CULTURE ROO M PARTIAL LIST CF RFFLRENCF WCRES ON PULP AN® IDAIDL R Revised May 195 9 No . 564 L! ~— .1111 .1 11 :1: 11.111111111 .1111111111 1' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . Il iri FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y MADISON 5, WISCONSIN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOREST SERVIC E In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin A PARTIAL LIST OF REFERENCE WORKS ON PULP AND PAPE R General information regarding pulp and paper making can often be obtained by consulting general encyclopedias and technical handbooks . These may be found in technical and general libraries, where it ma y also be possible to secure some of the following references specificall y relating to this subject. However, if any of them are especially de sired and cannot be obtained otherwise, they may be bought from th e publishers or through the larger book dealers . American paper and pulp association. The dictionary of paper ; includin g pulps, boards, paper properties, and related papermaking terms . 2d ed. The Association, 1951 . 393 p . $6 .50 . American pulp and paper mill superintendents association . Yearbook and program . 337 S . LaSalle St . , Chicago 4, Ill . The Association. Issue d annually to members . American Society for Testing Materials . ASTM standards on paper and pape r products ; prepared by Corn . D-6 on paper and paper products in Part 6 . Philadelphia, The Society . 1958 . 500 p . on paper and paper product s $10 .00 . Bettendorf, H . J. Paperboard and paperboard containers : a history . Rev . version . Chicago, Board Products Publishing Co . , 1946 . 135 p. $6 . British paper and board makers' association . Tech. section . Proceeding s 1921 . St. Winifred's, Welcomes Road, Kenley, Surrey . The Section . 25s ($3 .60) . Calkin, John B . ed . Modern Pulp and Paper making . 3rd . ed . N. Y . , Reinhold Publishing Corp . , 1957 . 549 p. , illus . $10 .00 . Carpenter, C . H . Atlas of paper-making fibres . Syracuse, N . Y ., Stat e College of Forestry, 1932 . 44 p . , illus . (N . Y . State College of Forestry Tech . pub . 35), 50 cents . Casey, James P . Pulp and paper . N . Y . Interscience Publishers, Inc . 1952 . v . 1, Pulp and paper processes, $15 .00 . v . 2, Properties of paper an d converting, $15 .00 . Clapperton, R . H . , and William Henderson . Modern paper making . 3d rev . & enl . ed . Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1952 . 526 p. 45s . No . 564 -1- Clapperton, R. H . Paper : an historical account of its making by hand fro m the earliest times down to the present day . Ltd . ed. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1934 . 158 p . , illus . 6 pounds 6s . Dawe, E. A . Paper and its uses . 2 v . , one being 150 samples of paper . $3 .75 . Paper and its uses . v. 1, A treatise for printers, stationers, an d others . 216 p. 1953 . $2 .25 . v . 2, Samples of papers and boards . 1929 . (Anglobooks, N . Y . ) Doree, Charles . Methods of cellulose chemistry . 2nd ed . rev . & enl . London, Chapman . 1947 . 544 p. , illus . 42s . ($6 . ) . Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations . Raw materials fo r more paper . Pulping processes and procedures recommended for testing . Rome . 1953 . 171 p. , $2.00 . Goodwin, Rutherford . The William Parks paper mill at Williamsburg . Lexington, Va . , Journalism Laboratory Press, Washington & Lee Univ . 1939 . 41 p . $2 . Grant, Julius . Wood pulp and allied products . 2nd ed . London, Hill , Leonard . 1947 . 35s . 312 p. Grant, Julius . Laboratory handbook of pulp and paper manufacture . N . Y . , Longmans . 1943 . 320 p . $6 . (Incorporates 4th ed . Stevens' Paper Mill Chemist . ) Hagglund, Erik . Chemistry of wood (tr . by Peter Oesper) . Academic Press , N. Y . 1951 . 631 p. , illus . $13 .50 . Hall, J . Alfred, and T . J. Mosley . Products of American forests . Rev . ed. Washington, Govt . Printing Off . , 1946 . 50 p . , illus . Pulp and paper , p . 21-28, 20 cents . Herzog, A . Mikrochemische papieruntersuchung . Berlin, Springer, 1935 . 109 p ., illus . Heuser, Emil . Chemistry of cellulose . N . Y., Wiley, 1944 . 660 p. $7 .50 . Hunter, Dard . Literature of paper making, 1390-1800 . Ltd. ed. Ohio, The Author, 1925 . 47 p ., illus . $30 . Hunter, Dard . Old paper making . 112 p. , illus . No . 564 Chillicothe , Chillicothe, Ohio, The Author . 1923 . -2- ' Hunter, 'Dard . Old paper making in China and Japan . Ltd . ed. Chillicoth e Ohio, The Author, Mountain House, 1932 . 71 p., illus . $75 : . Hunter, Dard . Paper making in southern Siam . Priv . ptd . Chillicothe , . Ohio, The Author, 1936 . 74 p . , illus . $27 .50 . ' I .: t Hunter, Dard . Paper making in the classroom . Peoria, Ill . : Manual art s press, 1931 . 80 p . , illus . $1 .35 . Hunter, Dard . A paper making pilgrimage to Japan, Korea, and China . Ltd . Autog . ed . Princeton, N. :J. , E . Adler. 1936 . 148 p . illus . $36 . Hunter, Dard . Paper making through eighteen centuries . N. Y . , Rudge , 1930 . 358 p. , illus . $17 .50 . Hunter, Dard . Primitive paper making : an account of a Mexican sojourn and a voyage to the Pacific islands in search of information, implements, an d specimens relating .to the making and decorating of bark-paper . Ltd . ed. Chillicothe, Ohio, The Author, 1927 . 47 p ., illus . $75 . Hunter, Dard . Papermaking by hand in India . Ltd . Autog . ed . Pynson Printers, Inc . , 1939 . 130 p . $36 . New York , Hunter, Dard . Paper making : the history and technique of an ancient craft . 2d ed . rev . & enl . N . Y . , Knopf. 1947 . 611 p. $15. Hunter, Dard . Papermaking by hand in America . Ltd . ed . Chillicothe, Ohio, Mountain House Press, 1951 . $175 . Institute of paper chemistry . Bulletin . Appleton, Wis . , Pub . by the Inst . 1930-date. Annotated ; issued monthly . Labarre, E. J . Dictionary of paper and paper-making terms with equivalent s in French, German, Dutch, and Italian : an experiment in technical lexicography with a historical study on paper and an introduction . Amsterdam , N. V . Swets & Zeitlinger, 1937 . 315 p . $7 .50 . Lockwood trade journal co . , inc . Progress of paper . N . Y. , The Co . , 1952 . $6 . Lockwood's directory of the paper and allied trades . N . Y., Lockwood Trade Jour . Co . , Inc . Issued annually . $10 . Maddox, H . A . Paper : its history, sources, and manufacture . 6th ed . London, Pitman, 1939 . 180 p . , illus . $1 .25 . No . 564 Matthews, J . M . Textile fibers : their physical, microscopical and chemica l properties, edited by H . R. Mauersberger . 5th ed . N . Y . , John Wiley & Sons, Inc . , 1947 . $12 .50 . Mauersberger, H . R. , and others . American handbook on synthetic textiles ; American synthetics handbook . N . Y . , Textile Book Publishers, Inc . , 1952 . 1216 p . $10 .80. Miller, R. N., W . H . Swanson, M . W . Bray, T . M . Andrews, R . Soderquist , and W. H . Monsson of the U . S . Forest Products Laboratory . Chemistr y of the sulphite process . N . Y . , Lockwood Trade Jour . Co . , 1928 . 166 p . , illus . $3 . Modern packaging encyclopedia issue . Issued annually, N . Y . Packagin g Catalog Corp . $7 . Mosher, R . H ., ed . Technology of coated and processed papers . N . Y . , Remsen Press . 1952 . 733 p . $15 . Mosher, R . H., ed . Specialty papers, their properties and application. N . Y . , Remsen Press . 1950 . 520 p. Nadelman, A . H . and Martin J . Galbraith . Western Michigan College Indus trial Lectures on paper and paperboard converting, N . Y . The Lockwoo d Trade Jour . Co ., Inc. 192 p., illus . $5 . Paper and pulp mill catalogue ; equipment and engineering handbook and U . S . and Canadian instructional institutions ; buyers service . Chicago, Fritz Pub. , Inc . Issued annually. Gratis . Paper makers' and merchants' directory of all nations . ed . by W . R . Robinson . London, Business Publications . Issued annually 35s ($5 . ) . Post's paper mill directory . N . Y . , L . D . Post, Inc . Issued annually . $5 . Pulp and paper manufacture ; 4 v . prepared under the direction of the Join t executive committee on vocational education representing the pulp an d paper industry of the United States and Canada ; J . Newell Stephenson , editor-in-chief . N . Y. , McGraw-Hill, 1950 v . 1, Preparation and treattnent of wood pulp . 1950 . 1043 p . $10 . v . 2, Preparation of stock for paper making . 1951 . 587 p . $7 .50 . v. 3, Manufacture and testing of paper and board . 1953 . 945 p . $11 . v. 4, Auxiliary paper mill equipment . 1955 . 732 p . $11 . Stevenson, L . T . Background and economics of American paper making . N. Y ., Harper & Bros ., 1940 . 249 p . , illus . $3 . No . 564 - 4- • Sutermeister,• Edwin . Chemistry of pulp ; and paper, making . 3d ed . Wiley, 1941 . . 529 p . , illus . $6 .50 . Technical association of the pulp and paper 'industry . • Tech . ass=n . Rapers , 1918-date. N . Y . , TAPPI. Issued annually, $8 . I- . Technical association of the pulp and paper industry . TAPPI tentative an d official testing 'methods, recommended practices, specifications of the . . association . N . , Y., TAPPI, 1932, with revisions to date . Loose-leaf . . $20 ., separates available . 250 years of papermaking in America, 1690-1940 . Ltd . e . ,• 9 . Y. , Lockwoo d Trade Jour . Co., Inc ., 1940 . 180 p ., illus . $3 .50 . U. S . Bureau of the Census ; Census of manufacturers : paper and boar d products, pulp, paper, and board, 1947 . Washington, Govt . Printing Off. , 1949 . 15 cents . U._ S . Bureau . of the Census . Pulp, paper, and board . Facts for industry . series M14A, prepared by Bur . , industry div . , paper and printing unit . Monthly and annual . Monthly 10 cents ; yearly subscription $1 . U . S . Department of Commerce . Office of domestic . commerce . Fores t Products sec . Industry report : pulp and paper, 1944-date . Washington , Govt . Printing Off. Issued monthly, annual subscription, $2 .25 . U. S . Forest Products Laboratory . List of publications on pulp and pape r (No . 444), Madison 5, Wis . , current issue . Gratis . United States pulp producers association . Wood pulp statistics . N. Y . , Pub . by the association . Issued annually . $10 . Verstone, P. E. Manufacture of paper container . The rev . textbook on paper box and bag making . 3d ed. London W . 5, Verstone & Co . , Ltd . , 41 The Mall, Ealing . 1949 . 293 p . 22s ($3 .15) . Weiner, . J . , comp . bibliography of papermaking, 1951-1955 . N . Y . Tech nical• Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1956 . 1201 p . $10 . . . . Bibliography of papermaking and U . S . Patents 1955-1956 . N. Y . Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1957 . 1003 p . $10 . . . .Same . 1957 (1958) 636 p. $10 . No . 564 -5 - West, C . J., comp . Bibliography of pulp and paper making, 1900-1928 . N. Y . , Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1929 . 982 p . $10. . . . Bibliography of paper making, 1928-35 . (1936) 803 p . $8 . . . .Same . 1936-1945 (1946) 1153 p . $10 . . . .Same . 1946-1950 (1951) 752 p . $10 . (For compilation of patents consult the annual issues of this bibliography . ) Wise, L . E ., and E . C . Jahn, eds . Wood Chemistry, v . 1, and 2 . 2d ed . N. Y., Reinhold Pub . Corp ., 1952 . $30 . Witham, G . S . Modern pulp and paper making : a practical treatise . 2d ed. N. Y., Reinhold Pub . Corp ., 1942 . 705 p . , illus . $8.50 . 0