CAS Assessment Committee (CASAC): Responsibilities 2012-2013 October 18, 2012 Coordinating assessment of student learning and reporting system Encouraging faculty to develop student learning outcomes, particularly as part of a system that enhances their program and students’ learning opportunities—i.e., the assessment systems should be recursive and lead faculty to use findings to inform programmatic/curricular changes, especially in order to improve opportunities for student learning. Evaluating how we know students are learning Developing evidence that demonstrates assessment of student learning Reporting Encouraging others to value the process and system, particularly in ways that benefit programs and students’ learning opportunities Communicating Consistently delivering information to stakeholders and working closely with University Assessment Committee, Dean’s office, CAC, departments and programs—and working to change the culture of assessment! Delivering messages; talking points; anecdotes Focusing on audiences: DHs, coordinators, faculty, etc. Building Capacity Building on system initiated by OIEA (coordinated by Peggy Liggit) Strengthening committee’s understanding of assessment (contexts and processes) and prepare to train others, including creating opportunities through the Faculty Development Center (FDC) Encouraging and collaborating with coordinators and other department and program leaders involved with assessment (“KIS” – keep it simple; we will need to negotiate and collaborate on process)