CMUN 4: Group/Individual Workshop Project (175 Points), Due:

CMUN 4: Group/Individual Workshop Project (175 Points), Due:
As discussed in your CMUN 4 Syllabus, you will create a workshop celebrating
your experiences throughout the semester. You (and your group if you choose)
will prepare and facilitate a 30-minute workshop for the class. All submitted work
for this project should be typed and please present your work in a professional
Workshop Requirements (please place all workshop materials in a
binder/report cover/etc.):
1) Workshop Title Page with Group Names (1 page): 5 points.
2) Table of Contents for Workshop Materials (1 page): 5 points. Please
include page numbers.
3) Workshop Agenda (1 page): 10 points. The agenda should include your
workshop goals, activities, and the title of your workshop.
4) Detailed Lesson Plans for Workshop (3-5 pages): 60 points (see point
breakdown below):
Organization/Cohesiveness: 20 points
Coherence of Lesson Plans/Activities: 20 points
Professionalism/Originality/Creativity: 20 points
5) Feedback Form (1 page): 10 points. Create a Feedback Form that you
will pass out to your workshop participants after the workshop in class.
6) Presentation/Delivery (Individual): 40 points (see point breakdown
Organization/Content: 20 points
Delivery and Effective Use of Visual Aids: 15 points
Time: 5 points
7) References/Outside Sources (1 page): 10 points. You must include a
minimum of 5 outside sources (your textbook may be counted as 1 of
these 5) and outside research into your presentation. Please include a
separate “References” page in your final report/portfolio in either MLA or
APA citation format.
8) Group Evaluation Form (due the day you present): 10 points
9) Participation Score (individual): 25 points