Back to the Future? Land Use, Mobility & Accessibility in Metropolitan China 11.953 Day 23 C. Zegras Contents • • • • • • • Remember the Developing World…..? Motorization! China: Motorization and its Challenges Land Development: Patterns and Forces The End of Jobs-Housing Balance? Shanghai and Rail Transit Introduction to the Final Assignment 1 Motorization • Income and per capita motor vehicle fleets – At national level, 90% – At the urban level, 80% • Still considerable variation, due to – Population densities, urbanization levels, vehicle production (national industrial policy), vehicle prices, etc. – Particularly at urban level… China • Average travel rate: 1000 kilometers/year – Europe: 15,000 – US: 24,000 • Motorization – Approximately 9 cars per 1000 persons – National car sales growing by ~70% per year in 2000s – National car manufacturing growing by ~80 percent per year. 2 Dynamic Motorization: Auto/Light Truck Fleets Cars and Personal Light Trucks - SUVs/1000 People 1000 100 United States (1910-2003) China (1987-2003) 10 Korea (1970-2002) Japan (1965-2000) W. Germany (1960-1995) 1 $1,000 $100,000 $10,000 GDP/Capita, 1990 USD (PPP) W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005. Figure by MIT OCW. Dynamic Motorization Concerns: Oil Consumption Millions of Tons of Oil Equix 300 200 100 0 -100 Consumption 1974 1979 Production 1984 Exports 1989 1994 1999 2004 W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005. Figure by MIT OCW. 3 Dynamic Motorization Concerns: Air Pollution City Beijing (2000) CO (%) 77 HC (%) 78 NOx (%) 40 Shanghai (2000) 86 96 56 Guangzhou (2000) 84 50 45 W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005. Dynamic Motorization Concerns: Air Pollution City Beijing (2000) CO (%) 77 HC (%) 78 NOx (%) 40 Shanghai (2000) 86 96 56 Guangzhou (2000) 84 50 45 W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005. 4 Dynamic Motorization Concerns: Accidents? NAE, CAE, NRC, 2003. Dynamic Motorization/Urbanization Concerns: Other? 5 China’s Automobile Industry • Now world’s third largest automobile producer • “Pillar” of national economic development plans since 1988 • In 2004, China enacted fuel economy standards that are stricter than US standards • Uncertainties over future vehicle demand composition – i.e., will the trend towards larger, heavier vehicles (SUVs) prevail? • Motor vehicle emission standards now exist – Euro II-equivalent standards already implemented in Shanghai and Beijing W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005. Motor Vehicle Projections… 160 NAS-10 % GDP Growth 140 NAS-8 % GDP Growth NAS-6 % GDP Growth WRI-Baseline 120 WRI-Oil Taxes Millions of Cars WRI-Integrated 100 80 60 40 20 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 W.-S. Ng and Schipper, 2005; NAE, CAE, NRC, 2003. 6 Dynamic Metropolitan-ization: Government Responses One Main Issue: Excessive Density • National Development Standards – Require more parking, wider streets, higher per capita living space – Density Guidelines: • 10,000 – 12,500 persons per square km – Infrastructure guidelines, “road coverage”: • 8-15% for smaller cities; 15-20% for larger cities • Averages, including parallel 2-wheeler streets, parking and pedestrian facilities NAE, CAE, NRC, 2003. Dynamic Metropolitan-ization: Government Responses Another Main Issue: “Privatization” • Municipalities allowed to acquire land and “lease” land (conveyance fees) – 40 (commercial), 50 (ind.), 70 (resid.) year terms – lump sum, up-front payments – Huge source of local government revenues • Municipalities also collect taxes on land • Expropriation – Rural compensation lower than urban… • Break up of the “work unit” model… 7 Time and NMT Share: Commuting Moving Patterns Number of workers Share of NonCommute nonmotorized time motorized transport travel Within sub-districts Beyond subdistricts 161 30.0 121 75.2% 570 34.5 396 69.5% Beyond Total 956 42.8 515 53.9% Parallel 337 42.7 154 45.7% District Inward 105 30.7 81 77.1% Outward 514 45.5 280 54.5% Yang, 2005. 8 Commute Time = f (?) B (Constant) Std. Beta 55.594 T-Stat Sign. 15.425 0.000 Private_motor -30.387 -0.193 -8.504 0.000 Workunit_bus -19.708 -0.230 -8.969 0.000 Walk -48.433 -0.333 -14.573 0.000 Bicycle -31.901 -0.530 -19.430 0.000 Worker>2 3.242 0.43 1.918 0.055 Reluctant 5.895 0.095 4.027 0.000 Affirmative -4.779 -0.080 -3.684 0.000 Income -0.064 -0.035 -1.568 0.117 Beyond_subdistrict 5.451 0.087 2.313 0.021 Beyond_district 9.184 0.153 3.648 0.001 Move_inward -6.326 -0.052 -2.183 0.029 Move_outward 3.694 0.057 2.032 0.042 R2 = 0.261 Yang, 2005. Interpretations & Implications? 9 Dynamic Metropolitan-ization: Impacts Decentralizing forces • Land cheaper on fringe • Rural conversion generates more revenues for municipalities • Growing demand for “campus”-like settings • Government promotion of the “concentrated dispersion” model… 10 Shanghai • During 1990s, MV fleet grew by 30,000-50,000 vehicles per year. • Average density in the range 14,000-40,000 persons per sq. km – NY Metro Area: 4,500 • Recent Years – Massive infrastructure invesments • $10 bn b/w 1991-1996: bridges, tunnel, inner ring road, first subway line – 2000 development plan • 200 kms of rail, 6 BRT corridors; 520 kms of new highways NAE, CAE, NRC, 2003. Motorization Management • Various vehicle restrictions in place – Freight place and time restrictions – High registration fees ($2,500) and purchase taxes (10%) for private cars – Cap of 50,000 new vehicle registrations per year (as of 1998) – Bans/restrictions on many motorized two-wheelers – Also, bans on bicycles in some parts of city • Motorization Rate – ~40 to 60 private vehicles per 1000 persons 11 Shanghai Socioeconomics & Demographics • Average personal incomes increasingly rapidly – Growing income disparity – Still significant low-income population, including “floating” pop. • Larger than national average share of over 65 • Current population growth (official) 0.42% per year – 18-21 million by 2020 Evolution in Income Distribution Income Distribution 60 50 40 1991 1994 1997 2000 30 20 10 20 00 25 00 0 + and be l o w 20 0 0 ~ 3 00 0 3 00 0~ 4 0 00 40 0 0 ~ 5 00 0 50 0 0 ~ 6 0 00 60 0 0 ~ 7 00 0 70 0 0 ~ 8 0 00 80 0 0 ~ 9 00 0 90 00 ~ 10 00 0 1 00 0 0 ~ 2 00 00 2 00 00 ~ 25 00 0 0 Zhao, 2003. 12 Age Distribution Age Distribution in year 2001 25 20 15 Male Female 10 5 98 84 91 63 70 77 49 56 35 42 14 21 28 0 7 0 Zhao, 2003. Trip Rate: Estimated and Expected (Average Daily Trips/Capita) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1996 2005 2010 2020 Zhao, 2003. 13 Shanghai: Mode Share Evolution 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Walking and Bicycle Public Transport 50% Motorized private 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1981 1986 1991 1995 2002 ITDP, 2005. Public Transport Mode Shares Ferry 4% Tax i 19% Subway 7% Bus 70% Zhao, 2003. 14 Shanghai Urban Development Strategy • Monocentricity to polycentricity • Plan for five levels of hierarchical urban structure – CBD, Sub-Centers, Specialized Centers, District Centers, Community Centers – Aim to follow rail… Rail Transit Network and Centers/Sub-Centers 15 Per Capita Living Area 14 12 m2/person 10 8 6 4 2 20 00 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 0 Zhao, 2003. Rail Transit: Achieving its Aims? 16 Rail Transit: Ridership Effects Trip Purposes Year Work School Personal Business Shopping Recreational Other 2000 20.4% 6.6% 3.3% 26.8% 30.5% 12.5% 2002 24.6% 3.8% 4.7% 33.9% 17.4% 15.6% 2003 36.5% 5.2% 10.9% 28.6% 9.4% 9.4% Pan and Zhang, 2005. Rail Transit: Ridership Effects Mode Choice 70% Before Current 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Metro Bus Car Walk Bicyc le Pow ered Bicycle Motorcyc le Other Pan and Zhang, 2005. 17 Rail Transit Effects: Trip Times Pan and Zhang, 2005. Rail Transit Effects: Trip Distribution Pan and Zhang, 2005. 18 Rail Transit Effects: Development 3 2.5 Average FAR 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Inner Buffer Outer Buffer Metro Line-1 Inner Buffer Outer Buffer Inner Buffer Metro Line-2 Outer Buffer Metro Line-3 Pan and Zhang, 2005. Rail Transit Impacts: Figure 9 Changes in Land Use Composition an Development Intensity in Xin-Zhuang Station, Shanghai (See Figure 6 for land use and intensity keys) Land Use Changes at Xin-Zhuang Station Pan and Zhang, 2005. 19 Rail Transit Impacts: Problems with Analysis? 20