Dynamics of Li ions in an intercalated polymer electrolyte: A 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance study N. Arun and S. Vasudevana) Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India K. V. Ramanathanb) Sophisticated Instruments Facility, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India The 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and spin-lattice relaxation rates of lithium ions in an intercalated polymer electrolyte, Li-polyethylene-oxide confined within the galleries of an inorganic layered solid CdPS3 , are reported. The spectra show an unusual feature, the appearance above 330 K of quadrupolar satellites, whose splitting increases linearly with temperature, and their absence below this temperature. This behavior is also reflected in the temperature variation of the spin-lattice relaxation rates, which show a minimum at 300 K but above 330 K start decreasing again. Using an anisotropic quantum oscillator model, the observed variation in the 7Li quadrupolar coupling constant is shown to arise from changes in the time average of the electric field gradient as seen by a 7Li nucleus associated with mobile segments of the intercalated polymer. I. INTRODUCTION Ion-conducting, solvent-free polymer electrolytes based on alkali metal ions dissolved in polyethylene-oxide 共PEO兲 and other polyethers have received considerable attention in the field of solid-state ionics.1– 6 Nuclear magnetic resonance 共NMR兲 studies have figured prominently in investigations of both the molecular structure and dynamics of the alkali ion in solid polymer electrolytes 共SPEs兲, especially since ion mobilities are significant only in the amorphous phase above the glass transition temperature. It was early NMR studies on the onset of 7Li and 23Na NMR motional narrowing above the glass transition that highlighted the importance of polymer segmental motion to ion transport.7 The relative contribution of cations and anions to the measured conductivity, too, was established by NMR measurements.8 These measurements indicated that anions were mobile, in some cases more than the cation. Pulse field gradient measurements of diffusion of ions in the LiCF3 SO3 /PEO SPE, too, arrived at a similar conclusion.9 Dynamical information from the temperature variation of 7Li and 23Na linewidths have been reported.10–12 in SPEs. For LiCF3 SO3 /polypropylene glycol 共PPG兲 complexes the results indicate liquidlike behavior of the Li ions with the motion describable by a single-exponential correlation function. The spin-lattice relaxation mechanism was shown to be dominated by quadrupolar interactions between 7Li nuclear moments and the electric field gradient 共efg兲 due to the polymer lattice. Line shapes, however, were dominated by both dipolar and quadrupolar interactions.10 The motional parameters extracted from the spin-lattice relaxation times T 1 indicated that coupling between the mobile Li ions and the struca兲 Electronic mail: svipc@ipc.iisc.ernet.in Electronic mail: kvr@sif.iisc.ernet.in b兲 tural relaxation modes of the polymer chains plays an important role in the cation diffusion process. A detailed study of 23Na NMR line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times in NaClO4 /PPG complexes has been reported.11,12 The temperature variation of T 1 showed more structure than expected for a typical viscous liquid, displaying a distinct change in behavior at a temperature T c ⬃1.2T g , at which temperature a minimum in the linewidth is observed. The observation was interpreted as indicating a crossover between two distinct dynamical regimes: a regime above T c where there is a coupling of ionic motion to the polymer segmental motion and a regime below T c where decoupling occurs. The dynamics in the composite polymer electrolytes, PEO intercalated in montmorillonite and Li–fluorohectorite, has been probed by 7Li and 2H NMR.13–15 Spin-lattice relaxation rate studies indicated that the fluctuating fields responsible for relaxation were the same for both the cation and polymer since the motional parameters, activation energies, and residence times were very similar. Ion hopping was shown to occur at rates much slower than polymer reorientation rates.14 In the preceding paper16 we presented spectroscopic evidence of the association of Li ions with mobile polymer segmental modes in the intercalated polymer electrolyte 共IPE兲 Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO). 17 The temperature variation of the 7Li NMR linewidths is observed to mirror the conductivity behavior;18 it exhibits a change in the mechanism of line narrowing from one with an Arrhenius temperature dependence at low temperatures to one with a Vogel–Tamman– Fulcher 共VTF兲 dependence at high temperatures. In addition, the 7Li NMR spectra exhibit an unusual behavior—the appearance of quadrupolar satellites at high temperatures (T ⬎330 K), where conductivity values are appreciable, and their absence at lower temperatures, where conductivity values are small. The high-temperature quadrupolar splitting FIG. 1. 共a兲 High-temperature 7Li NMR spectra of Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO). The solid line is the fit to a theoretical quadrupolar powder pattern for a I ⫽3/2 nuclei. 共b兲 Temperature variation of the 7Li quadrupolar coupling constant. shows a linear increase with temperature. The results were interpreted as signifying the solvation of Li ions by mobile segments of the intercalated PEO in a crown–ether-like environment at high temperatures. The corresponding Li– crown–ether complex 共12-crown-4-lithium chloride兲 too shows a similar behavior—the appearance of a quadrupolar doublet at high temperatures with the splitting increasing with temperature.19 Here we show that a model in which the Li ion environment is such that it can vibrate anisotropically can satisfactorily explain the observed temperature dependence of the quadrupolar coupling constant. The magnitude of the electric field gradient depends on the anisotropy of the root mean square of the vibrational amplitude, which is temperature dependent. We also report the 7Li spin-lattice relaxation rates as a function of temperature for the intercalated polymer electrolyte. The 7Li T 1 shows a minimum at 300 K, but at higher temperatures, above 330 K, exhibits an unusual behavior—a decrease in relaxation rates. This temperature is identical to the temperature at which the quadrupolar splitting appears in the 7Li NMR spectra. We show that this behavior, too, follows as a consequence of the results derived from the anisotropic quantum Einstein oscillator model for quadrupolar coupling constants. II. RESULTS A. 7Li NMR The 7Li NMR spectra of Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO) powder at different temperatures are reported in the preceding paper.16 The spectra did not exhibit satellites expected for an I⫽3/2 nucleus at temperatures below 330 K. At temperatures above 330 K, however, well-defined satellites were observed and the spectra in the temperature range 330–370 K resembled a quadrupolar powder pattern expected for a I⫽3/2 nucleus corresponding to an axial tensor. The high-temperature (T ⬎330 K) spectra could be fitted satisfactorily to a theoretical powder pattern characteristic of a spin I⫽3/2 nucleus,20 convoluted with a Lorentzian. The experimental spectra 共dotted line兲 along with the fits 共solid line兲 at four different temperatures are shown in Fig. 1共a兲. The estimated quadrupolar cou- FIG. 2. 7Li spin-lattice relaxation time of Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO) as a function of temperature. The solid line is a fit to the BPP expression 关Eq. 共18兲兴. The dashed line is the fit assuming the quadrupolar coupling constant Q to be temperature independent. pling constant (e 2 qQ/h) was found to have a linear dependence on temperature 关Fig. 1共b兲兴 ranging from 6.1 kHz at 330 K to 8.1 kHz at 370 K. B. 7Li spin-lattice relaxation The temperature variation of the 7Li spin-lattice relaxation rates were measured over the range 250–370 K 共Fig. 2兲. The 7Li spin-lattice relaxation times at various temperatures were determined by sampling the fee-induction decay 共FID兲 following the /2 pulse in the – – /2 ‘‘inversionrecovery’’ sequence followed by Fourier transform of the FIDs for 12 different values of . At all temperatures, both above and below 330 K, the recovery of the 7Li magnetization to its equilibrium value was a single-exponential function of time, implying that all Li nuclei relax by a similar mechanism. This behavior is different from that in some SPEs where a double exponential is required to describe the magnetization recovery. The spin-lattice relaxation times show a classical parabolic minimum at 300 K. The T 1 values, however, start decreasing above 330 K. This temperature is identical to that at which the quadrupolar doublet appears in the 7Li NMR spectra. The relaxation rates continue to decrease until the maximum temperature measured 共370 K兲. III. DISCUSSION In the preceding paper16 the appearance of quadrupolar splitting above 330 K was interpreted as signifying the association of Li ions with mobile segments of the intercalated PEO in a crown–ether-like geometry. Here we show that the observed increase in the 7Li quadrupole coupling constant with temperature 共Fig. 1兲 may be explained as due to a change in the time average of the electric field gradients seen by an 7Li nuclei vibrating anisotropically about its equilibrium value.21 In this section we derive an expression for the temperature dependence of the quadrupole coupling constants for an anisotropic quantum harmonic oscillator, where the force constants k x ⫽k y ⫽k z , in the Einstein approximation. Consider a nucleus that vibrates with simple harmonic motion in three dimensions about an equilibrium position 共0,0,0兲. If V zz (x,y,z) is the electric field gradient at the point 共x, y, z兲, then by Mclaurin’s theorem it can be expressed in terms of V zz , the field gradient at the origin, and derivatives of V zz 共where V zz ⫽ 2 V/ z 2 ). Thus 具 V zz 典 , the average value of V zz (x,y,z) sampled by the moving nucleus, is 冓 冔 b V V V V V ⫽ 2 ⫹ 2 具x典⫹ 2 具y典⫹ 2 具z典 z2 z z x z y z z 2 2 b 3 3 3 ⫹ 4V 1 4V 2 x ⫹ 具 典 具 y 2典 2! z 2 x 2 z 2 y 2 ⫹ 4V 4V 1 2 z ⫹ 具 典 具 xy 典 ⫹¯ z 2 z 2 2! z 2 x y ⫹ 5V 1 具 x 2 y 典 ⫹¯ 3! z 2 x 2 y b c b c c c 共1兲 具 z 2典 ⫽ 1 1 ⫹ 关 V zzxy 具 xy 典 ⫹¯ 兴 ⫹ 关 V zzxxy 具 x 2 y 典 ⫹¯ 兴 , 2! 3! 共2兲 where V zzxx , for example, represents 4 V/ z 2 x 2 and 具x典, 具y典, and 具z典 are the average values of the displacement of the nucleus in the x, y, and z directions, respectively 共notation from Ref. 21兲. The averages 具x典, 具y典, and 具z典 are equal to zero, but 具 x 2 典 , 具 y 2 典 , and 具 z 2 典 remain finite. In the case of axial symmetry, 具 x 2 典 ⫽ 具 y 2 典 ⫽ 具 z 2 典 , Eq. 共2兲 reduces to 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ 关共 V zzxx ⫹V zzy y 兲 具 x 典 ⫹V zzzz 具 z 典 兴 . 共3兲 From the Laplace equation we have 2k B T , kx 共5兲 On substituting the values of 具 z 2 典 and 具 x 2 典 in Eq. 共4兲, 具 V zz 典 becomes 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ V zzzz k B 共 k x ⫺k z 兲 T . k xk z 共6兲 If the force constants are assumed to be independent of temperature, then it follows from Eq. 共6兲 that 共7兲 where a⫽V zzzz k B (k x ⫺k z )/k x k z . Since the quadrupole coupling constant is proportional to the average field gradient, Eq. 共7兲 shows that this simple model predicts a linear temperature variation of the coupling constant with the slope proportional to the anisotropy of the force constants (k x ⫺k z ). This expression is similar to that derived in Ref. 21. For a quantum oscillator in a state with quantum number n the mean value of the square of the displacement, 具 x 2 典 , is given by (n⫹1/2)ប/ 冑k x , where k x is the force constant in the x direction.22 The ensemble average 具 x 2 典 is given by 具 x 典 ⫽Z ⫺1 ⫽Z ⫺1 兺 n⫽0 共 n⫹1/2兲 ប/ 冑k x e ⫺ 共 n⫹1/2兲 ប /k B T / 冑k x ⬁ 兺 共 n⫹1/2兲 ប e ⫺ 共 n⫹1/2兲 ប /k B T , n⫽0 Therefore Eq. 共3兲 further simplifies as Z⫽ e ⫺ប /2k B T . 1⫺e ⫺ប /k B T 共9兲 Equation 共8兲 can be rewritten as 具 x 2典 ⫽ k B T 2 1 dZ . 冑k x Z dT 共10兲 Using Eq. 共9兲 and after a simple calculation, one gets 具 x 2典 ⫽ 具 z 2典 ⫽ 共4兲 We evaluate the average root-mean-square 共rms兲 displacements 具 z 2 典 and 具 x 2 典 for classical and quantum oscillators. For a classical oscillator, considering each nuclei to be oscillating independently, the averages 具 z 2 典 and 具 x 2 典 can be calculated as the expectation value 共8兲 where Z is given by 冋 ប 2 冑k x ⫹ 冋 ប 2 冑k z ⫹ 册 共11兲 册 共12兲 ប 冑k x e ប /k B T ⫺1 and similarly 具 z 2 典 is given by ⫺V zzzz ⫽V zzxx ⫹V zzy y . 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ 21 V zzzz 关 具 z 2 典 ⫺ 具 x 2 典 兴 . ⫽ 2k B T . kz 2 2 x dx where k B is the Boltzmann constant and k x is the effective force constant in the x direction. Similarly, 1 关 V 具 x 2 典 ⫹V zzy y 具 y 2 典 ⫹V zzzz 具 z 2 典 兴 2! zzxx 2 2 /2k T 2 B 2 ⬁ 兰 ⫺⬁ e ⫺k x x /2k B T dx ⬁ 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ 关 V zzx 具 x 典 ⫹V zzy 具 y 典 ⫹V zzz 具 z 典 兴 1 2 ⬁ 兰 ⫺⬁ e ⫺k x x 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹aT, or ⫹ 具x 典⫽ 2 ប 冑k z e ប /k B T ⫺1 . Substituting in Eq. 共4兲, we get 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ 冋 1 បV zzzz 1 ⫹ /T 2 2 e ⫺1 册冋 冑 1 kz ⫺ 1 冑k x 册 , 共13兲 where ⫽ប /k B is the Einstein temperature. It may be seen in the above equation that even when V zz is absent, 具 V zz 典 has a finite value at T⫽0. This is a consequence of the zero-point 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ 冋 បV zzzz 1 ⫹e ⫺ /T 2 2 册冋 冑 1 kz ⫺ 1 冑k x 册 共15兲 . On the other hand, for TⰇ , Eq. 共13兲 yields 具 V zz 典 ⫽V zz ⫹ បV zzzz 4 冋 1 ⫺ 1 冑k z 冑k x 册 ⫹ បV zzzz T 2 冋 1 ⫺ 1 冑k z 冑k x 册 . 共16兲 The temperature dependence 关Eq. 共16兲兴 is equivalent to that of the classical oscillator 关Eq. 共6兲兴 and shows a linear dependence. The differences in the temperature dependence of the average field gradient for the quantum and classical oscillators is clearly brought out in Fig. 3共a兲. It is only at high temperatures T⬎ that the linear dependence of V zz on temperature is recovered. At low temperatures the quantum anisotropic oscillator model predicts that the average field gradient is almost temperature independent with a limiting value of V zz ⫹(បV zzzz /4) 关 1/冑k z ⫺1/冑k z 兴 at absolute zero. Thus in situations where V zz is intrinsically small a quadrupolar splitting may not be observed at low temperatures, especially if the magnitude of the anisotropy of the force constants is small. At higher temperatures (T⬎ ), however, a quadrupolar splitting may be observed with the splitting showing a linear temperature dependence. This behavior is similar to that observed in the temperature variation of the 7Li NMR of Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO) as well as in the Li-crown ethers.19 The anisotropic quantum oscillator model is therefore able to explain this rather unusual observation of quadrupolar splitting at high temperature and its absence at low temperatures. Spin-lattice relaxation of 7Li nuclei are known to be dominated by quadrupolar relaxation. The spin-lattice relaxation rates are related to the real part of the spectral density function20 via Eq. 共17兲: 2 1/T 1 ⫽ Q 共 T 兲关 J 共 0 兲 ⫹4J 共 2 0 兲兴 , FIG. 3. 共a兲 Variation of 2( 具 V zz 典 ⫺V zz )( 冑k x k z )/V zzzz ( 冑k x ⫺k z ) as a function of /T for a quantum oscillator. For comparison the temperature variation of ( 具 V zz 典 ⫺V zz ) for a classical oscillator 共dotted line兲 is also shown. 共b兲 Temperature variation of the quadrupolar coupling constant Q as determined from the fit to the spin-lattice relaxation data 共solid line兲. energy ប/2 for a quantum oscillator. This is the most notable difference in the expressions for 具 V zz 典 for the quantum 关Eq. 共13兲兴 and classical 关Eq. 共6兲兴 oscillators. Equation 共13兲 can be rewritten as 2 共 具 V zz 典 ⫺V zz 兲 V zzzz 冑k x k z ⫽ប 冑k x ⫺k z 冋 册 1 1 . ⫹ 2 e /T ⫺1 共14兲 The variation of 2( 具 V zz 典 ⫺V zz )( 冑k x k z )/V zzzz ( 冑k x ⫺k z ) as a function of /T is shown as a solid line in Fig. 3共a兲. For comparison, the quantity ( 具 V zz 典 ⫺V zz ) of the classical oscillator as a function of /T is also shown in Fig. 3共a兲 as a dotted line. For TⰆ , Eq. 共13兲 may be rewritten as 共17兲 where Q is the quadrupole frequency. An increase in the strength of the quadrupolar interaction, the magnitude of Q , would lead to a decrease in T 1 . It is observed from the 7 Li NMR spectra 共Fig. 1兲 that Q increases linearly with temperature above 330 K. The origin of the decrease in T 1 , above 330 K, can therefore be explained by this increase in magnitude of Q . For an Einstein oscillator Q would be essentially temperature independent at low temperatures, but at high temperatures would exhibit a linear increase with temperature 关Fig. 3共a兲兴. Such a model would be able to explain the unusual observation of the decrease in the spinlattice relaxation rates at high temperatures in the IPE without having to invoke the existence of another type of motion or degree of freedom at high temperatures through which relaxation can occur. The linearity of the magnetization recovery in the ‘‘inversion-recovery’’ experiment indicates that the mechanism of magnetization recovery is characterized by a single correlation time at all temperatures. The relaxation data of Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO) in the temperature range 250–330 K could be analyzed using the Bloembergen–Purcell–Pound 共BPP兲 model23 in which the correlation function g(t) decays as a single exponential, g(t)⫽exp(⫺t/). The BPP expression for the spin-lattice relaxation times is given by 1/T 1 ⫽K 共 T 兲关 J 共 0 兲 ⫹4J 共 2 0 兲兴 ⫽K 共 T 兲关 c / 共 1⫹ 20 2c 兲 ⫹4 c / 共 1⫹4 20 2c 兲兴 , 共18兲 where K depends on the particular spin interaction responsible for the relaxation. In the Li-IPEs, K(T) may be identi2 as in Eq. 共17兲. In fitting the above expression fied with Q 关Eq. 共18兲兴 to the experimental relaxation data 共Fig. 2兲 the temperature dependence of the correlation time c was assumed to follow a VTF dependence c ⫽ o exp关⫺Ea /k(T ⫺T0)兴. It was found, however, that the best fits were always obtained for T 0 ⫽0 in the VTF expression, indicating that c has an Arrhenius temperature dependence. The parameters K, o , and E a were floated during the fitting exercise. The solid line in Fig. 2 is a fit to Eq. 共18兲 obtained for E a ⫽6.55 kcal/mol and o ⫽7.3⫻10⫺14 s. The values of Q which gave the best fits at each temperature are plotted in Fig. 3共b兲. 关The dashed lines in Fig. 2 are the fitted T 1 values assuming that K(T)—i.e., Q —in Eq. 共18兲 is independent of temperature.兴 The temperature variation of the quadrupolar coupling constant Q as determined from the spin-lattice relaxation data bears a striking resemblance to that calculated using the anisotropic quantum oscillator model. Both show that Q values are independent of temperature at low temperatures, but at higher temperatures show a linear increase with increasing temperature. IV. CONCLUSION The appearance of satellite peaks due to quadrupolar interactions at high temperatures in the 7Li (I⫽3/2) NMR spectra in an intercalated polymer electrolyte Cd0.75PS3 Li0.5(PEO) is discussed. This temperature range corresponds to the region where the conductivity data show appreciable mobility of the confined Li ions. This unusual behavior is also reflected in the temperature variation of the spin-lattice relaxation rates. The spin-lattice relaxation shows a minima at 300 K, but above 330 K, the temperature at which the quadrupolar satellites appear in the 7Li spectra, starts decreasing. The observed increase in the 7Li quadrupolar coupling constant Q with temperature may be explained as arising from a change in the time average of the electric field gradient seen by a 7Li nuclei vibrating anisotropically about its equilibrium value. The anisotropy in the force constants would arise naturally if the Li ions are coordinated to the ether oxygens of the intercalated PEO in a crown–ether-like geometry as discussed in the preceding paper.16 We have shown here that an anisotropic quantum Einstein oscillator model for quadrupolar coupling can reproduce the observed temperature dependence of Q . 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