Gavilan College AMT 100 Aircraft Weight & Balance Worksheet #1

Gavilan College AMT 100
Aircraft Weight & Balance
Worksheet #1
Points: 26
1. An imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal measurements are take is called?
2. The horizontal distance between a piece of equipment or part of an aircraft and the datum is
3. What is the formula for a moment?
4. Moment are expressed in what units?
List two places where an aircraft’s datum is defined:
7. The arm for an item located in front of the datum is (negative or positive).
8. When a weight is removed from a positive arm, the moment is (positive or negative).
9. When a weight is added at a positive arm, the moment is (positive or negative).
10. When a weight is removed from a negative arm, the moment is (positive or negative).
11. When a weight is added at a negative arm, the moment is (positive or negative).
12. The point where an aircraft will balance is called?
13. The difference between the maximum allowable weight of an aircraft and its empty weight is
14. The weight of the support equipment used to weigh an aircraft is called?
15. The fuel included in the empty weight CG of an airplane is the
16. When preparing an aircraft certificated under 14 CFR Part 23 for weighing, the engine oil
reservoir should be (full or empty).
17. Which, if any, of these items is not considered to be part of the empty weight of an airplane
certificated under 14 CFR Part 23: unusable fuel, engine oil, permanent ballast, lavatory
18. Hydraulic fluid (is or is not) part of the airplane empty weight.
19. The heaviest weight an aircraft can be loaded to without having any usable fuel in the fuel
tanks is called?
20. When computing the forward extreme CG check of an aircraft, minimum weights, arms, and
moments should be used for items of useful load that are located aft of the (forward or aft)
CG limit.
21. When computing the aft extreme CG check of an aircraft, minimum weights, arms, and
moments should be used for items of useful load that are located forward of the (forward or
aft) CG limit.
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22. An empty aircraft is weighed with a combined net weight at the main gear of 4,251 pounds
with an arm of 190.3 inches. The nose gear has a weight of 2,446 pounds with an arm of 80.2
inches. The datum is forward of the nose of the aircraft. The empty weight of the aircraft is
pounds, and the empty weight CG is
inches from
the datum.
23. Find the empty weight and empty weight CG of this airplane:
Datum is 30.24 inches forward of the main gear center point.
Actual distance between tail gear and main gear center points, 320.26 inches.
Net weight at right main gear ...................... 9,980 pounds
Net weight at left main gear ......................... 9,770 pounds
Net weight at tail gear .................................. 1,970 pounds
These items were in the aircraft when it was weighed:
Lavatory water tank full ...................... (34 pounds at +352)
Hydraulic fluid ......................................... (22 pounds at -8)
Removable ballast ............................ (146 pounds at + 380)
The airplane empty weight is
pounds, and the EWCG is
inches aft of the datum.
24. An aircraft with an empty weight of 1,500 pounds and an empty weight CG of +28.4” was
altered as follows:
a. Two seats weighing 12 pounds each, located at +65.5, were removed.
b. A structural modification increasing the weight by 28 pounds was made at +73.
c. A seat and safety belt weighing 30 pounds were installed at +70.5.
d. Radio equipment weighing 25 pounds was installed at +85.
The new empty weight is
pounds, and the new empty weight CG is
inches aft of the datum.
25. An aircraft with an empty weight of 2,100 pounds and an empty weight CG of +32.5” was
altered as follows:
a. A generator weighing 18 pounds, located at -8.0, was removed.
b. A new propeller which weighs 17 pounds more than the old one was installed at -27.0.
c. Radio equipment weighing 35 pounds was removed from +30.0.
The new empty weight is
pounds, and the new empty weight CG is
inches aft of the datum.
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26. Find the empty weight and empty weight CG of this airplane:
Datum is 30.24 inches forward of the main gear center point.
Actual distance between tail gear and main gear center points, 320.26 inches.
Net weight at right main gear ...................... 9,980 pounds
Net weight at left main gear ......................... 9,770 pounds
Net weight at tail gear .................................. 1,970 pounds
These items were in the aircraft when it was weighed:
Lavatory water tank full ...................... (34 pounds at +352)
Hydraulic fluid ......................................... (22 pounds at -8)
Removable ballast ............................ (146 pounds at + 380)
The airplane empty weight is
inches aft of the datum.
pounds, and the EWCG is
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