MIT OpenCourseWare 11.307 Beijing Urban Design Studio Summer 2008 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: Shougang Urban Nature Tsinghua-MIT Beijing Urban Design Studio July 2008 储㿴ᵸ 㳃∌⟥⨤乌▻浹䖿䋄ⲣ⨤攠⇕ᵪ⚌Ⳁ婼婟伒⋆朷䖬 ⴲ㗆 Eric Gonzalez, Jae Kyung Kim, Yu Qi, Jennifer Tran, and Xu Xu The proposal situates a 2 million square meter zoo on the current Shougang Iron and Steel Factory site. Considered a catalyst for the redevelopment of the industrial site, the zoo attracts multiple programs of education, leisure, com­ merce, offices, housing, and hotels. The project reorganizes the zoo to con­ nect the river to the rest of the city, introducing novel and accessible public spaces to the western part of Beijing. The conceptual backbone of the project rests on the notion of “high” and “low” and the desire to increase public space in the city. How can the site become a sustainable and profitable attraction while accomodating unemployed steel and iron workers? 婼婟尵㵎濣⡀ḓ䶗⚸◮ⳤ㘣山⟝䕂␄᳘ᶵỺ⍊ㆿᴃ䕂⋶ⷓ⅙濨⡀ḓ 墡ⁱ桔捠伊ⲣ䕂䏝㯹⍊ⲣḚ撬杖濨 婼婟悋㽷濣›朼ĩ榖⬀㧟㱆寷ĪƱĩḌ⬀㧟㱆寷Ī濕⋊㒴᳸⚌Ⳁ㊎ ṙ㖲⟘䕂 ⶾ㏼䤸撲Ʋ 婼婟⁃⩷濣◦⚸◮ᳫ墂⃐Ჾ᳨朵䕂Ⅶ䄧▫濕ᶣẁ庙桔捠◮⇸ 䕂⁋ⶾ⊏ƲⅦ䄧▫侻ⳤ㘣ㆿ䶫㑫䕂㱆寷仃濕敍䗾ᵸᶪ◦㨢优斄濕 ⟘䢋⟘㛵䕂⚌Ⳁ⅝侻ᴝ敍ᴉ′尵濕⡀濣㐗佰Ʊ᷏撰Ʊ␄᳘Ʊ⅜Ʊ ḍ⩃Ʊ⩼桄䨇濕Ჾ᳨ノ⅝䕂Ⅶ䄧▫⫄㓭悋㑮ⶾ⊏␄᳘⚸◮䕂Ὢ⇔ ℀濤⋊㒴ハᶪ⫄Ⅶ䄧▫Ḛ᳸伒䮹堽幷䕂㫶⩘㭱⍊᳚幷⚌Ⳁ⇸䕂䵻 ⳤ濕⫄㑮⠅Ʊ⊕㧠庌䕂 䤸撲ⳤ‣⚌Ⳁ堽幷⇸⚝Ʋ bird’s eye view from the west main program - zoo Programs green corridor Tourists Future average value peak value Communication Conservation Recreation Education Reseach 12,000,000 21th century 7,000,000 Beijing Zoo inhabit: mixed income housing Urban safari 8,760,000 20th century Conservation Recreation Education Reseach Forbidden City 6,000,000 Landscape immersion 19th century Recreation Education Reseach Summer Palace 5,000,000 develop nodes: mixed used program near transportation stations Tranditional enclosures Great Wall before 1800 Demonstration of wealth and power Pleasure Reseach 3,000,000 proft: commerce along main roads and green corridors Tranditional enclosures Amusement Park in Shenzhen 8UEDQ]RRV 8UEDQ]RRV ජᏖࡼ⠽ು ජᏖࡼ⠽ು 2SHQUDQJH]RRV 2SHQUDQJH]RRV 䚞䞢ࡼ⠽ು 䚞䞢ࡼ⠽ು 6DIDULSDUNV 6DIDULSDUNV 䞢⫳ࡼ⠽ು 䞢⫳ࡼ⠽ು $QLPDOWKHPHSDUNV $QLPDOWKHPHSDUNV ࡼ⠽Џ乬݀ು ࡼ⠽Џ乬݀ು 5HVFXHV 5HVFXHV 㞾✊ֱᡸऎ 㞾✊ֱᡸऎ 3HWWLQJ]RRV 3HWWLQJ]RRV ܓスࡼ⠽ು ܓスࡼ⠽ು 6SHFLDOL]HG]RRV 6SHFLDOL]HG]RRV ϧ乍ࡼ⠽ು ϧ乍ࡼ⠽ು 5RDGVLGH]RRV 5RDGVLGH]RRV 䏃䖍ࡼ⠽ು 䏃䖍ࡼ⠽ು reuse and educate: satellite campus for zoological and ecological study and public educaton 8UEDQVDIDUL 0 100 200 300 ජᏖ䞢⫳ࡼ⠽ು connect program with program: corridors along site’s width 400 500 600 700 800 million yuan striate 2 & 3: central park and edge park San Diego Zoo Bronx Zoo Tourists——restaurants——recreation——Shops——housing Housing——residents——supermarkets——shopping malls More tourists——expositions——offices extend, and reorganize city grid Restaurants Shops Housing Residents Supermarkets More tourists Shops City center Phase2 park Offices the proposal Phase1 zoo Tourists Expositions river Shopping mall Recreation park commerce, housing, education, offices... Woodland Park Zoo park park Riverbanks Zoo education commerce, housing, education, offices... striate 1: redevelop riverside with 2 million square meter zoo buffer (landscape +program) hotel Beijing Zoo Phase3 hotel information park park park ḑ婼婟 ⯭⊏䉐⛔⑳⤎❲仦✗何ṵ㰟⮁㲚㻏㰛✗⌡Ə⊏䉐⛔⯠⤎Ỿ⻧㔥˛ạ ồ⏖㋌㛰Ẓ⎾⊏䉐⛔⑳➵ⷩ㙖凛䙫䉠㜪Ə⏳㗝Ṇ僤Ἲ橳✏憵嶊Ḕ䔆 㴢䙫ḷ嶊˛ 宥何㷬⌵⤎⭍䙫⇭㠈Əḡ⊏䉐⭍⑳䔆⭍᷺ḁ䙫⭍䔆ồ暭Ḕ⭍ṇ㣴 䉐⑳⊏䉐䉐䦴㎷ᾂ宼橳⟡✗˛ 䔏亦『䙫仦剙䩡旛⽉ㇷ⟡✗䙫人㝫㠭㞝Ə⹝享亮ạồ䙫㴢⊏˛䬰巄 䙫亦『䩡旛⑳檿⠻ḃ奦⏸⻝Ə崖䩦㕛ḑ⟡✗Ə⏳㗝⅌➵ⷩḔƏ ὃḡ倻䳢➵ⷩ䔆㴢䙫交⸍˛ ZOO-zone A furnace park hotel ZOO-zone B restaurant ZOO-zone C landmark tower-hotel ZOO-zone D convention center bamboo forest aquarium ZOO-zone E animal hospital market education zoo office history museum ZOO-zone F cafeteria ZOO-zone G shop ZOO-zone H bird’s eye view from the east The Masterplan The masterplan acknowledges the riverside as a potential site of leisure for both locals and tourists. The proposed zoo and green areas occupy the riverside in a gesture of publicness. The zoo, as we imagine, is open to the public for a nominal fee. Not to be mistaken for an overly idealistic masterplan, however, the project includes exclusive hotels and priveleged views of the zoo and the city. Those who can afford the experience, may pay to live in the wilderness. The project is more than just a tourist site. We propose a satellite campus of Tsinghua University. Students from the Departments of Zoology and Ecology will conveneintly study plants and animal species on a first-hand basis. Stu­ dents, faculty, and support staff may comprise a permament population of the Shougang site. Linear green spaces organize the site and activities. A developer’s dream, the central park offers scenic views from flanking buildings. Additionally, corri­ dors of landscape and program run across the width of the site -from the river to the eastern edge. These finger-like corridors both separate zones within the zoo, and extend into the city, acting as strips of circulation. Placed equidistant from each other, each finger generally includes a monorail stop and direct en­ trance into the zoo. central park green band fingers Land uses residential commercial green area multi-use educational and public industrial (technology) green area and plaza section A inner transportation river hotel 0m park commerce housing 50m preserved buildings the inner view of the hotel the outside view of the hotel road zoo furnace No.4 and the landmark hotel marsh Zooming In: The Panda Reserve plan - panda area Existing cooling towers and a triangular shaped plaza mark the entrance to panda viewing area. A buffering zone of mini bamboo forests and educational and commercial programs separate the zoo from the city. These programs are arranged in alternating bands, allowing pandas access to bamboo and people access to buildings. hotel mini bamboo forest zoology department student housing zoology library ecology department In our proposal, Furnace 4 is converted into one of the main monorail sta­ tions. It is conventiently situated near the Panda Reserve, an area that will surely become a major draw for the zoo. student housing zoology labs mini bamboo forest panda reserve panda viewing platform plaza 兀㽷濣䁈䇩桄 covered walkway housing shopping mall/ hotel 䎗㛰䙫↞⍛⠻⑳ᷧḑᷰ妹⽉䙫⻡䬸享⏯Ə㝫ㇷ䅱䌒業妩㙖⌡䙫⅌ ⏊˛ mini bamboo forest main monorail station ᷧ䈮⯶杉䧖Ἥ勩⮭䙫䫠㝾人⏯㕀備⑳┭ḁḔ⾪ⷪ何Ə⯭⅓⛔⑳➵ ⷩ⇭晻⻧˛㕀備⑳┭ḁḔ⾪㍹⇾ṵ仦⋽⸍ḔƏạồ⏖Ọ态微忀Ẃ 仦⸍忂⅌⻡䬸Ə䅱䌒Ṇ⏖Ọ䔘㭋㎌徸䫠㝾Əạ⑳⊏䉐徿㛰㜡ἁ徸 巄䦢㎌姍˛ panda museum and restaurant shopping mall/ ✏宥守ḔƏ⏞檿䁰㘖ᷧḑḢ奨䙫⌼彏䫀䂠Ə⭪ḡ⊏䉐⛔䙫憴䂠 ✗⌡ăă䅱䌒業㎷ᾂṭ㝨ḡᾦ㍞䙫ẋ态˛ mini bamboo forest cafe and viewing tower information and entrance gate section B mountain panda reserve panda plaza entrance commerce park commerce monorail housing panda hotel 0m furnace 4 50m central park furnace-monorail station the inner view of the furnace monorail