COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Arts Committee AGENDA January 24, 2013 3:30 p.m., Room 219, Pray Harrold I. Call to Order II. Minutes of the Meeting of December 6, 2012 III. Old Business: none IV. New Business A. College of Arts and Sciences [ART] Request for Course Revision ARTH 467 Art of East Asia (title, description, pre-/corequisite [CMTA] 1. Requests for Course Revisions CTAC 124 Fundamentals of Speech (title, description) CTAC 407 Directing the Secondary Communication and Theatre Co-curriculum (hours) 2. Request for New Course CTAR 365 Costume Draping 3. Proposal to Revise Program Major/Minor in Secondary Education in Communication, Media and Theatre Arts CTOA—CTAT [IESS Program] Proposal to Revise Program IESS, Interdisciplinary Environmental Science and Society B. College of Health and Human Services [School of Health Promotion and Human Performance] 1. Requests for New Courses HLED 242 Theoretical Foundations of Health Behavior HLED 345 Community Health Education Methods and Materials HLED 371 Injury and Violence Protection [School of Nursing] Request for New Course NURS 369 Essentials of Poster, Podium and Paper Presentations [School of Health Sciences] Proposal for New Degree Program Public Health—Bachelor of Science C. College of Technology [School of Technology Studies] 1. Request for Course Deletion BMMT 364 Methods of Teaching General Business Subjects 2. Proposal to Revise Program Industrial Distribution (ID) V. Chair’s Remarks VI. Adjournment