URCC Minutes May 11, 2012

URCC Minutes
May 11, 2012
Present: J. Arhar, K. Burhanna, P. Evans, F. Haldar, T. Motter, I. R. Nettey, D. Williams, D.
Coombs, S. Rilling, R. Lorenz, L. Hanson, R. Duncan, A. Jacobson, V. Perera, M. Fisch, M.A.
Haley, J. Folk, V. Perera C. Uher, N. Caine-Bish
Not Present: P. Buntin, T, Brewer, A. Burns, , T. Janson, B. Jermon, T. Kandakai, D. Knapp, P.
Lieske, , E. Robison, M. Rooks, S. Stocker, C. Uher, J. VanGeest, R. Walker
Call to Order. Meeting started at 2:33 by D. Williams
2. Minutes of the April meeting. Approved with no corrections.
3. Curricular Proposals*
a. Kent Core: For the interest of time and the number of courses being proposed at the meeting, each
grouping was introduced by the appropriate college and individually moved for approval.
BSCI 10001, Human Biology, 3 cr.
BSCI 10002, Life on Planet Earth, 3 cr.
BSCI 10003, Laboratory Experience in Biology, 1 cr
BSCI 20020, Structure and Function, 5 cr.
All BSCI Kent Core assessment plans were approved unanimously.
PHIL 11001, Introduction to Philosophy, 3 cr.
PHIL 11009, Principles of Thinking, 3 cr.
PHIL 21001, Introduction to Ethics, 3 cr.
PHIL 21002, Introduction to Formal Logic, 3 cr.
PHIL 21020, Comparative Religious Thought, 3 cr.
PHIL 21021 Comparative Religious Thought II, 3 cr.
All PHIL Kent Core assessment plans were approved unanimously.
PSYC 11762, General Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC 20651, Child Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC 21211, Psychology of Adjustment, 3 cr.
PSYC 22221, Multicultural Psychology, 3 cr.
All PSYC Kent Core assessment plans were approved unanimously.
Basic Science Requirements -- Course Combinations.
M.A. Haley introduced the proposal that would establish restrictions for the basic science courses in
the Kent Core for the Bachelor of Arts degree program. Motion was approved.
EXSC 45080, Physiology of Exercise, 3 cr.
E. Glickman introduced the proposal for establishing WIC status to the course. There was currently
no WIC course in the Exercise Physiology program because of changes to the program and removal
of WIC status of another course. Motion was approved.
c. Diversity Requirement
NO proposals
d. Experiential Learning Requirement
Experiential Learning for Medical Technology program: Request for clinical year experience
of the program considered experiential learning. Motion was approved.
4. Subcommittee reports
a. ELR – The subcommittee had completed all the forms to move forward the degree requirements
for experiential learning.
b. WIC – The committee has been working on compiling information from the WIC review process.
The data has almost been completely collected.
c. DIV – No report given.
d. Kent Core –Met to consider what areas of the Kent Core proposal have been met. As a university,
we have moved forward in a number of the initiatives and the subcommittee will meet in fall 2012 to
determine the next steps.
5. Other items
a. Faculty Members completing terms:
Jill Folk
Deborah Knapp
Natalie Caine-Bish
Vic Perera
Ken Burhanna
Don Williams thanked these individuals for their service to URCC.
Next meeting: tba
Meeting Adjourned: 4:20pm.
*Note: the co-chairs have approved proposed changes for the following previously approved Kent
Core, Diversity and Writing Intensive courses (see Course Catalog Update workflow for materials):
ARTE 41003, Art Education: Field Experiences, 3 cr. (WIC)
Change in prerequisite
CACM 11001, Introduction to Conflict Management, 3 cr. (DIV-D, CORE)
Revision to course description
CACM 21010, Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution, 3 cr. (DIV-G)
Revision to course description
CACM 22020, International Conflict Resolution, 3 cr. (DIV-G)
Revision to course description
CACM 42020, Qualitative Research in Conflict Management, 3 cr. (WIC)
Revision to course description
HIST 11050, World History: Ancient and Medieval, 3 cr. (DIV-G, CORE)
Revision to course title
HIST 11051, World History: Modern, 3 cr. (DIV-G, CORE)
Revision to course title and description
HIST 31143, The African-Brazilian Experience in Culture and Literature, (DIV-G)
PEP 25059, Sport in Society, 3 cr. (DIV-D)
Change subject and course number, to SPAD 25000
RPTM 36092, Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation, 3 cr. (DIV-D)
Committee members may request that any of these changes be reviewed by the URCC under
agenda item 3.