From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A PROGRAM MODEL AND KNOWLEDGE BASE FOR COMPUTER AIDED PROGRAM SYNTHESIS' Richard J. Wood Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 1 Utroductaon Program synthesis is a complex task comprising many interacting subactivities and requiring access to a variety of knowledge sourcesr Recent investigations have discovered the inadequaciest;ef current synthesis techniques to keep pace with increasing difficulties of managing large intricate problem solutions* An alternative approach to software methodologies is the development of intelligent computer systems that mana e the vast amount of information assimilated an% accessed during this process= The system's ttintellience" is characterized not by an innate ability to Pnvent solutions, but by the incorporation of an internal model of the problem domain and corresponding program solution. This renort focuses on the nature of the program model and the pro rammi successfu!? sy%h%?ed&~~~~ required for a the architecture of the Interacti;; Specificall Program Syne' hesizer, under current development, described, This project ex called the uentdomain expert (the programmer (the cons casting this investigation in the %?%%onsu Bf tant paradigm, *the. techniques and knowleci$egeneral to pro rammln 1n y$~~ipy& can Isolated 5 exam2nedo coo erative frameworkanof program s nthesis the fol!?owing four major categories of acIivities have been identified: zk~ central datamE;gycture of the IPS system which represents the iS program The during synthesis. developin program organizat2on of the program model must accommodate operations that include the introduction of new terms from the user's problem description, the existing refinement and further definition of the detection of inconsistencies in the &E%i! tion and the efficient retraction of the incons!i stent!assertions* These activities occur in client-consultant programming and correspond to the initial problem description by the client, the explanations and clarifications required by the consultant and the rejection of unfruitful partial solutions* The program model is a record of all the assertions, inferences, and deductions made during the synthesis and the justifications for each assertion* domain from the client, Formulation: transformation, completion, % refinement of the problem requirements into terms recognized by the system= . tructu : the selection of known techniques for solving a task's subproblems and the combination of these solution fragments to form an overall task solution. The IPS program model is encoded as a semantic network.,a data structure which facilitates the processing of synthesis activitiesi The nodes of . : the instantiationthztf P-ludaan language construct schemata corres ond to ste s of the solution and w ose execu ion will achieve the overall program behavior, !&& R oomplete process descriptions, but- at a cost of additional processing for referent identificationD e A system capable of supporting computer aided synthesis must have cornonents corresponding to each of the above active -&ies, Additionally, an automated consultant must access a rich knowledge base of programming information in constructing a model of the evolving This model must the-eF%%trnGf the activities syn;t$sls and must be ;;;;;;ed and consultant the he final program, describe the and the set achievement. The Interactive Pro ram Synthesizer (IPS) is a system designed to fulfl -f1 the role of a consultant R 8 *The research described in this re ortu;;e;unded b the Office Naval Researc gran N00014-76C-0471;: Their support and encouragement are gratefully acknowledged+ cE'f'esi;;jE;ce between an ofg;ratiioz requisite When the sentence "The screen is thought of as a 40 b 86 byte arrayi" is processed by the system two 05jects are introduced into the model, 1) an object whose name is "screen" and 2) an object 77 which is an instantiation of the two dimensional frame with the information presented in the ZZXnce (e,ga3 the extents of*each dimension and These two objects the t p~~gdftSeiaarrayentries) *DEF link* that reflects the are 1. client's decision ?o consider the abstract object "screen', as a two dimensional array* Similarly, the processing of the sentence "To clear the screen store a blank in ever position of the screenF,, introduces two objezn; e corre;;;;;;; to the d;;n;E operation ,,clear,' a f-array operation and links them via a *REF link, The *REP and *RED links are used in a similar manner represent s stem generated decisions (i.nferenfc!$ as opposed z0 user specificationss The division of link types parallels the distinction between the two domains of expertise of the client and the consultant. Clarifvina reauests to the user are expressed " tZrmirio1;~~ identified by SDEF and *REF yi%E (e.g ob.iects "screenI,and "clear,'in the above e&&nnle) ;E;',,e tk;E;ysi;; automatically infers information *RED ObJeCtS (e@g., 2-D array and array store), When an inimica~t~~;~;action between two state in the model is the system unravels 9Rieger&London, 1977B the cu&ent solution and selects alternative strategies for achievin the *RED state before causing a retraction of thaf state* If the offender is a *REF state the system must appeal to the user for a restatement of the goal* The system cannot jud e the soundness of a user-supplied decom osition an% must turn to the user for an alternaee decompositionr the instantiated with the data presented * sentence. Addit;onall , the array frame imovides ",;g$ult in;;;;;kon .aci out some characteristics indicies of the dimensions and referencing common?;' used ferminology for components of the array (ergs, ,'rowland "column for the dimensions), It also suggests queries to the user about requisite information (e&g,, is the is this a type description or a size fixed? individual?) selectional queries specific ., are the values cdnt%ied in the Features describing the ~%%ti% kz%ted at?) uses of the'airay (e-.g., the ability to define subregions of an array> are included in the frame but not processed immediately. If later assertions refer to these roles they can be retrieved from the protytpical frame and instantiated, The knowledge base contains frames for both programming objects and operations, Object frames potential contain defining characteristics and roles of an ob'ect, while o erations are described by the set of siates requisite for their correct execution and the post conditions and side-effects of the action+ This note describes the nature of two cornonents of a computer aided program synthesis and the ? the internal program model %?w?fdge base of programming information. structures are part of a larger project C%Z" towards the development of I directed 19801 theoretical modekf of program synthesis and an implementation EodeP. system ""2 incor orates this rogra%Y:ng project inveseigating assembly language programming oth,a particular simple microprocessor activities and knowledge ?sed by a co&ultant during the construction of a software package that manages a video dis lay buffer, By examinin program synthesis in t e concrete and uncluttere% realm of-assembl language prog ams (as contrasted to abstract high-Peve1 languagesf progress towards a successful cornuter aided programming system can advance in much t e same manner that advances to general problem solvi resulted from Investigat!~%??%o the blocks-wor T d domain. Other link types exist in the program model feature-description, $Z$%dency) ~ZerZnce, beyond the scope of this report. The reader is directed to other projects that investigate the foundation semantic networks (e*g,, [Bra&man, 19779 a:df [Fahlman, 1979115 R R The program model is constructed by instantiating schematic programming knowledge with problem specific data presented by the user. The programming knowledge base consists of facts and program construction considered techniques primi;;;; to programming and employed during This collection includes: 9r';descriptions of data types and rules for their combination to form new abstract t pes; (2) criteria required by .a. type descripI ion; (3) techniques for dz;;mposltlon. of st$?s ,;zy problem solving recognition interactions: and (4) methods for construction of expressions,* conditionals, input and out ut statements, A fundamental characteristic of e knowledge base is that the facts are applicable ",E __ many programming domains, Thanks to Chuck Rieger, Steve Small, and Randy Trig for reading drafts of this paper and making helpBul commentsI The IPS kn;;;;zge base is organized in a hierarchical system, efficient iE0 s nthesis or anization of knowledge for ac2 ivities: recogn;kcn and inference. % eatures presented during behavioral *task user's sugg;;; potential programming objects ~~crlpt=on represent abstract domain obJetts. Identification of a particular programmin object supplies information normally associated w!3 th the object., but not stated in the user's discourse, These inferences provide a basis for queries to the user requesting additional information, selection of a particular object from a set % candidatess [Br=$mhm;a'n197~lJ A Structural Paradigm for Represent!in'KAdwledge, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc,, Repor& 3605, Many 1978. [Fahlman, 19791 Fahlman,*S.Ei,NETL,:A n ?%!bri!!&'!%a%?$@'%! fer -, B . M1T YPress' Results in Knowledge Based J?roc& a-I-79, Tokoyo, The programming frames contain information describing defining characteristics and potential roles of an object in a program, While processing the sentence "The screen is thought of as a 40 by 86 byte array*", for example, the prototypical t..~ dimensional array frame is retrieved [Rieger&London, 19771 Rleger, C, & London, Pa, Subgoal Protection and . Unravellin during Plan S~;;~~;~7). pr0c.a m, fambridge, Mass., [Wood, 19801 *The IPS is designed to communicate with the user in English. Curre;;;xr the sentences translated into correspondingare rn:daZ! manipulation functions. This transformation will ultimately utilize a kevword narser built around a dictionary of programming terminology, 78 ;,oyf 9 R,J, t Computer Aided Pro ram Synthesis, . of Maryland, TR-861, Jan, $980.