AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF e E. Johnson Ibach in for the degree of Oceanography Title: presented on Master of Science 22 April 1980 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEDIMENTATION RATE AND TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON CONTENT IN ANCIENT MARINE SEDIMENTS Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy LaVerne Kuim Erwin Suess Sedimentation rate could become a new exploration tool for evaluating the source rock potential of sedimentary basins in frontier regions. Petroleum source rocks are defined on the basis of total organic carbon by weight percent. An analysis of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) cores indicates that there exists quantitative relationships between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in fine grained ancient marine sediments of Jurassic, Cretaceous and Cenezoic age. These relationships are independent of geographic setting, geologic age, and differential compaction, but are highly dependent upon lithology. For any given sedimentation rate, the total organic carbon content increases from calcareous to siliceous to black shale sediments. For each of these lithologies, the total organic carbon content increases with sedimentation rate due to reduced aerobic microbial degradation at higher burial rates. Above a critical sedimentation rate, the total organic carbon content may decrease with increasing sedimentation rate due to a clastic dilution effect. Aerobic microbial degradation, how- ever, continues to be less efficient at higher burial rates. Therefore, even though the total organic carbon content may decrease, the quality of the organic matter preserved and the oil generation and oil migration potential of the sediment may continue to increase with increasing sedimentation rate. Similar relationships have also been established between total organic carbon and grain accumulation rate, and total organic carbon accumulation rate and grain accumulation rate. These relationships support both reduced aerobic microbial degradation and the clastic dilution effect. In the latter case, the lithologic control is less pronounced, and the relationship can be used to determine total organic carbon content even when the lithology is not known. The results of this study have important implications for petroleum exploration in frontier regions. Sedimentation rate and grain accumula- tion rate could be determined from seismic isopach and velocity data. When the lithology is not known, such as prior to exploration drilling, grain accumulation rates could be used to estimate the total organic carbon content, and the oil generation and oil migration potential of a sedimentary basin. Once the lithology is known, the source rock poten- tial of the basin can be more accurately predicted. Future work should be directed toward testing the application of sedimentation rate and grain accumulation rate in the petroleum exploration of frontier regions. The Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate and Total Organic Carbon Content in Ancient Marine Sediments by Lynne E. Johnson Ibach A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1980 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy essor of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Associate Professor of Oceanography in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Dean of School of Oceanography Redacted for Privacy Dean of Grivate School Date thesis is presented 22 April 1980 Typed by Pam Wegner for Lynne E. Johnson Ibach Dedication To my Mother and Father, who inspired me and supported me throughout the course of my studies; and To my husband, Darrell, who was always there to listen and offer suggestions when I most needed it. Thank you. Acknowledgements I would like to give special thanks to my co-advisors, Dr. LaVerne Kulm and Dr. Erwin Suess, for their continued support and guidance during this study. I would also like to thank Dr. Bill Hutson, Chi Muratli and Duncan McEwan for their technical assistance on statistical computer programming; Dr. Hans Schrader and Dr. Larry Small for biological discussions and references on the nature of primary productivity; and Dr. Gunnar Bodvarsson and Dr. Steve Johnson for their advice on geophysical aspects of this study. I am also indebted to Peter Woodbury and the Data Handling Section of the Deep Sea Drilling Project for their informative help in retrieving the DSDP data on which this study was based. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................................................... 1 BACKGROUND..................................................... 2 PROCEDURE ...................................................... Samples................................................... Lithology................................................. Age....................................................... Sedimentation Rate ........................................ Total Organic Carbon ...................................... Accumulation Rates ........................................ Graphical and Statistical Analysis ........................ 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................... Effect of Environmental Setting and Geologic Age .......... Effect of Lithology ....................................... Lithologic Effect on Total Organic Carbon Content ... Lithologic Effect on the Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate and Total Organic Carbon Content............................................ Low Rate of Sedimentation: Increasing Organic Carbon Content ................................ High Rate of Sedimentation: Decreasing Organic Carbon Content ................................ 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 12 14 14 20 Effect of Differential Compaction ......................... 23 Relationship Between Organic Carbon Content Versus Grain Accumulation Rate and Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate .......................... 27 Lithologic Effect on Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate ..... 31 IMPLICATIONS FOR PETROLEUM EXPLORATION ......................... 32 CONCLUSIONS .................................................... 36 REFERENCES ..................................................... 39 APPENDIX I: Summation of Data for DSDP Sediment Intervals ..... 43 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Location of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Holes. 2 Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate Showing Environment of Deposition and Geologic Age. 10 3 Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate Showing Lithologic Field Zonation. 11 4 Low Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate. rates of sedimentation are characterized by High rates of increasing organic carbon content. sedimentation are characterized by decreasing organic carbon content. 15 5 Effect of Sedimentation Rate on the Degradation of Organic Matter. 18 6 Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate in Recent Sediments. 19 7 Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate, Organic Carbon Content and Primary Productivity for Recent Marine Sediments. 22 8 Organic Carbon Versus Grain Accumulation Rate Showing Lithologic Fields in the Absence of Differential Compaction Effects. 24 9 Low Organic Carbon Versus Grain Accumulation Rate. rates of grain accumulation are characterized by increasing organic carbon content. High rates of grain accumulation are characterized by decreasing organic carbon content. 25 10 Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate Showing the Contraction of Lithologic Fields. 28 11 Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Low rates of grain accumulation Accumulation Rate. are characterized by increasing rate of organic High rates of grain accumulation carbon accumulation. are characterized by a slower increase in the rate of organic carbon accumulation. 29 12 Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate without Lithologic Field Zonation. 33 13 Sonic Velocity Versus Grain Density. 35 4 LIST OF TABLES Page Table Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate. Mathematical Expression and Statistical Correlation (R) for Each Lithology. 16 2 Organic Carbon Versus Grain Accumulation Rate. Mathematical Expression and Statistical Correlation (R) for Each Lithology. 26 3 Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate. Mathematical Expression and Statistical Correlation (R) for Each Lithology. 30 1 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEDIMENTATION RATE AND TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON CONTENT IN ANCIENT MARINE SEDIMENTS INTRODUCTION The hydrocarbon potential of a sedimentary basin depends in part on the presence of favorable petroleum source rocks. One of the major problems in petroleum exploration is establishing criteria that can evaluate the source rock potential of both onshore and offshore basins in frontier regions. Petroleum source rocks are defined on the basis of total organic carbon content. Clastic source rocks contain at least 0.5% total organ- ic carbon by weight while carbonate source rocks contain at least 0.3% total organic carbon by weight (Tissot, 1978). These limits represent the minimum organic carbon content required for oil migration to occur under favorable maturation conditions. The petroleum generating poten- tial of a source rock can be evaluated by determining the organic content of the sediments, the volume of organic rich sediments, the nature of the organic constituents (oil-prone marine versus gas-prone terrestrial) and the degree of thermal maturation of the sediment. At present, the evaluation of petroleum source rock requires criteria that can be applied only to areas with extensive well control. New criteria now need to be developed for frontier basins where there is limited well control and petroleum exploration depends largely on the analysis of seismic reflection records. These new criteria should be based on factors such as rate of sedimentation, which can be determined from seismic reflection records prior to exploration drilling (Vail et al., 1977). 2 The purpose of this study was to establish whether sedimentation rate could be used to define the total organic carbon content or source rock potential of ancient marine sediments. The specific objectives were to determine 1) if a quantitative relationship exists between sedimentation rate and total organic carbon content in fine grained ancient marine sediments and 2) the effect of variable lithology, age, environmental setting and differential compaction on the observed relationship. If a relationship between sedimentation rate and organic carbon content can be established, sedimentation rate could be used to identify source rock facies from seismic reflection records of marine sedimentary basins. Furthermore, the petroleum generating potential of the source rock could be estimated from seismic records by determining the volume and burial history (thermal maturation) of the marine source rock facies. BAC KG ROUND Until recently, organic rich sediments were thought to be preserved only in lakes and basins with restricted circulation (Blatt, Middleton and Murray, 1972). However, numerous recent studies document the pre- servation of organic-rich sediments on continental margins and in offshore basins under open marine conditions. These organic sediments are rich in primary marine organic constituents (i.e. phytoplankton) and are more oil prone than sediments rich in terrestrial organic constituents at the same level of thermal maturation (Tissot, 1978). Numerous studies by such authors at Gross et al. (1972), Romankovich (1968), Bordovskiiy (1965) and Trask (1934) have observed that organic content of these sediments varies with certain parameters. The organic content is higher 3 the sediments are fine grained (silts and clays); the sedimenta- when: tion rate is higher; the sediments are associated with high primary productivity regions; and when the sediments are known or inferred to have formed under oxygen deficient conditions. More recent studies by Heath et al. (1977) and MUller and Suess (1979) have defined a relationship between organic carbon content and sedimentation rate for fine grained sediments in modern environments. These studies show that the organic content of recent sediments increases quantitatively with sedimentation rate. Sedimentation rate is critical because it controls the degree of preservation or organic matter in recent sediments. MUller and Suess (1979) have shown that as the sedimentation rate increases, there is a higher percentage of the primary productivity of a region preserved in the bottom sediments. Coleman,. Curtis and Irwin (1979) indicate that rapid rates of burial shorten the duration of aerobic microbial degradaLess microbial degradation results in a higher content of organic tion. carbon preserved, more oil prone organic constituents, and less CaCO3 diagenic cements which would inhibit oil migration. PROCEDURE Samples The study utilized selected cores from the broad data base of drill hole material obtained by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). One hundred and five sediment intervals were chosen from 38 DSDP cores so as to represent a wide range of environments of deposition (Figure 1). sediment intervals chosen reflect: The inland sea; marginal back arc basin; active, passive and translational continental margins; and deep ocean 80 bO 70 80 90100110 12C130140150160170180170180150140130120110100 90 80 70 80 50 ii LIIL Iii IL LII IL 11111 LII him1 I LIII i uLm ijmm [ii lii m Lm.uJ u L-i im ditu Ii utLm.umtumILI ii Ii mi t I 70 02010 010203040 £LL1hlhIiItJIIIIiLLLILhIIIIULii4 BC I % 70 .39 3*5 .30 330 EU EU I 50 4) C 40 30 a 20 zA41I E OU I OR U/ -10 E0U1OR -10 L -20 --30 -40 202 -50 i -í IJI EU :o 00 iii II I iIfi1TIFi II Iji1i[ii iii ijilItil TilinlI!iImrinFffrIIlIirFinin IITiflTi1iipiITr11:fITr U1CU lc12o13o14o:soEo1701eo17o:so15o140i3o12o1i01oo 90 80 70 EU 56 40 30 20 10 Figure 1. 0 10 20 30 Location of I)eep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Holes. I: 4Q 50 5 basin environments. They include sediments of Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Pleistocene age and each sediment interval reflects the deposition of a distinct lithology such as "black shale," silty clay and diatomite (siliceous), and nanno fossil ooze (calcareous). The lithol- ogy, age, sedimentation rate, total organic carbon content, bulk density, porosity and accumulation rates of the sediment intervals are given in Appendix I. Litho logy Lithologic descriptions were made by the shipboard scientists (see Appendix I) using standard techniques of visual examination, smear slide and carbonate bomb analyses (DSDP, Vol. 18). Sediments were then clas- sified according to the classification system used on each leg of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. These classifications are all based on the percentage of major components; however, the cutoff precentage for each of the lithologies varied from leg to leg. For this study, the classi- fication has been standardized as follows: >30% biogenic, detrial and volcanic Si02 1) siliceous sediments: 2) calcareous-siliceous sediments: 3) calcareous sediments: 4) black shales: 20-30% S102, 30-70% CaCO3 >30% CaCO3 black color, >30% terrigenous components, variable CaCO.. and SiO content 2 Age The ages of the sediments were determined by the shipboard scientists (see Appendix I). Foraminiferal, nanno fossil, radiolarian and diatom species assemblages were determined for selected horizons. The species assemblages were then compared to standard biostratigraphic charts in order to determine the geologic age. Sedimentation Rate In most cases, sedimentation rates were determined by shipboard scientists and the individual authors of the Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (see Appendix I). The paleontological age of dated horizons was plotted against the depth of the horizon in order to generate a sedimentation rate curve for the cored interval. in the curves represent uniform rates of sedimentation. Linear segments The actual sedimentation rate was then computed by measuring the thickness of the sediment interval between the two paleontologically dated horizons at the top and bottom of the linear segment. Where these curves were not available, sedimentation rates were determined directly from the paleontological data available for selected intervals in the cored sediment. Total Organic Carbon The total organic carbon by weight percent (TOG) is based on DSDP Samples are first acidi- burn technique analyses of selected samples. fied to remove any GaGO3. The residual organic carbon is then converted to CO2 at temperatures in excess of 1600°C. A Leco carbon analyzer measures the thermal conductivity of the gas mixture which in turn reflects the percentage of CO2 or organic carbon in the sample with an analytical error of ±0.04% TOG (DSDP, Vol. 9). Sedimentation rate intervals that had the largest number of TOG analyses were selected for this study. The TOG analyses were then averaged over each distinct lithology within a sedimentation rate interval. In this way it was 7 possible to generate a uniform sedimentation rate and an average TOC value for each sediment interval that represented a distinct lithology. Accumulation Rates Porosity and bulk density estimates were used to calculate grain accumulation rates according to the method of Van Andel et al. (1975) as shown below: Grain Accumulation Rate = l00(sedimentation rate) (wet bulk density -.01025 porosity) Organic carbon accumulation rates were calculated after the method of Van Andel et al. (1975) as shown below: Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate = (total organic carbon) (grain accumulation rate) The porosity, density, sedimentation rate and TOC values used in the calculations represent the average value for each sediment interval with a distinct lithology. The porosity and density estimates are based on DSDP Gamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator (GRAPE) analyses and have an analytical error of 5% and +0.05 g/cm3, respectively (DSDP, Vol. 9). Van Andel et al. (1975) indicate that the error in accumulation rate estimates is greater than for sedimentation rate estimates and is in the order of 10% of the calculated value. Graphical and Statistical Analysis All of the graphs were prepared on log-log plots after the method employed by MUller and Suess (1979) in order to facilitate comparison with data for recent sediments. Sedimentation rate was plotted against total organic carbon and the graph was analyzed for groupings of data on the basis of age, lithology or environniental setting. Organic carbon was plotted against grain accumulation rate to eliminate the effect of variable porosity in sedimentation rate estimates that arises from differential compaction. Organic carbon accumulation rates were plotted against grain accumulation rates after the method and justification given by MUller and Suess (1979). Trends on each of the graphs were defined, and the log values were subjected to linear regression analysis to develop mathematical expressions and correlation coefficients for the observed relationships. Regression equations for each of the graphs were then replotted on log-log plots in order to clarify the presentation of results. Linear regression analysis of the graphs was conducted using the computerized Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, Nie et al., 1974). Log values were used in order to develop linear mathemati- cal expressions following the standard practice for linear regression analysis of non-linear curves (Neter and Wasserman, 1974). The derived linear expression (LogY = b logx + a) actually represents the power ab relation (y = 10 x ). . Pearson's correlation coefficient, R, measures the degree to which the linear expression fits the data and, when R is squared, the degree of explained variance (Nie et al. , 1975). To sim- plify the presentation of results, only the linear expression of the power relations and the R value have been given. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 depicts the general relationship between sedimentation rate and organic carbon content in ancient marine sediments. In general, the organic carbon content increases and then decreases with increasing sedimentation rate. This trend in poorly defined, however, and there is a large scatter in the total organic carbon values at moderate rates of sedimentation ("40-SO rn/my). Effect of Environmental Setting and Geologic Age Figure 2 also shows the environmental setting and age of each data point. High organic carbon contents and moderate sedimentation rates tend to represent Cretaceous sedimentation of passive rift margins; moderate organic carbon contents and high rates of sedimentation tend to represent Pleistocene sedimentation on active continental margins; while low organic carbon contents and low sedimentation rates tend to reflect sedimentation on deep sea oceanic plates. Each of these groups or "clusters" of data contain numerous exceptions and indicate that geolog- ic age and environmental setting have only a general control on the relationship between organic carbon and sedimentation rate. Effect of Litho logy Figure 3 shows that significant zones or fields of data do occur on the basis of lithology. Four lithologic fields can be identified from Figure 3 as follows: a) Calcareous field: The calcareous field includes chalk, limestone, mans, nanno oozes and calcareous or nannofossil rich clays. Total organic carbon varies from 0.1 to 0.17% by weight while sedimentation rate varies from 4.5 to 41.5 rn/my. The sediments range in age from Cretaceous to Pleistocene and represent deposition on active margins, passive margins and in deep ocean basin environments. b) Calcareous-siliceous field: The calcareous-siliceous field is largely composed of radiolarian rich nanno ooze with subordinate 10 TOC LOG10TOC 10.0 .0013,K I U 0 I z 0 .50 211 3K I- .1 / 3,E-K 3,E cr 4,M 0 3,K / U U z ,0 / - .50 2 / I,M U- -lI1 2,0-E -J I,M 3,M I,M ' ,p ,p 2'P I -1.50 2.P2'p I:M I'M M I,M-0 . I.E. SE-P 2,M-O',I-E3,K DEEP SEA - OCEANIC PLATE 3P .1 K 3M 3,M AGE 3 P PLEISTOCENE 3,E E P I,M 4 TRANSFORM FAULT MARGIN 5 3 PASSIVE (RIFT) MARGIN 6 ISLAND SEA (RED SEA, BLACK E MARGINAL BACK ARC BASIN (CHINA SEA) J .50 1.00 1.50 I SR .0 1 2.00 2.50 I 0.0 SEDIMENTATION Figure 2. CRETACEOUS JURASSIC I I 0 EOCENE PALEOCENE ( (SEA, MEDITERRANEAN SEA( LOG10 SR PLIOCENE M MIOCENE 0 OLIGOCENE 2 ACTIVE (SUBDUCTION( MARGIN I 2,P2 p 2,M ENVIRONMENT 0 I '22,P'M 2,PP 2P I M-0 IM 3K 2 M-0 a;-M. 2,P-M ' 2,' 6P 2,' 2,PM 3,E 3,M30 3'3-M 3M. I,-M / .2,'-M /3,0-E 6,PP 4,P-M 2,P /2.M.o 00.0 RATE (SR) M/M.Y. Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate Showing Environment of Deposition and Geologic Age. TOC 10.0 LOG10TOC 1.00 .50 U 0 I z 0 / 1.0 0 cx BLACK SHALE C-, U z -.50 SILICEOUS cx C:, 0 CALCAREOUS 7 77 0.1 - -1.00 CA LCAREOU S BLACK SHALE - CALCAREOUS-SILICEOUS SILICEOUS CALCAREOUS (SILTY CLAY-DIAJOMITE) BLACK SHALE - SILICEOUS OVERLAP REGION -l.50 I LOG10 SR 0 SR 1.0 I .50 I I .00 I .50 0.0 SEDIMENTATION Figure 3. I 2.00 .50 00.0 RATE (SR) M/M.Y. Organic Carbon Versus Sedimeìtation Rate Showing Lithologic Field Zonation. 12 data from cherty limestone. The total organic carbon by weight percent increases from 0.12 to 0.26% while the sedimentation rate varies from 3.4 to 20 rn/my. The sediments typically represent deep ocean sedimentation of Oligocene to Pliocene age. c) Siliceous field: The siliceous field includes silty clays (detrial silica), diatomites (biogenic silica), silty siliceous clays (bio- genic, volcanic and detrial silica) and volcanic rich radiolarian nanno oozes. Total organic carbon varies from 0.19 to 1.97 percent by weight while the sedimentation rate varies from 2.3 to 174 m/my. Sediment intervals represent inland sea, marginal back arc basin, active and passive continental margin, and deep ocean basin environments of deposition that range in age from Jurassic to Pleistocene. d) Black shale field: The black shale field includes interbedded black clays and limestone, black mans, sapropels and black silty clays. Total organic carbon by weight percent ranges from 0.4 to 5.4% while sedimentation rate varies from 4.0 to 230 rn/my. The sediment intervals are generally Cretaceous but range from Jurassic to the Pleistocene in age. The geologic setting includes inland sea and passive continental margin sedimentation. The majority of Cretaceous data represents the early opening of the Atlantic Ocean. Lithologic Effect on Total Organic Carbon Content Figure 3 indicates that a definite relationship exists between lithology and total organic carbon content. In general, for any given sedimentation rate, the organic carbon content increases from calcareous sediments to calcarous siliceous sediments to siliceous sediments to 13 black shales. Furthermore, there is a definite separation of data between each of the lithologic fields with the exception of an overlap between the black shale and siliceous field. The lithologic effect on organic carbon content is related to the degree of aeration of the sediment which effects the aerobic microbial degradation of organic matter (Coleman et al., 1979). Black shales represent oxygen deficient or anoxic environments of deposition. More organic matter is preserved because the aerobic stage of microbial degradation has been foreshortened or bypassed. Similarly, siliceous sediments are less permeable, and therefore less aerated than calcareous sediments. Krumbein and Sloss (1963) indicate that the lower permeabil- ity of siliceous sediments is due to the lower solubility of Si02 (as compared to CaCO3) in near surface sediments, and the lower percentage of clay sized particles (i.e. siliceous sediments contain silt sized quartz and diatoms whereas calcareous sediments contain clay sized nannofossils). The partial overlap between the black shale and siliceous fields in Figure 3 suggests that the siliceous sediments within the overlap region were deposited under oxygen deficient conditions more typical of black shale formation. This oxygen deficient condition could occur in silled basins, or in open marine conditions where the 02 minimum in the oceans intercepts the continental margin. Siliceous sediments deposited under these conditions would have a smilar total organic carbon content and therefore a similar source rock potential as black shales. Under less aerated conditions, aerobic microbial degradation is reduced. The organic matter is less degraded and the production of nearsurface diagenetic cements is reduced (Coleman et al., 1979). This 14 explains why the oil generation and oil migration potential also increases from calcareous to siliceous to black shale sediments along with total organic carbon content. Lithologic Effect on the Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate and Total Organic Carbon Content The lithologic effect clarifies the relationship between sedimentation rate and organic carbon content shown in Figure 2. The data in Figure 2 can be broken down into lithologic fields as shown in Figure 3. Each of these lithologic fields depicts a unique relationship between For each lithology, the organic carbon content and sedimentation rate. organic carbon content first increases, and then decreases with increasing sedimentation rate. Low Rate of Sedimentation: Increasing Organic Carbon Content Figure 3 shows that the trend of increasing organic carbon with sedimentation rate is present for each lithology and is the dominant trend at low rates of sedimentation (less than 14 rn/my). The trend in each field was subjected to linear regression analysis using log values (see Procedure, Graphical and Statistical Analysis). The relationships are depicted in Figure 4 and expressed in Table 1 under Relationship A. Figure 4 shows that the slope of Relationship A increases from calcareous to siliceous to black shale sediments. The increasing slopes indicate the relative effectiveness of sedimentation rate in preserving the organic carbon in each of these lithologies. In Table 1, Pearson's coefficient of correlation, R, varies from moderate (.52) in black shales to good (.88) in siliceous sediments. The poorer correlation in 15 TOC LOG10 TOC 1.50 I 0.0.90 C-) 0 I.30 0 cr 1.0- U -.30 z CL' 0.5- 0 _J 0- -.90 a 0 II I -1.50 II LOG10 SR 0 SR 10 .50 1.00 I 10 SEDIMENTATION Figure 4. I I I 21.13 2.50 I I 14.10 I 2.00 1.50 40.80 RATE (SR) tOO M/M.Y. Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate. Low rates of sedimentation are characterized by increasing organic carbon content. High rates of sedimentation are characterized by decreasing organic carbon content. Trend A in siliceous sediments reflects the anomalous case of increasing organic content at high rates of sedimentation. TABLE 1. ORGANIC CARBON VS SEDIMENTATION RATE MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION AND STATISTICAL CORRELATION FOR EACH LIThOLOGY LITHOLOGY RELATIONSHIP A INCR TOC WITH SED RATE BLACK SHALE LOG(TOC)=.64L0G(SR)- .55 R .52 RELATIONSHIP B DECR TOC WITh SED RATE LOG(TOC)=-. 73LOG(SR)+1.72 R .91 CRITICAL SED RATE 40.8 LOG= 1.66 SILICEOUS LOG(TOC)=.S1LOG(SR)-.80 .88 LOG(TOC)=-.34L0G(SR).30 .45 21.1 LOG=1.325 (SILTYCLAY, DIATOM ITE) CALCAREOUS SILICEOUS LOG(TOC)=.37LOG(SR)-1. 10 .75 CALCAREOUS LOG(TOC)=.16LOG(SR)-1.07 .67 LOG(TOC)=-.35L0G(SR)..48 .88 14.0 LOG= 1.15 R PEARSON'S COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION, (0.0 - 1.0) TOC = TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON, (WT, %) SR = SEDIMENTATION RATE, (M/MY) C' 17 the black shale field reflects varying degrees of anoxicity (oxygen deficiency) at the time of deposition, and the highly variable CaCO3 contents typical of black shale sediments. In the calcareous field, the moderate R value (.67) is due to variable CaCO3-clay contents. As stated above, the anoxicity of bottom waters and the amount of highly soluble CaCO3 effect the aeration of the sediment and the degree of aerobic microbial degration of organic matter. The trend of increasing organic carbon content with sedimentation rate reflects the important effect of microbial degradation (Coleman et al., 1979). As sedimentation rate increases, the zone of aeration becomes smaller and the sediment makes a more rapid passage through the zone as the burial rate increases. Aerobic microbial degradation be- comes increasingly less efficient and more organic carbon is preserved (Figure 5). Since aerobic microbial degradation is a near surface event, it would be expected to have a similar effect on organic preservation in recent sediments. In Figure 6, MUller and Suess (1979) have shown that the same trend of increasing organic carbon with sedimentation rate is also present in recent sediments. Coleman et al. (1979) also indicate that the organic matter preserved will have a better potential to generate and migrate oil because reduced microbial activity minimizes the degradation of organic matter and decreases the production of diagenic cements (Figure 5). It should be noted however, that a minimum organic content (TOC) is required before any oil migration will occur (.5% TOC clastics, .3% TOC carbonates; Tissot, 1978). To summarize, as sedimentation rate increases, the total organic carbon by weight percent increases, the quality of the organic matter 18 [ Prospect Aerobic zone Sulfate red u c t ion Fermentation j zone Thermal maturation Very slow sedimentation All organics destroyed Zero Slow sedimentation Massive modification sulfides, carbonates Poor zones Intermediate rates Significant modification of organic matter: Liquid hydrocarbon 'window' carbonates F Fairly rapid sedimentation Organic matter little affected by aerobic and sulfate reduction zone processes Very rapid sedimentajion Liquid Pydrocarbons may be destroyed Figure 5. Fair Good Uncertain Effect of Sedimentation Rate on the Degraaation of Organic. Matter (after Coleman et al., 1979). 19 >- 300 >->--- <OlE 200 100 0 I z 10 8 W Baltic 0 00) Peru A I * Oregon 0 NW Africa 0 0 0 0 A Argentine Basin Central Pacific 0.1 10 SEDIMENTATION Figure 6. 100 RATE 1,000 10,000 (m/M.Y.) Organic Carbon Versus Sedimentation Rate in Recent Sediments (modified after MUller and Suess, 1979). 20 preserved increases, and the oil generation and oil migration potential of the sediment may increase. High Rate of Sedimentation: Decreasing Organic Carbon Content The lithologic fields in Figure 3 show a reverse trend of decreas- ing organic carbon content at high rates of sedimentation (greater than 41 rn/my). These reverse trends were subjected to linear regression analysis in each of the lithologic fields. The relationships are de- picted in Figure 4 and expressed in Table 1 under Relationship B. The critical sedimentation rate for each lithology is the point at which the organic carbon content starts to decrease and Relationship B begins. Figure 4 and Table 1 show that this critical sedimentation rate varies from 14 rn/my in calcareous sediments to 21 rn/my in siliceous sediments to 41 rn/my in black shales. Pearson's coefficient of correlation (R) ranges from moderate (.45) for siliceous sediments to excellent (.91) for black shales (Table 1). There are two exceptions to the reverse trend of decreasing organic carbon: 1) the reverse trend was not observed for calcareous-siliceous sediments, and 2) the siliceous field shows an additional trend of increasing organic carbon content (Trend A, Figures 3 and 4). The first exception is due to the absence of data for calcareous-siliceous sediments at high rates of sedimentation. The second exception represents a continuation of the trend of increasing organic carbon observed at low rates sedimentation. The reverse trend of decreasing organic carbon in each lithologic field (Relationship B), the lower R value for siliceous sediments, and the anomalous secondary Trend A of increasing organic carbon in silice- 21 ous sediments are all related to a clastic dilution effect. Clastic dilution occurs at high rates of sedimentation when the input of organic matter from primary productivity does not keep pace with the input of clastic sediments. When this occurs, the organic carbon content de- creases with increasing sedimentation rate (Relationship B, Figure 4). The lower R value for the siliceous sediments reflects the various degrees of clastic dilution which may occur. The anomalous secondary Trend A of increasing organic content in siliceous sediments (Figure 4) represents the rare case when no clastic dilution occurs at high rates of sedimentation. The clastic dilution effect is supported by the data of MUller and Suess (1979) for recent hemipelagic sediments. In Figure 7, their data show two distinct trends at high rates of sedimentation. Where high sedimentation rates are associated with high primary biological produc- tivity, the organic carbon content continues to increase with increasing sedimentation rate (Data Group A2). However, where high sedimentation rates are associated with a low primary productivity region, and clastic dilution occurs, organic carbon content decreases with sedimentation rate (Data Group B). This clastic dilution effect does not occur at low rates of sedimentation (Data Group Al). For the ancient siliceous sediments of Figures 3 and 4, the clastic dilution effect at high rates of sedimentation is dominated by data representing Pleistocene sedimentation of active continental margins. The case of no clastic dilution (Trend A), represents data from regions which are presently highly productive (i.e. Black Sea, Red Sea). Trend A was not observed for black shale or calcareous sediments (Figure 4). In the case of black shales this may be due to the fact that primary 22 300>- I->2O0- ' I cJE ,- 3-"Ti,'' 0 100- 0-__ 'B A = z o I0 = - / / o _u_. L -/ o 0.1- -, 4. !IIIJlI I 10 LOW RATES T I 111111 100 1,000 10,000 HIGH RATES SEDIMENTATION Figure 7. '8 RATE (m/M.Y.) Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate, Organic Carbon Content and Primary Productivity for Recent Marine Sediments (modified after MUller and Suess, 1979) A1: At low rates of sedimentation, organic carbon content increases even though primary productivity is low and constant relative to increasing clastic input (i.e. increasing sedimentation rate). A2: At high rates of sedimentation, organic carbon content increases when primary productivity remains high relative to increasing clastic input. B2: At high rates of sedimentation, organic carbon content decreases when primary productivity is low and constant relative to increasing clastic input. productivity was never high enough to offset the effect of clastic dilution. In the case of calcareous sediments, it may be that the higher primary productivity required to offset clastic dilution was characterized by siliceous phytoplanktcn, similar to the higher productivity regions in modern oceans. In this case, siliceous phytoplankton (diatoms) would dominate over calcareous nanno plankton and siliceous, rather than calcareous sediments would be deposited. This effect would also explain the smaller range of clastic dilution (higher R value) in calcareous and black shale sediments as compared to siliceous sediments (Table 1, Relationship B). The clastic dilution effect only occurs at high rates of sedimentation and effects only the organic matter preserved by weight percent. The quality of organic matter preserved should continue to increase as sedimentation rate increases since microbial degradation is increasingly inefficient. Therefore, the oil generation and oil migration potential of the sediment may also continue to increase with sedimentation rate even though the total organic carbon content by weight percent decreases. Effect of Differential Compaction The sedimentation rates of Figure 3 reflect various stages of porosity reduction associated with differential compaction. In Figure 8 the effect of differential compaction has been eliminated by converting the sedimentation rates of Figure 3 into grain accumulation rates which removes the effect of variable porosity (see Methods, Accumulation Rate). In Figure 8, as in Figure 3, the same four lithologic fields are identified and each of the lithologic fields shows the same trends of 24 TOC LOG10 TOC 1.50 I.-. 10 .90 0 0 I- .30 < 1.0 C-) -.30 z cr o _j -.90 0.IBLACK SHALE 0 I F7 kJ -1.50 CALCAREOUS-SILICEOUS SILICEOUS (SILTY CLAY-DIATOMITE) BLACK SHALE - SILICEOUS OERLAP RçGION I LOG10GAR GR .75 2.35 00 GRAIN Figure 8. I 2.95 1,000 ACCUMULATION CALCAREOUS I 3.55 4.15 4.75 0,000 RATE (GAR) q/cm2/M.Y. Organic Carbon Versus Grain Accumulation Pate Showing Lithologic Fields in the Absence of Differential Compaction Effects. TOC LOG10 TOC 1.50 10.0.90 C-) 0 I- z o 'Z C-) .30 10- < 01I- 0 I- o(,g. I - .50 LOG,0 GAR I I 2.35 1.75 I ii II G AR 100 ii 2.95 3.55 I 775 1,000 1622 GRAIN ACCUMULATION RATE Figure 9. 4.15 I 5370 (GAR) 4.75 I 10,000 g/cm2/M.Y. Organic Carbon Versus Grain Accumulation Rate. Low rates of grain accumulation are characterized by increasing organic carbon content. High rates of grain accumulation are characterized by decreasing organic carbon content. ORGANIC CARBON VS GRAIN ACCUMULATION RATE TABLE 2. MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION AND STATISTICAL CORRELATION FOR EACH LITHOLOGY LITHOLOGY RELATIONSHIP A INCR TOC WITH GAR R RELATIONSHIP B DECR TOC WITh GAR R CRITICAL GAR BLACK SHALE LOG(TOC)=.41LOG(GAR)-1.18 .52 LOG(TOC)=-.55LOG(GAR)+2.48 .91 5370 LOG=3.73 SILICEOUS (SILTYCLAY, DIATOMITE) LOG(TOC)=. 38LOG(GAR)-1. 35 .84 LOG(TOC)=-. 18LOG(GAR)+.30 .38 778 CALCAREOUS SILICEOUS LOG(TOC)=.42L0G(GAR)-1.93 .88 CALCAREOUS LOG(TOC)=.14LOG(GAR)-1.34 .70 LOG=2.89 LOG(TOC)=-.44L0G(GAR)+.55 .94 1622 LOG=3. 21 R = PEARSON'S COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION, (0.0 to 1.0) TOC = TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON, (WT, 2 TOCAR = TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ACCUMULATION RATE, (g/cm /MY) GAR = GRAIN ACCUMULATION RATE, (g/cm2/MY) IN) 0\ 27 increasing, then decreasing organic carbon content with increasing accumulation rate. The trends in Figure 8 were subjected to linear regression analysis and the results are depicted in Figure 9 and expressed in Table 2. A comparison of Figure 4 and 9 and Tables 1 and 2, indicates that differential compaction effects only the critical rate. In Figure 4, the critical sedimentation rate increases from calcareous sediments (14 rn/my) to siliceous sediments (21 rn/my) whereas the critical accumulation 2 rate in Figure 9 increases from siliceous sediments (780 g/cm /my) to calcareous sediments (1620 g/cm2/my). This reversal in critical rate occurs because grain accumulation rates incorporate the grain density of the sediment and CaCO3 has a higher grain density than Si02 (2.71 g/cm3 vs. 2.65 g/cm3; Gardner, 1974). There is no significant change in the statistical correlation (R) of the observed relationships (Tables 1 and 2) Relationship Between Organic Carbon Content Versus Grain Accumulation Rate and Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate The organic carbon content is the total organic carbon in the sediment by weight percent. The organic carbon accumulation rate is the rate at which organic carbon is incorporated and preserved in the sediment. Organic carbon accumulation rate has been plotted against grain accumulation rate in Figure 10. The same four lithologic fields identi- fied in Figure 8 were also identified in Figure 10 and the trends in each field were subjected to linear regression analysis (Figure 11, Table 4). 28 TOCAR LOG10 TOCAR 100,000 - 00 F >: 4.20 N 10,000 o 3AO 1,000 - 2 4 2.60 BLACK SHALE SILICEOUS 100(_) ISILTY CLAY-DIATOMITE) BLACK SHALE SILICEOUS 1.80 0 4 OVERLAP REGION ECALCAREOUS - SILICEOUS 10 - CALCAREOUS 1.00 ft_ 2.40 LOG10GAR 1.60 3.20 4.00 I GAP 00 1,000 0,000 5.60 4.80 I 100,000 GRAIN ACCUMULATON RATE (GAR) g/cm2/M.Y. Figure 10. Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate Showing the Contraction of Lithologic Fields. 29 TOCAR LOG10 (TOCAR) 100,000 5.0 >.; c.J E o C 4. 10,000 o g OLii i.-. 1,000 oz0 Ix _j 2.1 001.1 0 C-) 10 1.0 L0G10(GAR) 1.6 I GAR 100 GRAIN Figure 11. II 778 000 1622 I I 5370 0,000 ACCUMULATION RATE (GAR) I 00,000 g/cm2/M.Y. Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate. Low rates of grain accumulation are characterized by increasing rate of organic carbon accumulation. High rates of grain accumulation are characterized by a slower increase in the rate of organic carbon accumulation. ORGANIC CARBON ACCUMULATION RATE VS GRAIN ACCUMULATION RATE TABLE 3. MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION AND STATISTICAL CORRELATION FOR EACH LITHOLOGY LITHOLOGY RELATIONSHIP A INCR TOCAR WITH CAR R RELATIONSHIP B INCR TOCAR WITH GAR R LOG(TOCAR)=1.42L0G(GAR)-1.18 .90 LOG(TOCAR)=.45L0G(GAR)+2.48 .88 SILICEOUS LOG(TOCAR)=1.35L0G(GAR)-1.30 (SILTYCLAY, DIATOMITE) .98 LOG(TOCAR)=.82L0G(GAR)+.30 .88 CALCAREOUS SILICEOUS LOG (TOCAR)=1. 41LOG(GAR)-1.91 .99 CALCAREOUS LOG(TOCAR)=1.14LOG(GAR)-1.33 .99 BLACK SHALE R = PEARSONS COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION, (0.0 to 1.0) TOC = TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON, (WT, %) TOCAR = TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ACCUMULATION RATE, (g/cm2/MY) CAR = GRAIN ACCUMULATION RATE, (g/cm2/MY) CRITICAL GAR 5370 LOG=3.73 778 LOG=2.89 LOG(TOCAR)=.56L0G(GAR)+.54 .96 3.21 31 A comparison of these figures indicates that the organic carbon content and organic carbon accumulation rate both increase up to a critical grain accumulation rate (Relationship A, Figure 8 and 9 vs. Relationship A, Figures 10 and 11). In both cases, the critical accumu- lation rate ranges from 780 g/cm2/my for siliceous sediments to 1620 2 g/cm /my for calca reous sediments to 5370 g/cm2/my for black shales (Figure 9, Table 3 and Figure 11, Table 4). At high rates of grain accumulation, above the critical rate, organic carbon content decreases with increasing grain accumulation rate (negative slope of Relationship B, Figure 10). The organic carbon accumulation rate, however, continues to increase with grain accumulation rate, but at a slower rate (i.e. flatter, positive slope of Relationship B, Figure 11). The decrease in organic carbon content and the flatter slope for organic carbon accumulation rate both reflect the effect of clastic dilution. The organic carbon accumulation rate in- creases, however, instead of decreasing, because the organic carbon that is incorporated into the sediment is preserved at a faster rate due to reduced aerobic microbial degradation at higher rates of grain accumulation. The relationship between organic carbon content and organic carbon accumulation rate thus supports both the effect of clastic dilution and the effect of reduced aerobic microbial degradation at higher rates of grain accumulation. Lithologic Effect on Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate A comparison of Figures 8 and 10 shows that the influence of lithology is reduced when organic carbon accumulation rates are used instead of organic carbon content. The lithologic fields in Figure 10 are still 32 well defined, but they are narrower and the statistical correlation (R) of the trends in each field increases markedly (Table 3, R value .88-.99 vs. Table 2, R value .38-.94). All the data from Figure 10 was subjected to linear regression analysis, irregardless of lithology. Figure 12 shows that the statisti- cal correlation (R) remains high (.89). The high statistical correla- tion indicates that the organic carbon accumulation rate could be deter- mined from grain accumulation rate even when the lithology is not known. Since total organic carbon content equals the total organic carbon accumulation rate divided by grain accumulation rate, the source rock potential of a sediment could be determined without knowing the lithology if the grain accumulation rate is known. IMPLICATIONS OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION The results of this study indicate that sedimentation rate and grain accumulation rate could be used to determine the source rock potential of marine sedimentary basins. In frontier regions, sedimenta- tion rate and grain accumulation rate can be determined directly from seismic reflection records. Vail et al. (1977) has shown that seismic traces represent chronostratigraphic horizons. When these horizons are dated from outcrop or well data, sedimentation rates can be calculated by measuring the thickness of sediment between two key chronostratigraphic horizons. In a similar fashion, sedimentation rate maps can be produced from seismic isopach maps. The lithology of the interval can be determined from well data after drilling, or predicted from outcrop and seismic character analysis prior to drilling (Vail et al., 1977). When the lithology is 33 LOG10 TOCAR TOCAR 100,000 - 5.00 F- 4.20 10,000 : 4 ou z .. en 3.40 1,0002.60 -J O 00- S. 1.80 / 0- l.O0 LOG 0GAR GAR 3.20 2.40 1.60 4.00 I I I too I,OOO 10,000 GRAIN Figure 12. ALL LITHOLOGIES LOG (TOCAR)I.3OLOG(GAR)-l.37, R.89 ACCUMULATION 4.80 5.60 100,000 RATE (GAR) g/cm2/M.Y. Organic Carbon Accumulation Rate Versus Grain Accumulation Rate Without Lithologic Field Zonation. 34 known to be calcareous, siliceous or black shale, sedimentation rate maps can be converted into maps of total organic carbon by using the appropriate lithologic field or curve. The total organic carbon cutoff for petroleum source rocks (0.5 TOC clastics, 0.3% TOG carbonates; Tissot, 1977) would then be used to define the volume of the source rock facies. The grain accumulation rates can also be determined from seismic reflection records since grain accumulation rate (GAR) is calculated from sedimentation rate (SR) and grain density (g){GAR = lOO(SR)(g); Van Andel, l975}. The sedimentation rate can be determined from seismic records as outlined above. Grain density can be determined from seismic velocity or from time interval maps. The relationship between velocity and grain density is shown in Figure 13. This empirical relation is based on the average grain densi- ty and average sonic velocity of the DSDP sediment intervals used in this study. These sediment intervals range from 100 to 1000 meters in subsurface depth and the relationship should be tested for accuracy at subsurface depths greater than this. The grain density determinations are based on DSDP Grape analysis (DSDP, Vol. 9) and have an analytical error of +5% (Van Andel, 1975). Sonic velocity estimates have an accuracy of +0.5% (DSDP, Vol. 19). The statistical correlation (R value) of the relation is given in Figure 13 as .97. This high degree of correlation indicates that grain density estimates from sonic velocity will be nearly identical to those from Grape analysis and should not effect grain accumulation rate calculations. The prospect of determining grain accumulation rates and sedimenta- 35 8.50 6.90 0 E 5.30 3.70 :'' ' 3. CLEAN LIMESTONE AT DEEPER DEPTHS / - U., . - S 2. CLEAN SANDSTONE AT DEEPER DEPTHS ,y I. SHALES 100 TO 1,000 METERS,,,/I' a .50 .. I 0 .8 GRAIN Figure 13. I I 1.6 2.4 DENSITY (pg) I I 3.2 I 4.0 g/cm3 Sonic Velocity Versus Grain Density 1. Shales: include calcareous, calcareous-siliceous, siliceous and black shale DSDP sediments used in this study. 2. Deep Clean Sandstone: equivalent to the values for pure quartz crystals (Gardner, 1974). 3. Deep Clean Limestone: equivalent to the values for oure calcite crystals (Gardner, 1974). 36 tion rates from seismic reflection records has important implications for source rock evaluations in frontier regions with limited well control. By using Figure 12, the total organic carbon content, or source rock facies, of a marine sedimentary basin can be identified from seismic reflection analysis prior to exploration drilling. Once the lithol- ogy is determined from outcrop data, subsurface well data or seismic character analysis, the total organic carbon content can be more accur- ately predicted from either sedimentation rate, or grain accumulation rate, by using the appropriate lithologic field or curve (Figures 3 and 4, Figures 8 and 9 or Figures 10 and 11). The oil generation an oil migration potential of a marine sedimentary basin can also be estimated from sesimic records by determining the amount of total organic carbon above the source rock cutoff (.5% TOC clastics, .3% TOG carbonates), the magnitude of the accumulation rate (relative degree of preservation), the volume of the source rock, and its burial history (thermal maturation). CONCLUSIONS The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. A definite relationship exists between total organic carbon content and sedimentation rate for fine grained ancient marine sediments of Jurassic to Pleistocene age. The relationship is strongly depen- dent on lithology but is relatively uneffected by geologic age, environmental setting or differential compaction (Figures 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9). In general, for any given sedimentation rate, the organ- ic content increases from calcareous to siliceous to black shale sediments (Figures 3 and 4). 37 2. For each of these lithologies, quantitative relationships exist between total organic carbon content and sedimentation rate (Fig- ures 3 and 4), and total organic carbon and grain accumulation rate (Figures 8 and 9). The organic carbon content first increases (due to reduced aerobic microbial degradation) and then decreases (due to clastic dilution) with increasing sedimentation or grain accumulation rate. The quality of organic matter preserved, and the oil generation and oil migration potential of petroleum source rocks should continue to increase with sedimentation rate due to reduced aerobic microbial degradation. 3. Similar quantiative relationships also exist between total organic carbon accumulation rate and grain accumulation rate and show a higher degree of statistical correlation (Figures 10 and 11). The lithologic effect is less pronounced so that total organic carbon content could be predicted from grain accumulation rates even when the lithology is not known (Figure 12). 4. Sedimentation rates and grain accumulation rates could be determined from seismic reflection records or from seismic iospach or time interval maps (Figure 13). By using the appropriate figure, sedimentation or grain accumulation rate maps could be converted into total organic carbon maps and the petroleum source rock facies outlined. These results indicate that sedimentation rate and grain accumulation rate could be used as criteria for source rock evaluation in marine sedimentary basins of frontier regions. Future work should be directed toward testing the use of these criteria in an exploration situation. The establishment of sedimentation rate and grain accumulation as cri- 38 teria for source rock evaluation would substantially reduce the risk of frontier exploration, and would provide a mechanism for comparing the petroleum potential of offshore exploration regions. 39 REFERENCES Initial Reports of the Barker, P. F., I. W. D. Dalziel, et al. 1976. Deep Sea Drilling Project. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, 36:5-15, 207-257. D.C. Blatt, H., G. Middleton, and R. Murray. 1972. Prentice Hall Inc., N.J. Rocks. 634 pp. Origin of Sedimentary Initial Reports of the Deep Bolli, H. M., W. B. F. Ryan, et al. 1978. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Sea Drilling Project. 40:5-28, 29-182, 357-451. Accumulation and transformation of organic 1964. Bordovskiy, 0. K. Accumulation of organic matter substances in marine sediments. 3: Marine Geology. 3:33-82. in bottom sediients. Burial rate a key to Coleman, M. L., D. C. Curtis, and H. Irwin. 1979. source and reservoir potential. 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Leg lo1e Interval Lith* (m) 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 13 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 69 69 70 70 70 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 84 84 84 105 lOS 130 130 173 173 173 173 175 175 176 177 178 178 13 183 183 186 0- 30 32-146 0- 26 26- 50 50-320 0- 25 25- 42 42- 82 82-161 161-235 235-280 280-325 325-425 425-471 20- 50 50-223 223-315 0- 80 80-130 130-195 291-392 421-559 15- 58 58-563 0-138 138-203 203-250 250-280 0-119 119-225 0- 40 0- 61 0-195 195-750 0-130 210-240 250-500 0-925 Rate (rn/my) 1 2.7 7.0 2.4 3.4 16.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 15.5 15.5 15.5 45.0 37.5 1 313.0 4 4 5.0 10.0 70.0 40.0 42.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 174.0 174.0 44.0 30.0 160.0 45.0 45.0 4.0 12.0 120.0 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Accum. Age TOC (weight %) .19 .15 .23 .12 .17 .15 .21 .24 .22 .22 .26 .16 .13 .12 .25 .26 .14 1.16 .71 .29 1.28 .50 2.50 .61 .75 .65 .61 .56 .76 .56 .36 .29 .35 .37 .29 .60 1.47 .37 Range Density (g/cm3) 4-4 4-S 1-4 4-4 4-5 2-2 3-3 3-3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 5-5 6-6 4-4 4-5 5-5 2-2 3-3 3-3 8-8 8-8 2-0 2-2 3-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 3-2 4_3 3-2 5-4 6-5 3-2 1.22 1.39 1.28 1.35 1.62 1.38 1.39 1.39 1.48 1.53 1.57 1.78 1.74 1.63 1.39 1.54 1.59 1.24 1.27 1.39 1.62 1.63 1.50 1.61 1.53 1.37 1.39 1.37 1.69 1.74 1.58 1.73 1.75 1.67 1.55 1.72 1.88 1.51 Porosity (%) 86 57 67 70 62 77 76 76 72 69 65 55 57 59 76 68 64 81 80 74 61 65 71 65 70 79 78 79 60 57 67 58 57 62 65 59 SO 70 Rate (g/cm2/my) 92 564 140 214 1569 592 1218 1240 1336 1318 910 1225 1275 1122 955 1318 1449 1780 1672 2277 428 823 4289 3159 3396 573 585 564 16386 17870 3274 3012 18604 4660 3314 393 150! 7572 TOC .".ccurn. Reference Rz (g/crn/rny) 18 85 32 (1) 'p.61-134 (l),p.135-283 - 26 267 89 (2) ,p.43-208 256, 298 294 290 237 196 166 135 239 343 203 2065 1187 660 548 411 10723 1927 2547 373 357 316 12453 10007 1179 873 6511 1724 961 (2) 'p.209-316 (2) ,p.61S-704 (3) ,p.2l9-312 (4) 'p.355-382 (5),p.673-794;(6),p.96l-976 (7) ,p.31-96 (5) ,p.673-794; (7) 'p.169-212 (5) (5) (5) (7) ,p.673-794;(7) ,p.213-223 ,p.673-794;(7) ,p.233-286 ,p.673-794;(6) ,p.961-976 ,p.287-396 (8),p.19-9l;(9),p.897-9l3 236 2206 28(12 (8) ,p.217-277;(D) ,p.891-9l3 K 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 36 36 34 34 36 36 34 34 34 31 34 34 34 29 23 23 23 23 330 330 330 330 336 336 336 338 344 345 345 345 345 321 321 321 227 227 228 228 282 299 319 319 319 320 320 192 192 189 189 189 189 190 190 192 192 192 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Dole Leg 0- 36 46- 115 115- 480 480- 700 1 1 1 1 1 0- 377 1 1 57 0- 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 60-123 130-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 0-159 159-254 254-463 1 0- 35 3 35- 51 1 0- 20 3 3 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lith* 70-155 31-110 10- 57 9- 24 24- 31 110-550 550-750 917-942 942-1000 0-131 131-194 0-150 250-275 192-295 0-110 0-180 180-250 250-370 370-870 0-165 165-500 (m) Interval 76.0 13.0 21.0 22.0 37.0 6.3 25.0 20.0 100.0 56.0 5.8 1.2 35.0 20.0 7.0 11.0 2.8 4.5 22.0 22.0 25.0 100.0 107.0 150.0 230.0 27.5 115.0 9.0 7.5 110.0 160.0 160.0 160.0 110.0 70.0 57.5 100.0 100.0 (rn/my) Sed. Rate 1-1 1.12 .10 .39 .43 .47 .34 .81 .50 .40 .40 .28 5.55 3.18 1.40 .33 .20 .10 .10 4-2 6-5 8-8 8-9 9-9 9-9 3-2 5-5 6-6 3-2 4-2 3-2 4-4 5-5 6-6 2-1 s-4 4-4 .10 3.68 1.27 .10 .10 .S1 .91 .20 .10 .10 .86 1.97 .41 2-2 4-3 4-4 4-4 2-2 4-2 3-2 4-3 4-4 5-4 6-4 3-2 3-3 3-2 3-3 5-5 2-0 4-4 4-4 ) .43 .40 .32 .32 .45 .50 .30 TOC (weight Age Pangc 1.84 1.94 1.83 1.57 1.70 1.79 1.90 1.70 1.32 1.79 2.00 1.71 1.30 1.69 1.26 1.25 1.74 1.72 1.88 1.96 1.96 1.42 1.26 1.58 1.68 79 57 53 60 55 50 69 42 55 68 48 86 86 58 86 66 60 83 59 75 43 43 57 58 48 72 (,9 71 76 85 (%) 1.48 1.44 1.50 1.39 1.24 I?orosity C,rnjn 3094 14198 7102 648 2492 2469 9738 1239 703 2374 4963 892 759 413 103 504 5491 221 108 3721 10293 7798 19200 32700 2956 8386 4043 4453 6101 3667 Accum. Rate (g/cm2/my) (c:ont inued) (g/em3) I . Density M'PflNI)l X ii 950 1390 281 839 7887 619 1171 9810 19876 2770 219 76 136 21 50 999 372 22 9792 297S7 10879 6974 8852 15361 2873 2021 1336 2501 733 TOC Acu,m. flae (g/em2/my) (! (I (I (I '(1 (l (l (I (I (ll (I (l ( (8 (8 APPCHD1X 1. Leg hole Interval LitIi (m) 38 38 348 348 40 40 40 361 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 .11 41 41 4 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 364 364 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 366 367 367 367 367 367 367 367 370 370 370 370 381 381 386 387 387 0- 64 64- 265 727- 954 517- 583 1 1 4 4 583- 791 4 0- 100 3 110- 138 170- 200 200- 240 250- 470 480- 600 680- 720 720- 770 3 0- 170 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 170- 260 260- 320 320- 400 680- 860 910-1030 1. 1070-1140 3 200- 230 440- 620 665- 730 750- 890 200- 310 437- 475 1 953-1314 967-1086 577- 701 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 Scd. Rate (rn/my) 40.0 17.0 16.0 4.0 20.0 20.0 5.0 22.5 40.0 9.5 29.0 41.5 14.0 90.0 11.0 2.3 6.0 20.0 4.8 9.2 8.0 35.0 18.0 12.0 100.0 26.0 45.0 42.3 18.8 (Continued) Grain TOC (wciglit %) .26 .39 1.40 .98 1.95 .12 .10 .10 .14 .10 .11 .10 .10 .29 .30 .20 .57 7.80 .40 .17 .40 1.09 .61 1.22 1.70 1.09 3.90 5.00 2.10 Age Range Density Porosity Rate lOC Acciim. Pate (g/cm3) (%) (g/cm2/rny) (g/cm2/my) Accum. 2-2 4-2 8-8 1.69 1.44 63 70 1.81 55 8-8 8-8 1.81 1.90 1.63 1.77 1.69 56 3-2 4-4 4-4 4-4 6-5 6-6 6-6 7-6 3-2 4-4 6-6 50 63 54 59 4149 1218 1784 445 2538 1987 610 2437 Reference - 1079 175 2497 43 4949 238 61 244 (IS).p.595-654;(16),p.921-h100 (l7),p.29-I82 (ll),p.35l-dSl (l8),p.2l-ll (18),p.l63-232 6-6 8-8 8-8 8-8 44 6-6 8-6 8-8 2-2 4-4 8-8 8-8 8-8 (lS),p.421-491 1.45 1.89 1.88 74 47 47 5308 3379 5776 3683 22525 1.78 54 2087 4382 9023 (l9Lp.293-355;(20),p.483-488 (2l),p.SO9-524 (22),p.l95-321 (22),p.323-391 APPPNI)IX I. (Continued) '.0 al.jtlrnlogy: +Age Range: l=siliceous, 2ca1careous-siliceous, 3=calcareous, 4=black shale (see Procedure, Lithology) 1=Reccnt, 2=Pleistoccnc, 3=Plioccne, 4=Mioccne, 5=Oligoccne, 6=11ocene, 7=Paleoccne, 8=Crctaceous, 9=JurassiC Grain Accumulation Rates and Total Organic Carbon Accumulation Rates were calculated after Van Andel et al (1975) and have an estimated error of ±10% of the calculated value (see Procedure, Accumulation Rates). Total Organic Carbon (bc), Porosity and Density data represent the average value for sediment intervals as calculated from computer printouts from the Data Handling Section of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Scripp's Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, Ca. Lithology, Geologic Ages and Sedimentation Rates were determined by shipboard scientists and individual authors of the Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The references are indicated by the table and cited below as follows: (1) Tracey, J.I., Jr., Ct al, 1971, V.8. (2) Hays, J.D., et al, l92, V.9. (3) llollister. C.D., Ewing, J.1., et al, 1972, V.11 (4) Ryan, 1V.B.F., tisii, K.J., et al, 1973, V.13. (5) Schrader, Il..J., 1973, V.18. (6) Von I(uenc, R., Kuhn, 1.0., 1973, V.18. (7) Kuim, 1.0., Von Iluene, It., et al, 1973, V.18. (8) Creager, J.S., Scholl, D.1V., Ct al, 1973, V.19. (9) Scholl, D.W., Creagor, J.S., 1973, V.19. (10) Whitmarsh, R.8., Weser, 0.11., et a!, 1974, V.23 (ii) Kenneth, 3.1'., Iloutz, R.E., et al, 1974, V.29. (12) Karig, 0.11., Ingle, J.C., et al, l97S, V.31. (13) Yeats, R.S., Hart, S.R., et al, 1976, V.34. (14) parker, P.r., Da1ie1, l.W.D., et al, 1976, V.36. (15) Taiwani, N., Udinstev, G., et al, 1976, V.38. (16)'Schrader, 11.3., 1976, V.38. (37) 8olli, U.N., Ryan, W.B.F., et al, 1918, V.40. (18) Lancelot, Y., Seibold, 11., et al, 1977, V.41. (19) Ross, 0.A., Neprochmov, Y.P., et al, 1978, V.42. (20) Stoffers, P., Degeiis, E.T., Trimonis, 11.S., 1978, V.42. (21) Ilsii, K.J., 1978, V.42. (22) Tucholke, 8.11., Vogt, P.R., et a1, 1979, V.43. Por complete citation see References. I