RTTOV-7: A satellite radiance simulator for the new millennium R Saunders, M Matricardi, P Brunel S English and G Deblonde What is RTTOV Latest developments from RTTOV-6 to 7 Validation results for RTTOV-7 How to get it 00/XXXX 1 Acknowledgements NWP Satellite Application Facility A Collard, P Rayer, S English, E Carroll/F Smith M Matricardi, F Chevallier, G Kelly, Erik Andersson, D Salmond P Brunel G Deblonde, V Sherlock, T Kleespies EUMETSAT for partial funding 00/XXXX 2 Other RTTOV related talks/posters 00/XXXX M Matricardi New transmittance predictors/AIRS F Chevallier Diverse profile datasets V Sherlock Gastropod for AIRS simulations T Kleespies Inclusion of OPTRAN in RTTOV 3 Fast Model Approaches (profile TOA radiances) Linear regression (profile optical depth) – On fixed pressure levels – On fixed absorber overburden layers (OPTRAN) 00/XXXX Physical method Look up tables Neural nets 4 History of RTTOV RTTOV-3 released in 1993 by ECMWF Eyre, (1991) – 40 levels mixed gases, 15 levels H2O – Based on 32 NESDIS profile dataset and ITPP TOVSRAD RTTOV-5 released in 1999 Saunders et al (1999) – 43 levels for mixed gases, H2O and O3. – Based on 43 TIGR profile dataset and GENLN2/MPM-89/92 – FASTEM 00/XXXX RTTOV-6 released in Apr 2000 SAF report RTTOV-7 released Feb 2002 SAF report 5 RTTOV-6 model 00/XXXX Statistical regression of layer optical depths with profile variables on fixed pressure levels for mixed gases, water vapour and ozone IR optical depths based on GENLN2, HITRAN-96/CKD2.1 in range 500 - 3000 cm-1 MW optical depths based on MPM 89/92 Line by Line models 43 diverse TIGR profile dataset used to compute coeffs for model (dependent set) 6 RTTOV-6 model (cont) 00/XXXX Includes fast surface emissivity models (ISEM for IR and FASTEM for MW) at least over water, more work needed over land Includes simplistic treatment of cloud Code written in F77 & F90 and available through SAF (RTTOV-6 has > 40 users worldwide including major NWP centres) Variety of different sensors supported (next slide) 7 Recent RTTOV developments 00/XXXX Improved water vapour and ozone optical depth predictors (ECMWF) Multi-layer clouds, more realistic emissivities and random overlap assumption have been added for both IR and MW External routines (ECMWF) Update of microwave sea surface emissivity model FASTEM to FASTEM-2 (METO/MSC) Inclusion of cosmic background radiation (MSC) Addition of high spectral resolution sounders (ECMWF) and SSMI(S) (MSC/METO) Code rewritten in standard F90,vectorised and made threadsafe (MeteoFrance/ECMWF) Separate coefficient files for each sensor (MeteoFrance) New web site (METO) 8 Satellite sensors supported by RTTOV-6/7 Chan # Sensor HIRS MSU SSU AMSU-A AMSU-B AVHRR SSMI VTPR1 VTPR2 TMI SSMIS AIRS MODIS ATSR MVIRI SEVIRI GOES-Imager GOES-Sounder GMS imager FY2-VISSR FY1-MVISR *channels 19-23 are not simulated accurately 00/XXXX 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 to 19 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 15 1 to 5 3b to 5 1 to 7 1 to 8 1 to 8 1 to 9 1 to 24 1 to 2378 1 to 17 1 to 3 1 to 2 4 to 11 1 to 4 1 to 18 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 Italics RTTOV-7 only How to validate RTTOV? – Use an independent set of profiles (e.g. ECMWF diverse 117 profile set) but with same LbL model computed transmittances » Gives estimate of inherent model accuracy of trasmittances and TOA radiances – Fast model comparisons (e.g. Garand et al 2001, Gastropod) of radiances and jacobians » Gives performance of model compared to others – Line-by-line model comparisons (e.g. ISSWG LIE) » Gives estimate of underlying LbL model accuracy – Comparisons with real satellite data using NWP fields 00/XXXX 10 Validation of AMSU-B transmittances Dashed RTTOV-6; solid RTTOV-7 00/XXXX 11 Dependent vs independent statistics HIRS 1-20 AMSU 21-40 00/XXXX 12 Validation of radiances HIRS HIRS 1-20 00/XXXX 13 AMSU 21-40 Validation of jacobians AMSU 21-40 HIRS 1-20 00/XXXX 14 Garand fast model intercomparison for HIRS channels RTTOV 5 and 6 00/XXXX 15 SSMI(S) Filters Center 1st IF 2nd IF Bandwidth* PolarizaEFOV** Frequency (MHz) (MHz) per passband tion along scan (GHz) (MHz) (km) 1 50.3 0. 0. 380.0 H 17.6 2 52.8 0. 0. 388.8 H 17.6 3 53.596 0. 0. 380.0 H 17.6 4 54.40 0. 0. 382.5 H 17.6 5 55.50 0. 0. 391.3 H 17.6 6 57.29 0. 0. 330.0 H 17.6 7 59.4 0. 0. 238.8 H 17.6 8 150.0 1250. 0. 1642. H 13.2 9 183.31 6600. 0. 1526. H 13.2 10 183.31 3000. 0. 1019. H 13.2 11 183.31 1000. 0. 512.5 H 13.2 12 19.35 0. 0. 355.0 H 44.8 13 19.35 0. 0. 356.7 V 44.8 14 22.235 0. 0. 407.5 V 44.8 15 37.0 0. 0. 1615. H 27.5 16 37.0 0. 0. 1545. V 27.5 17 91.655 900. 0. 1418. V 13.2 18 91.655 900. 0. 1411. H 13.2 19 63.283248 285.271 0. 1.36 H+V 17.6 20 60.792668 357.892 0. 1.35 H+V 17.6 21 60.792668 357.892 2. 1.29 H+V 17.6 22 60.792668 357.892 5.5 2.62 H+V 17.6 23 60.792668 357.892 16. 7.32 H+V 17.6 24 60.792668 357.892 50. 26.5 H+V 17.6 * measured for this unit prior to launch ** raw data resolution (prior to on-board averaging) based on measured half-power beamwidth and spacecraft altitude of 833 km Channel Number 00/XXXX 16 EFOV** 90 to scan (km) 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 73.6 73.6 73.6 45.0 45.0 15.5 15.5 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 NeT (K) for 305K Scene* 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.22 0.26 0.25 0.53 0.56 0.39 0.38 0.35 0.34 0.45 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.19 1.23 1.18 0.86 0.58 0.37 0.38 SSMIS brightness temps 00/XXXX 17 Validation of jacobians 00/XXXX 18 NWP O-B scan angle stats RTTOV-5 00/XXXX 19 RTTOV-7 Validation of HBHT RTTOV-5 Model background error as HIRS-12 radiance RTTOV-7 00/XXXX 20 New water vapour spectroscopy Using Toth revision of the water vapour spectroscopy, resulted in a better agreement between observations and simulations 00/XXXX 21 Summary 00/XXXX RTTOV-7 now available with improved water vapour and ozone simulation for both IR and MW channels Smoother jacobians More realistic cloudy radiances can be computed using RTTOVCLD routines Improved simulation of MW surface emissivity AIRS/SSMIS/FY radiance simulation included 22 better assimilation Future plans RTTOV-8 Improve interface with NWP model levels Update LbL dependent transmittances with latest spectroscopy Optimise predictors (number, robustness) Improve fast land surface emissivity models and extend range of ISEM-6 Add solar reflection Include precipitation in state vector for microwave Add more variable gases (e.g. CH4, N2O, CO2) Add IASI simulation capability 00/XXXX 23 RTTOV-7 Distribution http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/ Requests: email rttov.nwpsaf@metoffice.com or fax request to me on +44-1344-854026 I will reply with a 2 page licence form to sign which you then fax to number above RTTOV-7 code is then distributed via ECMWF data services: data.services@ecmwf.int on requested format/medium Two formats: » Compressed unix tar file of F90 code+files » CDROM of F90 code+files Media: ftp transfer or CDROM Documentation + updates available from NWP-SAF web page above. RTTOV-6 is also available (e.g. for F77 users) Please give feedback on any bugs by email to: rttov.nwpsaf@metoffice.com 00/XXXX 24 RTTOV-7 Documentation/Updates http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/ Users guide (overview, installation, testing, interfaces) Science and validation plan (overview of new science and links to papers/reports giving more details, validation results documented here). Technical report (details of software architecture, file formats and interfaces) SAF reports on RTTOV (access from web page) Bugs and fixes (alerts on RTTOV email list, details on web page) 00/XXXX 25