Quality Clauses

Quality Clauses
This manual is a supplement to the Eaton Electrical Sector, Interconnect Business, Supplier Quality Manual. All
printed/downloaded copies shall be considered uncontrolled.
INSPECTION AT DESTINATION: Articles defined in the schedule of this contract are subject to inspection at destination and Placed on Hold if
the contractor fails to submit the certification, documentation, test data, and/or reports specified in the contract. Notwithstanding the
inspection rights granted to the purchaser under the clause entitled “Inspection System Requirements”, representatives, the purchaser,
purchaser’s customer, and regulatory authorities, if required by Camarillo facility representatives, shall be granted the right of access to all the
seller’s facilities, including sub-tier suppliers, at reasonable times for the purposes of reviewing applicable records to the purchase order.
SPECIAL PROCESS: The supplier must reference the P.O. and part number on their certification.
Section 4.20 and 4.21 - Records and samples shall be retained per 4.22.
2A. ELECTRON BEAM WELD SAMPLE: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the
requirements meet contractual & applicable specification requirements. Supplier must provide one Welded QA sample using weld schedule
and production set-up prior to production run. Section sample and visually inspect at 20X magnification in accordance with the master
traveler or drawing requirements.
2B. HEAT TREAT: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the requirements meet
contractual & applicable specification requirements. Hardness samples shall be segregated and identified as such including applicable part
number and purchase order number of the associated lot/batch.
2C. PLATING AND/OR COATING: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the
requirements meet contractual & applicable specification requirements. Records and samples and/or gage block representative of the
processed parts shall be retained per section 4.22 therein.
5A. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: See section 4.30. When certificates of compliance (“certs”, certificates of conformance, C of C, etc.) are
required by purchase order - they must display, as a minimum, the following elements: Manufacturing site location, Lot Specific Information,
Statement of Quality, Dated Signature (Certificate must be signed)
5B. RECORDS: Section 4.22
6. CHEMICAL AND/OR PHYSICAL TEST REPORTS: Provide a certification that demonstrates that the requirements meet contractual & applicable
specification requirements for each lot/batch/heat. Certification must be attached to the packing sheet and must accompany each delivered
shipment. The report must be identifiable to the product being delivered and must show that the material/parts delivered are acceptable. The
supplier must reference the P.O. and part number on their certification. Records and samples shall be retained per 4.22.
SHELF LIFE ITEMS: Section 4.17
SELLER-CONTROLLED PRODUCTS: One legible and reproducible copy of the part definition, drawing, catalog, or specification must accompany
the initial shipment.
12. FUNCTIONAL MERCURY: Each shipment must be accompanied by a mercury free certification or statement on the certificate of compliance
indicating a mercury free condition. - The use of mercury, mercury compounds or mercury-bearing instruments and/or equipment in a manner
which might cause contamination in the manufacture, assembly or test of material is prohibited.
QSF025 Rev W
14. FUNCTIONAL TEST/INSPECTION REPORTS: Final Inspection Report Section 4.31. Actual inspection/test reports must be attached to the
packing sheet for each shipment. These reports must reference the purchase order number, supplier's name and address, part number, part
name and, where applicable, serial numbers, and date and run time of units, including actual results. These reports must be validated by an
authorized QA representative. If equipment of sufficient capacity to inspect/test the articles is not available on-site, the items must be
inspected/tested in a laboratory approved by the Camarillo facility. In addition the supplier must reference the P.O. and part number on their
16. MATERIAL SAMPLE REQUIRED: A material sample must be furnished with the first shipment of the product, unless otherwise specified. The
size of the sample shall be determined by the Camarillo facility or the material specification. The sample shall be cut or molded from the same
material lot as the product supplied. In addition the supplier must reference the P.O. and part number on their certification.
NOTE: If the sample does not pass its material specification tests, the product supplied with the sample shall be considered unacceptable and
may be returned to the supplier.
17. FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION REPORT: An FAI report is required with the parts or submitted prior to delivery that meet the requirement of
section 4.14
18. CHANGES: Section 4.12
19. WORKMANSHIP STANDARDS: Unless otherwise specified, the Camarillo facility’s workmanship standards are used as inspection criteria.
20. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: DFARS 252.225-7014, Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals, and its Alternate I is imposed on
this Purchase Order.
21. COUNTERFEIT ELECTRONIC PARTS CONTROL PLAN: Supplier shall develop and implement a counterfeit electronic parts control plan that
documents its processes for risk mitigation, disposition and reporting of counterfeit parts. Reference guide SAE AS5553 Counterfeit electronic
parts, avoidance, detection, mitigation and disposition
QSF025 Rev W
Table of Contents
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................ 5
SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 5
RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................. 5
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 5
QUALITY/INSPECTION SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 5
SUPPLEMENTAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS CLAUSES ................................................... 5
SUPPLIER CONTACT POINT ................................................................................................................ 5
DISTRIBUTORS, BROKERS, MANUFACTURER’S REPRESENTATIVES ................................................... 5
SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE MONITORING .......................................................................................... 6
SURVEY/AUDIT FORMAT ................................................................................................................... 6
PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................................................................................. 6
CERTIFIED SUPPLIER PROGRAM – ACE (Approved Certification of Excellence) ................................ 6
4.8.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................. 7
4.8.2 REQUIREMENTS PROCESS AND MANUFACTURING CONTROLS .......................................................... 7
4.8.3 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.8.4 APPLYING FOR DSQR STATUS............................................................................................................... 7
4.8.5 PERIODIC SURVEYS AND PRODUCT AUDITS......................................................................................... 7
4.8.6 RIGHT OF REVOCATION........................................................................................................................ 7
4.8.7 PACKAGING AND IDENTIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 8
4.8.8 NOTES .................................................................................................................................................. 8
DEVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 8
NONCONFORMING MATERIAL CONTROL/DISCREPANCY REPORTING ............................................ 8
CORRECTIVE ACTION ......................................................................................................................... 8
CHANGE APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... 8
SUPPLIED MATERIAL .......................................................................................................................... 9
FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION................................................................................................................ 9
SOURCE INSPECTION AND SURVEILLANCE ........................................................................................ 9
ITEM IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................................................... 9
SHELF LIFE LIMITED MATERIAL .......................................................................................................... 9
F.O.D: FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE PREVENTION............................................................................. 10
PACKING AND PACKAGING .............................................................................................................. 10
SPECIAL PROCESS............................................................................................................................. 10
4.20.1 SUPPLIER PROCESS RECORDS .......................................................................................................... 10
QSF025 Rev W
USE AND CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESS SUB-TIER SUPPLIERS ..................................................... 11
RECORD RETENTION ........................................................................................................................ 11
ORDER OF PRECEDENCE .................................................................................................................. 11
STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL - WHEN MANDATORY ................................................................. 11
TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND AVAILABILITY OF TRAINING .................................................................. 11
DOCUMENT CONTROL ..................................................................................................................... 11
SOURCE CONTROL DRAWINGS (SCDs)............................................................................................. 11
MEASURING AND TESTING EOUIPMENT CONTROL ........................................................................ 12
ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL (ESD) ................................................................................. 12
CERTIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................... 12
4.31 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 12
4.31.1 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 12
4.31.2 Switching Rules ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.31.3 Lot/Sample Size ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.31.4 Random Sample ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.31.5 Design Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.31.6 Acceptance Number......................................................................................................................... 13
4.31.7 Record Results as Required on Inspection Record .......................................................................... 13
5.0 COUNTERFEIT GOODS ........................................................................................................................... 14
6.0 MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION PROHIBITION .............................................................................................. 14
7.0 CHARGE BACK POLICY ........................................................................................................................... 15
8.0 CONFLICTS MATERIAL ........................................................................................................................... 15
11.0 REFERENCED FORMS........................................................................................................................... 15
REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................... 15
QSF025 Rev W
The purpose of this manual is to describe the Quality Requirements imposed, in whole or in part, on suppliers by the purchase order. These requirements
are those necessary to assure that material, products and services delivered to be in conformance with the requirements imposed on the purchase order.
In addition, general information considered to be of a helpful nature to suppliers, is included.
This manual identifies the Quality Requirements that are imposed on suppliers who provide material, products, or services for incorporation on contract
deliverable product. This manual applies to Camarillo facility purchase orders that impose form QSF025 (this document).
The Camarillo facility bears the responsibility of assuring the quality of all products supplied to its customers. These products are subject to inspection by
customers to verify compliance to all contractually identified quality requirements.
The Camarillo facility quality assurance program is based on SAE AS 9100 and ISO 9001, also Boeing and Lockheed Martin quality requirements, all of
which require the establishment of procedures for the selection of suppliers and for the periodic review and assessment of the control of purchased
material and services furnished by suppliers. Based on this assessment, emphasis will be placed on using suppliers who deliver products or services that
meet the requirements outlined and described in this manual, which is directed at assisting suppliers in meeting these performance goals.
The supplier has the primary responsibility to develop and maintain a quality system, which meets customer's requirements. The supplier is responsible
for notifying customers when requirements of this manual and/or the purchase order cannot be met. Should a conflict exist between this manual and the
purchase order, the purchase order shall take precedence.
The supplier shall maintain a Quality Assurance Program meeting the requirements of this document, which is derived from ISO 9001and AS 9100. The
system shall assure that all parts and assemblies submitted to customer conform to applicable drawings, specifications, and other purchase order
requirements. The supplier will be responsible for all inspections and tests required to substantiate product conformity. The supplier shall execute this
responsibility not only during his own production operations, but also in any procurement made in fulfillment of a purchase order. The supplier shall
provide objective evidence of product conformity, regardless of the manufacturing source.
The supplier's quality/inspection system shall comply with applicable requirements of this document and shall be implemented by written and controlled
procedures. These procedures should include the following elements as applicable:
1) Operational planning
2) Document control
3) Design change control
4) Materials and parts control
5) Measuring, and testing equipment control (calibration)
6) Product inspection – testing (receiving, in-process and final)
7) Procurement control
8) Nonconformance material control
9) Corrective action
10) Statistical inspection
11) Control and issuance of inspection stamps
12) Handling, storage, packaging
13) Control of tooling
14) Control of non-deliverable software
15) Personnel training/certification
16) Records
Quality requirements selectively imposed on suppliers by specific reference within the body of the purchase order. The purchase order will list by number,
each applicable quality clause. Suppliers are expected to review and understand these clauses to assure compliance can be attained prior to order
acceptance. The quality clauses are in addition to, and do not substitute for the requirements of this document.
The supplier contact point at the Camarillo facility is always the buyer. All questions, problems or requests for information should always be directed
initially to the buyer. Do not accept any changes to the technical requirements, quantity, due dates, revision levels and/or quality requirements unless
authorized via purchase order change notice or revised purchase order issued by the buyer.
Vendors accepting customer purchase orders from the Camarillo facility must recognize that all purchase order requirements apply to them as well as to
the material manufacturer. As the direct supplier and as a representative of the manufacturer, it is your responsibility to assure that you, as well as your
suppliers, meet all customer purchase order requirements.
QSF025 Rev W
The Camarillo facility maintains a Quality and Delivery Rating System to track supplier conformance and performance to the requirements of purchase
orders. Any nonconformance with purchase order requirements will affect your rating and possibly your approval status. In addition, a nonconformance
may result in a Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR) being issued to you from customer. You are responsible to issue corrective action requests to
your suppliers as applicable.
Your response to a SCAR must be complete, acceptable and within the allotted time frame. Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in being
placed in a temporarily disqualified status. Suppliers placed in a temporarily disqualified status will be permitted to complete their existing purchase
orders with no increases in quantity, but will not be issued any new purchase orders pending resolution of the SCAR(s), which caused the disqualification.
The Camarillo facility reserves the right to perform both pre-award and post-award surveys/audits of facilities, for the purpose of determining capability
and compliance with the quality requirements. Sources certified to the ISO 9001 or AS 9100 standard must exhibit and present a copy of the certification
issued by an accredited registrar. In the event any discrepancies are found during a survey or audit, a corrective action may be issued to the supplier. A
written response to our corrective action request will be required. A correction to the system is required even when a corrective action is not sent.The
Camarillo facility Quality Assurance Program requires the use and control of "approved suppliers". To meet this requirement a list of approved suppliers is
prepared, used and updated regularly. New suppliers are added to the list based on surveys with approved results, while existing suppliers are subjected
to periodic reviews to determine the need for audit, resurvey and/or re-audit. The supplier survey parameters are based on the requirements contained in
the current revisions of ISO 9001 and AS 9100. The actual survey/audit will be performed by the Camarillo facility Quality Assurance personnel or their
authorized agents. The guidelines for characteristics reviewed during general surveys/audits are listed below; however, it should be noted that
applicability to your facility might vary in accordance with the product, service or operations to be supplied and/or the supplier's specialty or capability as
Guidelines For Characteristics To Review During Surveys/Audits
Manufacturing facilities.
Quality of inspection planning, controls, capability and management.
Product/commodity visibility and defect prevention program.
Product/commodity performance characteristics.
Past experience with the type of product to be supplied.
Capability/condition of the manufacturing equipment.
Control of engineering drawings and changes.
Control and maintenance of inspection equipment and production tools used as a media of inspection.
Control of personnel certification.
Material storage and handling & F.O.D. prevention.
Control of nondestructive testing and special processes.
Control of nonconforming material/supplies.
Corrective action program.
Shop floor discipline and employee aptitude.
Calibration capability and resources.
Availability of latest specifications
Upon completion of the survey/audit, the auditor will summarize the results noting approved, disapproved, or conditional with any additional comments.
The auditor will then complete the Supplier Quality System Survey listing all identified deficiencies, if any. The auditor and supplier will review and come to
an agreement on the noted deficiencies and agree to the corrective action to be taken. A method of response (letter, resurvey, etc.) will be agreed upon
and the form signed by the supplier and by the auditor.
The purchase order is a documented agreement (contract) between the buyer and seller that conveys what is to be supplied and the administrative,
technical, and quality requirements to be met. Suppliers are advised to read the terms and conditions imposed by the purchase order since they are
responsible for the
CERTIFIED SUPPLIER PROGRAM – ACE (Approved Certification of Excellence) The following requirements in section 4.8 apply to ACE suppliers
In an effort to reduce costs and to enhance the spirit of teamwork with its suppliers, the Camarillo facility has developed the ACE (Approved Certification
of Excellence) supplier program that allows supplier's shipments to by-pass the normal receiving inspection routine at the Camarillo facility and be placed
directly into stock for immediate use. This will result in lower costs through the elimination of non-value added inspection labor, and accelerates the
payment of invoices to the supplier because of the shorter lead-time for shipment "acceptance". The Camarillo facility prefers to do business with
suppliers in this category, and participation in the program will be a factor in supplier selection during the procurement cycle. Suppliers who have been
identified as likely candidates for this program will be contacted directly; other interested suppliers should contact the Camarillo facility buyer for more
a. Certified Supplier - A supplier certified by the Camarillo facility to produce, inspect and ship parts for which will limit the inspections upon receipt after
review of accompanying documents.
b. DSQR - Designated Supplier Quality Representative. The person(s) employed by the supplier that acts on the Camarillo facility's behalf to inspect parts,
documents and/or processes.
QSF025 Rev W
c. MRB - Material Review Board. A body convened to determine appropriate disposition of non-conforming materials. The Camarillo facility does not give
any of its supplier’s MRB authority to ship non-conforming materials without previous and applicable written approval (see sections 4.9 and 4.10 of this
Supplier Quality Assurance Requirements Manual for procedures to submit non-conforming material for the Camarillo facility MRB disposition).
d. ACE - Quality Excellence through Supplier Teaming. Camarillo facility’s Certified Supplier Program allows selected suppliers to essentially ship directly to
the Camarillo facility's stock based on a DSQR inspection by their employee at their facility. This thereby shortens the procurement lead-time and reduces
non-productive receiving inspection labor. Suppliers participating in ACE are therefore given preference in the procurement cycle.
e. Shop Routings/Inspection Plans - Supplier generated documents or records used in the manufacture or inspection of materials being supplied, and used
to ensure process control and provide objective evidence of conformance to purchase order requirements.
f. Certified Supplier’s Statement of Conformance (QSF215) – A document prepared by the supplier giving clear and objective evidence of the certifications
obtained plus the test and inspections performed. This form must indicate that the results have been reviewed and are in conformance to the
specifications and tolerances required. The form must be signed and ACE stamped by the assigned DSQR.
g. Dock to Stock – The term used to describe how an ACE supplier can ship product from their dock to our stockroom without any quality control
inspection taking place, other than random audits.
a. Eaton Camarillo facility : administers the basic program, surveys, audits, and approves suppliers for participation in ACE. Provides program
requirements as well as any necessary training to the DSQR.
b. Supplier: The DSQR, as recognized by the supplier and approved acts as the Camarillo facility’s agent regarding all issues with respect to quality and
has the ultimate responsibility for conformance to drawings and purchase order requirements. The DSQR does not have MRB authority. Any
questions the supplier may have regarding quality issues must be directed through the DSQR to the Camarillo facility.
Product Review: The DSQR ensures that all products have been inspected, tested per blueprint and P.O. requirements, and that all process
requirements have been accepted.
d. Document Review: The DSQR reviews all documents associated with the manufacturing cycle of the product(s) at the time of shipment, and ensures
that all of the applicable quality requirements have been satisfied.
e. Certification, Invoice and Shipment: The DSQR completes, signs and stamps the Certified Supplier "Statement of Conformance", thereby certifying
that the information thereon is complete and accurate. The DSQR also makes certain that the certificate is forwarded with the materials being
shipped and that all packages and the invoice are identified with the "ACE” stamp.
Acts as Point of Contact: The DSQR acts as the contact for their company regarding any quality issues related to product under the Certified Supplier
Required detailed Shop Routings/Inspection Plans for the purpose of process, inspection, manufacturing and sub-tier supplier control. The Shop
Routings/Inspection Plans provide documented evidence of process control and inspection acceptance that enables the supplier to produce conforming
articles from lot to lot.
a. A document traceable to the Camarillo facility’s part number showing the manufacturing and inspection operations, listed
sequentially, that are
to be performed.
b. Identification of sub-tier suppliers that will be used in the processing of components. Sub-tier suppliers must be on the Camarillo facility's Approved
Supplier's List.
c. An inspection section or document showing characteristics to be inspected in final inspection, any sampling employed, and gages to be used
(including accept/reject criteria). The Camarillo facility’s sampling plan must be used for acceptance.
d. Identification of special processes used in the course of manufacture (e.g. heat treat, NDT, welding, plating, etc.). Must be on the Camarillo facility's
Approved Processor's List.
The DSQR completed certified supplier's statement of conformance must be delivered with each shipment of parts in addition to any other documentation
required by the purchase order or its flow-downs. This DSQR completed document does not substitute for the supplier's normal certification, but is in
addition to it, even though the same person may be completing and/or signing both of the documents.
Any employee of the supplier may apply for DSQR status, though this is normally someone within the quality organization. Applicants must complete a
DSQR "Statement of Qualification", QSF220 and forward it to the Camarillo facility’s quality department along with any related documentation that they
feel may have a bearing on their qualifications. Approved applications will be signed by the Camarillo facility’s procurement quality assurance manager,
and a copy will be returned to the applicant along with the DSQR ACE stamp. Suppliers are encouraged to submit two (or possibly more) applicants so that
in case one is unavailable at the time of material shipment an alternate DSQR will be available. The DSQR authorization will be evidenced by the signature
of the procurement quality assurance manager on the qualification form.
All products shipped under the ACE program are subject to periodic physical audits at the Camarillo facility to determine conformance with product
requirements. This extends to details attributable to sub-tier levels and suppliers. The supplier's systems and procedures (upon which the ACE
certification, in part, is based) are subject to periodic surveys and product audits to determine continued acceptability to the purchase order terms and
other system requirements.
The Camarillo facility reserves the right to revoke the ACE certification at any time and for any reason, solely at its discretion. Typical issues that might
prompt such action include (but are not limited to):
A. Unacceptable findings during periodic audits of either products or systems.
B. Failure to respond to the Camarillo facility 's requests for corrective action.
QSF025 Rev W
C. Product failure during the Camarillo facility’s assembly or customer use.
D. Change in ownership or location.
E. Failure to adhere to program requirements.
F. Repeat product rejections discovered in receiving inspection or during product audits.
G. Any other activity, which, in the opinion of the Procurement Quality Assurance Manager, would indicate that the removal from the ACE program is a
prudent course of action.
The DSQR is responsible for ensuring that each individual unit or package is properly identified with the DSQR stamp. The carton or package containing
the certified supplier's statement of conformance must be identified on the outside with the word "ACE", written or stamped in bold lettering
approximately 1" high.
4.8.8 NOTES As stated on all Camarillo facility purchase orders, your quality system should comply with the basic requirements of ISO 9001. suppliers
participating in the ACE certified supplier program shall be required to pass an on-site survey and audit (using the parameters of ISO 9001 or AS9100
Additionally, the suppliers participating in the program will be measured as follows:
 Initially, there will be a full inspection followed by a reoccurring inspection at the frequency of every 5th lot to validate product Quality.
 Suppliers “on probation” are those who have failed the 5th lot or other sample inspection and will have the subsequent 5 lots inspected before
consideration to be returned to the normal frequency.
 Additional or tighter controls may be imposed in inspection or otherwise as deemed appropriate by CIC. If a supplier’s performance falls below
acceptable limits, , the purchasing manager, or assigned buyer will request a get-well plan to correct this issue. Additionally, the supplier may be issued
a SCAR (Supplier Corrective Action Request) by the compliance manager. If performance issues cannot be resolved, the supplier may be disapproved
and removed from all future procurement.
When it is known by the supplier prior to the start of production that there is some product feature that may have a requirement that is desirable to
deviate from, either because of manufacturing ease, lead-time or cost reduction, or some other benefit either to the supplier or to the Camarillo facility,
the supplier must obtain written approval for such deviation prior to implementing any change. The request must be in writing and contain (as a
a. Purchase order number, item and revision level.
b. Part number, revision level, revision date and name.
c. Specification or drawing requirement (include page number or print location).
d. Actual condition that is being proposed.
The supplier must maintain a documented system to ensure nonconforming products are immediately identified as nonconforming and segregated as size
permits, from conforming products and withheld in a designated and controlled area for review and disposition. The supplier is delegated (material review
authority) for all article characteristics contained in supplier drawings, which are not specified requirements of the Camarillo facility’s procurement
drawings or purchase agreement, and do not have a direct effect on fit, form, function, and interface dimensions. Any departures from drawings,
specifications, or other procurement requirements shall be submitted to the Camarillo facility’s purchasing department for review and consideration using
the "Supplier's Discrepancy Action Request" (SDAR), form QSF 225. Disposition must be approved before shipment of the product, unless otherwise
directed by the Camarillo facility’s purchasing department.
One reproducible copy of the approved SDAR shall accompany each affected shipment. The SDAR form can be obtained from your Camarillo facility buyer.
Submission of discrepant material on an SDAR does not guarantee acceptance or approval. Camarillo facility’s acceptance and approval of the SDAR and
authorization to ship is applicable only to the discrepancies noted on the SDAR and the applicable material lot(s) thereon noted, and DOES NOT constitute
acceptance or approval of additional lots of the material with the same or other discrepancies.
The supplier shall have an effective program for timely investigation, stock purge, corrective action and follow-up, for rejections initiated by both the
supplier and the Camarillo facility.
When the supplier discovers discrepancies that may also exist in products already delivered, a telephone call, followed by written notification shall be
provided to the Camarillo facility PQA providing full particulars.
the Camarillo facility will report discrepancies such as poor quality warranting written corrective action to the supplier, and will request a formal corrective
action from suppliers exhibiting excessive discrepancies. The reply shall give evidence that the circumstances surrounding the cause of the discrepancy
were thoroughly investigated and appropriate and positive steps were taken to preclude recurrence of the discrepancy. The effectivity point of the action
shall be so noted by date and/or serial number. The reply must be returned to the PQA Representative within thirty (30) working days, unless otherwise
specified, after receipt of the request for corrective action.
Upon receipt of a Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR) from the Camarillo facility, the supplier shall neither ship nor present for acceptance any like
item until the supplier's Quality Assurance personnel have assured the item(s) is/are free of the defect(s) reported by the Corrective Action Request.
For those items produced against a supplier generated set of requirements (proprietary products and the like), the supplier shall obtain the Camarillo
facility’s purchasing approval, in writing, before making any changes in design, material, or production processes that may affect form, fit, function,
interchangeability, or reliability. The baseline configuration is considered to be the configuration originally specified by the Camarillo facility’s engineering
department for procurement. Facility location and/or ownership changes must also be reported in a timely manner.
QSF025 Rev W
If materials are provided by the Camarillo facility to the supplier for the performance of work, the supplier, by acceptance of the material and subsequent
delivery of product, warrants that no commingling of any such supplied material with other material (either acquired by the supplier or provided by other
customers to the supplier, etc.) has occurred.
The purpose of the First Article Inspection is to provide objective evidence that all and specification requirements are properly understood, accounted for,
verified, and documented. The supplier’s system shall provide a process, as appropriate, for the inspection, verification, and documentation of the first
production article.
A first article Inspection Report (FAI) shall be performed, and recorded in accordance with SAE AS 9102 or equivalent. Buyer can supply FAIR forms,
QSF224 upon request.
The FAI requirement once invoked shall continue to apply even after initial compliance. Partial or complete re-accomplishment of the FAI for affected
characteristics is required for the following events:
A change in the design affecting form, fit or function of the part.
A change in manufacturing source(s), processes, inspection methods(s), location, tooling or materials with the potential of affecting fit, form or
When required as part of corrective action for a part number with repetitive rejection history (typically, a part with three repeated rejections or as
required by the customer).
A change in numerical control program or translation to another media.
A natural or man-made occurrence that may adversely affect the manufacturing process.
A lapse in production for two years
When required by clause 17 on current production, a report is required.
All items specified by the purchase order are subject to surveillance by the Camarillo facility, the government, or the Camarillo facility’s customer
representatives. This includes review, verification, examination, test and/or analysis of the supplier's manufacturing and associated systems, procedures,
and processes. If necessary, such generalized activity shall be coordinated by the Camarillo facility personnel in advance of arrival.
If the Camarillo facility’s inspection is required at the source of manufacture (“Source Inspection”, as noted on the purchase order) the following activities
must take place:
Upon completion of the parts, the supplier must contact the Camarillo facility’s source inspection coordinator to schedule source inspection by FAX
at (805) 987-5062. The supplier must allow 48 hours for such coordination.
The supplier’s own inspection of the completed articles must be complete, including all certifications and other paperwork.
The supplier must make available any required drawings, specifications, or other related documents.
The supplier must make available any tools, gages or other inspection instruments necessary to establish conformance of the articles. This includes
personnel with the requisite skills to operate such devices.
The supplier shall provide reasonable assistance and facilities to the Camarillo facility and/or Government/FAA representatives engaged in the
activities related to a the Camarillo facility procurement.
Any deviations from the design data must be approved by a completed SDAR as described in section 4.9 of this document.
If “Source and Seal” has been negotiated with the Camarillo facility Buyer on your contract, the following is also applicable:
The supplier shall ensure that all items are legibly marked in accordance with the Camarillo facility engineering drawing or applicable specification
requirements. Identification requirements may include the following as specified by purchasing: part number and revision level; manufacturer's
identification; lot or date code; serial number (if applicable); and quantity (if identifying the packaging). The following exceptions apply:
Supplier completes all applicable/required source inspection documentation.
All original documentation is to be returned with the first lot shipped.
The Camarillo facility Source Inspector will prepare an acceptance tag for each of the incremental lots to be delivered, and will stamp the tags with
the Source Inspector’s stamp.
Supplier packages the remainder of the lot inspected in quantities per the purchase order required delivery dates and negotiated quantities. Include
for each shipment (package) the Camarillo facility’s source inspection report (SIR) and a supplier-prepared certificate of conformance displaying the
source inspector’s acceptance stamp.
Supplier retains the sealed containers at their facility until such time as the Camarillo facility purchase order requires delivery. No further source
inspection would normally be required at the time of subsequent shipment.
Items too small or of a configuration or material prohibiting individual marking are packaged in suitable containers as stated above.
Raw material is identified in accordance with the procuring specification (i.e. ASTM, AMS, Federal Specification, etc.) and meets any applicable
industry standard color-coding.
Material that the supplier receives from the Camarillo facility is identified upon return to the Camarillo facility with the information supplied on the
purchase order and the shipper that originally transferred the material to the supplier.
Shelf Life Limited Parts shall be placed in three categories, elastomeric, assemblies, and chemicals:
Elastomeric: Identification
QSF025 Rev W
Unit packs shall be marked by stenciling, printing, stamping or by the use of labels or tags with the following information as a minimum:
manufacturer’s name, and part number, the Camarillo facility’s part number including revision level that the parts were manufactured to,
nomenclature of the part number, quantity in each package, lot traceability number or serial number, cure date, expiration date and manufacture
date (If different from the cure date). All items must have a minimum of 66% shelf life remaining.
2. Assemblies: Identification
Unit packs shall be marked by stenciling, printing, stamping or by the use of labels or tags with the following information as a minimum:
manufacturer’s name, manufacturer’s part number, Eaton - Camarillo’s part number, revision level of the the Camarillo facility part number that the
parts were manufactured to, nomenclature of the the Camarillo facility part number, quantity in each package, lot traceability number or serial
number, cage code, and manufacture date.
3. Chemicals
All chemicals requiring shelf life control, such as potting compounds, adhesives, paints, etc., shall be identified with a shelf life tag. MSDS must be
included as required. Chemicals requiring storage at controlled temperatures shall be identified to the specific requirement.
To establish the requirements for the prevention of contamination or foreign objects from becoming entrapped in the supplier’s product during
manufacturing, assembly, testing or handling.
This requirement applies to all manufacturing personnel and work areas pertaining to FOD prevention. It applies to all design and manufacturing
processes, performance measurements, training, material handling and parts protection, housekeeping, tool accountability, hardware accountability,
lost items and physical entry into FOD critical areas.
F.O.D.: Foreign object debris/damage (FOD) is that damage which downgrades or renders the aircraft system or equipment unusable or unsafe for
operation. The equipment, by definition, includes the Camarillo facility product as well as the customer's product.
Contamination, by definition, includes foreign objects. Other contaminants having the same potential as foreign objects include residual magnetism,
improper or incomplete cleaning of machine parts, high concentration of oil and/or water vapor in pneumatic test facilities, cigarette ashes, food and
beverage residue, etc.
Foreign objects are any loose and relatively small objects such as solder balls, electrical wire clippings, safety wire clippings, metal filings, RTV clods,
machine shavings, detached burrs, staples, etc.
Movement of parts between work areas shall be accomplished by use of suitable containers. Machined parts shall be kept clean and protected from
corrosion. Parts in stockrooms and kits in the assembly area shall be stored in a neat and orderly manner so as not to sustain damage from bumping
or abrasion. Tooling, jigs, fixtures and test or handling equipment must be maintained in a state of cleanliness and repair. Openings on housings,
fittings, connectors, etc., shall be protected from FOD during all phases of manufacturing, testing, storage and shipping.
The supplier is responsible for maintaining clean and orderly work areas and to prevent contamination and foreign objects from entering the
product. Operators should practice a ”clean as you go” approach to every product being assembled. Inspection, Assembly and Test area work tables
shall be kept neat and clean. Only the tools and/or equipment necessary for performing the work shall be allowed on the work tables. All tools used
during the product assembly, should be accounted for upon completion of each assembled unit or groups of units. Lubrication containers will remain
identified and covered when not in use.
Assembly personnel shall ensure all assemblies are visually inspected for FOD prior to closing. All hardware items should be accounted for upon
completion of each assembled unit or groups of units. Operators shall examine each product item for contamination and foreign objects during
inspection activities. Foreign objects and contaminants are defined above, but may not be limited to those described.
Newsprint shall not be used for wrapping of parts or as dunnage due to its acidic nature. Staples shall not be used at any time due to the possibility
of foreign object damage (FOD). The supplier shall ensure that all items are adequately packed and packaged to prevent damage or contamination
during the normal course of shipment and to assure acceptance by common carrier. Best commercial practice may be used unless otherwise
specified in the purchase order. The supplier shall also assure that any special packaging and preservation considerations contained within the
product or function specification such as for light sensitive materials or ESD sensitive parts are complied with.
Drawings may require the use of customer or end-use customer process specifications, which contain the processing instructions and requirements
applicable to manufactured items. For the purposes of this quality requirement, the term supplier refers equally to prime suppliers and their sub-tier
Specifications dealing with certain special processes and inspection methods require survey and approval of facilities, prior to processing parts.
Approved Processors are published and included in the Approved Supplier List (ASL) or in the Approved Processors Listing (APL The Buyer can
provide this information and it will be posted on the Web page: www.CooperInterconnect.com, select ‘Resource’ tab to find the list in the column
titled “Camarillo Supplier Resources”. If the supplier elects to subcontract special processing, the supplier must obtain written approval for the
process change. The supplier shall use only these sources for special processes.
A. ELECTRON BEAM WELD SAMPLE: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the
requirements meet contractual & applicable specification requirements. Supplier must provide one Welded QA sample using weld schedule and
production set-up prior to production run. Section sample and visually inspect at 20X magnification in accordance with the master traveler or
drawing requirements.
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QSF025 Rev W
HEAT TREAT: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the requirements meet
contractual & applicable specification requirements. Hardness samples shall be segregated and identified as such including applicable part
number and purchase order number of the associated lot/batch.
PLATING AND/OR COATING: Provide a certification, or statement annotated on the certificate of compliance that confirms that the
requirements meet contractual & applicable specification requirements. Records and samples and/or gage block representative of the
processed parts shall be retained per section 4.22 therein.
Each shipment must include a report/certification that includes the name and address of the processing source as well as a statement verifying that
all required process certifications and chemical/physical test reports, as directed on the PO, are on file at supplier's facility and/or have been
provided with the shipment as required.
This QA clause applies to (but is not limited to) soldering, welding, brazing, heat treating, magnaforming/swaging, plating/coating, cleaning/etching,
passivation, electro polishing, acid pickling, impregnating, bonding, glass sealing, shot peening, bead blasting, silk-screening, magnetic particle
inspection, penetrant inspection, and X-Ray/N-Ray inspection. In addition the supplier must reference the Buyer P.O. and part number on their
All records of test and inspection results, and administrative quality documentation required by contract or subordinate specifications (quality
records) shall be retained by the supplier for a period of not less than ten (10) years after the creation of the record unless a longer period is
specified on the purchase order. If the supplier subcontracts the record creation (for example: the supplier sending a part out for radiography), the
supplier shall impose this same record retention period on their sub-tier.
In the event of conflict in the definition of requirements, the order of precedence is:
1) procuring document (purchase order)
2) applicable engineering drawing,
3) associated process specifications, and
4) other referenced specifications
Contact your buyer for further information and to advise him or her that such a conflict exists.
Though the Camarillo facility encourages all suppliers to use statistical process control (SPC) to better understand their processes, it is not normally a
mandatory requirement. On those occasions when it becomes a mandatory requirement, such will be identified on the purchase order (or within
Supplemental Quality Assurance Requirements codes) along with the identification of the particular characteristics to be so controlled. If such is the
case, suitable control charts shall be forwarded by the supplier with each shipment. The types of charts is to be first determined by the supplier who
then submits the selection in writing as an “SPC Plan” to the Camarillo facility for approval prior to production.
Also required with each shipment is evidence of process capability (Cpk) of greater than 1.33 for the processes producing those characteristics. If
Cpk of 1.33 is not achieved then the supplier shall show documented evidence of their current investigation to achieve this or rationale acceptable to
the Camarillo facility that justifies the use of an incapable process. Cpk evidence shall be required for each lot produced, and for each shipment
made (in those cases where a lot is split among more than one shipment).
Production of part features, which are identified as key characteristics by the applicable purchase order documentation shall be controlled through
SPC and shall not be subcontracted without the express written approval of the Camarillo facility, and then only when this requirement is also flowed
down to the manufacturing organization.
If there are technical aspects of the contract that exceed the capabilities of the supplier, there may be technical support that can be provided by
Eaton - Camarillo. This may include engineering expertise, manufacturing and administrative liaisons, etc. In addition, training may be provided to
help your personnel understand and carry out their responsibilities under the Camarillo facility’s contracts. This can include machine operation,
statistical process control, etc. Your Camarillo facility buyer can provide more information.
The supplier shall maintain a system for the control of drawings, specifications, planning, procedures, other technical documents, and changes
thereto. The system shall provide for the timely removal of incomplete, obsolete or defaced documentation from production and inspection areas.
Each supplier utilizing numerical control equipment shall have procedures to assure control of non-deliverable software and NC tapes, including the
initial proofing, change, and update control. Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, drawings and specifications shall be the revision in as
noted on the purchase order.
SCDs, identified as such in the title block of the drawing, are the Camarillo facility Engineering's way of controlling the identity of the manufacturer
and restricts permission to manufacture the SCD item to those entities specifically authorized by the Camarillo facility Engineering. Other entities
receiving a purchase order for such an item must ensure through their procurement that the actual manufacturer of the item was authorized by the
SCD and must maintain records supporting such proof. Only those entities named in the SCD may manufacture the SCD item unless explicit written
exception is granted by the Camarillo facility Engineering through the Camarillo facility Buyer and such exception noted within the body of the
Camarillo facility purchase order.
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QSF025 Rev W
The supplier must maintain a calibration program, meeting the requirements of MIL-STD-45662 (or equivalent industry standard, e.g., ANSI Z 540-1).
The system must ensure the timely recall and calibration of all company and employee-owned measurement and test equipment used for product
acceptance. Suitable records must be maintained and be available for review.
To establish the requirements for safe handling of MOS FET, COS/MOS, NMOS, PMOS, other electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) devices, circuit,
assemblies and units containing ESDS devices, for protection from static-electricity induced damage, based on the requirements of MIL-STD-1686.
Assemblies and equipment susceptible to damage by static electricity must be manufactured and controlled, with an Electrostatic Discharge Control
Program (ESD), in accordance with MIL-STD-1686.
When certificates of compliance (“certs”, certificates of conformance, C of C, etc.) are required by the Camarillo facility purchase order, they must
display, as a minimum, the following elements:
Lot Specific - the certificate must make specific reference to the part number (or process specification number if a process), the Camarillo
facility purchase order number, and the quantity of units so that it cannot be confused with another lot of parts. While it’s preferred to
have a unique shipper or certificate number, it’s not required.
b. Statement of Quality - a statement to the effect that the parts are of the required configuration, have been manufactured or processed to
meet the requirements of the referenced order, specification, etc., must be present. This can take many forms using various words, but
the essence of the statement must be that the parts do conform to the applicable requirements. Where tests are required per purchase
order, reports are mandatory to be supplied along with certificate of conformance.
Dated Signature - the certificate must be signed (a reproduction, stamp, or printed facsimile of a specific individual’s signature is
acceptable), and the signature dated. Often the date will appear elsewhere on the page, which is acceptable. Certifications that do not
display a signature with a date are unacceptable. The certificate should be signed and dated by an official of the company. The officials
name must be typed or printed next to the signature.
d. Manufacturing site – The certificate of conformance must indicate the location where the deliverable items were manufactured.
A. Sampling Inspection Requirements
If statistical inspection is utilized, sampling plans must be in accordance with “Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans”, and the plan must be
approved by Eaton - Camarillo. Sampling plans that permit the acceptance of defectives are not allowed. Sampling plans must be in accordance
with ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes or as indicated on the purchase order.
B. Final Inspection Report shall include:
1) A copy of the final acceptance inspection report showing all dimensions and drawing notes verified.
2) All material certifications, NDT reports, process certifications and functional test reports when applicable.
3) Copies of SPC charts or 100 % inspection documentation of all “Key Characteristics” as indicated on the Eaton – Camarillo drawing.
4) For age sensitive material and raw material, Chemical and Physical Analysis Report meet the requirements for a Final Inspection Report.
C. Exceptions for Final Inspection Report
Commercial Off the shelf products (COTS)
a) 100% Inspection: The process of performing inspection of each characteristic of every part within the lot using appropriate inspection
b) Acceptance Sampling Program: The policy and instructions (i.e., sampling procedure and sampling plans), which work together to control
acceptance sampling.
Receiving Inspection: Inspection of purchased materials, goods and items performed upon receipt of the product.
d) Work-in-process inspection: inspection operations performed during the process operation of product characteristics.
e) Final Inspection: the final check to assure the parts and paperwork are complete and to specifications. It consists of a configuration check,
a change commitment incorporation check, and a workmanship check.
Key Characteristic: A feature whose variation has the greatest impact on the fit, performance, or service life of the finished product from
the perspective of the customer. They are intended to be used for process improvement purposes.
g) Critical Characteristic: a characteristic that, by judgment and experience indicates if not maintained would cause an unsafe condition in
the end product. Critical characteristics shall be 100% inspected, not sampled.
h) Major Characteristic: a characteristic, other than critical, that if not maintained would reduce suitability of product and could cause an
unsafe condition in the end product.
Minor Characteristic: a characteristic that, if not maintained, would not reduce the suitability of product and would have no adverse
effect on safety.
Initial Reliability Requirement (IRR): The expected reliability of a part as it is delivered to the customer. The fraction of units of product
that must conform to requirements before acceptance sampling may be used. The IRR also provides a basis for the continuing level or
amount of sampling. (Ref. table I)
k) Escape: A defective part that continues to subsequent process steps undetected by the inspection process.
Homogeneous Lot: A group of single type parts manufactured at approximately the same time that are expected to share similar quality
m) Random Sampling: A method of selecting units from the lot which assures that any item in a lot has an equal chance of being selected.
n) Sample: A part of a lot population selected according to a sampling plan.
o) Sample Size: The number of units selected as representative of a population.
p) Consistent Production: Production will be considered consistent when:
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QSF025 Rev W
A minimum of one lot is received within a period of four months.
Or an off-the-shelf item.
Or production from a process area is steady.
Defect: Any nonconformance of a design blue print characteristic with respect to the design requirements.
Defective: A unit of product that contains one or more defects.
Lot: A collection of units or product bearing identification and treated as a unique entity from which a sample is to be drawn.
Switching Rules
Rules that determine when the sampling level is to be changed. Switching rules apply to each characteristic separately unless otherwise stated. Normal
inspection will be used when sampling is first initiated.
Normal to Tightened: Tightened inspection will be instituted when two (2) out of the last five (5) consecutive lots have been rejected on
original inspection for a defective characteristic.
Tightened to Normal: Normal inspection will be reinstated when five (5) consecutive lots have been accepted on original inspection using
tightened inspection.
Discontinuation of Sampling Inspection: Sampling inspection under the provisions of this document will be discontinued if ten (10) consecutive
lots remain on tightened inspection. 100% inspection will be instituted until corrective action has become effective. Tightened inspection will
then be reinstated.
Lot/Sample Size
Using the appropriate lot sampling table from the attached table, determine the sample size based on the lot size.
Random Sample
Choose the parts for the sample randomly from the lot without regard to their quality, using the following:
Thoroughly mix the parts.
If the lot has multiple containers, make sure that each container is thoroughly mixed.
Pick sample from all areas of the lot and/or each container.
Do not develop habits (like always drawing from the corners of a box, or the top layers of a stack) which could invalidate the random sampling.
Design Characteristics
Inspect all parts in the sample for all design characteristics per applicable table.
Acceptance Number
Using the acceptance number of 0, decide on the disposition of the lot. If any characteristics are found nonconforming in the sample then the lot must
be rejected. The rejected characteristic(s) must be 100% inspected to remove all nonconforming parts from the lot.
Note: All nonconformance are considered and treated as defects; no judgment that a nonconformance is “minor” and can be disregarded is allowed.
Record Results as Required on Inspection Record
a) Date
b) Work Order or P/O Number
Sample Table – 98%, 92%
d) Lot Size
e) Sample Size
Number of nonconformance’s found in the sample. (Note 0 if none)
g) Rejection number, if applicable
h) Inspection stamp
Stamp date
For in-house manufacturing or processes: The IRR can be equal to the total quality rating of the process area, cell, machine, process or part.
For suppliers or in-house manufacturing processes that are new or with no quality history: The IRR can be equal to the total quality rating from a
minimum of three process lots checked 100%
Table: Classification of Characteristics
Classification of characteristics will be as listed on the product drawing. Where classification is not listed on the drawing, characteristic classification will be defined
by tolerance.
Classification of Characteristics unless otherwise specified by drawing
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QSF025 Rev W
Linear Dimension
< .001
< .003
> .003
Noted values are total tolerances
Surface Finish
< 8 rms
< 24 rms
> 24rms
Radial Dimension
< .001
< .002
> .002
Angular Dimension
+/- 3 min
+/- 9 min
> +/- 9 min
Geometric Tolerance
< .001
< .003
> .003
98% Reliability
Lot Sizes
Up to 25
26 to 52
53 to 57
58 to 63
64 to 74
75 to 104
105 to 126
127 to 181
182 to 303
304 to 693
Sample Sizes
92% Reliability
Lot Sizes
Up to 6
7 to 12
13 to 32
33 and up
Sample Sizes
Note: this section contains items of an informational nature only, which do not constitute mandatory requirements.
5.1 Seller shall not furnish to Buyer any Goods under this Contract that are “Counterfeit Goods, “ defined as Goods or separately-identifiable items or
components of Goods that: (i) are an unauthorized copy or substitute of an Original Equipment Manufacturer or Original Component Manufacturer
(collectively, “OEM”) item; (ii) are not traceable to an OEM sufficient to ensure authenticity in OEM design and manufacture; (iii) do not contain proper
external or internal materials or components required by the OEM or are not constructed in accordance with OEM design; (iv) have been re-worked, remarked, re-labeled, repaired refurbished, or otherwise modified from OEM design but not disclosed as such or are represented as OEM authentic or new;
or (v) have not passed successfully all OEM required testing, verification, screening, and quality control processes.
5.2 Seller shall implement an appropriate strategy to ensure that Goods furnished to Buyer under this Contract are not Counterfeit Goods. Seller’s
strategy shall include but is not limited to, the direct procurement of items from OEMs or authorized suppliers, conducting approved testing or inspection
to ensure the authenticity of items, and, when items are to be procured from non-authorized suppliers, obtaining from such non-authorized suppliers
appropriate certificates of conformance that provide one or more of the following: (i) the OEM’s original certificate of conformance for the item; (ii)
sufficient records providing unbroken supply chain traceability to the OEM; or (iii) test and inspection records demonstrating the item’s authenticity.
5.3 Counterfeit Goods delivered or furnished to the Camarillo facility under this Contract are deemed nonconforming. If Seller becomes aware or suspects
that it has furnished Counterfeit Goods to Buyer under this Contract, Seller promptly shall notify Buyer and replace, at Seller’s expense, such Counterfeit
Goods with OEM or Buyer-approved Goods that conform to the requirements of this Contract. Seller shall be liable for all costs related to the replacement
of Counterfeit Goods and any testing or validation necessitated by the installation of authentic Goods after Counterfeit Goods have been replaced. The
remedies contained in this article are in addition to any remedies Buyer may have at law, equity, or under other provisions of this Contract.
5.4 Seller bears responsibility for procuring authentic Goods or items from its subcontractors and shall ensure that all such subcontractors comply with the
requirements of this article.
6.1 Unauthorized Material Substitution (General)
6.1.1 Unauthorized material substitutions are not permitted on Buyer’s Goods. Unauthorized material substitution includes any deviation from the
engineering definition of a raw material. Engineering definition includes Buyer design drawing and applicable specifications, product
specification, form, size, shape, chemistry, melt method, origin, temper/condition, product testing or surface finish. Alternate materials
specified in the engineering definition (and often described as approved material substitutions therein) do not constitute unauthorized material
substitution. Terms and definitions for metallic materials and processing used herein are clarified in ARP1917.
6.1.2 Contact Buyer’s Authorized Procurement Representative for details regarding deviations to authorized materials. Seller agrees and understands
that such deviations only apply to this purchase contract, and only as indicated in the Buyer’s authorized document.
6.2 Metallic Materials (Specific)
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6.2.1 Temper or Condition Conversion – Unless specifically authorized by the engineering definition, conversion of a raw material (i.e. heat treat
to change the temper or condition of the material) constitutes material substitution of the condition provided by the manufacturer.
6.2.2 Metallic Raw Materials – Buyer’s engineering drawings may refer to obsolete or superseded specifications covering several forms,
thicknesses, width, etc. of the alloy or alloys. The required characteristics of these materials are defined not only by the objective test
standards of the specification, but by the process/methods by which this final form is achieved. These requirements are often captured in the
definitions of the required material forms, and may not be explicitly called out in the detailed requirements. The raw material certification
results from both the process used to make it and the tests to verify basic properties.
6.2.3 Seller shall ensure that metallic materials covered by current or obsolete/superseded specifications are produced using the standard industry
practices designed strictly for the production of stock to the specified thickness, diameter, width or cross sectional area, achieved by thermomechanical processing or casting process. Chemical, electrochemical and mechanical methods used for the removal of surface scale or
contamination, or the production of the required surface finish, in accordance with the material specification are acceptable. Raw material must
not be re-certified with respect to thickness, diameter, and width or cross sectional area or product form. Machining or cutting of thicker product
or other product forms shall not be supplied in lieu of specified product unless specifically authorized by Buyer. Raw material certifications for
material or parts shall reflect the form and size of the raw material as originally manufactured by the raw material producer.
6.3 Specification Supersession
For government specifications and standards canceled after June 1994, Seller and subcontractors at all tiers shall use the last active revision of
the canceled specification and standard until an acceptable replacement is included in the requirements of this Contract. Contact the buyer’s
authorized procurement representative in the event of any inconsistency in applicable specification or standard.
6.4 Reports (Full Pedigree from melt to final product)
Raw material certifications shall show clear traceability to the manufacturer(s) of the raw material including ingot source, all thermo-mechanical
processing (i.e. forging, rolling, drawing, etc.), heat treatment, chemical processing and inspections as required by applicable raw material
specification requirements.
6.5 Chain of Custody (Disguising intermediate ownership)
Suppliers shall not disguise the pedigree of material or chain of ownership by removal of a previous supplier’s name, nomenclature or
6.6 Source of Additional Information
Addition information and guidance may be found through Buyer’s Supplier Portal or Buyer’s Authorized Procurement Representative.
6.7 The Substance of this Article shall be flowed in all subcontracts at every tier.
7.1 Eaton operations retain the right to charge back costs associated with products that are not compliant to the requirements, per policy defined in
the Eaton Supplier Quality Excellence Manual. This is not limited to administrative fees, rework, sorting, and inspection premium freight and
production disruption cause by the nonconforming product.
7.2 Eaton Quality Engineering and Buyers have the responsibility and authority to settle all disputes with suppliers regarding the quality of their
7.3 In some risk-based circumstance, suppliers may be required to contract with specified third party inspection companies or pay for product overinspection if quality performance falls below levels specified in the PO or contract.
Metals need to comply with Frank and Dodd Act.
Forms that are referenced within this specification may be obtained by contacting your buyer or on the website www.Cooperinterconnect.com on this
web page select ‘Resources’ tab; First Article forms.
Brief Description of Change
Initial release
Adds clauses 11 through 20 that were missing from the initial release.
Revised By
Steve Demski
Steve Demski
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QSF025 Rev W
Change5A to add bullet points; add 10D, 10E, 10F;combine 7 into 7A; add to 17 “plus notes”;
change 12 to read: “: Each shipment is to be accompanied by one legible and
reproducible certification stating that the delivered item does not contain any
functional mercury (i.e. mercury that is required for the proper operation of the item),
and is free from mercury contamination (i.e. during processing the item has not come
in direct contact with mercury or any of its compounds). The report must conform to
Quality Clause 5A herein.”; from 17 cut “A first article must be submitted with each
shipment.” And “A new first article report and sample part is required whenever the
supplier changes the lot number.”; change 19 to read: “Unless otherwise specified,
the Camarillo facility Workmanship Standards are used as inspection criteria.”; cut 20.
Adds “Eaton - Camarillo” to last sentence in clause #2. Adds clarification for Mil-Std items to
clause 5A. Defines minimum acceptable shelf life in clause 7A. Defines quality system
requirements for Calibration labs in clause 10C. Adds clauses10D, 10E and 10F.
Removes requirement for sub-tier suppliers to provide certifications to the same detail as
primary suppliers.
Enhances clause 1 to add rights of access to regulatory agencies and extends these rights to
include sub-tier suppliers.
Added clause 20
Adds subcontractor requirements to clause 2
Incorporated several quality clauses into the newly developed Supplier QA Requirements
Hugh Rose
Steve Demski
Steve Demski
Steve Demski
Steve Demski
Steve Demski
Jim Gemmell
Jim Gemmell
Added new logo, added “as applicable” to clause 5A
Combined QSF219 and QSF025 in this single document, referencing QSF219 as appendix A.
Clause 3 to reference appendix A Clause 10B was 4.1 is now 4.10. Removed from 4.6,
reference to two weeks.
Throughout, updated acronyms and terminology applicable to certified supplier program.
Removed obsolete company logo from header. 4.17 corrected shelf life requirement to 66%, In
4.8.8 corrected 6.1 and 6.2 numbering to and respectively. Revised verbiage in
what is now to describe current supplier performance and measurement criteria for
those suppliers participating in the ACE program.
Added clause for counterfeit electronic parts control plan
Removed reference the “Eaton – Camarillo” throughout document in most places.
4.2 Added “in section A”
4.6 Delete PQAR. Added A correction to the system is required even when a corrective action
is not sent.
4.22 Changed record retention from 7 to 10 years.
Updated 4.30 paragraph B to read the following: Where tests are required per purchase
order, reports are mandatory to be supplied along with certificate of conformance
Jim Gemmell
Moved section 4.31 from clause 5A and move it to clause 14 updated clause 5A
Stephen Hill
Removed references to “Section A & section B”. Changed website from
“Eatoninterconnect.com ” to Cooperinterconnect.com
Removed “A” from clause 7 updated to meet the Eaton Electrical Sector’s style guide for
Update clause 5A to include the requirement for site location being on the C of C 4.30 note B
Amended clause 6 & defined clause 12, amended clauses 2A,2B, 2C.
Stephen Hill
Mark Allen
Mark Allen
Jeannette Baker
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
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