INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION AD HOC GROUP ON COST RECOVERY FOR SATELLITE NETWORK FILINGS Document ADM/1-E 6 January 2004 English only GENEVA, 24-26 February 2004 Draft Agenda Ad hoc Group of Council COST RECOVERY FOR SATELLITE NETWORK FILINGS Geneva, 24-26 February 2004 Room C1 at 0900 hours 1. Introduction 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Update on the Bureau’s time study 4. Factors associated with BR processing of satellite network filings 4.1 Activities to be cost-recovered 4.2 Direct and indirect costs 5. Cost recovery charging methodology options 6. Cost recovery application and implementation 7. Any other business 8. Next meeting ________________ D:\282224629.DOC 30.05.16 30.05.16