FACTORS AFFECTING THE STRENGTH OF IPAPREG EFFECT Of MOISTURE ON CERTAIN STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF PAPREG Inforntatien–PavicazucLand–Leaffirmcd Merreh-1946- INFORM,' AND 1.PYPD No. 1521-P 1 1011141 11111111ii11111111111iliiII. imIl111111111111111111110111111ii1l JAR FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY MADISON S. WISCONSIN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Coo peration with the University of Wisconsin FACTORS AFFECTING THE STRENGTH OF PAPREG 1, a Effect of Moistures on Certain Strength Properties of Papreg By H. R. MEYER, Engineer and E. C. O. ERICKSON, Engineer Forest Products Laboratory 14. Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Summary This report presents the results of approximately 750 tests made at normal temperatures to determine the effect of moisture on certain tensile, compressive, flexural, and bearing properties of both parallel- and cross-laminated papreg, 1/8 inch in thickness. In general, a decrease in strength properties accompanied an increase in moisture. More specifically, exposure to 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity decreased the modulus of elasticity in tension and compression approximately 30 percent based on normal exposure (75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity). A similar comparison for the proportional limit in tension and compression indicated a decrease of approximately 6o percent. Decreases of lesser magnitude with increase in moisture content were found for the same exposure comparisons in static bending and bearing. 1This report is one of a series of progress reports prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory relating to the use of wood in aircraft. Results here reported are preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. Original report published in January 1945. 2A laminated paper plastic made by the Forest Products Laboratory (Improved (Standard -- June 1943). •This report is the third in a series of reports presenting the effect of aircraft service conditions on certain strength properties of papreg. li maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Report No. 1521-B -1- Agriculture-Madison Introduction This investigation was undertaken to obtain data on the effect of moisture on certain of the mechanical properties of paper plastic laminates, for which relatively little data are available. The data herein reported, although somewhat limited in scope, are believed to be indicative of the moisture-strength characteristics of this type of material. The first portion of this report presents the results of tests on specimens taken from panels with protected edges after exposure to various relative humidities. The results of pilot tests on specimens immersed in water are shown in appendix A. These results, appended primarily to record the moisture-strength data thus obtained, may also serve to direct the course of other investigations. Appendix B presents the results of a few tests to show the dimensional behavior of papreg in several humidities. Test Material The test material, identified as Improved Standard -- June 1943, was made by the Forest Products Laboratory from a commercial Mitscherlich black spruce sulfite pulp and a phenolic type thermosetting resin (BV-16526). The resin content of the impregnated paper was 36.3 percent and the volatile content, 4.5 percent. The preparation of the papreg was identical to that described in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1521. 5 Specific gravity was 1.40, based on weight and volume after conditioning at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity. Test material consisted of both parallel-laminated and cross-laminated flat panels, approximately 12 inches square and 1/8 inch in thickness. Selection and Preparation of Test Panels The papreg panels used for the experimental work in this investigation were taken from groups I and II (parallel- and cross-laminated material, respectively), described in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1521. Twelve panels were taken from group I and seven from group II. All panels were trimmed to approximately 11 inches square, to provide square, clean edges, ' which were sealed immediately with two coats of a heavy aluminum paint to retard moisture movement through these edges thereby simulating service conditions wherein exposed edges will presumably be protected. Factors Affecting the Strength of Papreg. Some Strength Properties at Elevated and Subnormal Temperatures. Report No. 1521-B -2- The panels were divided into lots, numbered 1 to 5 inclusive. Each lot consisted of two panels from group I and one panel from group Lots 4 and 5 were each provided with an additional panel from each group in which 1/4and 1/8-inch holes were drilled for subsequent bearing tests. These holes were fitted with snug-fitting brass bolts with washers and brass nuts drawn tight to approach service conditions. Following preparation, individual panels were weighed and measured to provide the basis for determining subsequent weight and dimensional changes. Conditioning of Panels The various lots of prepared panels were distributed in several automatically controlled constant temperature and relative humidity rooms (used also to condition wood specimens) as follows: Lot 1 -- 80° F. and 30 percent relative humidity Lot 2 -- 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity Lot 3 -- 80° F. and 80 percent relative humidity Lot 4 -- 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity Lot 5 -- immersed in distilled water at 75° F. For purposes of discussion these conditioning media are classified as follows: dry (30 percent relative humidity), normal (50 percent relative humidity), humid (80 percent relative humidity), and wet (97 percent relative humidity) and soaked (immersed in water). All panels were conditioned for approximately 100 days. During this conditioning period, individual panels were weighed periodically to provide weight increase, or moisture gain, data. In this report the gain in weight is assumed to be equal to the gain in moisture. Preparation of Test Specimens At the conclusion of the conditioning period, the panels in each lot were cut as shown in figure 1 to provide specimens from the lengthwise and crosswise directions, that is, parallel and perpendicular to the machine direction (fiber grain) of the paper in the parallel-laminated panels but parallel and perpendicular to the edge of the panel in the cross-laminated panels. The following numbers of specimens were provided for tension, compression, bending and bearing tests, respectively: six lengthwise and four crosswise specimens from parallel-laminated panels and five specimens (three lengthwise and two crosswise, or vice versa) from the cross-laminated panels. Report No. 1521-B -3- Fewer specimens from a greater number of panels were not taken because previous investigations using this method showed but little variation among panels as indicated by the coefficient of variation of approximately 4 percent for ultimate strengths. The type, dimensions, and cutting of the specimens conformed to Federal Specification for Plastics, Organic; General Specifications (Method of Tests), L-P-406 1 December 9, 1942. Conditioning of Test Specimens Immediately after preparation, all specimens, with the exception of those immersed in distilled water, were returned to the respective conditioning atmosphere of the panels from which they originated for at least 24 hours prior to testing. This procedure was employed to compensate for any moisture loss incurred in preparation during which the material was exposed to a relatively dry atmosphere. The specimens cut from panels immersed in water were wrapped in wet cloths and placed in the 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity room. This procedure was followed in order to minimize the possibility of excessive swelling of the unsealed edges of these specimens, a condition which might have resulted upon re-immersion. Conditioned specimens were placed, a few at a time, in a closed container prior to testing. Those specimens conditioned between wet cloths were placed in a container intact with the wet cloths. Except for the few minutes required to weigh and measure, specimens were not exposed to the test room atmosphere until placed in a testing machine. Testing Procedures All tests were conducted at room temperatures and humidities of approximately 78° F. and 6o percent relative humidity according to procedures outlined in the Federal Specification L-P-406. Compression tests to determine ultimate stress were conducted on pairs of specimens 1 inch wide by 1/2 inch long, spaced parallel and 1 inch apart and loaded simultaneously; while the modulus of elasticity, proportional limit, and yield strength properties were determined by testing individual specimens 1 inch wide by 4 inches long as laterally supported columns. The pertinent details of the tension, compression, bending, and bearing tests were identical to hose described in the appendix of Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1521-A..2 F actors Affecting the Strength of Papreg. The Effect of Accelerated Weathering on Certain Mechanical Properties of Papreg. Report No. 1521-B -4- Behavior During Conditioning The time-moisture gain relationship of the panels during the conditioning period of approximately 100 days is shown in figure 2. The data for the panels conditioned in 30 percent relative humidity are not shown because the moisture gain was small in magnitude -- approximately 0.1 percent. This indicated that the moisture content of the panels after molding was in approximate equilibrium with 30 percent relative humidity conditions at 800 F. The magnitude of this moisture content was not determined. In fact, the term, moisture content, is not strictly applicable to papreg because the amount of moisture included in the 4.5 percent total volatile is not known. In the absence of a standard method for determining the moisture content of papreg, it is believed that a close approximation was obtained by plotting the percent increase in weight at equilibrium moisture for identical companion panels against the corresponding relative humidity. Extrapolation to zero percent relative humidity indicated a decrease in weight of less than 1/2 percent between 30 and zero percent relative humidities. Hence, from this analysis, it appears that the moisture content at 30 percent relative humidity is less than 1/2 percent. Panels exposed to 50 percent relative humidity reached apparent equilibrium moisture content after approximately 100 days. Those conditioned in 80 and 97 percent relative humidities reached 85 and 90 percent apparent moisture equilibrium, respectively, during this period, based on the subsequent behavior of identical companion panels retained in these atmospheres until the apparent equilibrium moisture content was reached. These data indicated that 1/8 inch thick papreg requires from 200 to 250 days of conditioning to reach the apparent equilibrium moisture content at 80 0 F. and 97 percent relative humidity. The rate of moisture absorption could be further retarded by the application of a surface coating and an improvement in the method of sealing the edges. Results of Tests Maximum, minimum, and average values for a specified number of tests of each of the properties of parallel- and cross-laminated papreg for the five mois, ture conditions are presented in tables 1 and 2. All property values are based on the original thickness dimension of the papreg before conditioning and the width dimension at the time of test. Figures 3 and 4 show the moisture-strength relationships for parallel- and cross-laminated papreg. The results of tests on lot 5 (soaked panels) are presented in appendix A with the results obtained from exploratory tests on soaked specimens of identical material. A comparison of the curves for parallel-laminated papreg (fig. 3) with those for cross-laminated papreg (fig. 4) indicates that, in general, a decrease in the strength properties accompanied an increase in moisture. Report No. 1521-B -5- The relationship between the percent increase in moisture and the strength properties of lots 1, 3, and 4 expressed as a percentage of lot 2 (75° F., 50 percent relative humidity) is shown graphically in figures 5 and 6. It may be noted that the curves (figs -. 5 and 6) for tensile properties, with the exception of those of ultimate stress, follow the same sequence shown in the compression properties. More specifically, the modulus of elasticity is least affected by moisture, and the proportional limit most. Figures 5 and 6 further indicate that parallel-laminated and cross-laminated materials are, in general, equally affected by identical increases in moisture. A few tests were made to determine the effect of moisture on the hardness of papreg by the standard Rockwell indentation test. The results indicate a decrease in hardness (M scale) with an increase in moisture. The values ranged from 108 for lot 1 (30 percent relative humidity) to 65 for lot 4 (97 percent relative humidity). Observations made to determine the change in the thickness dimension under various moisture conditions indicated that the ratio of the percent increase in moisture to percent increase in thickness was approximately unity. A few tests in plate shear 2 conducted on 5 inch square parallel- and crosslaminated specimens from lot 4 (wet) indicated a modulus of rigidity of 677,000 pounds per square inch and 707,000 pounds per square inch, respectively. Results of tests from a comprehensive investigation2. at normal temperature (75° F., 50 percent relative humidity) on material fabricated to be identical to that of lot 4, show values of 909,000 and 887,000 pounds per square inch, respectively. This indicates a loss in shear modulus of approximately 20 to 25 percent due to a moisture increase of approximately 10 percent. A comparison of the average bearing strength of specimens having bearing holes drilled and fitted with bolts before conditioning to 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity, with specimens having bearing holes drilled after conditioning are shown in table 3. In table 3, it may be noted that the stresses for specimens with the bearing holes drilled and fitted with bolts before conditioning were, in general, higher than those for specimens in which the bearing holes were drilled after conditioning. A similar comparison of bearing tests conducted on specimens from panels in lot 5 (immersed in water) indicates that the stresses for specimens in which the bearing holes were drilled after conditioning were, in general, the higher. The reason for these differences is not evident from the limited number of tests. 'Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1301, "Method of Measuring the Shearing Moduli in Wood." F orest Products Laboratory Report No. 1319, revised, "Strength and Related Properties of Forest Products Laboratory Laminated Paper Plastics (Papreg) at Normal Temperature." Report No. 1521-B -6- Typical stress-strain curves of tension, compression, and bearing tests, as well as load-deflection curves for flatwise static bending tests for both parallel- and cross-laminated papreg, are shown in figures 7 to 10, inclusive. All curves are based on actual load-deformation data for individual specimens having properties in close agreement with the average of the group. Deformations in the tensile tests were observed to approximately 0.01 inch per inch strain and also immediately before fracture. The broken line portion of the stress-strain curves indicates that portion for which deformations were not observed. Conclusions In general, a decrease in the strength properties of papreg accompanied an increase in moisture. Further, the percentage decrease in strength properties based on conditioning at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity was essentially the same for both parallel-laminated and cross-laminated material. With the exception of the ultimate strengths, the tensile and compressive strength properties exhibited like reductions when the moisture content was increased above normal (equilibrium with 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity). Both ultimate strengths decreased when the moisture was increased beyond normal, but the percentage reduction in compressive strength was approximately two to three times that produced on the tensile strength for a given increase in moisture. The maximum decreases in static bending and bearing strengths due to moisture increases were less than those in tension and compression. Further investigations at other humidities are recommended to determine the range of moisture-strength relations for paper plastic laminates. APPENDIX A Pilot tests were conducted on standard specimens of papreg soaked in distilled water at ordinary room temperatures to determine quickly the magnitude of moisture effects on the strength properties and to guide the planning of the first portion of the experiments here reported. Hence, the pilot-test results differ from those presented in the main body of the report, which were obtained from specimens cut from large panels conditioned in moist air. Report No. 1521-B -7- Test Material The test material consisted of additional 1/8 inch thick parallel-laminated and cross-laminated panels identical to those described in the fore part of this report. Preparation of Specimens The papreg panels used in this exploratory investigation were also taken from the groups I and II described in the previously referred to Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1521. Twenty panels were taken from group I and 12 from group II. Tension, compression, and static bending specimens were cut from these panels as shown in the cutting diagram in figure 11. This diagram provided specimens from the lengthwise and crosswise directions. The selection and grouping of the specimens are shown in the table in figure 11. Those specimens that are not shown in the selection table were used in tests of other service conditions. The type, dimensions, and cutting of the specimens were identical to those previously described. Conditioning of Specimens Each group of specimens was weighed and measured and then conditioned as follows: Group A -- 17 days at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity. (Controls, at apparent equilibrium moisture content.) Group 12. -- 2 days' immersion in distilled water at ordinary room temperatures. Group -- 4 days' immersion in distilled water at ordinary room temperatures. Group d -- 8 days' immersion in distilled water at ordinary room temperatures. Group g. -- 24 hours' heating at 122° F. in an electric oven. Testing Procedures Specimens were tested at normal room temperatures and humidities immediately after conditioning. The procedures employed were identical to those described in the body of this report. Report No. 1521-B -8- The specimens conditioned at 122° F. were cooled to room temperature in a desiccator before being tested. Results of Tests Table 4 presents average values for tensile, compressive, and static bending properties of both parallel- and cross-laminated papreg for specimens (1) immersed in water -- groups b., r,„ and d, (2) heated at 122° F. -- group 2.1 and (3) conditioned at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity -- group g. An inspection of the results reveals that, with respect to group a (75° F., 50 percent relative humidity), the corresponding results for groups h, gl and d (immersed), show a definite decrease in all of the properties reported, while group e (heated) shows a decrease in 65 percent of the properties reported and an increase in the remaining 35 percent of the properties reported. The magnitude of the decreases in the immersed group increased with the immersion time, while in the heated group both the decreases and increases were relatively small. All values of the heated group, except one, however, were higher than those in group b (2 days' immersion). Moisture-strength relations for immersed specimens of parallel-laminated papreg, tested lengthwise, are presented graphically in figure 12. Property values for specimens conditioned at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity are indicated. Also indicated for comparison are the corresponding property values for specimens taken from panels with sealed edges following 98 days' immersion. These specimens were described as lot 5 in the body of this report. The values of the strength properties for the papreg conditioned at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity are not joined with those for the immersed papreg because the conditioning was not comparable. The variation shown in figure 12 for the increase in moisture between ultimate compressive strength and other compressive properties is believed to be due to the difference in surface areas of the two specimen sizes. The tensile and compressive properties of the specimens immersed for 8 days were essentially in'agreement with those of specimens taken from immersed panels (lot 5). Although the total moisture content of the two types of specimens differed but slightly, a considerable difference in the moisture distribution in each was obvious. Specimens from lot 5 (whole panels immersed) were uniform in thickness, whereas immersion of actual specimens brought about an edge swell and a variable increase in thickness. The degree of variability varied with immersion time. This progressive edge-swelling was at first believed to cause a fiber damage that would be reflected in the strength values and exclude the use of immersed specimens in a quick determination of the moisture-strength index. The agreement in the properties mentioned previously, however, did not substantiate this belief. In contrast to the data for tension and compression it should be noted that, in static bending, the modulus of rupture and the modulus of elasticity of Report No. 1521-B -9- specimens immersed for 8 days did not agree with those cut from the panels of lot 5. The elastic modulus of specimens from panels immersed 98 days (lot 5) was greater than that for specimens immersed for 8 days. Similarly the elastic modulus of specimens immersed for 8 days was greater than that of specimens immersed for 6 days. It was thought that this behavior might be due to the use of the original thickness, rather than the thickness at test, in the computation of the elastic modulus. Calculations of the modulus of elasticity based on the swollen thickness dimensions, however, gave lower values, as would be expected but these recomputed values for the higher moisture content again were greater than those for the preceding lower moisture content. This departure from the trends indicated in tension and compression will require further investigation before the indicated trend in static bending can be confirmed. Extensive deductions relative to the comparative behavior of papreg immersed in water (fig. 12) with that subjected to moisture in vapor form (fig. 2) are to be avoided, since only when papreg was subjected to moisture in vapor form were tests made when the papreg was at approximate moisture equilibrium. APPENDIX B In the absence of data on the dimensional stability of papreg under various humidities, the results of an exploratory investigation made to determine the effect of moisture on the length, width, and thickness dimensions of both parallel-laminated and cross-laminated papreg are herewith presented. The results should be viewed as indicative only of what may be expected of papreg under certain moisture conditions, since the scope of the investigation was limited. Test Material The test material consisted of both parallel- and cross-laminated panels, approximately 12 inches square in 1/16- and 1/8-inch thicknesses, which had been stored at ordinary room temperatures and humidities for 2 months after molding. The composition and manufacturing details of the papreg were identical to those referred to in the fore part of this report. The 1/16-inch thick panels were molded from approximately 35 sheets of treated paper at the same temperature, pressure, and curing time as indicated for the 1/8-inch panels. Preparation of Test Specimens One parallel- and one cross-laminated panel in both the 1/16- and 1/8-inch thicknesses were each cut into four specimens approximately 5-1/2 inches square. Four flat-head steel reference pins were driven in prebored holes in Report No. 1521-B -10- each specimen in the positions shown in figure 13. The flat head of each reference pin contained a small hole whose diameter was the same as that of the gage holes found on the gage bar (4-inch length) for a Berry strain gage. The edges of all specimens were sealed with two coats of a heavy aluminum paint to retard the movement of moisture through these edges. Conditioning of Test Specimens Test specimens were heated in an oven for 24 hours at a temperature of 122° F. After cooling to room temperature in a desiccator, each specimen was weighed and measured. The length and width dimensions were taken between the small holes in the reference pins. The thickness was measured at the five places indicated in figure 13 by an X. One parallel- and one cross-laminated specimen of both thicknesses were then placed in each of the following constant temperature and relative humidity roams: 80° F. and 30 percent relative humidity, 80° F. and 65 percent relative humidity, 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity, and -25° F. Testing The length and width dimensions were measured with a 4-inch gage length Berry strain gage (magnification factor of approximately 5) equipped with a 0.001-inch dial gage. Ten repeated readings of the length and width, respectively, were taken to minimize any effect caused by uneven seating of the gage points within the hole of the reference pins. The thickness at the five designated locations was measured with a micrometer caliper equipped with a 0.001-inch dial gage. Measurements were taken at various intervals while the specimens were approaching moisture equilibrium. All operations were conducted within the respective conditioning rooms with the exception of the room at -25°F. Due to the erratic behavior of ordinary gages at subnormal temperatures, specimens were removed from the -25° F. roam, one at a time, and measured at ordinary room temperatures immediately after removal. Results The results of these exploratory tests indicate that papreg is dimensionally stable at 80° F. and 30 percent relative humidity and at -25° F. The Report No. 1521-B -11- dimensional changes at 80° F. and 65 and 97 percent relative humidities are shown in table 5. In the parallel-laminated material, the length dimension (fiber-grain or machine direction) shows the least increase, while the thickness is the greatest. The increase in width is from 3 to 5 times greater than that in length. As would be expected, the increases in the length and width dimensions of the cross-laminated material do not differ greatly. It may also be observed that the percent change in weight is approximately equal to that in thickness in all instances, except in the 1/8-inch thick parallel-laminated material in 65 percent relative humidity. No explanation can be advanced for this lack of agreement. It may be noted further that the behavior of the 1/16-inch material agrees well with that of the 1/8-inch material, except as discussed previously. In view of the limited number of tests, further investigation is desirable to determine the range of the dimensional changes of this material under various humidities. Report No. 1521-B -12- . 3 - 31 1 $21 AlSi al Run MtI EMR H2f.E :61R7,P;g 291gE 11"°' kl 0! n! Wt! 1 1 11 1 1 1.5!! Mn M4111 PIP VA ° "-12 "".." i ! p ia M IN Ugp. kSp1 atm MM. Ram 4.n6%;.., .,. ,,i,f,i...,, ..,a." -t .1.4 I. III MR§ RCM ggIlg 11 ] I 1 anE imaa mla 1 MEE WM E:.,°,4 , EE2 /5 ; 3 I1-1 saa4 g,4,..;.-... 4%; -- ga-,g :rg 1 NEM A t.I 1 5 talE NENE MV4 M.31 1 . 117:1 PAH nUt l'lc! 4 — O.'. Fdi I ;_i % g; A arhiag MI, ..e..!».• ...;.;.:.W „,4"...7,7,7 ..14. 1 "'" g 1111 00000 i , r: HRH azua g ar4.4%: a Ae e.r.: ggaaa 11111 -: ,,,C4t.t.4V 11111 ME fENE IFEIE §di!.I.1.4 00000 11111 i1 1 1 -: 1 i -i. io -1 !!!!1 EIM MB! 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'010 0rta aaa.a 00CgeAi WZOZ4 . .0,, . .4 .4 0 : 2 °V -• ^ g0••••• EUNg g§ 10228 10 /32 OD 00 ••••• R2aES ViRER 8110a •• •• -• •••_ •• 3 24 1,11 .4017: age AV •••• viN 0 10 00 .00 On n•0 • el S. 1•. 1 ° ••n •• a • NU•n• 12 5 1:% 0& 044 Table 3.--Average results of tests to compare the bolt-bearing strength of papreg when the bearing holes are drilled before and after conditioning to 80° F. and 97 percent relative humidity Direction of grain relative to the length of specimen Parallel Perpendicular :Lengthwise and crosswise Casey : Ultimate: Bearing :Ultimate: Bearing : : bearing :stress at:bearing :stress at : : stress :4 percent: stress :4 percent : :deforma:deforma- : : tion of : : tion of : : hole • : hole : : diameter : :diameter : Ultimate : Bearing bearing : stress at stress : 4 percent deforma: tion of hole : : diameter : Lb. per : Lb. per : Lb. per: Lb. per : : sq. in. : sq. in. : sq. in.: sq. in. : Lb. per : sq. in. : Lb. per sq. in. : 22,400 : 12,920 : 19,810 : 11,490 : 22,800 12,690 24,630: 12,730 : 22,190 : 12,240 21,460 11,920 1.06 1.06 1/8 inch diameter holes A B: Ratio: A/B: .91 : 1. 02 : .89 : .94 : 1/4-inch diameter holesa A B : 17,800 : 13,890 : 17,180 : 14,000 : 17,700 13,860 : 21,700 : 17,880 : 19,350 : 15,000 : 18,420 14,850 • Ratio: A/B• 82 • 78 • 89 • 93 : .96 .93 -Case A: Bearing holes drilled in the specimens after conditioning. Case B: Bearing holes drilled in the panels and fitted with bolts before conditioning. Average values from 4 - 6 tests. a Average values from 1 - 5 tests. Report No. 1521-B a' v.: E g N r.'n A IA 13, a,a E I O R E R A ..".., ' Fg k le k E' .: 0 .9 O ,4 ...2: O E 3 rm.12, a ;a 0 A 0% a 1r: g. LL-: -r ..,, F t M § ... .- ..,s;a a a ▪ a. '4 1.• O° a a 2In 4' "; 1 ;In 3 I-1 E 3 3 ri s" § a Y• 22 4 2 % m ; 1.4 1 S sk O E -; F 1 .4 3 a &I Uy :-T- 3 Es a g g - 8 g A 1,. 41 ig - 110 IT % 1 . --z .1 11 ir ft! 3 2g t. . gl ti s. 3 4 s ' I Pi 5 t 1 9, 8 I.; a. E 4 23 7.; 3, a. k aa 1 R k 2 1r 8 9. a a I E 1 A '" si pira- tli 11 il V g R m id i-I I 1 1 1 i i I 2 L.g. 3 g t. L. h i I ... L.2 I I 1 i f: I 11. a l 11 .§,1 it • • 1'° .1 ;g •g 1 ;7 i" 1 1 2 a 11 1.1 1. 1 .._ t 2. 2 i "4 -2 :.;- : 7. 1 1 ▪ I 4 . 3 1 t ; 3 I i i,t g i L. • 3 .2 4 ge i.e --- f :-.I-• i i i": t ; ::`-1-t t 2 3 E t 1 I ; g2] i " 131 .0 13 '-'0 k I". i g - a 0 11 Li i l a; .• •• . al H. !I I i §. :. k ."?.. 2 2 51 cgs I n '1 .01 2 .a r: R f_ Am O 3. g 1 1; I l• 1: i 2 a: A ''' gi 2i 3 41 1, i' : gm P s t D s?, :2 1 i 1'1 4 •,' 1 ! I 1 .p.4 1° 4 21 1:44 2 ii 1 t- i I: 1;i : 2'5 gi g il ! C E.R•i ..` A 3 I i .1, Ili ... -, li ' .0 ...,• ..y Table 5.--Percent increase in dimensions of papreg from dry condition (24 hours at 122° F.) to equilibrium at 65 and 97 percent relative humidities Condition : : : Type of papreg : : : 80° F. 65 percent relative : humidity : : Dimension : 80° F. 97 percent relative humidity Dimension :Length:Width :Thick-:Weight:Length:Width :Thick-:Weight .• . : ness : : ness : : : • •. 1/8-inch thick material . : . .- . • •. .• Parallel-laminated : 0.06 : 0.20 : 0.4 : 1.5 : 0.09 : 0.47: 9.2 : 8.4 .11 : .09 : 1.3 : 1.6 : .27 : .22 : 9.7 : 9.3 Cross-laminated • 1/16-inch thick material Parallel-laminated : .07 : .21 : 1.4 : 1.8 : .09 : .48 : 9.8 : 9.7 Cross-laminated Report No. 1521-B .11 : .12 : 1.5 : 1.9 : .22 ; .18 ; 10.5 ; 9.6 k k,.4 7.." ",'L, Nt k.... Z In ...1 k 0 ''.' ec ku kr) Lu q 0 4 4. !Q ek. LIZ 2 c..) •F. '') -... ',Li -!. -... 1 ,-) ci, k * k7 2 nI k p LL ........ 0 c=, 4-1 Q " 'k..-. z 4., L6.1 %. Z q k l'.4 L V.) P t Z q 0 'ZL Ck. L4n q vl CI --- .1_ 2 -- k., --,R ' 4. ZZ vk ':1 '4 n1 6, 44 -'7"-, QL. 64 k 4', .:-. Ct Vic V{ • i... ''C •-4 .... 14.1 k •'. 144 0 1k, 0 l". l'••• 64 4. LQ 0 i.... 0-, --Qi i•-•. ....) Ul kJ 1,-, ul Q4 '', 04 ell L,!- ki 1 il 0 W1"-- Z U4.1-, cz ittl-i 1/4.5 44 0 qq cr4 I/ 4.. -I.,. E.s a. - k z "ct a (,-, "5 v-L, •-- z E. ky c c..D „, --- ., v‘ k4 z L.,1 w.J'-' z ky kd 64 Ql. .4" i-- %.Z u-, Ot 4'15) ct k. c2,, ,,4 Qc -. 4j VI Zi:i C.) lz: L.) ,.., '"t Ls Q e. 4j c:1 L...1 C) 1'4 T '''' 44 ,:, tI",La a 1"-. L"J ci, co a --I L-J ;F:1 cz, v),-:,,,:l (3 13-i q' az .-4 '', i : '' 64 V)'CI 61 k . vc ... k 1,-) vt un L) k "P — 4-) ""5 q q 4 ,....._ c..) >• '7: - ec 0 L'I, •Z C4 6.4 q 0 :.`... 6-4 k ...._ n '''' '.4 v., .k ---,. k p w '.4. ,14.- 4111 . s : , N . . N. (r, ....4 Wz -z. .v."- I`?.. , et n) -1""--, k v) 1/44 El kg I:p l'^- kl Lo ,ri kr, Oh 0 '' ''`' Z §:' u E g. Iki LQ v., k "2 -4 _-.1 L0 vl V k j ti ti ZI z1 ti L1 cr., "C (2, V 0 O q u-1 0 V 1 0 cz q kr) 7 O ti % vIE ti ..4. un..sn "ci,n ---• r,-;. .5. -N ,N, -..,i •-, ,z, k `z5 6,1 K K lA E La z ti az k at) L',44 ,t Q.. l'`• "I 0) a—t bO p. id Z rt = •i 0 0 I-. U • • 1 ENE I 0\ 0 111 II Mn n ,,, !- "'• n kk 7 Q•tt ''J Lk' ,1 L4 EN IA ain a L1 1.--,,,q ,Op k l iq i 1L'. • J CI 1 L,., I O t'S'c'Scak;-, Z nIIn al 111 to mi moon n am INNN E n Ew . IR :73.,ppLok-)ink-k =Ellamakmm 3k k Lu cr I i C( op 1/4.] II O Sn. ..,::,pkwLk1Z-k 1-] 13 II itI kk I 1 Ini 4 cz 'LI k 4, ry u ,3cz .,;( ock t k0p, il ' J k , Ltj k i- Q.. (4 t "q Le, 0 0 ul LL: 4: t; SZO 4 -cc tki k'--1 , ',, .', i ,Z1'‘, ,...„,„ ,,_, k 1--- fr) , ,,„ , 7c"n Q.„. P1 MI i 111 im kl O • nM RI 1M 1m nmom RI 4 L 't. L '1, c 1 e, k ,r ,. 1.4 1".q, L k, q', 0 1 k 1, 1 k. rQ 'k k Qt Is ill n0 ma n1111 II EN z„ ,„ ki 1 ama \ 1, la O MEI r01 az E .... i.mi mmu• n k SHISENO 1 I Q, 'C , „.. 0 kr1 O O O 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 o \ ecS r-4. 4 4-i (14/1.2a170 .7eY/11.57014 NI 7.Clf2(Y.7A// O fli O O O 40 4000 3,600 1?.: 36 32 Kg" 26 ME •zt al er4 , ..,„ 3,200 h n.1 t'") li /A k 2j300 O 24 2400 c4 ./."-Z-<-,,, . e-A-. c",,, letiLle,,j, -4> 0.,i, . -Tr+ 20 -A.. -A, C'.4-• 4'..p ALL.1" Ce- 4? c 6 ..1-'4„ 111111111 . 11Nire 11111: 12 II Ob.- 4.1 cc ,ar 4, /,200 e ,7C lh n._ 4-71.4.16 , ,..7. 4 wi 4.1 U 2.0 (.1 42 0.0 COMPRESSION (EDGE WL5E) LEGEND:•-COND/TIONED AT 80'F- 30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 0— 0-CONDITIONED AT 75' F. 50 PERCENT RELATIVE/ION/0/TV (LOT 2) O-CONDITIONED AT 80'P - 80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 9) • - CONDITIONED AT 00' F- 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LL2T4,1_ 4,000 NOTE: SPECIMENS WERE PREPARED FROM H-BY H-BY ,i---INCH PANELS,(WITH 5EALED EDGES)WHICH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR APPROXIMATELY /00 DAY5-EACH PO/NT REPRESENTS THE AVERAGE 4600 RESULT OF 5OR 6 TESTS- .1 • . mi 36 O (r) 28 Ill 111 O 32 Ellice.- ii. eivm2-494.4i. LIMIT 44 40 4.0 O l TENSION 'n • /600 ..,•• ' '' ..?.., 1111 'Ck''''O-9,- (0,,,„ 4.Z ,„Aff7 ELONGATION k O 2000 619,, hp- e> c^.4, lb 11111116. -3, 4240 Eli e.-,, 4. ter[.c, c. Mir A, Gs 24 .-L 0„,, e,.... KU(. , ,n . A0 2,600 4-) =1111111 4?'-' 2400 a.„ 20 2,000 • ..,47, 16 we - E 'AP, 111-„444, 12 a a a r b: "4:,,n 0 00 ZO 40 60 /00 80 INCREASE /N MOISTURE (PERCENT) STATIC 8£ND/N6 /0.0 50 20 40 60 INCREASE IN MOISTURE (PERCENT) 0.0 BEARING (a-- /NCH P/N) Figure 3.--Moisture-strength relationship of parallel-laminated papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943) in the lengthwise direction. 57895 ir 36 3,600 1 I LEGEND :-1 1I 1 i • - CONDITIONED AT 150',..- 30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT /) Q-CONDITIONED AT 7.71. - - 50 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT2)__. 3,200 CI-CONDITIONED AT 80 . E- 80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOTS) • -CONDITIONED AT 80',‘.- - 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT4) /VOTE:- SPEC/IVENS WERE PREPARED FROM/I-BY //-.84-INCH PANEL5,(W/TII 2,600 SEALED EDGES) WHICH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR APPROXFMAYFLY /00 DAYS. POINT REPRESENTS THE AVERAGE RESULT OF 5 OR 6 TESTS. 2,400 ...- ,.,, 32 • 28 ,4414. illib • 24 E ,..,, a 20 •-• /6 Mlill. 1:7,,, ‘-. ...‹, 92- ...‹,. t7e. 'RI „,... C404, 4"i'e,c4.). ,--.,_, ,„ Si-, 44.1., 3-",p-44, ".kc['I- {-....,, ••45. -Cf re• 47- SS'•-Ir • ..-• • B n e„ m1116......lbIiii.„..e.„.... C" 7.., /2 MI ligh.- 9 '4'4/ 0 '9,7•• /P4/4/ Ce4, it, _ .'44? 4W0n9 7-- (4),V.7z ziA.,„.. c7,,,,-s,./ 1 '0,°0R7/0N4z L 4y/ 4 20 0 OF cc, ... , • /,600 FS ,, 47;.> 9)- ELON6AT/ON 4 2,000 ' 1 00 TEN 5/ON C OMPRESS/ON (EDGEW/5E) 3,600 36 V 3200 ,r) p 32 i-o v) 28 1 2,800 C" 4, 3' 0 k, -z... -s- --P 24 Ar O e -.7.7- .) 7400 -.. .A 2/100 20 ..... e t-5.,.. /C/ ), -15 /6 /4,4, O R0,004,7_, 4, .0 At L.7,27., 8 • 4 0 00 20 4.0 6.0 8.0 /0.0 INCREASE IN MOISTURE (PERCENT) STATIC BENDING • 60 8.0 /00 0.0 2.0 40 /A/CREASE. /N M0/57URE (PERCENT) BEARING (-a-INCH PIN) Figure 4.--Moisture-strength relationship of cross-laminated papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943). Z M 57896 F 60 MI . pppii m .. II fill La M11111M n 20 c=3 0 1.Q 10 1-- lz, L4 o iiimiiii,,,,,„ n ElaCi 30 wil ,A7°L)6/(4,1111 . A", "4. III= Milli" milli" 'P-' .4,,, 50 ,,e Emin A7ST/c.o..., Milln 40 .ct Ian. 1 1 si m. g -1' 11 N ...r,,e,,v4„ . -P5- 4.57,,,-,,?_ APp ,,„_,,, _ -Pc-,4-4,2-7 e-,f r, 74, MEL p ct si 60 (e) 70 Nq 4-; ''Pr17.941 m7/2- III L4.: COMPRES /ON (EDGEWISE) TENS/ON N 60 r- I O 'd tk 40 cc LQ c 20 LL.1 6-1 0 III kall /0 e.,.5. 0 1 .......-Aofe,. .,,,,,,,,,, .,.„,„ o,).. ,,,..< , ,4.//?4Miiii L,..j d L 20 LLJ 30 40 1r, W 50 am, MI Mirall i n n -5.7RE4V7//42"--nc''e/PC44/?p4Afe7e,? On: a' r/z -Ja II M 60 50 /00 INCREASE /N MOISTURE (PERCENT) 4.0 STAT/C BEND/NO IM 11 n 1111 44 60 70 n 1 O (./.e. 7.zA,,...4.,:es a 0 4.0 60 8.0 20 /NCR E A SE /N MOISTURE (PERCENT) BEAR/NG(a—/NCH PIN) Figure 5.--Moisture-strength relationship of parallel-laminated papreg (Improved_ Standard - June 1943) in the lengthwise direction, expressed as a percentage of the streugtli properties at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity. Z M 5 78 9 7 F /0.0 60 ti NM Ct 4° 20 ca) 0 LL1 /0 `I b.Q,.... - 30 ' 41 3' • • • • MN RE IIMII n -", -7, M . A ,yi. .., -C . ee_457., ,,,,, am ,-_-_5,,,. C •2 ''' &,e,a. L',..>.1,,:i%,,,,„ RI . '' /fr,-„4,4/ / ' :5'"- s> I c<- ''-..P24-' "- n 111 2iii.1..14.1., ,,, 1 Illiaili c‹,-) 4.0,0„, ,, 11-'4. ac.,:s 74 , 60 70 111 ,4._, Ekie.3 „ l'C4111111t47 ST 4/ -r'4= 4. ...t, -gi 40 k U e Ell 111%-71111 1,,_ A'aoc,, e45 , 0 b14 %, :, 111`17141!--16,71 ^70,06.,6, --r 1k 20 L-1 50 I IIIME IIMMIl • MII•11 • , 1111 kM. 011 y II 1.n 1.4.1 Ndid •PE ,piq;i c 1 1n A n III a ° o COMPRE55/ON (LDGEWI5E) TENS/ON 60 n ec n .P L LEGEND: •- CONDITIONED AT 80*F- 30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT I) 0- CONDITIONED AT 75°F- 50 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 2) o-CONDITIONED AT 80°F- 80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 3) a-CONDITIONED AT 50"F- 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 4) NOTE: SPECIMENS WERE PREPARED FROM I/-BY II-BY k-INCH PANELS (MTH SEALED EDGES)WHICH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR APPROXI MATELY /00 DAYS EACH PO/NT REPRESENTS THE AVERAGE RESULT OF 5 OR &TESTS. , L. PL --e,.4, n • n nn n WE M?°('ee.-_,- c2,.-- • 5 ... n 4- (9 AGl°2'ziz v 5. Of —,,-4,577,....-, .... .. . . : fp,. 1- 1-' ., 'r z IIIINNV ribm • z - 7 / Ar4 7-4. "-^1{ III -.")C NG7:Iyr 43V /-C4'At e12- 4 7- 1 F' -4.11,6-4;v ,F. _ ,-/0-z-&,.ii 1 0.0 100 6.0 0.0 2.0 40 INCREASE /N MOISTURE (PERCENT) 5TAT/C BEND/N6 0.0 /0. 6.0 0.0 40 2 0 INCREASE IN MOISTURE (PERCENT) BEAR/NC( –es — INCH P//V) Figure 6.--Moisture-strength relationship of cross-laminated papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943) expressed as a percentage of the strength properties at 75° F. and 50 percent relative humidity. Points show changes based on average results of the test data whereas curves show changes based on the average relationship among the several humidities. Z M 57898 F 22 20 /8 /6 P nnn iiiir,(8). In 1 rpm n /4 /2 /0 8 6 4 2 LJ 0 NEI -_--_;-_- MEI 1111111111 E nMiliiiiiiiiill MEIMENIIIIII n Mr A.101111 III (- J'. • ANN . . F. er 0 002 STRAIN-INCHES PER /NCH I 1 PARALLEL LAMINATED ___-'3(E) _..0) LEGEND, (A)-CONDITIONED AT 80-f-30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT I) ( a) COvO(TIONED AT 7_5"F-50PERCENT RELATIV HUMIDITY (LOT 2) (C)-CONDITIONED AT 80T-80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 3) (D) CONDITIONED AT 807:- 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUM/0/ TY (LOT 4-) 0-IMMERSED IN DISTILLED WATER AT 757: ( LOT 5) NOTE:SPECIMEN WERE PREPARED FROM H- BY //-84-INCH PANELS( WITH SEALED EDGES) wmci-e HAD 8U/0 CONDITIONED FOR APPROXIMATEL Y /00 I 1 I I n DAYS I n (CROSSWISE) _38 (A (B ) p 36 1r) 34 (C) QC Lk] ck 32 I (:), 30 • 28 • 26 •)' 24 22 (c) (r) /8 /6 /4 1 ri 15) (A) • ,• (B) P isnmEi . A n , WI ii, mom Ell ' E n ,, . ., nMENU 1111 MY/ . , , . . , Wil nFA EMI rAm .an..II ,-- „- . NI IMIIMME1111111nn rim E mum. ERVEN . --" IN.FAMINI IFARNIM II A Ann AVM "NEON , E .1 / ' /2 /0 8 6 4 1 000 2 0 „ '' 2 STRAIN-INCHES PER INCH I PARALLEL LAMINATED (LENGTHWISE) 0.0 0 2 1.n-STRAIN-INCHES PER INCH 1 1 , GROSS LAMINATED (LENGTHWISE OR CROSSWISE) Figure 7.--Typical tensile stress-strain curves for paoreg (Improved Standard - June,1943) under various humidity and immersion conditions. z M 57899 F n n fil n n n n E n I86 lee /40 120 (00 80 60 v-) 40 p 20 4 40 O A • I • Il ram u • n ••/1•11 OWE • INE 01011 • NIS WON •11.11111• , MOF4 E •11 VIP •.••• 0.25,011.1 Wiri M IERMISS11 MialR n n RINS nSISIIII• VAN OM G ••• oromm 01. • .• Fritammonspi E •Winn. • • • mapiramm MOM EN • DEFLECT/ON 002 /NCH Mr 141= nOM 4 [LEND •(..1 CONDITIONED AT firtr-30 PERCENT RELATIVE HI111101TY CLOT I) 2) mcofroinave4 AT 75-r-soPEKENT Ref/IT/ye tiumA p ITY (1072) (C CONDITIONED AT drE-e3OPERCENT REIA7IYE mumfonrr (LOT 3) 0 CONDITIONED AT 80"E- 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (tor 4) (E)IMMER5L0 IN DISTILLEDWAreR AT 75'fi (LOT 5) Norz!5PECIMEN5 WERE PREPARED FROM /ray H-81, a-uvLH PANEL5k/TH SEALED EDGE5)WH1CH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR APPROAMATELY /00 DAYS. n n n PARALLEL LAMINATED (LENGTHWISE) 140 [(A /20 /00 80 60 40 • • MI OM n=SEM 8) •• OMMIENE r• • I •111 •••• nEMMA ME NM MOM Mil ON Pal. ra • a' PM nI OIMPII•Em _MI1 Rim pool 062•111111A 1111111•11NO•Nd p ,• n P•011111111 • AM MEE •Mked.M111 1101/4101 RUMENS' FE •Mr1111, 4EMMINNIOSE ENnI • •••1111•111M WAIRIEMII MKS= MN/ IIMMEO• OUMM•• • Ea ENE • IIMMIP:41•MOSIg FARMOIlli n•nn•morso-A•nn • • • n DEFLECTION 0.02 /NCH 111.roommi.• PARALLEL LAMINATED (CROSSWISE) 0.02 /NC, n CROSS LAMINATED LENGTHWISE OR CROSSWISE) Figure 8.--Typical flatwise flexure load-deflection curves for papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943) under various humidity and immersion conditions. Specimens were 1 by 1/8 by 4-1/2 inches. Span was 2-1/2 inches. Center loading. Z 24 67900 F ill mr(4) • MIME= RrAii /6 /4 111 rim ngi /2 • a /0 8 nWM spipME ME nIIIM RN NNE I • IlmilIPA 11111111km n MEM 117111111 n NO ME 111161I• 3112Wila•• 0 0 0 2 n .41NMM Nil 0111111figl=2/12 a ANNE • LEGEND :(A)DONDIT/ONED AT 80.1:-.30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT/,) (B)COND/T/ONED AT 7.57:-.50 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT2,) (C) DO/YD/T/ONED AT 80T- 80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (L07-3,) (D)CONDITIONED AT BOP- 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT4) (E) IMMERSED IN DISTILLED WATER AT 75 .P- (LOT 5) NOTE:5PEC/MEN5 WERE PREPARED FROM //BY N-84-INCH PANEL5(WITH _SEALED EDGE5)WHICH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR APPROX/AfATELY /00 DAYS THE END PO/NT OF EACH CURVE /5 ARBITRARY AND DOE 5 NOT REPRESENT THE FA/Li/VG _STRESS PARALLEL LAMINATED( LENGTHW/5E) (A) 6 4 2 0 (8 , AA • n1. • ••• FM B) _ A nM= • ARNEn•n MW EM 1111/n • MOM g MUMnESN •• (c) NM IIIIME WANE= MEER. .01M1 MEM= El .NMI=nKI EMEM WMFAMMIIIIIPB • rApirimormeri n IfiriniPINIIIENI rAgErAmasEi 0002 ...•••••Ell 0 002 /NCHE5 PER /NCH STRA/Ng agmmimrAEFNag ,,pipgmxr Amos. MIEWAti • PARA L LEL LAMINATED (CROSSWISE) CROSS LAMINATED (LENGTHWISE OR CROSSWISE) Figure 9.--Typical compression (edgewise) stress-strain curves for papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943) under various humidity and immersion conditions. Specimen was 1 by 1/8 by 4 inches and was tested as a laterally supported column. 2 K 457901 nnnn OWNEnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 20 MINIMMIMEN••••111111111.•••••••••••••111111111M• MINEMINI•••••••n••••••••••••••1•••••• IMANIMMIENPPMEN••••••••••••••••••• III nn1111/11nn 1111M1111111EM•Onnnnnnnnn1nnnnnnn MMININ•1n1111•11111Maiiiiiii•••111B=M•••••11111 EMPRIMEMMINIMII=••••••••••••••••••••• FAn PIn PE=3nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 16 11/111•111111•ME••n•••••••••••••• 111 32 28 24 /2 a O (,) nnn n INNInnnnM111nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnn MillIFAIMMEIMEN LEG ENOCONDITIONED AT 60'6 - 30 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT I) •FINIMECINEMEN• ) CONDITIONED AT 75'F- 50 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 2) NMENTH•••••• (C) CONDITIONED AT 807:-' 80 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 3)MIEF/r1 AMINE= (D) CONDITIONED AT &IF - 97 PERCENT RELATIVE HUMIDITY (LOT 4) ) IMMERSED IN DISTILLED WATER AT 75*F (LOTS) 111nAN nnnnnnn NOTE: SPECIMENS WERE PREPARED FROM 1/-BY II-BY t-INCH PANELS • MinOMEN /NC MEM EMMEAnnnnnnnnnnnn DEFORMATION 0002 W 24 " 20 /6 /2 All•••••n•••ENVIN•••••••••••••• 11•••1111.11111•••• n••••Na••••••••••••••• •••Wfnnnnn11FRIMMEININMMNEEEMN••• AIO INIE MITIMENNII•••=1MENiaill•ril•••••••••••• 11111•AMMEIIMMINIMEAMMENIIMENAKEIN NNW 11n0 nnnnSnNnnnnMnnFAnnnPE nnI nnnnn MEMINIIMMIIIMEMIIIIIMMOMMANIMI1•••••••••• 11•11111111AMMEMEN MEMIIIMBERNAMMEMIMPOINFINIVEIMINNIMINE1111111 NOMIMENN••n•11MINIVIVAINEMEME•11•••• E IIII nNEWInNNI n OMFMn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn 111111MINERM•••••=MELMFAMEM•••••••••11111111E MIONWANNEMEIIIIMEMIONMINIEMINEN••••••••• totem •n•RifINMAREN• =nnn= NEIMINFAM• D‘v"NcH E=WIFIREINEMEM°"z INCH nnnnn MIVEN/111•••••=11111FRIIWANNEMENNENNIMMEN• DEFORMAFIDN 0 nnnnnn apr nnnnnnnmnnn MINNEVIA•111•••••••••• c 3Z 28 (W/TH SEALED EDGES) WHICH HAD BEEN CONDITIONED FOR — APPROXIMATELY 100 DAYS PARALLEL LAMINATED(CR055WISE) DEFORMATION GROSS LAMINATED (LENGTHWISE OR CROSSWISE) Figure 10.--Typical-bearing stress-hole deformation curves for papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943) under various humidity and immersion conditions. Specimen 15/16 inch wide by 1/8 inch thick; hole diameter 1/8 inch; edge distance 2.5 hole diameters. Z M 57902 F • ^' s ..9 r4N13171113 rEIFLIF211: .ar ..111• iiHH 60. - .Zn . . , . 4%. -,-,—i.'4• ' - g'..! --.== '%!. ;. ,=. , , ,... . 1 i t i E. E. .1 E. E. a ,-!. •'"" IL,`P:A/Wi E ICA1_7,1r1417/117US' 111.1•••n •n br•-• "1)2 (1-17N/ ly rnos- &Id COA/nOd 000/) A.L/9/1S 1172 JO 5777/700W 0 0 o 0 0 0 nN• N N • II MEI! n• 1/ nn i . IIMNI-,U•• I ME n • AM .'-‘ : ri ,,,,A INMInNNn,A 4 / n• . n ,ins• n ENE n si—N P 411 i'd . M ,L :., Mn• g MI INn• • • '. n ;, nnn n•• , 'i • iz. ME • mi- EN n• • • MI • z1 k ,'/ 4 MO • ill • L 1 , jOU a A , PI • NM a ENE UM , ."' ... • ::A 2 Q,:> ......azza .,-,c„.c M :t.k..",-;'.: v,,0„ .,, .zit, , • E n 1 P4 1 zlil g • • MEM MEI OM • 11 N. MEll n • El lim • An . cp . . e°, • NEN s n i NE • .t, 't z, n • N n EN' • n n EO nME q MI • IMnI n n 5 ,g ''''• 4M• `t 16 MM. El M ill EM • • r • , MEM n ,c't k;nNM 4, • NI• • -'' „),' ' • N4M El nEl • II° • MI nM n .,t. , .• •••• I _ t-. El MI + . n•• • * • • i 0 n °°` tIE Pp E. MN M n•M 4 %6 0.6° r71 N • kt N S O 0 V N O 0 • 't N 0 (r/ ON/ 7yvne).s. &7ce sownod 000i) gsgdis FIBER-GRAIN DIRECT/ON-3-- X X P X LENGTH PLAN P ii P ni ii P m 14 If CR055 SECT/ON LEGEND: P- STEEL REFERENCE PINS X- LOCATION, OFTHICKNESS MEASUREMENTS T-4" AND Figure 13.--Plan and cross section of specimen used for the determination of dimensional stability of parallel- and cross-laminated papreg (Improved Standard - June 1943). Z X 57905 F