From: AAAI-84 Proceedings. Copyright ©1984, AAAI ( All rights reserved. QUALITATIVE REASONING WITH HIGHER-ORDER DERIVATIYES Johan dc Klccr and IIanicl G. IIobrow lntclligcnt Systems I.aboratory XJ’ROX Palo Alto Rcscarch Center 3333 Coycjtc I Iill I<oild Pal0 Al to, Cillif0l~llia 94304 Figure Considcriiblc ;ibout phycic;rl systems I~II)\+ II. 1953,) (J’~rbu~. 1984iI) (Williams, cvcnts which I lOWC\Cr-, of the 1984b). CnOLl@ that impossible wc h,ivc may time built Ill-own, intcrv,lls PilSSCS thC IlilS iimbiguity pnwcrful nAic+ illusive. ‘I’his 1984b)). of lllOdC Of bCgovern first analysis sight 0, and [z] = it addition and of qLl~~lllitiltiVC law the prcssurc alotte. [F] = [PI. on many all our cxnmplcs illustrntcd FOr cxaniplcs. from in Figure pLlrJ>OSCS a simple Of CXJ?~illldtiO~l. fluid-mechanical WC regions prcssurc-regulator aJ>plicablc cxamplc. change for small time Using that theory for iIll dcvicc ilnd idcntificiltion 1982) prcscnts Scales the using it is possible causal quantities. of the ncgativc a theory to dctcrminc cxplnnations fccdbnck. of causal analysis prcssurc rcguJ:Hor input close? regulator prcssurc Dots cvcnts flow occurring rises indcfinitcly, will the valve oscillate when over a longer the direction WC address the valve cvcntually a sudden input scale. the through F = of the prcssurc each charactcri;rcd SJXlCC iff z > 0. [z] = to 1liIvC 0 iff ;I lilndmiIrk is dcscribcd cxccpt result Of k by qualitative for the cast of ‘I’hc is ambiguous. 3 constriction kP) to is proportional is rcprcscntcd regulator by diffcrcnt equation for flow ([A] = cotnplctcly of change, time when of intcrcst quantity k].) cotnponcnts signs hilt (Figure qualiLltivcJy as 1) has three opcmting open but the prcssurc Ot’EN:[A thcrc [F] -= [P] no longer ([PI). is no longer = A,,,,], complctcly is applied? 88 = 01, [Q] = 0 [F] -= [I=] = When 0). lhc valve holds as the nrca 0) no matter when any restriction [P] = 0 < A < A,,,], = ,Innlogously, across the valve is zero ([PI If the CLOSED:[A equations. 0) and flow is zero ([F] across the vaivc WORKING:[o prcssurc thilt OllC k drops out as it is alwavs positive. the prcssurc as an for their In this paper + is stl’;lightf~)rw~rrd. closes, the qu;llitativc 1. and Brown, intcrcst space of [z - across it (i.c., tmnsitions [z]. is [z] = 1934a) (Williams, drilW a\ilil;\blc (dc Klccr vnlucs whcrc of 5 is dCllOtCd of dcvicc v<~lL~csconsisting (Williams, iff z < 0. (Notice opposite ‘I‘hc val\c it out - Arithmetic C~UilliOllS. bilscd 011 thcsc laws and tcstcd progrilm 1982) of particulnr quillitativc (flWl1 arc landmark valLlC ~J‘hc bchilvior tIlc gross-time irtforttlnlion ‘I’hc points ‘l’llc qlMlitiltitC Regulator ;lltcrn;\ting by points WC use the qualitntivc it makes the cast, govern z = uscs cillctlltls SCJTKltYltCd (t:orbus, which At is not which rely otl qualiltrtive iI computer lilWS i1ItCWillS occur. well understood. of qualitative IilWS and ilnd prediction lillldillllC~ltill Jaws. Klccr of lS)SZa) (Williams. is filirly proven Quiilit;ltivc rcnsoning 1984) (dc IIiscovcring six fundanlcntal of a dcvicc in qualit‘ltivc cxJ>l;lnation change. bchuvior to formulntc WC ~;IVC and IIcscription. the inhcrcnt idcnlificd behavior Klccr time dckicc this gross scale time ilppcars (dc made 1982) (I IilycC, 1979) (Kuipcrs. occur over short WhCll h;lvi()r has been progress 1 : t’rcssurc what the valve to fluid flow is (F] ‘l‘hc other sensor which opening. with important measures diaphragm causes position such on The on spring (5) (A) [A,,,,,., - A] = the (PA,I,,,I,,,,,,II,,,). is A,,,, [A,,,I,J] - moves force Thus. the is proportional Al,b~,rrr,.,r,~r thus - [A] = contexts by (1) Start (2) Solve to Z. ‘I’hc (3) Identify of the intcrcstcd prcssurcs in developing of thcsc quantities dcfinc and flows a model dcriv;\livc diff‘crcntial for ~hc V:IIVC =-T -aPot‘,. quantitatiic ‘I’hcsc equations quantitative and equations rcl,lting in any one associated [:c] KIILIC of dF Step 4 is Cxpandcd Construct StiltCS dcrivcd from form of from dcrivativcs if to dcrivc from the previously and prcssurc which WC tried arc ~CIlCKltCd (4b) Gcncratc the pAal ([F’] :- [PI) transi- g0 to (2). all of the states transitions a scqucncc bctwccn of time. So of intervals, CilCh (Rule to the simpler qualitative gcncratcd (0) illtC_SlYltioll [z,,,,~] = the from rules fOl* [z~,,, rr.r,l] + az,,,,,,,!. m;ltCh the the for current gcncration VillUCS L’millUilJ: stdtC to potential 6. and each more cxtcnsively V~l/UC next cquntion in step 4a. 311 transitions ilnd cxcmplify Rule (continuous) the plausible ~~o~l~o~~tri~di~to~~ysliltcs (I<u~c I) which WC summari/.c explain 0): tllC qLLllitiltiVC device quantity descriptions Cheek information using and test scqucncc. of succeeding testing hcrc and aftcrwnrds. IlllISt Ch:lllgC continuously over a transition. qualitative given qualitative equation WC i\nd difTcrcntiatcd, relation WOUICI of rclnting get the to a state which flow l aF = aP I<ulc is inconsistent (2) Itlstnttt system CilllllOt with rcspcct to the qUillit;ltiVC change and IIO other inst;rntancously ‘I’hc uvuidntiw. ruke. Changes ~a11 chilngcs from hilppcn transition equations. zero happen at an instnnl. is incorrect. By definition aP = of prcssurc LIP,,, - l ap,,,,. Presumably Rule (3) Dcrivafive prcssurc-regulator dclivcrs as prcssurc to ;I load an output incrcascs, i3PoTL1= since which aF. demands to dctcrminc rise aP,, = -. sol;ltion This +: the quahtativc apt,, = +. indicates response Using thcsc although the drop across the valve incrcascs dccrcascs thcrcby the amount the qualitative achicvcs completely reducing solution this behavior ncithcr for reasoning it is of the output prcssurc how for which flow and Brown, WC provide (5) Hi$ercor&r (6) Chatlge is non-zero WC list out I-Iowcvcr, such as whcthcr See (de Klccr Rule 0 also applies W/P. ChCltlgP RlllC to dcrivativcs. 2 ills0 ilppliCS t0 Rules deriva/ives. 0 and 2 apply to all of dcrivativcs. a liulc rises, the prcssurc-rcgula?tor behavior hcrc rise. Rule prcssurc orders the arca available addrcsscs of causal explanation; about and nor its gross time closes, opens or oscillates. for a discussion the output itlSlOtl1 dcrivntivcs. +,aP=+,aF=+,aA= apout = that to an input (4) Dcrivnrive more l possible cotr/ittui/y. the 0 RUlC flow thcsc rcciirsi\cly idcntifics possibic description successors using rules 2 through aP. the illlilly7Cd, ;llgorithm into the followings gcncratc 0 Rule (1) C’orrlrtrtficliort that YCt is a simply threshold the 0 Notice rhrcsholds. next states from state ;Ind iIll iI pilrti;ll each significiint’ aP -+ aA equation aF = aA{- to lhcir SOITICstate. (4il) > 0. this rcduccs in each quantity. arc moving Ciln be in Cach state for an interval of thu dcvicc with (4~) $$,P A and P arc always positive. = ‘I’hc varinblcs. IlOt L~C initial 2: the qualitative arc aF both StiltC simulation Ibr thlls -dt = p+ AS arc thcsc is P’ = AD, equation rcguIi)tor, sensor ChilllgCS which set of the possible IlCXt device sIi)tcs equations loop this WC need to for the qunlitativc mode of the pressure a ~~-OITI ‘Ik the time-lint az. In the WORKING aA t:or equations basic simulation StiltC. those quantities nondctcl-ministic them. WC arc Just ;IS WC write of ;I quc\ntify. [$] regulator. ‘I’hc may over time as follo:vs: some initial (5) I:or C,lCll qualitative how a change in the others. vnluc of z we write or ilbbKViillCd. and to predict cilllscs changes a qu,rlit;htivc the qualitative of the ~I‘CWIIT valve 0) or OPEN tions. This bctwccn if the prcssurc passes the A ,,,,,,), the qualitative change. for the qualitative (4) Construct -+- rc,lchi~blc \ ~IUCS with ‘the qualitatively the behavior the behavior time causes A to reach threshold - and hcncc Conversely, enough + causes A to reach threshold such as this equation the relationships (aA = CLOSE to drop. If (aA = distance USC incrcascs. change analyxcs “[ j-1” instead.) ‘l‘hc abobc models dctcrminc for flow continues arca (P). [-+I -- [A]. (WC usually Filluc, but in ambiguous to a cxcrtcd the complctcly to a force to the prcssurc A irI,s,rrrl Ir,l drops, So incrcascd diaphragm bahnccs (ks) prcssurc the spring. is proportional valve for flow as a qualitative force the diaphragm by the arcn available USC down arca. comprcsscs arca obstructed the output F,, and pushing valve arca available is the to set the size of the valve decreased that the prcssurc the spring WC of the prcssurc-regulator pressure The sensor acts by converting pressure [P] = component the output lo all zero &rivn/ives at some instant rules cxamplcs of diffcrcnt RUI,P:(O) : \‘AI,UE: cannot 3 through i&yitttpossiblc. cvcr bccomc 5 scparatcly from A quantity identically zero. 0 and 2 to give lcvcls of analysis. it 1984) a framework WC define its gross time behavior. continuous CONIINUI’I’Y continuity for qualitative if the value goes from or from a point an interval to one of its two neighboring variables. A to its bounding intervals. change is point(s), In the quantity SI M ULA’I’ION As the input pressure rises, the output continues to rise and the IA significant variable. 87 quantity dciincs component operating or is an indcpcndcnt state space used hcrc (in cithcr the continuous direction), The but continuity rule in any transition changes not bctwcen description equations in step 4n. ‘l’his often avoids having transition occurs first ((Williams, of the values and the partial poLcntial x=0 transitions to dccidc which possible 1984a) LISCStransition-ordering in his Figure WC Ciltl though KilCll /cro. cquntion LISC = ‘HIC 0. into -[O] $- [+] valve tllc flow can’t is dccrcnsing tllc11 [A] = is passive equation 0; then [F] == [P,,,,t] [A] = -[PC,“,] CIOSC, i.e., ‘I’hc behavior ncvcr it will by the VLIIVC SO [PC,,,/] = $- [-I-] regulator by [F] = WC get way. and s1nallcr arca npproaches Every dccrcments zero asynlptotici1lly if one sees that the closed substitutes An altcrnativc to argue incrcmcnt (i.c., bccomcs arbitrarily nrgumcnt state is inconsistent. algorithm. provides transitions a computation~llly to inconsistent tnorc states. envisioning algorithm idcntifics step 4 only considers transitions close to to gcncrating idcntificd, orphaned all states is that when one can easily notice 12 [F,,,,,,,]- the spring on force iFI rtcfton]. algo- to the loop, states. states. - o++ [F.,,,,,‘,] 0 - - 0 + o-- = I‘,lblc the 12 have aF,,,r,nq = - - 1 + + 1 + + ++o 0 - o+++ 0 - --0 I‘,lblc AMI~IGUI’I’Y power of the remaining the diaphragm-spring-stc1n prcssurc The balances the a momentum reducing its equilibrium Figure causing the prcssurc the valve This 2 illustrates and shock absorber of it to move below again, 2 : State is correct, the modes operation of spring, the it should pushes it back: thcrcby a Splitting 6 1 8 + + + + - 0 - - of four qualitative (XC ‘I’ablc 9 10 11 12 + ++o o-- - + +++ + - o++ + F.qwtions 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 123 123 123 1 1 1 123 123 +o- +o- +o- - - - - - - +o- +o- --0 + + I)-- + - + + + ++o - By Dcrivativcs has built position, up thus a mass situated [F,,,,,,] rule. prctations which state in which or oscillation. ing its lcro on a spring (i.e., friction). possible 88 WC notate aF,,,,,, about combinations -- - WC get from . 6-1, 6-2, in aF,,,,,, -ax can happen of transitions = t3Fsprr,zy = aFfrlctton + ambiguous. the contradiction equations and 6-3. have three Dcrivativc so state 6-3 In state 6-3, cvcry Movcmcnt of the quantities of the derivatives. arc somctimcs work since [ZC]= which aF,,,,,, state 6’s derivative alnbiguous threshold, no information themsclvcs how much unintcndcd mass-spring [F,,.,], dv = 2 gives the values [v]. ‘I’ablc but the thcsc in tcrprctations. by the dcrivativcs -[F7,L,155], d For cxamplc, arc only Howcvcr, by the equations: - one of the interprctntions possible 1984). bctwccn ---au = that the dcrivntivcs intcrprctntions As it has overshot ringing aFfrlCtlorL = avoidance Klccr, is govcrncd ‘t’ablc 2 illustrates by the prcssurc valve arc dctcrlnincd -[VI, Note by the (dc by tnoving which ve reasoning, arc thcorctically remaining intcrprctations aFsprt,rg = force and but by the same reasoning producing details: bc. bctwccn If the producing as it closes; howcvcr, past its equilibrium what the csscntial regulator. the spring the force cxcrtcd the by cxnmining incrcasc, force acts against whcrc force the spring overshoots prcssurc gains velocity the position restoring of the pressure the output valve slowly it rcachcs rules arc illustrated fragment incrcascs. force on the diaphragm. friction. system or qualitatively (intcrprctations) + to hIas-Spnng 1 +o- =o au = sets of states and 0 345 123 0 aFjr,,,,,, - 1 : Sdut~orls 1 ad- all legal transitions - [F,r,<.hL>,,] ==o ‘I’hcn Another - system oscillates time ‘I’his solutions 0 by the spring J’,pr,7,y -t- F,r,l.l,,,7, possible z = and z > 0 to bc singlets. QUAI,l’I’A’I‘I\‘P: input at equilibrium, ma -kz is mod&d sake. dcfinc the mass i? provided F,,,,lhS = In many casts of qualitati ‘l’hc F = for the spring For simplicity -8~. 345 0 of climinnting legal dcvicc unrcachablc net [Fsprrng] + aF ,,,R,, = vantage I,aw F = by Newton’s 1). contradiction mctlwd to legal dcvicc with absorber: = Hooke’s ‘I’hc resistance of the shock absorber cqL1;1tions hiIs thirteen reasoning. As a precursor all nossiblc 8~. and i3F = ‘I’hc shock [Km,] the the envisioning clcgant --[VI. --[VI [“I- been System is unncccssary Thus, for. iIll sorts of sophisticated to the simulation and prcssurc thcrcforc = as the m;~ss position the valve in input WX; in valve ‘l’his asymptotic that [F] 3F = bccvmcs 0. to the right. it is possible of the 1nass is dcscribcd or qunlitativcly a contradiction. XTO but ncvcr rcachcs ;Icro). avoidance for is closed load close in the following causes sm,1llcr tllilt to prove the sensor the prcssurc cannot rule If the valve [r] In this the arca availi1blc Substituting rithm 2 : Mass-Spring-Friction instead). cvcn [0] = equations by stclj 4. ‘I’his climinatcs gcncratcd analysis description dctcrminc In many cnscs lhcre arc no possible values with both the qL1alitativc gc1lcri1tcd discontinuously gives il partial algorithm ‘l’hc qualitative arc consistent may change AVOII)ANCE of the rcmC1inilig quantities. which or - states. Step 4 of the siiniilatio1~ next stdtcs. 0 and + and -. is: no quantity bctwccn RULE:(l): C:ON’I’RhIXTlON potential arc bctwcen + quantity to the is approach- for all quantities. first, or happen intcr- rcfcrs As we have together, need to be considered. all As there arc 4 possible those transitions, 15 possibilities thcrc are 24 - arc rcaliyablc 1 possible bccausc choices. Only 12 of the resulting 3 of states This simple often rule eliminates used for transition f(y) co-occur. others holds All ordering. Figure gcncratcd sonic of I~;I\,c any information about bctwccn rule avoidance the possible rules (Williams, 1984a) for a threshold, transitions of this spccialiLcd by the algorithm ass:nnc all transitions cxamplc, as well. by the contradiction 3 illustrates transitions For if z and y arc heading at the threshold applications are covcrcd don’t the need for more sophisticntcd 1984b) uses the rule: and z = k > 0, thus if $ zero. arc contradictory. (Williams, x = in z and y as well states solutions so this happens and [La3,] = first. --,W,,ass = and all dcrivativcs. state WC first arc possible. All with arc unknown, not bc $- 2nd bccausc -. More that All intcrcstingly, bctwccn transitions by rule? 2 through the number indicates which shown 6. Each in this graph numbcrcd rule climinatcs that Thus bc 0 to +. two st;ltcs and bc- stntcs labclcd rule imposes and bc- a scnsc of to state 6-1, For [F,,,,,..] must n-l change to state 6. aF,,,,,5, must obey transitions but must bc + to change back bc in state 6-3. For, from which is of this rule it is possible to - to + is not possible -/-, dy = 2, cvcn rule between change 0 arc impossible. law of qualitative 1-4 a diffcrcnt their whcrc unless both dcrivntivcs arc &c = to prove 0, ay = As a conscqucncc transitions This contradicts cast (b) of process theory analysis it is possible if a situation states 5 and 6-2 arc impossible. JIy rules minimum if the may intcrprctntions continuously this (i.e., system bctwccn and thus WC product can be arc is impossible, dcrivativcs arc ambiguous. quantities the equality rule, thcrc arc still a large from system even : l)l~~l~I\‘/\‘I’I\‘C: INS’I’AN’J CJIANGl’ RUM: -/- and 32 = of impossible 1982). a continuous State 5 can transition As a conscquencc oscillation unknown. System within to 5, LiF,,,,,.5,5 must change dcrivativcs RUIX(4) number (Forbus, the cannot aF,,,,, bc - in bctwccn f-or state 5 to transition out by the rule. prove both on the state diagram. to transition of their climinntcd state vary continuously. transitions so that [F,,,(L,5b] can change avoidance first. to cast (a) of the has conscqucnccs Although must still All arc impossible ruled rule rule has consequcnccs to zero, aF,,,, ,, must 6-3 continuous computed. the quantities not vice versa. contradiction occurs process theory This inputs. intcrprctations. twccn applying - is cquivalcnt - CONTINUITY must dcrivativcsf well-behaved direction After Thus, so [TJ] = not 5. ‘l’his D~RIVA’I’IVE derivatives n-3 of the Spring-Mass time + rule of qualitative This 3 : State Transitions short 0, &J = equality change for z to drop for than 0 in an arbitrarily In thd case of state 3, [v] = to 4 but twccn Figure it will take some time grcatcr 3 can transition RULE(3): using just rules 0 and 1. As we first order period, > --00, y bccomcs as many rule. the 2nd order J-lowcvcr. than (I’orbus, 1982), hc dots. that oscillation rcquircs a of 8 states. it. I NS’L’ANTS RUIX(2): INS’J’AN’I’ CJIANGK RULE: In state 3, the mass is not moving, pulling to the left. right. Envisioning transition stnrtcd ‘I’hu~, the mass has moved predicts the wall. to the left in rcsponsc on the mass. l’hus to its equilibrium position balances To transition have friction. moved close whcrc the weakened from to the successors. pulling to the Icft, the mass must to its equilibrium is ‘J’hc In stntc 4, the mass has to the spring In state 5 the mass has a velocity force as fihr as possible states 4 and 5 as possible from state 3 to state 5 is impossible. moving no net Any but the force of the spring have spring it towards but position before formally, any change some time) [z] = changes. states) and intervals. dcrivativc, 11~ modeling satisfying single instant have to it from instant of a quantity +,ax = - in any quantity to zero. and [y] = Consider O,r3y = from back +). and its dcrivativc Marc think what non- gcncrally, if arty As a conscquencc the to instants (corresponding to momentary than one zero quantity has a non-zero of them changing happens one at a time or all as a scrics of instants scnsc of causality: to following ay can change any change If more WC get consistent As a conscqucncc is constant 0, 3.~ = the state is momentary. WC can cithcr intuitively at the same instant a quantity (e.g.. [x] = for time is expanded at once. began to move. More ontology is force pcrfcctly 3 to 5 the mass would zero quantity close there moved state in which zero is momcntnry by grouping transitions with we get an thcsc instants simultaneous in a changes time interval. of rules 2 and 4, if [z] changes to 0, so any tcndcncics from 0, no other to change will persist, zero happens two quantities (at +. +, As [x] = *Some transitions corresponding to operating region shifts (not nmbiguitics) need to bc handled with some cart. 1:or cxamplc. a piccc-wise linear model has undcfincd dcrlvativcs at the joints. and the ultimate effect remains note that if some non-zero the quantity transition nor its dcrivativc is considered Unfortunately, intcrvnls using ball. the moment At a%ment moved, the has zero 0, a~ L3z = 0. ‘I’llC velocity. result can bc proven may not with order n is ncccssary. 11o from about instants solving is a second to [%urrentl + ‘I’hcorcm). solution ax,,ezt (which first, it rcquircs next; second. state The is any dificult or not. Hc after. intervals and cast is handled as possible difficult by considering Pz Mean the second the current case occurs all states that 0 3 a2Ffr*ctron =a'LFsprrny = - 0+++ - - - - a"F,,*,, = - 0 - - qualitative order qualitative makes higher-order aox = This qualitative dcrivativc. arc not dcfincd change dcrivativc Ps = for ax = iff a% must [$$I. bc defined For brevity linear a state DifTcrcntiating a linear of the equations computing equation dots higher-order products 0. This This altnczt Recall v(t) not change. As thcrc to the rules can bc summnri/.cd Tcro happens if they dill’cr and is rule and all orders. first. in any 0. known whcrc n+l Pz. A state is is the qualitative ‘I’hcrcforc a(&)) The in terms of the derivatives in operating QUA LI’l’h’l’IVl+: is easy. so the arc finitely many climinntcs tlic all Pz expansion. 3) cannot whcrc transitions ‘I’akc over is no possible is in state 1. 1. [v]. all the states (thcrc expansion way around ‘l’hus, for a arc zero. some time As all the derivatives bc zero cvcrywhcrc. remain from for cxamplc arc continuous v as a ‘l’aylor all arc zero in state region so there go it and In state 1, v and all its dcrivativcs WC can write the transition as rule to one of v arc if the dcvicc is in in state 1 and has al~trz),s beers irl sfaie from 6-3 to 1 is impossible /. as v is non-zero in state 6 and zero in state 1. use equations rule 1. because by the Taylor its dcrivativcs state 1 it will always I)I’RIVA’fIVES is non-zero ‘I’his to state the dcvicc %I’RO to the same caveats arc zero. 12-1 justified ALI, a quantity to occur). when ‘I‘0 (subject zero, v must ncccssnrily that equation. wc somctimcs a linear CiII1 transition back. at all dcrivativc = 0 and a”+’ z # whcrc of its dcrivativcs states 6-3 ‘I’hc systems, state 6-1-l transition dcrivativcs from NO CHANGK A transition in the = calculus. the valve tililt SINJW of the system. from in terms of lower as is done in conventional was illustrated of State 6 a7h,,,,,,,,t -1 a~+~~~~,.vrrrr,l, 772first non-zero states arc difl’crcnt RULK(6): by an Ix]. For form dcrivativcs no scnsc. quantitative derivatives = (2,4) Any point higher-order IIcrivativcs cannot contradictions Howcvcr, orders. dcrivativcs ang,,,,t discontinuity to all dcrivativc 3 : Higher-Order but that 6-2-l is no change 4 apply + (1) Avoid order next states. Rules 0 through a"+'F tnass = and PV +o--- momentary l’hcreforc [z,,,,,] - happens it is non-zero satisfy - 3 ‘I’wo are: problem if [z] = - 1 = state is momentary. at an instant, -PF,,rass, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ derivative. the current must altcrnatc. 3 In terms of higher-order interval what whether the models p~~,,~~~, succinctly: at the instant, to know to tell 3 + Value formulation = = for state 6. 1 stale 6-2-1, if the as [z,,,~] the diffcrcntiating LM-*v PF,,j, 0 ‘I’hcsc second-order and that in the following next illStilIltS to tell whcthcr so the only + Table 1984a) (Williams, from - aFnLas.9= (0,3) Williams’ avoids 13~ rules 2 and 4, if &E is non-zero interval that as the spring- instants structure thus Notice non-%cro with happens possible and vclocitics of dcrivativcs will be non-zero two problems that can from SCCOII~ dcrivativcs. proven what requiring it is always bc if thcrc knowing what = 3 - +++++ in the equations. by (Williams, - 1 dcriva- orders for = This easy to tell 2 a&mng = a2v = WC arc guaranteed it is conscqucntly is momentary axiom cm *a*,an-1x7Lczt integration). = in a finite +++++ aF/rrcttun though is [z,,,,r(] is linear, form: the solutions 1 of z(t). forces rule 3 summarizes au = move out by itself. integration If and only cvcn easy to represent system + a7'+1J?~,,,,, but dcrivativc. mcntioncd three system suggested the xnezt, %d, (by order ‘l’ablc a have order of the system which is to bc gained mass-spring anflFj,tctm Qualitatively, - it is often for second dcrivativcs. rcwritc drops it cannot fill’ illStililtS rcfcrcnccd for be moving, of rclcasc expansion mentions is in state 1, it cannot An alternate it can’t one this rule is that higher-order only ball cxamplc, thus rcquircs 1984b)is Suppose is the first non-zero the variables the it is derivatives. -Pv, a"+'Ffrrchon = -ant-lv [z,,~~~) = can be proved accclcration. n is the qunli&ltivc mass system system (it integration PZ h order does not change their essential So [z] becomes Fortunately. equations information ‘I’hc dropping -. applying directly ‘I’hc spring-mass ncgativc = using the Taylor bc known. be dctcrmincd instants to t.hCSC equations, all higher and the equation ‘I’hcorcm). qlLllitiitiVC correct ‘1%~ difliculty in the instant(s), is rclcascd, and a2z sohtions to neither interval. it is. At the moment 0. and = for the ball dcrivativc, integration Value whcrc anhL,rent lx current] + tives qualitntivc Mean thcrcaftcr [z] = can change is invalid + In fact, it is intcrcsting has a non-zero in the following the [hLrmLt] immcdintcly the same. quantity form quantitative evkt&n(wt), illustrates applied. 90 vs. QUAN’l’I’I‘A’I’IVE solution the qualitative Qualitative to i.c.. a damped shtc reasoning the spring-mass system is of sine wave (Figure diagram after all the rules have obtains a qualitative 43). Figure description the 4b been of the = behavior of the mass-spring system without recourse Figure to quantitative This methods. 4b dots is technically Friction) - However, halt. perhaps 1984a) dcfinc the Although of force cxamplc, rapidly a spring ncvcr stop moving Behavior that 13clow we give an English 4. system starts in any other ( “*” If the system indicate description state it cycles through thcrc, oscillation states 2 through the system cannot (2) ‘I’hc mass is to the right whole system of equilibrium is stationary (5) Near spring right (7) Mass rcachcs spring equilibrium has become (8) Spring begins (9) Spring to compress, is completely (10) System begins weak, equaling but momentum equilibrium to the left, movcmcnt spring force carries it mass stationary.* towards dominates spring (13) Mass reaches equilibrium, has bccomc weak, cqualling the fundamental but momentum stants and moving laws capture what to zeros. would laws of time-like contradiction ‘I’hcsc othcrwisc carries behavior: avoidance, simple, rcquirc with Mittal but gcncral moving Such approach (true 0 the for non- to dctcrmine a more John Sccly commcntcd sophisticated Brown, early J.S. Scvettth Itr/entniiorml Age. cditcd “Getting from Structure, qualitain- Procccditlgs Brian drafts. 1984b. infcrcncc tcchniqucs. 91 ” Tufts Proccsscs,” ott Arltjicial in Experf S’yslnt~s in Edinburgh University Proccedittgs Itttclligettcc, pp. 209-212, Reasoning About Causality: University Analysis Cortfcrettce Working of MOS of /he 1982a. Deriving Papers in Cognitive Circuits,” in a Qunlitativc on pp. Intclligcncc Physical Right,” “A Envisioning,” Intelligence, Joirrt Cottfcrcttce Manifesto,” 1984a. USC of Continuity Narionai Brown, Artificial 1982. about by 11. Michic, the Envisionmcnt 18, May 1982b. IIC., “Qualitative of the on Arl$cial Process ‘I’hcory,” of I/W in Ar~ifcinl Itttclligcttcc, [9] Williams, B.C., “‘l’hc and powerful sophisticated “Qualitative Noriotral Cot!fcrctrcr on Ar!$cinl [7] Kuipcrs, I)., “Commonscnsc it past to off Cotlference I’rocmiings Scicncc No. [8] Williams, integration/continuity, discussion AIM-664. Cnmbridgc: M.I.T., K.I>., “Qunlitativc Reasoning Press, 1979. [6] Kuipcrs, IL force. PRORI,l’MS WC prcscntcd rcquircs I,aboratory, [4] Forbus, Behavior tivc landmark information 2 might if WC knew some fixed Sanjay Nnrional /he Alicroelccrrotzic: the right.* OWN state time. would Of course, bc enough Irtrclligrt~ce. pp. 326-330. 1981. [5] fklaycs, P.J., “‘l’hc Naive Physics equilibrium. friction.* (12) 1;riction fruitful Forbus. of de 434437. 1982. [3] Forbus, K.I)., system dccclcrates. comprcsscd rightward the velocity is restoring but the system Qualitative Physics Based on Contlucnccs.” to appear. “Foundations of [2] dc Klccr. J. and J.S. Brown. force. position, that with I,aw, there ambiguity whose asymptotically this end, ‘I‘hc deduce [I] dc Klccr. J.. “How Circuits Work,” to appear. 1984) dc Klccr, J. and (dc Klccr and Brown, equilibrium. past.* (11) Near and Ken Proceedings dominntcs end. end of friction.* (6) l:riction - 4b must and dccclcrating. at the cxtrcmc force is mandatory an axiom Icave. pulls back the the mass towards equilibrium than would of physics. WC had many motion.* (4) The spring was greater thcrc by assuming a spring no oscillation). sort (Williams, rcachcd. us to Hookc’s (i.c.. and ACI(NOWLEI)GME:N’I’S 13 Williams state which to zero or some 1982) will design correctly quiescence in and if the instants). (1) A quicsccnt (3) The of the states indicated starts in State 1 it remains allow not to the right springs) qualitative Figure dots producing constant pathological and Quantitative interval out friction, states of Figure particular WC could damped equations towards (Forbus, of cxistcncc still obeys the qualitative asymptotically spring any and approaches tells us that the oscilla- arc cvcntually momentary analysis For out thresholds thil t qualitative of Coulomb Law, amplitude that a transition mechanics? this problem no guarantee ends. physics to quiescence. Hooke’s kind of qualitative a model that all approached Law, common-sense What the common-sense “quantum” transitions Newton’s decay in oscillation tion must cvcntually is possible: possible (using the exponential qualitative 4 : Qualitative include zero asymptotically. model Figure not correct Arlifcial to appear Physics,” In~clligettce,