From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Design Tradeoffs in Partial Order(Plan Space) Planning Subbarao Kambhampati* Depati~iie~t of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5406 Abstract Despitethe IonBhistoryof classicalplmming, therehas beenverylittle compsrative analysisof the performance tradeoffsofferedbythe multitude of existin8 planningalSodthms. Thisis partly dueto the many different vocabularies withinwhichplanningalgorithmsare usuallyexpressed.In this paperI providea generalized algorithmfor refinemant planning,and dhow that plannersthat searchin the spaceof (partial) plansare specific instantisfiom of this al$orithm. Thedifferontdesignchoicesin partial order plannin to the differantwaysof instantistin8 the Beneralized 8 correspond alsorithm.I will analyzehowthese choicesaffect the search-space slz¢ andrefmemant cosl of the resultant planner.Finally, I wW conceutrete oft twospecificdemsn choices,viz,, protection strate$iesandtractability refinements,anddevelopsomehypotheses regardingthe effect of these choicesonthe perfocnn~nce onpractical problems. I will supportthese hypotheses witha focussedempiricalstudy. I Introduction Theidea of generatingplans by searchingin the spaceof (partially orderedor totally ordered)plans has beenaroundfor almosttwenty years, andhas receiveda lot of formalizationin the past fewyears. Muchof this formalizationhas howeverbeenlimited to providing semanticsfor plans and actions, and provingsoundnessand completenessof planningalgorithms.Therehas beenverylittle effort directed towardscomparativeanalysis of the pedormance tradeoffs offered by the multitude of plan-spaceplanningalgorithms.1 An importantreasonfor this state of affairs is the seamingly differentvocabelarles and~ frameworks within which manyof the ~s are usuaUyexpressed. The primary purposeof this paper is to explicate the design choicesin plan-spaceplannersand understandthe tradeoffs offered by them. Tothis end, I providea generalizedrefinementplanning algorithm, Refine-Pla.r~ describe the various waysin whichits individual steps can be instantiated; and explain howthe various instantiations coverthe existing plan-spaceplanners. I will then developmodelsfor analyzingthe effect of different designchoices, i.e., the diff~ent waysof instantiating, l~£ine-Pian, on the search spacesize and refinementcost. FinaUy,I will demonstrate the practicalutility of this analysisbyusingit to predictthe relative performance differentials causedbythe variousdesignchoices.I will evaluate these predictions with the help of empiricalcomparisons betweenfive normalizedinstantiations of Re£ine-Pl~n. Thepaperis organizedas follows: Section2 discussesa unified representationand semanticsfor partial plans. Section3 presents *Thisresearchis supported in part byNatinnalScience Foundation under grant IRI-92|0997, and ARPA/Rome Laboratory planninginitiative under grant F30f~93-C-0639. Specialthanksto DavidMcAllesterand Bulusu GopiKumer for constructive suggestions in the initial stages of this work, andDanWeld,Crm for helpful S Knoblock,Qian 8 Yan8and Eriz Ja~mpin discussions. ITheworkof Bm’reR and Weld[I] as weUas Mintonat. aL[15] are certainlystepsin therightdirection. However. theydonottell thefull story since the comparison therewasbctwean a specificpartial orderandtotal orderplanner.Thecomparison between differentpartial orderplannersitself is ~ll largelyunexplored. 92 REVIEWED PAPERS the generalizedre~tementplanningalgorithmanddescribesthe different waysof instantiating its cemponents. Section4 describesthe effect of different instantiationchoicesonthe searchspacesize and refinementcost of the resulting planningalgorithm.Section5 considers the effect of variousdesignchoicesonpractical performance. Section6 presentsthe conclusions. 2 Preliminaries Agroundoperatorsequence S : o i, o2, ¯ ¯ ¯ o. is said to be a solution to a planningproblem [Z, ~], whereZ is the init~ state of the world, and ~ is the goal expression,if S can be executedstarting from~. andthe resultingstate will satisfy the goalexpression.Asolution5 is said to be minimalif no operatorsequenceobtainedby removing someoperatorsfromS can also be a solution. Aplanningstrategy is said to be completeif it can find all the minimalsolutionsfor any givenproblem.Wewill be assumingthat the domainoperators are describedin the ADL [17] representationwithPreconditionand Effect formulas.Thepreconditionand effect formulasare functionfree ficst order predicate logic sentencesinvolvingconjunction, negationandquantification.Thesubsetof this representationwhere bothformulascan be representedas conjunctionsof function-frea first order literals, andaUthe variableshaveinf’mitedomains,is ca/led the TWEAK representation(c.f. [2, 11]). Weshall restrict our discussion to TWEAK representation whereverpossible to keepthe expositionsimple. Plan space planners search in the space ofpartial plans. In [8, 6]. I arguethat in refinementplanning,partial plans are best seen as consu-aint sets that implicitly represent aUthe ground operatorsequences (called candidates)that are consistentwiththose constraints. Thegeal of refinementplanningis then to split these caadidatesets until a solutioncandidatecanbe pickedupin bounded time. The following 5-tuple provides a uniformrepresentation for partial plans that is applicableacrossall refinementplanners: (2", O, B, ST,£) where:T is the set of actions(step-names)in plan; T contains two distinguished step namesto and t,. ST is a symboltable, whichmapsstep namesto domainoperators. The special step to is alwaysmappedto the dummy operator start, and similarly t, is always mappedto finish. The effects of start and the preconditionsof finish correspond,respectively. to the initial state and the desired goals (of attainment)of the planningproblem.O is a partial orderingrelation over T. B is a set of codesignation(binding)and non-codeslgnatlon (prohibited bindings)constraintsonthe variablesappearingin the preconditions andpost-conditions of the operators.£ is a set ofau:,ilinryconstraints (see helow). Agroundoperatorsequencesis consistentwiththe step, ordering andbindingconstraintsof the plan 77as tongas it containsall the stepsof the partial plan. in an orderandinstantiationconsistentwith OandB. For5 to be a candidateof 77. it shouldalso satisfythe set of auxiliaryconstraintsspecifiedby £.2 Animportanttype of anxilisry 2F.ora moteformaltreatmentof the semantics of candidatesets and the auxiliaryconstraints,see[8]. There,I differentiatebetween twotypes of auxiliaryconstraints-auxiliarycandidate constraints,which needto be From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ¢Omlra/ntis an interval preservation constraint (]PC), which specified as.a 3-mple:(:, p, J’). A groundoperator sequenceissaid to sat~fy an IPC (e,p,e’) of a plan ~,if there exists a mapping A4betweenthe steps of. ~ and the elements of S, such that .A4 is consistent with ST and every operator of S that comesbetwe~ A4[J] and.A,/[8’] W--~ervesp. Toilinstrate the abovedcfin/fions, consider the partial plan 7>8/yenby thecous~’aintset: ~m : {tl-*Oh J2-~02,tO -*start, |m-*fin}, / {~’"’""’}’{~’<’""-<t2,t,~,.}.|, {0,,p, t2), 02, g,t®)} > AlgorithmRefine-Plan(Z~)/*Returns refinements of "P */ Parameters: (0 sol" Solution constructor function. (~0 piok-preo: d~ Iotlfine for picking the goal to be establishexL (ii~ interacts?: the routes uNd by pre-ords~g to check if a paEof stepsin~fa~. (i~)conflict-resolve: theroutine whichresolves conflicts with an~l|.ry candidate consists. O. Termination Check: If sol(~, O)returns a solution candidate,, return it,andterminate. Ifitreturns *fail*, faiL Otbe~ continue. 1. Goal Selection: Using the pick-~rec functinfl, pick a goal (G, a) (where C a pre condition of step ,) ~ ~Io establish. Nota bacl~rackpoint. Let S be the ~p’oundoperator sequanceo~a2.S is a candidate of ~a becauseit contains all the steps of 7~=(under the mappingST) 2A. Goal Estab~hment:Non~e__te~’ministicallyselect a newor intheorder consistent with theordering coustrainu of7~,,. Further, exiting estsbUsh& step ~’ for (C,*). Introduce enough since there are no steps between s, and02, or o2 andthe endof ordsring and.binding constraints, and ~ preco~didons 8,thetwointerval preservation conslraints are also sathfied. By to the pkn such that (i) ~’precedes ¯ (i0 ¯’willhave an similar arguments,the groundoperatm"sequenceotoso2o4~ also a effect G. and (iii) Cwill persist until ¯ (Le.. ~ is preserved candJda~as long as o3 preserves(does notdelete) p ando4 preserves by all thesteps intervening between¯’and #). Back, track q. point; all establishmentpossibilities needto be considered. A groundiiaearizafion (eka completion) of a partml plan 2.2. Book Keeping: (Optimal) Addanyil|.ry c&lstrainm noting P :(T, O, H, ST, £) is a fully instsmiated total ordsmgof the steps of ~ that is conmtentwith O(i.e., a topologica/sort) andB. theastsblishment decisions, toensure that these decisions are protected byanylater refinements. Thisinturnreduces the ground.l]ncedT~on of a plan is said to be a safe groundl/nearizaredundancyin the search space. Theprotection strate~,s may fion if and only ff thegmundoperator sequence ~responding to be oneof goal protection, interval protection andcontributor it (mo4~iomappingST)satisfies all the au:ril|.ry constraints of the plan. For the e~unpleplan ~’s discussedabove,to|z|2t, is the protect~n(see text). The auxiliary cons~aintsmaybe sos of lp’oundlinesdzafi~, and it is also a safe groundlin~7.z~en (since point truth censumtsor Lqterval preservatien constraints. sloe satisfies the anxu~.rycoustraints of ~m). 3. Tractability Refinements:(Optional) These refinements help Apartial plan is said to bei.uennnlnteot if its Cavd~dnte set is empty in makingtheplan handling and consismncycheck u~able. (Le., there exists no ~undoperator sequancethat i~ coasi~tent with Useeither one or both: the consu’aintsof the plan). It can be shown[8] that a partial plan is consistent if it has at least onesafegroundlineariT~on, and 3,a.Pre-Ordering:Impose additionalorderm~ between evinconsistent oth~wise. ery pair of steps of the partial plan that possiblyinteract accerding to.the static mmacfionme~cinteracts?. 3 Ageneralized algorithmfor Partial-order PlanBacktrack point; all ~nteract~on orderings need to be ning considered. The ~ Refine-Planin Pi~n~ I describes a generalized 3.b. ~oaffict Resolution: Add orderin~s, bindings and/or refmemmt-plenning algorithm, thespecific instantiatiens of which sece~dsry(preservatino)precouditicas to resolve co.3covermostof the existing partial-order (plan-space) planners. fliers betweenthe stops of the plan, andthe plan’s anxilkry can41~con~aints. Beet:rack point; all possible Given a pl,nning problem [/,G], where l is the init~s~ spacificafi~ and G is a set of goals (ofattaitunent), theplanning conflict resolm~on constraints need tobeconsidered. process is i-i*~--" Uedbyl-vokmg Reflne-Plan withthenullpartial 4,Comisteney Check: (Opfioeal) Ifthepartial planis inconplan Po whe~ sistent (i.e., hasnosafe ground linearL~sti_a~s), fail. Else, cominue. ~0: ({~o,t.},{~ ~ %.},|, {is-* start, |.-~fin), 5. Recur~ve Invocation: Recursively invoke Refine-plan Table I du~ many weU4mown p~.dng a~n~hms as on the refined plan. in~anfiafioa8 of Refi~-Plan. Ill th8 foUowm~ I win br~fly d~cuu th~ind~|~_~-_; s~psRefine-Pi an. 1: A generalizedrefinement algorithmfor plan-spaceplanCoal Sekclion and Establishment:Theprimary refinement operaning tion in p~,--ing is the so-calledestablishment operation. It selectsa precmditiun (6’, .)oftheplan (whereC is a prece~diti~of a step The~ategy usedto sel~ the parti~lat prec~dition (G, s) to =), and refines (i.e., addsconsmdnts to) the partial plan such that emblishe&(caned~ seJoctiun strategy) can be arb~ary, d~and ~ steps act as comr~um~sof G to ¯ in d/fferent refinements. driven (e.g. select a goal only when~ is not nece~urilytrue in all Pednanlt [17] provides a generaltheory of establkhment refinement groundlinesrizatinas of theenrr~t partial plan), of can dependon for plans env*-~-~$ ac~swith CO,drilling1 and quantified effects. someranking based on precoudifimabslractin~ [19]. The cost of SyntsetiP~lly, M~ro.¢lnemefltcorl~ponds to adding differexlt sots using each type of goal selcctiou strategy dependson the type of of newstep, m~ku’ingand binding ceoso’aints (as well as .dd~al partial plans maintainedby the planner (see Table 1). secondary precovd~,Jnns, in thecaseof ADLactiens [17]) to the Protecting establishments through bookkeeping:It is possibleto p~-ent phm. limit Refine-Plan tOestsblkhmeflt reflOenlents 8le~e and still get a sound and complete planner. Chapman’sTweak[2] is such mfisfled by evay emdidate of the p~, and amWiarysoS,t~n ~ts a planne~.However,such a phumer is not guaranteedto respect whichneed to be mtidedmzlyby those candida~of the pkn that aru mlutions vo ~e pltnn~n~probkm.To keep ~hinpsimple, I amummin$ its previous establishraent decisionswhile m-~ingnewones, and thus maydo a lot of redundantworkin the worst case. Thebookthat all the auxilim ~ au~,-’ycandidate constrain=. 7 emstralms =An~amexcep~o~is the hierarchical task reducfioll plmmers,such keeping step attempts to reduce this redundancybyposting au~m,ry as SHE[7.2], O-Pkn[3]. However,~ee [7] far ¯ dlseusshmof how cemtraints mthe partial plan to protect the eb~ablkhmentS. ~ J.u~-P"._a~ e~mbe exteudedto coverthue pLmmm’s. The protecti~ serateg~ usedby classical panmlorder planners KAMBHAMPATI ()3 From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. 1[ Planner Tweak[2] UA[15] Nonlin [21] TOCL[I] Pede~e~al [13] SNLP[14] UCPOP[18] MP, MP-I [9] SNLP-MTC McNONLIN-MTC H Soto. Constructor [ MTC-hasedO(n’) 4) MTC-basedO(~ MTC(Q&A) based Proteaion based O(I) Protection based O(I) Protection based O(I) Protection based MTCbased O(n ") 4) based O(n MTC Goal Seleclion [ MTC-based O(n4) 4) 3~’C-based O(n Arb~ary O(Z) Atbiffary O(1) Arbitrary O(I) Arbitrary O(I) Arbitrary MTCbased 4) O(n MTCbased O(n’) Book-keeping I Tractahility Refinemenm[] None None NOlle Unambiguousordering Interval & Goal Protection via Q&A Conflict Resolution Contributorprotectu)n Total ordering Interval Protection Total ordering Contributer protection Conflict resolution (Multi) contributor protection Contributorprotection Contributorprotection Interval protection I Conflia resolution UnambiguousOrdering omflint reso~fion conflict resolution Table 1: Characterization of existing plmnnersas insumtiations of Re£ Thelast three planners have not been described in the literature previously. Theyare used in Semion5 to facilitate normalizedcomparisons. cemein two mainvarieties: interval protection (aka causal link binding consistency). protection, or protection intorvais), endcontributor protection (aka Solution Constructor function: The jobof a solution-cmstructor exhaustive causallink protection [9]). Theycan both be represented functionis to lookfor endremm a solutioncandidatethat is consistent in termsof the interval preservationconstraints. with the ~t consu’almsof the partial plan.7 Existi-g solution Supposethe plannerjust establisheda conditinac at step a withthe constructors fan into two broad categories - (i) those whichuse help of the effects of the step ,’. For planners using iot~val pr~ the modaltruth er~edon(M’rc) to check that all the safe ground (e.g.. PEDESTAL [13]). the book-keepingconstraint requires that linearizations correspondtosointions and (ii) thosethat dependupon no candld~teofthepartial plan can havep deleted betweenoperators interval endconaibutorprotection strategies and conflict resolution c~msponding to a’ end a. It can thus be modeledinterms of interval (see below)to guarenteethat all goals are estabfishedend that none preservati(m constraint (#’, p, a). Finally, for bookkeeping based of the establishmentsare violated (we call these protection based on contributor protection, the amdllJry constraint requires that no constructms), candidateof the partial plan can havep either __,~Me__d or deleted betweonoperators corresponding to a’ end m.4 This contributor 4 Modelingand Analysis of DesignTradeoffs protection can be modeledin terms of the twin interval preservation onnstralnts (", p, a) and(e’, -’-,p, s Table 1 characterizes manyof the well knownplen-space pianConsistency Check: The aim of the consistency check is to prone nmg a~hhms as mstenfinfions of the Refine-Plan ~gorh~n. inconsisl~nt nodes (i.e.. nodeswith emptycandidate sets) fremthe Understandingthe performanceu~_deoffs offered by the various search space, thereby imwovingthe performance of the overall planners is thus reducedto understandingthe ramifications of inrefinement much.eThe consistency check can be done by ensuring stantiating the l~fine-Plm~ algorithm in different ways. In that the partial plan has at least one safe ground ~near~on.This this Section, I discuss howthese instentiation choices affect the requires checkingeach groundtinearization ageinst all the auxiliary searchspacesize endthe refinementcost (the per-invocationcost of constraints. For general partial orderings with causal-link based of the resulting planners. auxili~ constraints, the consistencycheckis NP-hard[20] even for I wms~n by developing two c~nplementarymodelsfor the size TWEAK action repreeantJ~o~. of the search space explored by Refine-Plan lu a bread~-first Pre-ordering and Confl/ct Resolution to aid tractable refinesearch regime. Suppose~d is the da’ ~vel fi~nge of the search ~ee ment: Both preorderJng end conflict resolution steps aim to make explored by Re££ne-Plan. L~ w. > 0 be the average size of the ~e££ne-PZetntractable by makesthe co~sis~ncy check polyno~jiDdidAt~ se~of the partial plansin the d*s level fringe, endp,t(> I) mial. In the case of pre-ordering,this aimis achievedby restricting be the redundancy factor, i.e.. the averagenumberof partial plans on the type of partial orderingsin the plan such that consistencywith the fringe whosecandidatesets contain a given candidatein ~ (see respect to au~riliAry constraints can be checkedwithout explicitly Section2). It is easyto senthat I~’~1 x,,~ -- [~c[x Pd(whereI.I is enumeratingall the groundlinesrizations. Twopossiblepre-ordering used to denote the cardina/~y of a set).9 If b is the averagebrenching techniques are total ordering end unambiguous ordering [15]. Total ta ordering orders everypair of stepsin the plan, while unambiguous factor of the search, then the size of d level fringe is ahogivenby ordering orders a pak of steps only whentheir pre~udifions end effects have an overlap (thereby makingit possible that the two 7Notethat mluticoconaructm-functionmayalso rann~a *fail* on a steps will interact). Bothof themgearentcethat in the refinements 8ivanpatSfialplan.Thedifferencebatwean this andtheconsistancy checkis that the ~ fails only whenthe partial plan has an emptycandidateset, producedby them,either all groundlincarizations will be safe or whilethe solutianconsmsctor canfail as longas the candidateset of the none will be. Thus, consistency can be checked in polynomial partial plandoesnot containanymlotiansto the 8ivanproblom. time by examiningany one ground linesrization. In the case of S’raesolutiouconstructorsdiscussedaboveare sll conservative in that cot, flier resolutimL the partinl plan is x~fmed(by adding ordering theyrequirethat all safe 8ronnd linearizatinn~, of a pinealplanbe solutions. andbindingcoaslraints) until eachpossible vinlatiort of the auxiliary In [8], weshow~lt it is possibleto providepolynomial k.eagersolution constralm (called conflict) is individually resolved. This ensures consm]ctors,whichrandemlycheckk safesround~neerLzafionsof the that all remaininggroundlinearizafions are safe. Thus,checkingthe to see if anyof themare solutions.Theseconstructorsare soundand partialplanconsistencywill amountto checkingfor the existence of phm complete andare 8uaranteed to terminatethe searchbeforethe conservative ground linearizations (which can be done by checking ordering end constngtmfimctions. 4See[6] for a coherantreconstructionof the ideas underlying$ml preU~onsUnUeSiex SMuifi-contributor protections, suchas thosedescribedin [9] can be representedas a disjunctionof IPCa 6"Ihus,fromcompleteness point of view,consistencycheckis really an optionalstep. 94 REVIEWED PAPERS 9Althonsh bothI~:l andg~tcanbe infinite, byrestrictingourattentionto minimal mlutiona,it is possibleto onnsmmt finite versionsof both. Given planningproblem instanceP, let ~,~ be the lansth of the lonses~8round operatorsequencethat is a minimal SOlUtion of P. Wecan nowdefineKto be the set of aDWound operatorsequances of upto Igngthlw,. Similarly.we canredefinethe candidateset of a partial planto consistof onlythe 8ubuct of its candidates that are notlongerthanfro. From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Figure 2: Comparaaveperformance in ART-MD-RD domain(see text) stronger consistencychecks tend to be costlier, thereby driving up the refinement co~t(in particuhrC,). Tractability Refinements:The primarymotivation for tractabifity refinements, whe~erpre-ordering of conflict-resohtion, is to make the consistency check tractable. They thus primarily reduce the Theaveragebranchingfactor, b can be split into twocomponents, b,. C=componentof refinement cost. In the case of pre-~dering the establishmentbranchingfactof,andbt the tractability refinement refinements,they also tend to reducethe cost of goal selection and branchingfactor, such that b = b, x b,. b, endbt cofr~pood,respecenhnion-construction, espe~ally whenthe Latter are based on MTC tively, to the branchingmadein steps 2 and 3 of the Re£ine-Pl em (thereby reducingthe C, and C, components)[6]. In terms of search a!ger~un. space size. tractability refinementsfurther refine the plans coming If C is the average cost per invocation of the Refine-Plan out of the establishment stage, increasing the bt component of the algorithm.Andd. is the effective depthof the search,thenthe cost branching factor. Whileconflict resolution strategies introduce of the pituning is C x [.F~,I. C itself canbe decemposedinto three ofderings betweensteps based both on the static description of the maincomponents: C = Co+C~+ C,. where Ce,is the establishment steps (such as their effeas and preconditions)and the role played cost, (including the co= of selecting the goal to ~ co). C, is the themin the current partial plan. the pre-e~leringstrategiesconsider cost of solution constmetor,and Ceis the cost of consistencycheck. only the static description of the steps. Thus, the h increase Armedwith this modelof the search space size and refinementcost. is typically higher for pre-ofdering than fix conflict resointion weshall nowlook at the effect of the various waysof instandating strategies. each step of the Refine-Plan algofithm on the search space size and the con of refinement. 5 Empirical Analysis of Performance Tradeoffs Solution Constructor: Stronger solution constructofs allow the search to end earlier, reducingthe effective depthof the search, and In this section. I will. evn_lp~the tlti~ of the tradenHSmodel thereby the size of the exploredsearchspace. In terms of candidate developed in the previons se~m in predicting and explaining space view, stronger solution constructofs lead to larger ~ at the empirical performance. FromTable 1, we note that two prominent temdn~fi~fringe. the sametime they increase the cost dimensions of variation amongexisting planners are the bookkeeping strategies and traetabi]ity refinements they use. In the ofrefinomentC (specifically the C, factof). BookKeeping:/~4_4i~r,~of book-keepingtechniquestend to reduce interests of space, weshall restrict our attention to the performance tradcoffs offered by these dimensionsof varinfion. the redundancy factor Pal. In particular, use of contributorprotection makesthe searchsystemmic, eliminating all the redundancyin the Animpoftant prerequisite fof. any such comparativeanalysis is search space and makingpd equalto 1 [14. 6J. This tends to reduce to normalize the e~ of other dimensions .of variation. Our generalized ~dSct~.mprovides a systematic basis for doing such the fi’inge size, I.~,d. Boot:keepingconstraints do howevertend to increase the cost of consistency check. In particular, checkingthe a nc~uali~mion.In particular, I will con;i4e~_five instances of consistency of a partial plan containing interval preservatico conRe£1ne-PZem, called SNLP-MTC,UA, SNLP-UA,TWEAK and straints is NP-hard even for ground plans in TWEAK rep~enmt~n McNONLIN-MTC. which differ only in the book-keeping strate(of. [2oD. gies and the tractabitity refinements.All these plannersuse the ConMstencyCheck: As mentionedearlier, the motivation behind sameM’I~-basedgoal selection strategy, and MTC-based solution consistency check is to avoid refining inconsistent plans (or the constructor function (see Section 3). S~-M~ and S.~p]allS W;-th e~npty candit, lnte ~). ~g inconsistent plans is a UAuse contributor protection, while blc~onlin-MTC uses interval useless activity andpopulatesthe searchfringe with plans with empty prote~[6, 9]. UAand SNLP-UAuse unambiguous prcordering candidate sets, driving down~,j. Thesmong~the consistencycheck, strategies (SNLP-UA uses a stronger notion of interactim which the s~,,,np-this reduction. In particular, if the planneruses a sound makestwo steps interact evenif they share add list Uterals [6]). SNLP-MTC and blc.,’q’OI~R.~i’-MTC use conflict resolution stratsand completeconsistencycheckthat is capable of identifying every gies as their tractability refinements. inconsistent plan.then the averagecandidateset n,, is guaranteedto be grM__~than of equal to 1. Combined with a systematic search, 5.1 Tractability Refinements this will ~uarantcethat the fringe size of the search will neverbe ~p’eatef than the size of the Candidatespace IX;I. Sucha search is Promthe discussionin Sectimz 4. wenote that presenceof tractability called a strong sys~emm~c search. In termsof the refinement cost. refinements inaensesh. Specifically. wecan see that fix the KAMBHAMPATI 95 From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Figure 3: The first two plots compareaveragebranchingfat:ors in ART-MD-RD experiments.The third plot showsthe effect of misdirection on protection strategies LIFO five planaeni that we are considering, bt(S-NI~-UA)> bt(UA) bt(SNLP-MTC) __ b,(M~ONLn~-MTC) _>b,(TWBAK). Barring anyother interactinas, theincrease in b,should increase theaverage branching factor of the search, and should consequently increase search space size exponentially. Unle~therefinementcost is also reducedexpmentiany(whichis not the ease for these five planners, and is ,,,,It~ly in genexakSection 4), we wouldexpect planners using moreeager tractability refinements (Le., higher 6,)topedonn worse thin those using less eager (or no) tractability refinements under breadth-~st search regime. Toevaluate thishypothesis, I compared thepe~foanance ofthe five pt,mners on problems fi’om an ~ donufin called ARTMD-RD [10], whichis specified as: A~~,.e,.: l,, he.~ : c7.¥ ~e~ : {I~1./< ~}u {he}for even .4~~,,’e~: I,, ¥,.d.~: C7,,he~: ,Jill./<~}v{¥}for odd Theplots in Pigm’e2 showthe performance of the five planners on problemsfrom this domain.Bach point in theplot corresponds to an ave/age over 30randomproblems with thegivennumberof goals (drawnf~xn {G, ... Os}). Theini~ state is the samefor all the problems, and contains {11 ... h} + {he}. The plots showthe performancesfor two different goal ocderings (over andabove the MTC-based goal seleotim strategy). In LIFOordering, a goal and all its subgonls (which are not ~y true according to MTC) are establishedbefore the next higher level goal is adckessed.In the FIFOordering, all the top level goals are established before their subge~sare addressed. All the planners use numberof steps in the pmial plan as the heuristic. If the performance depended only on the b, factor, we would expect to see planners with less eage~traotability refinementsperform better. Wenote that tlthongh our hypothe~holds for ordering, for LIFOcatering, the observed relative performanceis exactlythe reverse of whatis predicted by lifts hypotheais.. Whatis more,the plots of averagebranchingfactors of the five planners in Figure 3 showthat in LWO ordering, the overall branchingfluters are opposedto the pattern of b,. To tmdm’s~md this apparent discrepancy, we start by noting that our hypoth~is ignores poesible secmdaryinteractim8 between tractability refmemenu and other parts of the Re £:Lne-PJ.emalgorithm. Onesuch interaction is betweentractability refinementand establishmentrefinement. Specifically, the sadltUmallineatization of the plan done at the tractability re~emontstage maysometimes windup reducing the numberof possible establishment refinements for the goals consideredin later stages. This could, in turn reduce b.. Sku:e b = b. x it, the overall effect of tractability refinements ca the search space thus dependson whetherof not the increase in 96 REVIEWED PAPERS 1-4712"93 II 1.32130"14 II II UA I Mc~onlin -MTC I S~LP-MTC I SNLP-UA I ~.76 I t.o II 1.°Xl Lo 11 x.o04I -77 x.o07II 1.22]34.77II 1-° I II 1-°113.s711 1,0 I .STII x.o I II Table 2: Estimates of average redundancy fac~ and average candidate set size at the termination fringe for 30 random6-goal problems in ART-MD-RD domain b, is accompaniedby any fortuitous decrease in 6o. (A variant of this type of interaction wasfirst observedby Knoblockand Yangin their experiments[12].) The behavior of the five planners in LIFOordering can be explained in terms of the interSC~fionbetweenbt and be. In the cnse of LIFOordering, each planner is forced to workon heand h.f conditionsexplicitly. Theseare high-frequencycondltlorts (c.f. [10]) in the sensethat themare numysctions that can edd or delete them. Becauseof this, the branchingfactor at the establishment refinement is very high for these cmdifions, and becomesthe dominatingfactor affecting the perfoanance. Phumersusing eager tractability refinements havemetelin~~ plansand thus offer fewer estabUshment possibilities than those with less eager tractability refinements. Thus. TWEAK. which doesnot introduce any traaability ordesings, andmaintains a moreunorderedpartial plan. incurs the fuUeffect of increased b,. while the other four planners mitigate it through the linearizatim introduced through trsctabiUty refinement. This explains whythe planners with eager tractability refinementsperformbetter. Thesituation reverse,~ (and becomesmore normal) in the FIFO ordering, whereall the top level goals are fast addressed before their preconditions. Since G~, l~ goals are workedmfirst, and the resulting orderingindirectly establishes h /Ihe goals, the high. frequency conditions sre either not considered for establishment explicitly, or are consideredlate in the search. Thus,bo no longer dominatesthe over all branching factor, and planners with more eager tractability refinement (and higher b,) pedormwere than those with less eager tractability refinement,as expected. 52 BonkKeeping/Protecl/on StrateL, ies I winnowturn to the effect of protectimstrategies en performance. Promthe discussionin Section4. wenote that the primarypurposeof the book-keeping strategies is to reducethe redundancyin the search space. Table2 showsthe estimates of the averageredundancyfactors From: AIPS 1994 Proceedings. Copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. at the tazzlinatioofz~rlge of the five pbmnen f0f 300-gOalART-MD- 6 Couclusion RD problems. :° Mto be expected. 5NZ~-MTC and SZOAP-UA. The ~ co~ibutim orris paper is ¯ unified £~meworkfor whichuse couu’ibutor pro~etious, have no redundancy~,1 = 1). understanding and analyzing the ~ tredeoHs in partial-oai~ Howeva,fi~n the plo~ mP~ure 2. we~,,~*_- that theFedmr"~-e profiles in ART-MD-RD domainare not in ccaaspatdmce with p~nmng s~un in Section 3, and showedt~at n~t e~sdngp]anthe redundancyfactors. ]Promthe same plots, we also note that spice plann~s are instantiatious of this ~n,,, I then devek~. SNLP-UA,which uses the contributor ixotectim, is ctm= to UA ¯ model for estimating the~mt cost and search space size than ~’LP-MTCin perfmn~ce~ of Refine-Plan and discussed how they are affected by the diffea’emdesign choices. Irmally, I have dascr~ed somepreliminary The lack of dke~ cmelatim between pm~:tiou mategias and empirical studies aimed atunderstandingtheaffect oftwo of these perfix’mance should not be s .u~rising. As shown in [10]. the redundancyin the search space = expected to affect performance cho~*_-s - ~a~ab~Tre~emonts and protection mateg~s - m the relative pe~mumce of dL~efant p|nn,ers. These smd~showthat only whatthe planneris fcz’cedto ex-miQe ¯ significant pm’tof its the peffemtance is affecU~ more by the d~mmc~ in Iraaability space before finding the solution. Thus, we expect that the refmemeatsthan by the diffefances in pmtectimstrategies. While ~cas in Wotection slra~.Sies akme wilt affect the ~ thispaper makes m important start towards understanding of the oaly whenthe apparent solution density is low moughmforce the cemp~afive peffeesumce of par~fl~fder planners, further v~k plann=msearch a submnfialpstt of its search space. isstill needed todevelo9 a pr~__’_,~ive understandingof which To evaluate this hypothesis further, I compared TWBAK and insumfiatious of ~efine-P~an willpe~onn bestinwhichtypes SNLP-MTC in a variant of ART-MD-RD _domain without the of domains. Finally, although I coucenlrated m partial o~det hf//ze ~s (similar to D"$I domain described in [1]), plann~, in [7] I show that I~ fine-Plan can aho be exteadedm where their ave/’ap l~ancas are similar. Both planners were cover U~kreduction p~umecs. started off with a m/ngoa/s heuristic, wh’,~ranks ¯ partial plan by the numb~of outmmd~gopm.ouaditi~s (i~., precom/ido~that References are not necessarily true accordingmMTC).I then systern~_,~,’J, ny [!] A. 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