From: AAAI-87 Proceedings. Copyright ©1987, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Filming a Terrain under Uncertainty and Probabilistic Raymond Department Using Temporal easoning D. Gumb of Computer Science University of Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts Abstract We address under problem uncertainty, text seek an the to facilitate to identify the the ambiguous make. and the a certain been type object sible movement a frame idea and is to an ent and highly one type does and Lesser, centralized at a single node. presented Think film can object is of properties type an of a map and in as plausible which change to TEMPRO an an can be applied only reasoning whenever 19861 for probabilistic logic (called a language having ple, first-order of intensional object conditional using, say, the methods [Leblanc, probabilistic languages semantics 1981]). A necessary conthe rules be expressible a probabilistic languages, proba- of [Nilsson, of systems similar to TEMPRO is that universal laws codifying The object an In the terminology bilities can be ordered dition for the application being (coher- into nature. 19861, we consider in some of the literature impos- a film. as well as of a spatial The logical and probabilistic features of TEMPRO can be formalized in a natural manner. Systems similar have and when as being mysteriously objects resolution, of frames in conditional an of its We semantics. in For exam- and most of the usual first-order such as the one implicit in this pa- per, have a probabilistic semantics, but, for second-order languages, no probabilistic semantics is known. type. TEMPRO l[ntroduction . In this paper, some probable) of [Durfee about (that a consistent not poral con- objects. object in conflict is detected. data movements alternative a sequence construct of another that is used is assigned an probability given recognized) of of reasoning possible A conditional and identification by sensor spatial interpreting temporal type image probabilities of using we describe TEMPRO, can be formalized ities of alternative a system that em- Hintikka in terms of the probabil- model systems in a quantified ploys temporal reasoning and probabilities in conflict resolution. ’ TEMPRO f ocuses on the information manage- temporal logic with identity and a past tense operator. In formal terms, we construct the most probable Hintikka model system [Leblanc, 19811 (the most probable corrected ment aspects of interpreting TEMPRO uses conditional film) extending a given consistent 19781 (a given noisy film). sensor data under uncertainty. probabilities to order conflict- ing rules, and diachronic inconsistencies (impossible ments) to trigger the selection of alternative rules. would be less reliable if checks for II. dimensional were ignored in conflict resolution. The development of TEMPRO objects cerns similar to those motivating 19851 and correction [Ferrante, [Durfee and Lesser, by con- such works as [Ferrante, . TEMPRO’s error 19861. facilities bear some similarity to the devices of 19851, which integrates techniques for reasoning about uncertainty the constraints and constraint embedded within propagation. TEMPRO However, are of a tem- other are permanent lished (i.e. tional research was supported Laboratories. by grant 95-2931 from Sandia Na- Automated Reasoning The i&own objects Icnown objects. objects An area containing are called un- one or more unknown is said to be \occupied. During diagonal whereas are perma- whose existence has been previously estabprior to the simulation). Permanent objects which are not known and all mobile objects one unit of time, a mobile object adjacent area (in a horizontal, direction) upon its type. the terrain. 116 within an area. Some of the (i.e. have a fixed location), are mobile. objects nent objects the types of obworld. The two- world consists of areas laid out in a grid, with zero or more objects contained an (immediately) ’ This [Gumb, Objectives TEMPRO is designed to determine jects situated within a two-dimensional diachronic consistency were not in place, and both less reliable and more inefficient if the conditional probabilities was motivated theory move- TEMPRO has been tested in a Monte Carlo simulation. Sensitivity analysis of the experimental results indicates that the system evolving or it can remain stationary, An inspector The inspector can move to vertical, or depending is assigned the task of filming is restricted to moving in a straight line from one area on the grid to another at the rate of one unit of distance per unit of time. In particular, the inspector travels down row 0 and, at time t, is located in area (0, t). The inspector films the terrain in his field of vision, taking snapshots at the rate of one frame per unit of time. The each snapshot currently inspector’s field of vision is limited, as covers only the area where the inspector located and the adjacent is areas. The inspector is given (1) an initial map showing the location of the known objects to traverse on the terrain and (2) instructions Figure 1: The Four Phases in the Simulation a path of length n. On his its path, the inspector’s objectives are (1) to film as faithfully as possible both the permanent ate the history and a correct film of the terrain. and movable objects introduced and (2) to construct map of the permanent with TEMPRO objects. a more complete The inspector for use as an error correction In the simulation, the identification is provided system. of unknown jects takes place in the presence of uncertainty. of an object is determined by the properties error occurs when information regarding The type it has, and an an object’s prop- erties is lost in the sensor input, making the object’s indeterminate. moment If the inspector by reasoning type was located at the previous in the same area where the object now, TEMPRO ob- in question is might be able to correct the present frame about what objects in the immediately pre- ceding frame could now be in that area. (Note that, in the previous moment, the area where the object is now and every area adjacent tor’s field of vision. to that area were in the inspec- Hence, in the preceding frame, the inspector could see every object which now could be in the area in question, and the area in question is included in the present frame.) Similarly, TEMPRO might be able to correct past frames based on the present and future frames, Sometimes, TEMPRO is unable to identify the type of an unknown object with certainty. However, knowing some of the properties of an object allows TEMPRO to make informed guesses about its probable type. TEMPRO is given conditional probabilities to facilitate its guesses. Even when temporal reasoning can identify the type of an object with certainty, the conditional probabilities ful because they are used in conflict resolution, the need for chronological The current goal minimizing backtracking. of TEMPRO where, for any occupied is to correct errors area, at most one of its objects can be in error, and, for any object of its properties are use- in error, at most one cannot be identified. and, in phase 3, TEMPRO attempts rors, producing film and a more complete map In phase 4, TEMPRO’s cor- a corrected of the permanent objects. film (phase 1) and evaluated mance index. corrected PRO’s with a grade and a perfor- film, and the performance index measures TEM- efficiency. In the first phase, generating the history of the terrain, the user is asked to supply the following 1. the number of time periods 2. the location information: (n), of the known objects on the terrain, 3. the average number of unknown objects per area, 4. for each type, the absolute a priori probability one of the unknown objects is of that type, and of losing information 5. the absolute probability ing an occupied area. that regard- The information entered in step (2) provides the initial map of the permanent objects. The number of unknown objects is determined by the information given in steps (1) and (3), and the total number of objects is the sum of the known and unknown objects. given in step (4), the system of each unknown object, and then each object random on the grid, which, together permanent objects, of the objects Using the information chooses at random on the terrain. the type is placed at with the initial map of gives the initial (time Proceeding 1) configuration inductively, the next configuration (time 2,. . . , n) of objects on the terrain is obtained by choosing, for each object, one of its possible to the inspector’s noise in a frame, field of vision. in time t (1 < t < n), the restriction the objects testing TEMPRO’s error correction abilities. In phase 1, the user supplies a (possibly incomplete) map of the permanent objects and other information with the correct moves at random. Simulation the four phases in the simulation these er- The grade gives the accuracy of TEMPRO’s In phase 2, generating 1 depicts to eliminate rected film is checked for correspondence restricted Figure Errors are at random in phase 2, resulting in a noisy film, which the system uses to gener- attention is For each point of the configuration of on the terrain to these areas gives the correct frame at time t. A noisy frame is generated frame by selecting occupied using the error rate specified ing an unknown object and losing one property from a correct areas (at random) for an error in step (5) of phase 1, select- for an error in each selected area, of each selected object. Gumb 117 In phase 3, correcting errors using temporal and probabilistic reasoning, TEMPRO’s corrective action depends upon the time. First, without using any temporal reasoning, TEMPRO determines all possible object configurations that are compatible with the information provided in the noisy frame. Second, TEMPRO orders the possible configurations on a list using conditional probabilities computed from the information (4) of phase 1. There figurations 1 to n. for each time from the moment at least) Third, con- an error in its program frame. If P4 t3 P2 P3 t4 I P2 P4 logic. termiIf this is pro- t, t > 1, and the list for time backtracks corrected and the list for time t is not empty, the first configuration on the list is removed and checked for compatibility with the corrected frame for time it is rejected, and the next configuration <t,(X) Ifn(X), then h(X) iff not t3(X). <t,(X) then t2(X) iff not t4(X). <t,(X) and proceeds to time t = n, TEMPRO the permanent objects on the terrain the simulation proceeds to phase 4. V. on the list is re- frame, and checked. and t < n, TEMPRO If it is compatible Figure 3: TEMPRO’s Laws If it t4(X) if 232(X)> if ps(X); t3(X) if p3(X)> if p4(X); t4(X) if p4(X)> 1 from Universal nent objects are printed. The To illustrate TEMPRO’s error correction techniques, we consider the following simple universe: There are only four types of objects more complete the location of the known objects of t + 1. reports a map of along his path, and The final corrected film (i.e. the final sequence of corrected frames) and the more complete map of the permamap gives as well as the location that are judged to be of permafilm represents a consistent and plausible (highly probable if not completely correct) evolving theory [Gumb, 19781. The user is given the option of tracing the corrected PI(X)> if pz(X); Rules are Extracted Types (tl,. . . ,t4) and four properties (PI,. . . ,p4), which characterize of those unknown objects nent. The final corrected if t2(X) then h(X) iff not t4(X). Pair if pi(X); t - 1. If it is not compatible, moved, taken to be the corrected is compatible Rule <t,(X) iff If m(X), If p4(X), to time t - 1, the config- t - 1 is removed and taken frame. If this is time t, t > 1, Law PI(X), then tl(X) uration first on the list for time to be the (new) 1 and their Properties not t2(X). If this is time 1 and the list for time 1 is not empty, TEMPRO t is empty, TEMPRO P3 Pl Uwiversal first on the list, taking this (for to be the corrected ceeds to time 2. If this is time Pl t2 Figure 2: Types TEMPRO time 1 and the list for time 1 is empty, TEMPRO nates, reporting Properties t1 entered by the user in step is one such list of all possible removes the configuration Type frames as they are selected. the four types. each type is characterized If information In Figure 2, note that by two properties. regarding a property of an object is lost in the sensor input, TEMPRO can narrow the object’s possible type down to two types. For example, if an unknown object is really of type tl and property pl is lost, the inspector can determine that the object is either of type tl or t3 because the inspector knows that property p3 holds. The information in Figure 2 determines four universal laws (Figure 3) that state that, if one of the four properties hold of an object o, then o is of exactly one of two types. From each universal law, a pair of conflicting TEMPRO rules is In phase four, the correct and corrected frames are compared, and TEMPRO is assigned a grade and a performance index. The grade is the number of errors in the noisy film that were properly corrected in the corrected film divided by the total number of errors in the noisy film. The performance index is an ordered pair (b, T), where b is the number of backtracks and T is the number of rejected configurations. performance ranging under various conditions performance number of backtracks constituting debilitates 118 A rough ranking of the TEMPRO’s indices order. The b is the first item in the ordered pair the performance efficiency can be had by ar- in lexicographic index because backtracking as well as real-time Automated Reasoning veracity. extracted as shown in Figure 3. The said to codify TEMPRO’s rules. Within universals each pair of rules, conditional solve conflicts. For example, regarding laws are probabilities re- the first pair of rules, if object Q is observed to have property pl and the conditional probability of an object’s being of type tl given that it has property pl is greater than the conditional probability of its being type t2 given ~1, then object Q is taken to be of type tl. Permanent objects are of type tl. Objects of types t2 - t4 are mobile and, during one time period, can remain stationary or move to an adjacent area. time 1 2 3 Suppose k errors occur in a noisy frame, and, if Ic 2 1, that the i-th object in error (1 5 i 2 Ic) is observed to have exactly one property. Then, the unknown object can Figure 4: A Noisy be of one of two possible types. In general, there are 2k possible configurations of the objects (i.e. possible corrected frames). Each possible ble with the information a possible configuration ity checks), (prior objects to making in error, sumed types, and P(tij given tij is compati- in the noisy frame. J&j, then observed ti,, . . . , ti, of are their as- , pij ) is the conditional (assuming In the compatibil- if pi,, . . . , pik are the properties the k unknown Of configuration provided probability independence) Figure 5: A Corrected we have p(til7 Pi,) X ’ ’’ x P(ti,, pi,) as the probability of this configuration. The ordering of the possible configurations induced by these probabilities is used in conflict resolution as described Each earlier. might viewed in temporal tally) when viewed be (synchronically) consistent. t-1, t - 11, t-1, t>, C-4t (1, t - l), and (1, t)). Film 21, V-4t - l>, to, t>, (1, t - 21, t > 1 and the corrected frame for time t is not compatible frame for time t - 1, TEMPRO rejects the corrected frame for time t. If of two frames, lation, Film succession, in temporal consistent, might but, isowhen with the corrected not be (diachroni- The possible movements of objects serve to determine compatibility checks for adjacent frames in a film. For example, an unknown mobile object located in area (i, j) has 9 possible movements available to it if it is not on an edge of the grid. The nine areas to which it can move are (; - 1,j - 1), (i - l,j), (i,j>, (i,j+l), TEMPRO cerning (i+Lj-I), employs the possible (; - 1, j + l), movements of objects tor’s field of vision. If the simulation so the time is t = 1, then TEMPRO patibility provide context. three compatibility - l), in the inspec- is just beginning and can make no com- checks because there is not (yet) temporal (;,j (i+l,j), and(i+l,j+l). three compatibility checks con- If the time is a past frame to t 2 2, there are checks: In each of the 6 areas covered in both the frame for time t - 1 and and the frame for time t, there must be the same number of permanent (The6commonareas (type are(-l,t-1), (-l,t), tl) objects. (&t-l), Consider view. 2 in area (1,3), truck (T) the number of objects of that type located in the area must be less than or equal to the sum in the frame for time and adjacent t of the objects of that type in that the areas (-1, t - 1), (-1, t), (?‘s) For each type from (1, t - 11, (1, 0, indicates those areas in which a car (C) at time 2 in area (0, l), at time 3 in area (1,4). TEMPRO’s and a compatibilobjects to be determined: 1. In frame 1, a car (C) is in area (-1,O) because the car at time 2 in area (0,l) must have come from there (compatibility check (3)). 2. In frame 2, a truck (T) have moved is in area (0,3) at time 3 to area (1,4) truck is the only object because it must and, at time 3, a in area (1,4) (compatibility check (2)). 3. In frame 3, a boulder (B) is in area (1,3) because it was there at time 2 (compatibility check (1)). TEMPRO areas (i.e. t-v + I>, to, t - l>, to, t>, (0, t + l), and (1, t + 1)). mark (7) ity checks enable the types of all three unidentified t2 to t4, in the frame for time t - 1, (0,t) A question information about an object has been lost. The following objects are observed with certainty: A boulder (B) at time (0, t>, (1, t - 11, and (1, t)). For each type from the noisy film in Figure 4 consisting of the frames for times 1, 2, and 3. In each of the three frames, the inspector (1) is in the middle of the areas in his field of Figure constructs the corrected film as shown in 5. t2 to t4, in the frame for time t, the number of objects of that type located in the area (0,t - 1) must be less than or equal to the sum in the frame for time t - 1 of the objects of that type in that and adjacent areas (i.e. the areas (-1, t - 2), To facilitate ennabling sensitivity analysis, an option is provided the user to run three variants of TEMPRO Gumb with 119 the same terrain history and the same noisy film. First, TEMPRO can be run with the standard conflict resolu- of the current 9 large areas. tion and compatibility checks as described above (STANDARD). Second, TEMPRO can be run with the stan- more effective, dard compatibility checks but with conflict resolution done patibility checks (suitably expected plausibly The second and third com- modified) and, with should become the resolution much fine enough, the number of unknown objects per area might restricted to a maximum of one. be by inversely ordering each list of possible configurations (REVERSED-PROBABILITIES). Third, TEMPRO can The algorithm could be made more efficient jecting into the future the number of permanent be run with standard conflict resolution but with no compatibility checks (NO-COMPATIBILITY-CHECKS). in each previously observed areas. Regarding extensions of TEMPRO (incorporating, for example, more types Under a variety mance indices pared with PRO, yielding poral reasoning those resolution. a grade of conditions, achieved for the grades and perfor- by STANDARD the other some insight two In eleven sample probabilities chance.) (A had STANDARD one time and rejected REVERSED-PROBABILITIES much and rejected DARD’s grade CHECKS while 10 times as STAN- move”), as expected, other two compatibility 2. Compatibility caught more checks. (<.2 3. Conditions that: objects errors never than of unknown the when objects that overwhelm the com- patibility checks (resulting in poor grades and performance indices) are large error rates (>.8 per area), dense unknown object and a large number distributions of time periods (>2 per area), (>lO). For ex- ample, in one run with an error rate of .9 and a average density of 2 objects per area, TEMPRO a grade of -76 (respectable) (poor). performance (and details of the Franz LISP volves making the resolution able, so that the inspector’s more finely index analysis of TEMPRO’s can be found in [Gumb, One of the most promising 120 and a performance of (16,4096) tation) Further received implemen- system enhancements in- of the inspector’s sensor varifield of view could be carved into as many as, say, 25 small areas instead Automated Reasoning for his suggestions for their LISP, Arun on the present paper, and Gary David- Katsaounis, and Peter F. Patel-Schneider a hand in the preparation for of this paper. References [Durfee and Lesser, 19861 E. H. Durfee Incremental planning to control and V. R. Lesser. a black-board based problem solver. In Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 58-64, 1986. and Lesser, Using Partial 19871 E. H. Durfee Global Plans and V. R. Lesser. to Coordinate Distributed Problem Solvers. Technical Report 87-06, Computer and Information Science Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, January 1987. [Ferrante, 19851 R. D. Ferrante. The characteristic approach to conflict resolution. In Proceedings Ninth International Joint Conference telligence, pages 331-334, 1985. error of the on Artificial In- [Gumb, 19781 R. D. Gumb. Summary of research on computational aspects of evolving theories. ACM SIGART [Gumb, Newsletter, (67):13, 1978. 19861 R. D. G umb. Filming certainty Using Temporal a Terrain Under Un- and Probabilistic Reason- ing. Technical Report 172, Computer Science Department, NMIMT, Socorro, NM, August 1986. [Leblanc, order 19861. in Franz 19861, Ric D avis and Rick Craft for their advise on as well as technical matters, Pierre Bieber son, Christos [Durfee per area). (in combination) [Gumb, likely. checks 2 and 3 were more effective expected and Alex Trujillo TEMPRO administrative is more (less) (“Permanent there was a sparse distribution go to Sarah Bottomley on implementing lending NO-COMPATIBILITY- and ) were .81, .62, and 56. check (1) Acknowledgements Arya and Alex and Sarah for their assistance in preparing chronologically of these and other runs revealed film. by when the types are, roughly, equally 1. Compatibility corrected be expected The average grade, number of temporal backtracks, and number of rejected configurations in 93 runs of (STANDARD) TEMPRO (without also running (REVERSED- Analysis probable Thanks 58 configurations, PROBABILITIES) (NO-COMPATIBILITY-CHECKS) substantial work (REVERSED-PROBABILITIES) pronounced checks), .58 backtracked over compatibility of 5 times as many configurations. advantage most achieved a grade grade of .5 might and more sophisticated changes in the underlying algorithm are required to guarantee that, in the general case, TEMPRO will produce the in conflict REVERSED-PROBABILITIES On the average, backtracked of TEM- runs, STANDARD (NO-COMPATIBILITY-CHECKS) (.68, respectively). variants into the value of using tem- and conditional of .73, whereas have been com- by proobjects 19811 H. Leblanc. semantics. editors, Handbook 274, Reidel, [Nilsson, Alternatives In D. Gabbay of Philosophical Dordrecht, 28~71-88, Logic, pages 189- 1981. 19861 N. J. Nilsson. Intelligence, to standard firstand F. Guenthner, Probabilistic 1986. logic. Artificial