COVER SHEET FOR MLA PORTFOLIO HISTORY 4A Halper History... Due date for your class: March 31

Due date for your class: March 31. Include every version you do of every assignment below,
graded or not, to turn in with the Portfolio; it should all help you get a better final grade, and you
will get a lower grade if old work is missing. If you have an assignment with a grade that’s too
low for you, bring it to my office hours ASAP (last minute=not enough time for either of us) so
we can go over it and get you the grade you want. (Writing Center is a second choice.) If you
miss your class’s deadline, you must do a complete portfolio (getting help from me might be
wise if you missed it first time around) on or before April 13. That is, you will get an F on the
portfolio but still need to do it in order to have me accept the research project, and I must have it
BEFORE we get far into your research project.
Include at least one version of each of the following (additional versions are great!):
__Daoist ”The Way,” five simple quotes
__ “Yellow Emperor's Classic Treatise,” five formats that include both original author &
editor, & correct Works Cited
__” Two Views on How to Deal with Empire,” five formats (including original author &
editor) with Work Cited & linked transitions between quotes
__”Herodotus on the Scythians” five formats with correct Work Cited, intro, transitions that
link quotes to theme given
__”The Roman Peace” of Caesar Augustus, five formats and correct Work Cited, categories
and intro, transitions, conclusion
Grading Matrix for MLA Portfolio:
--An A paper properly uses all five formats, demonstrates clarity in quote choices, correctly
handles punctuation and citation format, gets authors and original sources exactly right, exhibits
clear understanding of page numbering rules, follows approved Works Cited format/s (if
required), uses transitions that are short, sensible and relevant (if required), uses a relevant and
provable thesis (if required), and is clearly and correctly written, or exhibits minor errors on any
of the above. Is on time.
--A B paper uses five formats mostly correctly, is close on punctuation and citation format,
demonstrates mostly clarity on choice of quotes, gets most authors and sources mostly right,
exhibits substantive understanding of page numbering rules, mostly follows Works Cited
format/s (if required), uses adequate transitions (if required), uses an adequate thesis effectively
(if required), and is for the most part clearly and correctly written, or exhibits some errors on
any of the above.
--A C paper demonstrates poor work (errors of commission, omission, or understanding) in some
or all of the following: five formats, choice of quotes, punctuation and citation format, authors
and original sources, page numbering rules, Works Cited format/s (if required), transitions (if
required), thesis (if required), and is understandably written. Please come for help asap if you get
a C or C-!
--A D paper demonstrates very poor work (major errors of omission, commission, or
understanding) in one or more of the following: five formats, choice of quotes, punctuation and
citation format, authors and original sources, page numbering rules, Works Cited format/s (if
required), transitions (if required), thesis (if required), writing syntax, grammar and/or clarity.
Please come for help asap if you get a D!
--An I/Incomplete paper does not fulfill the assignment as it is too short or does not do what was
assigned. Please come for help immediately when you get an I, as you will need to clear up
understanding on this work before going on to future homework.
Portfolio grade will take all of the above into account, and also reward those who corrected
errors and showed improvement in using MLA style correctly as time went on.
End dates for MLA Portfolio are firm—portfolios in after the deadline for your class will get an
F grade but still must be done if you want to have me accept your research papers.