DETECT ION OF PHASE-MODULATED S IGNALS rISING DIGITAL TECHNIQUES CHARLES RICHARD AB3EY A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE 1ThIVERSITY in partial fulfilintent of the requirements for the degree of )ASTER OF SCIENCE June 1962 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Communication Engineering In (harge of ajor Redacted for Privacy Head of Electrical Rineerin Departnient Redacted_for_Privacy chairman of Shoo1 Graduate (ommittee Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Jariette Crane September l 13l A CKNOWLEDGE!ENT This thesis is respectfully dedicated to the many persons who have influenced my continuing education. To Professor Harold 13. Cockerline, who laid the f oun- dations; to Professors Arthur L. Albert and Louis N. Stone, major professor and head of Electrical Engineering Department respectively, who offered very tangible aid and encouragement; to Mr. Robert h. hiosier, of Collina hadio Company's Information Sciences Center, who has made education a profitable venture; arid es-ecially to my wife, arylou, wDo makes it all worthwhile. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I. II. III. IV. V. Page INTRODUCTION THE PROBLE?1 AND i ITS CONSTRAINTS THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS EXPERI1ENTAL VERIFICATIOT 3 6 OF THE PROBLEM 19 CONCLUSIONS 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY 29 APPENDIX 30 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. P$e 2. Theoretical Vaveforms 3, fletotor Transfer Function Detector Input Signals - 4 Static Phase Input 11 4. Action 13 5. Demonstration of Noise Tolerance of Phase Detector 14 6. Response to Orthogonal Modulation 17 7. Block Diagram of Phase Detector 19 8. Pxperimental Configuration 20 2. Phase Relationships Between Input and Local Reference ''aves 22 10. Static Transfer Function 23 11. Photographs of Static Input 25 12. Result of 100 cycle Frequency Error Between Podulator and Demodulator Local Peferences 26 13. Results of Dynamic Input 26 14. "Dynamic" Modulator 31 15. Limiting Amplifier 32 16. Modulo-Two Adder 33 of the Limiting Amplifier LTECTION OF PHASR-MODIJLATED SIGNALS USING DIGITAL TECHNIQuES CHAPTER I INTRODUCT ION The nvSpace Age arrived on 4 October, 1957, with the launching of the first earth satellite. This and subse- quent events of a similar nature have materially stimulated the investigation of high-capacity communications circuits. The stringent weigit and size requirements of payload equipment, coupled wit}i the need for ¿.,reat quantities of information, have placed serious restrictiofls on these circuits. Angle, and more particularly, phase modulation schemes have been found (6, p. 56 to 60) to have high tolerance for noise. a relatively Unfortunately, however, this noise tolerance is paid for at the expense of increased complexity, in general, over the more corventlonal FM systems. a A? or Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to take step toward the simplification of the detoctio rocess of rhase-modulated signals. In order to demonstrate that a phase c1modu1ator can b° devised, utilizing digital techniques, the proof will be carried out in two known (or proven) problem; and b) sections: a) tineoretical, using results, and applying them to the specific experiiental, in which a working model has been constructed, and the test data will be shown. These proofs will be correlated, and extrapolated by the use of examples and applications. 3 CHAPTER II THE PROBLE1 J.s AND ITS CONSTRAINTS stated In the Introduction, the purpose of t11s paper is to develop, usine: digital techniques wherever possible, a phase demodulator, capable of distingu1shin; the phase difference between an incor'ing, s1ial containing information, and a local reference phase. Although this system is in no way constrained to the ital modulation, lotection of dig- the present emphasis or data transmission will be followed, and the detection of music, voleé, etc., will be excluded fron tuis discussion. The input sials to the detector (see Figure ii) will consist of: a) every -r A tcarrier?t frequency, f, which is phase-shifted seconds to a new phase, depending on the modulatina Information. (Note: 1 1/2 m, where f is the repetition frequency of the information signal). b) A local reference wave, of the same frequency, f0, as the Input wave, with a constant p1Lse. It Is herein tacitly assumed that the local reference has been phaselocked to the carrier reference, bT some external technique. 1The input signals In Figuro i are actually sine waves, however for convenience in drn\.inb, they have been represented by triangular waves. Local V V V V V VI Reference V V V I I I V V V V VI V ____________ o o Space Mark Space ______________ S pace I I j I I I f:T y Modulating Signal I I T input Signal t2r FIGURE Phase f:4r I Detector Input Sig na/s r Additional restrictions may be placed on the nodu1atin.': signal, but generality suggests that these be delayed to a subsequent section. The output signal from the detector will ideally be the same as the modulating signal, shown on FIgure 1. However, the rise time of the output signal transition from a binary O to a binary i or vice versa, the bandwidth of the entire system. will be limited by The output amplitude will be independent of input amplitude for all inputs over a fixed threshold. Thus, the amplitude of the output signal is solely a function of the phase difference :atween the input signal and the local reference. 6 CHAPT'R III THEORET ICAL CONS IDERAT IONS Phase modulation may be defined (3, p. l2) as a si- nusoidal carrier wave, whose argument is caused to vary as a function of the modulating signal. f(t) is a Thus, the function (t) = A0 Cos (i) phase-modulated carrier, in which A0 is an amplitude constant of the system. The function, 9(t) in Equation (1) will consist of: 9(t) 1Nhere 0 .&b Wt C C ' (2) øm(t) the carrier frequency, in radians per second; is the initial carrier phase--and may be set equal to zero by proper choice of time origin; and Øm(t) is the an.ular variation with time, caused by the modulating signai. Pasod upon the above discussion, and upon the cori- straints of Chapter II, the modulating signal muet be defined, if an expression is to be obtained for the input signal, f0(t). Let it be assumed that a technique exists tor instan-. taneously shifting the phase of the carrier wave. PurtIer- more, assume that the application of a digital, or binary, voltage (which is either i O, depending upon the infor- mation to be transmitted) will cause this instantaneous shift to occur. occur Then, since the shifts may or may not (in accordanc with the information), the "worst would be an alternating and O signal. i c,asetl Phis would corro- spond to a square-wave modulating signal, with the period, T= 1/2 rn Therefore, Øm(t) 0 0 < t < Y (3) T<t<2T and f0(t) = A Cos (w0t + 0) T<t< 21 Ac Cos (w0t) This input signal (4) 0 '.t.T (4) is applied to a device, output consists of the zero-axis crossings--i.e., ing amplifier (see Figure 2). It is whose a limit- important that the out- put of this amplifier be symmetrical about a reference 8x18, since any hysteresis will be demonstrated as a phase or time shift in the output. If the local reference wave Is applied to a separate, identical 11r1ting amplifier, then the result will be a square wave of constant peak-to-peak amplitude, and con- period. starit The two outputs of the limiting (or "squaring") amplifiers then, differ only in the time at which the-r croas the horizontal axis. This time differ- entlal is directly proportional to the relative phase, øm(t), of the Incoming wave (See Figure 2). Detection of this time differential may be accomplished by use of a rnodulo-two adder. If a device exists, such that Input 00 180° Signal 270° FIGURE 90° 2 Theoretical Wove form s 450 for two independent floolean Inputs, p. (4, 1) A and B, the output la: A c B = A'B + AF' (5) then the sum rnodulo-two expresses either both. It may be t or but not B, observed In Figure 2, that, except for the soecial cases whore A B or A B', the sum modulo-two of the two repetitive square waves of the same period Is a repetitive pulse whose period is one-half that of A or iB. The width of this resulting repetitive pulse is directly proportional to the phase difference between A and B. Thus, the output signal of the modulo-two adder will be a rectangular wave whose time average for one period is directly proportional to the information. If a device exists which responds t* the time average of an input wave, the output of that device will be the same as the original modulating signal. Let 'r* = be the period of repetition of the sum modulo-two. Also, let A represent the peak-to-peak amplitude of this sum. Then, the avera;e value of the wave is In (i/*) f (l/i) f (a,/'r*) A, :iven by: e(t) dt dt + (1/1*) / which a is the width of the pulse, in seconds. O dt (6) lo It :ay be observed In quation (6) that the demodulator output volta?,:e a/Tv. The factor, a, (the width of the modulo-two adder Is directly proportional to the fraction, output pulse) is cirectly proportional, in turn, to the phase difference between the local refe7ence viave, and the received wave. modulating sig-tal is a continuous If the 9mark, or binary and the carrier shifting device is 1, adjustable over the range from O to 6O', ten quation (6) defines the transfer function of the demodulator. a = kØjn, Let where 01n is the phase difference in degrees, between the received signal and the local reference; and k is a proportionality constant, with the units, seconds per degree. Then: eout/Øin = (kØ1/i-*) A volts/degree. Figure 3 shows a graph of the output voltage versus input phase, under the "static" or condit1.ons, (7) "rkhold" modulating as the modulator phase shift is varied. This figure may be used to predict the output voltage of the detector. For example, if it is ìmown that the modulator phase-shifter is set for 1800 1, and 00 Q, then the expected peak-to-peak output from the demodulator would be A volts, for an O to i transition. FIgure 3 furthermore points out the significance of statement made in condition (b), Chapter II. a If the local A 3A 4 o 4- w o2 o o 4- o - cr4 90 270 180 Input Phase, Degrees F/GORE 3 Detector Transfer Function Static Phase Input 360 -I t. () L- reference sine wave and the carrier reference sine wnve are not synchronized, or if a Doppler frequency shift exist8 between modulator and demodulator; mission will be detected as a a constunt-phase trans- triangular wave. The shape of the wave will be as shown in Figure 3, with amplitude A volts peak-to-peak, frequency error. and period n = 1/nf, where 4f is the The technique of synchronizing the local reference is often a difficult task. The purpose of men- tioning this fact here is to point out the importance of a constant or, at least, constantly-synchronized local phase reference. The amplitude of the demodulator output voltage is a function only of the phase difference between innut and local reference waves. hence, the amplitude of the input wave has no effect on the detected signal, as long, as that input is sufficiently large to be totally limited by the first stage. With an input amplitude above this "threshold", any amplitude variations in the input signal, due to impulsive, Gaussian, or other noise factors, will not be represented in the output. The threshold effect, described in the preceding paragraph, is a function of the gain of the limiting ampli- fier stage in the detector. gain amplifier, followed by This stage consists of a higha limiter. Figure 4 shows threshold Limiter \/ V FIGURE 4 Ac fion of the Amp I/f/er L ¡mit/ng 14 the result of this amplification-limiting proces8, and the threshold phenomenon. Subsequent similar stages will en- hance the process, until the total limitation criterion-i.e., the detectior of just the zero-axis crossings, is obtained. Since amplitude variations do not affect the resulting output of the demodulator, an increased tolerance for noise is exhibited, over amplitude-modulated systems. If, in the transmission fron modulator to demodulator, a Gaussiandistributed noise sina1, whose rms value is o, is added to the signal, the resulting input signal is subject to both amplitude and phase variations. Figure 5 shows the resulting phasor representation. locus of noise locus of limiting threshold transmitted signal phase I / \ / / Figure 5 L)emonstratlon of íoise Tolerance of Phase ietector lb 'ince any instantaneous phase of the noise signal is euually likely, th' maximum effect would be when perpendicular to the transmitted signal, A. o is Therefore, the instantaneous phase uncertainty, ¿Ø, may be expressed as LØ +Sin (/A). (8) For an amplitude demodulator, the same amount of noise, would cause an amplitude uncertainty, ¿J =t e-, AA, of Ö__. (9) For impulsive-type noise, the performance improvement is less clearly defined, requiring further definition as to the origin of the noise. in occurrence, is slight. Where the impulses are random the effect on the output of the However, dmodulator if the impulses aro derived in a repetitive manner, corresponding in some way to the period of the modulation, then the result may well be disastrous. Up to the present time, this discussion has been con- cerned with the transmission of mark-space train. transmitted by a a single "channel", or However, two or more channels may be single phase of the carrier wave. Assume that two separate lines are connected to the modulator in such a way that the phase of the transmitted ..;iven by able I. s1al is 1G Table I. Modulator Output, with Two Chanrel Input Ch. Ch. 2 i O O 0 1 i 0 0out 450 135° 315° 225° 1 1 Furthermore, assume that two identical demodulators exist at the receiving end, and the Is applied to each. 1f the local sina1 from Table I reference input to one of the detectors (to be called "In-phase") is locked to the modulator reference, and the other ("quadrature") local reference is shifted ahead by 900, then the resulting responses will be given as on Figure 6. If A/2 (one-half the peak-to-peak output of the modulo-two adder) is assumed to be the output reference, then the output will be _______ 45° 6) ivon by Table II. Table II. Input 0 (referring to Figure Demodulator Outputs In-Phase Chan. Output Cuadrature Chan. uttut -A/4 -A /4 135° 225° 315° !ence, if plus A/4, or -A/4 /4 -A/4 iinus A/4 are /4 interpreted as "mark" and "space" respectively, the information has been correctly received. This technique is termed "orthogonal modulation", 4 41 Q. 42 E 41 4- o a) cr A 4 D 90 270 180 Input Phase, F/G'/JRE Degrees 6 Response to Orthogonal Modula tiön 360 i 3 and may be used to increase the channel capacity of a system. This increase is paid for by a corresponding de- crease in noise tolerance, according to for information-carrying capacity of C = here: C W log2 a relation channel (i + S/N) is the channel capacity, is the channel bandwidth, S is the (9, p. 640). (10) bits per second. cycles per second. received signal power. N is the received noise power. 19 CHAPTER IV EXPEH IMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THT PHOBLE? A working model of' the proposed lator has been constructed. d1':1tal phase demodu- Tests have beon performed to evaluate the adherence of this model to the theoretical ïerformarìce demonstrated Figure 7 in Chapter III. shows the block diagram of the phase detector, while Figure 3 shows the complete experimental confi;uration. (Schematic dlar,rams appear in the Appendix). Local eferenee L.imiting t)ThPur1 T2imiting 1er jL-" [ili A moi if 1',odulo-Two Adder Figure 7 Block Diagram of Phase Detector ach of the identical limiting amplifiers consists of two a-c coupled transistor amplifiers, diode limiters. each followed by The modulo-two adder is a two-transistor gate, while the low pass filter L-C network acts as an averaging device in precisely the same fashion as the filter in a rectifier power supply. The variable phase- shifter in Figure 8 is an adjusteble R-C lead or lag network. F/GORE 8 Experim en/a / Configuration 21 The wide-band unit amplifier, which succeeds the phase- shifter in Figure 8, Is used to compensate for the inherent attenuation in ari R-C network. For testing purposes, it may be considered as the pre-amplifler, which usually precedes a detector Ir; an actual system. This amplifier, however, has approximately 1700 phase shift between input and output; therefore, the Input phase to the detector will be 17000, Figure 9 instead of the usual Ø. shows the phase relationships between local reference, phase-shifter output, and unit amplifier output, using both the lead and the 1a; networks In the phase-shifter. FIgure 10 represents the static transfer function of the demodulator. This fi;ure corresponds to Figure 3, Chapter III, with no modulation applied (mark-hold conidition). Figure 10 was obtained by first measuring the input phase difference between the local reference and the output of the unit amplifier, then observing the voltage level of the demodulator output. he peak-to-peak swing of the modulo-two adder output was measured to be from +2.0 volts to -13.0 volts, or, ¿ = 15 volts. The detector output voltage was normalized to a fraction of this am- plitude, and shown in Figure 10 as "relative output mag- nitude". Local Ref eren ce Ampi ¡fie Out pul Lead Network Amplifier Output Lo cal Reference R-C Output Lag Network FIGURE 9 Phase Relatíonships Between Input and Local Reference Waves Measured Theoretic a) 3A 4 \ 0 o. E \ \ > 4.D \ \ OEA ________________ ________________ ______ ______ [ii 90 270 180 Input Phase FIGURE St ct/c , Degrees /0 Transfer Finct/on 360 24 FL;ures li(a) through (d) are photographs of waveforms, measured at various pointe on the test model. To obtain these pictures, an input phase (b) of approximately 114° leading, with respect to the local reference (a), was applied to the detector. Figure 11 Cc) shows the sum modulo-two of the two input signals, "squaring" process. amplitude, volts. , It subsequent to the may be observed, in (c), that the varies from approximately +2 volts to -13 Figure 11 (d) shows the low-pass filter (average) output voltage, complete with ripple conponents, corre- sponding to (e). The direct component of voltage may be seen to be approximately -2.2 volts. (d) Normalizing this voltage to a fraction of A, yields O.72A. fiure corresponds i This to an input phase of approximately +115° on Figure 10, which agrees with the known input phase (b). Figure 12 shows the result of a 100 cycle per second frequency error (simulated) between local reference and input phase siinals. This photograph corresponds to Figure 6, Chapter Iii. Figures 13 (a) and (b) represent the demodulator inputs and output respectively, with a dynamic phase shift input. The modulating wave was a 20 cycle per second square wave, shifting the input phase from approximately 124° to Vert.: 2v/div. Hor.: lOus/div. (a) (b) Local Reference Input Phase (1l4°) Vert.: (c) (d) 5v/div. iv/div. Hor.: lOus/di'v. (c) (d) 1lodulo-Two Sum Low-Pass Filter Output FIGURE 11 Photographs of Static Input 26 Vert.: 2v/div. Hor.: 2ms/div. FIGURE 12 Result of 100 Cycle Frequency Error Between Modulator and Demodulator Local References Vert.: (a) (b) 2v/div. iv/div. Hor.: (a) (b) 2v/div. lOme/div. (a) (b) FIGURE 13 Results of Dynamic Input = 20 CPS. AØ 120° to lbo° 27 1500. Figiire 13 LISSaJOUB, (a) was obtained by the technique of by applying the constant-phase local rferonce to the horizontal amplifier, and the phase-modulated wave to the vertical amplifier of the oscilloscope. (b) shows the resultant demodulated siial, varying from -0.8 to seconds. -1.5 volts, with a repetition period of 50 milli- Referring again to Figuro 10, the voltage lcvels to O.92A a Figure 13 after normalizing and O.77A respectively, yields detected squarc wave of phases 1500 to 120°. Phis '1g- tected signal also agrees with the 1iown input phase shift. 2 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS In accordance with the hyDothesis, put forth in Chap- ter II, it can be concluded that the digital phase demodulator, developed in this study, is both theoretically and experimentally feasible The considerations in Chapter III, indicate that this demodulator is theoretically capable of linear output response to input phase shifts of between O and 180 degrees. 1urthermoro, an 'improvement threshold' exists, in theory, &ove which, amplitude variations appear ir in the input should not the output. The experinental verification, described in Chapter Iv, confirms the theoretical capabilities, mentioned above. In adiition, the laboratory model demonstrates a consider- able reduction in size and weight over conventional phase demodulators. phase However, the priary advantage of the digital emodu1ator is its simplicity and economy of con- struction. These 'practicn1' features, coupled with the close correlation between theoretical and actual performance, a indicate that the digital phase demodulator may be worthwhile addition to "Space Ago" communications. 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Albert, Arthur Lemuel. Electrical communication. 3d ed. ew York, Wiley, 1950. 593 p. 2. Bennett, William h. !1ectrical noise. McGraw-Hill, 1960. 280 p. 3. Black, Harold S. Modulation theory. Nostrand, 1953. 36 p. 4. Gobeen, Harry . Notes on computer logic. Class notes for b!athematics 505, Corvallis, Oregon, 1959. 22 p. (Mimeographed) 5. Goldman, Stanford. Frequency analysis, modulation, and noi8e. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1948. 434 p. 6. Hancock, John C. An introduction to the principles of communication theory. New York, McGraw-Hill, 253 p. 1961. 7. Lee, Y. w. Statistical theory of communication. Now York, Wiley, 1960. 509 p. 8. schwartz, Miecha. lation and noise. 461 p. 9. Shannon, Claude E. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal 27: 379-423, 623-656. 1948. 1ew York, Toronto, Van Information, transmission, moduNew York, McGraw-Hill, 1959. 10. -------- A symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits. Transactions of the American Institute of faectrical &gineers 57: 713-723. 1938. 11. Viterbi, A. J. Ort coded phase-coherent communications. Institute of Radio Engineers Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry. SET-7: 3-14. arch 1961. 30 AP PF'N DIX Figures 14, 15, and 16 aro schoriatic diagrams of the circuits used in the laboratory verification. 5hOw Figure 14 the technique applied to obtain the input phase shifts to the detector. For mark-hold was removed, obii arid the 560 inputs, the diode resistor shorted out. Figure 15 is the limiting amplifier, used to "square" either the input signal, or the phase reference. Addi- tional stages may be used to present a more nearly square wave, if it is required. Figure 16 is a modulo-two adder, or an "exclusive-or" gate. To this device are applied the local ohase refer- ence and the input phase square waves, as "Input A" and "Input F". The requirements upon the components in these circuits are not highly critical. Values may be different for dIS- ferent frequencies, input levels, etc.; however, these die- grams indicate the specific circuits of the digital phase detector used in the laboratory verification of thiB study. 31 Carrier Generator Input Modulat 536 ior In put FIGURE 14 "Dynami&' Modulator !otes: 1) Resistances in ohms. 2) Capacitors in microfarads. +15 volts Iripu Output -15 volts FIGURE 15 Limiting Amplifier Notes: 1) 2) All resistors in ohms. All capacitors in microfarads. 3) 4) All transistors type 2N718 All diodes type 1N625 -15 volts L FIGURE 16 Modulo-Two Adder Notes: 1) 2) All All resistors in kilobms. transistors type 2N404.