Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts and Sciences
College Advisory Council
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Room 219 Pray-Harrold
Present : Monteiro-‐Ferreira (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Angell (BIOL), Edwards
(CHEM), Hammill (CMTA), Ikeji (COSC), Däumer (ENGL), Clark (GEO/GEO), Dieterle
(HIST/PHIL), Rescorla (MATH), Behringer (PHY/ASTR), Singh (PLSC), Jefferson
(PSYCH), Dove (WGST), Vosteen (WL), Venner (CAS Dean), Winder (CAS), Tornquist
(CAS), Nord (Sciences DH), Ramsey (Arts DH)
I. Call to order at 3:34 PM by CAC Chair Jill Dieterle
II. Minutes of September 29, 2011
Approved, with one abstention.
III. Reports
A. Arts committee report
Vosteen reads the Arts committee report. Motion to approve passes unanimously.
B. Sciences committee report
Behringer reads the Sciences committee report. Motion to approve passes unanimously. The response of the Department of Computer Science to the Office of the Provost is endorsed by a vote of 8-‐0-‐7 (aye-‐nay-‐abstain).
IV. Old Business
A. BA/BS and Dual Degrees
Dieterle reviews the current situation and the updated draft response to
Provost Kay’s letter regarding this issue. (Although Provost Kay is no longer
Provost, Rhonda Longworth, from the Office of the Provost, requested that the updated response go through the standard input process.) It is suggested that a form with all the recommendations for all the programs of each Department be devised to expedite the process of endorsing Department recommendations (if the recommendation of the ad hoc committee is approved). It was suggested that there should be some criterion to decide whether BA or BS; but the ad hoc committee thought that it would be impractical to identify such a criterion that would be
approved by other Colleges. It was then noted that the Departments have the expertise to make these decisions. Motion to approve the updated draft response
(Vosteen, Hammill): Approved with 1 abstention.
V. New Business
A. CAS Strategic Plan (Visitor: Claudia Petrescu) Claudia is here to seek input regarding the goals in the draft of the CAS Strategic Plan (The Goals are in Column A
of the Excel spreadsheet that was distributed).
It is suggested that student support entities such as the Math Tutoring Center and the Writing Center continue to be supported explicitly.
Concern was expressed that Strategic Area I, Goal 1 (SAI.G1) would lead to a product that is not useful. Petrescu explained that the motivation behind this goal is to have students identify with the CAS. It was pointed out that the general education curriculum serves this purpose, so SAI.G1 is perhaps redundant.
It was suggested that, in SAI.G4, the word “require” is too strong a word. Perhaps
“promote and support required community engagement”.
For SA2.G3, it was suggested to support the research of one undergraduate student/program in each department each year. It was further suggested to develop a formalized policy at the College level to provide faculty incentive to supervise student research/internships (this could go under SA2.G5 or SA4.G4).
For SA2.G4, a change of wording was suggested.
For SA3.G2, it was suggested that the action items are disconnected from the goals
and does not promote new (not yet externally supported) work.
Concern was expressed for student career advising.
Concern was expressed for ensuring communications with alumni.
Improving the College web site has to be a higher priority. It was noted that the Art
Department paid for most of the redesign of their department website. This is part
of SA3.G1.
Claudia asks for a deadline for when input can be provided. The deadline is
November 17, 2011 (the next full CAC meeting).
VI. Dean’s remarks
A foreign language requirement should be considered (this supports the idea that we are preparing students for the global community).
The Dean expressed thanks to CAC for providing feedback about the Goals of the
Strategic Plan.
A College newsletter is now available (mostly the work of Betsy Morgan). Please see: http://www.emich.edu/cas/pdf/cas_fall2012newsletter.pdf
The Dean received 33 proposals and sent 10 up the line (including one that is really a bundle of proposals) to the Office of the Provost for a total of $440k. Department
Heads have been notified about the list.
The advising and sustainability initiatives are ongoing.
To comply with federal law, it has been decided to change to one semester during
Spring/Summer. NOTE that we retain the ability to run two courses during the
Spring/Summer. So there will still be 7.5 week courses during the 15 week long semester.
The search for the new Provost is moving along; the search committee meets
tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 28) and then the President will make a decision.
Wade Tornquist reminds us that if we have concerns about classrooms, please say something to your Department Office. Audio/visual issues should go to the
Department Office and then to Steve Dotson.
VII. Chair’s remarks
VIII. Faculty remarks
IX. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 5:04 PM.