From: AAAI-84 Proceedings. Copyright ©1984, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The Use of Continuity in a Qualitative Physics Brian C. Williams hrtificinl Inlclli~encc 1.aboratc,ry Massachusetts Instltutc of ‘I’cchnology ‘I’hc ttbility is cstcntial to reason about in analyzing role of continuity for analyzing behavior. ill qualitati\c the bch;lvior steps ncccssary physics MOS 21 qualit:itivc ‘l’hc discussion and the rcl,jric)nship then how the in a system analog of the rcnsoning using ‘I’cmpornl b- focuses in on the ilsc quantities physical over time discusses that exhibit ovcrvicw simulation bctwccn in describing ckcnts paper circuits begins with a hricf A~wlysis. dcrivativcs This and its application to pcrfi)rni (‘I‘Q) of confilllli[y order systems. of IIigital ‘I’hc discusGon Qu;llitati~c a scrics of complex physical ;tnd their quantities Gnd higher ch,mgc Figure OVCI 1 : I<C Circuit time. Assume that IN’I’IZOI)lK’I’ION bc positi\,c. ‘I’hc to ;Ibility csscntial to fCiISOI1 and troiiblc-shooting physics is to the f2w ycnr’s last cool\ ing :~nd Klccr interactions. 3lXNlt this 21 fri~mcwork for in mcch;u~isms 1’84) atId to n qtlalitiltiVC of the KXOliillg dlYlWillg type hoth algcbr;l begins large sign:11 behavior of MOS on the USC of continuity their dcriviltivcs initially il into physical One rclcvnnt type overview for cxamplc, cirrrcnt through discussion then ‘I‘hc second the behavior quantities and of physical quantities OVCI time alld behavior vicwcd of a circuit ;IS in rcsponsc a set of intcrvi\ls operating regions. Analysis. is best illustriitcd pnrallcl RC circuit Annlysis to nn input in which ‘I’hc qualitarivc which deccribcs reasoning causnl over time, dcviccs by :I simple exhibits the move whcrc process, mod&d cxamplc. the following Figure ‘1’0 provide qualitative through is Cnusill for the circuit time is circuit diffcrcnt by ‘I’Q I shows 350 produces n positive corresponding to Prop,\gation. term cffccts of “V, R’dccl-mxs for an interval of ‘I’his type of reasoning iI mcchnnisln and is rcprcscntcd its resulting for ani~lyzing behavior as a network is dcscribcd circuits, is nccdcd. of dcviccs. by a dcvicc model lSmce VJ,~ is a decaying cuponcn~ial. it is positive 02ro at 00. behavior: instantnncous mark the cvcnt; is modclcd Analysis. each type of &vicc ~-- a 0:ro.“ hcing arc required the the !ong dctcrmincs for cx,rmplc, rc;lchcs the circuit the description C(ILL~~~S which across the resistor, in ‘I’Q An;\tysis inputs. CVClltUillly by ‘I’ri>nsitioll Qll;~litiltivc dctcrmining . . .*’ ‘I’hc mcchnnism type of rcnsoning thcsc qualitative break types of reasoning in\,olvcs volt:tgc which focuses bctwccrl I-CilCllCS interval. to ;I set of Ilrijllnr)j the resistor awl stops flowing to mu, ‘I‘wo rcnsoning “,A positive (V,N). dCCrCilSC CVClltiially by iI scrics of cvcnts such as V,, CilCll during the time. ‘l’cmporal of illld to the resistor, state at xcro volts. intcrvAs. circuit response of lhc circuit simulation for ;iii;ily7iiig tilC the CilpacitOr Lhrough Of lime illId Lhc currciit is nlarkcd scrics of time current LilC CilpacitOr intcrv;ll or V1~’ moving positive to illlaly/C! iii rcasoiiing :I brief steady this type of rcnsorling ‘I’hc circuits. with ;I ‘I’his description (dc (I:orbus. Of CillCtll~lS a quAitativc and the rclntionship in describing ontologics ;I system (‘1-Q) An:llysis, has ~CLW ccntcrcd f0r iIll ’ 121 this poinl has rc;lchctl iICfOSS voltage iI positive to CiiSCllill’gC hegins the ‘I-his C~NISCSthe vottagc i\crOSs the resistor producing tlCCKXSCS zero. Over for cxprcssing steps ncccssclry in performing (Ising ‘I’cmpor;11 Qu;llitativc physics thcorcms which V/h of it qualitative the role of continuity ‘I’hc discussion lCVC1 is analyzing rcnsoning. dcvicc ~IWCSS ccntcrcd from il fCW simple physics. of qu;\lit:ltivc for the uCC of ;I qLl,llitiltiVC ‘I‘his pnpcr cxnmincs Cll2llgC. qiinlitativc modcling. One objcclivc for Brown, 1983). thro~lgh systems. a theory includes nt tllC behavior tasks as designing. physical provide uhich nbout such pcrfrmn tl at instant (Vl,v) is positive. n rcprcscrltntion Quantitatively, ‘I’hc and for t < function;llity the interactions CO and rcnchcs a of between model devices con$ts associated are described with the dcvicc’s and their dcrivativcs). behavior by a set of network of a set of algebraic relations terminals ‘I’hc relevant laws. bctwccn (c.g., current, cquntions C2USAL A device YIiOP,~CA'I'ION state variables voltage, constraining Causal charge Propagation set of qualitative the circuit’s forward, in the above cx~~mplc are: Ic, = I,<R Resistor = Cw Capacitor Model --I<” KirchotYs Current I12 = Model (rcfcrrcd to as prir~ory cffcct on other circuit a qu,\litativc stn,lll that (V,,v) I .aw inputs signal analysis. is positive t’ropilg;\tion C,~usal at instant products laws, to dctcrminc quantities. cxplari;~tion. result as it is given VI,\ i\s the primary Using the following a their ‘l‘his may be vicwcd 7 In the IiC tl. when interval couscs) arc propagated using the dcvicc models and network instnntancous V[, occurs at the start of a time (whcrc cil1IsC, “A --) B” l*CildS“A Cll1ISCS ICI”): ‘I‘hc behavior and of the overall dcvicc models and circuit is infcrrcd is cxprcsscd of V,N in the l<C circuit behavior into intervals. separated rcprcscntcd Stiltc tion signs. ncgativc tivc ((-) consisting = -), is unknown ‘I’IIc qualitiltivc laws [VIN] = ‘I’he (X) state cquiviilcnt and subtraction = two ?)(dc ‘I‘l~.\NSI’I’ION Klccr, using Resistor circuit, numbers order Iiighcr order Model [I,,] = --[I,,] KirchoFs Current detail Llsk. of behavior which For the analysis adcqLIi\tc LO exinninc to rccogni/c saturation 1979),(Forbus, and I:IWS;IW: dcriviltivcs, ovcrnll the circuit’s state variables quantity interest “the of voltage interval”). marked WC only number on the lcvcl in the particular first and second maximums ‘I’hc dcpcnds MOS by a SC~LICIICC behavior, of and inllcction keep track within or “the qunntitics not predicts the dcscribc how dctcrmincs Current I .ilw WhctllCr Analysis making points (c.g., the to the region charge is moving ON). quantities /rmsi~iotr into will interval. Ordering ;I transitions tions bctwccn dcvicc on from qualitative cnp32itor to /cro or towards which regions) ON often dctcr- ano~hcr region only first, marking discusses transi- hcrc is easily cxtcndcd other aud or subset of these or boundary this article dcscribcd bctwccn Recognition is mobing whcthcr region is dccrc;Gng the boundary dctcrmincs across boundaries operating tlic new region Although tions across zero. the mcchilnism and their tl;lWitiOllS positive dctcrmincs ilnother ‘l’ransition that more than OIIC quantity rccogni/.c the and may bc vicwcd Recognition towards positive zero, or a mosfct the end of that in the circuit of quimtilics is moving ‘I’rimsition it possible ;I qllillltity from of OVCI’time, into two steps: 7‘rmrsi~iotr I<ccwgtti/iotr is broken mints it not or rcsponsc chngc quiintities large sign;11 analysis.4 or boundilry. fhnd instantilnco~ls regions (c.g., moving of in rcsponsc to a set of inputs and the qualitntivc than zero (c.g., is dcscribcd to transi- in (Williams, a single mosfct During an interval qualitative region is in saturation and the beginning transitioning is values of during ‘I’IIANSI’I‘ION each (c.g., ‘I’hc the Transition I~I’C’OC;NIl’ION basic assumption Ordering underlying Transition Ifccognition qualitative 3C’ausal l’ropagatiorl IS Guitar to dc Klccr’s Incrcmcntal Qunlitativc 1979) c\ccpL that the cpantltics bclng ptq~gnted arc not rcstrictcd but ma) lncludc C~:IIIII~ICS and higher order dcn\ativcs. reasoning systems ilnd is: of the next is bctwccn regions. %his differs from cxlicr qualitative dcrivnti\es (de Klccr. 1979). Model 1984). intervals ‘I’hc end of the interval by one or more -+ Kirchofl”s of analysis WC llilvc circuits for each interval. remains is positive” -l<csistor = a qu‘mtity OFF and in the RC cxnmplc. ‘I’hc circuit’s = [q] to cutofT’) at the end of a time interval, boundary for the lirst and volt:tgc. the ;in:ilysis must bc obscrvcd For simplicity, first dcrivativcs dcscribcd and current in [w] dots as a qualit,ttivc may also bc crcatcd of pcrformitncc minimums. bchnvior.2 of Model two qu;rlitaGlc or not Capncitor uscci -- CiIl)ilcitor and Trutlsiliotl Orderirrg. ‘I’mnsition [%;-I derivatives = Analysis bctwccn Model = dCriVit~iVCs Current [ ;&“I Propagation but ‘l‘rnnsition is and a ncga- models [IO] Model /\NAI,YSIS Causill a towards higher -KirchoIf’s arc positive multiplica- ncgntivc of the i\bovc [h] set of cquntions ~tnalo~ous = of open ‘I’ransition An -1 Resistor [Icy,] [Xl.) the sum of a positive ((-+) + (-) [VW] = = can variables ;I set of relations of 4 Given [II<,] scparatcd bctwccn is denoted into the sum while of intcrcst as ;I scqucncc the circuit’s of addition, cxan~plc, + (-) number 1983). and sign, using zero as a boundilry For time. or regions is rcprcscntcd instnnts, arc then combined &Am on n quantity intervals (‘I’hc sign of a quantity vnriablcs qualitiltivc ‘I’imc by by their and ncgntivc. which a set of open by ;I set of bound;lrics. of for t > 0 the space of villucs t,tkc on is broken the network is: Vtp~ = Vtllrlrale-+ Qualitatively, from as a function Anal~ais (dc Klccr. to first dcrivativcs, 4Allcrnnti\e appronchcs IO dcscribc the beh,lvior of quantities mom qualitA\c region boundarxs hake bcm proposed by (dc Klccr and Brown, 19X4). (I:olbus, 1983) and (Kulpcrs, lYX2a). focused only on first 351 The behnvior of real physical syslenrs is corltitzuous.5 MOW system prcciscly, which intervals. thcorcms hithin two is the dcscribc In this provide section how qualilntivc thcorcms the interval is both of intcrcst, continuous while which thcsc move arc then bctwccn then tl f t2) it will used to dcrivc that a quantity it will will to move Inordcr is continuous to 0 will the second ;IssIIIIIcS thnt a quantity or instant illll~rvill during some lo lhc next. of of sonic quantity how a quantity If, li)r cx,rmplc. time, will over time, a set changes from a quantity it bc positive, the next time interval. 7 ‘l‘hC Illlcrttlrtiinlc during tllilt: the behavior interval from finite arc scparatcd by a continuous interval c to 0, traversing interval of time of by an the interval to move from of an open (c,O). moving Similarly, from of time, a quantity of an open of where 0 to some positive interval Convcrscly, function {(tl,t2) time wc can Sly that a quantity lcavc L at the beginning open 0 to e arriving moving interval from and arrive E at 0 1. If some Thcoro,l VrllUC for This interval some closed notion will move through of time, and a quantity interval of continuity of time will (possibly is captured with the rule: Continuily or ncgativc this is th;rt a qllilntity an open nn instant). following is positive zero during a boundary OII for only one way of viewing region Rule quilntity Q is positive (ncgati\c) during an instant, it StiitCS will positive Klllilill (ncgntivc) for sonic open interval of time I immcdiatcly lf f is continuous on the closed number bctwccn f(a) point in [u, 01 for which X Inluitivcly, this cross a boundary when the positive the posilicc interval, St;itc means and J(X) that moving lllily it cannot [a, b] and if 1 is any then = thcrc from one must qunlitativc will region instant moving intcrvai cxnmplc, transition dlawn the that arc continuous Value ‘I‘hcorcm, 1x1~ ccii Lllc rcprcscnlations O~WII ir1tcrwl.r. region Also, recall regions qimitity An that (Q) for sl,rlc and by Causill wcrc positive positive following the can also bc dcrivcd be illld their dcrivativcs. v,lri,iblcs can ;lnd tinic. tl (interval ltulc, 12). following of time, Propagation during WC predict during They it interval. or ncgativc or ncgativc that the open may. howcvcr, 12. instant marks or from ;1 quantity ;I boundary moving from to an open by the wc dcnotc is positive -I3 -- at son-it tiinc exists some finiic and 0. rcspcctivcly. instant tl open interval (Q@tl = hnctmn f IS continuous iT a smnll and 11.UC can Lccp lhc chnngc \1i1;111ch:lllgc 111f(x). holdmg the change 111z sullic~cu~lv smsll ” (I.oomis, chngc tn f(z) in 5 of quantities. at the relationship ‘l’hc following (f) througliouI (a, b), then c whcrc dccrcasing the products only a (instant) 1977) [a, b], and if f’(z) (a, O), then f is ncgativc throughout thcsc two corollaries in terms is an with of n state variable of its vnluc and its dcrivativc. Qualitative for all is constant on (a, b). If j’(z) increasing function (a, b), then f is on [a, b]. the bch,tvior and is captured function on [a, t’] and diffcrcntiablc throughout Ry combining ns sn~nll as WC wish by to zero Lhc interval. is positive on to 'I'Q Annlysis: is equal the quantities of the Aleall Vdue intcrcst which information bctwccn two corollaries has a dcrivativc 2. I.ct f bc continuous If some (t, 0) separating at the continuity by looking Vi~IlICS of z in an interval region. by the to looking 1. If a function an is rcprcscntcd ndclition T/~cor~~~t/ (‘l‘hon~~s, 1908) ;lrc of particular I<CCi~ll Thcorcm, “‘l‘hc remain to m-0 at the insl;uit by using ;I relationship the range of ‘I state varinblc c > 0), then thcrc SConlinult>: imnlcdiatcly time posi/i\~c (0, 03) ;md /lcgcr/iw (- 00, 0) scpar,ltcd zeru. which boundary WC dcduccd state variables must the next for time consists of a scrics of i~s/r~rr/.s scpnratcd to :I bound,lry open the open bc ncgativc. quantities Intcrmcdiatc that the rcprcscntntion open interval following the first pilrt of the Continuity each siatc varinblc In ISy assuming of Using some open the instant to the RC cxamplc, nljt~0~5 open In the above zero during that all of the circuit’s tl. that instant. Q is zero during ;uid ‘I’iiiic \‘:iriahlcs results remain Returning cross zero when or zero during one will following 2. If sonic quilntity 1977) quantity regions. bc posilivc is at least 1. (I .ooniis, a continuous and ncgilti\rc quantity howcvcr, interval f(b), ‘1’11~s cnch state variilblc to another. bctwccn by points at the crrd of the open interval. nn for dctcrmining some at E at ~hc end of the interval. ‘I’hcorcm to dcscribc & is described lcavc Lcro at the brgirr,riug remain of rules is nccdcd distinct that take a finite Another \‘;~luc two take value c. F~urlhcrmorc, the and diffcrentiablc.6 ‘I‘hc Intcrmcdiatc zero (any If WC assume time. and the Cotl/irruit)’ Rule and quantities: It~lrgn~liot~ Kulc. ‘I’hc first rule rcqiiircs over over the intuition quantities thcorcms functions of & from open interval). a physical of sirnplc of continuous WC discuss value dcscribc arc a number ‘I‘hcsc regions. about which the behavior in dctcrmining qunlitativc rules functions Thcrc that arc continuous. of calculus time it during At the qualitative by the following Integration the previous Icvcl, Value the Intcrmcdiatc is described over an interval instant this is similar (interval) to intcgmtion rule: Rule Trnnsikions to Zero 1. If a quantity ?lhc noki!ion (u, b) dcnolc~~ Ihc open inbmal !hc c~oxcd mlcr\a! bc~wccn u hclwccn a and 6, wh~lc [a, b] denoks md b inclusive. 352 is positive and dccrcasing (ncgntivc and increasing) over an open time interval, then it will move towards that transition interval and possibly xro to zero at the end during of the in tcrval. 2. If a quantity increasing) is positive but over an open to Lcro and will not time remain dccrcasing interval, positive (ncgativc then (ncgativc) and it cannot during not transition Next the is increasing (dccrcasing) interval and was ycro during positive (ncgativc) 4. If a quantity during is constant 7cro during during the previous some open instant, then it will bc during + some open time instant, then interval It is intcrcsting to note the dcrivativc instant, that a quantity (Q) [$~]@tl interval (IX), during bctwccn two (c.g., in a resistor the at soinc cause during Q dcrivativc a change during In and its dcrivativc in current the next that tlic above cast, by a qualitative instantaneously number intercstcd of higher also bc applied dcrivativc. order (z), analy7ing dcrivativcs, bctwccn during cxprcssion then If a bccomcs positive Rule next for the next open interval at instant SOIIIC for 12. Similitrly, positive incrcasc in 5, making it positive for 12. ‘I’hus llic Integration propagntc the dcrivntivcs As bctwccn cffccts down direction of changes towards WC hnvc seen a quantity or away from zero). each quantity the lower above, order is moving with If a quantity a chain from Rule higher and in the still the next If, howcvcr, interval. a quantity then respect Rule to zero is zero and increasing the quilntity (A) is moving cannot it may or may not St~ppos~’ some other q\lantity bccomc for /cro, describes (e.g., which quantity an open interval PXO. As a result of all qriantitics into from zero. of the each quantity rclntions to dctcrminc the criterion cvcry which is bctwccn qunntitics of consistency quirlitativc relation and is used grows lincnrly relation quantity with (Q) is unknown, by ‘l’ransition associated the involved with Q, along with in that then its liccognition. rclntion In this the directions can somctimcs be Q’s direction. qualitntivc relations negation. used addition and operations Transition place constraints on the direction A complctc in (Williams, 1984). in modeling devices multiplication. Ordering ‘I’hus contains (c.g.. a few cxamplcs zero) involved consists for a set of toward of each quitntity provides of operation. HI, by the end of the interval. Ortlcring rules and of each of which transition in the operation. of these rules for cnch type list of Transition Ordering rules is prcscntcd Rules where Ic is a positive ‘I‘hus quantities conslnnt) then WC need a mechanism will reach instant, the same direction, zero of time. the other (i.c.. A = arc cquivnlcnt o\ cr the open interval simply also holds for dots WC have m,\y transition divided (they the set (i.c., its direction quniititics a quantity A alld C arc moving + k?B. to zero before that transition of intcrcst 1) they arc moving transitions at the same time. check on equality. A = with -I&), since in to 7cro ‘I’his may ‘I’hc above rule negating a quantity respect to lcro. is the sum or diffcrcncc is mot-c intcrcsting. C = arc moving 353 must quantities k,A WC know as a consistency negation not challgc then and 2) if one of the quantities quantity bc viewed continuous 1) those which use a transitions zero for some inlcrval or set of quantities Recognition the the bccomcs 1954) uses 1) the direction of a non-zero thcsc Transition ORI)12HING of Transition IMrow, then this solution bc dctcrmincd ‘I’hc cast whcrc ‘I‘RANSI’I’ION ilnd the with or dccrcasing must transition towards ycro Howcvcr, cxponcntinlly the towards (B) rcachcs ycro first and H causes I,$$ to then A will not reach determining ;irht during reach from in Ihc system. quantities and the following of time, Value all sets of possible criteria. to consider cast, If the signs of two continuous during 0 when to jump thus this solution Klccr satisfy worst Ordering, of relations ‘I’hc next section ordcl [I?] = lntcrmcdii~tc to zero, and 2) the qualitative status (c.g.. can’t transition) to locally and derivatives. Integration the IJ causes and its dcrivativc along ‘I‘hc (12). then it will cause it positihc If of the other (tl). two grows as a set of constraints. first ‘I’ransition equality, (dc Ordering rcspcct used to dctcrminc involves in 21, making uses the relation may the above need only Transition cast a qualitative (a) of a mass (where arc constant which If the derivative a + the to this is to CnumCr;ltC for systems. but can with t state variables. with number order high being analyzed (v) and accclcration a) and that iIll three quantities includes Integration the the system suppose v&city the and which an incrcnsc an approach, continuity. to that solution large thcsc quantities causes a change a system each dcrivntivc For cxamplc, the position & df - in direction arc inconsistent (e.g., Q is caused Can transition, direction WC arc (their moving 0). test each for which violate of quantities can transition in vol tagc). If arc not is unknown [A] = (c.g., which number Instead, causal relations transitions moving interval is similar (they subsets of thcsc quantities of sets of possible = open the and indcpcndcn suppose which number similar off zero ins~lntnncr)usly. moves rclatcd of a quantity for whose status to 1) quantities crossing simplest intractable the leading without transitions of the (11) (i.c., [&]@tl inStitllt positive transition and thus arc discontinuous ‘I’hc that during cxamplc, P’OI 12. quantities two parts it bchavcs Q to incrcasc ;I quantity dilfcrcnt how bccomcs I-urthcrmorc, Q is also positive bctwccn parts %clu $2 it will positive. rcl;\tivnship at If 0). in the first affects the same intcrvnl. is resting = then and bccomc while in the last two that quantity 0 and that, of 11’1~quantity can’t [B]) and 2) q uantitics to - and was it will bc zero during which WC want to dctcrminc without ‘I‘hcorcm the interval. the previous 2) those set of qualitative [A] = time interval. thus zero) and 3) those the following Off Zero 3. If a quantity affects towards transition Transitions following zero) is unknown). instant. rule towards towards For example, of two other assume Lcro and B is constant, If A, B and C arc positive, C and C can bc eliminated then A will from that whcrc transition the list of potential transitions.* On the other A, and finally, bcforc hand, if B is negative, if B is zero, kIA). the same time (since C = Also, consider C arc positive and B is negative If B is known to bc constant must also be moving Finally, A and/or for multiplication same time; but the direction zero and will othcrwisc, C will of C is unknown. towards zero, then kc) dcrivativcs C Both Causal that, if and mosfct and C won’t transition. cxtcndcd make Thus, Transition Ordering 1) factors the qunntitics at the same time and 2) crcatcs sets according to which transitions other Transition tion Ordering mechanism values. Or&ring bctwccn to the one similar If as the result mined that 1) all the same time, bc toward interval. the remaining zero, then Othcrwisc, or the sets of possible help being rcsolvc system transitions. the remaining at how to capture Marc provided can try of state the techniques that transitions WC have dcduccd resistor. Next it must bc dctcrmincd to zero at the end transition lntcgrntion Rule is moving towards [I,?,] and [I(*,] ‘I’hc using lmknown. pro. is moving WC know towards In addition, that [w] = WC dctcrminc [?&I. howcvcr, since [gyp] KCI, that their can In into a system for designing intuitive Qualitative or its higher the long bctwecn notion arc to dcvclop while of thcsc changes. modeled qualitative been response order dcrivativc, a few of continuity have incrcmcntal term cffcct quantities able Analysis the by rules continuous to dctcrminc regions. ‘I’hcsc rules and integration. Howic Ramcsh Shrobc, I’atil Rich Zippcl. dc Klecr, Johnn for many and Dan Weld insightful Dannicl comments. dc Klccr, 1 J. and Order Arf$cial [3] dc Ijrown, to appear Quali tativc I’rocecdiqs in Itr~clligctm, Austin, Klccr. J., “Causal ‘1X-529, Milss‘lcllusctts, and Na(ioml August, Ilascd on with Higher C’or@rertce 011 1984. ‘I’clcological MI’l’ Artificial Scptcmbcr Rcnsoning r~f hz ‘I’cxas, Physics Irilclligetrce. J. and 13obrow, I).. “Qualitative 1)crivativcs.” Recognition,” J.S., “A in nrf$cral Reasoning Intclligcncc in Circuit I .aboratory, Camb., AIM-664A, Ml’1 1979. above. the capacitor model. model, arc also moving [4] Forbus, Artificial K.13.. “Quitlitativc Intclligcncc Process I .&oratory, l’hcory,” Cambridge, Massachusetts., May 1983. zero, since [Tel] the resistor and [$$L] be arc bc dctcrmincd dcscribcd towards from and cannot derivatives [6] Kuipcrs, Ihc Ntrrioml August, II., “Getting ~‘otlJiwrrce the Envisionmcnt OII Arlifcid in l’rucecditrgs ltight,” Ittlrlligrrm, Pittsburgh, of Penn., 1952, pp. 209-212. which towards zero. [7] I .oomis. I,., (“rtic~rrlus, Addison-Wcslcy, I<crtding. Massachusetts, 1977. Finally, they it to systems. zero. is moving from the that VI~J WC know rule for cquivalcnccs zero and [Ic,] the By applying -, argument, Rule, that [9] it is dcduccd equivalences, = of each of thcsc quantities Ordering through or not any quantities and [%l] the 12. and [&SF] Integration far that interval towards allowing physical arc cur- whcthcr Using a similar ‘I’hc direction For cxamplc, + of [!$‘f], the the ‘l’ransition arc both = arc also moving direction dctcrmincd using to [V,N] thus across it and is discharging of physical move [2] dc Klccr. will in an input variables one’s Conllucnccs,” voltage and being circuits. dctcrmincs dctcrmincs been HP:l’I~:l<~NCFS has a positive of Temporal WC have I thank Bobrow, [l] capacitor information, complex MOS is currently for the each qunntitativc sets of possible to the RC circuit, about Propagation Analysis assuming occur cxplorcd. Returning Analysis at the end of the current transitions, remaining Causal functions, is known will quantities may bc cxtcrnally potential which occur oscillators pcrformancc components ‘I’rirnsition By qualitative rules it is dctcr- transitions of thcsc an ordering remaining rcntly potcntii~l the transitions propaga- in propagating thcsc infcrcncc and 2) the direction and low pass filters, more quantitiltivc of a system to a change using a constraint used of applying been RLC thcsc Huh rules arc applied have of many is being incorporated high Analysis transitions. Two the Transition and their the behavior Qualitative predictions ‘I’Q Analysis Transition predict such as high prccisc discussed: Applying currents into sets which an ordering prcccdc the voltage, and ‘I‘cmporal to incorporate and dchugging transition Propagation circuits more addition Thus and used to correctly hOOtStl-ilpcircuits. to Lero at the 12. are zero at the next instant. implemented A. WC know transition A nor B is transitioning ncithcr zero at the end of interval at A and reach zero before (c.g., A x B = to zero, Ihcn transition the case whcrc and A is moving towards B transitions then C will transition A and C will then will potential since all all of the transition transitions quantities to zero exist, at the each of thcsc arc qualitatively same time. quantities Since will 81r inslead WChad snid that C transilloncd to /cro firxt ~hcn A would liom ~IUT to minus --) This violales wlhouI crossing !hc lntcrmcdiatc /cro (i c . [A] Vnluc ‘lhcorcm = [C] - [II] and. thcrcforc, equivalent, = no other transition to have IO jump (0) - cannot (-) occur. = Iv1Williams, Ij.C., “Qunlitativc in Jrl~ficiirl /tll~Yligcvi~y?. Analysis of MOS CircLlits,” to i\ppcar