - ,...<1.:- Figure 21. Clone D growing at Vancouver, Photographed August 20, 1965. .1. -. L , " . *,,,%- , :"."*-1.4.1t_ --0.7!.°3` : rit P.0) C . - al -NI, _. ° ;4. Figure 22. Ligule of clone D. B. C. J 34 A. J Figure 23. First glume of clone D. s c:. .1 , I Figure 24. Lemma, palea, and grain of clone D. 35 Callus. Definitely slanted; often prominent. Fasicles of hairs wanting. Palea. 0. 65 - 0. 78 mm. long, 0.2 - 0. 33 mm. wide. Oblong; hyaline. Apex slightly two - lipped or two -lobed (Figure 24). Grain. 0. Partially adhering to the grain. 85 - 1. 1 mm. long, 0. 38 - 0.47 mm. wide. Free, enclosed in the floret. Oblong; depressed in front (Figure 24). Clone E Source material of this clone was collected in 1959 by H. Vaartnou from the 4th fairway at Point Grey Golf Course, in Vancouver, B. C., and since vegetatively propagated in a turf nursery. The original plant grew on heavy silty clay soil in reasonably moist conditions. It is light green in color and forms turf without a grain, especially when low cutting heights are used. Morphological characteristics Plant. Perennial; caespitose (Figure 25). Forms new rhizomes in favorable environment. Culm. 40 - 60 cm. high; glabrous. Fertile shoots nearly erect. Sterile shoots forming long stolons in fall. 36 1 Figure 25. Clone E growing at Vancouver, Photographed August 20, 1965. r- Figure 26. First glume of clone E. B. C. 37 Panicle. 8 - 15 Brown at maturity, cm. long, lanceolate. open at fruiting (Figure 4). Rachis. Main nearly smooth, branches slightly scabrous. Only occasionally finely toothed. Rachilla. Not extending beyond the floret. Sheath closed near the base, open above. Leaf. 70 mm. long, 1. 5 - 3. 5 Blades 40 - mm. wide, flat, nearly linear, light green. Ligule. 1 - 1. 5 Glumes. Outer mm. long. - 1.6 - Truncate and lobed. 2.0 mm. long, 0.4 - 0.6 mm. wide. Lanceolate; upper quarter of the center nerve and the edges slightly toothed (Figure 26). Inner mm. long, 0.37 - - 1. 5 - 1. 8 Lanceolate - elliptic; 0.49 mm. wide. slightly toothed. Lemma. 1. 3 - 1. 6 mm. long, 0. 4 - 0. 55 lanceolate; light grey (Figure 27). mm. wide. Elliptic - Three nerves reaching the apex of lemma. Callus. Slightly slanted; no fasicles of hairs. Palea. 0. 6 - 0. 85 mm. long, 0.25 - 0.3 mm. wide. Lanceo- late, tapering evenly towards two- lipped apex; loose (Figure 27). Grain. 1. 0 - 1. 1 mm. long, 0. 4 - 0. 55 mm. wide. Free, enclosed in the floret. Oblong - elliptic; depressed in front. 38 Figure 27. Lemma, palea, and grain of clone E. Morphological characteristics of the clones B, C, D, and E are similar to the morphological characteristics of Agrostis tenuis Sibth. as described by Philipson (49), except the shape of leaf tip of clone D. Sometimes the panicle of clone E was semiclosed at maturity. Specimens of all five clones are being deposited for reference in the Herbarium at Oregon State University. 39 Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Environments Six different stations between 42o and 550 latitude were selected to give a reasonably wide area to measure the changes in morphologi- cal features resulting from variations in environment in the five clonally propagated genotypes. The locations were selected to pro- vide three daylength zones, each of which contained two locations differing in elevation and resultant temperature conditions. Medford, Oregon and Klamath Falls, Oregon were the southern- most sites which had very similar day lengths but quite different temperatures resulting from differences in elevation. Both locations are considered to be near the southern edge of the bentgrass zone. Vancouver, B. C. and Summerland, B. C. are near the 490 latitude. Vancouver was selected as a typical coastal bentgrass growing area. Summerland has a mild, dry, sunny, interior cli- mate, considered to be too dry for bentgrasses. Smithers, B. C. and Beaverlodge, Alberta were the northern- most sites and are normally considered to be north of the bentgrass growing area. These locations represent an area with cold winters, sunny and moist summers with long days in the growing season. Smithers represents the coastal area and Beaverlodge the northern interior climate. 40 At the Medford experimental station the plots were established on Meyer clay soil. The station is situated at 42° 18' latitude; 122o 52' longitude, with an elevation of 1457 ft. The temperature range and rainfall totals are summarized in Table 1. The climate has mild winter temperatures, high summer temperatures, and large daily temperature fluctuations. The soil at Klamath Falls experimental station was Poe fine sandy loam. The latitude is 42° 12' and longitude 121° 47' having The variation in the climate is summarized an elevation of 4098 ft. in Table 2. The higher elevation results in lower mean tempera- tures than Medford. There also is less daily range in maximum and minimum temperatures. The experimental field of the Division of Plant Science, Uni- versity of B. C. was used for Vancouver area. establishing the field plots in the The location has a latitude of 490 16' and a longi- tude of 123o 15' with an elevation of 305 ft. The soil type was an Alderwood sandy loam, which lacked both uniformity and fertility. Table 3 summarizes the climate. The low elevation and proximity to the coast create a climate characterized by mild temperatures with low seasonal and daily temperature ranges. The experimental plot at Summerland experimental situated at an elevation of 1135 ft. longitude of 120` 33'. , a farm was latitude of 490 34' and a The soil type is Skaha loam, Table 4 indicate,, 41 temperature and rainfall data at Medford Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Extreme Mean Year Table 1. The monthly and Month Average °F Low High Rainfall °F °F in. 25 65.1 70.7 78.2 88.5 88.3 83.1 75.4 50.5 47.4 37.6 40.5 44.0 49.0 54.6 62.5 70.0 68.3 61.4 56.7 41.9 41.1 57 66 79 80 86 4.85 .33 2.22 .62 37.6 66.9 52.2 32.4 29.1 31.0 39.3 37.8 44.7 49.1 51.1 39.0 38.0 37.1 27.5 42.9 54.6 64.1 66.0 72.6 80.6 86.1 82.4 75.4 56.7 43.4 37.7 41.9 47.6 52.7 55.2 62.7 70.3 68.6 60.7 56.7 46.9 35.5 38.0 68.0 53.0 Low High °F °F 30.7 25.5 31.7 32.9 38.5 46.8 51.5 48.3 39.6 38.0 33.2 34.7 44.4 55.5 56.3 1964 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 18 24 26 30 37 40 38 33 27 94 1.23 1.24 101 101 .74 .12 98 90 .19 .71 18 62 2.94 20 64 13.67 Total 28.86 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 91.4 16 21 25 30 29 33 60 67 71 83 87 92 4.69 1.12 .12 3.45 .50 .75 18 28 98 95 95 31 86 24 69 1.26 .00 .40 2.17 10 53 2.85 39 39 . Total 17.49 42 Table 2. The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Klamath Falls Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Year and Month Low Mean High Average °F °F °F 18.4 14.7 22.8 26.9 34.0 43.7 49.7 45.3 38.4 35.6 26.4 26.4 37.1 40.2 46.8 57.7 64.4 70.5 84.2 82.4 74.4 68.6 45.5 39.3 27.8 27.5 34.8 42.3 49.2 31.8 58.9 45.9 23.5 24.7 27.9 34.3 35.3 44.4 47.8 48.3 38.3 33.3 29.7 17.9 38.5 48.6 54.5 57.2 65.4 73.5 83.9 78.3 72.7 70.5 48.7 37.4 31.0 36.7 41.2 45.8 50.4 59.0 65.9 63.3 55.5 51.9 39.2 27.7 33.8 60.8 47.3 Extreme Low High Rainfall °F °F in. 6 13 13 55 46 68 76 24 77 32 37 34 29 90 96 91 85 24 10 82 63 7 54 1964 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 57.1 67.0 63.9 56.4 52.1 36.0 32.9 8 3.83 .15 .54 .25 .72 1.68 .34 .19 .12 .23 2.30 8.93 Total 19.27 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 54 60 66 77 82 85 91 2.23 .08 .08 89 82 2.49 28 19 12 86 74 2 53 .05 2.69 1.29 5 17 18 25 24 29 38 38 1.62 .36 1.12 T T Total 12.01 43 Table 3. The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Vancouver, B. C. in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Year and Month Low Mean High Average °F °F °F 36.8 35.9 37.7 40.7 45.1 40.4 40.5 42.2 46.2 51.4 57.4 60.9 60.5 55.2 50.7 41.5 34.4 Extreme Rainfall Low High °F °F in. 30 50 31 32 52 9.16 3.28 64 57 74 72 78 79 67 70 52 50 4.31 1.97 2.09 2.65 2.95 1.45 5.57 2.34 6.71 6.19 1964 July August 52.1 55.2 54.2 September October November December 49.5 44.6 37.4 30.1 43.9 45.1 46.7 51.7 57.7 62.6 66.5 66.7 60.9 56.7 45.6 38.6 43.3 53.5 48.4 January February March April 33.1 35.9 34.5 42.1 May 44.5 51.0 55.2 56.3 49.5 48.1 41.8 35.4 40.2 43.5 47.6 53.5 56.5 64.6 71.5 68.0 61.7 57.8 49.1 42.1 36.7 39.7 41.1 47.8 50.5 57.8 63.4 62.2 55.6 53.0 45.5 38.8 43.9 54.7 49.3 January February March April May June Mean 35 37 49 50 47 43 33 29 1 Total 48.67 1965 June July August September October November December Mean 25 30 25 35 35 46 50 46 39 42 29 25 48 53 58 64 67 76 86 80 69 66 56 53 7.07 7.42 2.24 2.24 1.72 .67 .28 2.79 .56 7.25 5.35 7.03 Total 44.62 44 that Summerland, in the center of the Okanagan Valley, represents a mild, dry climate having only slightly lower average temperatures than Vancouver and a wider range of both daily and seasonal tempera- tures. Smithers experimental farm is situated at 54° 44' latitude, 1270 06' longitude and its elevation is 1690 ft. The soil type was Telkwa clay, a very heavy clay and quite fertile. Table rizes the temperatures and rainfall during the seasons 5 summa- of the ex- periment. The lowest temperature of the experiment was experienced at this location. Besides low summer and winter tempera- tures, large daily temperature fluctuations are experienced. The experimental farm at Beaverlodge has a latitude of 550 11', longitude of 119° 22' and an altitude of 2500 ft. in the experimental area was This location, as Table 6 a The soil fertile, sandy loam, alluvium. indicates, represents an area with cold winter and moist summer. Both northern locations have longest days during the summer growing season. Clonal Increase Single plant selections for each of the five genotypes were made in the fall of 1963. They were clonally propagated and grown in the University of B. C. , Division of Plant Science greenhouse during the winter of 1963 -64. Individual tillers were used for 45 Table 4. The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Summerland Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Year and Month Low Mean High Average Extreme Low High Rainfall in. °F °F °F °F °F 27.8 26.8 32.4 31.9 33.4 39.3 47.3 55.4 62.8 68.6 63.7 55.8 48.8 38.0 24.0 23 43 16 20 51 65 38.9 45.5 53.0 57.8 53.6 47.2 40.7 34.0 19.6 36.0 39.9 46.2 55.7 65.3 72.5 79.4 73.7 64.3 56.9 41.9 28.3 28 35 46 64 80 50 47 39 96 84 38.1 55.0 46.6 25.7 28.6 26.6 39.4 45.9 53.5 59.6 60.0 46.7 44.1 34.3 27.0 33.2 39.1 43.3 58.8 65.9 75.7 83.7 79.3 65.4 60.8 43.3 35.0 29.5 33.9 35.0 49.1 55.9 64.6 71.7 69.7 40.9 56.9 48.9 1964 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 28 26 -15 82 78 70 56 44 1.03 .17 .38 .12 .21 2.25 2.33 1.02 1.37 .25 1.65 1.46 Total 12.24 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 56.1 52.5 38.8 31.0 11 18 13 29 47 55 59 74 34 45 82 88 49 96 96 46 35 31 20 13 77 74 60 49 1.98 .29 .04 1.49 1.21 .66 . 54 2.27 .27 , 11 .86 1.45 Total 11.17 46 Table 5. The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Smithers Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Year and Month Extreme Mean oF Low o F High Rainfall °F °F in. 18.0 -19 28.0 27.0 36.8 45.1 58.6 58.9 58.5 46.3 40.5 23.6 3.9 - -4.8 25.7 38.2 36.7 47.8 57.4 65.5 63.8 65.0 59.7 50.4 29.9 12.5 29 45 50 60 73 80 77 82 72 73 45 42 25.6 46.1 35.9 4.5 12.3 12.6 14.6 27.0 31.1 34.9 45.3 44.3 32.7 31.2 23.0 7.6 20.0 32.6 39.5 49.3 58.7 66.9 73.8 74.3 64.1 49.2 32.6 23.4 22.6 27.1 38.2 44.9 50.9 59.6 59.3 48.4 40.2 27.8 15.5 25.7 48.7 37.2 Low of High o Average 1964 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 10.3 17.8 17.3 25.8 32.8 41.6 44.0 42.0 32.8 30.5 17.3 1 -14 18 21 30 33 30 21 12 -19 -42 1.33 1. 12 1.54 . 67 1.47 2.43 3. 39 2.05 1.99 1.79 2.37 1.78 Total 21.93 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean -33 -13 - 5 15 20 23 34 29 18 21 - 4 -31 42 54 53 67 74 83 92 3.44 1.28 . 30 1.54 .93 . 50 90 74 2.06 .94 1.34 61 2. 87 46 1. 15 39 1.70 Total 18.05 47 The monthly temperature and rainfall data at Beaverlodge Experimental Station in the years 1964 and 1965. Temperature Extreme Mean Year High Rainfall High Average Low Low and °F in. °F °F °F °F Month Table 6. 1964 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean 4.4 21.5 2.5 26.5 37.7 44.6 48.1 44.8 35.1 32.3 13.3 -11.6 20.6 37.0 23.0 44.4 57.3 66.3 67.7 64.4 54.6 54.8 27.5 3.4 12.5 29.3 12.8 35.5 47.5 55.5 24.9 43.4 33.7 -2.9 -4.0 8.8 27.2 35.7 43.6 49.5 50.3 34.9 33.4 7.7 5.5 12.8 18.0 29.1 43.9 58.8 66.6 71.6 71.4 51.9 52.4 21.3 18.3 5.0 7.0 19.0 35.6 47.3 55.1 60.6 60.9 43.4 42.9 14.5 11.9 24.1 43.0 33.6 57.9 54.6 44.9 43.6 20.4 -8.2 -28 0 -22 5 28 34 40 33 23 39 50 53 57 72 80 16 86 77 70 75 -22 -40 51 49 1.09 .88 .87 1.36 2.98 6.62 5.45 5.00 1.65 .65 1.65 1.01 Total 29.21 1965 January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean -35 -26 -17 7 25 33 40 36 19 24 -22 -36 52 45 54 68 75 80 88 87 70 64 44 40 1.90 1.61 . 20 1.80 1.31 5.16 3.43 5.44 1.30 .76 1.77 .72 Total 25.40 48 increasing the number of plants. Temperature for the days was No artificial light was provided. 65 °F. and for the nights 55 °F. Planting and Maintenance Uniform, single tillers were planted two months previous to the start of the experiment into standard size, 13 inch by 19 inch flats. They were kept vigorously growing in the greenhouse at 65 °F. day temperature and 55 °F. night temperature with no supplemental lighting. Commercial fertilizer (10-20-10) was used every second week. Watering was carried out as it was needed. During 1964 the plants were space planted on three foot centers at Medford and Klamath Falls on June 6, at Vancouver on June 24, at Summerland on June 27, at Beaverlodge on June 30, and at Smithe r s on July 2. At each location the experimental design was split plot with main plots of observation time and subplots of clones. plots and subplots were randomized. Both main Four replications were used. Maintenance during the growing season of 1964 and 1965 summers consisted of weeding and watering. These were carried out by the cooperating staff of the respective experimental farms as needed. 49 Observation Times first morphological measurements were taken in the fall The of 1964. The dates were: Summerland, September 17; Beaverlodge, September Smithers, September 24; Medford, October 19; Falls, October 4; Klamath 3; In the spring of 1965, and Vancouver, October 23. the southern stations were observed before those in the north. dates for the second measurement were: June June 3 15 at Beaverlodge, and July 6 at Klamath Falls, 11 at Medford, June 22 at Vancouver, July The 2 at Smithers, July The experiment was at Summerland. terminated at the third observation time in the fall of 1965. Final data were taken at Beaverlodge on September 2, Summerland on September 5, Smithers on September 7, Vancouver on September 28, and both Medford and Klamath Falls on October 2. Types of Observation To get representative leaf widths and lengths, five randomly selected culms from each plant were collected. fully grown, mature leaves were measured. The two uppermost The widest point of each leaf and the length of the leaf from the ligule to the tip of the leaf were measured with a micrometer to an accuracy of ten observations per plant were averaged. single observation per plot. O. 1 mm. The This value served as a 50 The number of rhizomes per plant was counted after lifting the plant and washing the root and rhizome clusters. No distinction between the primary and secondary rhizomes was made. If there were less than ten rhizomes per plant, all were measured for length and all nodes were counted. If the plant produced more than ten rhizomes, then only ten were selected at random and used for observation. The average rhizome length and the number of nodes per rhizome were used as the observation for each plot. To obtain the stolon number per plant all of the stolons were counted. For the average stolon length and the average number of nodes per stolon, all stolons, if less than ten per plant, were meas- ured for length and all nodes were counted. If the plant had more than ten stolons, ten were selected at random and used for observa- tion. The average stolon length and the average number of nodes per stolon were used as the observation for each plot. The diameter of the plants was obtained by measuring the widest and narrowest part of the plant on the soil surface, where the tillers emerged from the soil. The average of the two measure- ments was used for the average diameter of the plant. Aerial branching when occurring at nodes above ground level was observed. The number of aerial branches per plant was counted. After lifting, the plant tops were halved at the location of both the narrowest and the widest diameter. Square blocks measuring 51 five centimeters by five centimeters were cut from the center of one of the quarter plants and all tillers within that block were counted. Thus density of tillers was obtained in unit areas of twenty five square centimeters. The facilities of the University of British Columbia Computing Centre were used for calculating the statistical analysis of the data. First the analysis of variance with two variables, having genotypes as subplots and observation times as main plots, was calculated. Then after regrouping the data, the second analysis of variance was calculated using locations as the main plots and genotypes as the subplots. Turf Experiment The reaction of the five clones to different mowing heights was compared in a field turf trial at Vancouver, British Columbia. The experiment was located on the Division of Plant Science experimental field at the University of British Columbia on the Alderwood sandy loam. All plant material required to establish the turf plots was propagated by clonal increase in the greenhouse starting in June 1964. The turf plots were established in September 1964 by planting the plants regularly mowed once cutting heights. a three inches apart. week until April 1, The turf plots were 1965 using experimental 52 The experimental design was split plot with four replications. The cutting heights represented the main plots and genotypes the subplots. Single subplot size was twenty inches by thirty inches. Wooden dividers of two x four lumber separated the main treatments. They were placed to serve as a guide for the cutting height of the lawn mower. Five hundred grams of 10-20-10 commercial fertilizer were applied to one hundred square feet area, two days before planting and were worked into the upper four inches of soil. From March 1965 to September 1965 monthly applications of five hundred of 10-20-10 per one hundred square feet were made. grams As needed all plots were irrigated at five day intervals, using one half inch of water per application. In the main plots, the cutting heights measured from the soil surface were three eighths inch, three fourths inch, and two and one half inches. One uncut area, where only the panicles were removed when they appeared, was also included as a main plot. The three eighths inch cutting height plots were cut every Monday morning, Wednesday noon and Friday afternoon. The three fourths inch cutting height plots were cut every Monday and Friday. The two and one half inches cutting height plots were cut every Wednesday throughout the growing season. The clippings were always removed from the plots and discarded. The mower was a nine blade, 21 inch 53 Toro Greensmaster mower. Morphological characteristics including tiller density, the number of aerial branches, the weight of rhizomes and stolons per unit area, the length of rhizomes and stolons, and the number of rhizome and stolon nodes, were measured and recorded on observation dates of August 15, 1965, October 1, 1965 and December 1, 1965. Sod blocks measuring 10 centimeters square were taken in duplicate from each subplot at each observation time and were used for counting the aerial branches as well as obtaining the weight of rhizomes and stolons per unit area. Ten rhizomes and ten stolons selected at random from the individual sod blocks were used to determine the average node length and the average node number on both rhizomes and stolons. Three by three centimeter square sod blocks were used to determine the density of tillers. All sod blocks were taken at random within the subplots. Statistical analysis was performed at the University of British Columbia Computing Centre. The analysis of variance with two variables, having genotypes as subplots and cutting height as main plots, were calculated. 54 Growth Chamber Experiment The five clones in this study were grown at four different night and day temperature conditions in controlled climate conditions. Two Percival growth chambers, located at the Division of Plant - Science greenhouse at the University of British Columbia, were used for the experiment. Clonally propagated, uniform plants were planted one month prior to the beginning of the experiment into four inch clay pots and were kept in the greenhouse with 70oF. day and 60oF. night tempera- tures in order to get the plants established in their respective pots. The cultural medium consisting of one third each of sand, loam and Sphagnum peat moss by volume was mixed with one pound of 10-20-10 commercial fertilizer per cubic yard before potting. The amended soil was sterilized and stored in a plastic container until needed. One quarter of an inch of washed sand was placed on the sur- face of the potted soil to facilitate easier watering. During the experiment watering was done by weighing the pots twice weekly and adding enough sterilized water to maintain the original weight. A split plot design with eight replications was used for this experiment. Main plots were temperatures and genotypes were the subplot treatments, 55 Each replicate, consisting of five different clones in four inch pots, was kept in a wooden frame to facilitate watering. In this manner it was possible to lift all plants belonging to the same replication together from the chamber, water them, and return them to the chamber as a unit. A 12 hour day and a 12 hour night was used in this experiment. The illumination during daytime was 2500 f. c. Four different temperature combinations were used: - 45°F. at night - 90°F. at day 2 - 60°F. at night - 90°F. at day 3 - 45°F. at night - 60°F. at day 4 - 60°F. at night - 60°F. at day. 1 After growing for 60 days in the growth chambers the clones were examined morphologically. Characters measured included: average plant diameter, tillers per plant, rhizome number and length, and leaf width and length. The analysis of variance was calculated at the University of British Columbia Computing Centre. The analysis was calculated with two variables having genotypes as subplots and temperatures as main plots. 56 RESULTS IV. Tillering Field Experiments with Single Spaced Plants The number of basal tillers (Table 7) at Beaverlodge varied significantly between the three observation times. The number of tillers decreased from fall to spring. This was most pronounced in clone A (Figure 28), which decreased from 179 to 59 25 cm.2 in this period. Clone C tillers per (Figure 29) did not suffer very much in winter, and maintained the highest tiller number in the The number of spring of 1965. 1965 tillers per unit area in the fall of actually increased over the number of tillers in the fall of 1964. Besides significant differences at different observation times the tillering ability of the five clones at this location The descending order of the five clones ability to varied significantly. tiller was: Clone C, E, D, A and B. At Smithers (Table 7) tillering during the first summer after planting was slow and at the observation time of fall 1964 the clones did not show significant differences. Here again, clone A suffered badly (Figure 30) in the winter of 1964 -65 through the activity of Fusarium spp. The number of tillers declined from 25 cm. 2 Clones B 136 to 44 per and D indicated a decline in the number of basal 57 Table 7. Average number of basal tillers per 25 square centimeters at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Clone Clone Clone Location Clone Clone D E A Average B C time Beaverlodge Fall 179 198 282 235 258 230 59 100 239 145 139 137 177 114 558 243 284 275 138 137 359 207 227 214 136 126 184 129 137 142 44 84 247 113 155 129 206 248 386 243 347 286 129 153 272 162 213 186 190 271 474 416 442 358 91 166 285 175 194 182 204 197 571 163 268 281 162 211 443 251 301 274 83 73 159 99 101 103 Spring 1965 41 102 174 140 183 128 Fall 1965 99 135 271 134 118 152 74 103 201 124 134 128 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Summe rland Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1964 Average 58 Table 7. (continued) Location time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Fall 1964 263 222 412 230 189 263 Spring 1965 104 167 269 220 205 193 Fall 1965 222 162 469 291 128 254 197 184 384 247 174 237 311 255 576 346 257 349 93 156 227 201 190 174 247 205 448 276 191 273 217 205 417 275 213 265 Medford Average Klamath Falls Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 194 72 192 153 B 191 129 177 166 C 348 240 451 346 D 243 166 225 211 E 231 177 223 210 Observation average 241 157 254 217 59 1 1 Figure 28. Clone A growing at Beaverlodge, Alberta. This plant lacks vigor but displays typical clone A features. Photographed September 2, 1965. Figure 29. Clone C growing at Beaverlodge, Alberta. This clone is vigorous but compact. Sterile shoots do not form stolons in fall. Photographed September 2, 1965. 60 growing at Smithers, B. C. This clone had not yet recovered from previous winter damage. Photographed July 3, 1965. Figure 30. Clone A ,. ,. , v ` n R' l v r , R e.1 r C .F -I 3 Figure 31. Plants grown at Summerland, B. C. Left to right; clones A, B, C. Photographed September 5, 1965. 61 tillers in the spring of 1965. an increase in Clone E and especially clone tillers in spring 1965 when C showed compared with the fall of Tiller number increased significantly in all of the clones in 1964. the fall of 1965. In addition to significant differences at the one percent level between the observation times and between the five clones used, the interaction between the clones and observation The descending times was significant at the five percent level. order of ability to tiller at Smithers was: Clone C, E, D, B and A. At Summerland (Table 7) all the clones; C, D, and E; Clones A, particularly clones tillered heavily in the early stages D, and E of the experiment, suffered badly in the winter of 1964 -65 and the effects of the damage were carried over until the fall of 1965 (Figure 31, 32). The results showed significant differences at the one percent level between clones, observation times, and the clones x observation times interaction. tillers; 162 443 per 25 square Clone C produced the most basal centimeter area, and clone A the least; per unit area. At Vancouver (Table 7) the density of tillers was low as compared to other locations, The differences in observation time were not significant at the five percent level. Significant differences at the one percent level between the clones were recognized. C Clone formed the most dense plants, having an average of 201 tillers 62 I. . . L1: Lyt P. «° :.'.s y . ' ;i.-4. 4.4' n k 1 3 _ per unit area. _ ` lSgtC ì 'R .r. y p:,. ed Figure 32. ?.. i.t , i . ^!~ - ' . ' ,r ra .-. d ii.la7t fsies,M1 Plants grown at Summerland, B. C. Left to right; clones C, D, E. Photographed September 5, 1965. Clone A formed the least dense plants with 74 tillers per unit area. Interaction of clones x observation times indicated significant differences at the five percent level. In clones the density of tillers decreased D and E in the fall of 1965 when compared to the spring of 1965. Density of tillers at Klamath Falls (Table 7) was higher than at any other station except Summerland. Highly significant differ- ences existed at different observation times. All the clones displayed the ability to produce more tillers per unit area in the fall than in the spring. In addition to seasonal differences in the ability to tiller, significant differences between the fall 1964 and fall 1965 63 observation times were noted. The clones displayed significant differences in their ability to tiller. Clone C formed the most dense plants with 417 tillers per 25 cm. 2, second was clone tillers, third was clone 212 A D with 274 with 217 tillers, fourth was clone E with tillers and the lowest was clone B with 205 tillers. At Medford (Table 7) the clonal differences in tillering at the different observation times were significant only at the five percent level. The density of tillers of all clones, except clone E, decreased in the spring of 1965 compared with the density of tillers in the fall The differences between the clones were significant at of 1964. the one percent level. Especially noteworthy is the low density in clone E in the fall of 1964 and the fall of 1965 in this environment. Interaction between the clones and observation times was significant at the one percent level. tillers, 384 per unit Clone C produced the highest number of area, and clone E had the least, 174 tillers per unit area. The location totals of the five clone tiller densities were significantly different at the one percent level in the fall of 1964. The highest number of Summerland. tillers, 358 per unit area, was produced at This was closely followed by Klamath Falls with 349. The intermediate group consisted of Medford with 263 Beaverlodge with 230 tillers per unit area. tillers and Vancouver with 103 tillers per tillers and Smithers with 25 cm. 2 142 formed the 64 lowest group. The ability of individual clones to tiller in different environments differed significantly at the one percent level. Clone C had the highest number which was 348, followed by clone 243, E with 231, A with 194, and B with 191 D with tillers per unit area. Interactions (Figure 33, 34, 35) were significant at the one percent level. In spring 1965 the density of tillers decreased at every location except at Vancouver, where a small increase was recorded over the Despite this increase, the density of tillers at Van- fall of 1964. couver remained lower than at the other locations. Across all environments the five clones displayed differences. Clone C formed the most dense plants with 240 tillers, followed by clone E with 177, D with 166, B with 129, and A with only 72 tillers per 25 cm. The capacity of the clones to 2 tiller at different environments in the fall of 1965 was very uniform except at Vancouver which was by far the lowest and differed significantly at the one percent level from the others. Differences between the clones were greatest at this observation time. clone C was 451, clone The average number of D 192, and clone B was 177 tillers produced was 225, clone E was 223, clone tillers per 25 cm. A by was 2 Ability to tiller, one of the most important turf characteristics, varied widely (Table D, 211; E, 210; B, 7) between the clones. 166; and A, 153 Clone tillers per C 25 cm. produced 346; 2 The average 65 Beaverlodge N 500Ln c, 400- Fall 1964 of tillers ci, Fall Spring 1965 65 1 ,.. 300Number ó 200- 0 0 o°o ó° óa eao 00 0 oá 100- z 0 ,,. C D O i; 0 ° .--- ;,° ó0 E A B C 1 ,P. Ó °Oa A B o 00 0 0 O -0 D E A ` 0 0 0 0 C D B p p O °Oo 00 E Smithers 500Ñ 0 o d 400- \ á -30 Fall 1964 I Fa Spring 1965 1 1 1b « z00 a z 100 A B C D E A B C D E A B C D Clones Figure 33. Average number of tillers of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Beaverlodge and Smithers and measured at three different observation times. E 66 Summerland N U 500- tf1 N Ó 00 ka,400C1, Oó 300 00 - pp0 r-+ a +-, DC 48200- 0 N .-Q Á 100- r A,s; z °ó 600 0ó \00o .A Fall 1964 A B C D IA E 0 0 Fall 1965 Spring 1965 A B C D E A B C D E Vancouver 500- N e ó0 U Ln 400 4 N Fall 1964 Q300- Fall 1965 Spring 1965 a) + 200w ái 00 0 100- o0 0°0 .0 O0 000 z A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Clones Figure 34. Average number of tillers of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Summerland and Vancouver and measured at three different observation times. tri d o td l l7 Cr w U-1 C7 CfQ H op 0 0 0 0 0 00o0 060 00O 0OO0 Qo O o 0 0 0 C. 0 Q>° 0° 0 0 ©0 0 11111111111 °° O 111111 cri 'v 1 opp000pop ° rn .0 N O O IIQ'li';INIII O O , O O W FP O O Number of tillers (per 25 cm. O O Ui 2 ) cn H -o dU Cd 0 p o 3ßo 0 0 , O O UW 0 0 0 9o0°0 ti0°000 00 y00 ó0°0°00 0 0 0 0 N O O O O tA O CO Un 2 cm.) ////%//////O///////////////////// % rn 00 C 7Q d O` t U td u tui O O 1-^' Number of tillers (per 25 L14-euz'ejx slip 68 number of tillers in spring was 157 compared with 241 in the fall of 1964 and 254 in the fall of 1965. The highest number of tillers was produced in the locations normally considered outside of the best bentgrass growing areas: Summerland, 274; Klamath Falls, 265; Medford, 237; and Beaverlodge, 214 tillers per 25 cm. 2 In Vancouver, considered to be the most favorable bentgrass growing area, all clones averaged only 128 tillers per 25 cm.2 Growth Chamber Experiment The experimental clones reacted differently to different tem- perature combinations (Table 8). Differences in number of basal tillers between the four temperature combinations were significant at the one percent level (Figure 36). Clones D (Figure 37) and A (Figure 38) tillered best at 60°F. day and 45°F. night temperature. Clones B (Figure 39), C (Figure 39), and E (Figure 40) favored the higher night temperature of 60°F. with 60°F. day temperature. None of the clones preferred the high day temperature for tillering, except clone E. It required the higher night temperature for best tillering and did not suffer greatly as a result of a high daytime temperature when 60°F. night temperature was used. 69 Table 8. Average number of basal tillers per plant and average diameter of plant for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at four different day and night temperatures. Temperature 60°F. 60°F. - Day - Night Clone Basal tillers Number A 11 B 12 C 9 41 D 9 11. 3 E 42 23 23. 7 9 68. A - Day 45oF. - Night 45oF. - Day Night 60°F. - - Day Night 37.4 2 36.5 7 19 29. 3 D 9 E 24 10. 18. 7 14 32.6 A 12 B C D 38 14 42. 44. 25. E 24 15. 19 28.5 6 A B C D 7 5 28 1 8 6 9 13.7 51. 36. 22. 3 8 6 9 2 7. 8 32 13. 4 16 26.4 A 10 B C D 7 32 11 58. 39. 29. 10. E 31 17. 8 E Average Average 6 C Average 90oF. 6 B Average 60°F. mm. 70. 39. 41. Average 90°F. Diameter 5 3 8 7 O ni A .s; z d .b° A ww o 0 0 if) o, V' o Co Qo o o0eooo00000°0°°00°0000 ooo°ooaa° 0 >to N. Az s; .b° N. Az O O ww I N s.zajji4 jo zaquznN 00 0 00 ü O, w; 00D 0 o 0If1 .0 V' I O M O .--i O I ó 0 ° o , nn o o //I/ 0 0 °0 00 ° o o O II :/ 0 U I IIIIIIIU1181 Illlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinllllllllllllllllll o llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll Illlllllllullllllllullll á4 z ww O 00 .0 .o 1 0 V' Q) I~ H a) ß. F w o cd R .7:141 i-i á , 70 N U Z4.1 ;-4 '0 a) o o cd b0 w v` a) s~ O ,O 71 Figure 37. Clone D grown 60 days in the growth chamber at 60 °F. day and 45 °F. night temperatures. Figure 38. Clone A grown 60 days in the growth chamber at 60 °F. day and 45 °F. night temperatures. i 72 ,, r, Sñ - t , ,t- . Fit' - ta' LA. _ days in the growth chamber. Top row - clone C. Bottom row - clone B. Left column - 60 °F. day and 60 °F. night Figure 39. Plants grown 60 temperatures. Right column - 90 °F. day and 45 °F. night temperatures. . =M; -. 47. d Figure 40. 60 days in the growth chamber. row clone D. Bottom row - clone E. Top Left column - 60 °F. day and 60 °F. night Plants grown temperatures. Right column - 90 °F. temperatures. day and 45 °F. night 73 Turf Experiment At the August 15 observation time (Table 9) the defoliation resulting from differences in cutting height influenced significantly the plants' ability to produce tillers. Three eighths inch, three fourths inch, and two and one half inches cutting heights resulted in more tillers per unit area than the uncut plots. Clone C demon- strated its superiority over the other clones, as it was able to produce more tillers per unit area at all mowing heights. average number of tillers per cm. clone E, and 15 2 was 21 for clone C, The 17 for for clones A, B, and D. At the October 1 observation time (Table 9) the average num- ber of tillers per unit area increased with each cutting height when compared with uncut plots, but the differences were significant only at the five percent level. The differences between the experimental clones were significant at the one percent level. 21 tillers; clone and clone A, 13 E, 16 tillers; clone tillers per unit area. B, 14 The Clone tillers; clone C produced D, 13 tiller quantity tillers; in all clones decreased as compared with the first observation time. At the December 1 observation time (Table 9) there were significant differences at the one percent level between the various cutting heights. The low cutting height (three eighths inch) reduced significantly the number of tillers and the two and one half inches 74 Table 9. Average number of tillers per cm.2 for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Observation time Cutting height A 13 16 11 17 7 20 21 15 15 16 16 9 E Average A B C D 3/4 inch E Average A 2 1/2 inches uncut 16 18 13 15 23 24 18 19 19 12 18 14 14 15 21 22 14 17 16 13 18 16 1 7 8 9 9 10 19 10 10 12 A 13 11 19 13 16 14 12 12 19 13 15 14 11 15 15 21 15 13 14 9 21 18 10 B C D E Observation Average 17 17 13 16 15 13 14 22 13 15 16 11 11 18 A 10 13 19 12 14 14 8 19 Average Average 15 14 20 E B C 1 13 12 18 11 13 13 Average E Ave rage 14 16 16 B C D D Clone Dec. Aug. 15 B C D 3/8 inch Oct. Clone 9 18 10 11 9 11 11 13 17 16 19 12 14 13 12 13 20 13 15 14 75 cutting height increased the number of tillers per unit area when compared with the uncut plots. Clone C again produced more tillers per unit area than any others. The average number of tillers pro- duced per unit area was: clone C, 18; clone E, 11; clone D, 10; and clones B and A, nine. Diameter of Plant Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants At Beaverlodge the size of the plants did not vary much (Table 10). Clone A (Figure 28) always produced wider plants than the other four clones. Significant differences at the one percent level existed between the clones at all observation times. At Smithers the plants reached their full size in the fall of 1964 (Table 10) and no significant differences between the clones occurred at any observation time. At Summerland the plants increased significantly in size between the observation times (Table 10), but there were no real differences between the clones. At Vancouver (Table 10) there were no significant differences between the observation times despite the large variation. Significant differences at the one percent level existed between the clones. Clone A produced by far the largest plants and clone D the smallest ones. 76 Table 10. Average diameter of plant at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Clone Average Clone Clone Clone Clone Location and A B C D E time mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Fall 1964 106 61 105 109 92 95 Spring 1965 119 89 99 122 107 107 Fall 1965 189 137 145 111 141 145 138 96 116 114 114 116 101 97 65 117 125 101 Spring 1965 119 117 124 102 132 119 Fall 1965 112 102 139 102 109 113 111 106 109 107 122 111 80 55 65 105 71 75 Spring 1965 130 105 120 107 107 114 Fall 171 146 150 132 146 149 127 102 112 115 108 113 425 275 207 135 215 251 Spring 1965 577 420 315 235 192 348 Fall 1965 537 472 390 237 312 390 513 389 304 202 240 330 Beaverlodge Average Smithe r s Fall 1964 Average Summer land Fall 1964 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1964 Average 77 Table 10. (continued) Location Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone Average A B C D E mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Fall 1964 118 75 98 82 78 90 Spring 1965 260 127 132 110 133 152 Fall 302 160 169 167 168 193 227 121 133 120 127 145 Fall 1964 102 95 67 69 82 83 Spring 1965 212 191 140 158 154 171 Fall 1965 262 197 152 155 186 191 192 162 120 128 141 148 and time mm. Medford 1965 Average Klamath Falls Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 156 235 264 218 B 108 163 195 155 C 101 146 193 147 D 103 139 151 131 E 110 138 168 139 Observation average 116 164 194 158 78 Continuous growth and increase in the size of plants at Klamath Falls resulted in significant differences between observation times at the one percent level (Table 10). The differences between the clones were significant at the one percent level. Differences at the various observation times at Medford can be easily recognized (Table 10). All of the clones increased in size with time. Significant differences at the one percent level between clone A and the other four clones were observed at every observation time. Comparing the effect of six different environments on plant diameter, it is noted (Table 10) that Vancouver was the best location for all clones at each observation time. and clones B, D, and E to a Clone A to a large extent, lesser extent, favored the southern locations over the northern ones. However, clone C did grow in the north nearly as well as in the south. Averaged over all locations and observation times, clone was the largest and clone D A was the smallest. Growth Chamber Experiment Four different day and night temperature combinations signifi- cantly affected the plant size in growth chambers (Table 8). 60°F. day temperatures were superior to the 90oF. day temperatures. On an average the 60°F. night temperature produced larger plants 79 than the 45oF. night temperature when the day temperature was 60oF. But at a 90oF. day temperature, this was reversed. Clone A pro- duced the largest plants with only a few tillers, resulting in a very low tiller density when compared with clone C and especially with clone E. Growth of Leaves Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Noticeable differences in leaf width (Table 11) were observed at Beaverlodge between the five clones, as well as between the three observation times. There was a definite reduction in the spring of 1965 when compared with the results of the fall of 1964. All clones showed decreased leaf width. In the fall of 1965 the leaf width of all clones except clone C increased again, but remained below the width found in the fall of 1964 (Figure 41). At Smithers (Table 11) the at Beaverlodge. results were basically the same as Significant differences between the observation times and between the experimental clones were observed. All the clones had narrower leaves in the spring of 1965 than in the fall of 1964 or in the fall of 1965. Here the leaf width of clone C increased in the fall of 1965 along with the leaf width of the other clones. the fall of 1965 the width of the leaves of clones D In and E exceeded 80 Table 11. Average leaf width at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Clone Average Clone Clone Clone Clone Location and A B C D E time mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 3.8 3.9 3.2 3.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.4 3.1 1.8 2.2 3. 1 2.3 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.5 2.4 3.3 2.3 3.3 1.8 2.3 4. 1 3. 3. 3.3 2.0 3.0 2.8 Beaverlodge Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Smither s Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average 2.5 2.3 3.5 3.3 1.8 1.9 2. 2. 2.3 2.4 3.5 2.9 3.7 2.9 1.8 2.5 2.4 2.7 3.4 3.5 1 3 8 1 1.9 2.4 2.5 Summer land Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average 1.7 1.9 3.0 2.3 3.7 3.0 2.5 2.9 2.4 3.2 2.6 2.6 2.8 4. 2. 4.2 2.7 3.6 3.5 2.0 2.7 3.2 2.6 2.9 2.4 2. 8 3. 9 1. 8 2.7 4.6 2.4 3.6 3.9 1.4 2.7 4.2 3. 5. 2. 3.2 3.8 2.7 2.1 0 5 3.7 2.9 2. 9 3.2 3.2 3.7 3. 1 2.3 2.5 3.3 2.7 3. 1 3.4 2.5 3.0 Medford Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average 1.5 2.4 1 2.4 3.0 3.4 5 3. 1 3. 5 4. 4.4 2.4 3.2 1.8 2. 5 1.6 4. 2. 2.8 4.0 2.4 3.3 9 1 3. 4. 1 1 8 6 2.7 3.7 2. 4. 2. 9 1 1 3.0 3.5 4.0 2.2 3.2 81 Beaverlodge Leaf width mm. aiv/ _ MIMINEMI ABCDE mm. ABCDE Smithers 5- Leaf width ABCDE M =s:i co o o o o oc 0 O cc O O Oc Oc coo 0 0 0 0°0 OO 0,0 C Fall 1964 Srin ; ABCDE 1965 c "V;, ABCDE Clones % -ABCDE Fall 1965 ocs :4 LINN c Figure 41. Average leaf width in five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Beaverlodge and Smithers and measured at three different observation times. 82 their fall 1964 widths. The other three clones remained below the level of the fall of 1964 (Figure 41). At Summerland (Table 11) significant differences were observed at the one percent level between the various observation times and between the different clones. The average leaf width did not decrease in the spring of 1965, but instead increased from 2. fall of 1964 to 2. 5 mm. in the spring of 1965 and to fall of 1965. All clones did not perform similarly. 3 mm. in the 3. 3 mm. in the The width of the leaves of clones B, D, and E actually decreased in the spring of 1965 (Figure 42). At Vancouver (Table 11) a slight increase in leaf width in the spring of 1965 as compared with the fall of 1964 was observed in every clone, except clone A. At the third observation time, all the clones displayed a reduced leaf width (Figure 42). Differences be- tween individual clones were significant at the one percent level. The average leaf width at Klamath Falls (Table 11) increased from 3. 5 mm, in the fall of 1964 to 4. 0 mm. in the spring of 1965, but decreased to 2.2 mm. in the fall of 1965 (Figure 43). Differences, significant at the one percent level, were observed at the observation times as well as between the clones. At Medford (Table 11) the average leaf width increased from 2.9 mm, in the fall of 1964 to 4. then decreased to 2. 1 1 mm. in the spring of 1965, and mm. in the fall of 1965. Significant differences 83 Summerland mm. Leaf width 5- 6 O 0O0 000 600 Fa Ç\\ A B C D E mm. Fall 1965 Spring 1965 1964 1 C A B ö 0 i9 ó0 . C D E OD A B C D E Vancouver Leaf width 5- 00 J 00 o°o 00 coo r, O O \0 DOO NI,. =o A B C .rin oD D E A B C 0 A =óá% 165 ó D E Fall 00 A B r 1965 ;';'V' 0.° C Clones Figure 42. Average leaf width of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Summerland and Vancouver and measured at three different observation times. D E 84 Klamath Falls mm. 5- _ 0ó Leaf width o0 o ._\ _ f 0 0 DÓ 0e ` o0 O o D 0 O o O O 0 0 o % :% ABCDE ABCDE mm. ii i CI 000 A oo ABCDE Medford 5 Leaf width = 4,`r ( 00 óo co 6 00c C 0 // Fall\\1964 ABCDE O O rin 1965 O O O 0 0 ABCDE ABCDE Clone s Figure 43. Average leaf width of five clones of Agrostis L. grown at Klamath Falls and Medford and measured at three different observation times. 85 exist at the different observation times as well as between the different clones (Figure 43). When comparing the leaf width at six locations in the fall of percent level was observed. 1964, a significant difference at the one perform differently in different environments The fact that the clones was observed (Table 11). All the clones produced their narrowest The widest leaves for clones A and C were leaves at Summerland. produced at Beaverlodge; and for clones B, D, and E at Klamath Falls. In the spring of 1965 the average station leaf widths were: Beaverlodge, 1.9 mm. Smithers, 2. ; 0 mm. Vancouver, 3.4 mm. Klamath Falls, 4. ; 0 , Summerland, 2. mm. ; 5 mm. and Medford, 4. ; I These results indicate a significant increase in the leaf width mm. from north to south. The leaf width (Table 11) in fall 1965 did not vary as much as in the spring of 1965, but significant locations. The individual clones acted differently at different loca- tions. Clones the south. differences still existed between A and B produced wider leaves in the north than in The other three clones formed their widest leaves at Summerland and Smithers, but not at Beaverlodge. Differences significant at the one percent level in leaf length (Table 12) were observed at Beaverlodge at the different observation times. In clones A, B, and D the leaf length was variable through 86 Table 12. Average leaf length at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Clone Average Clone Clone Clone Location Clone and A time mm. C D E mm. mm. mm. mm, B mm. Beaverlodge Fall 1964 68.2 75.5 65.9 53.6 37.6 60.2 Spring 1965 52.7 70.2 65.9 52.2 53.4 59.9 Fall 1965 72.9 90.1 62.0 84.0 74.6 76.7 64.6 78.6 64.6 63.3 55.2 65.6 Fall 1964 69.1 82.9 59.7 61.2 62.0 67.0 Spring 1965 76.3 86.3 60.8 65.6 70.1 71.8 Fall 1965 48.3 63.9 83.4 58.2 93.9 69.5 64.6 77.7 68.0 61.7 75.3 69.4 81.8 110.0 73.8 71.2 93.4 86.1 Spring 1965 66.1 88.9 61.7 73.0 73.6 72.7 Fall 1965 54.7 111.8 92.6 55.6 71.0 77.2 67.6 103.5 76.1 66.6 79.3 78.7 Fall 1964 79.4 97.3 83.1 51.8 57.8 73.9 Spring 1965 92.2 98.4 63.7 53.8 44.4 70.6 Fall 71.5 82.0 96.8 65.6 72.7 77.7 81.1 92.6 81.2 57.1 57.3 74.1 Average Smithe r s Average Summer land Fall 1964 Average Vancouver 1965 Average 87 Table 12. (continued) Clone Location Clone Clone Clone Clone Average and A B C D E time mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Fall 1964 67.9 86.2 51.5 57.9 72.3 67.1 Spring 1965 73.6 97.0 43.4 70.1 53.1 67.5 Fall 1965 62.1 79.6 64.5 61.0 68.5 67.1 67.8 87.6 53.1 63.0 64.6 67.2 67.2 93.0 57.2 64.5 76.4 71.7 Spring 1965 70.6 103.8 60.4 72.2 89.2 79.2 Fall 62.1 79.6 64.5 61.0 68.5 67.1 66.6 92.1 60.7 65.9 78.0 72.7 mm. Medford Average Klamath Falls Fall 1964 1965 Average Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 A 72.3 72.0 63.4 69.2 B 91.4 88.4 84.5 88.1 C 65.2 59.3 77.3 67.3 D 60.0 64.5 62.5 62.3 E 66.6 64.0 72.4 67.7 Observation average 71.1 69.6 72.0 70.9 Clone Average 88 Clone E produced the shortest leaves in the fall the experiment. of 1964 and the longest in the fall of 1965. At Smithers (Table 12) clones A, B, and D produced the longest leaves in the spring of 1965 and the shortest in the fall of 1965. The other two clones produced their shortest leaves in the fall of 1964, and their longest leaves in the fall of 1965. At Summerland the longest leaves were produced in the fall of The shortest leaves were produced there in the spring of 1965. 1964. The different clones did not perform similarly, and differences sig- nificant at the one percent level between the clones were recognized (Table 12) . No significant differences resulted at the different observation times at Vancouver. Differences significant at the one percent level were observed between the clones. It is interesting to note that clones A and B had the longest leaves in the spring of 1965 and the other clones had the shortest leaves in the spring of 1965 (Table 12). At Klamath Falls clones B, D, and E (Table 12) produced their longest leaves in the spring of 1965, and their shortest in the fall of 1965. Differences, significant at the one percent level, exist at the observation times and between the clones. Differences, significant at the one percent level, exist between clones at Medford. Three of the clones; longest leaves (Table 12) in the A, B, and D; had their spring of 1965, the other two, clones 89 C and E had their shortest leaves in the spring of 1965. Comparing the leaf length at six different environments, dif- ferences due to locations, significant at the one percent level, were observed at each observation time. Besides significant differences due to locations, differences between the clones themselves were significant at the one percent level. The results (Table 11 and Table 12) indicate that the variation in leaf width and leaf length are independent and not related to each other. Growth Chamber Experiment The different clones reacted differently to the temperature combinations used in growth chambers (Table 13). The widest leaves were produced in 90oF. day and 45oF. night temperature combinations on clones A, C, D, and E, but width of clones A, B, and D narrowest on clone B. The leaf were fairly consistent within the tempera- ture variables of this experiment. Leaf lengths of all clones were reduced in the 90°F. day and 60°F. night temperatures (Table 13). Clones A, B, and C produced their longest leaves with the 60°F. day and 60°F. night temperature, and clones D and E produced their longest leaves in the 90°F. day and 45oF. night temperature. Clone B produced both the longest and widest leaf dimensions 90 Table 13. Average leaf width and leaf length for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at four different day and night temperatures in combinations. Average Average leaf width leaf length mm. mm. Clone Temperature 60 °F. - Day 60 °F. - Night A 1.7 B C D 2.4 E Average 90 °F. - Day 45 °F. - Night A 1.7 B C D 2.2 1.8 1.9 E Average 60 °F. - Day 45 °F. - Night 1.5 B C D 2.4 Night 52.9 77.8 40.0 Average 51.8 70.4 35.6 Average 1.5 2.2 1.2 1.7 1.3 1.6 A 1.6 B C D 2.3 61.5 82.5 43.4 42.8 36.5 B C D E Average 67.8 88.0 46.0 47.3 49.1 59.6 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.6 A 60 °F. - 1.8 1.9 A E 90 °F. - Day 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.7 73.3 93.9 51.9 42.5 35.6 59.5 E 1.4 1.7 1.3 44. 8 30.1 49. 36. 1 5 31.1 45.1 91 in these temperature combinations. Clone E produced the smallest leaf dimensions. Aerial Branching Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Most of the aerial branching was observed in the fall periods (Table 14). The results show differences, significant at the one percent level, between the clones, between the locations and significant interaction as well. Clones A, B, and D had the most aerial branching in the Vancouver environment in the fall of 1964. There were great differences between the locations in the fall of 1965. At Beaverlodge, Smithers, and Summerland all the clones produced only occasional aerial branches. At Vancouver and Klamath Falls all the clones except clone D branched freely. At Medford all the clones branched heavily. Differences, significant at the one percent level occurred between locations, between the clones and clones x location interactions. Turf Experiment The differences in aerial branching resulting from different cutting heights and different clones were significant at the one percent level (Table 15). Early in the summer the low cutting height caused 92 Table 14. Average number of aerial branches at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Beaverlodge Fall 1964 3 0 0 1 1 1 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 1 0 0 5 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 4 9 9 4 22 10 1 3 3 1 7 3 Fall 1964 3 1 1 3 0 2 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1 1 0 6 19 5 1 1 1 3 6 2 30 30 0 5 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 165 102 23 127 98 34 65 34 9 42 37 Average Smithe r s Average Summerland 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average 93 Table 14. (continued) Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Medford Fall 1964 9 1 0 0 2 2 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 162 469 291 128 254 77 54 156 97 43 85 Fall 1964 1 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 127 288 4 257 151 26 42 96 1 86 50 Fall 1965 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1965 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 8 0 63 24 B 5 0 77 27 C 1 0 145 49 D 2 0 56 19 E 1 0 92 31 3 0 87 30 Observation average 94 Table 15. Average number of aerial branches per one hundred cm.2 area of five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights and observed at three times. Observation time Average Oct. 1 Dec. 1 Aug. 15 Clone Cutting height C D 0 0 0 E 0 65 117 128 106 137 Average 0 A 0 B C D 0 0 A B 3/8 inch 3/4 inch 1/2 inches 16 31 28 44 53 36 26 47 54 111 26 46 96 95 153 30 37 54 49 37 42 44 69 59 48 E 1 Average 0 116 42 53 63 62 102 23 116 143 130 184 152 95 90 134 274 78 79 117 91 116 73 177 96 115 A 6 3 35 29 39 B C D 76 40 45 9 E 10 49 56 77 24 34 53 52 39 46 7 60 43 37 B C D E Average Uncut 19 129 107 A 2 0 Average 0 8 89 169 95 a decrease in aerial branching. At the second observation time the cutting at any height increased the number of aerial branches formed. increased the number of The two and one half inches cutting height aerial branches more than the two lower cutting heights. At the final observation time only the two and one half inch cutting height increased the number of aerial branches formed over the uncut treatment. The three eighths inch cutting height slightly reduced the number of branches. Growth of Rhizomes Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants Statistical analysis indicated differences, significant at the one percent level, in the number of rhizomes on the different clones, in different environments and at different seasons (Table 16). Clone D had an average of two rhizomes in the fall of 1964 and clone A had an average of 31 rhizomes at the same time. Besides the clonal differences, the environments influenced the number of rhizomes formed. Clone A had an at Beaverlodge in the fall of 1964 and 87 average of six rhizomes at Vancouver. Clone C had none at Medford in the fall of 1964, but 28 rhizomes at Vancouver during the same period. Each observation time influenced the number of rhizomes 96 Table 16. Average number of rhizomes per plant at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Beaverlodge Fall 1964 6 1 2 0 1 2 Spring 1965 42 1 1 0 2 9 Fall 78 2 4 2 3 18 42 1 2 1 2 10 5 3 1 3 6 3 Spring 1965 19 2 4 1 1 5 Fall 86 3 104 2 6 40 36 3 36 2 4 16 7 1 3 2 2 3 21 3 41 2 4 14 175 3 93 49 5 65 68 2 46 18 4 27 Fall 1964 87 15 28 6 19 31 Spring 1965 87 23 23 1 14 30 134 34 30 1 21 44 103 24 27 2 18 35 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 1964 1965 Average Summerland Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1965 Average 97 Table 16. (continued) Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D Clone Average E Medford Fall 1964 65 9 0 0 18 19 Spring 1965 96 4 1 1 3 21 Fall 1965 96 9 43 9 11 33 86 7 15 3 11 24 11 1 0 1 3 3 Spring 1965 227 4 7 6 2 49 Fall 1965 144 8 34 4 8 40 127 4 14 4 4 31 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1964 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 31 87 118 79 B 5 5 11 7 C 6 11 52 23 D 2 2 11 5 E 8 4 9 7 10 22 40 24 Observation average 98 formed, significant at the one percent level. At Klamath Falls clone C formed no rhizomes in the fall of 1964, seven rhizomes in the spring of 1965 and 34 in the fall of 1965. At Beaverlodge, clone formed six rhizomes in the fall of 1964, 42 in the A spring of 1965, and 78 in the fall of 1965. At every observation time clone A had the longest average rhizomes and clone D had the shortest ones (Table 17). The clonal differences varied significantly at the one percent level at every location and observation time. At Beaverlodge the average rhizome length was shortest and the environment at Vancouver produced the longest rhizomes at each observation time. Differences were sig- nificant at the one percent level. Rhizome lengths at observation times varied according to location and clones. Differences of locations and clones affected the length of rhizomes at Beaverlodge, Klamath Falls, Summerland and Medford, but not at Smithers or Vancouver. The average number of rhizome nodes varied, and differences, significant at the one percent level, existed between the clones and e nvironments (Table 18). The interactions were significant at the one percent level only in the fall of 1965. largest number The of rhizome nodes and clone largest number Clone A produced the B produced the fewest. of rhizome nodes were produced at Vancouver and the smallest number at Beaverlodge. 99 Table 17. Average length of rhizomes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone Average A Time B D E C mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Beaverlodge Fall 1964 68 23 25 0 16 26 Spring 1965 84 14 27 0 27 30 118 42 64 82 35 68 90 26 39 27 26 41 Fall 1964 84 46 21 44 68 53 Spring 1965 99 48 60 44 24 55 Fall 1965 79 62 75 52 64 66 87 52 52 47 52 58 Fall 1964 79 16 41 18 45 40 Spring 1965 69 47 68 54 50 58 Fall 95 53 80 95 87 82 81 39 63 56 61 60 Fall 1964 167 84 82 46 86 93 Spring 1965 182 131 105 44 114 115 Fall 1965 117 98 97 24 100 87 155 104 95 38 100 98 Fall 1965 Average Smithe r s Average Summerland 1965 Average Vancouver Average 100 Table 17. (continued) Location Clone A Time mm. Average Clone Clone Clone Clone B C D E mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Medford Fall 1964 116 37 0 0 50 41 Spring 1965 131 84 44 59 83 80 98 82 92 65 70 81 115 68 46 41 68 67 60 28 0 6 27 24 122 73 81 76 103 91 92 61 66 73 62 71 91 54 49 52 64 62 Fall 1965 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 96 115 100 103 B 39 67 65 57 C 29 64 79 57 D 19 46 65 43 E 49 67 70 62 46 72 76 65 Observation average 101 Table 18. Average number of rhizome nodes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Beaverlodge Fall 1964 6 2 4 0 2 3 Spring 1965 7 1 1 0 3 2 Fall 7 4 6 6 3 5 7 2 4 2 2 3 9 5 2 4 7 5 Spring 1965 8 5 7 5 3 5 Fall 8 7 8 6 7 7 8 6 6 5 5 6 Fall 1964 8 2 4 3 5 4 Spring 1965 7 6 6 5 5 6 10 6 8 10 6 8 8 4 6 6 6 6 Fall 1964 10 5 6 5 6 6 Spring 1965 12 8 8 3 9 8 9 8 8 2 7 7 10 7 7 4 7 7 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 1964 1965 Average Summer land Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1965 Average 102 Table 18. (continued) Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Medford Fall 1964 9 4 0 0 5 3 Spring 1965 8 5 4 5 7 6 Fall 1965 9 7 8 6 6 7 9 5 4 4 6 6 Fall 1964 6 4 0 1 2 3 Spring 1965 8 6 6 6 9 7 Fall 1965 9 6 6 7 6 7 7 5 4 5 6 6 Average Klamath Falls Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 8 8 9 8 B 4 5 6 4 G 3 6 7 5 D 2 4 6 4 E 5 6 6 5 4 6 7 5 Observation average 103 Growth Chamber Experiment Number of rhizomes, the rhizome length and the number of rhizome nodes (Table 19) varied significantly at the one percent level between the clones. The interactions of clones to environment were significantly different at the one percent level also. Clone D produced rhizomes only when the day temperature was 90°F. and the night temperature was 45°F. The 60°F. day and 60°F. night temperature combination increased the number of rhizomes in clones A and C. Clone A produced the largest number of rhizomes and the longest rhizomes in all four temperature combinations. Turf Experiment The weight of rhizomes per unit area (Table 20), length of rhizomes (Table 21) and the number of rhizome nodes per rhizome (Table 22) varied significantly at the one percent level between clones and observation times. Interactions generally were not significantly different. The amount of rhizomes produced by clone clone E, 2.2 g. 0. 3 g. ; clone C, 2.0 g. ; clone B, 1.6 g. ; A was 9. 9 g. ; and clone D only All of the clones produced more rhizomes at the October observation time than at the December or August observation times. The uncut plots produced the greatest mass of rhizomes and the plots mowed at two and one half inches produced the least. 104 Table 19. Average number of rhizomes per plant, average length of rhizomes and average number of rhizome nodes per rhizome for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at four different day and night temperatures. Rhizome Rhizome nodes length Rhizomes mm. number Number Clone Temperature 60°F. - Day 60°F. - Night 90oF. 45oF. 60°F. 45oF. 90oF. 60°F. - Day Night - Day - Night - Day - Night Clone Average A 11 B C D 2 3 0 E 1 Average 3 A 5 B C D 2 89.8 53.6 61.1 0 15.2 43.9 2 73.4 50.2 48.2 1 5.9 E 1 Average 2 A 3 B C D 2 E 0 Average 1 A 3 B C D 2 E 0 Average 1 1 0 1 0 A B 6 C 2 D 0 E 0 2 6 5 5 0 1 3 4 6 4 1 20.2 39.6 2 86.9 56.2 15.0 5 0 5.3 32.7 93.7 83.4 39.4 0 13.1 45.9 85.9 60.8 40.9 1.5 13.4 3 5 1 0 1 2 7 8 3 0 1 4 6 6 4 0 1 105 Table 20. Average weight of rhizomes per 100 cm. 2 at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Weight Observation time Aug. 15 Cutting height 3/4 inch 2 1/2 inches Uncut Dec. 1 Average g. g. g. A 11.7 1.9 10.5 1.3 3.1 8.6 1.5 2.7 0.6 E 3.7 1.4 2.1 0.5 1.5 Average 1.9 A 7.5 B C D 2.0 0.2 E 1.5 Average 2.5 A 2.8 0.7 3.2 4.1 0.5 2.8 3.6 2.5 3.2 12.6 2.1 8.7 1.8 9.6 2.7 0.4 3.4 4.2 2.0 0.2 2.6 3.1 2.2 0.3 2.5 3.3 9.2 E 6.1 1.1 1.0 0.2 1.4 Average 2.0 2.7 6.2 0.3 1.3 0.2 1.2 1.8 7.2 0.9 1.2 0.2 1.4 2.2 A 4. B C D 2.6 2.1 2.6 1.9 2.6 0.6 1.6 B C D E Average Clone Average 1 g. B C D 3/8 inch Oct. Clone A B C D E Observation Average 1.2 9 0.1 1.5 2.2 1.2 1.2 0.2 1.7 25. 1 3.2 6.7 12. 8 0.4 1.7 3.8 1.7 14. 5 2.4 2.0 0.7 2.1 4.2 5.6 1.6 14.6 1.8 9.6 1.8 0.2 1.5 2.3 0.5 2.0 0.3 2. 9 4. 4 2.1 9.9 1.6 2.0 0.3 2.2 3. 3. 2. 1 1.5 1 2 106 Table 21. Average length of rhizome at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Length Observation time Average Dec. 1 Oct. 1 Aug. 15 mm. mm. mm. mm. Clone Cutting height _ 72 77 71 67 54 47 66 64 61 59 50 68 66 22 50 54 61 14 51 46 60 29 56 55 A 103 B C D 59 61 57 52 66 52 56 77 56 57 26 8 19 63 52 64 66 54 87 30 40 16 42 43 83 69 87 70 62 66 A B C D 3/8 inch E Average 3/4 inch Average 64 23 71 64 A 94 67 B C D 25 Average 80 66 36 72 70 A B 73 50 C D 69 17 67 50 55 E 66 55 E 2 1/2 inches E Uncut Average Average 61 17 59 46 10 69 50 49 74 28 42 60 B C D 86 66 65 32 66 50 57 19 17 E 69 60 50 50 50 A Observation Average 64 69 54 58 45 56 23 58 53 19 59 55 74 57 60 23 60 55 107 Table 22. Average number of rhizome nodes per rhizome at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Rhizome Nodes Observation time Cutting height 3/8 inch 3/4 inch Clone Aug. 15 1/2 inches Uncut Average 1 Dec. 1 Average A 8 7 8 8 5 6 7 B C D 8 8 8 8 6 3 2 4 E 8 6 7 7 Average 8 6 6 7 A 10 6 6 7 B C D 7 7 6 7 9 7 8 8 3 4 1 8 E 8 7 8 Average 7 6 6 8 6 10 6 9 8 A 2 Oct. 7 B C D 7 3 3 4 7 8 5 7 4 2 2 3 E 8 7 5 7 Average 7 5 5 6 A 8 6 6 7 B 5 6 8 6 C 9 7 8 8 D 2 1 3 2 E 8 7 5 7 Average 6 5 6 6 A 9 6 7 7 B C D 7 6 6 6 8 7 7 7 4 2 2 3 E 8 7 6 7 7 6 6 6 Observation Average 108 Clone A produced the longest rhizomes, 74 mm. by clones C and E with 60 mm. ; B, 57 mm. ; , followed and D, 23 mm. Cutting height had no influence on rhizome length. At individual observation times the number of rhizome nodes varied significantly by clone differences. Cutting height had no influence on number of rhizome nodes. Clone D produced fewer rhi- zome nodes than the other clones. Growth of Stolons Field Experiment with Single Spaced Plants In this experiment none of the clones formed stolons in the fall of 1964 and the spring of 1965. In the fall of 1965 differences signifi- cant at the one percent level occurred between the clones (Table 23) None of the clones formed stolons at Med- and between locations. ford. At Beaverlodge and Klamath Falls only occasional stolons developed. At Vancouver all of the clones had stolons, especially clones A, D, and E. At Smithers clones A, B, and D formed oc- casional stolons while clones C and E did not. occurred at Summerland where clone clone D, 153, and clone C A The greatest variation formed an average of 306, no stolons per plant. Differences in the length of the stolons (Table 24) varied with clones and locations. The longest stolons formed were an average 109 Table 23. Average number of stolons at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Beaverlodge Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 19 64 Spring 1965 0 0 0 49 16 5 13 0 2 0 0 4 0 13 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 306 6 0 153 1 93 102 2 0 51 0 31 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Fall 1965 Average Summe r land Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Vancouver 0 Fall 1965 55 3 3 8 Average Medford 18 1 1 3 13 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 19 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average Klamath Falls 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 Average 2 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Fall 19 64 5 110 Table 24. Average length of stolons at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Clone Clone Clone Clone Average Location Clone D E A B C Time mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Beaverlodge Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 282 131 75 178 113 156 94 44 25 59 38 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203 223 0 185 0 122 68 74 0 62 0 41 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 389 379 0 278 136 236 130 126 0 93 45 79 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 145 146 108 128 153 79 48 49 36 43 51 Fall 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average Summerland Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1965 Average 111 Table 24. (continued) Clone Location A Time mm. Clone Clone Clone Clone B C D E mm. mm. mm. mm. Average mm. Medford Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 0 59 104 0 68 58 0 20 34 0 23 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1965 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 0 0 214 71 B 0 0 146 49 C 0 0 47 16 D 0 0 142 47 E 0 0 63 21 112 of 79 mm. per stolon at Summerland, while none were produced at Medford. Clone A produced the longest, averaging shortest stolons, averaging The 21 nana., 71 mm. were formed on clone The C. differences between clones and between location, displayed significance at the one percent level. The number of stolon nodes (Table 25) varied significantly at the one percent level between clones and between locations. Clone A produced an average of three nodes per stolon while clones E produced an average of only one node per stolon. More stolon C and nodes per stolon were produced at Beaverlodge than at other loca- tions. Turf Experiment At the no first observation time (Table 26) in the summer of 1965, significant differences, at the five percent level, existed. fall, at the October 1 observation time, clone D In early produced more stolon mass than the other four clones. It also had the largest mass during the third observation. The two and one half inches cutting height increased the amount of stolons in clones produced more stolons for clones A B and E, and D, while uncut plots Differences between the clones were significant at the one percent level with clone ing the largest stolon mass. D produc- 113 Table 25. Average number of stolon nodes at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown at six locations. Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Beaverlodge Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 6 7 8 8 4 2 2 2 3 3 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 11 0 6 4 3 0 4 0 2 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 9 0 11 3 7 4 3 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 6 4 3 4 6 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 Fall 1965 Average Smithe r s Fall 1965 Average Summerland Fall 1965 Average Vancouver Fall 1964 Average 114 Table 25. (continued) Location Time Clone Clone Clone Clone Clone A B C D E Average Medford Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 1964 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spring 1965 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 9 9 0 6 4 0 3 3 0 2 Average Klamath Falls Fall 1965 Average Clone Average Fall 1964 Spring 1965 Fall 1965 Average A 0 0 9 3 B 0 0 5 2 C 0 0 3 1 D 0 0 7 2 E 0 0 3 1 0 0 5 2 Observation average 115 Table 26. Average weight of stolons per 100 cm. 2 area at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Observation time Average Dec. 1 Oct. 1 Aug. 15 height Cutting Clone g. g. g. g. 3/8 inch 3/4 inch 2 1/2 inche s Uncut Clone Average 0.25 1.50 0.25 2.31 0.62 0.99 0. 12 0. 16 0.50 0.19 2.81 0.81 0.89 0.71 0.15 1.75 0.48 0.65 0 Average 0.06 0.04 0.31 1.31 0.44 3.31 0.62 1.20 1.50 0.31 4.62 0.69 1.42 0.14 0.94 0.25 2.64 0.46 0.79 A 0. 12 0. 25 0. 12 0. 16 B C D 0.56 1.25 0.44 8.75 E 0 Average 0.15 4.81 0.25 8.62 0.62 2.91 49 2.21 0.23 5.79 0.83 1.85 A 0.06 B C D 0 2.50 0.56 2.06 3.19 1.54 1.25 0. 18 0. 31 3. 06 1. 18 0.06 3.44 E 0. Average 0.06 1.12 1.59 12.69 4.12 5.02 5.39 1.75 2.22 A 0. 1 1 0. 17 0.83 0.58 2. 05 1. 61 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.31 4.42 1.00 7.22 1.87 0.51 1.28 0.45 3.90 0.88 A 0. 12 B C D 0.12 E 0 Average 0.07 A 0.12 B C D 0 E B C D E 0 0. 12 0 0 0 0.06 0.75 1.87 2. 116 Cutting height and clones significantly influenced the stolon length only at the last two observation dates (Table 27). Clone D produced the longest stolons and the uncut plots produced longer stolons than other mowing heights. Cutting height signficantly influenced the number of stolon nodes only at the December observation time (Table 28). The uncut plots had a much larger number of nodes than the mowed plots. Clonal differences were significant during the latter two observation times. Clone least. D produced the most stolon nodes, while clone A produced the 117 Table 27. Average length of stolon at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Observation time Aug. 15 Cutting height 3/8 inch 3/4 inch 1/2 inches Clone Average Dec. 1 mm. Average mm. 12 16 35 29 16 11 55 42 32 42 22 24 0 12 30 29 25 20 43 27 26 A B 21 14 C D 0 11 15 37 18 59 E 0 24 Average 9 31 A 8 B C D 5 7 0 27 49 28 7 Average 6 69 39 42 60 E 10 Clone B C D E Uncut 1 mm. A 2 Oct. mm. 35 30 0 67 27 22 60 41 23 97 90 0 52 53 34 30 Average 17 33 47 A 66 204 246 B C D 0 82 22 E 0 157 221 188 139 190 Average 18 92 162 67 121 A B C D 32 64 12 7 59 41 70 70 76 9 97 98 2 41 67 E 3 22 52 23 70 28 39 172 79 112 118 69 110 55 47 41 68 37 118 Table 28. Average number of stolon nodes per stolon at three dates for five clones of Agrostis L. grown under four different cutting heights. Observation time Cutting height 3/8 inch 3/4 inch Clone Aug. 15 A 0.9 1.4 B C D 1/2 inche s Uncut Average 0.9 E 0 Average 0.6 A 0.5 0.5 0.5 B C D 0 Average 0.7 0.4 A B 1.2 0.9 C D 0 E 0 Average 0.6 E 2 0 0.7 Oct. 1 Dec. 1 Average 1.0 1.2 3.6 2.4 5.8 3.2 3.2 3.6 2.4 1.0 2.9 1.6 6.2 5.7 3.8 4.3 3.0 2.5 3.0 4.1 3.3 7.1 3.8 4.2 0 1.2 3.3 3.5 6.6 5.3 3.7 2.7 2.4 4.6 3.3 2.8 0.5 1.2 1.0 3.3 1.3 6.6 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.4 2.5 5.1 3.2 8.7 6.9 8.4 10.7 5.0 3.4 4.1 6. 9 5.7 4. 1 1.6 4.7 2.9 2.6 A 1.2 B C D 0 E 0 8.1 3.2 Average 0.7 4.4 9.3 8.8 4.2 4.5 A 1.0 B C D 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.2 2.4 3.6 2.4 2.8 4.3 4.4 2.1 2.6 6.9 3.3 7.6 6.5 E 1.5 0.7 2.5 6. 5 2.4 5.0 3.3 119 DISCUSSION Five genotypes of Agrostis L. were used in this study to determine the response to variations in environment. At the beginning, due to a lack of comprehensive studies in the field of Agrostis sp. , all of them were classified as belonging to the species Agrostis tenuis Sibth. After doing tis L. , a taxonomic study in 1965 on genus Agros- the reliability of the botanical names used in reference litera- ture for genotypes employed in this study were doubted, and soon it was clear that clone A did not belong to the species Agrostis tenuis Sibth. Its macromorphological characteristics are similar to the species Agrostis gigantea Roth. as described by Philipson (49). The morphological characteristics of the other four clones are quite similar to those (49). of Agrostis tenuis Sibth. as described by Philipson Detailed taxonomic study of the populations from which the clones were selected is warranted. Tillering In this study the density of tillers varied significantly between the clones in every location at each observation time. This result agrees with Mitchell (41) in that it is an hereditary characteristic and varies according to the species or clone. characteristic and depending Being an hereditary on the number of bud primordia formed, 120 its ultimate expression is influenced by environment. Significant differences between locations indicate that the final density of tillers would be decided simultaneously and collectively by all factors of the environment at the time that the bud primordia are formed. The (35). decrease in tiller number in the summer agrees with Langer In this study the decrease was caused mainly by the fact that some of the tillers developed in the previous fall or early spring completed their life cycle, and secondly by death due to winter diseases. ous In spring when fertile culms developed on healthy vigor- tillers, the weak tillers died and there were in late spring. It is possible that high few new ones formed temperatures in spring and summer inhibited the development of lateral buds (41). The remark- able increase in the density of tillers in the fall can be accounted for by the effect of short days in combination with low night (44). The temperatures overall low density of tillers at Vancouver can be ex- plained by comparatively low soil fertility at that location (21, 35, 53, 67) especially by a possible shortage of phosphorus (9, 22) and nitrogen (12, 30). Another factor which might have influenced tiller ing was the lower light intensity at the time of development of bud primordia (40, The 53, 41). results of this study did not agree completely with the Nittler, Kenny and Osborne (46) observations that variety differences are small when light is available in sufficient quantities and large 121 when light is the limiting factor. In this study the variety differ- ences were greatest at Summerland, Medford and Klamath Falls In field conditions the and least at Vancouver (Table 7). variety differences of certain plants in tiller density can be more clearly demonstrated in the more sunny locations. The growth chamber experiment demonstrated that different clones of Agrostis sp. reacted differently to environments provided in this experiment (Figure 40). Clones A and D formed most per plant in 60°F. day and 45°F. night temperature. tillers The other clones tillered most frequently in the 60°F. day and 60°F. night temperature. Clones E and D had completely different growth habits in growth chambers (Figure 40) when compared with field experi- ments, demonstrating the need to use extreme caution when applying results obtained under artificial conditions to field research. In the turf experiment the three fourths inch and two and one half inches cutting heights increased the density of tillers at each observation time (Table 9). In three eights inch cutting heights there were significant differences between the clones. Low cutting height reduced the density of tillers of clone A at each observation time. However, the density of tillers of the other four clones was increased by low cutting heights in the summer and early fall but having its tiller density reduced decreased in late fall. With clone A by low cutting height, it cannot be regarded as a clone for turf 122 requiring low, frequent mowing. The other four clones would be valued as better varieties for turf requiring intensive maintenance. Low cutting height in late fall reduced the quality of turf in every clone. The plant size varied significantly between both locations and between clones. Clone formed larger plants than the other clones. A This can be related to its ability to form extended rhizomes which emerge readily and tiller only slightly, thus forming a plant with low tiller density and large diameter. It favors southern locations, because in northern areas Fusarium sp. attacks this clone in both fall and spring causing severe damage (Figure 44). Clones B, D, and E reacted most favorably to the southern locations. Clone C, being the most vigorously tillering clone, reacted better than any other clone to widely diversified environments. It was the best performing clone at every location, particularly at Beaverlodge (Figure 29) and Summerland (Figure 45). tiller density indicate that clone than the other four clones. C Clonal differences in is far better for turf purposes Clone A produces very weak turf at springtime in areas where Fusarium sp. causes severe damage to it. Growth of Leaves The leaf width varied significantly between locations and clones 123 in the fall of 1964 (Table 11). The final leaf width depended upon the environment and upon the genetic structure of the plant. In the spring of 1965 (Table 11) the average width of the leaves of all clones displayed a definite trend, at Beaverlodge to 4. 0 mm. in Medford. increasing from 1.9 mm. At Summerland, Vancouver, Klamath Falls and Medford (Figure 42, 43) the average width of leaves in the spring exceeded the width of leaves in the fall; a fact which can be explained by increased light intensity and day length (19 ). Contrary to this, at Beaverlodge and at Smithers (Figure 41), the average leaf width in the spring was far below the width of the leaves in the fall. The reduction in leaf width at the two northern stations may be explained not only by increased temperatures, but also by the long, cold vernalization effect at the time of development of the leaf primordia. In the growth chamber experiment, significant differences in leaf width existed between the clones. The clone x temperature interactions were also significantly different. Clone narrowest leaves in 90 F. day temperature (Table B 13). produced the The other four clones produced widest leaves in the 90oF. day and 45oF. night temperature. Narrowest leaves were produced in the 60°F. day and 45oF. night temperature. a This indicates that clone lower day temperature to produce widest leaves. B requires In addition to high day temperatures, the other four clones require a low night 124 temperature for widest leaf growth. The length of leaves depends mainly upon the genotype of the clone. In addition to the genetic control, environment was an im- portant factor in modifying the leaf length. Differences existed at different locations. The fact that the clones performed differently at various locations confirms the suggestion (11) that leaf length is governed by multiple pairs of genes. Increases in day length in- creased the length of leaves. This, along with mineral nutrition, was the most significant environmental factor affecting length of leaf growth. Reduction of the leaf length at Summerland, Vancouver, and Medford in the spring of 1965 was related to the increase in light intensity which especially affected clones C and E. No clear relation- ship between the leaf width and leaf length was observed. Aerial Branching Significant differences occurred at various locations, indicating that aerial branching is controlled mainly by environment. Aerial branching occurred in the fall (Table 14) mainly in environ- ments where the fertile shoots did not die back to the ground level in the fall. The branching occurred by nodes above the soil surface, as soon as the apical bud dominance was diminished. Then the highest lateral buds started to grow, either as aerial branching or if at ground level or below, as sterile shoots. 125 In the turf experiment (Table to be a definite factor in influencing 15) the cutting height was found aerial branching. The two and one half inches cutting height increased the aerial branching signifi- cantly at each observation time with all clones in this experiment. The three eights inch and three quarters inch cutting heights (Table 15) also increased aerial branching in early fall, but not in late fall. This indicates that short daylengths (20) would not be the main reason for the activity of the lateral buds. of Clone C had the highest number aerial branches per plant. The relationship between the clones used in this experiment regarding ability to form aerial branches was the same as the ability to tiller, indicating a possible associa- tion between those two characteristics. Growth of Rhizomes The genotypes varied in their ability to form rhizomes (Table 16). Clone A had more rhizomes than any other clone. clone C could be classified as plants with rhizomes. It and The other three clones would be classified as plants with occasional rhizomes. Besides clone differences the environment seems to be important in determining the number of rhizomes formed. Significant differences between locations can be pointed out, especially with clone The number of rhizomes cially in clones A and C. A and C. increased with the age of the plant, espeShort daylength in the fall increased the 126 number of rhizomes, especially at northern stations, but not in clone A at Medford and Klamath Falls. In the growth chamber experiment, clone A produced more This relates directly to the field rhizomes than the other clones. experiment results where clone A also produced most rhizomes. Clonal difference in the turf experiment was the significant factor affecting rhizome production. A change in cutting height did not change the number of rhizomes in summer, but defoliation in the fall reduced the amount of rhizomes formed. Significant differences between the clones and between the locations used in this study indicate that length of rhizomes has a genetic control, but that the environment is a very important factor also affecting it. Significant interaction between the clones and environments were demonstrated. Long daylengths in the spring increased the length of rhizomes in clone four clones. A, but not in the other It is possible that the short daylength at Beaverlodge in the fall of 1965 combined with other environmental factors, such as mineral nutrition, reduced the length of rhizomes of clones B, C, D, and E at Beaverlodge. Temperature, in growth chambers, and cutting heights, in the turf experiment, did not affect the length of rhizomes significantly. In both experiments, only significant differences existed between the clones used. In every experiment in this study the number of 127 rhizome nodes varied according to the length of rhizome. No correlation between the plants ability to tiller and to form rhizomes, despite both of them being lateral meristems, was observed. Growth of Stolons This study agrees with Ryle and Langer (51) in that the formation of stolons can be controlled by photoperiods. The stolons formed only in the fall when short days with low light intensity occurred. In addition to environmental control (Table 23) the clones, having he- reditary differences, in times of limited reproductive and accentuated vegetative growth, can produce stolons or tillers. Significant differences between the different clones existed in addition to the significant variations between the various environments. Clones A and B, E, and D especially were able to form more stolons than clones C. No association between the ability to tiller and form stolons were observed. Negative association between the clones ability to form turf without grain and to produce stolons can be pointed out. 128 SUMMARY The genus Agrostis L. , which is one of the most important genera for turf production in Northwest America, appears not to have been given intensive study in this area. The morphological features, such as tillering, diameter of plant, growth of leaves, aerial branching, growth of of rhizomes and stolons of five genotypes bentgrass, were compared under various environmental condi- tions in this work. Clonally propagated material of five greatly different genotypes of bentgrass were used in six environments located from southern Oregon to northern British Columbia. The same clones were studied under different temperatures in growth chambers, as well as under different cutting heights in turf plots. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results obtained in this study: Morphological characteristics of bentgrasses varied in their responses both to genotype and environment. The ability to genotypes. tiller in bentgrasses varied widely between Disease susceptibility is one of the factors important to the density of tillers, especially in turf. Fusarium sp. diseases reduced considerably the density of tillers in bentgrasses. The density of tillers depended on the season. Normally in the summer the density of tillers was reduced because of limited initiation of bud primordia in early summer. Temperature, especially 129 night temperature, had a definite effect on the density of tillers. The genotypes varied widely in their requirements for optimum temperature for tillering. Defoliation affected the density of tillers. The optimum cutting height depended upon genotypes and environ- ments. Short days in the fall increased the density of tillers. All the clones tillered more profusely at locations with higher light intensity. The diameter of the plants depended upon both the genotypes and the environments. Environments with ample rainfall in fall and spring, when the plants' vegetative growth was vigorous, produced low tiller density and larger diameter plants. The different species and varieties can perform differently under similar environments. Increased light intensity and day length were factors in increasing the leaf width at locations where the temperature had not affected the development of leaves or the initiation of leaf primordia. Tem- perature combinations had different effect on genotypes. The same temperature combination increased the width of leaves in one genotype and decreased it in others. The length of leaves depended mainly upon the genotype. No correlation between the leaf width and length was observed. 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BEAVER LODGE Replic. 3 706.1 .01 16.9 640.5 Obs. time 2 99958.0** 9.02 ** 1980.1 ** 13596.0** Error 6 2214.5 .03 63.2 679.5 Clones 4 99208.0** 1.40** 851.4** 2696. 1** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 21434.0** 32** 395.4 ** 1391. 0** 36 1570.9 Error . .05 42.2 341.9 SMITHERS Replic. 3 1901.2 .07 4.2 263.8 Obs. time 2 152400.0** 9.87 ** 116.3** 1599.0* Error 6 3268.9 .08 6.3 152.1 Clones 4 39400. 0** 1. 62** 568. 3** 458.3 Ohs, t. x Cl. 8 5116.9* .77 ** 795.6 ** 2083.6 .05 Error 36 1520. 1 ** 19.8 275.0 SUMMER LAND Replic. 3 1751.3 .01 31.3 192.9 Obs, time 2 156020.0** 5.44* 926.5** 27325.0** Error 6 627.6 .04 86.6 300.8 Clones 4 139360.0*'* 2.39 ** 2683.3 ** 1050.8* Obs. t. x Cl. 8 25492. 0** 53 ** 599. 4** 826.8* 111.1 360.7 Error 36 2324.7 . .06 139 Appendix Table 1. (continued) Mean squares and significance Number of Source of variation d. f. tillers Leaf Leaf width length Diameter of plant 244.6 15246.0 256.1 100860.0 254.1 24559.0 VANCOUVER .1 Replic. 3 3032.5 Obs. time 2 11863.0 Error 6 2536.0 Clones 4 26668. 0** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 4994. 4* .6 36 2152.8 .2 Error 5.1 ** .3 1.7 ** * 2947. 1** 186410. 0** 655.2 7403. 3 397.0 8067.5 KLAMATH FALLS Replic. 3 4250.8 .01 12.9 3668.9 Obs. time 2 154990.0** 15.94** 748.8 ** 65540.0 ** Error 6 1945.5 .01 24.2 Clones 4 95378.0** 5.02** 1900.6 ** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 14082.0** .51 ** 134. 1 ** 36 1798.7 Error .04 2335.8 10261.0 ** 1109.0 37.7 1199.9 13.5 1976.2 MEDF OR D Replic. 3 2562.6 .02 Ohs, time 2 29331.0* 19.97 ** Error 6 2904.2 .03 10.7 446.9 Clones 4 90227.0 ** 5. 52** 1917. 3 ** 25366.0 ** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 14373. 0 ** 1. 01** 366. 7** 2865. 3 ** 20.8 271.8 Error 36 1052.5 .04 Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. .8 53892.0 ** 140 Appendix Table 2. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Observation time as a main plot. Mean squares and significance Number of Source of Number of Length of rhizome nodes rhizomes d. f. hizomes variation BEAVER LODGE Replic. 3 13, 3 588. 7 2, 3 Obs, time 2 1302.1 ** 10626.0 ** 41.1* Error 6 27. 6 360, 9 Clones 4 3945. 5** 9069.0 ** Ohs, t. x Cl. 8 1004. 6** 991. 1 9. 1* 19. 6 648. 8 4.0 36 Error 5. 1 44, 3 ** SMITHERS Replic. 3 52, 2 116. 1 8. 9 2 8656. 2 ** 1029, 8 20. 7 Error 6 135. 8 556. 7 4. 5 Clones 4 4075. 4** 3247. 4** 22. 1** Obs, t, x Cl. 8 3194. 0** 1307. 0* 13.6* 90.6 511.7 4. 9 Ohs. time Error 36 SUMMERLAND 36.3 Replic. 3 Ohs, time 2 21615.0 ** 8899, 9 ** Error 6 169.9 351.5 3.0 Clones 4 9736. 1 ** 2763. 0** 24. 1 ** Ohs, t, x Cl, 8 6018. 2 ** Error 36 123,8 88, 7 , 8 52. 5 ** 7 8.6 473, 6 5. 3 736. 141 Appendix Table 2. (continued) Mean squares and significance Source of variation d. f. Number of rhizomes Length of rhizomes Number of rhizome nodes VANCOUVER Replic. 3 569.7 572.6 7.4 Obs. time 2 1221.0 4443.5 16.7* Error 6 2078.3 1004.9 Clones 4 18346.0** 21036.0 ** 65.6** 1 1121.3 7.7 606.5 804.6 4.6 388. 5.2 Obs. t. x Cl. Error 8 36 547. 3. 1 KLAMATH FALLS Replic. 3 2306.4 Obs. time 2 11758.0* 23525.0 ** 138.2 ** Error 6 1804.7 456.6 3.8 Clones 4 35438.0** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 9257. O** 493.2 6. 5* 2017.0 258.9 2.8 904.2 4. Error 36 1 3618.5 ** 171.7 ** MEDFORD Replic. 3 440. Obs. time 2 1270.1 10749.0** 75.8 ** Error 6 368.6 569.2 2.5 Clones 4 14281.0** 10384.0 ** 45.2** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 678, 1** 1965. 7** 11.7 ** Error 36 5 128.1 *, ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 515.1 1 2.8 142 Appendix Table 3. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of stolons, length of stolons, number of stolon nodes and number of aerial branches. Observation time as a main plot. Mean squares and significance Number of Length of Number of Number of Source of aerial branches stolons stolon nodes stolons d. f. variation BEAVER LODGE R eplic. 3 349.7 2772.4 2.4 .7 Obs. time 2 1771.3 127110.0** 126.1 ** 7.9 ** Error 6 349.7 2772.4 2.4 .5 Clones 4 652.7 4148.8 3.8* 8.2 ** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 652.7 4148.8 3. 8 ** 7.6 ** 36 262.5 2053.7 1.2 .7 .4 2.2 275.6 ** 660.0** Error SMITH ER S 65.9 Replic. 3 18.9 Obs. time 2 1215.0** 99349.0** Error 6 18.9 65.9 .4 2.2 Clones 4 558.4** 16804.0 ** 46.4** 69.2 ** 8 558.4** 160804.0** 46. 4** 69.2 ** .2 3.5 Obs. t. x Cl. Error 36 11.1 37.8 SUMMER LAND Replic. 3 668.8 2137.2 1.2 .6 Obs. time 2 58033.0** 344740.0** 344.6** 155.4** Error 6 666.8 2137.2 1.2 4.0 Clones 4 24572.0** 33567.0 ** 36.2** 70.4** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 24572.0** 33567.0 ** 36. 2 ** 89.4** 36 409.9 2140.8 1.5 2.5 Error 143 Appendix Table 3. (continued) Source of variation d. f. Number of stolons Mean squares and significance Length o f Number o f stolon nodes stolons Number of aerial branches VANCOUVER Replic. 3 349.7 2756.8 2.8 2998.4 Obs. time 2 1771.3 127290.0** 130. 8 ** 56747.0 ** Error 6 349.7 2756.8 2. 8 1680.6 Clones 4 652.7 4138.8 3.4* 4800.2* Obs. t. x Cl. 8 652.7* 4138.8 3.4* 3857.8* 262.5 2058. 3 1.2 1500.6 36 Error KLAMATH FALLS Replic. 3 349.7 2653.0 2. 4 640.8 Obs. time 2 1771.3 135850.0** 126. 1 ** 151810.0** Error 6 349.7 2653.0 2.4 623.2 Clones 4 652.7* 3843.9 3. 8* 19068.0 ** 8 652.7* 3843.9 3. 8 ** 19141.0 ** 262.5 2 044. 5 1. 2 153.9 -- 965.1 Obs. t. x Cl. 36 Error MEDFORD Replic. 3 -- Obs. time 2 .- -- -- 428020.0 ** Error 6 -- -- -- 1011.6 Clones 4 -- -- -- 23989.0 ** Obs. t. x Cl. 8 -- -- -- 24569.0 ** 36 -- -- 434.8 Error * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 144 Appendix Table 4. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, leaf width, leaf length and diameter of plant. Location as a main plot. Mean squares and significance Leaf Diameter Leaf Number of Source of of plant length width tillers d. f. variation FALL 1964 Replic. 3 2932.9 .04 36.9 4235.9 Location 5 219560.0** 3.62** 1551.0 ** 64287.0 ** 15 4102.2 .10 85.9 5275.1 4 97640.0 ** 7.25 ** 3547.2 ** 77758.0 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 15341.0** .52 ** 357.0** 12028.0** Error 72 3123.2 .12 122.0 1064.0 Error Clones SPRING 1965 Replic. 3 1522.8 .03 66.4 1380.7 Location 5 16945.0** 18.74** 920.7** 152740. 0** 15 1069.1 .06 50.8 2650.4 4 92282.0** 5.23 ** 3142.8 ** 39916.0** Loc. x Cl. 20 1671.1* .55 ** 500.6 ** 16551.0 ** Error 72 897,2 Error Clones .04 38.0 1134.4 FALL 1965 Replic. 3 2807.6 .04 36.7 7611.2 Location 5 52246.0** 4.47** 1155.9 ** 180410.0 ** 15 1634,5 .48 29.7 4335.3 4 301030.0** 5.19 ** 2109.1 ** 44255.0 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 17030.0** .41 ** 770.4 ** 10605,0** Error 72 1472.7 .56 149.5 Error Clones * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 2558.6 145 Appendix Table 5. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Location as a main plot. Mean squares and significance Number of Length of Number of Source of rhizome nodes rhizomes rhizomes d. f. variation FALL 1964 Replic. 3 93.7 Location 5 2815. 1** 15 Error 240.9 1849.7 12737.0** 284,9 19. 1 46.3 ** 2. 1 4 3423.1** 21402.0* 118.8 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 802. 3 ** 1072.6* 6.9 Error 72 57.2 527.0 4.5 81.6 1.3 5667.1 ** 17961.0 ** 66.9 ** 842.8 715.9 5.0 4 32373.0** 15609.0 ** 60.3 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 5642.0** 1609.9 ** 9.2 Error 72 846.4 734.4 5.8 139.8 .8 Clones SPRING 1965 Replic. 3 Location 5 15 Error Clones 946.3 FALL 1965 Replic. 3 1177.3 Location 5 4695. 3 ** 1606. 7* 16.6 ** 15 593.5 385.6 3.2 4 53686.0** 5087.6 ** 27.1 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 2349.5** 1573.0 ** 9.2** Error 72 279.1 360.8 Error Clones * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 2.1 146 Appendix Table 6. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of stolons, length of stolon, number of stolon nodes and number of aerial branches. Location as a main plot. Mean squares and significance Length of Number of Number of Number of Source of stolons stolon nodes aerial branches d. f. stolons variation FALL 1964 Replic. 3 -- Location 5 -- 15 -- 113.8 -- -- 507. 1 ** -- -- -- 99.4 4 -- -- -- 260.2 ** Loc. x Cl. 20 -- -- -- 158.6 ** Error 72 -- 42.6 -- -- Error Clones SPRING 1965 Replic. 3 Location 5 -- -- -- -- 15 -- -- -- -- 4 -- -- -- -- Loc. x Cl. 20 -- -- -- -- Error 72 -- -- -_ Error Clones FALL 1965 Replic. 3 469.5 939.4 4.5 Location 5 26146.0** 127870. 0** 129. 9** 208900. 0** 15 528.2 4443.9 9.2 1989.1 4 20740.0** 72843.0** 124.7 ** 29929.0** Loc. x Cl. 20 11326.0** 22363.0** 42. 2 ** 22499.0 ** Error 72 342.4 3862.7 5.2 1005.9 Error Clones * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 698.2 147 Appendix Table 7. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, amount of rhizomes, length of rhizomes and number of rhizome nodes. Turf experiment. Mean squares and significance Length of Number of Amount of Number of Source of rhizome nodes rhizomes rhizomes tillers d. f. variation AUGUST 1965 Replic. 7 458.9 7.3 543.4 3.9 Cut, height 3 12702.0** 3.0 1510.4* 9.9 2.8 311.7 5.5 129.2 ** 12365.0** 119.7** 5.9 ** 961.1 10.9 2.4 680.4 7.7 21 Error Clones 4 Cut, h. x Cl. Error 1687.2 19221.0** 12 1124.8 112 667.8 OCTOBER 1965 Replic. 7 564.3 12.6 406.3 1.9 Cut, height 3 4190.2* 112.1 491.3 13.6 1197,9 24.8 475.9 7.0 31038,0** 1071.5 ** 11249.0** 115.0** 76.5 ** 818.5 10.5 18.3 469.8 6.9 21 Error 4 Clones Cut. h. x Cl. Error 12 1244.8 112 781.5 DECEMBER 1965 883.4 12.9 708.8 7.2 8247.4** 31.2* 2149.7 8.1 21 553.6 8.1 800.0 4 54482.0** 438.6 ** 12468.0** 12 647.7 12.0 1720.9 20.5 112 582.0 8.3 1143.9 15.5 Replic. 7 Cut, height 3 Error Clones Cut. h. x Cl, Error * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 130.3** 148 Appendix Table 8. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of aerial branches, amount of stolons, length of stolons. and number of stolon nodes. Turf experiment. Source of d. f. variation Number of aerial branches Mean squares and significance Length of Amount of stolons stolons Number of stolon nodes AUGUST 1965 R eplic. Cut, height 7 449.5 3 50653.0** 21 Error Clones Cut, h. x Cl. 1 867.5 2.7 . 09 1575.9 .5 . 11 1455.8 3.8 4 2928.7 ** .12 4384.8 2.7 12 2711.5 ** .14 1648.0 2.4 . 11 1852.8 3.1 7798.9 10.9 112 Error 545. .12 251.3 OCTOBER 1965 R eplic. 7 12616.0 20.2 Cut, height 3 92071.0** 29.8 6976.7 17.4 21 Error Clones Cut, h. x Cl. 4718. 1 16649.0** 21.3 7.0 111.5** 4 16800.0** 88.9 ** 12 7797. 3 ** 18.5* 8549. 8.4 6120.3 9. 112 Error 67912.0** 2114.5 1 6.9 1 DECEMBER 1965 2350.7 9.0 5420.2 14.3 37646.0** 134.9 ** 235320.0 ** 242.0** 814.2 3.9 6510.7 12.1 4 3357.3 ** 235.1 ** 5142.6 117.5** 12 589.2 18.6* 7284.6* 7.5 112 437.2 9.1 3258.0 6.5 Replic. 7 Cut. height 3 21 Error Clones Cut. h. x Cl. Error * ** Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. 149 Appendix Table 9. Mean squares and levels of significance for number of tillers, leaf width, leaf length and diameter of plant. Growth chamber experiment. Mean squares and significance Diameter Leaf Leaf of Number Source of of plant length width tillers d. f. variation Replic. 7 60.0 Temperature 3 608.0** Clones Temp. x Cl. * ** 2173.5 ** 196.1 951.5 ** .06 91.1 170.0 4 4677.3** 4.30** 11303.0** 11276.0** 12 227. 3 ** 25 ** 205.5 ** 345. 8 ** . .06 53.8 112 Error .83 ** 97.1 91.5 21 Error .06 75.6 146.2 Significant at the five and one percent level respectively. Appendix Table 10. Mean squares and level s of significance for number of rhizomes, length of rhizomes, and number of rhizome nodes. Growth chamber experiment. Mean squares and significance Number of Length of of Number Source of nodes rhizome rhizomes rhizomes d. f. variation R eplic. 7 .8 598.0 2.8 Temperature 3 47.1** 1376.4 14.9 1.8 1203.5 9.9 4 159.2 ** 37897.0 ** 205.4** 12 22.0** 1128.2 9.9 2.6 853.1 6.2 21 Error Clones Temp. xCl. Error * ** 112 Significant at the five and one percent level respectively,