- J.K.GILL&CO., Carry a Complete Stoek of 4 STATION ERYJ .NK BOOKS. RITING PAPERS, GOLD ond STEEL PENS. LTKS, SLATES, Etc. port ftrectly rmm maouMcturer. nd can o - THE VEftP LOWEST RATES 4 'YT. F! OO" WRiTTS' P.-IPER$. CtL?M14' INELOPFI. ARY')LDS LVAS. ilMrs FEYCJL- Ek.. ?. We ak the pauooe ot. *nd otYer peeIa *dv o, tge zier4 i* SPt'.oy, efr. thmoMnt th North wt, £ K. (dLL . C0. &7 Eitst an4 Oa& Sreet, i'ortland, 4)reot. GILL'S DICTIONARY OF TH EHNO3i< dARON WiTH EXAMPLES OF USE IN CONVERSATION. [Compiled from all ioabularies. and greatI improred by the addition of necear words never before puhUihed.J TVLFTH FDtDIOr 1. PORThA1 OftE,O!: PUBLISHED BY J. K. GiLL & CO. J.)oAaELLI $D STAY a Lutered tceorUtng to Act of Congr, In the yezr J. K. GILL t Co., the otilee of thc Ubn'rlau of Courv., nt VahIngton. EXPLANATORY SUGGESTIONS. Tribes from different regions of country made slightly different use of the Chinook and varied its pronunciation slightly. The phonetic spelling, accents, etc., of this edition give the most generally aceepted form of Chinook as used by old pioneers and the Indsans themselves. The examples of conversation given in the appendix will show that the "grammar" of the jargon was very deficient. The pronunciation of the Chinook can only be thoroughly learned by cDnversation with the Indians, whose deep guuursls and long-drawn vowels are beyond the power of our alphabet to represent. Most of their words are unaccented, the stress of voice falling noon the emphatic word of a sentence rather than upon particular syllableS. As far as possible the present edition represents by accents and marked vowels the exaCt sounds. .4 flcet, as In wa-wa, ktat-awa, and similar worda, has usually the sound of en'. Ah Is pronounced either as h or as a In naf, the pronunciation varying slightly among different tribes. E lone aud the short sound of I are nearly Identical In Chinook, except final a or ,which have the sane value as In English. 0 aud er are pronounced as in atmilar English ayllables, excspt where marked olherwisc, difilcult i,ouzxd to represent and pronounce vocabulary. The nearest representation of sin theça or rh in the word, turk, as me'I l - end the (,erman ict. brief of the Ditiocery, th the alt of any person ho has a reas --"ic knnw ge of the jargon, will renler L' any stu'lsnt of the Chinook all neeecsary ai,I to a proper understandlog and fluent use of the language. In tins e'lOion we ptiNlsh br the rst time an Appendix to each dit,iou of thl, Dictionary. The additional words 4 in this Appendix are principally old words which are rarely used, but which belong to the Chinook and are in use in some sections of the Northwest, There are no grammatical rules, or next to none, in the arron. For example, 'le-doo" means either finger or finla-moo-to" a sheep or a hundred sheep. A shift is made to express the comparison of adjectives, as: "kloshe," good; "weght kiosbe," better, or literally "more good," "clip kloshe," beat, PREFACE. The ilrst attempt at oubilcation of the trappers' and traders' Indian Jargon in use among the coast and intcrtor tribes of the Northwest, was made In 1525, by a sailor who was captured from the ship Boston, which was surprised by Indians at Nootka Sound. her captain and crew inurde red, the aiIor who Issued hI adventures under the tttle, 'Thc Captive in Noolka" and later the "Traders' Dictionary,' being the only survivor. Several little books, mostly for traders' use, have beer printed In this jargon A worthy ml lonary publishei quite a number of hymns translated from English, tr Chinook, whIch has been the only use of the languge Ir the fleld of teller kllrer The language of the native Indian In seldom beard. Th lrtssIVe English Is forcing Ita way eveil into the Ioge nr most avsge trIbes, and mans of the original tudlar lalects of the roast, of which Chinook was the most tin portant, have diappeare4 entirely, with the nations tha spoke them. Of the ancient language of the Cbinooksabout three hnndrc'l words are given In the present dictionary, the re inder being words from other coast tribe' aklmaa Nex Perces and other tongues. It t a remarkable fact that the Indian tribe. occupSisti very small trrftory, and complle4 ti triiC, travel innki war and carry en roch irttercoorae as their noinadit Uft U' qoiref, spoke lanuagea as dterent as the inne3rrn Spanist is from the Eogli'h. These langusgea were alusfSt as liii merons as the tribes theinsetces.. Irs the trip of territorl fror,i th msuth of Vie Willarnette to the ocean, at IM2 iIt'tinct Iang'usges were spoken. the WahkiakUm Cowitla Mntnourab, ant ether tribes ustn* amnn tbein"eIVeS nl along the rtleO their own tribal language; but tn !oyUeathe Ware's lQhD or lii 'hunting parties in the inoutsti.1n, who b.tppenc'l in inept the tat'ep'OY' tIiU5 the 6 the Columbia and the other from centrnl Oregon, made i1mse1f perfectly understood in this accommodating jargon, which was in use from the Hoeky doufltains to the Pacific as a trading language. A similar need exists among the great ctv tilted nations of to-day, and Ii is a tar greater necessity than the barbarlous tribes of the northwest could ever have experienced. With the coming of the white man, making known to the Indian the weapons, the luxuries and the vices of civilization, came the need of extending the Chinook to cover these new conditions. He could not say' carbine' so the word became "calipeen." The Canadians called the hand "to maim," and the Indian came at last to use neatly the same sound. Thus English and French worls were grafted upon the Cbinook jargon, the present edition has been made as nearly perfect as possible by comparison with all existing authorities, and the additlo of very nsany wnrd never before published in any Chinook Dlgtloarv, though in common use. The vocabulary was entirely revised and corrected by a gntIeman familiar with Chinook and many Indian languses Irons boyhood, and the publishers, who have sold thousands of previooa editions, con ildently rec-ominen'i this little book as the 'uc phss ellen of Cfllnook dictionaries. Portland, Ori'psn, July 1. 2855. NGLISH_H INOOK %bove. Sh.a-l. And. Pee. Vah-wh-tin. Amass. Is'.kunj. Abscond. Káp-waJ.Li khit. AngeL Ta.mih-na.wis. a-wa. Angry. Sol-kks. Abdnmen. Absolve. Main.00k st.Th. Acorn. Kah.nih.way. \croat. Ii a s wase. Apple. L.1xme. Afee. }im-tah. Arrest. Mam-onk hauL Arm. Le..mh. Arise slit wt Arrive (at.) }o. Arrow. Stick kli-..tin. As if. K.h.kwa spose. Ag& Ague. Wett, Cole-sick AhI (Admiratkn.) \Vah! Ah. Irz pnin A.nh. Alike. Kb.kwa. All. Kn-a.'ny. Almighty. (the). Sah.a-1 Iy.e mt. Wake si(T i!t ) kl.bw-iam. Alone. Apron. Accnd. Klát--wa sáh.a. Wa.wa. Assitance. E'-la.han. At. Ko.pa. Aak. Aunt. KwaFh. Autumn. Tnascole UI- Ko.pe jkt. Always. Kwän-e-snm. Although. Xegb.t-chie. American. Boston man. Amus.ment He-he. Kis-sn. Anthmebc Mam-ooktzs Arbutus. Lshb be. AvaumL Xlit-.wa. AwL Shoe-k&p-wo*. Axe. .bash. CUINOOK D1(,rIONslty. Bird. d-a-ksll.a. Bad. Ksil4us. Biscuit. T.a-bis-que. Bag. Le-sác. Bit or dime. Bit. Ball. Le-bilL Bitter. Klile. Bargain. Mar-kook. Black. Kll!e. Barrel. Ta-rn64itsh. Blackberries. KlIk-a-muks Barley. La.shy. Blanket. Pa-s.se. Bark. Stick-skin. Blind. Ha-b see-w-ist. Basin. Két.Iin. Blood. Fil.pil. Basket. O-pk-wan Blow out. Mam-nok pSh. Bath. Mám-ook wlah. Bat. Po.bi.k.le ksll.a.ktll-a. Blue (light). Spó-ah. Beach. r6-lal-le ill-a-he. Blue (dark). Ktãte - Blondes (to). Tse.pee. Beads. Kk.tuó.sk. Bear (black). Chet.woot, Boar. Man c-sho. (gtirzly bear), Si-tn. Board. La-plIsh. Boat. Boat. Beat (to). K(k-4hut. Beaver. E.na. Bob-tailed (a bob-taNed -Because. Keh-wa. horse.) Si.ki.you. Becorw (to). Ch.Th.co. Boil (to). Lip-lip. &'d. Bed. Bold. Wake kwias. Before. E'4ip. Bone. Stone. I3egone. KLt-.wa.. Boots. Stick shoe5. Behave. Mam-ook klóthe. Bore (to). Mam-ook thIl. Behind. }iaI-t2. whop. Bell. Tin-tin. florzssw (to). A-'Th.wbu. Below. Xe.quil-ly. Belly. uih.a lb-tin. Belt. La-san.jl. Berries, O'il.lies. Best. E-lip kLsbe Between. Pat-uk. Beyond. Ylh-wa. Big. Jt-as. Both. Bottle. La-La-tii. Bow. O-pit-Lsgb. Bow (of a boat. I Nose. Bowl. O'oa-kan. Box. a-51-5stt. Boy. Ten-a* mIss. ChINOOK IMC'TION.tRY. 9 Brother. Kâr-po, if older; Bracelet. KIlk-wal-le. Ow, if younger. (Male Brass. Pu chik-a.min. cousin the same.) Brave. Skoó-kum ts'im-tum. Bucket. Ta-tao-litsh. Bread. Pfah sp-po-li1. Buck. Man m6w.kh. Break. Kók-shut. Btffalo. Mo..mos. Breast. To-t&sh. Breech-dont. 0-poots sill. Thillet. Le.btil or klf-e4an. Bundle. K6w. Bridle. La-bleM. Burn. Mam. ok p.ah. Bright. Te-wágh. Bring (to). Mam.00k chih- But. Pee. Butter. To-bosh gleese. Co. Broad. Kluk-thl. Broken. Kók-hut. Brook. Ten-as chtsck. lbrootn. Bloom. Brothei-in.lass. E.keh. Button. Chil-chiL Buy (to). Mar-kcók. By. Ko.pa. By.and-by. Win.a.pie; a! ki. C Cahbage. Cal Call (to). W.wa. Calf. Tca.as mdos-m Calm. Ha.lo wind. Candle. La.shi.n-dl. Canoe. Ca.nirn. Cap. Se-1i-ç. Capsize. K-a- e Car (P.. P..) Pi-ab chi chick. Cariot. Le-cildet. Carry (tel. l.ols. Cart. Cni-i..hick. Cascade. Twu.wa-ber. Cask. Ta-i -itsh. Cat. Pu-pocs. Catch. la'-kum. rroos. Cattle. i. Caynte. Tl-a-u. Cedar. Ca-aim tick, Cellar. Ket-wil.ia, a!i-wk-ka. Certainly. Chain. Chkk-a.min ipe. Chsit. La4:i.e. Changv (to). flcso-hoo. C!eat (to). La-jab, Cb:ckec. I4-rlChef. Ty-eé. Child. Tess-a, tun. Chilly. Ten-as cole. Christmas-day. lfy.as Sias- CHiNOOK DICTIONARY. 20 Chimot.y. Ia-shm-ma-nä. Cord. Ten-az lope. Corn. Ye-solih. Circle. Qtié-u.qu-u. Corral. Kul-lali. Clams. O'-na. Cough. llóh-hoh. Clay. Ill-a-he. Clear (to). Cháh.co kkth. Cougar. fly-as puss-puss. Clock. fly-as watch. Council, Marn.00k tibuturn. Cloth (cotton). Sail, Clouds. Smoke. Count. Marn-ook kwunCoat. Ca.po. Cour.try. III Coffee. Kau'-pa. C&or. T'zum. Cow. Klooch'.man tno6s. moos, Comb (to). Mam.00k Crab-apple. Pw.ich. comb. Cranberry. S6-le.me. Come on. fly-ak. Crazy. Pu-ton. Come (to). Cb.Th-eo. Command (to). Wa-wa. Cream color. Le.e!m. Conceal. lp-oot. Crockery. Pi-ah lah. Confess (to). Vi-em. Crooked. Ky-wa. Conjuring. Ta.r.ih-na-wis. Cross (the). L. c16-a. Conquer (to). Crow. Caw-caw. .nr. Tti. Cook (to). Mam-co muick. Cry (to).' Cly. -muk. Cool (to). Mam-ook cole. Copper. Pil chkk.-min. Curr (to). Mam-ool- kiOshe Curly. Hunl-kih. Cut (to). Tl'kópe. I, Daggrr. UI-cut o-pit-sah. Dance [to). TDue. Daik. Po-lak-ly. Day. Sun. Daybreak. Ten-as sun. Daughter. Ten-as kloechman. Dead. M.n-a-loca. I)ef. Tk-poo iksro.lou. Dcar. fly-as mah.kook. Decrease, Chjh.co ten-as. Deep. ltc.as kee.quil.ly. Der. MOw-kh. Deity (the). Sah.a-Te ty-e Ddirious, Ilul-ni-me 13- tite. U CU IXOOh DICTIONAP.Y. Delude. Marn-ook se-pr. Deluge. Pah.tI chuck. Demand (to). Sko6-kurn wi-wa. Demon (Or Devil). Me-sih- che ta.mh-na-wi. Do (to) Mam.00k. Doctor. Doc-tin ; keel.al.ly. 1)oe. Klooch-man mów.ich Dog. Ków.mux. Dollar. Dolla. Door. La pate. Xlát-s-wa kee. qui-ly. Deaert (to sneak off) ipswal-la kht.a.ws. Desire. Tik-eh. Destroy. Marn-ook h.-lo. Down. Whim. Each. Ko-pet ikt. Eager. I ly-is tik.eh Eagle. Chak-chaic. Eat (to). M;kk.a-muck. Descend. Down stream. Mi-mee. Doze. Tik-eh nuo-sum. Drawers. Kee-quil-ly sa kl-eks. Drink (to). Muck.a.muck chuck. DeviL Dê-ab. Drive (to). Kish-kish Die (to). Chihco hio. Diet. Mcka.muck. Drown (tO). ko-pa clurck. Dig. Mam-ook ilr.a-he. Drunk. Páhtl.Inm. Diflicult. KuiL Dime. lkt bit. Dry. DJy. Duck (Mallarri). Dirccty. Thf-keh. Displeasure. A-nTh. kwcb; hahl-hahi. Dive (io). Khi.t-.wa k Dumb. Wake wi-wa. quil-ly chick. Dm5. Pó.!al-ly Ear Kw.-.ln. i-o. S Earn. Ea.rues. Skoo-kutn ii Early. Ten-as siia. Earth. Ill-a-he East. Sun chih-co. Etb tii. Chuck klst.a.w*. Effcmin'te. K'i-kw klcch-rnan. Lesep. Eight. SU-te-kin. Elbow. Kim-tab b-mh Elevate (ti). .bmtab aElk. Egg. CHINOOK DIrIOSAIY. Elope (to). Kap-swal-la Eternal. Ke 6n-ë-sum. ldn6ch-mao. khit-a-wa. Evening. Ten-as po-Ják-ly. Embark. Klt.a-wa ko-pa Every. Kón-a-way. ca-nIm. Everywhere. Kón.a-wny kar Embrace. Ba-bay'. Ewe. Kio6ch-man Ia-moEmigrate. Klát-a-wa kopa to. hul-oi'-me ill-a-he. Examine. Nn-ich kumEnclosure. Kul-lah. tux. End. 0-poots. Exchange. Ilooë-hooê. Enemies. de-sáh-chie til-la- Exert. Klóse mam-ook. Expel. Mam-ook marsh. krnns. English Expire. Chh-co hI-to. King G Englishman eorge.ErPIain Pot-latch kum-Ux. Enough. Hy-u, o ko-pet. Exterminate. K6n-a-way Enquire. Tik-h kntn-tsx. hI-to. Entesils. Kee-quil.ly ya. Extinguish Mam káh-tin. m&i-a.loose. Eutnuerate. Mam-cok tzim. Extraordinary. lly.as hid- Equal. Kón-a-mox. ol-me Mit-wit; di-rte. Eyes. Sce-w-ist E;cape. Klósbe kht-a-wa. Erect. Face. See-iw.ist. Far. Si-ih'. Fact. \Vk klz.min-a-wit. Fast (quick). Fade (to). CMh-co spo-6h. Faded. Spö.iTh. FalL KIit-a.wa whha. Fallow. K..0 ill-a-be. Fast (tight). Fasten (to). Fat. Gkese. Father. lap-ah. Fal'e. See-pc. Fathom. It-lan. FaLwhoosL Kla-itln.a-wit Fear. Ka,.. Family. Ni-ka til-a-kua. Feast. Il-iu ruick.a-muLk. Fairine. Ill-lu mik-a. Feet. La pe-.i. n.ucL Fence. Kul-lab. 13 ChINOOK 1)ICTIONA8Y. Fell, (as a tree). Mam-ook Flood. Páh-tl chtck. Flour. Sap'.o-lil. Flowers. Klc.she tip-so. Fetch. Mam-ook chh-co. Fly (t4. Ka-wak. Fever. Waum sick. Fog. Smoke. Few. Ten-as hy.iu. Fold (sheep). Le.moó.to Field. Kl&he i1l-a-h. house. Fight (to). Mam-ook s61. Folks. Tfl-a-kum. eks. Folly. Pu-ton mam-ook. Fight (with fists). Mam.00k Food. Msck-a-muck. puk-puk. Fool or Foolish. P11-ton. Figured (as calico). T'zum. Foot. Le pe-a'. File. La tim'. Forage. Ill.a-he tip-so. whim. Female. Xlo&h-man. Fill (to). Main-oak ph-tl. For ever. Kwn-e-um. Fin. Pih le.mib. For what? Fe kar-ta Find (to). Kiap. Forget (to). Mah.lé; ko-pet Fine. KlöJe. kum-tux. Finish. Ko.pet. Finger. Le.doo' Fire. Pi-ah; o.lap.it.ski. First. E'-lip. Fish. Fish. Fih hook. Ik-kik. Five Kwin.nurn. Flag. fly-as Scnday asil. Flea. Sr-pers ,i.na-roo; or Ford. Chuck. hut. Chuck-ole- Foreigner. Htd-of-me til.a. 1mm. Forenoon. E'lip sit-kinu ssin Fork. La poo-shéi. Former. An-cut.ty. Fortnight. Mox Sunday Kiap. xiol'. Flesh. ll.wie. Flies. La m'.5h. Fax. T!-a.pir. Flimsy. Wake kc.l-kn. Frail. Wake ;-To6-kum. flint. Kil-i.snt. Frec. Vake e-Ii-të. Float. Klat.a.w ko-pa Frerzing. hiy.as cole. chck. Frenchrsari. Ph-sé-ook. flock. lly-i ,os-nsoos Fright. Châh-co kwass' pe Ic-moo-to. Friend. Si /J II CHINOOK DICTIONARY. Frolic. Mani.00k ht-he. Full. Prh'tL Frog. Sh-wah-kuk. Fundament. O.poóts. Frown. K&h.kwa sol-leks Funeral. Lo4o mein.a.loose Fry (to). Marn-ook la-p-e til.a-kum ko-pa ill-a-he. Frying pan. La-p6.eL Fur. E.nah rip-so. Gain. Tö-16. Gale. Sk-o6-k-um wind. Gallop (to). KwaI-hil kwa1-hL Gallows. Stiek rnam.00k rnm-a400se loS-pa lope. Gamble (to). lth-el-coosn. (3Goods. Ic- tas. Goose. Kal-ah ka-lah. Gospel. Kl6she knm.tux. Grain. Sáp-o.liL Grandmother. itz. Grandfaher. Chópe. Gra,e. Mun-a-looe lll.a-he Garden. Kióhe ill-a-he. Gras. Tip-so. Gather (to>. lo-ku rnulh. Get (to). Is-kuns. Get out Marsh. Get tip. Mit-stit. Ghost. Ta-imSh-ua Grease. Gkése. Greedy. Tik-eh icOn-a-way. Green. P&-hug.h. Grey. Gky Le gley. Grief. Cly turn-turn. Grieve. Sick tum-(um. Gipsy. llul-.-ne (fl-a. Grizzly Lear. Si-am. kurn. Grog. Lurn-e-chuck. Girl. Ten-as kkrich.rnair Grouse. .aalu la-pool'. Give (to). T&.latch. Grow. CMh-co hy-ris. Gi&. Kul-t Fatch. Glad. Ksann. Glass. She-kck.uin. Gnaw. Mani-ook 1.ãh.kwa .nab. Go. K1i-a-wa. Goad. Moos-moos stick. God. S.ih-a-! Ty.e. Gold. ru chick-a.uxun. Good. Któshe. Good-bye. Rl.)alw.ya. Grumbi. Sol4eks wi-wa. Grunt. Wi-wa krlh-kwa c,.sh5. Guard. Rk,sbe min-ich. Ganl.honje,. SkoO-kuw house. Giiit; guuDy. Me-sáb-che trim-turn Gun. Suk wol-lal; gnu. Gunpowder. P-Ial-ly. CHINOOK I)ICTIONARY. Habitation. Kw6u--sum Healthy. Wake sick. mit-lite, I leap. Hail. Cole snss. hair. Yak-so; TIp-so. Half. Sit-kum. hlahlo. Nm. Halt. Ks-pet klát-a.wa. Hy-fu m{t-lite. hear. Kum.tux ko-pa kwo-hn. hearsay. Is'.kum ih-ka wa-wa. Turn-turn. Hammer. L i-tc. Ikat. Cb.ih-co warn. handcuff. Chick.a-min hicaren. STh-a-1 ty-eé illinam.00k kow lc-ir.ah. Fleary. Till. (a-he. Han& Le mm. heed. KRshe nán.ich. Ileast. Hand (gameoL) Il-kcum. 11eip (to). Mans-ook .Ian. hlandkerehieL Hák-at- Hen. La pool'. Herb. Le.n:es-wn tip-so. chum. Handsome. Hyas ld-he. Here. Ya'i-kwa. hlanL KI. Hide. harrow (to). Hi'e (to). hp-soot. Mam.00L hhih. Sã's-a.l. comb ill-a-he. hlrnuc. Skcó-knm ws. Wa. ltzrvcnt. lakuin o-ld. Hat. Se-.ih.po. hiateh. Ten-as he chi.ih-co. Haul. PulL Hawk. Shak-shlc DIy tip-s.o. t. Tuk-wii-1 Vak-k.a. heal. Skin. Kset hcd.c. Hare. hl-i f'é-he. Kwulh. Marn-ouk klSw. If 1!Auir. Hut (to). Hici. 1lo. C-sbo. 1M11 I hole. Wal.crnarshu. Ki-wb. liday. Sunday. e. NI-Lis hoe. Honest.. Wake kap-swal-la. llouf Ku-i-tan kuhl le.pe3'. ook. hook. Horn. Stone. Ku.i-tsn. horse shocs. Chick-a-ruin I Eon'c. shoca. CHINOOI DICTIONARY. House. House. Hungry. 0-b. How. Kâh-tah. Hurry. fly-ak; howh. How are Husband. Ikt man kw6nHow large? Kon-f'lZ ë-sum mit-lite ko-pa ikt Huckleberries. Shot ó-Iilklo6ch-mau. lies. Hut. Ten-as house. Hundred. Tik.a-m.nuk. IC I I (or me), Ni.ka. Induatrious. Kwón-e.stzin Ice. Cole chuck. niam.00k. Idle. Kul-tus mit.lite. Inebriate. Kw6n--sum IdoL Stick pe-stonc sáh. muck-amuck lam. a.lë tye. Infant. Cheé ten-as. If. Spose. Inlrm. Wake skoó-kunt Imbecile. Wake skoó-kmn Infonyj. Pot-latch knm.tua. la-tlte. Inhale. Is'-kum wind. Imbibe. fs'.kum ko.pa UI. Ink. Klse chuck mam.00k boos' tzim. Imitate. Mam-ock káh.kwa Innocent. Wake me-alh. k6n-a.way tl[-.a-kum. che. Immense. fly-as. In-shore. Mah.t.wii.le. Impostor. KuI-tua til.a- Instep. SIb-a-Ic Ie-peã. kur,. Insult. Me-sIh-he wa-wa lmprisu. Mit.ljte ko-pa ko-pa tlI-a.kum. koó-kuni house. Interpret. Mam-ook kumIn. Kó-pa. tux hul-oi-me wI-wa. Inability. Ków-kw-ult. Intozicate. ChIh-co dhink. Increase. CKIh-co hy.i. Invite. Wa-wa cJIh-co koIndeed. Whaah; di-rate pa nI-k-a. nwit-ka. Iron. Chick-a.min. Indian. Si-wath. island. Ten-as ffl-a-be. Indomitable. Sko6.kurn Ia- It. O'.coke; or VIh-ka ttc. - CENOoK D1c-rIouy. '7 Jabber. KnI.tus wa-wa. - Jolly. He-he (urn-turn. Jacket. Yites-kut coat. Joy. U.al-te. JaiL Skoó-kum house. Jug. Stone la.bo-taL Jealous. Sick turn-turn. Iuice. Chuck cbih.co InJehovah. Sâh.a-lë Ty-eé. pdme. Jerk. Hy-ak hauL Jump (to). So-pe-na. Jerked-beef. Moos-moos IU- Just. Kwón--sum di-rate wil-le cháh-co Wy'. klóshe. Jesuit. Le pleL Jury. Men tik-eh kurn-tux Jesus. Sib-a-1 Ty-ee lou-a-way me.sib-cbe, ten-as man. pe maui-ook kiOshe koJob. Ten-as mans-oak, pa til-a.kum. Joke (to}. Mam.00k bC-he. oat. La-Urn-ass. Kitten. Ten-as puss-pus& Kettle. Ket-bug. Kind. KRhbe turn-turn. Keel. Kcé-quil.ly stick. Knave. Me-sih-clsie ttl.a. ship. Urn. Keep (to). \Vake p&-latch. Knead. Mam.00k sup.o.lil Kennel. KOw.mua bàuse. pee chuck. Key. La kly. Knife. O'-pit-sah. Kin. Tjl-a-kuni. Knock (to). KO-ko. Kick (to). Chuck-ken. Knotty. Htenl-kib. Kill (to). am-oak meet. Know (to). Kum-tux. a-oos.e. Knowledge. Kum-tua. Kiss (to). Ba-bay'. Labor Lun.00k. Lad. Ten-as mitt. Lack. Wake hy.i. Lamb. Ten-as le-rnoO-t Lament Cly turn-turn. KJook.te-ah.wht. Lansp. Mam-cok twah. Lamprey eeL SkwOk-woL Land. Ifl'-a-be. Land Otter, jn-a.tnooks. CHINOOK DIerIONAIY. Lift (to). Mam-oc,k thh-a-l. Light (not heavy). Wake till. 18 Language. La4áng. Lane. De-Ilte o-hut. Large. Hy.as. Larceny. Káp.swal.la. Lard. Có-sho glése. Lark. Ten-as k1-a kut-a. Late. Ximp-ta ch&h-co. Lately. Ten-as an.cut.ty. Last (hindermoat). Kfmp. Light dayligh. Twh. Lightning. Sh.a-Iee piah. Like. Káh-kwa. Like (to). Tik-eh. Listen (to). Ne'-wha. Little. Ten-as. Live (to). Mit-lite. ta. Limb. Stick Ie.mah. Laugh. He-he. Lawn. Klöshe tip-so ill-a- Locomotive. Pi-ah chickchick. be. Long. Youtl-cut. Leaf. lip-so. Long ago. Ahn-cut-te lLan. Ha-Ia gl5e. Lean (tO). 14gb. Learn. 1s-kuui kum-tta. Look (to). Nan-kb., Least. Ten-as. Luk Iire. Njt Leap (to). So-p-nzsh. Look out. Kioshe tá-ich. Leive (to). KLt-a-wa_ Looking gLass. She-bk'- Leave otl(ta). K-pet. Lead. K1(-e.tan. Leather. urn. Loose. Stob. I)Iy mo-moos Loje the way (to). Ts6-k, Leg. Te-&h-wit. Leggings. MI-ti.. Len I (to). A-yih-whuL Lick (tot. 1Iik-no. Lost. Marsh. Louae. E'.na-poo. Loud. Skoi-kum wa-wa. Love (to). Tik.eh. Lower. Maxn-ook ke.qud. Ue (to). Kla-min-a.wjt. by. Lie (to repose). Mo6-suua. Lumber. 1ad. S1-leks KLich-man. Molam. La pL'ch Magic. Ta.raTh.na-wls. Ma otrate. Ty-t. ClIIOO1i ItICTIONARY. Meat. Il.wit.le. Mellow. Pah'tl pi.ah. Melt. Cháh-co klirn.rnin. Mental. Kó-pa tate. Magnify. Chih-co by-as.' Male. Man. Malice. Me-sáh.che turnturn. Man. Man. Manage. Kurn.tx ik-ta. Mankind. Kón.a.way iii. a-kurn. Mane. Kü.i-tan y1k-o. Manacle. Marn.00k Low. Mereb ant. Mar-kook tiI-akurn. Merry. Hee-hee turn-turn. Metropolis. lIy.as town. Medicine. I.e rr,rs-s& Mend (to). Mam.00k tip. le.rnh ko-pa click-a. shin. mm. Menstruate. Marsh pil-pil. anu.aJ. Mam-uok ko-pa Metal. Chick-a-mm. ih. Middle (the). Kit.cuk. Manaion. Hy-is b Midnight. Sit-kurn po-LikMany lly-h. Mark. Tauna. KLiL.a.a Ur Mark (to). Marn.00ktzum. Mind (the), TCrm-:uns. Marry (to). Mal4eh. Milk. To-tcsh. Marble. Kishe stone. Mill. Moo-Lih. Market. Mar.kook hse. Mire. Wgh. pri-kurn ill-a-hre. Minnow. Tea.aspish. eeae mit-late ko- Motister. La pLite. Miracle. Hul-o(.tne mm hip stick. oo Ty.d. Te-he. rentony of). Tsc.pe sit.osh. Mite -e Mcccasins. Meal (a -a-muck. Mohases. Mean. ke kWhe. Money. Measure (to). Tciazs. Month. Mayor. To CHINOOK DICTIONARY. Much.. Hy.ki. Moon. Mopn. Mule. La-meL. More Weght. Morning. Tea-as rdn. Moral. 1Jishe. Moose. Hy-as rndw-ich. Mosquito. Me-lak-wa. Muse. Mam-cok twa-turn. Music. Tin-tin. Mole. Skad. Mum. Wake wa-wa. Murder. Mam.00k mma.loose. Musket. Musket. T5-luks. Mustard. P-isis tip-so. Mouse. Hodl.hool. Mute. Ili.lo wa-wa. Mouth; La boos'. Mystel7. Hy.as hul-of-me. Move. Wake. mit$ite. Mow (to). T1'.k-pe tip-so. My or mine. Ni.ka. Mother. Ma-ma. Mountain. La Mon-t& Nall. La do6 Name. Yâh.hul. Naked. Wake Mussels. Never. Wake kon.se. Night. Po.lák.Ie. mit- Nigh. Wake sl.ah. Nine. Iw rest. lite. Nap. Ten-as moó-suna. No. Not; wake. Nasty. Wake kIC'she. Nobody. Wake k1.x.ta. Navigate. Klat-a.wa ko-pa Noise. La t!áh. chck. None. 11a46. Near. Wake si-ah. Nonsense. Kul.tus Neat. KIshe. Noon. Sit-k.irn 'tzn. Neck. I.e co& North. Sto-!.e-ó. Needle. Keep.woot. Nose. Nose. Nothing. Vke ik.tah. Need. fly-as tfk.eh. Negro. Kiale til.a.kutn. Notwithstand3ng. KeghtNeighbor TiI-a-knia mitthe. Noz1e. Nose. ht cakt si-ah.. Neat. Kid..kul-a house. Nistrisnent. Mick-a muck., New. Chee. CIIINOOK DIcrIoNAy. 0 Opinion. Tdm-tum. Oak. K?ill stick. Opposite. E-na.ti. Oar. La.Lihm. Oats. La-win. Or. Pe. Obtain. ls-ktun. Order (to). Pot-lstch kom. tux. Obscene. Me.thh.che. Observe. Nn-ich. Orphan. Ha-la pa.pa h. Jo nsa-ma. Ocean. 11y.as salt chuck. Ochre. Káw.ka-wik il- Other. Hul.oi.me. Otter (land). Ne-n.lm.00ks. ls-he. Our. Ne-si-ks. Odd. liul-ol-me. Out doors. KLih-han-e. Offal. Kul-tus. Hy.as me-thhOffer. Tik-eh pt-latcb. Outlaw. che til-a.kunt. Oil GIe&. Over (above). Sah-a.Ie. Old. Ok-mm. Old woman. IAm-me-L Ovrr (the other aide). Eéna-ti. On. Ko-pa. OWrLt. Ily-as c-po. Once. Kópet ict time. Oven. Mazn-ook pi-ah sap One, let. o-li1. One-eyed. Ict ee-5o.ist. OwL Wsugh.wieh Onion. La onion. Own. Me-si-ka ic-ta. Only Kd-pet jet. Ox. Man mods.mLx*. Ointment. Le measen. Oysters. Open. Hab-Laki. Pacify. Ch-co khe.. Pa,Elle (a). Tsick. Ten.as. Pants. Sa.kil-eks. I'adle (to.) Mana-ook taick Panther. Swad.wL Pansy. Klishe tip-en. Sick. Panacea. I.e inca-sen. Pent. Paper. Pa-pah. Mnx. Papa. Father, T'-kope. Pap. Up-lip to-todsh. Palace. ITy-aski Paltry. CHiNOOK DtCTIONARY. Parrot. Wa-wa k6l-a-kul-a. Pin. Kwék-we.ens. Part. Sit-kum, Plank. Hy-as la-plash. Parents. Pa-pa pe ma-ma. Plate. La-se-&. Parade. Klöshe klát-a-wa. Play (to). Mam-ook hi-he. Park. Klöshe ill-a-he. Pleased. Vault. Partake. ls'-kum. Plow. Le-shal-loO. Path. O-i-hut. Plow (to). Kiugh ffl-a-he. Pauper. Xis-how-lam til- Pole. Le-psh. a-kum. Poor. Ka-hOm. Paw. Ków-mux Ic pe-á. Pork. CO-sho il-wit-Ic. Pay. P6t-latch chick-a-irOn Porpoise. Qui-s'se-o. Potato. WOp.a-too. Peas. Lc-pwah. Pcak Siir-a-1e ill-a-he. Pour (to). \Vagh. Pot. Kit.ling. Pebble. Ten.as One. Powder. Po-lal.ly. Peep. Teit-s n&n-ich.. Penitent. sick turn.tutn. Prairie. Klöhe ill-rAte, Pcopk Tk-kuin. Prairie wolf. Ttl-apus. Perhaps. KO-nsss. Pray (to). Wa-wa ko-pa Perpctual. KiOn.e-suni. .S.ih.a-e Tyee. Pet"'i,at. Krl-ak-r' ili-tr. Precious. Hy-as klö,he. Petty. Te:.rts. Present (a). Cul.tu put. Physic, Le toes-sen. latch. rig. 'i'eo.as cO-sho. Pr:sently. Al.ki or WinPigeon. Kwis kOl-a-kul-. a-lie. Pill, Lc uses-se y. To-kei-te. Pine or any resino Priest. La-plate. Procd. Vault. Pe. La.çeep. Prove. I)i-titekum-tnx. Provide. 1s4.um k.tas. I'i-tel. Ten-sa musket. oke. Mam-ook t0-L. I-. Pie-bali. Ly Prow. Nose. Po'ty, pous. }she turn- Prowl. Kát-a-wa Len-aturn ko-pa S,ih-a.e way kar. 1L HauL CHINOOK DWrIONARY. Q Quaff. Muck-a-muck dunk. Quarts. Chick-a-rn in ko-pa Quail. Ill-a-he kül-a-knl-a. st6ne Quail (to). fly-as kwâss Queen. Kloch-man ty-ee. Quarrel (to). S6l-leks Wa- Queer. fiol-oi.me. Wa. Quench. Ko-pet pi-ab. Quarter (of a dollar>. Ikt Quick. fly-ak. qnah4a. Quilt. rzurn pa-se-se. Quarter (a part). Ten.-as Quills. Teh-peb. sit.kum. Rabid. Hy.as s6l.leks. Reach. 1(6. Rabble. Cul4u ti!-a-kum. Read (to). Kum-tux book'. Rabbit. Kwh shod-ce. Red. P11. Race. fly-ak cnd-ley Relate (to). Vt-em. Race horse. Coo-Icy ko-i. Reap (to). Tl.ko-pe sap.olii. Rag. Cul-tus Remain. Mit.lite. Rage. fly-as 6l-le Regret. Sick turn-turn. Rake. Ill-a.he cornh. Reject. Marsh. Rain. SrI.s. Rejoice. fly.as kI.3ihc tutn Ram, Man la-rn Ramble. ka.r. Klit-a.w icir. Mamnok ku-pa S.h-a.le Ty-ce. ligion. Rapid. fly-ak nsarn-ook. Remember. Wake ko.pet Rapids. Chuck hy-sk. kern-tea. RaspbelTie.c. Se-ah.pt!t Remorte. fly-as dy turn6-ill-lies. Rat. Ily-as hool-hooL Remote. Rattle. Sh6gh. Remove. Rattlesnake. Sh6gh o-poots. Renew. Raw Wake pi.ab. Repent. Razor-.sh. 0-na. turn. CHiNOOK DICrIONArcY 24 Wá-wa River. Chuck. Reptile. O'-luk pee cul-tus Road. O--hut. ic-ta klát-a-wa ko-pa Roam. Ktát-a-wa kar.kr. ill-a-he. Roan color. Sn-de-1e. Resign. Ks-pet. Roar. Skeó-kum wa-wa. ResJut-. Sko6-kum turn- Roast. Mám-ook la-pel.lah. turn. Robust. Skoó-kum. Re't. Wake rnam-iok. Rock. Stone. Restaurant. M(ick-a-muck Roe (of a fish). Pish le-sep'. RepTy. house. Rogue. Me'sh-ehe til-aResurrection. Mem-a-loose kern. lit-a-kern chh-co ko. Roof. Sils-a-le ko-pa house. pa ill-a-he. Rooster. Man la-poól. Request. Tik.eh. Root. Root. Reside. Mit-lite. Rope. Lope. Return (to). Kee-a-py. Rosin; Kull le-gom. Rlldson. Le-'6-ba. Rotten. Po6-lee. Psih. Eel-tic-will. Round. Lö-lo. Rice. Lce. Row (tJ. Mam-ook le. Rklc. Kl&t-a-wa ko-pa hhn. chick-chick. Rud er. float ó-poot. R k. Cai-li-peén. Run. Luni_ Rir (a). Q:é-u qu.u. Run. C .ley. Ripe. Pi-ab. Runaway Rp-swal-Ia Ripe ierric (etc) Pi-ah kJ&t-a-wa. 6-bl-ies (etc.) Rupturt-. K6k-shet. Rise. Mit-wit. S Sable. M iak. I.. '.k. Sul Sut. Stk lur-lurn. Lt l. Saddle. Saddle-housings. Le-pish'c-mo. Sail. Sail. Sailor, Ship-m.rn. clrisooK I)ICTIONA1tt. 5aiiya. La bo6c.chuck. Salmon. Sam-mon. Salt. Salt. Same. Kdn.a-mox. S md. P6-lal-le. Sell ((a). Mar-koGk. Send (to). Kt-a.wa. Sense. Kum-tux. Seriia s. \Vake hé.h. Serpent. O'.luk. Sandwich Islander. O.wy'. Serve (to). Mam-ok. hee. Seven. Sin-a-max. Sash. La san-jél. Sew (to). Mam-ook tip-shin. Saw. La se. Shake. flu!.huL 5my (to). \Va-wa. Shallow. \Vak kc-qnil.ly. Scale (of a ash). Skin. Shame. Shem. Scarce. \Vakehy-li'. Share. Sii.kum. Scarlet. lIy'-as pU. Shark. fly. L6w-mu Scatter. Marsh kon-a.way pish. kir. Sharp. Pah-kis.ilth; tsisb. ooner. Mó stick ship. Sharpen (tr). Mam.00k Scistors. Le sei-xo. Scold. fly.ia s..i-lek.s w- She,(he, i). Yáh-lra. Shear (to). Wa. Mam.00 ScnenreI. Me.sah-ehe thSheep. a-kum.. m. L-meo-:ó. lIy.a.; sk.kmn SheU moaey (the rnall), Co-p5.eOOp% â.le-ka. cheek. dy. Sceile. Trn tila-kum. Scythe. Voaft-kut 6-pit ah. Salt chnck Shell money (he ne) tfy.kwa. LMTh-d& Te.wagh. Sldp. OI-Tyya; ato she. Nin-icb. Tk-eb kiap. She Skc6-kam lip-lip. Shoo Wake hy.i& Short. 'Vits.kut. Ni-La. Shot. Xll-e-tnri. CTTINOO1 D1CT1ONA1Y. 26 Sho5 pouch 1lf-e-tan ask. Smoke. Smoke. Shout (to). Hy-as wi-wa. Snake O'lnk. La-péll. Snare. La-pe-áge. Shower. Ten-as snáss. Snow. Snow; cole ss. Shut (to). Ik.poo.ye Soap Soap. Sick. Sick-. Soft. Kiim-min' Sift (to). T6-to. Soil. Ill'-a-he. Silk. La soy. Sole. Kée-quil-Jy le-pe-ã'. Silence. Wake wi-wa. Solitary. Ku-pet lkt. Sliver. TI'.kope chick-a. Solid. Wake klim-rniil. ShoveL mirL Soon. Wake Th.le. Similar. Káh-kwa. Sore. Sick. Simmer. Ten-as lip-lip. SorreL Lc.bldz. Sin. Me-sáh.the. Sorry. Sick turn-turn. Since. Kim-ta. SouL Ta.msh-na-wis. Sing (to). Shón-iã. Sound. La tlab. Sink. K!ip. Soup. Lip-lip rnuck.a. Sincere. Wake kla.min-a muck. wit. ur. Kwãtes. Sister (younger). Ats. h. Stda.eáh. Sister (ehies). Kahp'-po. o). Marsh sap-o-hl. Sit (to). Mit-lite. kon-a-way Icer kopa ill. Sir. T.h-kurn. a-he. Size (what). Kon-si hy.as? Spade. La-pell. Skin. Skin. Spark. Ten-as pi.ah. Skunk. Iiumm-ó-poots. Sparrow. Ten.as kul-a. Sky. Ro&sah. kul-a. Slap. K6k-shut. Speak (to). Slave. E-lf-te. Spectacles. 1)ol-la set-iup. Mtai.su Spill (to). Wigh. Slumber. l Spirits (ardent). Loin. SnasIL Ten-as. Split. Tsngh. Smell. }hunm. Split (to). Mam.00k taugh. cItINOo} DICTIONARY. 21 Straight. Si.pah. Di-riste. Straw. Dly sip-o-liI tip-so. Strange. llul-oi.me. Spi: (to). Mam.00k t6h. Spike. fly-as le-c1o. Spoon. Spoon. Spoil. Chah.c cul.tns. Spotted. Le kye; t'zim. Spurs. Le-scé-blo. Squirrel. Kwb.kwis. Squaw. Si-wash kloéch. Stranger. Ilul-ol-me til.akum. Strawberries Ah-rn6-teh. Stray. Klat-a.wa kar kar. Strike (to). Kók-shut. man. Strong. Sko3-kum. Stab (to). Klém-a-hum. Sturgeon. Sté.tch.un. Stag. Man mów.ich. Stubborn. flowkl.kult. Stand. Mit-wit. Subdue. Kuon; to-b. Stars. Tii'-til. Sudden. IJy.âk. Scare. Skoo-knm niri-kh. Sugsr. Le.oOk. Stay Ito). Mft-lite. Summer, Waum jfl.a-he. Steal (to). p-swat.1a Sun. Sun. Steam. Smoke. Sunday Sunday. Steamer. Pi.i1i ship. Sunset. Klip.un. Stroch. Fei.p.0 hum Suppose. Spose. Stick. Surprise. Kwshl Opoots klém spct. Spose me-eli. Stirrup. Tsit-lah. die. Kah-7,-ken; ov..woStocking, socks. ne. Stone. h. Kö-pet. Swap. Hone Mar-kook b eep(to). %tam-oukblootn eet. Tsee. cm (wind). fly-in Storm (raioL Hy.iu a efl. Chabco hy.zs. Story. Eh.kah.n.zn; yi.etn Sit-chum. Table. Lat*W. Tack. Ten-as Ie.cks Tail. O.poo Tak (t-'). f'4im. Take care. KLobe nan-kb. Take ofb Mazn-ook kLih. - CrnSOo1 DICTIOAttY. Tale. Yi-m; ek-kah-nain. Thaw. CMh.co chuck. Talk. Wi-wa. They. Klás-ka; mi-ks. Tall. Hy-as. Thick (as molasses). PitTallow. Moos-moos gleese. lit'h. Tame. Kw&ss. Thief. Ikt til-a-kum inamTan (to). Marsh yk.so ook kâp-swal-la. kopa skin. Thin. Pe wah-tá. Tap. Ten.as kök-shut. Thine, thou, they. MI-ks. Tardy. Kla-wh Thing. lk-tah. Tart. Ten-as kwâtes. Think. Pit-tuck; mamTattle (to). Yi-im. ook tum-tuin Ta5te. Ten - as muck-a- This. O'-coke. muck. This way. Yih-kwa. Tea. Tea. Thirsty. O'-lo chuck. Teach (to). Mam.00k ktim- Thread. (la-pite. tix. Three. ICl6ne. Tear (to). Riugh. Throw Cto). MarsiL Tear. Chock chah-Co ko- TIunder. Sáh.a-le sko& pa !-6a-ist. kum wa-wa. Tell (to). Ti-em. Tide. Chuck chAh-co pe Teetotaler. Wake muck-akhit-a-wa. muck him. Tie (to). Tender. Wake kifl. Tight. lCwdtt. Teih. I.e tah; ot-ats- Timid. Ten-as kwss. atch. Tinware. Má-Lih. Ten. Táh.ttuin. Tip (to). Lagh. Tent. Sail house. Tire. Chick-a-mm mft.iite Tepid. Ten-as waum. ko-pa chick-chick. Tcripr. Hy-as kw.iss. Tired. Till. Tetcte. Stone. To (toward). K6-pa. Testify (to). I)t.rate yi-m. Tobarco. Kl-mooltb. Thank you. Mis-sa. To-thy. Op-coke tin. That. O'-coke. To-mrrw. To-iuáh-ta. That way. Yh.wa. Tongue. La-isag'. CHINOOK DIC'rIONARY. 29 Top (house). Sáb-a-1e kó-paTree. Stick. house. Tree (fallen). Whim stick. Top (tree). Sh-a-le ks-pa Tremble. Hil-hul. stick, (etc.) Trot (to). Teh-teh. Torture. Mam-ook hy-as Trouble. Mam-ook till sick, turn-turn. Tough.' KdIL Trout. 'T'zum s.m-mon. Tow (to), Mam-ook haul True. Di-rate. ko-pa chuck. Trunk. Cas-sett. Towels. S'aiI marn.00k dly Truth. Di-rate wa-wa. see.u-ist. Try (to). Tik-dh mam-ook. Toward. Chih.co yáh.wa. Tub. - Ta-in6-litsh. Trade (to). Hood-hood. Turn (to). Kedl-a.py. Tradesman. Mar-kook man. Turnips. La-mo6-dw. Trail. O-é.hut. Twilight Twab. Tramp. Cul-tus til-a-kuin. Twine. Ten-as lope. Trap. La.pege. Twist (to). Main-oak kediTrash. Kul-tus ik.tah. a.py. Travel (to). Klat-a.wa. Two, twice. Moz. '0 Ugly. Wake ta-ke-te. Up Sah-a-le, Tot. Upset (to). Keel-a-pr. Urchin. Ten-as til.a-kum. Undec Kee.quil-ly. Understand (to). Kum.tux. Urge (to>. fly-as tik-eb. Unhappy. Sick turn-turn. Us, our, we. Ne-si-ks. Use (to). ?stain-ook. Untamed. Le-nsó-Io. Untie (to). Mai.00k stdh. Useless. Kul-tu. Uncle. Vacant. Wake 1k-tab mit- Vain. Vodtl. Valiant Sko6.kum tum lite. turn. Vagabond. Kul-tus til-a. Valise. Ten-as cas-sett. kurn. CH1NOO1 DICTIONAItY. Valley. Kl6she il-la-he; coo-lee. Vapor. Smoke. Veal. Ten-as moos-moos il-wit-Ic. Vegetable. Wáp-a-toos, pe kón-a-way m(ick-a. View. Nán-ich. Vigil. Wake mo6-sum. Vile. Kul-tus. Village. Ten-as town. Villain. Me-sáh-che illa'kum. Vine. YoLilt-kut tip-to. muck châh-co kó-pa Violent. Sko6-k*m. ill-a-he. Vielet. Kl6she tfp-ro. Vehicle. Chick-chick. Viper. Ten-as 6-luk. Vengeance. fly-as sol-leks. Virgin. Klooch-man wake Venison. Mów.ich il-wit-Ic, kucn-tux man. Vise, Skoo-kum rnit-lite. Vermin. Ei-na.pos. Very. fly-as. Vision. Nan-kb. Very small, fly-as tcn-as. Visit. Klá:.a.wa nan-kb Vessel. Ship. til.a-kuns. Vest. La-west. Vital, W.ke mm-a-loose. Vial, Ten-as Ia-bö-tj. Voice (the). Wa-wa. Vice. Me-sih-chje. Volcano. Pi-ah la-mon-ti. Victor. To-k til'a-kum Vomit (to). Wágh. Victuals, Mikk-a.muck. w Wade (tO). KIt.a wa kó- Warm. Waum. chuck. Warning. Pt.latch kum. Chick-chic lJy-iu dy. tux kó-pa me-aids-che. Warrior. Pite til-a.kism. Win-a-pie. Wash (to). Mam-ook wash. Kiat-a-wa ia.p..i. \Vaste (to). Cui-tus marsh. Waoder (to). Tso-lo. Watch. Tick-tick. Want (to). TIIC.CII. Watch () Wr (to). Mam-cok pite. ich. Warble (to). Wj-wa kids. Water. Check, Waer.spout. Chuck o-é.hut CHINOOK )tTIONkflY. Widow. Klooch-man )ah- Vterft!. Turn-water. We. Ne-si-ku. ka mn mtrn-a-loose. Wfe. Klooch-rnan mit- Vek. Wake sko6-kum. Wed. Mam-ook mál-leh. Weed. Cul-tus tip-so. W'cek. Iki Sunday. Weep. lite kopa ikt man. Will (the). Turn-turn. Willow. Eé-na stick. %Vildernesg. Le-m6-lo lil- Cly. \Veih (to). Mam-ook Iii. a-he. Well-well, then. Ab.ba. \Viii (to). TC,-lo. \Vet. Sun mit.lite. Wind. Wind. \Vct. Pihtl chuck. Window. Glass. \Vha!e. Eh-ko-Ie. \Ving. Ktd-a-kul-a le-m.h. \Vhat. 1k-tab. Wink (to). What color? Kih-ta t'nn,. Mam-cok see- u-it. Wheat. Sp-o-1iL \Vjnter. Cole ill-a-he. Wheel. Chick-chick. Wipe (to). K1ak.wim. When. Kon-si. Wire. Chick--min liSp.. Where. Káh. SViSh (to). '?ik-eh. Whip. La-whet. With. Kópa. Whiskey. Lam. \Vithilraw (to). Mam-cSk Whistle. 3laxzt-ook wind kcl-a-py. - ki-pa la-boos. White. T1pe. Who. Kiax-ta. \Vhnk. Vhre. Hy-aa uie-sih-che kluxh-man. Why. KTh-ta. Wicked. Me-âh-che. "Je. KJuk4bL Wi'd. La-m6-ha SYise. Kuus.t&iz. Witchceaft. Ta-g&-na-wis Without (not any). Ua$r.. Vjth-out (not in.) Kâh. ha-ne. Woif. Le.l.S. \Vv.'. La-m-,o-to yak-so. Vorna. Klc.ch-m,an. Woman (o!d- Urn-rne-L Woee.n gwu. Coat. CUINOOK DICTIONARY. Woo (to) Ily-as tik-eh. Worse. Ch-co wake kloshe \Vood. Stick. Wound (to). Klem'-a.hum. Wotk (to). Mamook. Write (to). Mam-ook t'ztm. World. Kón-.way 1k-ta. Writing. T'züzn. Worn cut. Ole-man. Wrong. Wake kldshe. Worthless. Kdl-tus. Yard. Ikt stick. Yelp. Kdw-mux wa-wa. Yankee. Boston man. Yes, indeed. Nah'-wit.ka. Yawn. Tik.eh mo6-sum. Yesterday. Tah'l-ke sun. Yearn (to). Hy.as tIk.eh. Yonder. Yh-wa. Yell. Sko6-kuo ely'. You, your, yours. Me-si-ks. Yellow. Kaw.ka.wak. Young. Ten-as til-a.kumn. Yes. A'h-ha. (Usually pronounced as a nasal "ugh. ugh'" with a rising inflection of the last syllable.) The accent upon firs! syllable (or nssd) makes this word tsyuiãe. One. Ikt. Two. rox. Three. Klöne. Four. Lock4t.. Fiye. Kwin.num. SIx. Tagh-kum. Seven. Sin.na.inox. Eight. Sto-te.kin. ciite. Twaiat. Ten. Th-Uum. - 1 , NUMERALS, Eleven, T&h-thnn pee ikI. Twelve. Tab-Linus pee met. (Etc) Twenty. Mea tals.tltim. Thirty. Kidne tah4lslni. (Ete). One thrndred.. Ikt jah-kamd-nor. One Thousand. Tb-tlunt to.ka.md.xruk. (Etc). Ah-bs. \VelI, then. Ack. Nephew. Ah-hi. Yes. Ah-n4.teh. The strswberty. k. Ahn.cu-ty. Formerly. The length of Irst time elapsed 11v.a ahcuL-ty; a long üneyear. ago. Ten.ai alui-cu.ty; a li(tk whiL since. M.a. Espressiort of so Ah, you 'se come. Al.ki, rrenty; hod 'n; sh mi.ka chsh-,. no so A-kik. or. Ik-kik. A tihhook. Al.li-ki.cheek. A small shcil worn in the ear Al.ta. Now. A.roh. Epresson o(pain; dinpleaam'r or diapprobatksn. A-ash, na.wt.ka, un-ks h*lo shein! Ab, iOke!, 3( yi.* withr,o shame? ster. At.s. A.yah-wh.L To lend, or boriow. A flU. A dime. Bloom. A broom. MsmBoat. A boat, a d in;thked from a CHL0OK DICTIONARY. 34 Boston (Adj.) An American. Boston Ill-a-he. The Unite.l States. C Cal-li-pe& A Rifle. Ca-nim. A Canoe. Ca-nim Stick. The wood from which canoes are made, usually cedar. ti thc / Ca-pd. A coaL Cáp--Ia. The cheeks. Châh-co. To come; to become. Kdn-si mikachh-co? When did you come? Chh.co klöshe. To become good; to get welL ChTh-co spo.dh. To fade. C1L&&-chaCIc. The b1d eagle. Chee. Lately; just now. Chest sii'-ka eMh-co. I have just come. Hy.as chee; entirely new. Chit-b. An oyster. Oysters. Chet-woot. A black bear. Chick-a.min. Any metallic substance. T'tópe chick-a mm; silver. Pit chick-a-mm; gold, copper or brass. Chick-a-rein lope; wire; a chain. Chick-chick. Wheels. A rt or wagon. Chil-chil. Buttons. Chope, or Chist. Grandfather. Chd-tub, A flea. (Thuck. Watetriver or stream. Salt chuck; the sea. Skoo.kum chuck; rapid current. Sol-lks chuck; a rough sea. Chuck clm4.h-co; the tide is rising. Chuck ké-ta-pie; the tide fails. Sh-a4e arid keéquil-ly chuck; high arid low tide. Chak-kin. To kick. Cla-po&ch-us. The beard. Cir. To cry. OOK OICTJONAT. 35 Cold. C61e. Cóte-c6!e.. A rat. Cóle ill-a-he. Winter. Cle sick. Agiie. Coó-ley ki-i.tan. A race hone. Cooley. To run. Coopco'p. Shell money. Comb ill-a-he. To harrow. Co-sho. A hog. Co-sho ghse. Lard. Co-alto si-wash. A seaL D Di-rte. Straight. Direct. K]at.a-wa di-r4te; go itraight. Di-räte w.wa; talk Etraight. Tell the truth. De-aub'. The devil. Dly. Dry. Chah.cc dly. To become dry dly; to make dry. A doctor. Adollar money. Tkoped6l. dol4a; gold. Doi-lab see-w.iat. Spectaclea. -tin. 1-La. E-cdne. A - spirit. Ecu-toch. Eé-na. E had spirt. A beareT. E.na-poo. A louse. Eé.na-ti. Over. The other iid. Eh.káh-oain. A tale or s1oty '.tjn.wjU. Rib or ribs. Eh.kiS-IL A whale. Ee.keh. Bruther.in4aw. E-ic-ba. A sea OUer. Matnook 36 CflINOOK DICTiONARY. E'.la-han. Aid. Assistance. E'-lip. First. Before. E'.lip klöshe. The best. E-li-te. A slave. E.niéck. The back. E.meets. The nose. E-mI'h. The breast. E'th.löw. A fathom. E-tátn-a-na. A prophet. Sick. Et.sit-sa. a. Gom(1a). Pitch. Goom-stick. Pine or fir tree. Gleese. Grease. fly-hi gleese; very fat. flaj.14.k1. Wide; open. Mam.00k hah.1.kI laport; open the door. Ilaht.bMit. The mallard duck. Plák.at.chum, A handkerchief. None; absent. Ha-b wind. Dead; or dead cahn. Haul. ToralI. He-he. Laughter; amusement. li6h.hoh. To cough. hoo-e. To barter, or to trade. Hool.hr*ol. A mouse. 1ro.ku.mbh. To gather. House. A house. Markook house; a store. FI6wh, To thin. flw.kwutL Inability. Hw-kwutI ni.ka kbat-a.ws how could Igo? fli!-et. To shake. flul-di.me. Other; another. fluI-41.Ine tt.a-ku; a different tube. flyas hul..me; very different. ChINOOK DICTIONARY. llumm. Abad odor. Humni o-pootch. A skunk. llt'inl-kih. (notted; tangled. llwh! Surprise, or admiration. Ily.ák. flurry. fly-as. Lirge; great; very. fly-as markook. High pticed. fly-as ahncut.ty. Long ago. fly-as klohe. Very good. Hy-hi. Enough; much; plenty. Hy.kwa. Shell money. Ik-kik. A fish-hcok. I Ik.poo-ye. To shut. flit. One; once. 1k-tab? What? Th4ahs. Goods; merchandise. WI-a-he. Country; earth; soil. In-a-ti. Across. lp.soot. Tohkle. Iss-ick (or 'tskk.) A paddle. Is-idc stick. Asba!so skIer; hs-kam To get; to take. It.Ian. A fathom. It-lo.-ktua. A g-ame; to gamble. il-It. liesh; meat. ick bear. Tiith. bLsck doib, or blanket. hit 37 CHINOOK DICTIONARY. 38 Kal-ah kal.ah. A goose. Kal.a.kwih-te. The inner bark of the cedar; also the short skirt formerly worn by the squaws, made of strips of cedar bark. Kli.e-tan. An arrow, shot, or bullet. Kim-ass. A bulbous root used for food. Ka-mó-suk. Beads. Tyee ka.nió-suk ; chief, or the large blue glass bruk. Kip-swal-la. To steal; to do anything stealthily. lr.po. Brother, sister, or Cousin. Kár.tah? How? why? Kt.suk. The middle, or center. Kinp. Coffee. }Ca.wk. To fly. Kaw-ka-wák. Yellow, or pale green. Kah-loken. A swan. keh wa, or kep Wa. Because Keel-a-pie. To turn, return, upset. KeéI-al-Iy. A doctor. Keep.woot. A pin, needle, stin thorn, or awl. Keé.quil-ly. I.ow; below. kegh t-che. l'.otwtthstandsng a'though. lus-su An apron. KCt.ling. A basin, can, or kettle, Kil-it-sut. A bottle, glass, or flint. Kiin-oolth. Tobacco. Kim-tab. Behind; after; since; last. King George. Anything pertaining to England. Kin-oos, (or in Klickttat, tah.wa.) Tobacen. 14jh, To drive. -i4an. A horse. Stone k-i-tan; a stallion, Entrails. (Also keé-quil.ly yab-kwah.tin.) Kiak. Free or clear from; in sit)st. Chee yes-La IJali now he i itt sight. KI-yab. CHI'.00K I)ICTIONAkY. 39 )Ut.a.wa Idab. To escape. Chah-co klah (of seed), to come up; (of the woods), to open out; (of the weather), to clear up. Mam-ook kiab; to uncover. KL$.h-ha.n. Out of doors; out; without. Mam-ook kLi.h.ha-n 6-coke; put that out. Klat-a-wa k14.h-ha. n; to go out. Kla.hów-ya. How are you? Good-bye. KIa.hów-ya, six; How are you, sir? or good-bye, fri Kla-hów.yurn. Poor; wretched; compassion. 117-as kla.hów.yurn ni-ka; I am very poor. K1a-w.h. Slow; slowly. Kiak. Off; to take away. Klák.sta.. Who K1k.sts rthm-ook 6-coke? who made or did that? Ha4o klok.sta; no one. Ktik.wun. To wipe or lick. K1k. liLick, or dark color. KIap. To find. Mi-ka klap ini-ka kii--tan? Did you find rut horse? Klap text-as. To be with young. Kta-pIte. Thread; twIne. Klas.ka. lbey; thitie; them, Klãt-a-wa. To go. Kh.whfip. A hole. Mani.00l kla-wh6p; to dig a h Klrn-a-hum. To stat,; to spear; to hook; to gore. Kilk. kiLter. K,k-a-muks. HLick. ordewberries. KJk-.wal-ty. Brscalets; braas. in a wit. Abe Lobe Hy sscilm wit hersagoodhax klim torn Soft, fine in sub'aance Kb Klizxt utin tl a he crud or marshy ground. m.rnin; to soften, as by dressing skirts. Klip. Deep sonkert. Klip chuck; deep water. Kb; sun; sunset. 40 CIIINOOK DTcTI3NARY. Rlis.kwjs. A mat. Kiogh-klogh. Oysters. KId-nass. Doubt. Klö-nass ni-ka klát-a-wa; perhaps I shall go. Kah mi-ha kah-po? where is your brother? Klo-riass; I don't know. Klö-nas ten-as man hy-as kok-shut; perhaps the little fellow is badly butt. }ióne. Three. Klook. Crooked. Klook-te.w-.it. Broken-legged; lame. lo&h-!nan. A woinnu; any female. Klöshe. Good; well; enough. Klosbe aán-ich; look Out, take care. Hy-as kioshe; iery good. Kloshe.spasc. Shall or may I? Let me. Kioshe-spose ni-los. mani-ook pi-ah 6-coke? shall I cook that? or is it good for me to cook that? Tugh. To tear; to plow. Mam-ook khigh ill-a-he to plow the land. Kink-oil. Broad or wi(le. Kr,. To reach; arrive at. Chee kli-ka ho; they ha just arrh-ed, or conic Kn-ko. To knock. Ko-ko stick. A woodpecker. l.6k-sbnt. Tobreak; broken; to bet. fly-askok-shut; very much broken, or broken to pieces. K6-a.way. All; etery. Ks-ka kn-a-way Lkt-a-wa they have alt gone. Kón-a-way til-a-kutn; ecery body. K6n-a-way halt; everywhere. Ni-ks tik-eb k6n.a.way; I want all. Kdn-a-way me*; both together. K6n-a.,,mox The sky. káh-kwa; lih aiske, Kcó-sah. K6tt-s. flow many; when; evee. Kóa-si til-a-ktrlfl mit-lite? how many people are there? W4ce octet. Mans-oak k&i-ss; count CHINOOK DICTIONARY. 4; To, in, at, with, towards, of, about, concerning, there or in that place. Ku-pa ni-ka houe ; at my house. Lo.lo 6-coke ko-pa mi-ku house; lake that home with you. Kul-tus ko-a ni.ka; it is nothing to me. Ku-pet. Tostop, leave off, enough. Kó-pet wa-wa; stop ta'king. Ku-pet ikt; orilyone. K6-pct 6-coke; that is alL Wakesi-áh ku-pet; ricarly (inihed. K6-pet to-mali-la; dsy after to-morrow. K6-pet kuni-tux; to forget. K6w. To tie; to fasten. Ikt köw; a bundle. Ków-mtix. A dog. Kah-kwa k6w-mua; like a Kópa. Kl-a-kiil-a. A bird. Kut-Jah. A fence; an enclosure. Knit. Hard substance; difilcult. Kut-tus. \Vorthlesa. Kd-tes p6t.talch. A prent. K61-tus he-he. A jest. K61.tus smoke. Fog. Kuon. To couquer. K61-tus ee-nab. A mus Kum-tux. To know; uzsderttand; to bdiere Kh-ts. Sockir.gs- Kwsh-uice. A w.ie. Kwihta. The quarter ef a Kwsi-al kwa1-ii. To gaicp. Kwaih. Aunt. Kwan-kwaii. G1uL Kwsss Fear, tanie. Kwãtes. Sour. Kweh.kweb. A duckKwek.we-ens. A pin. Kwe1th Proud. 42 CItINOOK DICTIONAIY. Kwin.nurn. Five. Kwis-kwis. A squirreL Kwish. Refusing, with contempt. Kweát. Nine. Kwéu.kwu. A circle; a ring; round. Kwe't-shod.ee. A hare or sabbt. Kw6-lon, or Kwo.Tónn. The ear. Kwón.e-sum. Always; forever. Kwult'h. To hit; to wound with an arrow or gun. Kwun-nurn. Account; numberi. Kwutl. To push cr squeeze. Crooked. Ky-wa. Li.b1ed. A bridle. La-bo6s. The mouth. Mox la.bo6s ; the forks of a rivet. La-bo-tiL A bottle. La.cil.t. A carrot. La-cas-st. A box; trunk or chest. La cló-a. The cross. 1.ach (or Lagh) To lean; to tip as a boat ;to stoop. La.goóm stick. Light wood; pitch pine. La.gwin, or la-cé. A saw. Lahb. The arbutu3. L.i.hsh. Ax or hatchet. La-glese. Fat; otL La4ih. To chest; to joke. La4áhm. An oar. La-iang' La-irn'. The tongue; a language. Afik La-mise. The cerez000y of the mas. L.a-rus-tin, or le Lzs-seo. Medicine. I4m.me.L An old woman. .m6o-tj. A mountain. La-peep. A tobecvo pipe. CRXNOOK DICTIONARY. La-peé-ge. A trap. La-pésh. A pole; fishing-rod. La-pél-lah. Roast; to roast before the ire. La-pélle. A shosel or spade. La-pe-ósh. A mattock or hoe. La-phish. A board. La.po-eL A Frying pan. Le-çóme. An apple. La-pool. A fo1. La-pool Si.wash. The grouse. La-poo-shét. A fork. La-pOte. A door. La-san-jél. A girth, sash or belt. La-see. A saW. La-séI1. A saddle. U-shan-dL A candle. La-shise. A chair. La-shtn. A chain. Lasssc-et'. A pl.ate. .a.óy. Siik; silken. La-tahb. A table. le. The head. A noise. Oats. A aesi. A shIngle. A bsil; bullet; a eu. tiscuir; hird-byead. Wheat. A sorrel horse; chestnut colored. Creans color; libt dun. A cnekerei; a cock. Afinger; fingers. 43 CHINOOK DICTIONARY. 44 Le-gMy. A gray horse, gray Le.kléh. A key. Le-kiad A nail; nails. Lc-kod. The neck. Le.kye. A spot; spotted; speckled. Le-Iö-ba. A ribbon. Le-loó. A wolf. Le.-mh. The hand or arm. Le.mth kTshe. The right iand. Le-máh-t6. A hammer. I.e-meL The smile. Le-md-lo, Wild; untamed. Le.nsoo-td. Sheep. Lepn. Bread. Atm, pi.h sap.o.lil. Le.pee-ã'. The feet, Or a foot. Le-pish'-e-ma The saddle blanket and trappings of a hoTse. Le.pleet, or Le-plate. A priest. Pea or pease. Le.pwáh. An egg; egg. te-cep I.e.sed-b13. Le.se*i-zo Spurs. Scissors. Lc-shal4o6. A plough. Le.snk Sugar. Lth. The teeth. I.e-whet. A whip. Lice. Rice. Lik-p.hn. An elder sistes. Lip-hp. To boil. Lo-iO To early; to load. Lcpe. A tape. Lc-,'d-lo. Round; whole. Lum. Rum. Luk.ut-chee, or dna. Clams. CHINOOK DICTtONART. Mam-ook kla-hdw.yum. 45 To give alms. Man mow-kb. A stag. Mar-kook. To buy or sell. Kahwii-ka mar-kook o'coke al-i-pdn? Where did y.0 buy that rifle? fly-as mar-kook; dear. Ten-as mar-kook; cheap. Mar-kook house. Store. Mah-lë. To forget. Also, ko.p'et kem-tux. Mirsh. To leave; to turn out; to throw away; to part with; to remove. Mes-see. Thank you. Mah-lmo-nie. Off shore. In shore; shoreward; keep in. Ma-lak.wa. A mosquito. Maht-wil.le. Mel-ics. Molasses. Ma-Lib. Tinare; cTockery; earthenware. Mit-kb. To marsy Ma-zn. A mhr. Mirn-ook. To make; to do; to wark; Lirn-ook 'bkk. To paddle. i-c.k 1114-h Man. A msnn'ale efany animal. Ten-as-man; s-lock. A hock elk. -a-loose. To die; deaLt. Mans-oak mem.a.loosc; To kilL Me-Th-ch-. lihi ; wicked. Mo.ib-dse ta-rb-na-wis. Witchcraft; M-.j-k. Von; tour; yows. M-ka. Thou; thy; (lime. Mi-mee. Djwn stream. MlsC-chi-rnas, (otE-U-te.) A slave. Mt-tass. Lging. Mit'.ie. Tositdowas; stay; reside; To stand; to get up. Mit.w stizk a tree; a pok; a mast. Mit-wit. 46 CXrOOX LJCTiONARY. Mox. Two, or twice. Mo-Ia. A mill. Moó-lock. An elk. Moon. The moon. tkt moon; one month. Moos-moos. Buffalo; horned cattle. Mod-sum. Sleep. Mow-ich. A deer. Muck-a-muck. Food; to bite; to eat. Muck-a-muck chuck. To drink water. Musket A gun; a musket. NL An interrogatory syllable. Mi.ka ni klsh.kish 6-coke sun? Are you going to drive your team to-day? Nih! Halina! Look here! Nab, six! HaIloa, friend. Nin-ich. To look; see; search. Nán.ich yab-ka; look yondes Nân.ich 6-coke kdw-mux; look at the dog. Kioshe nàn.ich; take care. l'au-its. The sea beach. Ne.wah. Hither; come or bring it to me. Ne-wab tnasn-ook dcoke; here; do this I Ni-kL I, my, mine, rae. Nose. The nose; cape; headland; the bow of a boat. Na.wft-ka. Yes; certainly; indeed. Nem. A name. Ne-nlm-ooks. The land ottet Ne-si-ks. Ve; us; ours. Nitz. Grandmother. 0 0-coke. This; that; iL lk.tib o-coke? Wbat Is that? 0-coke kLss.ka; thay or them. 0.cokc sun; to-day day. 0k-aback. The sboz!der,. 0.kns-t Danghtet CHINOOK DICTIONARY. O-la-pits.kE. 47 Fire. O'le.rnan. Old man; old; worn out. OI'-hy-iu. A seal. O.lil-lies. Berries. Shot 6-lu-lies; huckleberries. S. áh-po ó-Iil-lies; raspberries. Sal-bil 6-ill-lies, etc. 0.15. Hungry. 0.15 chuck: thirsty. 0-IS .sttn; sleepy. 0-ink. A snake. Ona. Clam;clanis. OoY.chus. The herring. OSs-kan. A cup, or bowl. 0-pek'.wan. A basket; a can. 0-pit.kegb. A bow. 0-pit-sah. A knife. O'-pit-sah-six. A table fork, (companion to the knife.) Opoots. lhe posterior; tail of an animal; the rudder of a boat 0-pot34iil. A beeech4out. O-quáh.tnm Sister. O-qwick-a.kuil. A wife. Oqnán,ax, or le.koo. The neck. (Y-te.tagb. The sun. 0t3-&ts-aclt, or, le.d5h. The teeth. Oe-w4-cheh. A swan. Pab.j. FulL PahU lurn P.p2j Paper. P drunk. Pahtl cit Pa-pi. A father. Pa.se.se. A blanket; woolen cloth. Pah.jooks. A Fhrnan. Pat-suk. Between. Pec-bng.h. Green. Pie. Then;bdes;and.obut. wet. )iitig( 44.4 CUINOOK DICtIONARY. Pée-weght. And also; beside; which. Pent. Paint. Mans-oak pent; to paint. Pah.kis-Ilth. Sharp. Pé-shak. Bad. Pi-ah. Fire; ripe ; cooked. P1 .ah :áp-o.lil; baked bread. P1-ak ship; a steamer. Piah 6-Ill-lies; ripe berries. P1-ak sick; venereal disease. Pit. Red; of reddish color. Pu il.la-hee; red earth, ochre. Pu dol.Iah; gold. P11 chick-a.rnin; copper. P11 kd-i-tan: a bay horse. Pil.pil. Blood; bloody. Marsh pU-pu; to bleed. P11-ton. Foolish; crazy. Pish. Fish. Pit-lilth. Thick in substance, as molasses. Pit-wa-tie. Thin in dimensions. Plah, or Ia.plah. Dish, or plate. Fob. To blow. Mans-oak pots: to blow out. The sound of a gun. Mam-nok poh: to shoot. Max pots: a double-barreled gun. Po4ák-ly. Night; dark. Te.nas 10-Iik.ly: evening. Hy-ai po.1&k.1y: very dark; late st night. Sit.kum po-lak.ly: midaight. P&-lal.ly. Gunpowder; dust; sand. Pd.!aI.ly i1.la.hee. Sandy ground ocean beach. Pod-k. Rotten. P6t-lateh. A gift; to give. Kul.tus p6t-tatth : a present. P6w-itch. A crab-apple. Puk-puk. A blow with the fist; to fight with fists. 1u.pns. A cat. Pus.puss (ly.as); a panther. S Sah'-ha44 or Ságh.a.le. Up; above; high. Slh-a-Ie Tyee: God. Sgh.a-!e pi-ah. L3htning. Sail. A salt cotton goods. Main-oak sail t sail a ship or boat. 5Tzum sail: calico. CHINOOK l)IcrIoNARy. 49 Sa.ki1-eks. Pants, or leggings. Kee.quil.ly sa-kál..eks drawers. SaWal 6.lil.Jies. The sallal berry. Salt. Salt, or salt taste. Salt chuck. The sea. Sm.mon. Fish; the salmon. Ty-et sans-moo: chief, or apr ag talmon. Sail4e-lee. Ash colored; a roan horse. Sáp-o.liL Wheat; Bout. Lo-lo sáp-o4il; whole wheat. Se.h-po. A hat, or cap. Se-áh-po d.lil-liea raspberries. Sre-5w-ist. The face; the eyes. Ha-b se.öw-ist: hlud. To miss. She.lók.uin. A mirror; glass. Sea-pee. Sham. Shame. Halo aliens mi-bra? Hare you no harne? Ship A ssd. dc of Shoes. Shoes. Stick she: boots leather, as distinct from moccasin*. Sh6n.t. To Iscg. Sh't. Shot; lead. Shot 6-411-lies: Shgh. A rank. Shgb oj'-sots. A railesnake. S'ut.A 'birt. -se.ih4ui. A frog. -v iir: far off Compaaathedist.assceisexprra'sed rsatoa or reptitirns, as a-i.h i.h: aery let. Wake i-i's: no' far. .:a.y bear. Sick, Si:L Cole kk: theagne. Sicktum.tum: ocry giiesei; disappointed. Seyei. 5h. Straight like sa arrow is-ki.you. Bob-tailed horse. Sii.kens. Hali or a past. 50 CHINOOK DICTIONARY. Sit-kum sun. Midday. Sit-kurn po-lk.ly. Midnight. Sit-lay. Stirrups. Sit-shum. To swim. Sf-wash. Indian. Six. Friend. Skin. Skin. Skin shoes: moccasins. Stick skin: the bark of a tree. Sko6-kum. brave. Strong; strength. Skoo-kurn turn-turn: Skoo.kum chuck: a rapid. Skoo-k house: a prison. Skwák-wnL A lamprey eel. Stä-h(il. A game played with ten small disks. The usual gambling of the Indians. Smoke. Smoke; clouds; fog; steam Snass. Rain. Kull snass: hail. T'kope Soap. Soap. 555: 50øW. Si-le-'n. The cranbetry. Sól.léks. Anger. Marn.00k sdl4&s: to fight. tu s61-léks: to be irritsble. Soik. Sugar. So-pd-na. Tojurnp; to leap. Sp5-Sh. Kum Faki; light color. Spoon. Aspion. Spose. Suppose; ii; providerl that; so that. Spose mi.ka marn-ook pi.ah: suppose you make a fire. Kah-kwaspose: as iC Stick. A stick; a tire; wood; wooden. Stick skin: hark. Ship stick: a mast. Mit-wit stick: a standing pole. Ikt stick: a yard measure. St6ck.eij. Sock,, or stockings. Sth. Loo. Maza-ook stóh: to untie. Sne. A rock, or stone bone; horn; teeth; hard. Stóte.ldn. Eight. GNINOO}c DICTIONARY. 55 Stut'clsum. The sturgeon. Suk-wol.lal. A gun, or musket. Sun. Day. Tea-as sun: early. Klip sun: sunset. Sunday. Sunday. Ikt sunday: one week. Hy-as sunday: a holiday. Tagh.kuin. Six. Ti.h.nim. To measure. Táht-lutn. Tea. Mox, kione, etc., t1it4um: signifying twenty, thirty, etc. Taht.lum pee il.t: eleven. Táht-lum pee Inox: twelve. T4ht-lum pee kione: thirteen, etc. Tól-a.pus. The coydté, or prairie wolf. Tfl.ke. Yesterday. Ikt tâl-kie: day before yesterday. Ta.tnh-nawj Magic; luck; fortune; iythi 5U pensatural. Ta.md.litch. Tub; barrel; bucket. lkt ta.ui3ttth a bushel measure. Tanse. To dance. Tea. Tea. Te-du.it, The leg, or foot. K1at-awa te-du-it to go on foot. }Uok te-6u.wit lame. Th-t& To trot, a a horse. Tena. StusU, f'w little a c1nld the young of any animal. Moa ten-as ni-ha I have two chiMrer. Ten as by-tu a few Ten as sun easly Ten ill-a-be asaafl island. Ten-sa lope thread, twine. Ten.as sit.ktun: less than one half. T.pih. Qalll; wings of a bir& Te.iiz.ath The ngen. (AL'o, le.doó.) Tél.e-rnln, or E'-tin-wilL R'1s. Te-wagh. Bright' £hinlng; light. CHINOOK DICTIONARY. 52 Tik.eh. To want; wish; love; like. Hy-as tik-eb: to long for. Ic-ta mi-ka tik-eh? Vhat do you want? Tik-tik. A watch. Til.a-kum. People. Kul-tus til-a-kum: bad or worthless persons. Hul-oi.me til-a-kom. strangers. Nika til.a-kum: my people, my relations. Til-shel. A husband. Tired; heavy. Hy-as till ni-ka: I im very tires!. Kon.sf till 6-coke? How much (loe that weigh? Tin-tin. A bell; a musical instrument. T'kope. White; light colored. Tl'-kpe. To cut, hew, chop. T111. Tip'-so. Grass, leaves, hair, fur5 feathers. Tth Spittle Mam onk toh to SPH To ke tee Pretty Th 16 To earn t. win to gem To-maW-la. To-morrow. Ikt to-mah'-la; the day after to-morrow. Tot. An uncle. T-t6. To shake; to sift anything. To.toosh. Milk; bosom. To-toosh gleese. Buttes. Dsee. Sweet. Tsee pe To miss the mask blunder Tseé pe ome-hut to take the wrong road. Tshm keh Directly soon Tsi at ko A nocturnal demon Tsssh Cold sharp. a gobtmmn Mam-ook tmsh to sharpen Tsole-p6t, A shot-pouch. Ts6-lo. To wander in the dark; to lose ones way. Tsugh. Acrackorsplit. Tuk-a-m6-nuk. Ahwjdred, Tuk-wfl4a. Hazelnuts. Turn-turn. The bean; conscience; opinion. tCTION&Y. CRUOOK c3 Tum-wab-ta. A waterfall. Tup.s!iin. A needle. Mam-ook tup-shin; to sew; to mend. Ty-eë.A chief. Taum. Mixed colors; spots or stripes; a maric or urn; writing; paint. Taum sail; priiittd cai. Tzurn paper; writing paper, Man-*ok tzuns; to writes print, paint, stamp, stain, etc. The moose. IJL-cbey. Onions. Ul-al-ách. w Wagh. To spW; to pour out. Wake. No; not; none. Ve.ki. To-morrow. Wake Ua.x-ta. Nt any one. Wake kón.si. %Vike il-ia. Neyer. Not now. Vip.patis. Pitatoes. \Vaih. aah. Mam-ook wash; to wask Uy.aswaum; hot. Summer. Fecer. %Vauxn iil.a4te. Waum-skL Wr.wx. To talk; calL \Vght. Again; also; room. P tixi. PotLstrh w Whim. To fail. 3fam-ok hm; to thtow in ling ; tO (ll a tree. stick. A Iaikn tree. pie. Wait ; present'y. Winil. ha-b wind; nut breathing, dead Vh-ka. lie, liii, him, s!. her, ii, 54 Yah'.kwa. CRINOOIt DIC1IONARY. Here; hither. Yh-wa. There; thither, thence. Yâh.hul. Yiik-so. Name. Hair. Ya-kwh-tin. Abdomen; entrails. Yi-em. To relate; to confess. YootV-kut. Long; length. Yoôt.skut. Short. Youlth. Glad; proud; high-spirited. jONVEPATION. ENGLISH. CIUNOOIC. Good morning; Good evening Kia.hdw-y*, six? Good day, etc. Come hxe. Cháh-co $h.wa. how are you? Ku-ta mi-ka? Mi-ka sick? 'Nib, o-Ionsi-ka? Are you sick ? Ar you hungty? Ar you thtrstyP \Vlfl you eat something Do you waOt to work? At what? Cut some wood 'Nih, o-lu chuck mi-ka? Mi-ka tik-eh muck-a-muck Mi-ka tik-eh mans-cok? Tkta tm-ka Inam-eok? MaIU-OOk stick? Certainly. That doyouwntfor ug that lot of wud? doWa spme tth-ka ioam-ook kcsn-s-way 6Isoke stick? One doflat. ol-1a the haterruiaury siga, and real tCt tiu tt.t wcxd. . CHrNOOK DICTtONARY. 56 That is too much. I wi1 Hy-as mar-kook. Nika p6t. latch sit-kum dol-b. give half a dollar. No I give three quarters. \Váke Six! p&.latch kione Very well; commence. Kkehe káh-kwa; mam-ook quâh-tah. al-ta. \There is the ax? There it is Cut it srnaUforthe stove Kar la-hash? Yáh-wa. Mani-ook ttn-as spose chick. a-min pi-ah. Pót-latcb la-ée. Give me a I have nosaw; use the ax. Ha-ia la-see; is-kum la-hash. Yes. - Ná-wit-ka. Bring it inside. I.o Ia stick ko-pa house. Where shall I put it? h.ar m ka marsh 6-coke There, Vhwa. II ere is ornething to Vâh-kwa mit-lite muck-a-muck. e is some bread.. mi-ka Yâh-kwa mit-lite pi.ah ssp o.Iil. Bring me some w Vhere shall I get i Kar ni.k is-kum? Iii the nver thete. Ka-ss ctmck yh-wa a lre. Mam-ook pi-ah. Boil the water. Mans-oak lip-lip dsnc. (nk the meat. .taiu-ook pi.1 6-coke iti- CISINOOK DICTIONARY. Wash the dishes. Wash 6-coke la-phiL. In what? ICo-pa kar? In that dish Ko-p 6-oke1a-pláh. Cotxie here, Mend. Cháh-co yJ?ikwa, six. What do you want? 1k-ta mi-ka tik-eh? 57 Carry this trunk to the Lo-lo o-coke la-cás-set k')steamboat. pa pi-ah ship Cany this bag. Lo-lo o-coke la-sâk. What will you give 1n3? 1k-ta rni-ka p6t-latch? One quarter. Ikt qua1-ta. Very well ; and something lUoshe káh-kwa; pee ten- t eat? I it heavy? Ily-as till o-coke? No. Wlke as muck-a-muck? Mi-ka cbLh-ccs ti Nah, koo-kum icoke? 1on-ei i-ah? Wake si-kb. Miks tik-eh in i-kook 6\rhjch Of them? That 'arge one. Wh4uthe price? coke pish? K1az-ti? 0-coke by-as. Kon-slchick.a-mia? Nika pot-latch mox bk. ru give you two bits. l'U give you a half dcllaj. Ni-ka p6t-latth sit.kum døla. 58 CHINOOI DICTI0NAaY. No, that is not enough. Wake o.coke hy.16. I don't want it to-day. Ni-ka wake tik-eh o.coke Sun. What do you think of this 1k-ta mi-ira turn-turn 6-coke country? ill-a-he? It is very pleasant. o okeh How long have you lived Kon.st IrY4i, here? yáh-kwa? I have always lived here. Iwon.e.surn silIca mit.lite. OK! you get your wife Nab, mi4ca is.kum mi-ka here? klooch-man yáh.kwa? NI-wit-ira. mples pscfl illustrate the use of many of the wordi in the ocbiLiiy. 'The absence of the articic and pooertv of he teino parts of speeds mahe the combin5tiosi of wrd in -entencr5 abrupt and bush. The bib-a-lug attempt at repre -eotatinn In Chinook of the best known wants in the English srgugt shows the lack of adaptation of Chinook to any but (list of eitupbest cosiveesatlon arid adin_g purposes. JORD'S FRAYE1 JH Nesika papa kláxta mItlite kOpa sdhale, Father who Our the ahoe in art (or 1Teaves) kioshe kopa nesika tumturn mika nern; good in oar hearts (be)thy aan'e klöshe mika tyee kopa kónaway tilakum; good thou kioshe mjk good thy chief among people; all tumturn köpa fliahe kahk will upon earth aa kipa sáhae; potlatch kdnaway un neika in the abo'e; give evety day our tnsjckamuck5 pee kopet-kumtks k6naway food aad cnsember not all 6o C}LINOO}( DICTIONARY. nesfka mesäche, káhkwa nealka mamook our we sins do kopa klaska spose mamook meáhche kOpa them to that - do to wrong nesika; marsh siáh köpa nesika kdnaway us put away far from us all 1nesâhche. KIöshe káhkwa. evil. Amen. APPENDIX. ENGUsHCHIN00K. Afternoon, Kjmtah,it' Alder. Fsick stick (Lit. erallv, "P,iddkwood7 the same ward is used kutn-sun. be ash also. :8 Batk, Emeck, B.00k, Book. Bear, (black,) lts.woot Beard. Klapotchu-. Begin. Mám-eok alta. B.rter. lh.o'ee h.... Bowels. Kisah, or Yak 3u.he! or tkskt (v' wan, ør T.,moiitch. wah tin. Bread. La pan Can. Opek'sar Carbinc. Calipeim. Center. Katsuk C Carrion, Puiu C4.'. 'TshIsh; C it. .M nook Knn' Couscience. Tumtum or Coward. Cousin. Karpo. Cup, (or bowl.) O,can K'.. a.s. Daughter. Dear, (high prk I1Y; rnah kook. is- Cow.rd1 CHINoOJ PXCTXONARY. Earn. Tolo, (ndspririted above lob.) Eighth. Sitkurn, Kwáht&. Except. Marsh, or pee. P Fathom (a) Eth-bow. Fine, (beautifuL) Kioshe. Fine, (like flour.) KIlin- Fork, (table.) Opitsah six miii. orla poo:shett. Forks (of a river.) Laboos mox. Garment. Sill or sail. a- Good Spirit, (a) Econé. Goblin or Ghost. TsIãtko. Grandmother Chitch. Ga!!. Ku-ku. II Herring. Vide Oob' chug Uot. Hyas waum. Hungry O!o Husband (a) Tilshel Keen,(1nclemenevere) Know how (to), Kumtu-x. Yah-kis.jlth. Little, (a snafl a hyiu. Mud. Waight Moose. tichey. Noir. Emeets. Neck. Le coo, or OquaNuts, Tukwjfla New, just now, Chc,. CHINOOK DICTIONARY. 0 Off, away. Kiak. Oysters. Kiogh. Ornamental, gay colors. Onions Ulalach or Ia onion. Taum. Plenty. Hyiu Ribs. Eetinwjll Round, (like a sphere, I. Pshaw. Kwish. (This word is an exclaniation refusing anything with contempt.) Round, (like a ring or cir- cle) Tsole. Lowuflo. S Saliva, or spittle. Toh Save, keeporgain. Iskum. Swjft Toto. Shoulders. Ok-chock. Skk. Etitsa, or sick. Soon. Tshikeh, alki. Stuff Ik-tah. Swim. .Sit-shum Tobacco Slave, (a). Mistchimas. Stirrup. Sitlay. Sun. Otelagh, or sun. Sunrise. Sun mitwit. T Tomorrow. Waki Kin.00s; (in KjjCj Tab-wa. Thirsty. Olo-chuck. Unfte,j States. Boston Illahe. Wild. -VT Le.rnolo WU iOu? or "are ou going br Nab. Oquack.a.kulI; Kloochman. Wings. 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