The gospel of Mark Chapter 16 Bible Reading Group The resurrection (Mark 16)

Bible Reading Group
The gospel of Mark
Chapter 16
The resurrection (Mark 16)
1. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices to anoint
• Why did they wait until the Sabbath was over?
• Why did they want to anoint his body?
• When did they go? Why did they go at that time?
2. A young man was sitting on the right side in the tomb.
• Who was he?
• Why were they alarmed?
• How did he know what had happened to Jesus?
3. Use cross references to find out what else they saw in the tomb.
4. They were told to tell his disciples and Peter that Jesus was alive again.
• Why was Peter singled out?
• Find where Jesus had told the disciples that he would see them in Galilee.
• Why were they trembling and bewildered?
• Why did they remain quiet about this?
5. In verse 9 it says that Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, but earlier in this
chapter it says that the three women went and found he had been raised.
• Can these both be true?
• What order do you think things happened?
6. Why didn’t the other mourners believe Jesus was alive?
Bible Reading Group: The gospel of Mark, chapter 16
7. Jesus appeared in a “different form” to two of them while they were walking in
the country.
• What does that mean?
• Find a record in one of the other gospels that gives more details about this
• Why were they not believed either?
8. Why were all the disciples so lacking in faith about the resurrection when Jesus
had predicted it very clearly before his death?
9. What was the job that was given to the disciples by Jesus?
10. List the things that verse 16 says are necessary for salvation:
11. Find references in Acts that fulfilled the signs predicted (can you find them all?):
• Driving out demons
• Speaking in new tongues
• Picking up snakes
• Drinking deadly poison and remaining unharmed
• Healing sick people
12. Find a more detailed record of Jesus going to heaven.
• Where is Jesus now?
• Will Jesus be there for ever?
13. Why did the disciples (who had been hiding away after the death of Jesus) go
and preach everywhere?