DHS EP&R Mission Assignments (MAs) What is a Mission Assignment (MA)? Work order issued by DHS EP&R to a Federal agency directing completion of a specific task, and citing funding, other managerial controls, and guidance Given in anticipation of, or response to a Presidential declaration of a major disaster or emergency CDRP-2 Three Types of Mission Assignments (MAs) 1. Federal Operations Support (FOS): Any type of support to Federal responders 100% Federally funded Before or after declaration “FED TO FED” CDRP-3 3 Types of MAs (Cont’d) 2. Technical Assistance (TA): TA for expertise advice 100 % Federally funded Eligible after declaration “Brain Power = Clean Hands” 3. Direct Federal Assistance (DFA): For goods and services beyond the State’s capability to provide Functions normally under State/local purview Requested by State; subject to cost-share Eligible only after declaration “Dirty Hands and We do the Work” CDRP-4 Common Terms in Mission Assignments (MA) Process Action Request Form (ARF) MA Form MA Tasker Emergency Support Function (ESF) Federal Approving Official (FAO) State Approving Official (SAO) Operations Section Chief Mission Assignment Coordinator (MAC) CDRP-5 Mission Assignment Phases (3) Incident Declaration REQUEST Process MISSIONPhase ASSIGNMENT Process 2: MA Phase 1: Issuance MA ISSUANCE 4. Phase 2: MA EXECUTION TRACKING & MONITORING, STAND-DOWN & DEACTIVATION Phase 3: MA BILLING & REIMBURSEMENT/CLOSEOUT & STATE COST SHARE CDRP-7 Set-Up Activities Notification and ESF activation Budget established NEMIS Rights Delegations of authority Presidential declaration (specifies cost share and waivers) DHS EP&R-State agreement (assurances from State) CDRP-8 REQUEST PROCESS – Identifying Needs through the State A variety of sources can identify needs for Federal assistance: STATE GOVERNMENT State Assistance Federal Assistance VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS LOCAL & COUNTY GOVERNMENT TRIBAL GOVERNMENT FEDERAL AGENCIES PRIVATE SECTOR (BUSINESS & CITIZEN GROUPS) CDRP-9 REQUEST PROCESS - ARF Form NOTE!! All official requests should be made to DHS EP&R via the Action Request Form (ARF) • Verbals (follow up in writing!) ARF is logged in the “Tracking Log” (by Mission Assignment Specialist) CDRP-10 Building a Good Request CDRP-11 Request Process Continues… Operations Section Chief – Reviews ARF Eligible under Stafford Act? Beyond State and local capabilities? Permanent restorative work? Existing other Federal agency authority? Operations Section Chief - Coordinates with Logistics • Can request can be met through DHS EP&R? (Internal DHS EP&R Supply or Purchase or Contract) If not, ARF is routed to appropriate Branch Chief to work with OFA to prepare SOW, $$ and completion date. THEN Request = MISSION ASSIGNMENT CDRP-13 Building a Good Statement of Work CDRP-14 Phase 1: MA reviewed OPS Section Chief for content MA is signed (in NEMIS/eCAPS ) by: MA Issuance MAC PO State Approving Official (SAO) –(TA or DFA) FAO (i.e., FCO, Dep. FCO or Ops Chief) Comptroller > certifies and obligates funds > forwards obligated MA to the DFC and copy to the MAC MAC provides a copy to the assigned agency CDRP-15 Phase 2: MA Execution Tasked Lead Agency – 1. Begins task > May subtask support agencies or contract with vendors 2. Agency’s Action Officer (AO) tracks progress and documents all expenditures 3. AO coordinates with DHS EP&R’s Project Officer (PO) 4. AO submits two reports to PO: a. Work progress report - b. Financial status report www.fema.gov/ofm/ofed_agencies.shtm CDRP-16 Reimbursable Costs ELIGIBLE COSTS Permanent Federal agency personnel: Overtime, travel, per diem Temporary personnel: Wages, travel, per diem Costs paid from trusts, revolving funds, etc. Costs of contracts and materials, equipment from agency’s regular stock CDRP-17 Non-Reimbursable Costs NON-ELIGIBLE COSTS Work performed by an agency under their own authority Repairs to OFA facilities Litigation costs PFT regular salaries, benefits, and indirect costs (i.e., sick time, cash awards) CDRP-18 Phase 3: MA Billing/ Reimbursement & Close-out Support agency bills reviewed by lead agency & paid by DHS EP&R from lead agency’s obligation Lead and other agencies with direct MAs bill DHS EP&R DHS EP&R DFC reviews bills and pays agency MAC/PO/FAO reviews work, approves payment OFA submits final bill Remaining funds deobligated, MA file closed State billed for cost share CDRP-19 Pre-scripted Mission Assignments (PSMAs) Developed to facilitate rapid response and standardize mission assignments. Mission statement and dollar amount $$ serve as a general guideline or template • IF NEEDED -Revise PSMA to fit the request!!!! CDRP-20 Pre-scripted Mission Assignments (PSMAs) Encourage “thinking ahead” Purpose is not to “recreate the wheel” Operations Chief has discretion to change CDRP-21 CDRP-22