Document 13557591

Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council Minutes Thursday, January 10, 2013 Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30-­‐5:00pm Pray-­‐Harrold, Room 219 Present: Higgins (WGST), Johnson (CHEM), Ramsey (DH-­‐Arts), Vosteen (WL), Perry (AAS), Laporte (CAS AD), Dove (PSYC), Venner (CAS Dean), Mehuron (CAS AD), Wylo (P&A), Angell (BIO), Rescorla (MATH), Dionne (ENGL), Woodland (ECON), Dieterle (H&P), Hammill (CMTA), Moore (COSC), Sambrook (Science DH), Sacksteder (ART), Singh (PLSC), LoDuca (G&G), Ensor (SAC), Foster (M&D) Absent: None Visitors: None I. Call to order by CAC Chair, Jill Dieterle, at 3:32 pm II. Approval of Minutes Full CAC Meeting of 11/16/12: (Ensor moved, Higgins second)—Minutes approved with one correction (Corsianos changed to Ensor as representative from SAC) 14-­‐0-­‐4 Arts Report and Minutes: (Hamill move to approve) Passed (14-­‐0-­‐4) Sciences Report and Minutes: (Rescorla move to approve) Passed (16-­‐0-­‐2) III. Old Business: None. IV. New Business: CAS input document modifications: There has been some discussion regarding a change in meaning for what “regular member” means for CCRSL. This is a question for faculty in the college, so it begins with CAC. More specifically, there is a question regarding whether department heads should vote in CCRSL. For the last two years at least, department heads HAVE been voting in CCRSL. CAC does not allow department heads to vote, but this is not specified in CCRSL bylaws explicitly, except indirectly where the bylaws discuss what it means to have a quorum for CCRSL; there is some ambiguity present. It was suggested that department heads should not be allowed to vote so as to avoid the issue of double representation by any one department. As such, CAC proposes that language regarding who is a voting (and who is a non-­‐
voting) member of CCRSL should be changed so that it reflects the end of the preamble of the CAC Input Document. Dieterle will send the changes to the document to all CAC members so that we can discuss this with our faculty members over the course of the coming month. Then, we will vote on this change at a later date. Will also change the language in Section IV, part a, that discusses the notion of triple representation of any one department to double representation. V. Dean’s remarks Marianne Laporte discussed the CAS staffing budget with this body today. A handout was given to everyone regarding the definitions needed to understand this process. Marianne showed the FTEL/FYES target values by department. FTEL/FYES roughly equates to class size. She then showed the actual data for each department for the 2011-­‐2012 academic year. This model looks at FTEL instead of dollars, which means that it does not prejudice against a relatively more expensive faculty member as compared to a lecturer. This model also gives some flexibility to department chairs about canceling vs. maintaining smaller classes (i.e., may maintain a smaller class if the department is meeting the target as a whole). This approach also does not bias against departments where smaller classes that might include more high quality, intensive teaching is taking place. Dean Venner presented a number of goals of his for this Winter. Departments within CAS will be completing four accreditations this year. The Dean’s office is also going to keep investigating the ten programs identified for further study as the semester continues. Thirdly, the Dean’s office is also going to complete a Strong program statement this Winter. Marianne Laporte has worked extensively on this. An Arts Village statement also will be progressing, though this will not likely be completed this year. The Arts Village statement will probably be a two-­‐year process; in addition, it is not likely to be called an Arts Village, which may present a problem. Lastly, Dean Venner noted that enrollment in CAS is up 1%; enrollment in EMU overall is flat (no increase, no decrease). It was asked when call for faculty positions for next year will be placed. Dean Venner did not have a specific date, but asked for departments to please be ready with faculty requests. May get call for Full Time Lecturers first. VI. Chair’s remarks: None. VII. Faculty remarks: Ensor remarked about the proposed cut to EPEO courses or any course that involves overload for the summer (also up north programs, study abroad, etc). He has heard that these programs may be cut by the Dean’s office. Dean Venner said he wishes for these programs to continue and is not holding an ax over these programs. What may be questioned is courses that would be overload (i.e., more than 4) during the former spring and summer terms. The contract states that faculty may teach up to four courses per summer. Dean Venner would like courses that would qualify as overload courses for a given faculty member to be taught “in load” if possible. A lively discussion ensued about the pay rates of study abroad courses vs. on campus courses, and what is considered “in load.” VIII. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:21pm. Respectfully submitted, Natalie Dove (CAC Secretary 2012-­‐2013) 