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Authentic Assessment & Portfolio in Education

Hendro Ardiansyah
Authentic Assessment
According to Valencia, Hiebert, and Afflerbach (2014: 11), authentic assessment
is defined as a series of assessment represents literacy behavior of the society in the
workplace and reflects actual learning outside the school world.
The criteria of designing effective-authentic assessment are:
1. Challenging
2. Resulting in a performance or product
3. Encouraging real-world situation of skills
4. Encouraging self-evaluation and reflection
5. Encouraging group collaboration, discussion, and feedback
The assessment may be useful for students since it:
1. Facilitates students’ participation
2. Provides relevant information to the audience
3. Emphasizes real-world tasks
4. Measures individual growth
The collection of students’ works to show their active participation and progress
during learning process. This assessment may give overall picture of student
performance and learning; and strong engagement and involvement in classroom