Document 13557589

 Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council—Science Subcommittee Minutes Thursday, January 24, 2013 Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30-­‐5:00pm Mark Jefferson Science Complex, Rm 545 Present: Johnson (CHEM), LoDuca (G&G), Rescorla (MATH), Wylo (P&A), Dove (PSYCH), LaPorte (AD), Moore (CS), Angell (BIO) Absent: Sambrook (Sciences DH) Meeting was called to order at 3:40 by chair, Amy Johnson. I. Approval of minutes from December 6, 2012 Meeting (Dove move to approve, Rescorla second—Motion passes (2-­‐0-­‐4) II. Old Business: None III. New Business College of Education: SPEI 301 (Course revision) Note: Course is now to be taking concurrently with 240. Would you like to amend 240 such that SPEI 301 is now a co-­‐requisite to this course? Motion to approve: Moore, Rescorla second (6-­‐0-­‐0; approved) SPGN 251 (Course revision) Motion to approve: Moore, LoDuca second (6-­‐0-­‐0; approved) College of Health and Human Services: HLED 242 (New course) Motion to approve: Moore, Rescorla second (6-­‐0-­‐0; approve) NURS 370 (New course) Motion to table with comment: Angell, Moore second (5-­‐0-­‐1; approved) Comment: Given the lack of prerequisites for this course, the textbook and readings required do not appear to provide enough rigor or substance for an upper 300-­‐level course. NURS 373 (New course) NURS 452 (New course) Upon further discussion, we have the same concerns about each of the three Nursing courses (see comment above). As such, we vote to rescind the motion above, and treat the three Nursing courses as a package. Motion to rescind above motion: Moore, Angell second (5-­‐0-­‐1; approved) Motion to table these three courses pending representation from Nursing to discuss the following concerns: 1) Are there prerequisites for these courses since they are 300-­‐ and 400-­‐level and 2) whether these courses are restricted just to the Nursing program (Angell, Moore second; 4-­‐0-­‐2; approved) Human nutrition minor (program revision) Motion to approve (Moore, Angell second 6-­‐0-­‐0; approved) Public health major (new program) Motion to table pending additional information regarding: 1) synergy or support from CAS science departments (namely, Biology and Chemistry) 2) synergy and support from other CHHS depts. (namely, CLS) and 3) potential for competitiveness of these students in the health care field and as applicants to MPH programs. (Angell, Moore second (6-­‐0-­‐0); approved) College of Technology: CNST 125 (course revision) CNST 403 (course revision) CNST 427 (course revision) CNST 437 (course revision) Construction Management Major (program revision) Motion to approve as a package all proposed changes for the four courses above and the construction management major (Rescorla, Moore second 6-­‐0-­‐
0; approved) Communication Technology Major (program revision) Motion to table pending consultation with COSC department (Moore, Angell second 6-­‐0-­‐0; approved) Applied Technology Major (program revision) Motion to approve (Moore, Dove second 6-­‐0-­‐0; approved) Industrial Distribution Major (program revision) Motion to approve (Dove, Moore second 5-­‐0-­‐0; approved) Polymers and Coatings Minor (new program) Motion to approve (Moore, Wylo second 5-­‐0-­‐0; approved) Meeting adjourned at 5:20. Respectfully submitted, Natalie Dove (CAC-­‐Science Subcommittee Secretary 2012-­‐2013) 