From: AAAI-86 Proceedings. Copyright ©1986, AAAI ( All rights reserved. DESIGN AND EXPERIHENTATION FOR Giovanni Guida, Milan Marco PROGRANNING Guida, AN EXPERT SYSTEM IN-THE-LARGE Sergio Gusmeroli, Marco Polytechnic Artificial Intelligence Politecnico di Milan0 Mi Lano, 1. OF Somalvico Project Italy INTRODUCTION artificial results of The research are often important to than computer science itself. One wide presents a variety of of artificial applications is the area of software tecniques, A well knoun role of artificial intelligence other areas area which potential intelligence production. intelligence in software technology has been in the area of several experimental systems program synthesis; based on different methodological approaches (Barstou have been deveLoped in the past BarteLs et al. (1981); Green (1977); (1979); Green and Barstou (1978); Green et al. (1979); Manna and Waldinger (1979); Smith (1981)). At the Milan Polytechnic Artificial Intelligence Project, the BIS system (Caio et al. (1982)) based on reduction an approach oriented methodology for problem to problem solving has been developed. the recent evolution of opinion, In our knowledge-based systems is showing how the role intelLigence of artificial can be further uith extended in dealing the conceptual analysis of complex probLems and applications. solvable While the complexity of the problems by a program synthesizer is of Limited size, we may expect that a knowledge-based system can assist the designer of a camp lex software system devising its modular architecture. This activity is called within software technology programming in-the-large, as opposed to programming izhe-smalL, i.e. the classical programming activity devoted to design the data structures and algorithms needed for representing and solving a given Initial Problem ----a------- ]------>I I 1 DESIGNER ------------ 1 SPECIFICATION EXPERT I Ix------I -_---------------------- I! II II II II II II II II I -------->I II ------c-----' been designed refers to a new rearrangement of the softuare Life-cycLe, in which several tools automating for software production are avai lable. We call this environment Software Factory of the Future CSFF), as illustrated in -m--1. I Formal High-Level I -----------------------I I I I I Modular I I I I ---------->I 1 Architecture I I I PROGRAMMING IN-THE-SMALL EXPERT Target 1 PROGRAM Fig. MODULES LIBRARY 1 The I I I --------_--------------I I I I PROGRAMMING IN-THf-LARGE I EXPERT I I -----------------------I problem. his activity of problem analysis and software the ESAP (Expert System for Automatic design: Programming) (Guida et al. (1984); Guida et al. The environment where the ESAP has (1985)). I f Specification The this purpose of paper is the illustration of the results obtained in a research project, devoted to design an expert system assisting the programmer in-the-large in Figure --e--e ----------------e-- 1 SOFTWARE Software 1 1 I I I Program PROGRAM 1 1 SYNTHESIZER Factory of the 1 1 Future- ESAP receives in input the description of a supplied by the user by Large software system, means of an high-Level formal representation Language and interacts with the programmer in progressively refining specification, the and modules, decomposing into the problem defining the appropriate interfaces among APPLICATIONS them. / 1155 This process halts when all the modules are simple enough to be easily manufactured by a Lower-Level actors for programming set of namely in-the-small, automatic program synthesizers and program modules libraries. The output of ESAP consists of the overall modular architecture of the desired software system, which final program can be the from implemented. thus, to the project is, The goal of the activities carried interactively support a programmer during the design of a out by Large software system. On the contrary, both the management of a software project and the programming in-the-small activity are not considered in this research. ESAP DEC has been implemented in Franz-Lisp, on in order coopera ting subproblems, the car respondent modula r architec - The ESAP is each one domains. - the the leaves three conceived as a set of expert in one of the above "expert" In particular, ESAP includes: this Description the classes of of a problem activities (1981)). In particular, transformation, which the is approach based on of program incremental high-level formal of an achieve an order to in automatically compilable representation (Manna and Waldinger (1979); Barstow (1984); Smith et (1985); BaLzer (1985); Fickas (198511, al. Furthermore, interesting. revealed very for the artificial intelligence techniques transformations specification construction proved very programming (1979); al. ESAP of knowledge-based systems have powerful in constructing automatic systems (Barstow (1979); Green et Manna and represents Waldinger a (1979)). synthesis of several approaches to program design and construction, both of automatic developed in the areas programming and of software engineeringcparnas (1972); Stevens et al. (1974); Parnas (1979); Booth (1983); BaLzer (1985)>, in the Light of a new concept of the software Life cycle, where solutions in several software automating production are available. ESAP can three major support involved in software production: - The specification of the problem to be solved the subproblems obtained and of during the decomposition process. - The programm decorposition 1156 activities / ENGINEERING ing of in-the-large, a problem into the i.e. a set of nouns) in terms involved of in it. Problem reformulation by means of a representation Language, in formal terms of input and output data and of them and relationships operations on among them. to problem approach supported by a knowledge the specification Language In the past, severa 1 research directions have the area of automatic been carried out in programming (Barstow (1979); Green et aL.Cl979); Manna and Waldinger (1979); Smith systems, mentioned and (verbs This ESAP ARCHITECTURE modular phases: Key-words identification. illustrate the paper we will experimental activity carried out in designing various ESAP and components of the experimenting with them. We will first discuss the architecture of ESAP (section 2); later, we describe the knowledge representation Language (section 3) and the inferential engine (section the experimental results wi 11 be 4); finally, outlined (section 5). 2. the of Specification Expert, which enables the to formally describe the initial user problem he wants to soLve, to modify the and to incrementally problem description complete it with new details. The activity divides into of the specification expert VAX11/780. In of constituting architecture. the i.e. problems in-the-small, simple programming solution to obta in ture. specification, base concerning (Representation Language knowledge base), enables the user to gradually frame his problem in the ESAP interactively supported during environment, each step in the representation process. The output of the Specification Expert is a Largely formal problem description, in which, the user is allowed to however, informa 1 Ly expressed some Leave the during informations. At stage any decomposition process, the a representation, either user can modify substituting an informal sentence adding previously The Last task of in consists semantically) with a formal one, or omitted detai Is. the Specification Expert (syntactically and analyzing the translating and an into specification easy to deal representation, inferential engine of ESAP. internaL with by the which Expert , in-thelarge ng its out finding analyzes a problem, cooperating decompositions in possible shows them to the user, and, subproblems, chooses the most promising with his help, base knowledge one. Furthermore, a the specification Language and concerning Prograrni the application domain allows ESAP to the of specification derive the starting from the description subproblems, of the initial problem and from the chosen decomposition. kinds of It two different relies on knowledge: - software concerning to be - domain knowledge, engineering principles used and in software knowledge, characteristic domain to be decomposition methodologies Decomposition Knowledge-base design. concerning criteria application the of used of in Leading problems the into ----------------- subproblems. Both these knowledge-bases are independent of the specification Language of ESAP and of the target programming Language. - Lower-Level problem solvable resources to Actors find at his disposal: Language Knowledge-base EXPERT I ----------------- program Libraries, each one parameterited strongly implementing elementary tasks programs, in the chosen application domain. Each has been and program designed implemented with the aim to make it reusable for different, but similar tasks, using it directly or after performing on it changes, some according to user's needs. Program libraries are, thus, a collection of reusable software components. Each ESAP module is described by representation language and by the but the first corresponding program, is the only Actors Expert. one used I I EXPERT ----------------- user's problem is not at ESAP's charge, subsystem, is performed by an external implementation expert. but it called I I- 1 I I ENGINE I I -------e-w------- 1 I 1 Lower-leve Actors Knowledge-base 1 --------------------------------I I I------------------------------SYNTHESIZERS I AND I 1 PROGRAM 2 The 1 LOWER-LEVEL ACTORS EXPERT I I----- I LIBRARY Fig. I --------------- 1 1 ------------------- by synthesis of the final program implementing modular architecture and, thus, solving the I INFERENCE 1 constructing of limited - A set of containing 1 1 I 1 SPECIFICATION synthesizers, varying 1 approach and in of domain, capable generating algorithms and programs solving problems complexity. The the PROGRAMMING IN-THE-LARGE Expert, - A set of program in methodologica description Lower-Level 1 1 which analyzes a out whether and how it is foundamental the two using ESAP has application Representation --------------- architecture 1 I of ESAP. ESAP Figure. 2) (see architecture of The integrated prototype of an represents a environment for a first step towards toward the software factory of the ESAP particular, of the crucial concept that we have interpreted In future. makes an extensive use of reuse of resources, in various ways: - Reuse of general design methodologies, that independent is of Language domain and principles (Stevens et al. (1974); Parnas (1972); Parnas (1979); Booth (1983)). - Reuse of general domain concepts, both programming target (Barstow (1984); (1985); Adelson and representation and languages independent Barstow (1985); Kant SoLoway (1985)). components, i.e. of - Reuse of software parameterized and ad hoc designed programs, developed in order to solve different, (Sommervi 1 Le problems though simi Lar (1982); Wegner (1984); Ramamoorthy et al. (1984)). APPLICATIONS / 1157 3. THE KNRULEDCE REPRESENTATIOW the accounts; a registry archiv, containing the orivate data of the clients. are inspired Some’ primitives by the relational algebra and they allou to handle archivs of operations of by - means retrieving, se letting, projecting on fields, joi ni ng, and so on. Other primitives define usual set the intersection union, and operations of difference of archivs. more primitives allou to define Other updating operations, consisting in fields or inserting, deleting or modifying tuplas into an archi v. Furthermore, have introduced the ue "compute" "compact" primitives: the and represent a 1 lows to typical former computations in the management of current accounts, using domain concepts. The latter of an a 1 lows two types of manipulation archiv: adding the values of an assigned field of the tuplas with the same value of another assigned -field and adding the values of an- assigned field in a<1 the archiv. The primitive “ord” allous to sort the LANGUAGE We have identified two representation languages in ESAP: one for the interaction with the user, a 1 lowing semplicity of use and supporting abstractions in the definition of the problem the wants to the he solve; other for inferential activity of the system, allowing an efficient representation of facts and rules. the representat ion The possi bi li ty to translate of a problem from the former language to latter is offered by a conversion algorithm. 3.1 User representation the language The foundamental characteristic of ESAP user representation language is the ability to support abstractions in the definition of a problem. This goal is achieved by allowing the user to neglect all the details of the representation that he considers unimportant and to define them only when it is necessary to complete the description. Furthermore, the user is allowed to employ terminology and concepts of the task domain, since the system has knouledge about them and about hou to deal with. user two tuplas Class MOD esmp 1 2 COMPUTE interest IN current account UPDATE archiv IN current ac;ount problem consisting in interest of all of a bank and in updating current_accounts the corresponding archivs with the new balance computed values . The user can disregard all the details not relevant for a first description of his problem, as the value of the interest rate or the time period on which compute the interest. represents computing incremental through a level, which allous an representat ion of the problem set of primitive expressions. reference to an abstract data called "archiv", whose instances type, represent the foundamental data of all the problems in a bank environment. There are three basic instances of the "archiv" type: a current account archiv, containing informations about the present situation of the accounts; a transactions archiv, recording all the transactions on They 1158 make / ENGINEERING their on the fields basis or by of values expressions LINK BODY Cc a archiv trans archiv -rate date 1 date 2 --> new --c-a archTv) INPUT the the - Module deflnitfon archivs The example above may be detai Led at the module level as follows: As an example, class class by containing one or more references to fields. Finally, we have introduced the primitive “reduce”, which allows to select occurrences of element s on the basis of ordinal constrai nts. The interaction with the user through ESAP representation language is supported at abstraction levels: definition level, which allows the definition of a problem in terms of the (classes) of the functionalities types allows a graceful involved in it. This approach to the problem, that is represented in an highly abstracted way. of assumed OUTPUT c a archiv : --current account archiv : trans archi transactions archiv rate : number date 1 : date date-2 : date neu c a archiv . -curTent - ac count arch iv STOP COMPUTE interest OF current account FROM date 1 TO date 2 -WITH ANNUAL RATE rate % WHERE (USING c-a -- archTv AND trans archiv) IN c a archiv (money = dollar) IN tFa;s - archiv (money = dollar) END MODIFY FIELD (balance) INTO c a archiv WITH -KEW VALUE (Cc a archiv 'Ealance + interZsF)) WHERE (OBTAINING neu --c a archiv) END MOD - END all In this example, we have already introduced the particulars of the problem, but ESAP is able to start its activity even with incomplete specifications, and modify the the allowing the representation user process. an decomposition at As to each correct* step of example, we can omit the where conditions (i.e. the conditions appearing after the key-word "IN", which define the tuplas to be handled by the primitive), but the system is nevertheless able to suggest a set of possible decompositions. The flexibility of this language is increased by means of informal user sentences, which can be included in the specification of a problem, a 1 lowing to satisfy particular user's exigencies. These sentences will be handled interactively by the system in a second step, in order to transform them into forma 1 expressions containing known concepts and in acquiring new knowledge. 3.2 System language representation A knowledge base may be viewed as made up of facts and actions (Hayes-Roth (1983); Laurent (1984)). In the ESAP system representation Language, a fact is a pattern with the following structure: FACT -+-> object value> (relation object I attribute where "object" may be any element of the description of the activity of a moduLe. An object may have one or more attribute with a value (e.g. we represent the fact that a variable A is of type T as: CA type T)). Furthermore, an object may be bound to another object by a relation (e.g., we represent the fact that the variable A is input for the module M as: CM input A)). The Left-hand side of a rule is made up of conjunctions, disjunctions and negations of patterns; the right-hand side is made up of new patterns to be added to the knowledge base, when the rule is applied. Furthermore, we allow to use in the left-hand side of a rule two speciaL patterns, namely ASK and ASKY/N. They allow to point directly to functions that evaluate to a boolean value CASKY/N) or to a new binding for the variables CASK). from a state to another the inner representation problem The THE INFERENCE ENGINE As we have conceived pointed as a subsystems. The system is based, which each expert out in control determins has to section of set cycle, the be 2, ESAP is knowledge-based on which the correct order in particular, initial user's In represents the initial state. system cycle of an expert control usually based on state four steps: expanded; is selecting the next all the finding chosen the state; to be appliable to transitions transition to next selecting the wp Ly; effectively applying the chosen transition. The conflict resolution may be implemented in consisting in the choice of the two sub-steps, object on which to apply the next transition to be and in the choice of the transition the two steps can executed; in the control cycle of the have particular, we In appear in any order inferential engine. S-O-A chosen a (State-Object-Action) strategy, consisting in selecting first the next state to be expanded, on which the then the object (i.e. the module) finally the action expansion will be based, (i.e. the decomposition operator) to be applied on it. A state is a set of modules, that are leaves of the decomposition tree under development. At the system checks for the each control cycle, necessity to change the state. This corresponds to abandoning the current decomposition and restoring a previous state, in which it is possible to apply a new decomposition operator to derive a different modularization of the same problem (state selection). The next step consists in activating the programming-in-the small expert to check the Leaves of modular terminality of the the one to architecture and to choose the next decompose (object selection). in-the-large Then, the programming expert for elementary searches all the appliable decomposition operators, reasoning on them and selecting one of their consistent and complete combinations, possibly the most promising one (action selection). Finally, the choosen operator is applied and the representation expert is activated to the representation of the subproblems deduce from the initial problem's one and to complete interacting with the user. This activity them, corresponds to the construction of the new current state for the next controL cycle of the inferential engine of ESAP. Each cycle design for corresponds to a step the construction of desired software 4. state. of the the modular system. architecture of the The inferential process is based on production rules and on metarules, that define the order in which a set of goals are to be achieved (i.e. implement strategies) and allow to quickly focouse on relevant rules' subsets, referring to them by name CAieLLo (1983)). activated. We have considered a particular interpretation of an expert system in terms of the state space model for problem solving (Laurent (1984)). In this view, a given knowledge base represents a state and an action represents an operator that allows a transition 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ESAP has been successfully implemented at the MiLan Artificial Polytechnic Intelligence Project on DEC-VAX11/780, in Franz Lisp. The task domain we have chosen is that one of APPLICATIONS / 1159 current accounts management a in bank. This domain is sufficiently known and large to allow a realistic programming in-the-Large activity. in the Knowledge Base of ESAP At the present, there is enough domain concepts knowledge to deal with as "interest", "interest set of rate", a "current account", "transactions", and so on. domain-independent know ledge has Furthermore, deal with a top-down supplied to been methodology for the design structured development of the modular architecture of systems. It is under software currently area to support development a knowledge object-oriented design. a LLous Such programming in-the-large know ledge ESAP to criteria problem. find out all that are The final applicable ESAP can the possibLe decomposition applicable to a given choice among the set of operators is at user's give suggestions to decomposition its lower towards charge, direct sample problem Let's design from we outlined the example sketch the will the following MOD camp LINK BODY int EXPORT INPUT but the the consider following RULE - 1 IF A module The %M moduLe a subactivity a second and $V is output A variable THEN has and $M has and variable same %V is The $Sl module A is sequentia and $S2 through SV $Sl subactivity for The SS2 %Sl input for 1 Ly bound A module SM SSl and %S2 is sequentially through SV bound STOP The MOD by The SM module derived from 351 BM produces a submodule produces derived The variable interconnection a LINK IMPORT BODY INPUT from between the two submodules. 1160 facts derived / ENGINEERING from tKe represenTation archiv - date 1 : date date-2 : date interest list : CarcF c a num : c--a number total - TnFerest : number> Cc a archiv interest -=>-new c a archiv)- (interest - ListASTnterest FROM camp c--a archiv : new total TnFerest c a arFhiv : (OBTAINING Each module representation is translated into an internal form, expressed as a set of facts with the structure described in section 3.2. These facts are matched against the patterns of the left-hand side of the rules during the activity of the system. The application of RULE 1 and RULE 2 on the set of archiv - list list i&> :-number) -current - account - archiv STOP MODIFY FIELD (balance) INTO c a archiv WITH - XEW VALUE (Cc--a archiv ;i-?;aLance + interest)) i';;terest List " total WHERE (JUNCTION-c a archiv .'-c a num = SS2 the interest List c a archTv : --current account current account archiv interest list : CarcF c a num : c a number by submodule 3V represents (c--a archiv trans archiv rate date 1 date 2 --> interest List)- modify - archiv OUTPUT module knowledge COMPUTE interest OF current account FROM date 1 TO date 2 -WITH ANNUAL RATE rate % WHERE (USING c-a AND -- archTv trans archiv) IN c a archiv (money =boLlar) IN tFa;s archiv (money = dollar) COBTATNING interest list) END MOD - END and THEN the SS2 RULE - 2 IF OUTPUT in top-down to descriptions: trans archi : t?ansactions rate : number decomposition rules: add the of knowledge area and interacting with the user to ask for informations whenever they cannot be automatically deduced (e.g. asking for the names of the new modules or of newly introduced the representation expert produces variables), in-the-small. Starting section 3, process. to informations to be used by the expert to derive the description its private Acting on submodules. problems manageable by actors for programming leve L allows base the basic representation of the MOD END END As approach complex in such interest List "C new --c aarchiv) --a num> shown ESAP above, interprets the of program transformation breaking a problem a way to into allow co-operating subproblems, to automatically define the structure constructed. documentation of the the developement process solving system software problem. STOP SELECT of initial the the Lower-level Actors Expert is stage, to automatically establish that the module matches against a module of the "modify archiv" and thus it advises the user that the library; only module “camp i nt” is to be decomposed. The )Icornp intrr is now functionally bound, module i.e. it defines a unique activity, with a well At OUTPUT of the modular architecture to be as an automatic This may be vieued END this able precised decomposition on the module Nevertheless, the output. process can continue by applying domain-oriented rules, to further reduce it to follouing simpler The the module two "camp subproblems. are nou int": rules 3 IF A module THEN SM has and The subactivity on archiv %A The module the archiv The module uithout one only $Sl has END MOD red - tr - archiv LINK BODY 361 END MOD - END MOD A module The $M LINK subactivity The object interest The is of IMPORT %Sl conditions has only one and subactivity $Sl BODY EXPORT INPUT $51 is of kind compute and subactivity SSI is environment of current - account and subactivity CC trans archiv n money OBT red-trans archiv) - camp - int - son RULE - 4 IF (red c a archiv red tFa;s-archiv dxte 1 date 2 interest list7 (red --c a arcFiv as The module SM OUTPUT $Sl a submodule COMPUTE FROM calculating the interest of the balances at closing date The module SM produces a submodule calculating the interest of the WHERE trans a?chiv : transactions archiv rate : number date 1 : date date-2 : date interest list : Car& c a num : c--a number total-interest : number) - submodules Choosing follouing a submodule the tuo ue obtain submodules: MOD red - act - archiv Cc a archiv red c-a-archiv) LINK EXPORT red c a-aTcriv BODY INPUT c--a MOD to above the RULE-3, interconnected FrFhiv : current account --> archiv the interest OF current account 1 TO date 2 -WITH ANNUAL RATE rate % (USING c-a archTv AND trans archiv) date (OBTAINING-interest transactions The module $M produces combine the results of rate --> red and produces = dollar) red --c a archiv from red act archiv) (red trans aTchi7 as Ted trans archiv from red tr archiv) interest listred --c aarchiv : current account archiv STOP THEN trans archiv-: transactions - archiv conditions 'SM produces a submodu le reducing $A on the basis of the where conditions 3M produces a submodule derived from where red STOP subactivity = dollar) (trans archiv --> red trans archiv) EXPORT red traxs arcFiv INPUT trans archTv : transactions archiv OUTPUT where CC c--a archiv * money OBT red --c a archiv) on applicable c a archiv : -current - account - archiv MOD SELECT RULE red three - list) - END END The first tuo modules define the where conditions' reduction in the speci7ication and they solvable by the are lower-leve 1 actors. The third one represents the father-module, without the where conditions and it needs further steps of decomposition. Choosing, instead, three interconnected MOD camp - int --of RULE 4, we submodules: balance obtain other (c a archiv -- APPLICATIONS / 116 1 trans rate --> LINK EXPORT int of BODY INPUT c a'-arFhiv --current STOP COMPUTE int balances 1 date 07 - : account trans archi; : tFansactions rate : number OUTPUT archiv zate LINK BODY OUTPUT STOP COMPUTE tyansactions : number 1 : date date-2 int <f END MOD END MOD sum LINK IMPORT trans archiv-(money = dollar> COBTATNING int - of - trans) interests Cint of t rans bzlances of balances as Tnt from corn; int of balance) of trans as i-i;tZf trans fro; camp int of-tr&s> interest listint of bxlances : tint BODY EXPORT INPUT -(arch c a num : c a number balance Tnt : nuib;r) int OUTPUT 1162 of trans-: -(arch c a num : c a number trans int : relaFi';;> interest list : / ENGINEERING nt + int of balances A c--a number int-oftrans a c a number) -7 COBTAI~IN~ interest - list) = closing date, then in computing the interests of the transactions and finally in adding them. The first two modules can be further decomposed by the system; the third one, instead, is considered solvable by measns of the lower-level actors. During its activity, ESAP suggests to the user alternative decompositions (see Figure. the same problem, leaving the choice of most promising one at user's charge. several 3) of the camp camp at1 I int interests I modify archiv TERMTNAL : -------------------------------------I red act archiv TER??INAc I I red tr archiv camp int son TERHINKL TO- BE-DECSMPOSED - a. of balances - : -------------------------------- transactions -Cint of balances i nt of -->-inFerest list) - ( - int> OT implements a technique, Method", used in bank environment, in order to compute the interests of the current accounts. It consists first in computing the interests of the balances at the archiv FROM date 1 TO date 2 WITH ANNUAL RATE raTe X WHERE TUSING trans archiv) IN VALUE : c--a number : number> The above decomposition the "Direct namely - -CaFch c--a num : c a number trans - int : relati7> OF NEW END MOD - END : date trans : interest - TnFerest C-i nt-of balances n balance i int-oftrans n trans - int 7) WHERE (JuNC-i-ION - int of trans Ttrans archiv rate date 1 date 2 --> i* of trans) EXPORT int zf trans INPUT trans archiv : rate date WITH archiv camp c a num total (balance MODIFY - FIELD INTO int archiv date 1 : date date-2 : date int zf balances : -CaTch c a num : c a number balance - Tnt : nuzbyr) (arch STOP balances) - interest OF balance FROM date 1 TO date 2 WITH ANNUAL RATE raFe i! WHERE (USIN c--a archiv AND trans archiv) IN c--a archiv (money = dollar> IN trans archiv (money = dollar> COBTATNING int - of - balances) END MOD - END MOD 2 RULE 3 application. to camp - all T interests make the check for conditions, possibility camp I T I int I I I 1 I ------------I b. ! I steps (a. the . r of alternative and b.). . I allows program library. The decomposition not operators subproblems. Particular process halts to further attention has when there reduce been devoted are the to the integration in ESAP environment of both libraries reusable program of software components and program synthesizers. This has lead us to the conception and the develooment of the Lower-level Actors expert. At the present, only the BIS (Bidirectional Synthesizer) system is at ESAP disposal. Given ESAP checks for its a simple problem, BIS, analyzing the synthesizability by description in the ESAP user representation language. The analysis is based on a knowledge area that takes into account the properties of ESAP representation language and of the BIS one, first of all checking for the possibility of translation from the former to the latter. Determining quantitatively the complexity level of a problem and comparing it with the solving power of a program synthesizer is a very difficult and challenging task. On the other hand, it seems to us too shallow to consider a program synthesizer ideal, i.e. actually able program solving to derive a problem any in terms of its specification representable Language. For these reasons, we adopted an intermediate solution, consisting in qualitative reasoning about the synthesizability of from library may be same description They Language. the aoolication of RULE 3 above example, to achieve a simplier decomposition zf the problem, taking advantage of the capabilities offered by the lower-level actors, i.e. by the program synthesizer BIS and by the In a problem solve by BIS one to another. actor for programming The other lower level in-the-small at ESAP disposal is the program library, i.e. a collection of reusable software components. The representation of a given user problem of Lou complexity and a module in the I of interests TERWAL RULE - 4 application. Fig. 3 First decompositions to efficiently system is able to of such a set of to establish the a given problem. this aspect of ESAP of conceptual since it offers the opportunity to deal within a unique system with different types of knowledge representation Languages. Intermediate know ledge give areas the possibility to reason on the various representation languages, providing an adeguate interface among them and supporting an eventual translation sum camp int of trans TO - BT - DE??OMFOSED algorithm Thus, the the satisfaction in order We consider relevance, modify archiv TEREINAL camp int of balance TO - FE - DTCO?iPOSED corresponding implementable. by BIS: isomorphic, if they have the in the user representation are alike if they have syntactically and different semantic representation, but if the program can be modified to meet the user needs. If a problem is isomorphic to or like a given library automatically module, it can be manufactered by ESAP. If it is not the case and if no decomposition the code writing is operators are applicable, user's charge. The match against the program library may occur after a trasformation of the user specification into a semantically more equivalent one, convenient for the matching process. of the program library is based on a know ledge area, taking into account meaning preserving transformations within ESAP user representation language. Furthermore, this knowledge area contains rules that define elementary modifications that it is possible to implement on an already existing program. The programming in-the-small expert allows the user to reason on programs at the abstract level of leaved at the representation language rather level of a particular concrete language. 6. than at the programming CONCLUSION goal of the ESAP project, carried out in of the last two years, has been the development a prototype system for the software factory of the future. The realization of our system has pointed out some interesting research areas related to ESAP project. In particular, it is our opinion that attention has to be devoted to the development of a subsystem for the acquisition of new domain knowledge and for its integration with allow ESAP to learn the existing one. This will The new task-domain concepts, their meaning, their and how to dea 1 with problems properties, including such concepts (i.e., how to decompose them). on the basis of our experimentations with the BIS system, we found a set of conditions to be satisfied by a problem specification in order APPLICATIONS / 1163 REFERENCES 1. 17. Adelson, and Solouay, E. experience domain on Software design. IEEE Trans. SE-11 (11),1351-136E role B. of (1985). in The softuare Engineering Aiello, L. (1984). The uses of meta-knowledge in AI systems. In T-O'Shea Artificial '84 Advances in CEd.)ECAI Inte Lmnce .?lsevi er, Amsterdam, NL. 2. 21. D.L. (1979). Parnas, ease of extensions Trans. on Software 128-138.- 22. Ramamoorthy, (1984). D. A perspective The -- AI on Magazine 8. Booth, G. (1983). 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