Site BE-Lon BR-Sa2 CH-Oe2 DE-Geb DE-Kli DK-Ris ES-ES2 FR-Gri IE-Ca1 IT-BCi JP-Mas KR-Hnm NL-Lan UK-ESa US-ARM US-Bo1 US-Bo2 US-IB1 US-Ne1 US-Ne2 US-Ne3 CA-NS6 CA-NS7 IT-Noe IT-Pia US-Bn3 US-KS2 US-NC1 US-SO2 US-SO3 US-SO4 CA-Oas CN-Anh DE-Hai DK-Sor FR-Fon FR-Hes IT-Col IT-Non Land Cover CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CRO CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH CSH DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF Latitude 50.5522 -3.0119 47.2863 51.1001 50.8929 55.5303 39.2755 48.844 52.8588 40.5238 36.05397 34.55 51.9536 55.90694 36.6058 40.0062 40.009 41.8593 41.1651 41.1649 41.1797 55.9167 56.6358 40.606 42.5839 63.9227 28.6086 35.8115 33.3739 33.3772 33.3844 53.6289 33 51.0793 55.4869 48.4763 48.6742 41.8494 44.6898 Longitude 4.7449398 -54.536499 7.7343302 10.9143 13.5225 12.0972 -0.31522 1.95243 -6.9181399 14.9574 140.02692 126.57 4.9029002 -2.8586099 -97.4888 -88.290398 -88.290001 -88.222702 -96.476601 -96.4701 -96.439697 -98.964401 -99.948303 8.151 10.0784 -145.744 -80.671501 -76.711502 -116.62289 -116.62269 -116.64025 -106.198 117 10.452 11.6458 2.7801499 7.06462 13.5881 11.0887 Site IT-PT1 IT-Ro1 IT-Ro2 IT-Vig JP-Tak SE-Abi UK-Ham UK-PL3 US-Bar US-Bn2 US-Ha1 US-LPH US-MMS US-MOz US-Oho US-UMB US-WCr AU-Tum AU-Wac BR-Ban BR-Ji2 BR-Ma2 BR-Sa1 BR-Sa3 FR-Pue GF-Guy ID-Pag IT-Cpz IT-Lec PT-Esp PT-Mi1 SE-Nor VU-Coc CA-Ca1 CA-Ca2 CA-Ca3 CA-Man CA-NS1 CA-NS2 CA-NS3 Land Cover DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF DBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF EBF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF Latitude 45.2009 42.4081 42.3903 45.31667 36.1462 68.36239 51.1208 51.45 44.0646 63.9198 42.5378 42.5419 39.3231 38.7441 41.5545 45.5598 45.8059 -35.6557 -37.429 -9.82442 -10.0832 -2.6091 -2.85667 -3.01803 43.7414 5.2777 2.345 41.7052 43.3046 38.6394 38.5407 60.0865 -15.4427 49.8672 49.8705 49.5346 55.8796 55.8792 55.9058 55.9117 Longitude 9.0610399 11.93 11.9209 8.8500004 137.423 18.79475 -0.86083 -1.26667 -71.288078 -145.37801 -72.171501 -72.184998 -86.413101 -92.199997 -83.843803 -84.713799 -90.079903 148.15199 145.187 -50.1591 -61.930901 -60.209301 -54.9589 -54.971401 3.59583 -52.928799 114.036 12.3761 11.2706 -8.6018 -8.0003996 17.479504 167.192 -125.334 -125.291 -124.9 -98.480797 -98.483902 -98.524696 -98.382202 Site CA-NS4 CA-NS5 CA-Obs CA-Ojp CA-Qcu CA-Qfo CA-SJ1 CA-SJ2 CA-SJ3 CA-TP4 CZ-BK1 DE-Har DE-Tha DE-Wet ES-ES1 FI-Hyy FI-Sod FR-LBr IL-Yat IT-Lav IT-Ren IT-SRo NL-Loo RU-Fyo SE-Fla SE-Sk1 SE-Sk2 UK-Gri US-Blo US-Bn1 US-Dk3 US-Ho1 US-Ho2 US-Me2 US-Me3 US-Me4 US-NC2 US-NR1 US-SP1 US-SP2 Land Cover ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF ENF Latitude 55.9117 55.8631 53.9872 53.9163 49.2671 49.6925 53.908 53.945 53.8758 42.7098 49.5026 47.9344 50.9636 50.4535 39.346 61.8474 67.3619 44.7171 31.345 45.9553 46.5878 43.72786 52.1679 56.46167 64.1128 60.125 60.12967 56.60722 38.8952 63.9198 35.9782 45.2041 45.2091 44.4523 44.3154 44.4992 35.8031 40.0329 29.7381 29.7648 Longitude -98.382202 -98.485001 -105.118 -104.692 -74.036499 -74.342102 -104.656 -104.649 -104.645 -80.357399 18.538401 7.6009998 13.5669 11.4575 -0.31881 24.2948 26.6378 -0.7693 35.051498 11.2812 11.4347 10.28444 5.7439599 32.923889 19.4569 17.9181 17.840059 -3.7980599 -120.63275 -145.37801 -79.0942 -68.740196 -68.747002 -121.5574 -121.6078 -121.6224 -76.6679 -105.546 -82.218803 -82.244797 Site US-SP3 US-Wrc AT-Neu CA-Let CH-Oe1 CN-HaM DE-Gri DE-Meh DK-Lva ES-VDA FI-Sii FR-Lq1 FR-Lq2 HU-Bug HU-Mat IE-Dri IT-Amp IT-LMa IT-MBo NL-Ca1 NL-Hor PT-Mi2 UK-EBu US-Aud US-Bkg US-Dk1 US-FPe US-Goo US-IB2 US-Var US-Wkg AU-How BR-Sp1 BW-Ma1 ES-LMa US-FR2 US-SRM US-Ton Land Cover ENF ENF GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA SAV SAV SAV SAV SAV SAV SAV Latitude 29.7548 45.8205 47.11667 49.7093 47.2856 37.37 50.9495 51.2753 55.6833 42.1522 61.833 45.6441 45.6392 46.6911 47.8469 51.9867 41.9041 45.5813 46.0156 51.971 52.0289 38.4765 55.866 31.5907 44.3453 35.9712 48.3077 34.2547 41.8406 38.4133 31.7365 -12.4943 -21.6195 -19.9155 39.9415 29.9495 31.8214 38.4316 Table S1. Sites from the FLUXNET data included in the study. Longitude -82.1633 -121.952 11.3175 -112.94 7.7321401 101.18 13.5125 10.6555 12.0833 1.4485 24.193001 2.73703 2.73703 19.601299 19.726 -8.7518101 13.6052 7.1546302 11.0467 4.927 5.0675001 -8.0245504 -3.20578 -110.51 -96.836197 -79.093399 -105.1019 -89.873497 -88.240997 -120.95073 -109.942 131.15199 -47.649899 23.560499 -5.7733598 -97.996201 -110.866 -120.966 12 Tower 10 Model 8 6 4 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 GPP Anomalies (gC m-2 day-1) GPP (gC m-2 day-1) 14 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 Day of year Tower Model 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day of year Figure S1. Examples of the two types of variability examined in this study. The left panel shows the variability examined in intra-annual analysis. The objective here is to assess how closely daily modeled GPP agree with daily tower GPP for each site-year. The pight panel shows the variability examined in inter-annual analysis. The aim here is to examine the agreement between anomalies in daily modeled and tower GPP. Anomalies in tower GPP for a site-year were calculated by subtracting mean daily tower GPP for the site from the GPP for the site-year. Anomalies in model GPP were calculated in the same way. EVI-Linear EVI-NonLinear PAR-EVI 20 15 10 Tower -derived GPP (gC m-2 day-1) 5 IoA=0.82 IoA=0.82 IoA=0.84 0 PAR-FPAR MOD17 TG 20 15 10 5 IoA=0.76 IoA=0.73 IoA=0.83 0 MOD17-Tower VPRM NN 20 15 10 5 IoA=0.84 IoA=0.84 IoA=0.85 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 - 20 0 5 10 15 20 - Model GPP (gC m 2 day 1) Figure S2: Agreement between daily GPP estimated from the nine models and derived from FLUXNET measurements for all the sites across the seven biomes. Red shows area with highest density of data points. Blue and green show low density of data points. EVI-Linear PAR-EVI EVI-NonLinear 5 3 1 Tower -derived GPP Anomalies(gC m -2 day-1) -1 -3 IoA=0.43 IoA=0.43 IoA=0.43 -5 PAR-FPAR MOD17 TG 5 3 1 -1 -3 IoA=0.38 IoA=0.38 IoA=0.48 -5 MOD17-Tower VPRM NN 5 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -5 IoA=0.49 -3 -1 1 3 IoA=0.50 5 -5 -3 -1 1 3 IoA=0.47 5 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 Model Anomalies (gC m-2 day-1) Figure S3: Agreement between anomalies in daily GPP estimated from the nine models and derived from FLUXNET measurements for all the site-years across the seven biomes. Red shows area with highest density of data points. Blue and green show low density of data points.