Frequently Asked Questions What is CuVerro Antimicrobial Copper?

Frequently Asked Questions
What is CuVerro® Antimicrobial Copper?
CuVerro is a new type of touch surface material designed specifically for areas where cleanliness
is a concern. It is a copper-based alloy, and it is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) as a surface that continuously kills bacteria* within 2 hours. When cleaned regularly,
it kills more than 99.9% of bacteria* within 2 hours and continues to kill 99% of bacteria* even after
repeated contamination.
What does the term “antimicrobial” mean?
“Antimicrobial” is a broad term, defined by EPA as a substance or mixture of substances used for
destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on inanimate objects and surfaces.
Which bacteria (pathogens) has CuVerro® been proven to kill?
Laboratory testing shows that, when cleaned regularly, CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces kill
greater than 99.9% of the following bacteria within 2 hours of exposure: MRSA, Staphylococcus
aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli O157:H7.
How quickly does CuVerro antimicrobial copper kill Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)?
When cleaned regularly, CuVerro antimicrobial copper kills more than 99.9% of bacteria* within
2 hours and continues to kill 99% of bacteria* even after repeated contamination.
What is the active ingredient in CuVerro® antimicrobial surfaces?
Copper! Copper is the only active ingredient found in CuVerro®. In addition to the antibacterial*
properties, the inherent properties of copper provide strength, durability, and tarnish resistance.
*Laboratory testing shows that, when cleaned regularly, CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces kill greater than 99.9% of the following bacteria
within 2 hours of exposure: MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli O157:H7. CuVerro®
antimicrobial copper surfaces are a supplement to and not a substitute for standard infection control practices and have been shown to reduce
microbial contamination, but do not necessarily prevent cross contamination; users must continue to follow all current infection control practices,
including those practices related to cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces. CuVerro is a registered trademark of GBC Metals, LLC
and is used with permission, CW-0013-1207.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is CuVerro® a surface coating?
No. CuVerro® antimicrobial alloys are solid surfaces that will not wear, wash or scratch away. This is
one of the main reasons why the EPA has registered copper alloys for their antibacterial* efficacy.
How can CuVerro antimicrobial copper be used to kill bacteria*
that cause infections?
The use of Antimicrobial Copper for frequently touched hospital surfaces such as switches and
wallplates, door and furniture hardware, bed rails, IV poles, nurses’ call buttons, dispensers,
faucets, sinks and work stations can help reduce the amount of disease-causing bacteria* in
patient rooms.
In addition to frequently touched surfaces in hospitals, Antimicrobial Copper may be used in
other settings such as senior residences, ambulatory care facilities, public transportation, schools,
gyms, and public housing.
How does antimicrobial copper work?
Copper is an essential nutrient for bacteria, but in high doses, it harms bacterial* cells. The exact
mechanism by which copper kills many bacteria* is still being researched, however, several theories
exist and are being studied. They include:
• Cause leakage of potassium or glutamate through the outer membrane of affected bacteria*
• Disturb osmotic balance
• Bind to proteins that do not require copper
• Cause oxidative stress by generating hydrogen peroxide
What does the EPA registration mean?
Registration of Antimicrobial Copper is the first time the EPA recognized a solid material for its
continuous antimicrobial properties and permitted certain public health claims to be made about its
use for touch surfaces.
*See Page 1 for footnote
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the public health claims being permitted by the EPA?
Based on laboratory testing conducted under EPA protocols, when cleaned regularly, CuVerro
• Continuously reduces bacterial* contamination, achieving 99.9% reduction within two
hours of exposure.
• Kills greater than 99.9% of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria* within two
hours of exposure.
• Delivers continuous and ongoing antibacterial* action, remaining effective in killing greater
than 99.9% of bacteria* within two hours.
• Kills greater than 99.9% of bacteria* within two hours, and continues to kill more than
99% of bacteria* even after repeated contamination.
• Helps inhibit the buildup and growth of bacteria* within two hours of exposure between routine
cleaning and sanitizing steps.
Do CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces need to be cleaned?
CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces need to be cleaned regularly; they are a supplement to and
not a substitute for standard infection control and hygienic practices; users must continue to follow
all current infection control practices, including those practices related to cleaning and disinfection
of environmental surfaces.
Don’t copper alloys tarnish? What about tarnishing?
Despite the fact that CuVerro® surfaces have been formulated for their strong resistance to
tarnishing, all uncoated copper alloys are subject to natural oxidation. The effect however will be
more comparable to the subtle surface changes typical of copper-nickel coins (such as dimes,
nickels and quarters), which over time, shows minimal color change, compared to the more
noticeable tarnish that can develop with, for example, a copper penny.
Can CuVerro® surfaces be coated or waxed?
No. Copper is a “living metal” and it is the continued interface of copper ions with the environment
that makes copper such an effective antibacterial* agent.
*See Page 1 for footnote
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Antimicrobial Copper superior to other antimicrobial surfaces?
Antimicrobial Copper is the only class of solid antimicrobial surfaces currently registered by the
EPA to make certain public health claims. Antimicrobial Copper’s characteristics exist through
and through. Even when surfaces made of these materials are scratched their antimicrobial
efficacy continues. They won’t wear away like coatings or other treatments can.
How do CuVerro® surfaces compare to other antimicrobial surfaces?
There is literally no comparison. CuVerro® represents the ONLY class of solid antimicrobial
surfaces currently recognized and registered by the EPA to make public health claims for their
inherent ability to kill infectious bacteria* within 2 hours.
What about silver?
Silver-containing coatings claim to be effective, but unlike Antimicrobial Copper, currently no silvercontaining coating has been registered by the EPA with public health claims. Extensive laboratory
testing is required to make public health claims. Products must prove that they effectively kill
bacteria that pose a threat to human health and safety before such claims are permitted.
Silver-containing coatings currently rely on a treated article exemption. This form of EPA registration
currently only permits products to claim that the active ingredient protects the product itself from
degradation and odor caused by non-specific organisms. No scientific data on antimicrobial
efficacy is required to obtain this registration.
Can CuVerro® antimicrobial alloys be used in food service applications?
Yes. However currently, public health claims are not allowed for antimicrobial copper alloy use for
direct food contact or food packaging. But other highly touched surfaces such as light switches
and wallplates, door and cabinet pulls, and knobs would be perfect applications.
*See Page 1 for footnote
This information was prepared on 8/27/2012