TDDC22 Mobile wireless networks Telecommunicationslab Get started (write these two commands) module use /site/edu/it/medieinformatik module add mi-module Manual to most commands are read Manual till de flesta kommandon nås med kommdot man man <command> Manual pages man tkt Overview of telecommunications programs Data files are found at /site/edu/it/medieinformatik/telekomlab 4fso 4g7g g04fso_5.1x1km.1000 g04fso_5.1x1km.pgm g04fso_5.1x1km.pnm il-76-1.pgm il-76-1.592.395 library with raster map library with vector map Image with map in grayscale (raw format) Image with map in grayscale Image with map in colour scale Image with airplane (pgm-format) Image with airplane (raw format) File with data to communications programs at /site/edu/it/medieinformatik/telekomlab 2pam.mod G.7.4 H.7.4 G.15.11 H.15.11 Modulation type Generator matrix to Hamming (7,4) kod Parity check matrix to the code above Generator matrix to Hamming (15,11) kod Parity check matrix to the code above Programs pgm2bin bin2pgm Convert pgm-format to bin-format Convert bin-format till pgm-format awgn bsc Channel with additive white gaussian noice Binary symmetric channel mod demod Modulator Demodulator matenc cmpdec Matrix coder Decoder compress uncompress gzip gunzip File compression File decompression File compression File decompression cjpeg djpeg codetree decdtree jpeg encoder jpeg decoder SPITH-encoder SPITH-decoder xv Imageviewer Exemples 1. Convert an image in pgm-format to bin-format, send it through a binary channel with error probability 0.1, convert the image back to pgm-format and view it on the screen. pgm2bin < il-76-1.pgm | bsc 0.1 | bin2pgm -w 592 -h 395 -b 8| xv 2. Compress an image in raw-format with the SPITH-encoder to 0.2 bit/pixel and store data in the file tmp.spt. codetree il-76-1.592.395 tmp.spt 395 592 1 0.2 3. Decompress the file slask.spt comressed with SPITH to 0.2 bit/pixel and store the image in the file tmp.raw. decdtree -s slask.spt tmp.raw 0.2 4. Compress a pgm-format image with jpeg with qualityparameter se to 10, decompress the image and view it. cjpeg -Q 10 il-76-1.pgm | djpeg | xv 5. Generate a sequence of 1000 random bits, modulate the sequence with 2pam (2-pulse amplitude modulation) with energy 0.5 per bit, send the bits through a channel with additive white gaussian noice with spectral density 0.1, demodulate and count the number of errors. sou 1000 | mod 2pam -b 0.5 | awgn 0.1 |demod 2pam -b 0.5 | check 6. Generate 100 random bits, encode them with a Hamming (7,4)-code, send them through a binary channel with bit error probability 0.013, decode the received bits and count the number of errors. sou 100 | matenc G.7.4 | bsc 0.013 | cmpdec G.7.4 | check 7. Generate 100 random bits, encode them with Hamming (15,11)-code, send them through a binary channel with bit error probability 0.013, decode the received bits with syndrome decoder, extract the information bits from the codewords and count the number of errors. sou 100 | matenc G.15.11 | bsc 0.013 | syndec H.15.11 | xinfo G.15.11 | check