Using Regulatory Instructions for Information Extraction Thomas Y. Lee

Using Regulatory Instructions for Information Extraction
Thomas Y. Lee
University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School
573 JMHH, 3730 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
XBRL and proposed data elements for Institutional
Controls (SEC 2006b).
We introduce a novel approach for automatically
extracting text fragments from semistructured regulatory
filings. Rather than learning from a manually labeled
training set of representative documents, we begin with a
single reference source, the regulatory instructions. Using
the labels defined in regulatory instructions (we use 'label'
in the label-value sense of semistructured data), we
manually initialize a set of extraction patterns. The
ordering of those labels within a filing is defined in the
regulatory requirements and serves as a constraint. A
greedy algorithm uses the order constraint to guide the
learning of extraction patterns that adjust for the
inconsistencies and idiosyncracies within different filings.
The described work is unique in that it learns from
regulatory instructions rather than from a training set of
exemplar documents. This approach is particularly suited
to the regulatory context where submissions are filed
independently; submissions may loosely adhere to
common instructions yet be riddled with idiosyncrasies due
to filer independence or to changes in the regulations.
In the remainder of this paper, we provide some
motivating background, describe our approach, detail some
preliminary experiments, contrast our approach to related
work, and discuss future work.
In this paper, we describe a novel approach for learning to
extract content from the text segments of regulatory filings
for the purpose of competitive analysis and regulatory audit.
Existing strategies that rely upon an explicit schema or a
training set of representative documents are less suited for
managing thousands of idiosyncratic submissions by
independent filers. We introduce a technique that learns
from regulatory instructions. Knowledge about document
structure is drawn from the policy documents to initialize a
set of extraction patterns. Patterns are relaxed to account
for single insertion, deletion, and substitution errors within
individual filings. Preliminary results are reported on
various sets of filings submitted to the SEC in 2004 and 05.
The Government Paperwork Elimination Act, enacted in
October 1998, has driven a steady migration from paper to
electronic filings in response to regulatory requirements.
By many measures, the effort has been a success. For
example, through August 2006, the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) has received more than 4.5
billion electronic filings. These filings are read by
investors for risk management, by industry partners and
competitors for strategic planning, and by Federal auditors
for enforcing compliance with public policy.
In addition to numerical figures, regulatory submissions
include optional prose that reports information such as
"forward-looking" statements and factors affecting market
risk (SEC 10-K Item 7 and 7A)(SEC 2005); industryspecific comments such as "risk-factors" (SEC 10-K Item
1A.) compare filings between multiple companies within a
single industry to establish sector-specific norms.
Due in part to complexity and volume, comprehensive
reviews of electronic filings are not common. For the
SEC, even with Sarbanes-Oxley and electronic-filing,
mandated three-year audits for every filer may be limited
to narrow spot-checks (Leone 2003). Electronic filing is
no panacea. Current SEC submission guidelines are
limited to text or optional HTML formatting (SEC 2006a).
Although XML element definitions are being studied by all
government agencies, such proposals do not address the
textual elements of regulatory filings (see, for example,
Information extraction (IE) methods enable SQL querying
of semistructured documents via wrappers that extract text
fragments into relations. However, these techniques
typically assume that all documents are generated by a
single source and/or are generated from a single template
(e.g. product pages from an online retailer or departmental
seminar announcements). As a consequence, structural
elements such as HTML markup or headings are
consistent. If wrapped pages deviate from the norm, the
variations are typically few in number and limited to wellunderstood additions (or omissions).
By contrast, regulatory filings are prepared by
independent companies.
Despite a common set of
instructions, the headings and labels in different
submissions may vary in subtle or even glaring ways.
Figure 1 contains a portion of the regulatory instructions
titled "General Instructions" (GI) for SEC 10-K filings
valid from 1/00 through 2/05 with excerpted submissions
of three firms from 2005. The text in Figure 1 omits
Copyright © 2007, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
the search for robust extraction patterns that apply within a
submission that deviates from the GI due to a single
insertion, deletion, or substitution error in labels.
markup to reveal the different ways in which filers deviate
from the GI:
• Insertions: the word 'Consolidated' in Item 8.
• Deletions: 'and Supplementary Data' in Item 8.
• Substitutions: 'Disclosure' v. 'Disclosures' and 'of' v.
'About' in Item 7A.
• Transpositions: 'Qualitative and Quantitative' v.
'Quantitative and Qualitative' in Item 7A.
Moreover, because of cross-referencing, a single
submission might repeat the same text label numerous
times (e.g. 'Item 8. Financial Statements and
Supplementary Data'). Thus, the challenge includes not
only discovering section headings but also distinguishing
the correct instance of a heading.
Match each
label pattern
Set sequence
Figure 2. General approach
Document Model
The SEC does not mandate that filing submissions contain
markup. Thus, we first normalize filings by removing all
SGML-based (e.g. HTML, XML, XBRL) markup.
Special-character codes (e.g. Copyright, Registered
Trademark) are replaced with corresponding ascii text
strings. For purposes of pattern generation, documents are
then modeled as a sequence of the following tokens:
• Any mixed-case alphanumeric string literal that appears
in the text (abbreviated i)
• Punctuation:
a non-alphanumeric or white-space
(denoted as p)
• An unspecified alphanumeric string literal or punctuation
(denoted as S)
• Any consecutive sequence of white-space tokens
included tabs and line-feed (denoted as s)
• The symbol + denotes the concatenation of two tokens
and _ represents any single token.
A label is a sequence of tokens. A DocSchema (which
we might think of as a form template), is a sequence of
labels that separates a document into a disjoint set of
fragments that cover the document.
A filing conforms to the GI if it is an instance of the
An instance can be evaluated for
conformance by transforming the DocSchema into a nondeterministic finite state machine (NFA) where transitions
are represented by labels and states constitute the labeled
text fragments. The machine returns true if all labels are
found in the correct order. Additional transitions could
account for optional (or missing) labels/fragments. Nondeterminism is required in the presence of cross-references.
SEC General Instructions for Form 10-K, last updated
Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
Market Risk.
Furnish the information required by Item 305 of Regulation
S-K (§ 229.305 of this chapter)
Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
Furnish financial statements meeting the requirements of
Regulation S-X (§ 210 of this chapter)
2005 Federated Department Stores Inc
Acc No. 0000950152-05-002623
Statements and Supplementary Data.
Acc No. 0000950117-05-001186
Quantitative and Qualitative
Disclosure About Market Risk.
2005 Cherokee Inc
Acc No. 0001104659-05-016467
Figure 1. Comparing the text of actual 10-K filings to the SEC
General Instructions (SEC 2005)
While a human can resolve subtle variations and detect
cross-references, automated IE strategies are limited by the
positive and negative examples captured in training sets;
regulations change over time, exacerbating the issue.
Markup provides little value in this context. Figure 3
depicts filings from the same firms as in Figure 1, but with
the original markup included. Not all firms submit using
HTML, and those that do, use the markup inconsistently.
An additional excerpt in Figure 3 illustrates how even the
same firm uses HTML inconsistently over time.
Restating the Problem
In the context of a DocSchema, we can restate the problem
of extracting text fragments from regulatory filings in two
parts. First, for a single submission, we must discover a
pattern for each label in the DocSchema. Patterns will
differ between submissions due to the idiosyncrasies of
individual filers. Within a single submission, a pattern
may match multiple times due to cross-referencing.
Second, to resolve the cross-references, we must discover
the correct match for each pattern.
• D is the set of all filings
• X is a set of labels
• Y is a set of patterns
Our approach is summarized in Figure 2. Documents are
normalized by removing all mark-up. We restate the
problem of extraction as a search for labels that separate
the document into the fragments of interest. Regulatory
instructions define a sequence constraint that enforces label
ordering. A greedy, hill-climbing algorithm, which is
guided by the sequence constraint, incrementally expands
2005 Federated Department Stores Inc Acc No. 0000950152-05-002623
<P align="left" style="font-size: 10pt"><B>Item 8. Consolidated Financial Statements
and Supplementary Data.</B>
2005 BERKSHIRE BANCORP INC Acc No. 0000950117-05-001186
ITEM 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk.
2005 Cherokee Inc Acc No. 0001104659-05-016467
<p style="font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:10.0pt;font-weight:bold;margin:0pt 0pt
5.0pt 47.0pt;page-break-after:avoid;text-indent:-47.0pt;"><a name="Item7a"><b><font
size="2" face="Times New Roman" style="font-size:10.0pt;">Item 7A</font></b></a>.<font
size="1" face="Times New Roman" style="fontsize:3.0pt;">             
2004 Federated Department Stores Inc 2004 Acc No. 0000950152-04-002901
<B><FONT size="2">Item 8. Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary
Figure 3. Comparing the use of HTML markup by different companies and by the same company over time
• All punctuation marks are reduced to an optional token p
• All continuous strings of white-space separators are
reduced to a single s
The baseline pattern accounts for the simplest ways in
which filers deviate from the GI: inconsistent use of case,
white-spacing, and punctuation within labels. Figures 1
and 2 provided examples of more complex ways in which
filings deviate. We summarized those deviations as some
combination of insertion, deletion, substitution, and
transposition errors. In this paper, we focus on deviations
due to a single insertion, deletion, or substitution error.
Transposition may be modeled as a sequence of insertions
and deletions.
In a singleton insertion error, filers introduce an extra
literal into a label. In Figure 1, some filers have introduced
the string 'Consolidated' into the label for Item 8. The
insertion function f processes a baseline pattern and returns
a set of patterns where each pattern inserts an unspecified
literal S into a whitespace. The set of patterns returned by
the insertion function can be modeled by a transducer.
Deletion and substitution errors follow the treatment for
insertion errors; we can construct similar transducers for
singleton deletion and singleton substitutions. Further
details are omitted for space reasons.
• Z is the set of integers where z denotes the token offset
from the beginning of a filing
• DocSchema∗ = [xi| for xi in X; i =1..n] in 2X
• f(X Æ2Y) maps labels to sets of patterns
• match(Y,D Æ2Z) the match set of y in d
• μi = Union(match(yi,d)) over all yi in f(xi)
• g(2X, 2Z Æ true, false)
The DocSchema is derived directly from the regulatory
For robustness in the face of filing
inconsistencies, each label may correspond to multiple
patterns. Thus, we use μi to denote the 'match union' or the
union of the set of all matches for all patterns
corresponding to a single label. Using the notation loosely,
a sequence q = [zi|zi in Z for i =1..n] is drawn from 2Z
where n is the length of the corresponding DocSchema.
Our problem is thus reduced to discovering a function f
that generates robust patterns from a DocSchema to derive
a set of sequences Q, and a function g that takes a
DocSchema and a sequence to discover q*, a sequence in
Q that extracts the text fragments specified by the
Generating Robust Patterns
The task of extraction requires identifying the string
patterns within a submission that correspond to the labels
within a DocSchema. The simplest pattern is to match the
raw text of the label as a literal string. In this case, the raw
function f returns a set containing the single pattern equal
to the raw text. Unfortunately, because independent filers
deviate from the GI in both simple and in unexpected
ways, the simplest pattern is not always reliable.
As a baseline pattern, we use a tokenized version of the
label. The baseline function f takes as input the raw text of
a label and returns a set containing the single pattern of
corresponding tokens:
• All string literals are generalized to a mixed-case
equivalent i
Discovering the Correct Pattern Matches
The functions f produce sets of patterns that attempt to
compensate for inconsistencies in regulatory filings.
However discovering the correct patterns for a particular
filing is not enough. Because of cross-references, a single
pattern may match multiple times within a document. In
our model, labels segment the document into fragments for
extraction. If we match a cross-reference rather than the
actual label, we will extract fragments incorrectly.
For a given label, we can model the entire,
corresponding pattern space as a tree (see Figure 4). The
tree is rooted by a label x. From the root, a child is created
for each pattern generation function f. Children are
ordered by pattern complexity in keeping with a greedysearch strategy (see below). Every function generates one
or more child patterns y that in turn match zero or more
We use the notation loosely here to define a sequence
from the set of label sets 2X.
times where a match is identified by the integer z giving
the offset from the beginning of the file. The search space
for a DocSchema is thus the forest of trees, one tree for
each label.
Problem Significance
Our first question was to assess the significance of the
problem. Anecdotally, filings contain inconsistencies;
however, the extent of the problem is undocumented.
Using the raw text drawn directly from the Regulatory
Instruction (RAW), we first noted whether each of 23
labels even appeared within individual documents. RAW
matches establish a lower-bound on the significance of the
problem because no-match signals an obvious error while
the presence of a match does not guarantee accuracy.
Because RAW might seem unreasonably strict, we also
compared match performance to our baseline function
(BASE) which adjusts for case-sensitivity, white-spaces,
etc. Figure 8 shows the number of times each label pattern
matched in a random set of 100 documents.
As expected, in a context where filers have wide latitude
in their submissions, the RAW labels match in fewer than
20% of all documents. Moreover, shorter labels (e.g. those
with fewer words) match more frequently, consistent with
the intuition that longer labels have greater opportunity for
error. Furthermore, the BASE performance indicates that
the errors vary far more widely than simple issues of
white-space, punctuation, and case sensitivity.
conducted repeated trials over random sets of 100 to 150
documents and all performed similarly.
pattern(yi) from f(xi)
z in match(pattern(yi), d)
yi1, yi2, ..., yin
z1, …, zj z1, z2
z1, … zk
Figure 4. Pattern space as a tree
Our approach for discovering the correct matches within
the search space is summarized as a greedy, hill-climbing
algorithm that is dictated by the DocSchema's sequence
constraint. For an order-constrained sequence of labels, we
recursively traverse the label sequence. For each label, we
descend the corresponding pattern-tree in a depth-first
manner to generate a candidate match z. The algorithm is
greedy in that it takes the first match that allows forward
progress to the next label, "climbing" from label to label.
Preliminary Experiments
Candidate Generation
In a set of ongoing experiments to evaluate the efficacy of
using regulatory instructions to direct the processing of
electronic filings, we have focused on the set of SEC 10-K
submissions for 2004 and 2005. These filings correspond
to a common set of General Instructions (GI) issued in
November 2000 and valid through December 2005 (SEC
For this period, the GI defines 23 labels
corresponding to 22 fragments of interest. Our analysis is
in the earliest stages and so we present only preliminary
Our method for discovering patterns for document
segmentation and extraction involves two steps: the
generation of candidate patterns and the selection of the
correct matching sequence for extraction. In particular, we
considered match performance for insert (INSERT), and
substitution (SUB). Performance is benchmarked against
(RAW) and (BASE) in Figure 8. Note that in candidate
generation, we are only interested in whether the labelpattern matches.
INSERT is nearly indistinguishable from BASE. In
I te
% Matched
Labe ls i n Re gu latory Instructi ons (by incre asi ng word coun t)
Figure 5. Matching performance of different pattern generation functions
retrospect, the similarity between BASE and INSERT is
unsurprising given that the pragmatics of grammar permit
few opportunities for singleton insertions or punctuation in
labels beyond an errant typo. By contrast, despite the
restriction to a single deletion or substitution, SUB
consistently performs more than twice as well as BASE
and INSERT. While Figure 1 illustrates both singleton
errors and sequences of errors, these exploratory results
suggest that even single-stage corrections can provide a
substantial degree of robustness.
As with BASE and RAW, longer labels match less
frequently. The label for Item 5 contains eight times the
number of words in the shortest labels: "Item 5. Market for
Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters
and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities." These longer
labels are where we would expect to benefit the most from
more robust pattern generation. Additional trials on sets of
12,000 randomly selected submissions from 2004 and 2005
showed a slight decline in the matching percentages, but
SUB continued to match above 85% for nearly all labels.
Related Work
The work described in this paper draws from two different
research streams: Structured Information Retrieval (IR)
and Information Extraction (IE). While borrowing from
both streams, regulatory documents introduce a new,
previously un-addressed dimension to past challenges.
Borrowing directly from the structured IR community,
we model documents as a flat object comprised of an
ordered sequence of disjoint fragments covering a
document (Baeza-Yates and Navarro 1996). Structured IR
exploits the intuition that knowing where terms appear
within documents can affect relevance. In the case of
regulatory filings, it is difficult to attribute a search term to
a particular document fragment if the labels separating
fragments cannot be accurately identified. By identifying
label patterns for individual documents, we hope to
facilitate the structural indexing of content that previously
lacked relevant cues.
While learning segment labels may complement
structured IR, the IE community focuses on extraction
delimiters of which our labels are an example. Research in
learning IE varies along at least two dimensions: the
degree of machine-learning supervision and the
exploitation of document structure, varying from highlystructured mark-up to the uncertainty of English (language)
grammar rules (Soderland 1997; Banko et al. 2002).
The majority of the work in IE adopts a supervised,
machine learning approach. A hand-coded set of positive
and negative examples is generated from a representative
set of documents. In either a top-down (Soderland 1997;
Freitag 1998) or bottom-up (Califf and Mooney 1999)
fashion, a set of disjunctive rules is generated to cover the
greatest number of positive labels while excluding negative
instances. Refinements draw upon context such as where
items appear relative to a specified label or relative to oneanother (Kushmerick, Weld and Doorenbos 1997; Muslea,
Minton and Knoblock 2001).
Our approach is most similar to those who use
transducers to model document context (Hsu and Chang
1999). The differences in our work stem from the unique
challenges of managing submissions from thousands of
independent filers. Rather than a training set of instances,
we use policy documents to manually identify the relevant
labels and label ordering.
Second, context elements are used in the prior literature
to identify explicit regions of text within which a separate
extraction process might take place. Instead, we use
context (sequences) to resolve the ambiguity that can arise
from cross-references in the text.
Candidate Selection
It is not enough to simply discover matches in the text,
however. For purposes of extraction, the underlying task is
to select the correct sequence of matches. To evaluate the
constraint-driven selection of label matches, we measure
the precision and recall of extracting the 22 fragments
delimited by the 23 labels in the GI. In our context, text is
extracted by segmenting a regulatory submission on the
labels and match points from our algorithm. Precision
measures the number of extracted fragments that correctly
match the actual text. Recall measures the number of real
fragments that we correctly extracted. Note that, despite
the instructions, many filings may omit one or more filing
sections. As a consequence, the denominator for recall is
not simply the number of documents in the test set.
Moreover, the extraction of a segment can fail in at least
two ways. We might select the wrong separator label at
the beginning of a segment, or we might incorrectly
identify the label text at the end of a segment.
This stage of our evaluation is too preliminary for
definitive conclusions. However, to illustrate the on-going
analysis, Table 1 provides the precision (P) and recall (R)
for a sample of eighteen randomly selected documents.
The relatively high precision and recall, even for longer
labels with fewer matches, suggests some promise to the
approach. More comparative analysis is warranted.
Table 1. Precision and recall for extracting text fragments
PART I Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 PART II Item 5
P 0.35
R 0.35
Item 6 Item 7 Item7A Item 8 Item 9 Item 9A Part III
P 0.92
R 0.61
Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Part IV Item 15
P 0.87
R 0.72
Future Work
While the field of Information Extraction (IE) has been a
popular subject for research, the management of regulatory
filings introduces new challenges. Traditional strategies
for IE-learning have typically (sometimes implicitly)
assumed a substantial degree of consistency in the explicit
Initiative, and the Fishman-Davidson Center for their
structure of the source documents. Typical IE content,
including comparison guides, product or service reviews,
classified ads, and seminar announcements, is generated by
a single provider.
By contrast, the government processes regulatory
submissions from thousands of unique filers. Though
filers begin with a common form, no two filings are alike.
The General Instructions (GI) for SEC Form 10-K
explicitly note that they are "not to be used as a blank form
to be filled in, but only as a guide in the preparation of the
report on paper meeting the requirements ….(SEC 2005)"
In terms of markup, even if filers agreed on a set of items
to tag, each filer could create their own tag names.
Moreover, XML (XBRL in the case of the SEC) does not
necessarily promise any resolution to the problem of
managing the text portions of filings.
In this paper, we have introduced a technique for
discovering extraction patterns based upon a reference
document. From the reference document, we initialize a
set of candidate patterns (the baseline), and a constraint on
the order of those patterns. The sequence constraint directs
a greedy strategy for discovering the correct fragmentation
of a document into its constituent parts. We tested the
algorithm using the SEC GI for Form 10-K as a reference
document to process submissions from 2004 and 2005.
While the work presented here is still preliminary, it
does provide a guide for future work in two directions:
candidate generation and candidate selection.
candidate generation, our current approach allows for only
singleton errors. However, we deliberately framed the
problem in terms of insertions and deletions to highlight
parallels to the work on sequential patterns (Agarwal and
Srikant 1995) including work on edit-distances.
To select among possible label matches, our current
greedy-hill climbing approach embeds an implicit costfunction that selects simpler pattern-generating functions
and simpler patterns first. In addition to formalizing this
model, we wish to learn fragment characteristics including
relative length and relative offset. In the manner of earlier
wrapper maintenance systems (Kushmerick 1999; Lerman
and Minton 2000), fragment characteristics can be used in
candidate selection to detect mismatches.
More generally, this work highlights the similarity
between structured Information Retrieval (IR) and
semistructured data processing. Reference documents like
regulatory instructions serve as an approximate schema
both for weighting search terms (IR) and for schema
alignment because regulations (and their attendant
instructions) change over time. In our work, we are
combining these methods to explore a more detailed
segmentation not only for regulatory filings but other
documents with common specifications such as
government contracts.
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The author would like to thank the University of
Pennsylvania Research Foundation, the Wharton eBusiness