Program Revision Guidelines EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OUTLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS TO REVISE PROGRAMS Use this outline to prepare proposals to revise existing programs, including undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degree programs and certificates. Proposals for revising programs should be submitted in narrative form, using the following outline. Guidelines are on the following page. PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE: MAJOR/MINOR IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN COMMUN ICATION, MEDIA AND THEATRE ARTS CTOA - CTAT REVISED PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE (IF APPLICABLE): DEGREE: B.S. DEPARTMENT(S)/SCHOOL(S): COMMUNICATION, MEDIA AND THEATRE ARTS COLLEGE(S): CAS CONTACT PERSON: MICHAEL TEW/BYRON BOND CONTACT PHONE: 7-0388 CONTACT EMAIL: MTEW@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM FALL YEAR 2012 I. Rationale The current program was revised in 2007 to be consistent with Michigan Department of Education Standards for the Preparation of Teachers of Speech. While the program meets those expectations and standards, assessment of the program (student performance against learning outcomes and student performance on the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification in Speech (MTTC)) has revealed areas for improvement. In the case of Secondary Education minors, prospective teachers do not have sufficient preparation for directing co-curricular programs. Majors are required to take CTAC 407 – Directing the Secondary Co-curriculum in Speech and Theatre. At present, minors are not required to take that course. The course needs to be required for program minors as well as program majors for three reasons. First, the change will improve student performance in program assessment (the College of Education indicates that the State Department of Education is increasingly interested in the assessment of program minors as well as program majors). Second, the change will improve student performance on the MTTC in Speech. Third, the change will increase the employability of minors in the program in a difficult job market. To maintain the current credit hour requirement for the minor, CTAC 124 Fundamentals of Speech will be eliminated from the required courses. CTAC 124 is a General Education course required of all students in the University. General Education courses are not typically included in content area programs in Secondary Education programs at Eastern Michigan University. Additionally, we would expect the basic level of speech proficiency acquired in CTAC 124 prior to entrance into a Secondary Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines Teacher Preparation program. This change does not remove the graduation requirement for program students. It simply removes the foundational requirement from a specialty program. These revisions result in no change in the total credit hours for the minor. Two changes are proposed in the Major. First, to maintain consistency with the minor and for the same general reasons, CTAC 124 will be removed as a required course from the major. Again, since the course is required for all EMU students and is a prerequisite for most program courses, students will still take the course. Advanced public communication courses already exist as requirements for program majors. This change is additionally helpful for the many students who double major in Communication and English teaching programs. Second, CTAC 407 will increase from 2 credit hours to 3 credit hours (per the attached course revision proposal). The net change is a reduction of credit hours for program majors from 41 credit hours to 39 credit hours. II. Description of Current Program The current major is a 41 hour program inclusive of coursework in Communication, Electronic Media, and Theatre. The minor is similarly comprehensive and requires 24 credit hours. See the attached comparison for a detail of the current program. III. Proposed Revision The proposed revision will remove CTAC 124 from the major and minor and add CTAC 407 to the minor requirements. The revision will result in a two credit hour reduction in the major (41 credits to 39 credits) and no change in credit hours for the minor. See the attached comparison for a detail of the proposed revision. IV. Impact The proposed revision will have no impact on other University programs. The changes will positively impact the preparation, quality, and employability of program completers. The revision may also have a positive impact on students who choose to double major in another program along with the CMTA Secondary Education major (by slightly reducing the credit hour burden). V. Budget There are no budget impacts associated with this program change. Since CTAC 124 is a required course for students already, there will be no effect on enrollment in that course. There will be an increase in enrollment in CTAC 407 but the anticipated level of change will not require additional human or material resources. Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines VI. Action of the Department/College 1. Department/School: Vote of faculty: For 29 Against 0 (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) I support this proposal. The proposed revision can X cannot Department(s)/School(s) without additional College or University resources. Abstentions 0 be implemented within the affected 11/18/11 Date Department Head/School Director Signature 2. College/Graduate School: A. College I support this proposal. The proposed program can College without additional University resources. cannot be implemented within the affected College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (Graduate Program Revisions ONLY) Graduate Dean Signature Date VII. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date VIII. Appendices A. Market Analysis/Needs Assessment B. Mandates C. Request for New/Revised Course Forms D. Letters of Support from Impacted Departments E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the revision cannot be implemented without additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines Equipment Total Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 $_________ $_________ $____0_____ $____0_____ $_________ $_____0____ Program Revision Guidelines Current Program Proposed Revision CMTA Secondary Education Major Required Courses ___CTAS 124 Fundamentals of Speech (3) ___CTAC 225 Listening Behaviors (3) ___CTAC 227 Interpersonal Communication (3) ___CTAC 359 Small Group Communication (3) ___CTAT 141 Introduction to Radio-TV-Film Production (3) ___CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading (3) ___CTAR 150 Introduction to Theatre (3) ___CTAC 224 Public Speaking (3) ___CTAC 356 Argumentation and Debate (3) ___CTAT 130 Introduction to Electronic Media and Film Studies (3) ___CTAR 155 Producing Theatre (3) ___CTAR 158 Fundamentals of Acting (3) ___CTAR 323 Improvisation and Role Play (3) ___CTAC 407 Directing the Communication and Theatre Secondary Co-Curriculum (2) CMTA Secondary Education Major Required Courses ___CTAC 225 Listening Behaviors (3) ___CTAC 227 Interpersonal Communication (3) ___CTAC 359 Small Group Communication (3) ___CTAT 141 Introduction to Radio-TV-Film Production (3) ___CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading (3) ___CTAR 150 Introduction to Theatre (3) ___CTAC 224 Public Speaking (3) ___CTAC 356 Argumentation and Debate (3) ___CTAT 130 Introduction to Electronic Media and Film Studies (3) ___CTAR 155 Producing Theatre (3) ___CTAR 158 Fundamentals of Acting (3) ___CTAR 323 Improvisation and Role Play (3) ___CTAC 407 Directing the Secondary Communication and Theatre Co- curriculum (3)** ___ Total Credit Hours (41 hours required) *CTAC 307 Teaching of Speech: required in the Professional Studies Sequence, CURR 305 is a prerequisite ___ Total Credit Hours (39 hours required) *CTAC 307 Teaching of Speech: required in the Professional Studies Sequence, CURR 305 is a prerequisite CMTA Secondary Education Minor Required Courses ___CTAS 124 Fundamentals of Speech (3) ___CTAC 225 Listening Behaviors (3) ___CTAC 227 Interpersonal Communication (3) ___CTAC 359 Small Group Communication (3) ___CTAT 141 Introduction to Radio-TV-Film Production (3) ___CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading (3) ___CTAR 150 Introduction to Theatre (3) ___CTAC 307 Teaching of Speech (3) ___Total Credit Hours (24 required) * CTAC 307 requires the completion of CURR 305. CMTA Secondary Education Minor Required Courses ___CTAC 225 Listening Behaviors (3) ___CTAC 227 Interpersonal Communication (3) ___CTAC 359 Small Group Communication (3) ___CTAT 141 Introduction to Radio-TV-Film Production (3) ___CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading (3) ___CTAR 150 Introduction to Theatre (3) ___CTAC 307 Teaching of Speech (3) ___CTAC 407 Directing the Secondary Communication and Theatre Co-Curriculum (3)** ___Total Credit Hours (24 required) * CTAC 307 requires the completion of CURR 305 **The proposed revision of CTAC 407 from 2 to 3 credit hours is attached. Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09