9/18/12 and 9/19/12 NSSLHA Meeting Minutes Introductions: • • Talk to someone you don’t know and introduce yourself to practice networking Went around the room and everyone introduced ourselves: name, where you are from, and year in school Membership: • • Rachel talked about paying dues o $10 can be paid to her at any time Caitlin talked about the membership levels and what they entail o You’re a member if you pay-­‐ you can be as involved as you want but we will have different membership levels based on how involved you are. o These membership levels are based on points you earn for coming to different events o Active Member § 6 event points and attending at least 8 meetings o Supportive Member § 4 event points and 6 meetings o Moderate participant § 2 event point and 4 meeting o Events include speakers, volunteer opportunities and fundraisers o Active members will receive a free NSSLHA gift in April o Attendance sheet must be signed by member to get the point for each event. It’s your responsibility not ours Speakers and Panels-­‐ Kimmy o o o First speaker Tuesday, Sept. 29th-­‐ Dr. Winters § Second week of the month § Working on getting Kelly Star for the November speaker Panels-­‐ § Panels will be the first part of meetings once a month § first one will be panel of grad students talking about applying to grad school • Sent out a sign up to see who is interested about being on the panel Betsy talked about taking the GRE § Researched prep for it • Kaplan offers test prep o Anything from online to one-­‐on-­‐one prep o Kits online • Schoolcraft college offers a class starting this week for 8 weeks § EMU has prep course online-­‐ work at your own pace § ETS has free prep stuff • If anyone want to do a group study email emunsslha@gmail.com Fundraisers –Kellie o o o First one is tonight at Mongolian BBQ from 6-­‐9 in Ann Arbor on Main St. Next fundraiser is Wednesday, Oct. 3rd. at Noodles and Company in Arborland from 4-­‐9 We want to adopt a philanthropy with some of the money we raise-­‐ The Aphasia Community Friendship Center of Ann Arbor Volunteering-­‐ Kellie o Kellie made a chart with all of the volunteer opportunities she has contacted so far to pass out § ACC-­‐ right off campus, help people with autism of all ages § Aphasia Community Friendship Center § Michigan Abilities Center-­‐ in Ann Arbor Mentorship Program-­‐ Kellie o o o o o o Pretty informal Pair up grad students with undergrads as a point of contact if you have questions or just want to meet someone new Bringing the undergrads and grads closer together Created a matching survey If interested, Shoot Kellie an email (kkrefft@emich.edu) Apparel-­‐ Betsy o o o We will be having different apparel this year Will be having a few designs Contest to design-­‐ § deadline to turn in is Oct. 15th § will vote on 16th and 17th at NSSLHA meeting § winner gets free tshirt and starbucks giftcard § designs can be for EMU NSSLHA or Porter building in general § have envelope on bulletin board you can put yours in or email them to NSSLHA email o o o In Atlanta Georgia Nov. 15th-­‐17th Friday is NSSLHA day ASHA o o o § Grad school fair § Job fair $210 to register $150 for one day ASHA.org § SEARCH: CONVENTION National NSSLHA o o o Sign up for $60 Get ASHA Leader once a month Log in to ASHA website Facebook Page-­‐ Bob o o o Bob gets any notifications from exec board-­‐ will put it on website if relevant Always looking for things to be posting that’s relevant to NSSLHA Not closed so anyone can post on it as long as it pertains to NSSLHA and our field Bulletin board: o o o o Calendar for the month Comments Email sign ups if someone didn’t come to either of the meetings today or yesterday Will have dates for upcoming meetings and events Ideas from the group: • • Panel Idea o How to pay for grad school/doctorate program o How to go about FAFSA Fundraiser ideas o Sell Halloween treats around Halloween o Sell wristbands o Do walks or runs maybe “light for the night” for Autism Awareness