Opaque Information and Rare Disasters: The Role of Transparency in Explaining Cross-Country differences in the ERP∗ Lorenzo Prosperi June 12, 2012 Abstract A large literature have shown that the possibility that a rare disaster event occurs in the economy is able to match the level of the ERP in developed countries. I show that global disaster models are not able to explain the cross-section of the ERP in emerging markets. I propose a variation to the original model of Barro (2006) where the economy is affected by idiosyncratic disaster risk and information frictions play a role. Theoretically we do not need idiosyncratic different disaster exposures but only different uncertainty level on the disaster effects to match the cross-sectional variability in the ERP. I showed empirically that ERP are strictly affected by information frictions deriving from institutional aspects such as corruption, ”rule of law” and quality of the government. The same results hold in an international asset pricing model from the point of view of the US investor as in Lustig, Verdelhan (2007), suggesting that these findings do not depend on the choice of the benchmark model. JEL: E32, E44, G12 ∗ I thank Christian Hellwig, Roberto Pancrazi, Michael Donadelli and Nicola Borri for the useful suggestions. All errors are the author’s responsability. 1 Contents I An Asset Pricing Model with Information Frictions and Disaster Risk 5 1 The Barro’s Model 5 2 A simple model with uncertainty on disaster effect 2.1 2.2 10 The Assumptions of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 How the agent selects the information level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 2.1.2 Asset Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Towards an International Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 The Ellsberg Paradox and Information Frictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 22 II Empirical Evidence on the Role of Information Frictions and Disaster 23 3 The Data 23 4 Empirical Evidence for the Single Country Model 26 4.1 The Testing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5 Empirical Evidence in an International C-CAPM framework 5.1 The Testing Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 29 6 Limits 34 7 Conclusions 34 2 In the last decade developing countries are studied intensively by economics researcher and by financial practicioneers due to their increasing importance in the global scenario and as an investment opportunity. In particular stock market indexes of these countries have drammatically outperformed with respect to developed countries offering excess returns around 17% against 3% of developed in the last 20 years. Furthermore there is a lot of heterogeneity between asset returns that has to be understood. In economic research much effort has been devoted in order to understand the source of such premia. In general we observe a clear standard direct relationship between mean and standard deviation of asset returns, suggesting that, as usual, a risk based explanation holds. Nevertheless, standard asset pricing models, like CAPM, fail in predicting the risk-premia since Jensen’s alpha are usually very high (Donadelli, Prosperi 2012). An interesting point to address is whether consumption based models offer a better insight on this issue. Recent literature on real business cycle (Garciaa-Cicco et al. (2010) ) has shown that standard neoclassical models are able to explain most of the stylized facts in price and quantities for these countries without employing the role of policy and market failures. Nevertheless there is still a large debate in the literature on the ability of these models to explain both quantities and prices at the same time. A recent contribution to the literature is the paper of Barro (2006) on the role of rare disaster in asset pricing, that has started a line of research where disaster process are included in DSGE models to help matching model outcomes with stylized facts1 . The basic intuition of this model is that price and quantities may be affected by the remote possibility of the occurrence of an extreme event (such as the Great depression, wars) that is rarely observed in the data. Recent works have shown that allowing for the presence of such event, we are able to explain theoretically the excess returns (i.e. solving the Equity Premium Puzzle) and quantities, in particular Gourio (2012) showed that disaster risk has a substantal effect on investment decision and hence on macroeconomic dynamics when disaster probability is time-varying. This is an important result since it contraddicts previous result of Tallarini (2000) that showed that relative variabilities and co- movements of aggregate quantity variables are unaffected by the amount of risk or the degree of risk aversion. In this work a consumption economy is studied, hence Most of the work on disaster risk and asset pricing focus on US economy; an interesting point is to understand if this class of models works also for other countries and in particular for emerging markets. Emerging markets’ literature usually focus on soverreign defaults, events that usually occurs in bad states of the world. Borri, Verdelhan (2010) show that there is a risk-based explanation of sovereign bond returns, expecially for emerging markets. Soverreign defaults usually occur in bad states. These bad states in these countries usually correspond to similar condition in the US; in particular this is true when a disaster occurs. If the investors are risk-adverse and business cycles are correlated, sovereign risk premia are high. In this work it is shown that the model presented in Barro (2006) is not able to explain the level and the heterogeneity of excess returns for emerging markets. An additional source of variability 1 As an example see Gabaix (2008), Gourio et al. (2011), Gourio (2012) 3 is required in order to explain the data; in the following information frictions are presented as a possible candidate for solving our puzzle. The main idea that is developed through the paper is that once a disaster occurs the country may be affected by idiosyncratic random disaster shock. In this setup this idiosyncratic shock as zero mean and variance that is selected endogenously by the agent. The assumption of zero mean correspond to assuming that idiosyncratic exposure to global disaster is zero on average for each country. The reason for this assumption is to show that we do not really need to assume heterogeneity in disaster process to have heterogeneity in the ERP. Indeed assuming different disaster exposure doesn’t work when we consider geographically close countries that perform very different levels in the ERP. Indeed the source of heterogeneity can be simply the uncertainty linked to idiosyncratic shock. A simple comparative statics is sufficient to show that this is a more realistic hypothesis. Secondly, the consumer can choose a given level of information facing a cost that depends on information frictions related to ability of the agent to have an estimate of the effect of a disaster in a particular country. Agents try to make predictions about disaster effects in a particular country, hence they need to process information in order to obtain accurate estimates. Institutional aspect such as burocracy, absence of ”rule of law”, corruption influence the quality of the informations. This implies that when the quality of information is low, is more costly to be informed, hence the uncertainty linked to investor beliefs about disaster effects is higher. This implies that investor will require an higher premium. This model has some similarities in results with the recent literature on ”ambiguity aversion”. The seminal work of Epstein, Schneider (2008) proposed a new model of information processing when quality is difficult to judge. In such cases investors treat signals as ambiguous and update beliefs in a non-standard bayesian framework. This has several implications on asset prices. The most imporant results for our purposes an ”ambiguity” premia arises that is not related to covariance with the market. If the quality of the information is perceived to be low, the asset is perceived as if it has lower mean payoff, hence expected return increases regardless the covariance with the market. Hence the premium on an asset that is uncorrelated with the other assets in the market need not converge to zero with the asset’s market share. A simple empirical evidence of this model is proposed, using information indexes from the Quality of Government dataset. The results support the hypothesis of the model and are robust to specification issues. An interesting question is whether such results hold in an international setting. I tried to answer to this question using empirical evidence. It is shown that the conditional factor model presented in Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) performs poorly in explaining excess returns. Nevertheless the intercepts of the model are positively correlated with the same information friction indexes that work for the single country model. Hence information frictions on disaster effects positively affects asset returns regardless the covariance of the asset with US consumption. A simple modification of the single-country model, allowing for the presence of an interational investor, is presented in section 2.2. In this presentation emerges that an important role in ex- 4 plaining asset prices is played by the covariance in the fundamentals of the economies in disaster states, i.e. the contagion term. As this contagion term increases, investors will require an higher premium. This contagion term appears in the intercept of the empirical analysis performed above since disaster states are not observed in the last decades. A different question is how information frictions affect asset returns in this setting. It emerges that it is not plausible to adopt the approach of one-country model, hence we need additional assumption to have the same results of the one country model. For future development, a discussion on the role of the literature about ”ambiguity aversion” is presented. Ambiguity aversion could explain how information frictions, that affect information quality, can affect positively the contagion term. The paper is organized as follows. In section 1 the original model of Barro (2006) is presented and discussed. It is also shown that this model fails in predicting the cross section of asset returns. In section 2 a modification of the Barro’s model with idiosyncratic disaster components and information frictions is presented. Results are commented with a reference to the existing literature. In 2.2 the model is modified in order to allow for an international investor. In the second part empirical evidences are presented. Data sources are presented in section . Section 4 shows that the hypothesis of our model holds empirically. Similarly the same results hold in an international setting and empirical evidence is shown in 5. Part I An Asset Pricing Model with Information Frictions and Disaster Risk 1 The Barro’s Model In this section we briefly present the model in Barro (2006) and Barro (2009). We review the main assumptions of this model. Assumptions • A consumer maximize a time-additivity utility function with iso-elastic utility U ({ct }) = ∞ X t=0 e−ρt Ct1−θ − 1 1−θ • Endowment Economy: In the economy there exists a stochastic production system. The amount of fruit in period t is At , the productivity of the tree evolves according to log(At+1 ) = log(At ) + γ + ut+1 + vt+1 5 where ut+1 ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) and vt+1 is the disaster process which has distribution: ( vt+1 = 0 e−ρ log(1 − b) 1 − e−ρ where b is a random contraction size and ρ > 0. The distribution of b is assumed to be exactly equal to the empirical distribution derived in Barro (2006) from time series on real GDP per capita for 35 countries for the full twentieth century. An implicit assumption is that the real probability distributions are reasonably similar across countries and stable over time. • An equity claim on period t + 1’s output is available. A ”risk free” asset is also available but a default can occurr with positive probability in the case of disaster. b Rt+1 = Rf Rf e−ρ (1 − q)(1 − e−ρ ) Rf (1 − d) q(1 − e−ρ ) where q is the probability of default and d is the stochastic default size that for simplicity is assumed to be equal to b. • Ct = At ∀t From this set of assumptions, it is simple to derive analitycally the expected return on the one period claim2 h i 1 log (Et [Rt+1 ]) = ρ + θγ − θ2 σ 2 + θσ 2 − p E (1 − b)(1−θ) − 1 2 and the risk free asset h i 1 f log Et [Rt+1 ] = ρ + θγ − θ2 σ 2 − p (1 − q)E (1 − b)1−θ + qE (1 − b)(1−θ) + qE [b] − 1 2 Finally the Equity Risk Premia (ERP) can be derived by simply substracting the previous expressions ERP θσ 2 + p(1 − q) E (1 − b)−θ − E (1 − b)1−θ − E [b] (1) Equation 1 expresses the ERP in this economy; the variance of the output and the coefficient of risk aversion affects positively the ERP. If we ignore the last term the expression for the ERP in 1 coincides with the one in Mehra (2003). Mehra, Prescott (1985) and Mehra (2003) showed that using the usual calibration for the parameters of the model, we are not able to match the 2 We skip the derivation since we will adopt the same procedure in the following section. 6 level of the ERP from the data, i.e. the Equity Premium Puzzle. Barro (2006) showed that with the inclusion of ”the disaster term” in 1 we are able to obtain a level of the ERP that is relatively close to the data. Even if the Barro’s model is able to match the data for US, it fails in predicting the ERP for the emerging markets and in most of the developed countries too. Donadelli, Prosperi (2012) showed that emerging markets have outperformed developed countries in the last 20 years, compensating the investors with an average premium of 17%. From the liberalization of most stock markets, a large flow of investment has pushed up stock prices in these markets driven also by global easy credit conditions. It is easy to check that the model of Barro (2006) fails in explaining the first moment of the ERP on two different dimensions: on the level and cross-sectionally . In table 1 are presented the empirical and theoretical ERP for the portfolio of countries that has been used for the empirical analysis of the next section3 . These data are quarterly data of the ERP from 1988 (with different sample size. The main problem with considering financial data for emerging markets is that sample size is small, hence we may be affected by business cycles4 . As we can easily check, there is a large positive difference between empirical and theoretical ERP of Barro (2006) and Mehra (2003) that appears evident also in figure 2. In particular for emerging markets the difference between empirical ERP and 1 is in most of the cases around 20% on annual basis and around 3% for developed countries. Secondly both models fails in explaining cross sectionally the data. Indeed, not only emerging markets offered higher ERP than the ones predicted by the models, but also perform high heterogeneity in levels. The only source of crosssectional heterogeneity of the two models is the volatility of consumption growth; this means that two countries that have the same variability in consumption should have the same ERP. Obviously this result is contraddicted by the data; for example, if we compare Malaysia, Mexico and Turkey that have the same level of variability in consumption growth (5%) performed differently in the stock markets (from 10% to 35% in the ERP). A simple explanation of these results could be that the coefficient of risk aversion that is used to compute the theoretical ERP (θ = 4) is too low for emerging markets. Table 1 tells that this is not the case. Indeed the last line presents the level of θ that would explain empirical data. These levels are obviously too high, meaning that the data cannot be explained by the risk aversion of the investors. Barro (2006) identified another potential source of heterogeneity in the data: the leverage. If the equity shares represent a claim on only a part of GDP, the result on the ERP changes. In particular the ERP is higher if the ratio of equity payments to consumption is procyclical. In such a case 1 changes by the multiplicative factor (1 + λ), where λ is the debt-equity ratio, that is assumed to be non stochastic and constant. Since the leverage change across countries, this may explain the heterogeneity in the ERP5 . Unfortunately this cannot be the case. Kalemli-Ozcan et al. 3 Data sources for the ERP and Real consumption are described in section 3 3 for further discussion. 5 Since λ ∈ [0, 1], surely leverage cannot explain the level since the difference are much higher. 4 See 7 (2012) documented that leverage is much lower in emerging markets than in developed ones, hence leverage cannot explain the fact that emerging markets offer higher than developed countries. Finally an alternative hypothesis is that the disaster risk has idiosyncratic components. Gourio et al. (2011) proposed an international business cycle model with time varying aggregate disaster risk where countries differ in their exposure to aggregate risk and this exposure is constant over time. The exposure to time varying disaster is the source of heterogeneity in the excess return in this model. In particular lower exposure to aggregate disaster produces lower risk-free rates and lower excess returns. The authors show that the heterogeneity in the ERP can be explained by different disaster exposures, that means that the large differences in the ERP in table 1 are due to the existence of a larger exposure of emerging markets to global risk with respect to developed countries. This argument can be strongly criticized. The critique is based on some considerations about the results of Gourio et al. (2011). Firstly disaster exposures cannot differ too much when we consider countries that belongs to the same geographical area. Since a disaster is defined as a large aggregate shock on TFP growth and does not affect directly any other aspect of the economy, the impact of such a shock cannot differ too much when there is geographical proximity. This implies that countries belonging to the same geographical area should have very similar ERP. This result is contraddicted by the data and this can be observed once again in table 1. Countries belonging to the same geographical area still have very different ERP, for example Czech Republik offers a premium of 17.6% much lower than in Russia (36.6%) or Hungary (20.8%). Similar anomalies occur in Asian countries and Middle East. In this work we try to identify an additional source of heterogeneity for the ERP that can explain the cross-sectional variability in the data. The idea is that we don’t need to impose that a global disaster have different idiosyncratic effect among countries to generate heterogeneity in the ERP; indeed what we only need is that we have different level of information on the effect of a disaster effect on a particular country. If we simply assume that the disaster process is stochastic and the variance of the effect of the disaster change among the countries, we simply obtain a sufficient level of heterogeneity. As we will see, assuming heterogeneity on the variance provides more realistic results than assuming heterogeneity in the exposure. Furthermore we suggest that different level of uncertainty on the disaster effect are related to frictions in acquiring informations about the country, frictions that can be related to institutional characteristics. 8 9 Brazil 0.248 0.034 0.005 0.039 92.15 India 0.153 0.022 0.002 0.036 53.29 Morocco 0.117 0.037 0.005 0.040 28.28 Chile 0.201 0.033 0.004 0.039 14.73 Indonesia 0.222 0.044 0.008 0.042 47.19 Tunisia 0.147 0.016 0.001 0.035 43.89 Colombia 0.231 0.031 0.004 0.038 178.70 S. Korea 0.101 0.053 0.011 0.045 47.31 France 0.055 0.011 0.001 0.035 49.79 Mexico 0.210 0.055 0.012 0.047 91.76 Malaysia 0.109 0.050 0.010 0.044 28.00 Germany 0.063 0.011 0.001 0.035 60.15 Peru 0.244 0.032 0.004 0.038 71.20 Pakistan 0.111 0.042 0.007 0.041 34.37 Italy 0.024 0.018 0.001 0.036 -38.52 Czech Rep. 0.176 0.025 0.002 0.037 27.65 Philippines 0.114 0.010 0.000 0.035 298.77 Japan -0.041 0.015 0.001 0.035 -67.63 Hungary 0.208 0.042 0.007 0.041 101.24 Thailand 0.121 0.048 0.009 0.044 76.65 UK 0.047 0.026 0.003 0.037 -0.49 Poland 0.048 0.019 0.001 0.036 531.51 Kenya 0.407 0.031 0.004 0.038 37.09 USA 0.059 0.017 0.001 0.035 44.66 Russia 0.366 0.067 0.018 0.052 73.24 S. Africa 0.115 0.025 0.002 0.037 113.50 Canada 0.080 0.016 0.001 0.035 88.88 0 Arg 5 10 Pol Col Per Chl Mex Hun Czr Bra 15 20 Phi Pak Mal Kor Ino Ind Chi Rus Tur Tha Ken 25 SAf 30 Jap 35 Can FraGer UKUS Ita Tun Mor Jor Egy Figure 2: Difference Empirical vs Theoretical ERP in 1: Each point in the plot represents the difference between the empirical ERP (line 1 table 1) and the theoretical ERP of Barro (line 4 table 1) −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Figure 1: Empirical vs Theoretical ERP: In the first line the empirical ERP for each country in the column dimension is presented. In the second line we have instead the standard deviation of real consumption per capita for each country. Finally in the third and fourth lines we have the theoretical ERP as in Mehra (2003) and Barro (2006) for a level of θ = 4. The last line show the implied θ from 1. These are the levels of risk aversion that would explain empirical data. Sample: 1990-2009 ERP σC ERP (M&P) ERP (Barro) Implied θ Argentina 0.259 0.068 0.018 0.052 53.88 China 0.021 0.019 0.001 0.036 0.48 Jordan 0.031 0.093 0.034 0.069 -4.76 Turkey 0.342 0.052 0.011 0.045 75.52 Egypt 0.292 0.016 0.001 0.035 150.23 2 A simple model with uncertainty on disaster effect 2.1 The Assumptions of the Model The occurrency of a disaster may produce different effects according to the country we are considering. In particular an agent doesn’t know ex ante which is the effect of a disaster in a country where information is opaque. This uncertainty affects the level of the disaster but also it may affect the recovery from the occurence of a disaster. In particular when the political situation is not stable, information is controlled, corruption is diffuse, it is hard to make predictions about the recovery. In the following we are going to ignore this second source of uncertainty. Following Barro (2006), we simply assume that the once the disaster occurs, it only affects the level of output but not the other parameters of the process. In this model we are going to consider the possibility that the agent can select his level of information on the country endogenously. A risk-adverse agent would like to invest resources in acquiring informations in order to remove the uncertainty related to the investment. In the following we will assume that there exists another component where a disaster occurs. Our disaster process can be rewritten in this way ( vt+1 = 0 e−ρ log(1 − b) + ij 1 − e−ρ where ij = µˆj . Once the disaster hits the country j, it is affected by global random shock b and a deterministic exposure µˆj . Even if the idiosyncratic shock is fixed, from the agent point of view it is assumed to be random. A natural question may arise about the rationality of the agent that is considering as random an event that is deterministic. Indeed when the agent is infinitely living, he should learn the natural non-randomness of the process. Nevertheless in the real world people live a finite period and since disasters are rare by definition, they may not be able to observe the realization of a disaster. The agent living ”under the veil of ignorance” will consider the idiosyncratic component as random. From a theoretical point of view this hypothesis corresponds to assuming that the agent has limited memory or similarly limited ability of processing informations. This approach is very similar to the one adopted by the ”rational inattention” literature, where the agents live in a full information world but, since their ability of processing information is limited the resulting variance of the process is higher. Luo, Young (2010) show that the inclusion of rational inattention in a linear quadratic utility model raises expected excess returns increasing the volatility of consumption relative to the endowment. Since the disaster exposure is non-random from the point of view of the agent, it is assumed that ij ∼ N µj − 21 s2j , s2j 6 . It is assumed that µj − 12 s2j is the expected country specific effect of a disaster, instead s2j represents the uncertainty about her personal estimate about these effect. As 6 The assumption of normality in idiosyncratic exposure is conceptually not satisfying since it gives positive probability to negative or greater than one disaster exposures. Nevertheless is very helpful in the algebra since we can use the properties of log normal distribution 10 we can see, in this general formulation we are considering the possibility that different countries may have different level of exposure to the disaster (µj 6= µi ∀i = 6 j). For a matter of simplicity we assume that µj is determined according to available informations that are indipendent from the other variables of the model, i.e. from the history of the process {At } or previous disaster realizations. Like in Barro (2006) it is mantained the hypothesis of constant disaster probability, Gourio (2012) presented a model with time-varying disaster risk in a production economy that affects total factor productivity and capital destruction. In this model correlation between output and disaster probability are correlated endogenously creating a feedback effect from the production side to financial variable. Even if this assumption produces more realistic results, the first moments of the ERP do not change significantly, hence it would not change the results of our analysis. Notice that the additional variance term in the mean of the process ij has the role of offsetting the variance in the mean of the lognormal distribution. Indeed the expected value of the output is Et [At+1 ] = At eγ+ σ2 2 e−p + (1 − e−p )E [1 − b] eµj The expected value of the output does not depend on the variance of the disaster exposure. 2.1.1 How the agent selects the information level In this model it is assumed that the agent can improve his level of uncertainty by informing himself. Information activity increases understanding of the enviroment and reduces the variance s2j . If information activity has no cost, he would select the lowest achievable level of uncertainty that is zero, since the idiosyncratic exposure is deterministic. In general perfect knowledge is not achievable by human being indeed we need more and more effort to have a precise understanding of the effect of an event. This consideration reflects the fact that the agent will face increasing costs in order to reduce s2j . In order to account for this we simply assume that the agent has to renounce to a fraction of the consumption good defined in the following way C(s2j ; τj ) = s2j s̄ !τj (2) where s̄ is a common upper bound limit for s2j , hence 0 ≤ s2j ≤ s̄. In 2 a crucial role in explaining cross country differences is explained by the parameter τj . Since the argument of the power function is less than one, as this parameter increases the fraction of the consumption good that we have to invest for a given level of s2j increases. This parameter can be interpreted as the degree of opaqueness or information frictions in the country where the agent wants to invest: this affects the costs he will face in reducing the uncertainty of disaster’s effect. The total amount of consumption good that the agent consume at time t is Ct = C(s2j ; τj )At = s2j s̄ !τj 11 elog(At−1 )+γ+ut +vt = exp τj log(s2j ) − log(s̄) + log(At−1 ) + γ + ut + vt The last expression is easy to interpret, if the consumer decide not to investigate on the country’s condition he will choose s2j = s̄ hence he will not incurr in any cost, indeed if he wants to decrease his uncertainty he should renounce to part of the consumption good. Hence the agent faces a trade-off in the choice of s2j that will be derived by the maximization of the per-period expected utility given the equilibrium condition. sj 1−θ 1 −1 Et Ct+1 1−θ s.t. Ct+1 = C(s2j ; τj )At+1 M ax 2 (3) Removing the terms not depending on s2j , the objective function can be rewritten in the following way 1 exp((1 − θ)τj log(s2j ))Et [exp((1 − θ)vt+1 )] = 1−θ h h ii 1 = exp((1 − θ)τj log(s2j )) e−p + (1 − e−p )Et e(1−θ)[log(1−b)+ij ] = 1−θ θ(1−θ)s2 j 1 = exp((1 − θ)τj log(s2j )) e−p + (1 − e−p )E (1 − b)1−θ e(1−θ)µj − 2 1−θ In this setting we are assuming that the agent at time t select his level of uncertainty/information Instead the economic effects, the disaster and information cost, occur in t + 1. With this assumption the intertemporal problem of choosing s2t is equivalent to a single-period problem hence s2j,t . s2j,t = s2j . We now take a log trasformation of the objective function7 θ(1−θ)s2 j (1 − θ)τj log(s2j )) − p + pE (1 − b)1−θ e(1−θ)µj − 2 If we assume that the country specific disaster effect is negligible, µj ≈ 0 and that the uncertainty s2j is not so high, we can approximate the exponential function using ex = (1 + x). It is easy to verify that the first order condition of the maximization problem 3 is the following s2j : θ(1 − θ) (1 − θ)τj − pE (1 − b)1−θ =0 2 sj 2 assume that the arbitrary length period approach to zero, this means that p → 0. Hence we can (1−θ)2 s2 j 2 taylor-expand the log of the ”disaster” part around p = 0. Let’s define x = E (1 − b)1−θ e(1−θ)µj + (1 − e−p )x log e−p + (1 − e−p )x = log(e−p ) + log 1 + e−p p e |p=0 p = px log (1 + (ep − 1)x) ≈ 0 + p=0 1 + (ep − 1)x log e−p + (1 − e−p )x ≈ −p + px 7 We 12 which leads to an analytical solution s2j = 2τj pθE [(1 − b)1−θ ] (4) Equation 4 has an intuitive interpretation: when the information cost associated to country j increases, the agent has to accept a lower level of information, indeed if the probability of disaster p increases he wants to get more information in order remove some level of uncertainty if the disaster occurs. As before the role of θ is ambiguous. This result holds when µj is negligible, in such a case 4 represents a good approximation for the optimal level of information. Nevertheless it may be that the agent thinks that country j will be affected by large idiosyncratic shock if the disaster occurs; if this is the case equation 4 is a bad approximation. Nevertheless even if expected idiosyncratic is large, it does not affect the results. Indeed computing the F.O.C. for the log transformation of the objective function, we obtain s2j : θ(1 − θ) (1−θ)µj − θ(1−θ)s2j (1 − θ)τj 2 e = pE (1 − b)1−θ 2 sj 2 | {z } | {z } 2 (5) f (sj ,µj ) g(s2j ,τj ) Comparative statics is possible by simply plotting the LHS, g(s2j , τj ), and the RHS, f (s2j , µj ) of the last equation as shown in figure 2.1.1. The curves have positive intersection in an unique point. As we increase τj from 0.1 to 0.3 the g() curve shifts upwards, implying that an higher s2j will be selected. This confirms the result in 4. As µj decreases from 0 to -0.01, the agent will select a lower s2j implying that higher information level (lower s2j ) is selected. In the next section we will see which implications this model has in terms of asset pricing. 13 0 −2 −4 −6 g(,tau) f(,mu) −8 g(,0.1) f(,0) g(,0.3) f(,−0.1) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 s2 Figure 3: The Optimal Level of Information: The black and the red line correspond respectively to the LHS and RHS of 5 for τj = 0.1 and µj = 0. Increasing τj to 0.3 shifts upwards the LHS, indeed reducing µj to -0.01 shifts the RHS rightside. In both cases s2j increases. 2.1.2 Asset Pricing One Period Claim We can to check now the asset pricing implication of this model. In the following we derive similar results to the paper of Barro (2006). We start by the fundamental pricing equation " 0 −ρ u (Ct ) = e At+1 C(s2j ; τj ) u (Ct+1 ) Pt # 0 Et (6) that can be rewritten " (C(s2j ; τj )At )−θ −ρ =e Et 14 (C(s2j ; τj )At+1 )1−θ Pt,1 # θ h 1−θ i P1,t = e−ρ At C(s2j ; τj )) Et C(s2j ; τj )At+1 where P1,t is the price of the one period claim. Rearranging we obtain P1,t θ (1−θ) At C(s2j ; τj )) Et [exp ((1 − θ)(γ + ut+1 + vt+1 ))] = e−ρ At C(s2j ; τj )) = e−ρ At C(s2j ; τj )Et [exp ((1 − θ)(γ + ut+1 + vt+1 ))] Substituting our definition of the cost functions and exploiting the properties of the log normal distribution, we end up with P1,t (1 − θ)2 σ 2 =At exp −ρ + τj − log(s̄) + (1 − θ)γ + 2 2 θ(1−θ)s j e−p + (1 − e−p )E (1 − b)1−θ e(1−θ)µj − 2 log(s2j ) (7) Using 7 the gross expected return of one period claim is defined as follows σ2 C(s2j ; τj )At eγ+ 2 Et [evt+1 ] Et [C(s2j ; τj )At+1 ] = Et [Rt+1 ] = (1−θ)2 σ 2 P1,t e−ρ At C(s2j ; τj )e(1−θ)γ+ 2 Et e(1−θ)vt+1 = eρ− θ2 σ2 2 +θσ 2 +θγ h i−1 Et [evt+1 ] Et e(1−θ)vt+1 Taking logs of the last expression and assuming that the arbitrary length period approach to zero (see footnote 7). log (Et [Rt+1 ]) = ρ − θ(1−θ)s2 j θ2 σ2 + θσ 2 + θγ + pE [1 − b] eµj − pE (1 − b)1−θ e(1−θ)µj − 2 2 (8) Risk Free Asset Using the pricing equation we can price also the risk free asset. b (C(s2j ; τj )At )−θ = e−ρ Et (C(s2j ; τj )At+1 )−θ Rt+1 1 = e−ρ−θγ+ θ2 σ2 2 i h h Rf e−ρ + (1 − e−ρ ) (1 − q)Et e−θ(log(1−b)+ij ) + ii h +qE[1 − b]Et e−θ(log(1−b)+ij ) where we have assumed that d = b. As usual, taking logs of both sides and rearranging terms it is possible to obtain log(Rf ). 15 log(Rf ) = ρ + θγ − θ(1+θ)s2 j θ2 σ2 + p − p E (1 − b)−θ e−θµj + 2 ((1 − q) + qE[1 − b]) 2 b We are now interested in computing Et [Rt+1 ]. b Et [Rt+1 ] = Rf e−p + (1 − e−p ) (qE[1 − b] + (1 − q)) b log Et [Rt+1 ] = log(Rf ) − p + p(1 − qEb) = log(Rf ) − pqE[b] (9) Equity risk premium The equity risk premium can be simply derived as a difference between 8 and 9. ERPt s2j , µj h i θ(1−θ)s2 j =θσ + p E[1 − b]eµj − E (1 − b)(1−θ) e(1−θ)µj − 2 2 −θµj + θ(θ+1)s2j −θ 2 (qE[1 − b] + (1 − q)) + qE[b] − 1 +E (1 − b) e (10) We are interested in testing whether an increase in s2j affects positively the ERP . Due to the fact that the disaster distribution is the empirical distribution provided by Barro, we are not able t t in general to know the sign of ∂ERP and ∂ERP ∂µj . Nevertheless using a standard calibration it is ∂s2j possible to plot ERPt s2j , µj . In order to do so we adopted the calibration of Barro. p = 0.017 γ = 0.025 σ = 0.02 ρ = 0.03 θ=4 q = 0.4 The plot of 10 as a function of s2j is presented in figure 2.1.2. As expected, as the variance associated to information cost increases, the required premium increases. Comparative Statics We are also interested to know what happens when τj and µj increase. As τj increases, the agent has to pay more to get informed, hence he will choose optimally an higher variance level, i.e. to be less informed. This obviously implies an increase in the ERP. Indeed if µj decreases, it means that the agent things that in country j a disaster will be more effective than in other countries. This induces the agent to invest more resources on information to reduce the variance on her estimate (i.e s2j decreases). Hence the increase in µj has two effect on the ERP: a direct effect from 10, and an indirect effect from the FOCs of the information problem. Using the calibration of Barro (2006), it turns out that an increase of the expected disaster exposure of country j induces the agent to ask an higher premium. These comparative statics are shown in figure 2.1.2. From this analysis a simple confirmation of our initial hypothesis appears. Let’s suppose that we fix τ = 0 and we want to claim that different ERP for country j and k derive from different disaster exposures. If this is the case the expectation of a disaster in a country j will be different 16 than the one in country k, µj 6= µk . Let’s take j = Cz.Republik k = Russia; we know that ERPCzR = 0.176, ERPRus = 0.366. By looking at the bottom right of 2.1.2, we can check that we should have µRus ≈ −0.332 µCzR ≈ −0.114. This means that once a disaster occurs output falls by E(1 − b)eµj . Since from Barro’s calibration E(1 − b) = 0.71, it is simple to show that the occurrence of a global disaster leads to the following expected fall in GDP ∆yt Rus | ≈ −49.6% yt Dis ∆yt CzR | ≈ −36.8% yt Dis . This means that we need to assume that real GDP in Russia falls of 12.8% more than in Czech Republik when a disaster occurs. Similar results hold for Hungary, once a disaster occurs the expected real fall in GDP should be ≈ 39.9%, 10% difference with Russia. This is not plausible for two countries belonging to the same geographical area. Indeed if we fix µj = µk = 0 this large difference in ERP may be explained by τRus ≈= 0.7 and τCzR ≈= 0.4, that looks more realistic. This comparative statics does not imply that differences in the ERP can be uniquely explained by different level of uncertainty associated to disaster effects; indeed we do not want to rule out the possibility that disasters have different effects in neighbor countries. Nevertheless this analysis shows that different ERP can be related to information issues and not different disaster process, this hypothesis will be tested in the next part. In the empirical part the possibility that different countries may have different disaster exposure is not considered, it is assumed that µi = 0 ∀i, hence the heterogeneity comes only from information frictions. 17 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 sigma2j Figure 4: The ERP as a function of information level: In the figure the ERP is plotted as a function of s2j according to 10. This simple analysis suggests that difference in risk exposures like in Gourio et al. (2011) are not sufficient to explain different level in the ERP, but it is sufficient to assume that the this difference is explained mostly by the level of uncertainty on the disaster effect. More precisely in our model different countries have ex post different exposure to the aggregate shock, but ex-ante this difference is zero. Our analysis also suggests that where informations are costly the agent will ask an higher premium for investing in the economy, due to the fact that the uncertainty is necessarly higher. What we propose is that the cost of information is strongly related to institutional assets of the economy such as the judicial indipendence, the functioning of the government, corruption or whether there is a democracy or not. All these factors affect the opacity of informations and the cost for the agent to be informed. In the next section we test empirically this hypothesis. 18 sigmaj tauj 0.02 0.03 −0.35 −0.30 −0.25 −0.20 −0.15 −0.10 −0.05 Sigma Response to muj 0.01 Sigma Response to tauj 0.00 0.04 muj tauj 0.02 0.03 ERP Response to muj 0.01 muj −0.35 −0.30 −0.25 −0.20 −0.15 −0.10 −0.05 0.00 ERP Response to tauj 0.00 0.04 Figure 5: Comparative statics of s2j and the ERP from 10. The plot on the left represent the comparative statics of s2j w.r.t. τj and µj . In analogous way on the RHS we have comparative statics of the ERP with respect to the same variables sigmaj 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.05 ERP ERP 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 19 2.2 Towards an International Model The results of the previous section hold in a closed tree economy hence we are not considering the possibility of investing in an asset that is not perfectly correlated with the consumption stream. An interesting question is whether such a premium arises also in a model of international C-CAPM, where the US investor has to invest in an emerging economy where the payoff is not correlated with US consumption. In order to understand how information and disaster risk affect asset pricing in an international setting , the previous model can be modified in a simple way. A simple approach is ton focus on the role of disaster in asset pricing, and derive conclusion on the role of information from the results. It is assumed that the domestic agent can invest in the tree economy of country F ; here two output F processes AD t and At have to be considered D D D D logAD t+1 = logAt + γ + ut+1 + vt+1 2 udt+1 ∼ N (0, σD ) F F F F logAt+1 = logAF t + γ + ut+1 + vt+1 2 uF t+1 ∼ N (0, σF ) ”Normal” output shocks are in general correlated with covariance σD,F . The disaster process for both countries have a global component (the disaster in Barro (2006)) and an idiosyncratic components that may be correlated ( j vt+1 = 0 log(1 − b) + ij e−ρ 1 − e−ρ j = {D, F } where as before ij ∼ N µj − 21 s2j , s2j and cov(iD , iF ) = sD,F . Here the agent cannot select the information level; the focus of this model is to identify the role of sD,F in asset pricing. Without showing the algebra, using the pricing equation u 0 (AD t ) −ρ =e AF t+1 0 D Et u (At+1 ) Pt it is possible to derive the prices and expected returns from a one-period claim in the foreign country and the risk-free asset 2 F θ 2 σD log Et Rt+1 + θσD,F − pE (1 − b)1−θ E eiF −θiD + pE [1 − b] E eiF = ρ + θγ D − 2 2 2 −θµD + θ(1+θ)s2D b −θ D θ σD 2 log Et Rt+1 = ρ+θγ − +p−p E (1 − b) e ((1 − q) + qE[1 − b]) −pqE [b] 2 20 Finally, using the properties of log-normal distribution8 , the ERP can be derived by substracting the two last expressions n h i F D 2 θ(1+θ) ERPtD,F =θσD,F + p E[1 − b]eµD − E (1 − b)(1−θ) e(µ −θµ )+sD 2 −θsD,F −θµD + θ(θ+1)s2D −θ 2 e +E (1 − b) (qE[1 − b] + (1 − q)) + qE[b] − 1 (11) Equation 11 appears to be very similar to 10, in particular assuming the output processes to be identical in 11 we are back in 10. As in the previous analysis, what plays a role here is the different idiosyncratic exposure µD and µF . Assuming that these components are zero, the unique fundamentals of country F that affects his ERP, are the covariance in ”normal” times, σD,F , and the covariance in disaster periods, sD,F that can referred as contagion term. Observe that as the contagion term or σD,F increases, the ERP also increases. This result has a natural interpretation; since the investor is risk-adverse he wants to diversify his portfolio and select assets that are not correlated with domestic consumption stream in bad times. Hence if the covariance between domestic consumption and foreign asset increases, he will ask higher excess returns. This prediction of the model, that emerging markets are priced according to the covariance with consumption growth in the US, σD,F , is usually confirmed by the data. Borri, Verdelhan (2010) showed empirically that soverreign excess return of bonds compensate investors for taking on aggregate risk. Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) showed the same result for currency trade returns. Nevertheless it is important to notice that these authors focused their analysis in ”normal period”, assuming that bad states do not change the fundamental relatonship between the economies. In this model covariance between countries is time-varying, it may jump in disaster periods according to sD,F . The phenomenon of financial contagion is studied in dept in Forbes, Rigobon (2002). These authors showed that even during the most famous financial crisis (1997 Asian crisis, 1994 Mexican devaluation) a phenomenon of contagion did not occurred, and the level of interdependence was the same as in normal periods. This means that contagion phenomena occurr rarely, for example in the case of global disasters. As a remark for the empirical part this means that the covariance between consumption growth and asset returns does not capture this contagion effect. Instead, the investor still ask for a premium due to disaster, that empirically appears in the intercept of a conditional factor model. It is now clear how disasters affects asset pricing in an international setting. It is not clear 8 It is required to derive E eiF −θiD . First 1 zF,D = iF − θiD ∼ N (µF − θµD ) − (s2F − θs2D ), s2F + θ2 s2D − 2θsD,F 2 Now, using the properties of the log-normal distribution h i F D 2 θ(1+θ) E eiF −θiD = e(µ −θµ )+sD 2 −θsD,F Observe that when the two countries are the same, we obtain e(1−θ)µj − 21 θ(1−θ)s2 j 2 as in the expression 10. how information quality should affect the contagion term or disaster exposure. In the last section we have assumed that information activity allows to reduce the variance associated to investor beliefs up to the natural idiosyncratic variance of disaster (that was assumed to be zero). Here information activity can be devoted to evaluate the contagion terms, i.e. to understand real connection between the economies when a disaster hits. Let’s denote the contagion term as the sum of the true contagion term and and an additional term that we denote as information bias sD,F = s̄D,F + ιD,F the first term is the true real connection between the economies in disaster periods. Let’s suppose that s̄D,F = ιD,F = 0; this implies that covariances in disaster states is uniquely determined by the global disaster process. Assume that we are considering two countries belonging to the same geographical area, hence µD = µF = s̄D,F = 0 and real connections are only determined by information bias. Information activity has the role of reducing information bias to zero. If information actiity is costly, the agent will minimize the information bias up to a natural information friction level. Nevertheless, with respect to the previous section, we are not able to evaluate the sign of ιD,F . In the last section we proved that ιD,F (that was equal to s2j ) was greater than 0 and increasing in the cost of information τj , this result implies that ERP is increasing in τj . In order to obtain a similar result with this model we should assume that when information frictions are high, the information bias is positive, i.e. when the investor face information frictions, he consider asset returns of foreign country to be more correlated with domestic consumption stream. But in general we are not able to assume if information bias plays a role increasing or decreasing covariance in disaster states. We need to make a behavioural assumption. 2.2.1 The Ellsberg Paradox and Information Frictions In order to explain such beliefs we should depart from expected utility approach in a bayesian framework. A simple explanation can be related to the so called ”ambiguity aversion” literature. In this framework the agent doesn’t behave in a bayesian way when faces ambiguity alternatives. An classical example is the Ellsberg Paradox. In this experiment the agent is invited to chose between two urns of four balls: a ”risky urn” with 2 black and 2 white balls, an ”ambiguous urn” where he is told only that it contains at least one ball of each color. The agent is invited to select an urn an bet on their color. A typical bayesian agent probably adopt a prior such that he is indifferent between betting on the ambiguous or risky urn. Instead in the real world agents typically select the risky urn. A simple way to explain such behaviour is that the agent forms a subjective range of probabilities about the composition of the ambiguous urn. He then evaluates bets by calculating the worst-case expected utility. If he is betting on black, he will consider the ambiguous urn as containing only one black ball, hence he will chose the risky one. The opposite holds if he decides to bet on white. This kind of behaviour can explain why information bias is increasing in information frictions. In this model ambiguity relies on sD,F ; if information quality is poor the agent form a range [r(τ ), R(τ )] of alternative values for sD,F . Suppose for simplicity that s̄D,F ∈ [r(τ ), R(τ )] . The 22 width of the range is increasing in the level of information frictions τ . Indeed if information quality is poor, the agent cannot exclude unplausible values for s̄D,F . If the agent is ambiguity-adverse he will consider the worst case to be the real one. As shown in Epstein, Schneider (2005) this implies that the asset price for the one period claim is determined as follows ( Pt = min sD,F ∈[r(τ ),R(τ )] e−ρ+(γF −θγD )+ 2 (σF2 +θ2 σD ) −θσ 2 F,D × io h F D 2 θ(1+θ) e−p + (1 − e−p )E (1 − b)1−θ e(µ −θµ )+sD 2 −θsD,F (12) Hence he will consider sD,F = R(τ ), or put differently, the information bias is ιD,F = R(τ ) − s̄D,F ∂ιD,F >0 ∂τ This simple argument helps in explaining empirical results in the international setup coincide with the one-country model of the beginning of the section. Ambiguity aversion is able to explain why information frictions lead to higher ERP. Part II Empirical Evidence on the Role of Information Frictions and Disaster In the previous section, we have presented a model where the uncertainty linked to the realization of a disaster affects the pricing of holding a one period asset in a tree economy with disaster risk. In particular we have seen that frictions in acquiring informations affect positively the excess returns. The reason is that the investor, that is risk adverse, wants to invest resources to decrease his uncertainty. A consequence of this model is that investing in a country where informations are not easily available, will induce the investor to ask for a premium. 3 The Data In this section we present the dataset that has been used for the empirical analysis. The portfolio of country is presented in table 1. Each emerging country has been selected according to economic importance and data availability. Instead, the advanced economies are the G-7 countries and no geographical relation between these countries exists. The main problem with our empirical analysis is the sample size. Unfortunately financial data for emerging markets started in 1988. This can be a problem since business cycle, that are usually very long in the emerging markets, 23 may affect the ERP. As an example Garciaa-Cicco et al. (2010) documented that in the period 1980-2005 only 1-1.5 cycles occurred. Even if low sample size may explain the high level of ERP in our sample, it is not able to explain the heterogeneity in the data. Developed Countries Advanced Canada France Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom United States Emerging Countries Latin America Eastern Europe Argentina Czech Republic Brazil Hungary Chile Poland Colombia Russia Mexico Turkey Perù Asia & FE China India Indonesia Korea Malaysia Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Sub-Saharan Africa Kenya Nigeria South Africa North Africa & ME Egypt Jordan Morocco Tunisia Table 1: Portfolio of Countries Equity Risk Premia The data for the ERP have been downloaded from Datastream. For each country the Morgan Stanley Total Return Index has been used for the return of the one-period asset. MSCI-TRI are denominated in US dollars and it is computed by reinvesting dividends. For our purposes we are interested in quarterly and annual data but the sample size differs across countries. Table 2 reports the sample size of the MSCI for the selected countries. As we can check there is large heterogeneity in the sample size. Time series start at different period in most of the cases due to the fact that for emerging markets financial liberalization occurred at different periods in time. The entire analysis has been developed by using all the data available for each country; this implies that parameters have been estimated using different samples in order to obtain more robust estimates. This issue may affect the result in the cross section analysis when we aggregate these estimates. This problem is unavoidable since it is related to datta availability, but several robustness tests showed that this isssue does not affect the result significantly. Finally, also the MSCI-TRI for a global portfolio of countries has been download as a proxy for the market return that will be used in section 5. In order to obtain the ERP, we need to substract each return by a corresponding risk free rate denominated in US dollar. We choose the return from the 10 year Treasury Bond. There are two reasons for this choice. First, since we are using quarterly and annual data, using the usual 1 month Tbill may lead to misleading results due to the mismatch in the maturity of the investment. Second, since investing in stocks is conceived as a long term investment, we should compare with a return from an asset with similar maturity. Nevertheless the choice of the risk-free rate is not critical for our result. The analysis has been replied using the 1 month TBill and the results are substantially unchanged. 24 Argentina Q1/88 Q4/11 Hungary Q1/95 Q4/11 S. Korea Q1/88 Q4/11 Kenya Q3/02 Q4/11 France Q1/88 Q4/11 Brazil Q1/88 Q4/11 Poland Q1/93 Q4/11 Malaysia Q1/88 Q4/11 Nigeria Q3/02 Q4/11 Germany Q1/88 Q4/11 Chile Q1/88 Q4/11 Russia Q1/95 Q4/11 Pakistan Q1/93 Q4/11 S. Africa Q1/93 Q4/11 Italy Q1/88 Q4/11 Colombia Q1/93 Q4/11 Turkey Q1/88 Q4/11 Philippines Q1/88 Q4/11 Egypt Q1/95 Q4/11 Japan Q1/88 Q4/11 Mexico Q1/88 Q4/11 China Q1/93 Q4/11 Sri Lanka Q1/93 Q4/11 Jordan Q1/88 Q4/11 UK Q1/88 Q4/11 Peru Q1/88 Q4/11 India Q1/93 Q4/11 Taiwan Q1/88 Q4/11 Morocco Q1/95 Q4/11 USA Q1/88 Q4/11 Czech Rep. Q1/95 Q4/11 Indonesia Q1/88 Q4/11 Thailand Q1/88 Q4/11 Tunisia Q3/04 Q4/11 Canada Q1/88 Q4/11 Table 2: Sample size of MSCI TRI Real Consumption per capita In order to evaluate the theoretical ERP in 10 we need the real consumption expenditure for the countries in table 1. We used the data from World Bank on Household Consumption Expenditure per capita (constant 2000 US $)9 . These are annual data from 1988 to 2009 but for some countries data start after 1988. In particular data for Argentina start in 1993 and data for Czech Republik, Poland and Russia start in 1990. We have no data on consumption for Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Nigeria, hence these countries have been excluded in the first part of the empirical analysis. Disaster Data The disaster data that are necessary for the computation of the moments E[1 − b] in 10 are the same data used in Barro (2006). The dataset of Barro is composed by 60 episodes across 35 countries in the twentieth century where real gdp growth declined at least 15 %. Real Consumption Growth in the US In the following is presented an empirical evidence of the role of information frictions in a model of international CCAPM. Following Lustig, Verdelhan (2007), for this analysis quarterly data from 1988 Q1 to 2011 Q4 on real consumption of durable and non-durable goods have been used. Data have been extracted from the NIPA tables of the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Information Friction Indexes Finding a good proxy for information index that may affect asset pricing in the emerging market can be really hard since these frictions are not easily measurable. Indeed difficulties in obtaining informations are mostly related to institutional factors that are really country specific. In particular it doesn’t exist an unique factor that affects information availability; this means, for example, that corruption of public officials may be a source of friction in country i but not in country j where frictions can be generated by the absence of judicial indipendence. Hence the selection of a good index can be an hard task in particular when the dataset of possible candidate indexes is large. 9 Indicator Code: NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD 25 Indeed we have many alternative indexes that are available in the Quality of Government (QoG) Dataset developed by the QoG institute. The QoG institute compiled both a cross-sectional and a panel dataset with global coverage spanning the time period 1946-2009. The datasets draw on a number of freely available cross-sectional data sources on corruption, bureaucratic quality, and democracy together with many other characteristics related to the electoral systems, socioeconomic factors and human development10 . In the analysis we have used only the cross-sectional dimension of this dataset, using the measurement of the index around year 2000. Still removing one dimension we have 841 alternative indexes that can be used. In order to select among these index we used a stepwise procedure to select the most significative indexes and among this group we have selected a small group of indexes related to information frictions. The stepwise procedure and the selected index will be described in the next section. 4 Empirical Evidence for the Single Country Model As we have seen in section 2, the theoretical ERP expressed in 10 is a function of the variance of consumption growth σ 2 , the coefficient of relative risk aversion θ, the probabilty of a disaster p, the probability that a disaster leads to the default of the country q, the disaster realizations b and the idiosyncratic disaster component µj and σj2 . Using the calibration of Barro, we can obtain values for all the parameters except for µj and σj2 where a calibration for this parameters does not exist. Hence the usual exercise of matching theoretical ERP with empirical ERP to evaluate the performance of this model is not feasible in this setting. We are testing the performance of this model by testing one of his implication. In particular, we have seen that as the cost of information τj increases, also s2j increases. This means that if we could estimate s2j for each country, we could check this relationship by regressing the implied variances with proxies for information frictions. This approach has two limits. First, we are assuming that 10 holds exactly, this is not obviously the case since it depends strongly on distributional assumption, on the closed economy hypothesis and the functional form of the cost function. Nevertheless we are not interested in having an exact relationship, we need only that the idiosyncratic variance affects positively the ERP. Second, we are not considering any other element that could affect positively the ERP, such as exchange rate premia or investment decision. This second limit should be object of future research. In the following the procedure to test the hypothesis is presented in detail. 4.1 The Testing Procedure In order to obtain the implied volatilities ŝ2j , according to what has been discussed in section 2, we assume that µj = 0 ∀j. This implies that using the standard calibration presented in section 2 and the empirical ERP on the left hand side of 10 we can simply evaluate ŝ2j ∀j by inverting 10. These volatilities are presented in the first column of table 3. The first thing to observe is 10 All the informations about the QoG dataset are reported in the Teorell et al. (2010). 26 that for some countries the inverting procedure doesn’t achieve convergence; in particular this is true for China, Jordan, Italy, Japan, UK. This s simply explained by the fact that the ERP for these countries are lower than the ERP of Barro’s model (see table 1 and since the variance has to be greater than 0 the procedure does not achieve convergence. In order to match empirical with theoretical ERP of our model, we should allow µj to be greater than 0. This means that once a global disaster hits, these country are less affected. In this section these countries have been excluded from the analysis. Second, emerging markets have much higher idiosyncratic variance, reflecting that the difference in the ERP is higher in these countries. Argentina Brazil Chile 0.0964 0.0998 0.0486 Hungary Poland Russia 0.0603 0.0813 0.1218 S. Korea Malaysia Pakistan 0.0405 0.0267 0.0279 Kenya Nigeria S. Africa 0.0937 0 0.0404 France Germany Italy* 0.002 0.0037 0.0001 * No convergence achieved Colombia 0.0751 Turkey 0.0824 Philippines 0.0303 Egypt 0.0698 Japan* 0.0001 Mexico 0.0782 China* 0.0001 Sri Lanka 0 Jordan* 0.0001 UK* 0.0001 Peru 0.075 India 0.031 Taiwan 0 Morocco 0.0243 USA 0.0035 Czech Rep. 0.044 Indonesia 0.0891 Thailand 0.0469 Tunisia 0.0366 Canada 0.0116 Table 3: Implied s2j from 10: The uncertainty level measured by s2j has been derived by inverting 10 and using the data on the ERP and Barro (2006) calibration. Once derived the implied variance s2j we are interested in looking for indexes for information frictions in the QoG dataset that are correlated with these estimates. First, we narrowed the choice by using an automatic stepwise procedure that rank the indexes according to the t-statistic on the slope coefficient of the following relation ŝ2j = αk + γk Indkj + j j ∼ N (0, σk2 ) (13) Second, in this group 6 indexes has been choosen according to qualitative criteria such as data source, quality of the data and according to information friction issues. We have implemented the choice of the index also according to the second part of the empirical analysis. The indexes that have been selected are described in the appendix 2. The estimates of the coefficients of relation 13 are presented in table 4. Due to potential measurment error and low sample size, we have performed the estimation using a bootstrap tecnique; hence estimated coefficients and standard error derive from a bootstrap with 100000 resampling. Results indicates a clear significative negative relationship between the implied volatilities of our model and the selected information indexes; indeed all the coefficients γk are significative at 1% significance level suggesting that information frictions play a role in pricing the ERP. In particular, 27 CPI and wbfi_cce are indexes of perception of corruption (decreasing in the amount of perceived corruption). Estimates on these indexes suggest that as corruption increases, agents will put more effort in achieving valuable informations, since in a corrupted country information are not public but are shared only with a selected part of private agents. Instead fi_legprop and wbgi_rle are indexes related to the confidence that agents have in the rules of the society and in judicial competence. The uncertainty linked to legislative environment induce the agents to invest more resources in private informations that are usually costly. Not surprising indexes such as eiu_dpc that measure the societal consesus supporting democracy affect the uncertainty related to disaster risk. A democratic system is usually a system where there is a social agreement in sharing public relevant informations. Finally icrg_qog represents and index that relates together all the factors that we have identified, in particular is affected by corruption, law and order and bureaucracy quality. Dependent variable Intercept CPI ŝ2j (1) 0.099*** (-0.014) -0.011*** (-0.003) fi_legprop (2) 0.244*** (0.041) (3) 0.057*** (0.005) (4) 0.131*** (0.016) (5) 0.4*** (0.052) -0.023*** (-0.006) wbgi_rle -0.027*** (-0.005) icrg_qog -0.141*** (-0.026) eiu_dpc -0.022*** (-0.009) wbgi_cce R2 (6) 0.133*** (0.025) -0.013*** (-0.004) 0.349 0.465 0.489 0.25 0.343 0.467 Table 4: Bootstrap Estimates of 13: Each bootstrap estimate has been implemented by 100000 resampling of the {ŝ2j , Indexkj } for each index k. The analysis is supported also by the scatterplots of the points for each identified index that are shown in figure 6. The inverse relationship is clear in each subplot. The analysis strongly suggests that a relationship between information frictions and ERP exists. Nevertheless this approach has some clear limits that have to be studied in detail. First, we are only considering a closed economy and hence ignoring the fact that the cross-section in the implied volatilities may reflect the existence of currency premia. These premia can be correlated with the indexes that have used in the analysis. Currency trader may ask for a premium for investing in a country where there are some sources of political turbolence. Bailey, Chung (1995) found some evidence that equity market premium in Mexico is affected by political risk. The analysis can be 28 improved by simply including a proxy for the currency risk in 13 correcting for the presence of correlation between the error term and the explanatory variable. Second, we are ignoring the possibility that idiosyncratic disaster exposure may differ across countries. An alternative way to avoid this problem would be to estimate using µj and σj2 by using a GMM approach. Unfortunately, to use this approach we would need quarterly data for real consumption growth in the emerging markets in order to have a sufficiently large sample size. 5 Empirical Evidence in an International C-CAPM framework An interesting question would be also to understand whether the previous results hold in an international settings. In section 2.2 a simple modification of the original model has been presented where the consumption stream is allowed not to be perfectly correlated with the asset return. The role of the covariance between fundamentals in ”normal” and ”disaster” states has been discussed. Ambiguity aversion has been used to show that excess return can increase with information frictions since the contagion term is affected. In the following empirical evidence of this result is presented. 5.1 The Testing Procedure In order to test the hypothesis identified above, we are using the approach of Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) that adopted a simple pricing procedure to the return from carry trade strategies for different countries. The authors proposed a linear three-factors model where the selected factors are real consumption growth of durable and non-durable goods and market return. The authors show that this conditional model derives from an approximation of the fundamental pricing equation when the utility function is the one introduced by Yogo (2006) h i1/[1−(1/ρ)] u(C, D) = (1 − α)C 1−(1/ρ) + αD1−(1/ρ) Ut = h i1/κ 1/[1−(1/σ)] 1−γ (1 − δ)u(Ct , Dt )1−(1/σ) + δEt Ut+1 where Ct and Dt are real consumption of durable and non-durable goods. It can be shown that this specification for the utility function nests the CARA specification adopted in section 2 in the one country model and the Epstein-Zin formulation. They called this model EZ-DCAPM. The authors have estimated the conditional models for their country and by sorting the conditional betas by interest rate differentials they found that there exists a consumption-based explanation for the returns from currency trade. A similar approach can be adopted for our purposes. Estimating a conditional model like the one adopted by Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) for our set of countries permits to extrapolate the timevarying component that affects the ERP and that are not correlated with our issues on information 29 0.14 0.14 Rus 0.12 Rus 0.12 0.1 0.1 Bra Arg Ken s2j Mex Tur 0.08 Tur 0.08 Bra Arg Ken Ino Ino Pol Col Pol Mex s2j Egy Hun 0.06 Hun 0.06 0.04 Chl Tha Czr Tun Chl Tha Czr SAf Kor Phi Mal 0.02 Ind Phi Pak Tun Ind Pak Mor Kor SAf 0.04 Per Egy Col Per Can Mal Mor 0.02 Ger Fra 0 US Can 0 Ger US Fra 2 3 4 5 6 Corruption Perception Index 7 8 −0.02 4.5 9 0.14 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 Legal Structure and Property Rights 7.5 8 8.5 0.14 Rus 0.12 Rus 0.12 0.1 0.1 Bra Ken Ino Bra Arg Ken Ino 0.08 Col Tur 0.08 Col Pol Mex s2j Per Pol Hun 0.06 s2j Egy Phi 0.02 Czr Kor Czr Chl Kor Tun Ind Mal Mor SAf Phi Pak Chl Tha SAf Tun Ind 0.04 Tha 0.04 Hun 0.06 Pak Arg Tur Mex Per Egy Can Ger US Fra 0 Mal Mor 0.02 −0.02 Can 0 −1.5 US Ger Fra −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 −0.04 2 0 0.2 0.4 Rule of Law 0.14 0.6 0.8 ICRG Indicator Quality of Government 1 1.2 Rus 0.1 Bra Arg Tur 0.08 Mex Per 0.1 Ken Ino Ken Ino Pol Egy Hun 0.06 Tha Tur Hun 0.06 Mor Chl Tha Czr Kor Czr SAf Kor Tun 0.04 Ind Pak Pol Mex Col Per Egy Chl SAf Tun 0.04 Bra Arg 0.08 s2j Col Phi Rus 0.12 s2j 0.12 Pak Mal PhiInd Mor 0.02 Mal 0.02 Can 0 1.4 0.14 4 5 6 7 Democratic & Political Culture Can Ger US Fra 3 8 9 0 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Control of Corruption Fra 1.5 USGer 2 2.5 Figure 6: Scatterplots of {ŝ2j , Indexkj }. Each sublot represents the scatterplot of implied volatilities and selected indexes for (from top left to right down) cpi, fi_legprop, wbgi_rle, icrg_qog, eiu_dpc, wbgi_cce. In each subplot is plotted a line corresponding to the estimated parameters presented in table 4. 30 frictions. Our empirical analysis relies on the assumption that information frictions τ are not timevarying and correlated with global (US) consumption growth. This could not be the case if the government of the emerging countries control information flows depending on the fact that we are in global boom or downturn. In this analysis it is assumed that information frictions are constant over time. As discussed in 2.2, this implies that in the estimation of the conditional model, contagion term affects the intercept of the conditional fator model. The intercept for a particular country j represents the extra premium that the US agent requires for investing in the country, that under our assumption is correlated with the existence of information frictions. In the following the implemented procedure is described. Following Verdelhan, Lustig (2007) we have estimated the following relationship D R M ERPt,j = αj + βjN D ∆cN + βjD ∆cD t t + βj ERPt + ut,j ut,j ∼ N 0, σj2 (14) The data are quarterly data for the ERP for emerging markets and MSCI global, and quarterly data of real consumption growth of durable and non durable good in the US described in section 3. As noted before, the sample size differs across country, but this doesn’t affect our results. The estimation results are presented in table 5. As we can see, in the EZ-DCAPM an important role is played by the market betas. As in Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) consumption betas are not significative in most of the cases. As standard literature on empirical asset pricing does, the scatterplot of actual vs predicted ERP is presented in order to evaluate the performance of 14. On the x-axis of figure 7 we have predicted ERP. Standard literature evaluate predicted ERP by running a second regression E[ERPj ] = λ0 βˆj where βˆj are the coefficient estimates of table 5. On the y-axis we have actual ERP, i.e. ERPjF = ERPj,t ∀j. If the model predicts the real data, all the data points should be aligned on the 45 degree line. The figure clearly suggests that this is not the case, and that in the model 14 a large role is played by the intercept; in particular this is true for emerging markets that means that there is still a large share of current variability in the ERP to be understood. Similar results have been presented in Donadelli, Prosperi (2012). We want to test now the role of information frictions in predicting the ERP in our dataset. A similar approach of the previous section has been used. As a first step a list of candidate explanatory indexes has been selected by using a stepwise procedure based on the t-statistic of the coefficient ρk of equation 15. α̂j = δk + ρk Indkj + j j ∼ N (0, σk2 ) (15) Secondly, we selected among these candidates using the same criteria of the previous section. It turns out that most of the selected indexes of the previous analysis has a significative impact also 31 Country Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Czech Republic Hungary Poland Russia Turkey China India Indonesia Korea Malaysia Pakistan Philippines α̂j 0.046 [.058] 0.046 [.034] 0.042* [.024] 0.043 [.034] 0.037 [.025] 0.020 [.04] 0.016 [.039] 0.014 [.036] 0.006 [.033] 0.094 [.06] 0.040 [.044] -0.021 [.038] -0.017 [.026] 0.059 [.042] 0.006 [.025] 0.014 [.018] -0.020 [.04] 0.001 [.02] β̂jN D 4.912 [6.651] -2.090 [3.086] -2.124 [2.289] 0.039 [3.195] -0.363 [2.564] 2.429 [3.276] 3.055 [3.344] 1.081 [3.162] 2.812 [4.476] -6.985 [7.869] -3.775 [7.335] -0.168 [4.413] 3.542 [2.637] -0.164 [5.377] 1.656 [3.54] 0.519 [2.675] 8.533* [4.57] 2.412 [3.536] β̂jD -1.217 [1.621] 1.80* [1.078] 0.540 [.705] -0.171 [1.109] 0.756 [.852] 0.665 [1.079] -0.249 [1.142] 0.623 [1.158] 1.224 [1.025] 1.021 [2.107] 2.048 [1.889] 1.640 [1.159] 0.932 [.723] -0.863 [1.572] 0.407 [.934] 0.026 [.679] -0.548 [1.023] 0.223 [.814] β̂jR 0.957** [.372] 1.110*** [.304] 0.520*** [.181] 0.751** [.278] 0.719*** [.193] 0.485* [.291] 0.521*** [.191] 1.214*** [.233] 0.968*** [.245] 1.667*** [.468] 1.200*** [.444] 0.682** [.281] 0.790*** [.178] 1.699*** [.413] 1.325*** [.292] 0.970*** [.193] 0.229 [.301] 0.997*** [.216] Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Kenya Nigeria South Africa Egypt Jordan Morocco Tunisia France Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom USA Canada Table 5: Estimation of 14 32 α̂j -0.049* [.023] -0.017 [.029] 0.009 [.023] 0.008 [.031] 0.024 [.034] 0.012 [.03] 0.036 [.037] -0.017 [.017] 0.009 [.026] 0.008 [.022] 0.001 [.01] 0.008 [.012] -0.02* [.011] -0.026** [.012] -0.002 [.01] 0.001 [.005] 0.003 [.014] β̂jN D 6.201* [3.611] 5.616* [3.038] -0.683 [3.529] 7.702* [4.096] 1.474 [4.495] -1.206 [2.448] -3.565 [3.221] 0.142 [1.725] 1.668 [2.434] 6.047** [2.629] 0.876 [1.114] -0.978 [1.407] 2.430** [1.159] 1.773 [1.481] 0.158 [1.037] 0.888 [.702] 0.625 [1.635] β̂jD 2.029 [1.267] 0.415 [.853] 1.562** [.726] 1.879 [1.691] -0.560 [1.389] 1.214 [.811] 1.444 [1.039] 1.072** [.495] 0.128 [.741] 0.193 [.801] 0.009 [.346] 0.284 [.436] 0.216 [.373] 0.206 [.393] 0.380 [.274] 0.156 [.202] 0.304 [.451] β̂jR 0.404 [.307] 0.700* [.228] 1.096*** [.23] 0.426 [.383] 0.918** [.379] 0.613*** [.196] 0.829*** [.212] 0.265** [.11] 0.256** [.128] -0.267 [.186] 0.901*** [.093] 0.985*** [.113] 0.851*** [.103] 0.901*** [.136] 0.751*** [.069] 0.752*** [.053] 0.862*** [.101] 0.09 Rus 0.08 0.07 Bra Ino Arg Ken Actual ERP 0.06 Tur Mex Pol Per Col Egy Chl Hun 0.05 0.04 0.03 Tun 0.02 Czr Nig Tha Kor SAf Ind Pak Mal Phi Sri Mor Tai Can US Ger Fra UKChi 0.01 0 −0.01 −0.01 Jor Ita Jap 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Predicted ERP 0.06 0.07 0.08 Figure 7: Predicted vs Actual ERP of 14 in this setup suggesting that information frictions have a large role in explaining the cross section of the ERP, and this result does not depend on the choice of the benchmark model. In presenting these results two different evidence have been used. First, as in 4 a bootstrap estimate of 15 for each selected index has been implemented. Without reporting the estimate results, we show scatterplot of αj , Indkj as an evidence of a the negative relationship. Second, following Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) an analysis on portfolios is presented. The αj have been ranked according to the index of interest and, from this ranking, we developed 8 portfolios of countries and we computed the mean alpha for each portfolio. This approach has several advantages: it gives a clear cut indication of the relationship between the alphas and information frictions but furthermore eliminates stock-specific component of returns that are not related to information frictions. The results are presented in figure 8 to 13. The plots suggest that corruption indexes (cpi and control of corruption) still play a role in explaining the extra premium paid by us investor. As before the index of democratic culture has explanatory power, suggesting that also political issues are important. A similar interpretation is associated with the impact of fl_clindex. This is a general index from the same data provider of fl_legprop that includes other potential source of investment uncertainty. As before Rule of Law and Quality of Government are important; when the legislative environment is uncertain the foreign investor has to spend resources on legal issues and to avoid burocracy. The portfolio analisys suggests that a negative correlation between the alphas and selected 33 indexes exists, but there is also some evidnece that this relationship is not clear inside the extremes of the interval. This is explained using two considerations: first, our indexes are obviously not free of measurement error; second, while the ERP are sample average in a sample of 20 years, the indexes are measured cross sectionally in a given year11 . This problem does not appear in Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) since the sorting variable is interest rate differential that is time-varying and measured with much more precision. 6 Limits In both sections 4 and 5 we found an empirical evidence of the role of information frictions in affecting excess return in stock markets. Even if the results of the analysis is clear and shows that there exists an inverse relationship between premia and information frictions, there may be some endogeneity issues. Indeed the existence of an high premia (i.e. high αj or high s2j could be also explained by low growth prospects or high probabilities of default in a different model with respect to the one specified above. High probability of default may be correlated with information frictions that in our case are proxied by institutional aspects of the society. More corrupted government where transparency is low can explain low future economic growth or defaults implying higher returns required by the investors. A simple way to check if this endogeneity issue really arise would be to include a proxy for economic prospects (e.g. ratings) in the empirical analysis. By regression estimates or by portfolio analysis it is possible to test if these results still holds. More sophisticatedly the analysis presented here could be refined by considering the panel dimensions of information indexes and ratings using panel data estimatation or portfolio analysis with double sorting as performed in Borri, Verdelhan (2010). As a final remark it is worthly to notice that our analisys is affected by selection bias since the countries where information frictions are really important in affecting investment decisions are, in most of the cases, systems where a market for publicy traded assets are not available, since a dictatorship is in place. 7 Conclusions I showed that the cross section of emerging markets excess returns can be explained by information frictions that strongly affects beliefs on the effects of a global disaster in a particular country. Barro’s model fails in predicting the levels and the heterogeneity of excess returns. Attempts to solve the issue arguing that emerging markets may have different disaster exposures (Gourio et al. (2011)) fail when looking at the data: countries that are very close from a geographical point of view should have very similar ERP, since idiosyncratic exposures should not change too much. I argued that information frictions affecting ability of the agents in forming beliefs on disaster effects, are able to explain empirical data. A simple modification of the disaster economy of Barro 11 The analysis could also be repeated by using the panel dimension that the QOG dataset offers. 34 has been proposed, where in the disaster process a random idiosyncratic component is included. The agent endogenously select the information level facing costs. I showed that when frictions increase, also excess return increases, regardless the level of disaster exposure. Furthermore I have extended the model in an international setting, allowing for the possibility that consumption is not perfectly correlated with asset returns. Here an important role is played by the contagion term, i.e the real connection between the two economies once a disaster hits. When agents face ambiguity in the contagion term, they are not able to determine ex ante what are the comovements between asset and consumption in disaster states. Adopting the approach of ”ambiguity aversion” literature, it is simple to show that a premium arises and that such premium is an increasing function in information frictions. These relationship between information frictions and excess returns has been tested using financial data and the Quality of Government dataset. From the single countries model, corruption, judicial quality and burocracy are powerful proxies for information frictions that empirically evaluate my hypothesis. Adopting the model and the approach of Lustig, Verdelhan (2007) I showed that the same indexes are good explanatory variables even in an international setting. Hence the empirical analysis confirm the role of information frictions in explaining excess returns. Several ways to improve the analysis are possible. From the empirical point of view, several robustness checks can to be implemented in order to show that an endogeneity issues do not arise and also more sophisticated econometric analysis are possible. Indeed further extension are really interesting: in particular understanding how information frictions affect quantities in a dynamical context can be useful to understand the dynamics of recovery from really bad states. Also I showed that ambiguity aversion arguments can play a role when information quality is poor. Hence a general equilibrium model with production and ambiguity aversion offer a much more general intuition on the role of uncertainty in the economy as the recent contribution of Bloom (2007) has shown. 35 Figure 8: Corruption Perception Index 0.1 0.02 Rus 0.08 0.015 0.06 Arg Col Bra Tur Mex Egy Nig 0.02 Chl 0.005 Mean α 0.04 Estimated α 0.01 Ino Per CzrHun Mal Mor TunSAf Tha Ken 0 Phi −0.02 Pak Ger Pol Kor Fra US Ind UK −0.005 Tai Jor Chi Ita 0 Can −0.01 Jap −0.04 −0.015 Sri −0.06 2 3 4 5 6 Corruption Perception Index 7 8 −0.02 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 Portfolio Figure 9: Economic Freedom 0.04 0.1 Rus 0.03 0.08 0.06 Arg Bra Tur Egy Nig 0.02 Mor 0 Chl Mex Mean α 0.04 Estimated α 0.02 Ino Col Per Hun Mal Czr SAf Tha Kor Tun Ger Pol Ken Phi Fra Can 0.01 0 US UK −0.01 −0.02 Ind ChiPak Jor Ita Jap Tai −0.02 −0.04 Sri −0.06 −0.03 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Economic Freedom of the World (chained) 8 8.5 1 2 3 4 Portfolio Figure 10: Rule of Law 0.1 0.025 Rus 0.02 0.08 0.015 0.06 Ino 0.01 Estimated α 0.02 Bra Mex TurEgy Nig Chl 0.005 Per Mal SAf Mor TunTha Pol Ken CzrHun Kor Fra Phi 0 −0.02 Pak Mean α Arg Col 0.04 Chi Ind Jor Ger US Can UK −0.01 Tai Ita Jap −0.015 −0.04 −0.02 Sri −0.06 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 Rule of Law 0 −0.005 1 1.5 −0.025 2 1 2 3 4 Portfolio 36 Figure 11: ICRG - Quality of Government 0.1 0.025 Rus 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.015 Ino Arg Col Bra Tur Mex Egy Nig 0.02 Tha Ken Per Czr Hun Mal Mor PolKor Tun SAf Phi 0 −0.02 Ind Jor Pak 0.01 Chl Ger Fra US Can UK 0.005 0 −0.005 Tai Ita Jap Chi Mean α Estimated α 0.04 −0.01 −0.04 −0.015 Sri −0.06 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Good Governance 0.6 0.8 1 −0.02 1.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Portfolio Figure 12: Democratic Culture 0.04 0.1 Rus 0.03 0.08 0.06 Ino Bra Arg Col Tur Mex Nig 0.02 0.02 Chl Egy Per Mor Tha Pol Ken Hun SAf Tun −0.02 Tai Ind Jor Pak Czr Mal Kor Fra Phi 0 Mean α Estimated α 0.04 UK 0.01 Ger Can US 0 Jap −0.01 Ita Chi −0.04 Sri −0.06 −0.02 3 4 5 6 7 Democratic Political Culture 8 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Portfolio Figure 13: Control of Corruption 0.1 0.04 Rus 0.08 0.03 0.06 Ino Arg Bra Col Tur Mex Egy 0.02 Nig Per Tha Mor Ken Czr Mal Hun SAf Tun PolKor Fra Phi 0 −0.02 Pak Ind Chi Jor 0.02 Chl Mean α Estimated α 0.04 Ger US Can UK 0.01 0 Tai Ita Jap −0.01 −0.04 Sri −0.06 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Control f Corruption 1.5 2 −0.02 2.5 1 2 3 4 5 Portfolio 37 6 7 8 Appendix 1-Description of selected indexes cpi - Corruption Perception Index Source: Heritage Foundation Year: 2002 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) measures the level of corruption in 152 countries The CPI is based on a 10-point scale in which a score of 10 indicates very little corruption and a score of 0 indicates a very corrupt government. In scoringfreedom from corruption, the authors convert each of these raw CPI data to a 0-100 scale by multiplying the CPI scores by 10. eiu_dpc - Democratic Political Culture Source: Economist Intelligence Unit - Index of Democracy Year: 2006 The Democratic Political Culture index measures the extent to which there is a societal consensus supporting democratic principles. fi_legprop - Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights Source: Fraser Institute - Economic Freedom of the World Year: 2002 The index ranges from 0-10 where 0 corresponds to ’no judicial independence’, ’no trusted legal framework exists’, ’no protection of intellectual property’, ’military interference in rule of law’, and ’no integrity of the legal system’ and 10 corresponds to ’high judicial independence’, ’trusted legal framework exists’, ’protection of intellectual property’, ’no military interference in rule of law’, and ’integrity of the legal system’. fi_clindex Economic Freedom of the World Index (chained) Source: Fraser Institute - Economic Freedom of the World Year: 2002 The index is founded upon objective components that reflect the presence (or absence) of economic freedom. The index comprises 21 components designed to identify the consistency of institutional arrangements and policies with economic freedom in five major areas: size of government (fi_sog), legal structure and security of property rights (fi_legprop), access to sound money (fi_sm), freedom to trade internationally (fi_ftradeint),regulation of credit, labor and business (fi_reg). The index ranges from 0-10 where 0 corresponds to ’less economic freedom’ and 10 to ’more economic freedom’. This is the version of the index published at the current year of measurement, without taking methodological changes over time into account. 38 icrg_qog - ICRG indicator of Quality of Government Source: International Country Risk Guide - The PRS Group Year: 2002 The mean value of the ICRG variables ”Corruption”, ”Law and Order” and ”Bureaucracy Quality”, scaled 0-1. Higher values indicate higher quality of government. wbgi_cce - Control of Corruption Source: World Bank - Governance Indicators Year: 2002-2008 (varies by country) ”Control of Corruption” measures perceptions of corruption, conventionally defined as the exercise of public power for private gain. The particular aspect of corruption measured by the various sources differs somewhat, ranging from the frequency of ”additional payments to get things done”, to the effects of corruption on the business environment, to measuring ”grand corruption” in the political arena or in the tendency of elite forms to engage in ”state capture”. wbgi_rle Rule of Law - Estimate Source: World Bank - Governance Indicators Year: 2002-2006 (varies by country) ”Rule of Law” includes several indicators which measure the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society. 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