XJG Rigid/IMC Expansion Couplings XJG Coupling Applications: XJG Expansion Couplings are used with SJHJENFUBMDPOEVJUBOE*.$ t5PDPVQMFUPHFUIFSUXPTFDUJPOTPG DPOEVJUTVCKFDUUPMPOHJUVEJOBMNPWFNFOU t*ODPOEVJUSVOTUPQSFWFOUEBNBHFUP conduit supports such as in a building or on a bridge t*OEPPSTPSPVUEPPSTJOMPOHDPOEVJUSVOT to permit linear movement caused by thermal expansion and contraction t*ODPOEVJUSVOTUIBUDSPTTTUSVDUVSBMKPJOUT t0OMPOHDPOEVJUSVOTUPQSFWFOUDPOEVJU GSPNCVDLMJOHBOEFOTVJOHDJSDVJUGBJMVSFT Features: t8FBUIFSQSPPGBOEBQQSPWFEGPSVTF indoors or outdoors without an external CPOEJOHKVNQFS t"WBJMBCMFJO1/2” through 6” trade sizes t'PSVTFXJUISJHJENFUBMBOE*.$DPOEVJU t"WBJMBCMFJOwBOEwNBYJNVNDPOEVJU movement t*OUFSOBMCPOEJOHTQSJOHTBOENFUBMMJD bushings create high integrity internal ground connection and eliminate need GPSFYUFSOBMCPOEJOHKVNQFSTBOEDMBNQT (up to 4” trade size) t0QUJPOBMSFEVOEBOUUJOOFEDPQQFS CPOEJOHKVNQFST#+4FSJFToPSEFSFE separately) t6--JTUFEGPSVTFJOXFUMPDBUJPOT t1BUFOUFEEFTJHO Standard Materials and Finishes: Body t4UFFMoFMFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FE t$PQQFSGSFFBMVNJOVNoOBUVSBM tFeraloy®JSPOBMMPZoFMFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FEw and 6” only) Reducer & Gland Nut t1/2” through 1”: steel – electrogalvanized t1/4” through 6”: Feraloy iron alloy – electrogalvanized and aluminum paint t$PQQFSGSFFBMVNJOVNoOBUVSBM Packing t15'&DPNQPTJUF Washer & Bushing t4UFFMoFMFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FE Gasket t7FMMVN Ground Springs t1IPTQIPSCSPO[FoFMFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FE Ground Strap t#SBJEFEUJOOFEDPQQFS U-bolts t.BMMFBCMFJSPOoFMFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FE Certifications and Compliances: tø6-4UBOEBSE# t$4"/P t/&."'# t8FUMPDBUJPOT t 5IJSEQBSUZDFSUJGJFEBTBOFGGFDUJWF grounding means (i.e. the path to ground is permanent and continuous), for two TFDUJPOTPGDPOEVJUTVCKFDUUPFYQBOTJPO or contraction Conduit Size /2” 1 /4” 3 1” 11/4” 11/2” Options: 2” Description Suffix t "WBJMBCMFJODPQQFSGSFFBMVNJOVN OPUBWBJMBCMFPOwBOEwTJ[FT ........ SA t )PUEJQHBMWBOJ[FE ............................ HDG t "WBJMBCMFXJUISFEVOEBOUCPOEJOH KVNQFSGPSWJTJCMFJOEJDBUJPOPGCPOEJOH #+4FSJFT p .............. (Order Separately) 21/2” 3” 31/2 ” 4” w 6” Max. Conduit Movement Cat. # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 XJG14 XJG18 XJG24 XJG28 XJG34 XJG38 XJG44 XJG48 XJG54 XJG58 XJG64 XJG68 XJG74 XJG78 XJG84 XJG88 XJG94 XJG98 XJG104 XJG108 XJ128‡ XJ148‡ XJG Shown with Optional Bonding Jumper Bonding jumper width: 0.188”; height: 0.875” Dimensions (in Inches): Cat. # Aluminum XJG14 XJG18 XJG24 XJG28 XJG34 XJG38 SA SA SA SA SA SA XJG54 XJG58 XJG64 XJG68 SA SA SA SA XJG84 SA XJG88 SA XJG104 SA XJG108 SA Optional Bonding Jumper† A Dia. B Length Bonding Jumper Length BJ14 BJ18 BJ24 BJ28 BJ34 BJ38 BJ44 BJ48 BJ54 BJ58 BJ64 BJ68 BJ74 BJ78 BJ84 BJ88 BJ94 BJ98 BJ104 BJ108 - 2.12 2.12 2.43 2.43 3.19 3.19 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 7.64 9.31 13.31 10.00 14.00 16.00 20" 30" 20" 30" 20" 30" 24" 30" 24" 30" 24" 30" 24" 36" 30" 36" 30" 36" 30" 36" - †XJG Expansion Couplings use a metallic bushing and ground springs to create a high integrity internal ground connection. External ground straps offer a redundant ground path and easy visible indication of ground. q9+BOE9+BSFOPUJOUFSOBMMZHSPVOEFE"QBJSPGwCPOEJOHKVNQFSTBSFQSPWJEFEXJUIGJUUJOH www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog