SD 43 3 "7 1=0I2EIGN WOODS IMuORTED INT O THE UNITED STATE S (IncludinE a list of Importers and Dealers June 1951 No. 8887 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOREST SERVIC E FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison 5, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsi n • FOREIGN WOODS IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATE S (Including a List- of Importers and Dealers ) BY Forest Products Laboratory,? Forest Servic e U . S . Departnnent of Agriculture The Forest Products Laboratory is frequently called ilpon for WO' ;=' tion as to the identity of various foxexgn woods used in the Unitd , Stfafe'S =Idn d where such woods may be obtained . To answer such inquiries this compilation . has been' prepared from informa.tiop furn .shed by dealers . The compilation i s in two parts, , (1) a list of the woods reported, arranged by common ,or trade .i names, and (2)'a list of, the fi .rlas that handle these *oocl . Many of YiiWh"mds imported have several common names, and in a number of cases the same name , i rs in use for several distinctly different roods . The uee of the botanical (Latin) name is therefore necessary in order to definitely indicate what woo d is meant . In a few instances there is sow question concerning the correc t botanical we . These lints will be revised from time to - time as new infotia'a tion becomes available . - IA list of "Some Reference Books on Domestic and Foreign 1"Toods U _ No . R1479) and a number of information leaflets about the imported species are available on request from the Forest Ppg*Rqpl Laboratory . rs' y :' -Maintained at Madison, Wis . ; In cooperation Wisconsin . mimed ., e Rept. No. R887 (revised 1951) -1- gtureMadison' Imported Wood s The common or trade names are given first and are followed by the botanical name and the country of origin . The numbers listed after the name s refer to the dealers by whom the woods are imported, together with the for m of the material : logs, lumber, or veneer, when that information was available . (See pages 9 to 11 . ) Agba Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum Harms . (Vilest Africa) 11, 19, 30 . Cariniana sp . (South America) 12 . Albarco Almon Shorea eximia (Miquel) Scheffer (Philippine Islands) 29 . Amboyna Burl Pterocarpus dalbergioides Roxb . (=P . indicus Willd .) (Eas t Indies) 12 . Andiroba -- see Crabwood . Apitong Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Blanco (Philippine Islands, etc .) 18, 23 , 29, 38 . Araucaria, Brazilian or "Parana pine" Araucaria angustifolia (Bert . ) 0 . Ktze . (Brazil) (-=A . brasiliana A . Rich .) 18, '37, 3F . Zanthoxylum (=Fagara) (Panama) 40 . Arcabu Pouteria (probably P . guianensis Aubl .) (Guianas) Asepoko 13 . Ash, English Fraxinus excelsior L . (Europe) 12 . Ash, Japanese ("Tamo") Fraxinus sieboldiana Blume (Japan) 9, 37 . Avodire Turreanthus africana Pell and T . vignei Hutch . and J . M . Dalz . (West Africa) L, ' 1, 12, 15, 21, 24, 25, 26, 33, 35, 38, 39 , Ayous -- see Obeche . Azobe -- see Ekki . Bagtikan Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill (Philippine Islands) 29 . Balsa Ochroma lagopus Sw . (Tropical America) 1, 18, 26, 38 . Banak Virola spp . (Tropical America) 8, 34 . Beech, European Fagus sylvatica L . (Europe) 9, 38 . Beech, Japanese Bintangoer Fagus japonica Max . (Japan) 37 . Calophyl]um spp . (East Indies) Rept . No . R887 -2- 27 , . Birch, Canadian Betula bpi). (Canada) , 38 . , Birch,_ Japanese Betula spp . (Japan) 9, 37, 38 . Blackwood, African Dalber - ia melanox lon Guill . ahd-' Fer ! {-T Boxwood Gossypiospermum praecox (Tropical America), Bubinga Copaifera spp . (West (Grs ) ? . Vdilsn Brosimum alicastrum Sw . (Tropical America) 387-- Cativo Prioria copaifera Gris, (Teol5i6a,l .America) 8 . Cedro, Espinoso Crabwood ,. Cedrela spp . (Tropical America) 8, -1T, 18, 24, 32, 3h, X 3'5, 36 , Bombacopsis-fendleri Pittier (Tropical America) 40 . Carapa spp . (TropicalAmerica) Cherry, Japanese (Asada) Cortez 1 ;. ,^) Cedrela spp t (Tropical America) J, ,40 . Cedro, Amargo Cedro Macho .. _ Africa) 2! Capomo Cedar, Spanish 37, 38 . r c :) , (`=Casearia praecox ( ,r• is )'' • Manilkarabidentata (A fi DC .) A . Chev . (4Iimusops_bidenta Bulletwood Cocobolo • 4eaxl-4m! 5, 8, 32 . Prunus spp . (Japan) 37 . Dalbergia spp . (Tr.opic_al America) 8, 15, 18, 26 . Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq,) Nichols "vel .aff." (Tropical Awr oa) . Carapa guianensis Aubl . (Tropical America) . 13 .. Dab'ema -- see Dahoma . Dahoma Piptadenia africana,,Hook . f . (West Africa) 2 . Dao Dracontomel.umdao (Blanco) Merr . and Rolfe (Philippine Islands) 4, 15, 26 . Doussie Afzelia spp . (_Fxanc.h Vest Africa) 2 . Ebony (kind not given) Diospxros spp . 15, _ (Ceylon) 18, (French Africa) 21 . Ebony, East Indian Diosoyr os jntana Roxb . (Malaya) 12 . Ebony, Gaboon Dios-evros de do Welw . (Africa) 38 . Ebony, Macassar Diospyros nacassar A, Chev . (Indoie Ebony, Mozambique -- see Blackwood, African . Rept . No . R887 -3 - % :a 1 Ekki Lophira alata var . procera B . Davy (West Africa) 2, 21 . Ekops (?) Berlinia-spp . (West Africa) 2 . Aucoumea klaineana Pierre (West Africa) 21, 34 . Gaboon Enterolobium spp . (Tropical America) 35, 38 . Genizero Geroenggang Cratoxylon spp . (Indonesia, Malaya) 27 . Goncalo alves Grand Bassam Astronium fraxinifolium Schott (Brazil) 3 . Khaya ivorensis A . Chev . (West Africa) 7 . Ocotea rodioei (Schomb,) Mez (Northern South America) 13, 34, 38 . Greenheart Grenadille, d'Afrique -- see Blackwood, African . Guanacaste -- see Genizero . Guayacan -- see Cortez . Guijo Shorea guiso (Blanco) Blume (Philippine Islands) 29 . Gum, Grey Eucalyptus punctata DC . (Australia) 18 . Gum, Spotted Eucalyptus maculata Hook (Australia) 38 . Hura crepitans L . (Tropical America) 35 . Habillo Harewood (Greywood) Acer pseudoplatanus L . (Europe) 26 . Harewood Zanthoxylum spp . -- see Satinwood, West Indian . 'Ilomba Pycnapthus kombo Warb . (West Africa) 2, 21 . Imbuia Ireme Phoebe porosa (Nees and Mart .) Mez (Brazil) 40 . Terminalia ivorensis A . Chev . (rest Africa) 4 . Ironbark Eucalyptus sp . (Australia) 7 . Ironbark, grey Eucalyptus paniculata Sm . (Australia) 18, 29 . Ironbark, red (broadleaved) Ironbark, red (narrowleaved) (Australia) 18, 29 . Jarrah Eucalyptus siderophloia Benth . (Australia) 18, 38 . Eucalyptus racemosa Cav . ( E . crebra F .V .•M . ) Eucalyptus marginata Sm . (Australia) 29 . Kabukalli Goupia glabra Aubl . (South America) 13 : Rapt . No . R887 -14- Ck'51'n ;v., .- TcPS P. Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn . f . (Malaya) 27 . Kapur Cercidiphyllum japonicum S. and Z . '( apan) 37' . Katsura Icautaballi Licania spp . (Tropical America) 13 . Enterolobium spp . (Tropical APehca) 10, 25, A .,- - Kelobra Kempas Koompassia malaccensis Maing ; ex.' Benth. (Malaya-)'27 . ' Keruing Dipterocarpus spp, (Malaya) 27 , Khaya -- see Mahogany,' African . Koa ' • Acacia koa A . Gray (Hawaii) 15 , "Korina" Terminalia superba Engl .' and Diels . ' (c'r'est Africa) 11 ; 16., ..1.1 , '2114 "6 . Kurokai Protium spp . (Tropical America) 13 . Cardwellia sublimis F.v.M. (Australia) 12, 15 . Lacewood Lauan, red Shorea polysperma (Bianco) Merrill (Philippine MaAl4m.! ' Pentacme contorta, Merrill and Rolfe' (Pl i:ppine Island `' 19 :' f"''41 Lauan, white Lignumvitae ; Guaiacum spp . (Tropical America) 5, 8, 15,.8y-'22, 26 ;` Limba (see "Korina") Termi_nalia superba Engl . and Diels . 19 : 21, 30, 35 . .,- 38 . (test1lri_ca4) - Hymehaea courbaril L. (Hymenaea davisii) (Tropical America) : 3 . Locust Swietenia spp . (Trop eal America) 4, 5 ;6, 8-, 9', 12, A, 15, 18, 20, 25, 26, 28, 31, 3?, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 . Mahogany Mahogany, African Klima. spp . (ti" est Africa) 4, 9, 10, 12, 20,&;'24, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39 . Mahogany, Philippine Maidu Burls 26;,, 4, 9, 16, .18, 23, 29, 35, 37, 38, 41 . Pterocarpus pedatus Pierre (French Indo China) 12 . Makore Mimusobs heckelii Hutch,. and Dalz ; (Nest Africa) 24. Manggasinc yellow lauan) Islands) 4 . Manni chorea philippinensis Brandis (Phiiippirie Symphonia globulifera L . f . (Tropical America_a .d West ..Africa) 13 .. Manniballi ' Moronobea coccinea Aubl . (Northern South Ame-rim 13'. Maple, Queensland '(also butts) Rept . No . R887 'lixidersia : •brayleyana= -F, (Australia) -5- ' : Maria -- see Santa Mari a Medang Dehahasia sp . (Lauraceae) (Malaya) 27 . Melavis Gonystytus spp . (Malaya) 27 . Mengkulang Tarretia spp . (Malaya) y•,,, Meranti ~ red or dark red Shorea spp . (Malaya) 27 . Meranti, white Meranti, yellow Intsia palembanica Baker (Malaya) 27 . Merbau Anisoptera spp . (Malaya) 27 . Mersawa Monkey Pot Lecythis davisi.i Sandw . (British Guiana) 13 . Mora excelsa Benth . (Tropical America) 13 . Morabukea Narra Mora gonggri jpii (Kleinh .) Sandw. (The Guianas) -. 13 . Pterocarpusindicus 'illd . and P. vidalianas Rolfe (Philippine Islands and Netherlands East Indies) 15, 29 . New Guineawood Nyatoh Shorea spp . (Malaya) 27 . Hopea spp . (Malaya) 27 . Merawan Mora Shorea spp .. Dracontomelum mangiferum Bl . (Malaya, East Indies) )4 , 10 , Palaquium spp . (Malaya) 27 . Oak, English brown Quercus robur L•, and Q.sessiliflora, Salisb . (England) 26 . Oak, European (English, French, Slavonian) flora Salisb . (Europe) 9, 15, 38 . Oak, Japanese Oak, Pollard Quercus robur L . and Q . sessili - Quercus spp . (Japan) 9, 15, 37, 38 . Quercus robur L . (Europe) 9, 12 . Triplochiton sclerocylon K . Schum, (Vest Africa) 15, 24, 26 . Obeche (Ayous) Ojoche * . (Iu~alaya e ;) _2,~j~ . : + .. Brosimum alicastrum Sw . (Tropical America) 12 . 0koume -- see Gaboon . Orientalwood Endiandra palmerstoni C . T . White (Australia) 4, 12, 26'. . Padauk, African Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub . (West Africa) 15 . Padauk, Andaman Pterocarpus dalbergioides (East Indi .es) 15 ; 20 , Rapt . No . R887 -6- Padauk, Burma Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz . (Burma) 15 . ' • . i' Pal Dao -- see Dao Peroba do Campos - - t. Paratecoma peroba (Record) Kuhim . (Brazil) 3, 15 . Pine, Parana -- see Araucaria, - J cT P Pochote (name also applied to Bombax Pachira, and Ceiba) (Jacq .) Dugand (Tropical America) 35 . t Bombacopsis quinatum Primavera Cybistax donnell-smithii (Rose) Seibert (Tropical America) 4, 5, 8 , 12, 15, 18, 24, 26, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39 . Purpleheart Peltogyne spp . (Tropical America) 12, 13 . Rosa Morada Lonchocarpus spp . (Tropical America- Pan-tropical) 38 . ` Rosewood, Brazilian Dalbergia nigraFr . Allem . (and other Dalbergia spp . ) (Tropical America) 3, 4, 12, -1 , 18, 20, 24, 26, 38 . Rosewood, Indian Calophyllum brasiliense Camb . (Tropical America) 8 . Santa Maria Sapele Dalbergia spp . (India) 18, 26 . Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague (Vilest Africa) 4, 15, 24, 25, 26 , 33, 35 . Satinwood, Indian Chloroxylon swietenia DC . (India and Ceylon) 4, . 12 , i5, 24East . Satinwood, West Indian (see Harewood) Sen Kalopanax ricinifolium iaiq. (Japan) 9, 37 . Endospermum malaccense Muell .-Arg . (Malaya) 27 . Sendok-sendok Sepetir Sindora spp . (Malaya) 27 . Shina, Japanese (Basswood) or Shinanoki Silverballi Simarupa Sipo Xanthoxylum spp .. (West Indies) 12, 15 . Tilia spp . (Japan) 37 . Ocotea spp . (Tropical America) 13 . Simaruba amara Aubl . (Tropical America - Guianas) 13 . - Entandrophragma utile Sprague (West Africa) 21 . lt Sonoro" -- see Manggasinoro . Tallowood Tamo Eucalyptus microcorys F.v.M. (Australia) 18 . Fraxinus spp . (Japan) 12 . Rept . . No . . R887 -7 J Tanguile Teak Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merrill (Philippine Islands) 29 . Tectona grandis L .f. (India, Burma, Thailand) 5, 7, 15, 16, 17, 1 26, 37, 38, 39 . Thuya Burl Tetraclinis articulata Masters (Morocco,-Algeria) 12 . ' Tigerwood Lovoa klaineana Pierre ex Sprague (West Africa) 4, 10., 24 . Tulipwood Dalbergia spp . (Brazil) 12 . Wallaba E_erua falcata Aubl . (Guianas) 13 . Walnut, African -- see Tigerwood . Walnut, Brazilian Phoebe porosa (Nees and Mart .) Mez . (Brazil) 18 . . Walnut, English or Circassian Juglahs regia L. (Northern Hemisphere ;Btrop:e,, Caucasia, India, China) 9, 12 . r Walnut, Queensland -- see Orientalwood . Wamara Swartzia7 .eiocalycina Bth . (Tropical America) 13 : Yacal Hopeap-i .agaya (Blanco) Vidal (Philippine Islands) 29 . Zebrawood Macrolob_um spp . (West Africa) 14, - 10, 15, 214 . Zingana .(?)Brachystegia, (?)Cynometra, (?)Microberlinia (rest Africa) 21 . Rept . No . R887 -8- DEALERS IN FOREIGN WOODS tl '1 'L " IS a . rta (Partial List)r Lumber . 1. Balsa Ecuador Lumbor• -Cenp:, , 500 Fi ' h k-` * titw York 2. Bois du Cameroun, Eseka, French Cameroun, West Africa . . Some 1Q:gs, Lrer . 3. Corey, M . M ., 3208 Arsenal St ., St, . Louis 18, Mo . Logs, lumber . Nc Y .• • If 4. Dean Co ., 666 Lake Shore br ., Chicago 11, Ill . logs, lumber, veneer : 5. Dieckmann, J . H., Jr ., 110 Sutter St., San Francisco 4, Calif . lumber . r'' Logs , 6. Dixie Lumber Co ., Inc ;, 8201 Fig St ., New Orleans 9, La . Lumber . 7 . East Asiatic CO ., Inc ., 465 California St . ; San , Frame .; co it, Calif : Lumber, teneer . 8. Fadrique, P ., 4213 S . Robertson St ., New Orleans 15, La, Logs,,l ber .- 9 . Fordom Forest Products Corp. : 52 Vanderbilt Ave ., New York 17, N . X,.:, Logs, lumber, veneer, and plywood . 0 _:,.: 10 . Foreign & IIomestic Veneers, Inc ., 108 S . 10th St .,. . Lok sh Veneer . 11. 1e; 2 Forsyth ,Hardwood Co ., 355 Bay Shore Blvd ., San. Francisop„ .Gaiif- . -- :nTarnber . 12 . Freiberg Mahogany Co ., Findlay & McLean Ave ., Cincinnati 14, M.o . Chiefly veneer, some logs and lumber .. . .0 . 13 . Greenheart & Wallaba Timber Co ., Inc,, 52 Vanderbilt Ave ., New. York l7 , N . Y ., Logs, lumber . . 14 . Gulf Enterprises, Inc ., Napoleon Ave . (P..O.Box 52'46), New Orleans 15; 4. Lumber . 15. Hawes & Co ., Inc ., Willard, 419 E . 48th St ., New York 17, N . Y .,. Lambe r . 16. Holt & Bugbee Co ., 243 Medford St ., Charlestown 29, Maas . amber . 17 . Indiana M&.hogany Co ., 5Oih A'y . .•& Vetnsg B .arc ;.,' .Ti Lumber . City N . Y. - 18 . International Trading Corp ., 214 Second Ave . Bldg ., Seattle 4, Wash. Lumber, some logs, little veneer . -Imports numerous kinds of wood, not listed individually, frog A.fri,,c , r_. .,~ , Far East, Australia, Asia, Central and South America . Rept . No. R88-7 -9- 19 . Kalt Lumber Co ., 324 E . 64th St ., New York 21, N . Y . Lumber . 20. Keith Lumber Co ., 2350 Laflin St., Chicago 8, Ill . Lumber . 21 . Kohn Lumber, Inc ., Henri, 500 Fifth Ave ., New York 18, N . Y . Chiefl y logs, some lumber, little veneer . 22. Lignum-Vitae Products Corp ., 96-100 Boyd Ave . Jersey City 4, N . J . Lumber , 23. Mahogany Importing Co ., 621 S . Spring St ., Los Angeles 14, Calif . Lumber . 24 . Marshall, Ltd ., william L ., 427 E, 10th St ., New York 9, N . Y . Chiefl y veneer, some logs and lumber . 25. Mengel Co ., 1122 Dumesnil St ., Louisville 1, Ky . Veneer . 26 . Monteath Co ., J . H ., 2500 Park Ave . at E . 135th St ., New York 51, N. Y . Logs, lumber, veneer . 27. Morgand, J . P . L ., 11 E . 78th St ., New York 21, N. Y . Lumber . 28. Robinson Lumber Co ., 1127 Hibernia Bldg ., New Orleans, La. Lumber . 29. Scrim Lumber Co ., 111 W. 7th St ., Los Angeles 14, Calif . Lumber . 30 . Societe Agricole et Forestiere du Mayumbe, 11 W . 42nd St ., New York 18 , N . Y . Lumber . 31 . Stem, Inc ., Chester B ., 716 Grant Line Rd ., New Albany, Ind . Lumber , veneer . 32 . Stewart Lumber Co ., Metropolitan & Woodward Aves ., Brooklyn 6, N. Y . Lumber . 33 . Thompson Mahogany Co ., Edmund St . & Bleigh Ave ., Philadelphia 36, Pa . Lumber, veneer . 34 . Trans-Oceanic Trading Co ., 711 United Fruit Bldg ., New Orleans 12, La . Logs, lumber, some veneer and plywood . 35 . Van Keulen & Winchester Lumber Co., 1047 Elizabeth Ave ., Grand Rapids , Mich . Lumber . 36. Weis-Fricker Mahogany Co ., Box 391, Pensacola, Fla . Lumber . 37. Western Hardwood Lumber Co ., 2104 E . 15th St ., Los Angeles, Calif . Lumber . - Also imports miscellaneous Brazilian hardwoods . Rept . No. R887 -10 - 0 11 ..',_ 38 . 39. White Brothers, 2150 Oakdale Ave ., San Francisco 24, Calif ., and 500 High St ., Oakland 1, Calif . Chiefly lumber, some logsi Williams & Sons, Ichabod T ., 220 Eleventh Ave ., New York 1; N . Ys Logs, lumber, veneer . 40. Willis & Co ., C . F ., 136 Liberty St ., New York 6, Ns Y. I Lumber . 41 . Wizade-McCormick Lumber Co . ) 295 Medford St ., Charlestown 29, Masao: Lumber . s, ;1 ' 51. ... Rep-b . No . R887 -11- J l