AIRICUL1URE ROOM SCREEN ANALYSIS AS AN AID I N PULP EVALUATIO N Revised November 193 9 M SCHOOL OF FORESTR Y OREGON STATE COLLEG E CORVALLIS, OREGO N UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR E FOREST SERVIC E FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATOR Y Madison, Wisconsi n In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin SCREEN AlgLYSI .S AS AN .AID IN PULP EVALUATIO N A, resume of work at the :Forest Product s - Laborator y By E . R . SCHAFER , Enginee r This article supercedes a publication of the same title, (1) ; :-.and .. brings together the results of several'indepe'identinvestigations, some o f which have not been previously reported . The ' Laboratory first became iinterested in the fractionation .offiber masses into length classes as, a means of pulp , evaluation in a study of insulating board from sawmil l waste . The fractionation was effected with an experimental flat-plat e diaphragm screen provided with a series of interchangeable slotted plate s of the type ordinarily used in pulp mill screening operations . Th e apparatus was later modified for application to evaluating groundwoo d ahd chemical pulps by substituting . wire screens for slotted plates . Further study brought improved ef`iciency• through the development o f maltiple"plate screeriin which the stock flowed through four compartment s each fitted`with a:screen of different site openings . Experiments will be described of the screen analysis of insulatin gboardpuls,groundw puls,andchemialpuswithbo esingla d multiple diaphragm plate sereea-as well as a limited amount of work with . :. the Bauer-McNett Classifier . SCREEN ANALYSIS . OF INSULATING BOARD STOCK S Single Plate Scree n The plates used in the single-plate diaphragm screen (see fig . 1 ) were 10 inches wide .by l2 inches long .and contained 6o slots, eack 4 inches long . The widths of the slots in the series of plates . were 0 .020 , 0 .015, 0 .012, and o .OC g inch, respectively . The material was firs t screened on the screen having the smallest slots . The fraction of th e material passing through the screen was caught in a drain box with a "0 Acknowledgement is made to the Appleton Machine Company, Appleton, Wis . , for cooperation in working out detail s , of, desig n, ,of ; this screen an d for building models in the various stages of development . . The machin e is commercially known as the Appleton Selective Screen , R gg4 . Fourdrinier wire bottom .. Thescreen ,plate was then replaced by the nex t larger in the series and the screening rep'a tads _ ..':T e ter ,lduring eac h screening was vigoroi .sly .,agitated on the screen with water sprays . On e hundred grams of the original 'b er' ' required about- lO r minirtes screening o n each plate to effect a practical separation . Continued screening cause d the various sized fractions to blend into each other . The various fractions obtained in this way were then dried and weighed . fi The screen analysis and other 'propertie's-of three well-known commercial insulating boards and one of an 'experimental Douglas fir board ar e given in table 1 . These boards are composed of various materials that hav e been processed in different ways . It is, therefore, not surprising t o find no general relationship between the strength properties and th e screen analysis . Nevertheless, a change in the fibrous composition o f any one of them would undoubtedly influence not only the strengt h properties but its density, formation, insulating value, and appearance . Having developed a, product of, satisfactory quality, the screen analysis , therefore, presents, a means of Oontrol'in manufacture . Plate 1 shows th e fiber aggregates obtained from insulating boards . The Bauer =McNett -Classifie r The .Bauer-McNett Classifier is a ` four compartment apparatus in whic h the stock flews . by gravity through a'-mes h ' wire screen from one compartmen t to the next . The screen plate"is set vertical in the . compartment and a propeller agitates the stock suspension in a=manner claimed•to orient th e fibers parallel to the screen surface . Ten grams of material are used i n each test . The fiber .distribution of seven commercial insulating boar d stocks as obtained :on this classifier are given in table 2 . . SCREEN ANALYSIS OF GROL'NDWOOD PULP Since groundwood pulp will practically all pass through a plat e with the usual 0 .00 g -inch width slots, the separation of this type o f pulp must be made with screens having openings smaller than those obtain able in the form of slots . For this purpose a series of screens consisting .of various mesh wires of the Tyler standard screen scale wer e soldered to perforated brass plates . The screens were 24, 32,-42, and 60 mesh of . the Tyler series which, respectively, have screen openings o f 0 .701, 0.495, 0 .351, and 0.246 mm. in width . The ratio of the width o f screen opening in one screen to that 'of the next one i n . -this series. i s approximately equal to the square root of 2 .The procedure for the single-plate screen consisted in using thes e plates in the apparatus in the order of their size, starting with th e smallest, The fraction of the material passing through the screen wa s caught in a catch screen the bottom of which was made up of a piece o f R gg4 -2- r• a) 0 O P4 • 1 -fI a) rCC tti a) o 0 rd a) O b +) N 4-1 O 41 •ri .F., 4.C 0J '. l a) i I 0 1 U) a) U) I 0 $-t i 0I I rd 1 I o I 1 I U1 A +' •• 4A 0 fi I • I i I H E-1 .. .. w . . 1 r-e I~ I I 1 I I I I F4 O o I I { 0 a) (•• • I f I 1 I I I O I P-1 r~ m I ~. q I O .. a) I y 1 rd a) 1 Cd 1 Q) q I ri I 1)31 0 I I 1 f m I o I 1 O O . d . N N LC\ En LO NN N . . . . O to 00 O O . . LO IX1 0 O p0 l0 ~D 0) CS) v v 00 O O N rI .. .. .. .• MM .. .. LC \ .. 0 O H r-1 O 0 0 MM .. .. N N - r-1 H r-•I . . r-1 .. .. r--1 111 LC1 .~' .. ' ..0 .. I •- .r CV A 4-, riO O •d I r-i 0 r-1 I LCl ▪ .. M .. 0 '• Ea t to _0 +' IN OU O I -i O 0 r-1 • .r-I U# Cj rn 4-4 0) .. r--N N I I 0 to 0 ~I a) I I r-H .. Lc) to M ~L.0 I .. i-3 .• .• - .. .. 1 I 0 .'i L Pal a) •rl U7 d >~ u) Fa • O a) a) .. MN to LO Fr I . . .. • 'a) tc) 42 •r-1 0 O A +' 0 CG NMM !, . . ri 0 NN La I I l U) +~ ~~ f Gd •rl I r-♦ c) 1 W •r+ 1 +' .1. . . .. . . I a) R a) a) F-t F4 4 0 s i U) ♦• . . I 1 1 I f C) N- H 0 ty to f` 0 I U C)t . . .. f-'ii a) U Fi a) Pi I r-I N . .. lC) • 0 r~ r-I H Lc) .. .. .. N- N 0 to rI N Ql 01 r- .. 1P- .. L.D 0 r4 I .0 -P I N O LCl U O IIN ri r-1 1 0 0 • r .1 m 1 f io 1 Q) I H H 0 •O t O O No cd o a' 0 P, r-f p 0 •r~1 O -1- o 1 a) a) P- f- M -' M • +) 4• • -1 m LAO . 0 us a) 0 O O a) +3 O q a) 0 -P En I f-i -a) 4-1 4-3 O • 0 •-1 Pi Ea 4-4 +) H q a) ct 0 cd 4-1 a) q ra rd + 0 5 C~) 0cd o •-4 R1 U O rd a) c'. R c 0 •H a) Retained on 0 .020 inc h width slots Passing through 0 .020 inc h width slots and retaine d on 0 .015 inch width slot s Passing through 0 .015 inch width slots and retained on 0 .012 inch width slots Passing through 0 .012 inc h width slots and retaine d on 0 .008 inch width slot s Passing through 0 .008 inc h width slot s PLATE 1 Fibers obtained in the fractionation of a pulp used for insulating board. Reduced to 0 .9 natural size . zM Iz984F • q1 . M • . r-l 4' O U LC\ 0 I t-i r-1 H r a) O• CT to O I r ri re ri \ H r-i to LO rO 0 0 LO L0 LO t0 t0 t0 r-4 r-I r1 0 Lh r- al 0 to N- N- LO O r-i r-1 al LCl r LO LO LO r-i rl .-I- to r-I DO 0 0 r-I r~i O ~ 99 99 99 99 ▪ I +' zn a) to LC1 0 I 0F-i LO N a O• O~ 99 99 N- LCI/O N NN N- t0 to to to to to to r-i i-f r-I . H H H r-i ri r-I 99 99 ti . r \r l r \ e r e .9 99 99 N\ t0 0 150 0 al , Lf ' LCl O re\ H N N N N N N 99 99 99 99 99 • r-1 al 0. LO 1` NH HH 9 9 99 99 t • N 01 01 LC' -i I r1 r 1 a) NCV co (i O r r LO N LC \ LC\ LC \ NNN 9 ti N al N r \N NN N NN N N N N 99 99 9 9 9 . e 1 •9 • CR I a) ; r Lc\ 0. . '.-[ 0N r5l U ▪ : ▪ ) 4 99 • • • : • U) ! U F! ~N N .. • N-0\ H N r \ r \r \ e e e .. 0 .. • .. rl O LC\ Lr - -d- re\ r \ r \ e .. .. 99 .. 1- LO LC\ LC \ LCl Lc\ N NN •6 99 .. N r \ ref r \ re\ N N N e e . . . . M tO O I~-LD t-HH H . . 99 99 9 9 LC1 N to Lcllp LC\ H H r-1 . • • ▪ 0 al al re\ r \ re\ e 9 9 9 • 9 .. . I ! +)1 0 ' OI U C H r I ` NFi • LC) I .6 e I 1 90 • r- M 0 ti to to 'sr, • q fi i U)i e 99 99 Pi .S' r \ O re\ N to ▪ 90 99 99 -FD I O to al N •9 . . . : • : ▪ • : : : •• . Ol 0 al N Lc\ re\ re\ M re\ LCI al . Lf 1 N IYl N LO .zlN to 0 Lll_71 111 • Table 3 .--Fiber size distribution of the various screen fractions o f groundwood pul p Fiber length range From mm. 0 0 .073 .147 .220 .294 .36s .44o : : mnn. : . : : .515 : .588 .6o2 .736 .810 .884 .956 1 .030 To : : r : : Passing 60 : mesh screen Fibers measured . : : : . 1 .618 • 0 .073 .147 .220 .294 .368 : 489 : 139 : 78 : 15 . 8 .44o : 4 .515 : 7 .588 . 1 .662 . 1 .736 .810 : .804 :• .956 :• 1 .322 1 .398 : : ■ : : : : : : : : 1 .691 : : 1 .691 : 1 .765 1 .765 . 1 .839 : : : :• .•f . . . . : 1 .618 Fibers measured : 65 .70 : : 18 .70 : : 10 .50 : : 1 .92 . : 1.07 : : .54 : : . 94 : : .15 : : .15 : : : 1 .470 1 .545 : : : : 1 .839 : 1 .912 :• 1 .912 : 1 .986 1 .986 : 2 .060 2 .060 : 2 .115 2 .115 2 .205 2 .205 : 2 .382 2.382 2 .375 2 .375 : 2 .430 : Total Retained : between : and 60 mesh:32 screens : Retained Retained between : between and 42 mesh; 24 and 32 mes h screens : screens ?.ers Fiber s mei.;_17-. ed measured ------------------ :Number : Percent : Number : Percent: Numbe :c• J. °cent : Number : Percen t 1.030 :• : 1 .102 :• 1 .102 . 1 .175 : 1 .175 : 1.250 : 1 .250 1 .322 1 .398 1 .470 1 .545 : : : 142 : :: 2 19 41 : 0.40 : 3 .76 : . 37 • 7 .33 :10.70 : 9 .70 :1o.50 :14.20 : 5 .52 6 .52 : 4 .36 : 2.58 : 3 .76 : 3 .97 : 1 .38 . : 2 .18 : .59 : .59 .59 : .20 : .59 : : : : . : : : : : : 54 49 53 72 28 35 22 13 19 15 7 9 11 3 3 3 1 3 o 1 3 2 1 : : 8 .12 1 .78 : : 0 .20 . 59 . : : : : . : : : : : : : . .4o : .20 : 3 : 8 : 9 8 t, : 22 22 46 21 34 42 26 : : : : : : : 10 11 : : 11 11 17 23 12 : : : : 0 .82 : 2019 : 2147 : 2 9 3 .02 3 .52 6 . 0.2-41 :6 .02 : 9 .85 : 5 .75 : 9 .32 : 11 .50 . 7 .13 : 4 .65 : 2 .74 : 3 .02 : 6 .03 : 10 =? , 8 3 ~; . 5 $ . J- .-7 : 2 , 5 , 3 3= : ~ 2 . 1 : .27 : 1 . .27 : . . . . . . . . . . : : : . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .• 10 14 1 2 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 2 : : : : 3 : : 3 Above 0 .662 :Above 1 .986 irrn . :Above 2 .060 mm.:,Above 3 : 0 .45 ; 1 : 0 .20 : 4 : 1410 ---------W 5 : 745 : 100 : 505 : 100 : 365 : 100 : 342 : 1 .1 7 .29 : .5 9 : .5 9 .88 : : .88 2 .430 mm . : 1 .4 6 : 10 0 80 mesh wire . Ordinarily no attempt was made to catch the material passin g through the 60-mesh screen . One hundred grams on the basis of weigh t of oven-dry pulp was used for the test . After screening, all othe r fractions were dried and weighed and the portion cassing through th e 60-mesh screen was obtained by subtraction . When it was desired to obtain a auantity of the fine fraction to determine its properties, a piec e of linen toweling was laid over the wire screen in the catch box . B y this method more than 75 percent of the fiber passing the 60-mesh scree n was reclaimed . The appearance of the different fractions obtained with this serie s of screens is characteristic and indicates a fairly definite separatio n of the fibers into groups according to their size (3) . Table 3 shows the results of fiber measurements made to determin e the fiber-size distribution in the various fractions . The data represen t the average of five commercial groundwood pulps . The five pulps wer e fractionated and the fiber measurements made on each fraction . The fiv e sets of fiber measurements for a given fraction were then combined . Fro m 350 to 500 measurements were made on each of the fractions retained o n the 24, 32, 42, and 60-mesh screens, and because of the inaccuracy involved in measuring very short fibers, about 750 measurements were mad e in the material passing the 60-mesh screen . The manner in which the fiber lengths tend to group themselve s about the average, or the freauency distribution, was determined by th e number of fibers falling within a given range of length instead of th e __number of fibers of a given single length . This was due to the fac t that even with the apparently large number of measurements taken, th e relation of the percentage of fibers of a given length to that of th e next higher or lower length was very irregular and therefore, a curv e drawn through such data would not present a true picture of the norma l distribution of the fiber lengths . A much larger number of measurement s would have smoothed out these irregularities and permitted the use o f smaller ranges than reported here . The average fiber length, the standar d deviation, and the coefficient of variability of each fraction are show n in table 4 . A high degree of variability is indicated in all fractions , that for the material passing the 60-mesh screen being almost twice a s great as the other fractions . Table L+ . ;--Average fiber length, standard deviation, and coefficient o f variability of groundwood screen fraction s Fraction • Passing 60-mesh Retained between : 42 and 60-mesh 32 and 42-mesh 24 and 32-mesh 4 R884 : Average fiber : Standard length : deviation : mm . 0 .079 7 : +0 . 0796 .567 5 .812 0 1 .11-1. 0 . 334 .365 .513 -3 - : Coefficient o f variability - .. . Percen t 99 . 9 58 . 9 45 . 0 56 . 1 The abscissas of the pofints on the curves show :n in . figure '3 are: plotted as the midpoints of the range of length chosen . In spite •o-th e efforts to insure .a complete 'separation, of the fibers there is a ' considerable overlapping of sizes in every fraction . This does not, however ; invalidate the usefulness of the method . In commercial work the series'o f screens needed will depend on the characteristics of the pulp and th e degree of separation desired . In some cases a sharp separation into fibe r classes may not be necessary . If•a sharp separation is desired, a-stud y such as described above, although requiring a large amount of careful work , will be needed to determine the number and mesh of the screens required . Detailed studies of the physical and chemical properties of th e screen fractions of .groundwood pulp have been presented in other •publica tions (4,) . These investigations have indicated some very definite relationships between , fiber size distribution and pulp properties . . SCREEN ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL PUL P 11 ' The screen analysis has been found useful in studies of the effec t of beating . Then beating a mixture of spruce and birch sulfite pulps fo r glassine stock, samples were taken from the beater at intervals an d development of hydration and strength of-the pulp followed by means o f the'freenessand strength tests . The cutting action of the beater ril l was followei .b'y-the screen analysis, in this case with the single-plat e screen . The results of the analysis are shown in figure :4 . It may be noted that the cutting action of the roll, which was o f stone Was rapid 4uring the first .120 minutes . Cutting was less rapid, during the . next80 minutes but increased again during the last period of 4 0 minutes : It may be noted further that an increase in the amount o f material that would p ass the 60-mesh screen was accompanied with a n approximately equal decreas .e in the amount retained on the 24-mes h screen . The intermediate fractions remained practically constant i n amount throughout . This example is cited to illustrate a use the scree n analysis may serve in determining That is happ ening to pulp in processing . Another example of the . aid of the screen analysis in the processing of pulp is shown by the data in table 5 . This was a study of th e production of bond paper from bleached sulfite pulpi Th4 4creening wa s done on the four-compartment screen .showh in figure 5- . The analysi s indicates the trend of the processing effect on fiber distribution . The percentage of fiber retained on the ' 24-mesh screen was redu.ced - proportionately as much by beating as by jordaning although the beatin g treatment was very mild . . The effect of beating on increase of th e amount of material passing 115-mesh screen was nearly twice as great a s the effect of jordaning the beaten pulp . Generally speaking more tha n two-thirds of the fiber size reduction ofthe "on 24-mesh" material b y beating appeared as increase in the amount of "through 115-mesh" materia l whereas only a little mbre than one-third of the size reduction of "24 mesh material ft by jordaning the beaten stock appeared as fine material . 8884 -1 - N ■■MIlIEN111■ I n1111N■■11 .11..1119 nnnn f0 11111■1011 NINE //E L .11 r■ i __ MIR INN u u u) IN nnn u) a) u) a) - et:1 z - \J N iti N Fi u) a) a) a) a) 4-3 4-1 -p a) a) a) -0 0 a) rU a) u1 ,o -0 0 00 acd 0 ifi k ;-l OOO ~■ 9 g N-N._1- -d N Pi o .H 0 0 0 cd cd cd cd r-=-f Fri 00 <1 I frIl I A t) %I% . IMO E LE U a) r-1 glom . EEM■ ; 44 4i Fi O U U) , 1 ■ IR sm.. nnn z l _ I r-~ } -- ■■.alBr 41 >F ~~ I t, .. , _ INN X11_-a_E ■ 11 1.111•1=11_n. N cH O q • O -3 N I Fvl 1 4-0 0 .H u) _D ,d P a) z3 N a) •H va H Fi a) a a) _ N o a) a) Fa U O a) a) UO a) .U O 0 rc1 .W O a) a) a) U o U O w ~ N tv l N d d U 0 ~O cd f N N N rrl ~- s~ m a) 0 a) + -p P4 f~ N H U) 11 cd a) EiD a) a) a) O al a) a) 0 N cd Pi IN= O O N 1.11 0 w 0 uaaxos txo pautt;qa .T 4txnoult) .C -' o I Ei D cti a) cd a ,O O `rS Cl] F-i a) a) p U U) 1 L- rr-i a) P ~ II (4uao .zacl -- •H o Ill■= ! NAM= •=Il -. L O a) 1 0 • U C Table 5 .--Screen apalysis .of_unbeaten and processed bleached sulfite pul p Processing: treatment ,_ := Retained. on 42 and : 80 and 80-mesh :115-mesh 24 and U2=mesh Pexrcent' Percent Unbeaten 'Retained between : -= Percent . Percent : c 75 .0 6 .)4. After beating . . . . : 58 .4 10 .1 : 6 .5 3 .2 . After jordaning . . :. 45 .0 14 .o : 10.0 4 .0 .5 r : 4+ .3 : Passin g :,115-mes h . ,percent 10 .4 , '319 22. 0 , 27 . 0 It . .was also observed in this investigation that the percentage o f fine material in the furnish was associated with the porosity of the finished paper . The data in table 6 show that a higher porosity valu e (more dense sheet) was obtained with furnishes containing the highe r proportions of fines . Table 6 .--Influence of amount of fines in the furnish on the porosity of sulfite bond pape r : Porosity of shee t by Gurley : : densomete r : After jordaning : At head box : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Second s Percent Percent Machine run : 1257 1272 1261 1267 1259 : R884 : Proportion of furnish passing 115-mesh : 1y .2 : 33 .2 35 .6 30 .0 9 .3 360 230 143 56 50 STUDIES ON THE SCREENING PROCEDURE ' In the ori-Omal screen analysis test employing' asingle-plat e diaphragm screen it was necessary to interchange screen plates for eac h fraction . This appaus was improved upon by building_ four diaphragm screens into- olie . machine . In the improved machine - each compartment contains a,: $cregn plat e: ;with different size- of . openings than the other three . The screeni - shown -in figure 5 . I-n operation, from 50 to 100 grams o f the pulp (depeh$ .ng on the-,fiber size distribution Of the sample), in a dilute suspension., flows by gravity from one compartment to the nex t through the series . of screen plates, the openings in the plate ineac h successive compartment being . smaller than in the one preceding . As wit h the single ..-plate screen ; mesh wires of the Tyler series have been used , but with the .'introduction of-one or two screens of finer•mesh•to th e series : The fibers under the action of . the vibrating diaphragms and agitating water sprays in .eaeh compartment, pass through . the- screen s until they arrive on one, the openings of which are too small to allo w their-passage . The fibers retained in•each compartment'at the end of th e screening are washed out, filtered, dried, and-weighed , Analyses of several commercial groundwood pulps and one experimenta l grow:ndwoodpulp were made on both screens in order to compare the result s ofthe multiple-plate and'the single-plate screens . The results shown-i n table 7 ' indicate that-the two screens are not comparable except perhap s in the amount passing the 60-mesh wire . The effect of the amount of pulp used in the test is shown in th e The analyses obtained by the two screen s analysis of'pulp Gi21 (table 7) . are'more comparable with 50 grams of pulp than when greater amounts ar e used. In general varying the amount of pulp causes greater variations i n the -results"from the .,single-=plate screen than from the ■ four dilate ' so ' This isshown in table - . -The variability is greater in the four-pla t screen for the n on 24-mesh" and passing "60-mesh n but is less for th e int g rtnpdiate fractions . ' : , I Table 7 .--Comparison of screen analyses made with the single-plate and the four-plate fractionating screen s Samplel : Screen Retained between :Passing Amount :Retained : :o0-mes h taken for : on : :analysis :24 mesh :24 and :32 and :42 and : :32 me sh : 42 me sh: 60 mesh: Number Grams Percent :Percent :Percent :Percen t :Percent : 4 .0 : 10 .4 : 60 . 4 ; 62 .3 9.1 2 .3 : : 7,0 6 .9 : 65 . 9 : 62 . 2 . : 7 .5 5 .3 : : 5 .8 8 .8 ; 66 . 2 : 65 . 4 5 .4 .5 : : 7 .4 4 .3 : : 6 .6 8 .2 : 53 . 1 : 58 . 3 : : 5 .3 .9 : : 6 .9 5 .0 : 9 .2 11 .1 : 69 . 3 : 64 . 5 : : 8 .7 3 .7 : 10 .3 6 .0 : 10.2 : 10 .6 : 60 . 5 ; 65 .4 : 3 .3 7. g . 5 .8 4 .3 : 6 .7 : 11 .3 : 4g .2 : 33 . 1 19 .0 24 .5 : : 4.9 .4 : 11 .7 : 2 .4 l4.o 28 .1 : 4 .o .5 : 100 100 12 .2 19 .6 : : 8 .2 .9 : Single plate Four plate . 100 100 27 .4 28 .7 : . P 901 : Single plate Four plate . 100 100 9 .0 18 .5 P 902 : Single plate Four plate . 100 100 10.3 24 .3 21 : Single plate Four plate . 100 100 36 .0 43 .5 P 888 : Single plate : Four .plate 100 100 P 895 : Single dilate Four plate ;:; 100 100 P 896 Single plate s Four plate . P 097 G : G 21 : Single plate Four plate . 72 75 37 .6 4707 : 3 .8 11 .4 : . 7 .4 5 .0 : 8 .5 : 14 .4 : 42 . 7 : 21 . 5 G 21 : Single plate Four plate . 50 50 38.0 35 .6 : 6 .0 : 10 .9 : 9 .0 4 .o : 12 .5 : 13 0 5 ; 34 . 5 ; 34 .0 -Commercial groundwood pulp indicated by "P", experimental by "G" . R88 4 Figure 5 .--Laboratory size four-plate diaphrag m fractionating pulp screen . zM 16105 F O Table g .--Comparison of single-plate and four-plate fractionating screen s in regardtovariability in results caused by varying th e amountofsampl e Variability- Fraction Single plate screen Retained on 24 mesh Retained 24 and 32 and 42 and between : 32 mesh 42 mesh 60 mesh Passing 60 mesh : : Four plate scree n Percent Percen t 3 .6 11 . 2 41 .2 2g . g 42 .0 23 . 9 21 .g 2g . 2 15 . 0 15 . g -Calculated by dividing the average of all differences between value s by the average of all values and multiplying by 100 . The amount s of sample were 50, 75, and 100 grams of pulp from grinder run No . 21 . (See table 7 . ) Table 9 shows a number of duplicate analyses made on the four plate screen picked at random from a large number of tests on groundwoo d pulp . The results show duplicability to be good for this type of pulp . It is emphasized, however, that althougn the procedure to be followed i s not difficult, it is not possible to attain good duplication withou t attention to manipulative details . Experience has further shown that analytical precision cannot be, expected from a fractionating screen an d it is for this - ,reason that an apparatus which may employ a fairly larg e sample is to be preferred . The sample taken should be sufficiently larg e for the smallest fraction obtained to be weighed on a balance reading t o a minimum of one-hundredth of a gram . . A11 tests should be run i n duplicate . The degree of dupli,cabil6ety that may be expected on the four compartment screen of the Forest Products Laboratory is a maximum difference of 2 in fractions amounting to 10 percent or more of the pulp , a maximum difference of 1 in fractions amounting to between 1 and 9 per cent, inclusive, and a maximum difference of 0 .3 in fractions amountin g to less than 1 percent, of the whole pulp . R gg 4 - 7- METHODS OF USING SCREEN ANALYSIS DATA A screen analysis as ordinarily made gives from 2 to 5 Values , depending on the number of screens used . These may be used for•ctmparison with a similar analysis on a pulp chosen as a standard . The use o f several numbers for a test result is somewhat inconvenient and severa l methods have been devised to make the data more useful . Discussion o f the relative merits of these methods follow . • Screen Analysis Curve s Screen analyses may be conveniently shown by curves . The plo t of the percentages of the various fractions against the widths of th e openings of the screens upon which they were retained is usually s o irregular that a smooth curve cannot be . drawn. through the points . Ho yvever, if the cumulative percentage 's are. plotted against the screen opening a smooth curve may generally be drawn which rises continuously fro m the amount retained on the coarsest screen opening to the amount retaine d on a,hypothptical screen having openings of zero widths, : Since th e cumulative percentage is defined as the amount of material that would b e retained on ; a . given screen if it were the only one used in the analyses , the amount retained on the screen with openings of zero width is, o f course, 100 percent . This type of curve is ., therefore, useful i n estimating the amounts of material that, would . be retained on screen s not used in the testing series , Either Cartesian or semilogarithm coordinates may be used fo r plotting the widths of the screen openings . Both have certai n advantages . Owing to a constant ratio between the widths of opening s in the Tyler screen series the ordinates representing them on th e uniform or arithmetical scale may become very close together as th e widths decrease, whereas on a logarithmic scale these ordinates are no t so compressed and thus offer a more : convenient method of plotting . • Since the•logarithm of the screen open-lag equal to zero is infinity , it is impossible to draw the curve on- stiemilogarithm coordinates betwee n the smallest screen opening used and screen with zero openings . Thu s it is impossible to estimate the amounts that might be retained o n screens smaller than that used in the testing series when the plo t is made on semilogarithm coordinates . Figure 6 shows several typica l cumulative curves for groundwood pulp drawn on uniform or Cartesian coordinates* . Screen analysis data shown in the form of curVes may o y be • compared visually . However, certain properties of the curves ) be expressed numerically and used as a means of comparison . A di®u's+io A of these factors follows .- . R884 Table 9 .--De ree of du)licabilit of screen analyses made with the four-plate fractionating scree n 1 Sampl el : Passing : Retained : Retained between ------------------------_150 mesh on 42 and : g0 and . : 24 mesh : 24 an d : 42 mesh : 80 mesh : 150 mesh : Number : Percent : Percent : Percent : Percent : Percent 1 .6 1 .4 16 .4 14.5 19 .8 21 .2 58 . 2 59 . 2 6. g 7 .2 20 .0 19.6 23 .4 23 .6 35 . 8 374 2 2 .1 2 .9 7 .9 10 .0 21 .5 20 .2 217 a b 4 .0 4.0 19 .0 19.4 11 .6 11 .6 312 a b 15 .2 14 .2 7 .3 g .4 999 a b 17 .2 18 .8 4 .8 4 .0 P 1101 a b 18 .9 17 .2 P 1196 a b 11 .9 12 .4 G 57 a b 4 .o 3 .7 G 80 a b 14.0 12.4 G 148 a b G G . : 18 .4 19 .5 50 . 1 47 . 4 50. 0 49 . 2 15 .4 15 .8 15 .4 15 .4 : 49 . 2 48 . 9 13 .4 13 .6 20 .0 20 .8 : 44 . 6 42 . 8 12 .1 12 .7 12 .1 12 .8 16 .6 16 .3 40 . 3 40 . 9 17 .3 15 .9 14 .8 40 . 1 16 .1 15 .0 18 .1 : 12 .9 13 .1 : Commercial pulp indicated by 'P') experimental by "G" . Rgg 4 : 38 .4 . 1' -a-I . 1- --p -1---t''. 'D 1 E o o i 1 L 0 o (41190 .10a O to o peLIT"eq.G .1 4T.12TGn2 o 0 OAT1.13TTLUMD) 0 no i =•vr_gla. , • • Screen Analyses Expressed in Single Number s A number termed the coarseness modulus has been discussed in previous publications (1,2,1) . This factor is the sum of the cumulative percentages of the screen analysis (omitting the fraction that passes th e finest screen) divided by 100 . The number is approximately proportional to the area beneath the screen analysis-cumulative percent curve on semi logarithm coordinates, between the limits of the widths of the opening s of the coarsest and finest screens used . The area under the curve drawn on uniform coordinates may als o be calculated . This is more complete than the area under the semi logarithm plot because the fraction passing the finest screen may b e included in the calculation . Although several ways may be used t o determine this area the following approximation based on the summatio n of the areas of rectangles is sufficiently accurate and does not involv e an undue amount of work : Cumulative percentages are read from the curv e at intervals 0 .05 mm . width of screen opening : Let : a represent the amount retained on the coarsest screen used ; b_ represent the cumulative amount for a screen opening 0 .05 mm . less i n width than that of the coarsest screen ; n represent the cumulative amoun t for a screen opening of 0 .05 mm . in width ; and s represent the sum of al l cumulative percentage readings taken from the curve at 0 .05 mm . interval s between b and n : The approximate area under the curve is : A = (19a + 56b + 50s + 56n + 1875) 100 0 The area under the semilogarithmic curve, as represented by th e coarseness modulus, may be calculated directly from the screen analysi s data whereas the curve must first be drawn before calculating the are a under the uniform coordinate curve . Under normal circumstances th e values of these areas increase as the proportion of long fibers increas e and the proportion of the short fibers decrease . Therefore, in suc h cases they may be used as a measure of average fiber length . The relationship is not rigid, however . It is evident that any change in the shape of the screen analysis curve always indicates a change . in fiber size distribution, but a change in shape does not always denote a chang e in the area under the curve or a change in average fiber length of th e pulp . 1111 A value found to be more closely associated to the average fibe r length of the pulp has been called the "average-screen opening for th e pulp"(4) . It is proposed that this rather awkward phrase now be change d to the "fiber length index," which is a more descriptive term . Thi s index may be defined as the average of the widths of the openings in a pair of screens of which one will just permit fibers of the averag e Rg 8 1+ -9- length to pass and the other just permit fibers of average length t o be retained . It is calculated from screen analysis data by assumin g that the summation of fiber lengths per unit weight of pulp is a constant and that the number of fibers in a unit weight of a given fraction relative ' to the number in'another fraction is in inverse rati o to the widths of the screen openings . Table 10 illustrates one metho d of calculation . Table ' 10 .--1%:ethod of- calculatin• the fiber-leri th index of a pul • fro m the screen analysi s Range of screen i .-esh- : Widths of . opening f :Relative :Relative : Relativ e :Average : Factor total : of for :weight of : number of lengt h : widths :relative : pulp of of :mumber of : retained : fibers fiber s :openings : fibers : between : screen s B A D mm . BD . : AB D : Percent . 16- 2 )4 : 0 .991-0 .701 : 0 .846 : : 1 .00 : 12 .3 : 12 .3 : 10 . 4 214- 42 : .701- .351 : .526 : 1 .61 : 2 .7 4 .3 2: 3 42- 80 : .351- .175 : .263 : 3 .22 : 20 .0 : 64 :4 . 16 : 9 80-150 : .175- .10 14 : .139 . 6 .09 . 63 .0 : 384 .•o 53 . 3 .10 1+- .o Total .052 : 16 .30 : 2 .0 : 100 .0 : 32 .6 : 1+97 . 1.7 . L8 1+ . Z 150- 0 : : Fiber-length index of the pulp . .8 14 .6/497 .6 = 0 .170 mm . -Tyler standard . The 16-mesh screen represents, in this case, th e smallest mesh through which all of the pulp w ill pass . ?It will be noted that for a given set of screens the summation o f ABD will be a constant equal to 100 times the average of width s of openings of the two coarsest screens . R88 1 + -lC- yam., . .. - : •v LITERATURE CITED (1) Schafer, E .R . and Carpenter, L.A . "Screen Analysis as an Aid i n Pulp Evaluation ." Paper Trade J . , No . 19, 57 (May g , 1930) . (2) Schafer, E .R. and Carpenter, L .A. "Groundwood Pulp Evaluation b y Means of Static Bending Screen Analysis and Rate of Flow Tests ." Tech . Assoc . Papers li,(l) :267 (May 15530) . Paper Trade J . 91 , No . 3, 61 (July 17, 1930) . (3) Schafer, E .R. and Heinig, Melburn . "Further Studies on Groundwoo d Pulp Evaluation ." Tech . Assoc . Papers 14, 1, (May 1531) . Paper Trade J . , No . 10, 55 (Sept . 3, 1931) . (4) Schafer, E .R . and Santaholma, Matti . "Effect of Different Size d Fibers on the Physical Properties of Groundwood Pulp ." Tech . , No . 1 9 Assoc, Papers (1) :442 (June 1934) . Paper Trade J. 4o (Nov . 9, 1933) . (5) Schafer, E .R . and Santaholma, Matti . "Chemical Properties of Scree n Fractions of . Black Gum and Slash Pine Groundwood Pulps ." Tech . Assoc . Papers 13 (1) :#31 (June 1934) . Paper Trade J. 0j, No . .19 46 (Nov . 9, 1 933) {