From: AAAI-86 Proceedings. Copyright ©1986, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A SIMPLE MOTION PLANNING ALGORITHM FOR GENERAL ROBOT MANIPULATORS Tom&s MIT Lozano-P&ez Artificial Intelligence 545 Technology Cambridge, Abstract: This paper configuration space, lators. We describe tors made presents to plan This up of revolute slices, obstacle free space and efficient motions an implementation joints. an n degree-of-freedom dimensional a simple collision-free recursively outside obstacles are approximated built leads up from USA the last five to eight years, 14, 16, 17, 19, 201. But, within few of these methods powerful for by sets of n- 1 scarce enough for manipulators of industrial algorithms slices. planning approximation of the for revolute 7, 121. obstacles. but Brooks’s is fairly This paper gorithm presents for general sional polyhedral tages: degrees of a new motion moving manipulators obstacles. it is simple few degrees an implementation robot The of freedom, of freedom (including cluttered cles. An example path obtained rithm is shown in Figure 1. environments geometric one of the capabilities [151. Task-level in robotics. to achieve pin-A programming a task complex. rather of task-level than motions the previous motion- reasonably general and or more degrees [2] h as demonstrated basic algorithm approach to the method algorithm, constraints most of freedom impressive 17 , on the other of the described however, popu- hand, described by Faverjon. Many especially goals and the free space representation. general. it can is of research required such commands, as “Insert such as “Move to 0.1,0.35,1.6”. The path a specified configuration that obstacles. quite Note a bit whether lision that this than, a known avoidance: starting avoids harder [l, 4j. obstacles problem, motaon-plannzng from robot Motion problem a known robot path from, problem: or a path different goal set of stationary different detectzon configuration is also modifying a known is significantly planning is to find a to a specified would from and detecting cause so as to avoid a colobstacle on-lzne unforeseen 16, 9, 10, 11:. Although general-purpose task-level away, some of the techniques ming are relevant ple, increasing to existing emphasis for off-line of the manipulator motion planning specifying plays robot paths A great time role. for welding for these deal of research I SCIENCE robot and the task. There programmers. In many of these and tedious algorithms is. for exam- process. could using techCA11 applications is a good complex many prograrn- users on developing Arc welding along is still for tdsk-level applications. major by human a central paths is a time-consuming practical motion-planning programming programming developed robot among programming, models 626 with cofliszon the form, configuration collisions years niques in its simplest robot example; three-dimensional The development reduce significantly Figure hand. applications. has been devoted of the to the motion-planning 1. A path obtained for all SIX link \ of a I’rlma. using the algorithm plus dr+t r ibed here of the treatment for a ma- motions is algorithm robot programming robot ‘2, results. obsta- and the task commands, robot-level joints, three of the algo- of the manipulator the efficient and with and an implementation to specify new and more three of only enough are particularly many polyhedral task-level related of the present of three-dimensional both Faverjon’s The algorithms of advan- having is one of the principal ability in terms in hole-B”, manipulators to achieve al- manipulators plan collision-free models required It is the a number for non-convex from planning three-dimen- manipulators), and to automatically given with redundant with The ability has it is fast it can deal deal nipulator algorithm to implement, among are [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, are simple up of revolute 1 know with algorithm simple. here is closely the details that e.g., Practical made robot. manipulators appealingly 1. Introduction to be practical. lar type one dimensional to an efficient of the configuration-space manipu- for manipula- The configuration-space 02139 problem using for general of the algorithm manipulator representation algorithm, Mass. Laboratory Square a three-fingered are The approach 12, 131 in that respect the from taken in this it involves exact algorithms quantization algorithm quantizing such approach lends is similar to that of 17, 8, angles. It differs in this joint as [17. 19j. itself On the readily other to efficient joints are known as JTFC JOZ?~!$. hand, computer implementation. The purpose general of this manipulators most practical cases. than in computer numerical fact, it is worth that motion relatively motion renderings can benefit planning for efficient planning of three cases. in should dimensional there are many simple hardware support. In from in the examples to compute as to compute that and why In both that noting time simple computing graphics. computations the same is to show be both I see no reason be any less practical solids paper can in Figure the hidden-surface 1 it took displays about Figure list 2. Slice dimensional that the full obstacle Slice Projection completely of a moving specify figuratzon space object. The the of joint angles other Cartesian hand, of solutions urations Motion planning free space. The II may cover trrlzation only characterizations is built we mean of links restrict the position industrial simple The space obstacle imations I4 a range .4 slice projection by a range and of values an n - measures either displacement Then, that only ranges. union we have This a union process the slice projection zero dimensional slice projections, of n - 2 dimensional of one dimensional is illustrated graphically can be continued volumes (points) one more remain, but this is wasteful. a simple two-link planar are q1 and 92. C-space two dimensional. The The ranges must and a value q1 E [a,/?], since top bottom 2 degrees projection set of linear if there exists and right (shown joint paare of a C-space {RE} ranges a value call it c, for which of a configuration actual of 92 rauges slice for 92. of 42, call it w, (c, w) E C, then space with 3b, for the two link manipulator 3a. The the that whose for such a manipulator w is in 2). in Figure do the left and is some be such in Figure manipulator obstacles one dimensional C for q1 E [a,@; obstacle configuration edge edge. space dark) is the surface of the diagram The obstacles obstacles is illus- and obstacles coincide shown of a torus (0 = 2~), are approximated as as a set of 41. The resolution for a set of values is the qr axis. d]OJIg displacement obstacle only in is defined of the C-space q = (ql, . parameter, , qn) denote each a) of which joints) or linear b) {q j q3 E [a,/3 } be the set Let qJ t 113, of C C. (for revolute joints). projection parameters the approx- (differing C-space Let m :a,8 and let rJ be a projection Figure Two = (Sl.“‘) the slice projection of the same joint C- slzce proJec2zons intersects qt is a joint for which such that Qn..‘..qn) of values of 1 dimensional are are, We represent configurations volume. each angular of n- to be fixed. grippers) an n dimensional in a slice of an n dimensional (for prismatic of all configurations operator configuration for one of the defining where (see We n joints with n joints. with parameter) I dimensional a configuration, se- joints is, linear A representation By simple manipulator Let C denote of n dimensional joint step trated approximate parallel-jaw of n - 1 dimensional n - 1 dimensional of a single 2. Note that a charac- manipulators). for a manipulator volumes. for a manipulator the value that one of the R, (Figure methods by the and so on, until volumes, until of a number range of a An approximation sense. obstacles represents without or prismatic (not including of C by the union Each of the robot’s for example, and error of simple a by one- approximation obstacle. as the union be approximated Consider config- of a non-branching revolute zero of a simple in this C-space composed of link n-dimensional But. into represented 2). Each of the n - 1 dimensional in Figure rameters J+ce space collisions. how to compute kinematics of the those for sample manipulators. by either on the obstacles. to tridl of the manipulators manipulators general, we show manipulators connected 181 for a treatment represent can C-space each for a different (Figure slice projections It is possible be complete, one is reduced in turn, its configuration characterization may not paper effector, because into cause an explicit of the free space manipulators quence would Con- constitute kinematics. obstacles parameter is a configuration end workspace that of a moving a configuration of the free space of the free spate. In this robot’s of the C-space requires a subset space inverse that characterization to find a path. Most object object. manipulator joint C-spacr to be the complement on the of configurations constitute in the robot’s of the moving is defined point of the to a robot’s the obstacles set of parameters of a robot parameters ‘3. 4; 5. 13. 14,. These space space a robot’s do not usually multiplicity to map Therefore, is any of every is the set The position (C-space) a configuration. space. object obstacle are in turn is a conservatave a slice projection of an n dimensional slice projections, configuratzon that slices. Note segment The of a three-dimensional slices in the figures the paths. 2. The Basic Approach: Projection of two-dimensional q3-1*q3-1 of the obstacle .“‘) C for values qn) of q3 c 0, /3] is (a) 3. Two dimensional link revolute manipulator and with obstacles one dimensional slice projections (shown dark). The positions manipulator are shown in the input of the C-space approximated obstacles. (b) by a list initial space of and final and the C-space The definition example above. of slice joint projection 3 aGo\e is illustrated i< called the in Figure .silrf ~oznt while 2. In the the other I’or general can be c onst rutted manipulators with z links, the configuration space as follows: PERCEPTION AND ROBOTICS / 627 To compute 1 in Section C-space(z): Ignore links beyond qz by considering determined link 1. rotating Find link by the current the ranges 2 around value of legal the positions values of of joint z presence of objects n then specified value Observe else resolution. Compute the basic the legal C-space(z computation of legal values of the previous sample of qz at the range I 1) for each of these of qz. ranges that the ranges stop, joints. to be done is that for a joint This parameter computation of determining given ranges of values is the subject of Section computation calls for a re- 3. among polygonal vertex of one cursive tion recursive data nature structure branching legal joint parameter leaves joint of the tree parameter n. no descendants tation range for each joint is divided of legal with ~4. 5;. the boundaries the first those edge increase of storage are very built Contrast complex. by exercising (Figure The intersection by their IS cleaner and interactions that These can be of the Figure Contact 5. projections: rotates configurations for the robot C-space leaves first key step projections in our leads to a recursive represent legal ranges points. The existence between point edges the edges values joint be computed obstacles. of one joint parameters. That parameter, We will by considering one dimensional is. determining given ranges the range of values how these the case of planar slice revolute of for all ranges may manipulators and obstacles. Assume dimensional at known joints slice projection and Note we assume, values. see in Section an obstacle. 628 joint are fixed configuration k: a revolute that that at szngle values 3.3 how to relax is guaranteed / SCIENCE that rather this of the first k - 1 links This joint, is the free joint the previous for now, than ranges restriction. be safe, that by the recursive joints that the of values; We require for a oneare fixed that must relative detcrmrne i\ in Figure 5 that the can be done endpoints. obstacle vertices, the position be rotated around joint at the contact. angle the joint The orientation required outside that they computation Therefore, is that of the that constraint the two edges contact edge. revolve trivially the given the potential Since all that of the defined link edges computed vertex are typically direction value simply. the contact about is on the right to of the edge. of the link edge by the edges we know remains y coordinates can also be tested forming of the polygon there involving of the endpoints Polygon objects, of T and y coordinates position is, point. the endpoints for contacts that of the edge. r and the be outside this line of the edge. in a counterclockwise the outside both reaching - the not just - the orientation - for non-convex that Three be compatible. must of the contact the range Note constraznt it lies between by ensuring condition constraznt in-edge edge segment, can be tested is on the are within the edge is, no link intersects we saw point and the intersection is a necessary 6): prevent the endpoints as can intersect by the vertex the potential must vertex that is whether point out but it is not suficzenl. contact constraznt constraint and be determined previous we will point traced the finite the contact of link of the vertices and an edge segment orzentataon potential slice (b) vertex the path (Figure be within contacts one dimensional an intersection hold rFachabzlzty the contact This of such define edge: contact a vertex the edge; The in-edge illustrate paths joint. link and obstacle, at the that indicate the edge to compute must not be other for Polygons circles the circle constraints contact is computing some ,4s the link link edges and edge of link the specified whether for a contact of the of manipulator. approach of C-space forbidden previous for computing of obstacle intersecting line supporting contact The conditions The infinite must 3. Slice Projections 5. circular with for qk. for example. around the line supporting of the known circles values (a) Vertex intersection tree whose determine B in Figure also follow of these edges paths. the simplicity drawbacks care in the implementation nature obstacle The circular more additional an n-level to known ever! rotates. between Determining recursive with therefore the link with requires The with defining 61 4. paths vertices and edge of obstacle. structure: its joint, when of qk, for example, critical vertex is in contact are the link Figure about path are constrained The intersection the remaining vertex for qk is obstacle and processing algorithms data to rotate a circular of these the obstacle to the link. ranges some a object. 5). follows values link when of another the forbidden or some moving happen an edge of qk for which by angles links very simple this approach 1 believe its drawbacks. edge in particular, of the critical ranges by the on recur- disadvantages of the obstacles with a link contacts with in computing is constrained vertices, the link z < n. for which equations have step For polygonal extremal is in contact values on the link rotates, the crztzcal with link to find are forbidden for qk will be bounded an obstacle. obstacles, to identify point qk that on the represen- The for dealing outweighs redured met,hod ranges, defining algorithms The for the in the tree will of some the 4). values possible. of the C-space. Using of slice projection significantl! linear are the boundaries the (Figure All operations and the rapid dimensionality but nodes a collision of a representation to dealing accurate. internal produce implementations equations obstacle of the they of joints, into which (or forbidden) is its simplicity. represents n is the number are ranges the loss of accuracy, time with 1, where In my implementa- of intervals advantage boil down is n- C-space. is the number Many projection efficient one that depth the factor because The main sive slice and to represent I use a tree whose and whose of the C-space values touching Therefore, an obstacle we need parameter in the workspace. object is in contact assumptions, joint of forbidden link k is just The link The these single The ranges where 2. If z = Given of the of ql(. . . qa- 1. ranges 2. of values by and must of the All that is be on the oriented so the boundary. of the edge as we travrrce the boundarv. <Given this. the feaslbillty of a tontact can be 4. Slice The In\ 01~ rd 1n the (on: a( t Projections basic three for dpprodch described dimensional dirnensional A) x’ertcx d11d fate of rjbstacle, and actc>r1/ctl tli,ll \lt)]c Figure 6 Given the following doe< not not. must edges (c) The contact contact 3 does contact the contact must not define I satisfies condition and contact: vertex this must but 1’ both be 2 does 1 satisfies reievant line, \<liur. q o! tht, link V.II tr ri “1\er1 obstdclC. c’intact~ of ‘lj gJf’dtP1 itldn rolliilon TdUSf’ collision 1‘~r ed(h (Section direction: ran for qk. This values p c~~ntn 1 (dllif’ (~~!!l-l~~n ‘i.2). Thr be merged process nrlglfs q or bsf’ this. but contact angles the sdtibf) \alucs in Figure the Icss together ranges all of the link edges meeting and reachability dra. there not be any earlier must in-face constraint for testing constraint except is positive The and the collision axis of rotation type discussion the joints except the potential line (supporting the thfa simpler \ve haxc link a range. not just 511ce projectIon problem troscczction alrcddb under dvf1nmg slice cases. we can use a very instead simple is posItioned all the joint Lalue the, magnitude. area their ranges k 1n response of Joint value5 link approximation specified to an) represents the method. for the carteslan out vaiue exact read]]) values) Joint the the specified configuration If Ne ’ grow” 11nh includes it bleeps link within rk. of the largest tingle to values) shape when of one free Me can of joint (for specified definition save value. is to replate of computing at the on link grown problem where’ nil The (for ranges of the expanded of the original In most the within values. all the joints. a single idea b> the mole placement displacements ulator The consideration the Any safe proje( tion d;scu\sed fixed a lln\vc IO situations of the 1:;. 14: a range of legal joint Assume area. using any of the existing that from The orienta- the dot products the contact vertex constraint of to ad- is enforced the forbidden angle both Free slitr are ultimately represents the of 41. of the paths rep1esented There is also to derive difficult than to check free of legal but the Since as sets of linear ranges. not very near]\. idfantica! for. one that Each small range representa- If we were a great deal slices. capture< to try of time -4 more iorne for slices. convenient compact. slices the free space, of q2 for some values a reasonabl> individual through iun i+ railed obsta- A two dimensional is 1n itself space of the C-space of all the obstacles. as a list of one dimensional ranges Learching reprcx4entat an intersection difficult approximation to compute. This through bc Lrnsted Of course. but not particularly of a axis and a sta- to be feasible. the complement ~111 be represented t ion edge). the joint is a bit rnore a toniervative is tr1vial fired about joint. the intersection Representation obtained of Lalues the face to a see ,5 ). Space example. detecting edge segments A and B contacts B contacts and of the manipulator rotating those for t!pe that M hich to type to an obstacle require constraint The rf’gion ranges. <licci volumes. region the manip- alold displacement ITI a;, of any point free space 1s made (l‘igurtb rcprt+entat1on up out 8) some vrr\ and rninlmum ndrrou Free space a <implr to would compact of the coherence overlap these kernel point the overlap region’s between slices up of rfqzons from A a set of adjacent of all the kernel slices in a In practice, we in the same regions to kernels. regions rnt~thod each ranges of common called are non-convex not alwaS s be connect from I use 1s made of olerlapplng ‘I‘hzs arca I\ ret tangular require by the midpoint of Compute slice projection defined displacement within the specified range each link by its corresponding radius Ek. the snt’pt polyhe- +he joint? ranges swept be outside reaching this is in a polygon. analogously an obstacle be inside the obstacles limited known :l~ce projection\ to be withIn convert. far ha? been is still <‘ contacts (les. t h<kfree +pace is simpl\ directions. the lact have onf--dimensional joint. thus must prevent reachability belongs a hnk edge) complement Our that case by merging are handled no& the vertex must Having t angle5 in-face - for non-convex by checking The an orient ation 5. (ontac a point 5 .4 contacts that link. using at the vertex contacts as in the two-dimensional Type the of forbidden 7. value3 ca5e. pos- the c)t,>t nc 16’fat c. orli’rltdti0n each of the vectors (for the derivation. of forbidden fncri define> ranges. point ranges intersec- to b<’ fe‘d-lt)l? can be checked whether with vertices exactly thdrl with jacent tionary Ccjnstruct1ng Lerticcs The an ob<tncle constraint can be enforced 11ne (supporting 7 lmk axis. one. Detecting Figure rotates. thrrxe c~>riitrnirlt~ of the obstacle. The,thtlr tictfbrnlinr~ Mhcthcr to forrn is illustrated that of obstacle. Jn1nt 15 char- supporting t,c within are of link Each revolutr As in thi, t~~~o-dlrrlerlsi~,nal constraint the face normal 1v.C’c ~‘I1-t ralnl. satlsf? rJJu>t types B) vertex is the joint t ilc c ontnc t must algorithms dll the plane possible contact (type As the Joint (cjnst rdint tion !Ir\t the of contacts three to of link and edge first normal po1ntc of contact. (~~rit~~~ti for non-convex ObJCTtS) lJl6 C) edge directly is, houever. (a) The this but contact contact is only an edge 1 satisfies rontart be reachable. (this circle for a feasible segment. that nf the con~ac t edge. of a vertex be met be in the edge (b) The outFide intersection conditions must contact the (type whose ( 1r( I(’ with tMo candidate types The over There and face of link. of rotation. 1n a plane of tllii dre three t>‘pe B contacts b:, ~11 d\is trrl( (8 circle\ 3 carries obstacles. polyhedra. of obstacle I,ct 11~consider and there difference bet\vecn (type in Section manipulators one significant three Polyhedra for moving along points and so points able by a straight between points line. within its slice to the edge of the with a straight within There the region is, however. the region: kernel and move connect lme. PERCEPTION AND ROBOTICS / 629 To search representing where for a path the nodes mon neighbors with each each link records at the common regions indicate regions are for these boundary with com- a set of links the area of overlap region requires a regaon graph We build region in the q1 direction: primarily of qz values in different and the links Associated regions. points of the regions. are regions boundary adjacent between the connectivity Regions neighbors, is stored C-space to be recomputed. In rapidly changing environments, it may not be appropriate to compute the complete C-space since only small sections have of the C-space The to path hcuristrcs to subset and three lrnks. the end-effector path arc chosen and bounding to be the Having goal. of decoupling compute only of the origin First box for the the computed plan rest The origin closest in free space points such degrees two a path, (the last and goal for this there to the remains actual finding the actual origin (resp. This strategy has the of freedom. of the C-space simple for the first 3 links of the manipulator C-space between goal) of the path. the portion using a path and the load). found pdt h\ III the full-dimonsional goal) and the origin (resp. effect 1 was the C-space: the link. origin be traversed in Figure the range with a simple will ever shown For all these bounded paths, by the joint we values and goal configurations. a) 7. Discussion The main advantages to implement, dom, 8. (a) R e g ion definition Figure regions are the region Region graph indicate the for two link C-space. kernels. corresponding existence The shaded to the regions of a common The rectangular area shows in part boundary Rx. region A. The link labels q1 and/or in the it can deal including (b) q2 directions. regions only at the 0 = 2n bound- algorithm, is bounded and an interactive above below by obsta- shown but they with could many obstacles. obstacles floating-point are already quite system cluttered plan operations a bit faster en- wall-clock a path for the on a Symperformed by carefully (on-line of free- of freedom 10 is six seconds be improved programming degrees The total and then 3 and it is simple few degrees and it can deal with in Figure times here are: with having polyhedral 3600 Lisp Machine have q2 neighbors else the region manipulators the C-space These described manipulators manipulators, example software. By construction, for and non-convex to compute two-link bolics ary, anywhere with redundant vironments time of the algorithm it is fast in re-coding than the a human using or off-line). cles. In general, each n - 1 dimensional of joint values. structed seen that neighboring we could two dimensional dimensional C-spaces range connectivity among connectivity is determined nels in neighboring incrementing exists. graph. This by considering the two dimensional the region is associated as neighbors searching containing graph that slices for three represent (Figure 9). The region is, slices obtained When kerby overlap the corresponding obtained for the between link in to n dimensional extended n - 2 joint In regions parameter. with is readily are con- Instead, and overlap slices, of by joining dimensional in the region the first joint one of the first regions parameter by detecting method regions so on two joint regions or decrementing decrementing Path first two dimensional the area of overlap the region slices these and build as a list are a list of ranges slice-projections. dimensional regions, of the slices two dimensional three we simply of values is represented one dimensional construct neighboring each slice and one dimensional We have by joining principle, n dimensional slices by incrementing parameters used or to define slice. is done by an A’ search the start point in the region to the region graph containing from the goal point. Figure 10. tween start (a) Regions (1) and for example goal in Figure (4) configuratrons 3 (b) Path (c) Some found be- intermediate configurations. The main tions introduced legal paths cution Figure 9. can have Region connectivity for three dimensional slices; regions bound in q1 direction. neighbors for building believe more Having paths. 630 built Changes a C-space, it may to the environment. / SCIENCE be searched however. repeatedly will cause number performance that time enough in many applications than for different In fact: the planning times parts required to perform hidden of the motion algorithm off-line will probably surface that enough automatic approximato miss growth last in exe- drawback the worst-case of degrees shows and simple interactive This planner: in the number of this can be fast effective joints. the the algorithm and the rapid of robot in any general are: may cause environments, will be exponential The the C-space the inherent algorithms 6. Heuristics with tight algorithm of the by the quantization in very time probably disadvantages of freedom motion planning 19 planning for practical motion is time use. programming of robots. be on the order of the times elimination in graphics I will be systems. Acknowledgments. ficial Intelligence Support part for by the from System Projects NCICiO14-85-K-0214 of Navnl is also Research by NSF Intelligence research Office The Young in by Research in part NOOO14-82-K-0494. Arti- is provided in part of Nnvnl nnd at the Technology. of Foundation, under Presidential done Institute NO0014-82-K-0334 contract an research Development Agency rend under supported describes Mnssnchusetts Artificial the Research report of the Laboratory’s R grant Advanced tracts This Laboratory by con- the author’s Investigator the Office research grant. Bibliography 1. J. W. Boyse, “Interference 2. R. A. Brooks, Place Detection Among of ACM, Vol. 22, No. Comm. faces”, “Planning Operations”, Solids 1, Jan. 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