Problem Set 1 Solutions 3.20 MIT Professor Gerbrand Ceder Fall 2001 Fall 2002 LEVEL 1 PROBLEMS Problem 1.1 Gas is heating in a rigid container from To = 40C to T1 = 315 C U = U (T1 ) U (To ) = W + Q (First Law) (a) W = 0 Since only PV work is possible & V = 0 since the container is rigid. Q = U = (0.17T1 + C ) (0.17To + C ) Q = U = 0.17(T1 To ) = 46.75 kJ kg (b) Entropy change: dS = since ∂W = 0 Q T Q = dU = 0.17dT 0.17dT T 0.17dT T1 kJ = 0.17 ln = 0.107 kgK To T dS = or, T1 S = To 1 (for reversible heating) Problem 1.2 Calculate entropy change by going from 1 to 2 according to: (1 → 1 ) A reversible isothermal compression (1 → 2) Followed by an isobaric heating Entropy change 1 → 1 U = 0 S 1→1 (U = U (T )) nRT Q = W or Q = pdV = dV V nR Q dS = dV = T V V1 P1 J = nR ln = nR ln = 36.53 V1 P1 mole K Entropy change 1 → 2 Q = cp dT 7 Cp = n R 2 Q cp dT dT 7 dS = = = nR T T T 2 T J 7 2 S 1 →2 = nR ln = 15.59 T1 mole K 2 Now for the total process S tot = S 1→1 + S 1 →2 = 20.94 2 J mole K (isobaric heating) Problem 1.3 (a) H F e = H F e = 34 912 C 1100 C cp, dT + H → + 0 C 912 C cp, dT J J J (912C 1100 C ) 900 + 38 (0 C 912C ) mole K mole mle K HF e =-41.95kJ (b) System Fe+ice water is adiabatic → H = 0 HF e = Hicewater HF e = (mice H melting ) , mice = mass of ice transformed mice = mol 41950 moleJK 100g 156 HF e g = j 1mol H melting 6048 moleK 18g mice =223g Problem 1.4 Diatomic ideal gas =⇒ cp = 72 R and cv = 52 R 3 Assume the process is reversible. 1 → 1 There are two methods one can use to find the work done along this path. For both approaches it will be useful to find p, V, T for the starting and ending points. We are given the starting pressure, volume and temperature and the final pressure. From this we can calculate the final volume and temperature. p1 V1 = p1 V1 (with = cp cv = 75 ) (with c = cv R = 52 ) V1 = p1 V1 p1 V1 = 6.919m3 The final temperature can be found with a similar relation V1 T1c = V1 T1c V1 T1c T1c = V1 T1 = 137K It will also be useful to calculate the number of moles from pV = nRT giving n = 615 moles. In summary the conditions at each point are p (P a) V (m3 ) T (K ) 1 101300 1 298 Method I Start with pV with = cp cv = 7 5 = p1 V1 p= So, 1 1519500 6.919 137 p1 V1 V pdV = p1 V1 w= w= P1 V1 ( 1) 1 1 V ( 1) = 1 P1 V1 1 ( 1) 1 dV V 1 ( 1) V1 1 ( 1) V1 Inserting in the values for P, V, we get w = 2.03M J Method II Start with the known fact the the internal energy of an ideal gas is only a function of temperature. U = Q + W = ncv dT However, since this is an adiabatic path, Q = 0 and the work done is simple ncv dT w = ncv (T1 T1 ) w = 2.03M J 4 1 → 2 This process is at constant pressure, so the work is given by w = pdV = p2 2 dV 1 w = p2 (V2 V1 ) We just have to fine V2 . That can be done easily by using the equation of state of an ideal gas along an isotherm P2 V2 = P1 V1 V2 = 15m3 So, w = 101300 P a 15 6.919m3 w = 819kJ The total work done is then wtot = 2030 + 819 = -2849kJ Problem 1.5 Function 1: df1 = y(3x2 + y2 )dx + x(x2 + 2y2 )dy (1) Integrate along y = x (dy = dx) 1 x(3x2 + x2 )dx + x(x2 + 2x2 )dx 0 1 1 7x3 dx = (4x3 + 3x3 )dx = 0 0 7x4 4 1 = 0 (2) Integrate along y = x2 (dy = 2xdx) 1 x2 (3x2 + x4 )dx + x(x2 + 2x4 )2xdx 0 1 5x7 (5x + 5x )dx = x + 7 6 0 4 1 5 = 12 7 0 Function 2: df2 = y(3x2 + y)dx + x(x2 + 2y)dy (1) Integrate along y = x (dy = dx) 1 x(3x2 + y)dx + x(x2 + 2x)dx 0 1 (4x3 + 3x2)dx = 0 4x4 3x3 + 4 3 1 = 2 0 (2) Integrate along y = x2 (dy = 2xdx) 1 x2 (3x2 + x2 )dx + x(x2 + 2x2 )2xdx 0 1 10x4 dx = 0 10x5 5 1 Since function 2 is path independent it is an exact differential. 5 = 2 0 7 4 Problem 1.6 dU = w + Q This is an ideal gas so dU = 0 along an isothermal path. (a) RT w = pdV , p = V 1 RT V2 p2 w= dV = RT ln = RT ln V V p1 1 2 w = RT ln(15) = 6754J (b) dU = 0 =⇒ Q = w Q = 6754J (c) H1 = U1 + P1 V1 H2 = U2 + P2 V2 For an ideal gas at constant temperature (T1 = T2 ) =⇒ U1 = U2 Also, when T1 = T2 =⇒ P1 V1 = P2 V2 Therefore H1 = H2 (d) Q pdV nR dV = = T T V V2 P2 S = R ln = R ln V1 P1 dS = J S = 22.5 K 6 Problem 1.7 (a) Work done in the process is: final pdV w= initial Define water as the system Initial State = Liquid Final State = Vapor So we write w= Vvapor pdV Vliq w = p Vvapor dV (Since p is constant) Vliq w = p(V vap V liq ) Since the specific volume of a vapor is much larger than for a liquid w ≈ pV vap = p #vapor This is about 7.5% of the heat of evaportation = 105 P a J = 167504 = 167 Jg kg kg 0.592 m3 (b) H = U + pV H = U + (pV ) = U + pV U = H p V J J U = 2261 167 = 2094 Jg g g Conclusion: The heat one has to transfer to water to evaporate it is partly used for increasing the internal energy of J water (2094 g, breaking bonds) but aslo for the work required by the vapor expansion. Problem 1.8 7 Given: N p1 = 1 atm = 101300 m 2 V1 = 1 liter = 0.001m3 V2 = 2 liters = 0.002m3 T1 = T2 = 373K Need to know how many moles of gas: n= 1 → 2 (isothermal) w 1→2 p1 V1 = 0.033 moles RT1 1 N p1 V1 = p2 V2 =⇒ p2 = atm = 50650 2 2 m V2 V2 nRT V2 pdV = dV = nRT ln = V V1 V1 V1 w 1→2 = nRT ln 2 = 70.9J 2 → 3 (isobaric) p3 = p2 with = cp cv p3 V3 = p1 V1 = 5 3 for monoatomic ideal gas 1 p1 V1 V3 = = 1.52liters = 0.00152m3 p3 N 2→3 2→3 w = p2 V = 50650 2 0.00152 0.002m3 m w 2→3 = 24.3J 3 → 1 (reversible adiabatic) w 3→1 = V1 pdV V3 p1 V1 V V1 p1 V1 p1 V1 1 1 1 dV = = 1 V1 1 V V3 V3 pV = p1 V1 =⇒ p = w 3→1 w 3→1 = 37.1J So the total work done is w total = w 1→2 + w 2→3 + w 3→1 = 70.9 + 24.3 + 37.1 w total = 9.5J Problem 1.9 (i) The amount of work done by the gas is zero, since the gas does no work on the surrouindings outside of the chamber. The expression w = pdV cannot be applied since the process is not reversible. (ii) The walls of the chamber are insulating, thus Q = 0 and from (i) w = 0. Thus U = Q + W = 0 (iii) For an ideal gas U is only a function of temperature. Since for a free expansion in an insulated chamber U = 0 =⇒ Tinitital = Tfinal (iv) For a non-ideal gas where U = f (T, V ) , T will change after a free expansion in an insulated chamber since V changes and U = U (Tfinal , Vfinal ) U (Tinitial , Vinitital ) = 0 8 (Most gasses at low pressures can be well approximated as being ideal gasses) (v) If now the walls of the chambers conduct heat, for an ideal gas U = U (T ) is still true. The initial and final states are in equilibrium with the environment. Thus Tinitial = Tfinal = Tenvironment (vi) For non-ideal gases U = 0 since U = U (T, V ) and V changes. LEVEL 2 PROBLEMS Problem 2.1 (a) S = 0 (b) S > 0 (c) S > 0 Problem 2.2 Given information Vi = 1m3 Pi = 15 atm Ti = 298K Vf =? Pf = 2 atm Tf = 298K (a) Find the final volume after the expansion Pi Vi = Pf Vf 15 1 Pi Vi = Vf = 2 Pf Vf = 7.5m3 Finding the number of moles, n, will be useful for parts b & c L atm , 1m3 = 1000L R = 0.08205 K mole 15 1000 PV =n= 0.08205 298 RT n = 613.5 moles (b) Find the work done if the process is isothermal w= w = nRT ln Vf Vi pdV = 8.314 613.5 298 ln w = 3006 kJ (c) Find the work in the multi-step process 9 7. 5 1 Two parts: (I) Adiabatic expansion from 1 to 2 (II) Heating at constant P from 2 to 2 (wI + wII ) + (QI + QII ) = Usys Since state 1 and 2 are at the same temperature and U for an ideal gas is only a function of temperature, Usys = 0 and (wI + wII ) = (QI + QII ) So we can calculate w ’s or Q’s. Since QI = 0 (adiabatic process) let’s calculat QII Need to find T2 QII = ncp T = ncp (T2 T2 ) 7 J n = 613.5 moles, cp = R = 29 2 mole K T2 = T1 T 2 = 298 2 15 P2 P1 27 cR p = 168K Now for QII QII = 613.3 moles 29 J (298 168K ) mole K QII = 2313kJ So, wtotal = (QI + QII ) = (0 + 2313kJ ) wtotal = 2313kJ Problem 2.3 U = Ap2 V dU = w + Q Along a reverisble path, ∂W = pdV when only p-V work is possible. Along a reversible adiabatic path, ∂Q = 0 and therefore dU = w 10 (A = positive constant) (First Law) ∂U ∂U dp + dV ∂p V ∂V p ∂U = 2ApV ∂p V ∂U = Ap2 ∂V p dU = Going back to equation 1 (2ApV )dp + (Ap2 )dV = pdV 2AV dp = (Ap + 1)dV dp dV = (Ap + 1) 2AV After intergration ln(Ap + 1) ln V = + constant 2A A 1 ln (Ap + 1) V 2 = new constant 1 (Ap + 1)V 2 = even newer constant Problem 2.4 (a) Using the first law U sys = Q(500C ) + Q(300C ) + W + Q(25 C ) = 0 1.5M W + 0.5M W 1M W + Q(25 C ) = 0 Q(25C ) = 1M W (b) Chack to see if the second law is satisfied dSmachine Q T But dSmachine has to be zero since we are operating at steady state Q(500C ) Q(300C ) Q(25C ) + + 0 773 573 298 1. 5M W 0. 5M W 1M W J = 542.6 + 573K 298K 773K Ks 542.6 KJs 0 11 (1) Problem 2.5 (a) U = Q + w Since the process is adiabatic, Q = 0 (10 moles) U = ncv T = w 5 J T = 80000J 8.314 2 mole K T = 385K Tf = 388K (b) S1→3 = S1→2 + S2→3 S1→2 = 0 since this process is reversible and adiabatic ∂S S2→3 is at constant pressure, temperatre varies→ ∂T p What is T2 though? The temperatre that would be reached if expansion was reversible. cR 2 2 7 p2 p = 773 = 253K T2 = T1 100 p1 388 dT 388 7 S2→3 = = 8.314 ln cp 2 253 T 253 J S2→3 = 12.4 mole K Problem 2.6 In case (b) extra work is done on the gas so that its internal energy will remain higher than in (a) Tb > Ta Problem 2.7 (a) Total amount of energy required Necessary heat input is the total enthalpy change of the material (since p is constat) Determined by the final and initial state 12 Enthalpy change is only due to the 10 L (the 50 L remains in exactly the same state) dH = ncp dT 1000g 1 cal H = 10L 75K L gK H = 750 kcal = 3140kJ H = 0.87kW h (b) Entropy change Again,entropy change is soley determined by the final and initial state dS = ncp dT T 1000g 1 cal S = 10L ln L gK 353 278 = 2.38 kcal K S = 9993 molJK Problem 2.8 w1 = dV pdV = RT1 = RT1 ln V V4 w3 = RT ln V3 The second step where Q2 = 0 gives dU = dw dV BdT = pdV = RT V T3 V3 B ln = R ln T1 V2 and the fourth step B ln T1 T3 = R ln V1 V4 Thus V3 V4 V1 V4 or = = V2 V1 V2 V3 and 13 V2 V1 w3 w1 V1 V4 = R ln = R ln = T1 V2 V3 T3 T3 w1 (T3 T1 ) w3 (T3 T1 ) Q(T3 T1 ) Q3 (T3 T1 ) w = w1 w3 = w1 + w1 = = = = T1 T1 T3 T1 T3 By drawing the heat Q3 from a heat souce at T3 one may ths produce mechanical work in the amount of if the rest of the energy, QT33T1 can be disposed of as heat to a heat sink at T1 Q3 (T3T1 ) T3 Problem 2.9 Suniverse = Ssys + Senvironment There is no heat flow into the environment, so Senvironment = 0 But for the system (the gas) → The gas goes from state 1 at Pi , Vi , Ti to a state 2 at Po , Vo , To (= Ti ) with Po < Pi To compute the Sgas we need to how the entropy changes with pressure (or volume) at constant T and for an ideal gas ∂S ∂P = T ∂V ∂T (Maxwell Relation) P Sgas R ∂V = ∂T P P Po Po = R = R ln Pi Pi since Pi > Po R ln Pi Po >0 Since Suniverse > 0 the process is irreversible Problem 2.10 To calculate U (P, V ) for any (P, V ) given a value U (Po , Vo ) at some (Po , Vo ) it is sitable for this system to follow the path sketched below. 14 First go from Vo , Po → Vo , P (i.e. constant volume) A constant colume, if only P-V work is possible dU = Q U = U (P , Vo ) U (Po , Vo ) = Q = A(P Po ) P is unknown, but we do know because of the path we chose from (Vo , Po) → (V, P ) that (Vo , P ) and (V, P ) are connected by a reversible adiabat. Therefore, V P Vo = P V or P = P Vo So, U (P , Vo ) U (Po , Vo ) = A(P r Po ) (with r = V ) Vo Second go from Vo , P → V, P Along the reversible adiabat Q = 0 and therefore V U = U (P, V ) U (P , Vo ) = P dV Vo with P and V representing values along the adiabat going through (V, P ). To calaculate this integral use P V = P V PV P = V So, V U = U = PV ( 1) V 1 PV Vo = dV V PV ( 1) 1 1 ( 1) V ( 1) Vo V 1 U = U (P, V ) U (P , Vo ) = (P 1) 1 r V ( 1) Vo (with r = V ) Vo (with r = V ) Vo Combining the first and second step Utot = U (P, V ) U (Po , Vo ) = A(P r Po ) + PV ( 1) 1 r 1 LEVEL 3 PROBLEMS Problem 3.1 The reaction at 1200K is 2N H3 → N2 + 3H2 P = nRT V , T and V are constant but n increases by a factor of 2 in the reaction. Therefore Pf = 2Pi → Pf = 20atm (b) Heat flow The system is underconstant volume (dV = 0) so W = 0 and U = Q We can compute U from H because U = H PV 15 U = H (P V ) = H (nRT ) = H RT n kJ H = 87 and n = 2 moles mole J J U = 87000 (1200K ) (2) 8.314 mole mole K J U = Q = 67046 mole (c) System is adiabtic and under constant volume=⇒ U = 0 So, Ta Ureaction + (cv ,N2 +3cv ,H2 )dT = 0 1200 Ta = 1200 use cp cv = R Ta = 1200 Ureaction cv ,N2 +3cv ,H2 J 67046 mole J 4 24.686 mole K Ta = 521K The system cools down which is expected given that the reaction is endothermic. Problem 3.2 We can define the system as the gas in the tank (no moles) and the gas that will be squeezed into the tank (nc moles). It will helpful to define some variables Po Pf To Tf V Vf = The initial pressure in the tank = The external pressure pushing gas in = The initial temperature of the gas = The final temperature of the gas (what we want to solve for) = The volume of the tank = The volume of the gas pushed in We can write the following relationships Po V RTo Pf V no + nc = RTf nc RTo Vc = Pf no = Since this is an ideal gas we know that the internal energy change is only a function of temperature, given by U = (no + nc )cv (Tf To ) Givem that the process is adiabatic (isolated), U = Q + W = W But for this case we know that W = Pf Vc = nc RTo 16 (Q = 0 ) or the external pressure (which is constant) times the volume of gas pushed in. Now we can just work through eliminating variables to find the final temperature. nc RTo = (no + nc )cv (Tf To ) Pf V nc RTo = cv (Tf To ) RTf Pf V Po V Pf V RTo cv (Tf To ) = RTf RTo RTf Pf RTo Po RTf = Pf cv (Tf To ) Pf To (R + cv ) = Tf (Po R + Pf cv ) Tf = Pf To (R + cv ) P o R + P f cv Treating air as a diatomic ideal gas, we can use cv = 52 R and solve for Tf 298 1 (R + 72 R) 7 Tf = = 298 (0.5R + 1 cv ) 6 Tf = 347.6K Problem 3.3 Assume that the volume change resulting from the reaction A + B → AB is V and the heat of reaction is Q. During the reaction, the system will perform work against the environment which has a constant pressure Po . Since the pressure of the environment Po is constant, the external work done by the system is w = Po V Using the first law U = Q Po V Q = U + Po V In the initial and final states of the reaction (both equilibrium states), the pressure of the gas has to equal Po (otherwise they wouldn’t be equilibrium states). Therefore if P is the pressure of the gas P = Po or Q = U + (P V ) Q = H where H is the difference of enthalpies in the initial and final states. Problem 3.4 Closed system solution System is gas flowing into the tank U2 U1 = Q + w = w U2 U1 = P1 V1 For an ideal gas, U2 U1 = ncv (T2 T1 ) P1 V1 = nRT1 17 (Q = 0 (adiabatic)) So, ncv (T2 T1 ) = nRT1 cv T2 = (R + cv )T1 = cp T1 cp T2 = T1 cv Open system solution System is the tank H i mi = Uf Ui = U f mf Uinitial = 0 because minitial = 0 min = mf H i = U f = U in + Pin Vin U f U i = Pin Vin cv (Tf Ti ) = RTi cp Tf = Ti cv Problem 3.5 (a) Gas in tank I is undergoing an adiabatic reversible expansion cR T2 P2 p = T1 P1 7R 5 2R T2 = 300 10 T2 = 246K (b) Try to get TII from the fact that Utot = UI + UII = 0 because the total system is isothermal. UI is the internal energy change of gas that remains in I and UII is the internal energy change of gas that ends up in tank II. UII = nII cv (TII T1 ) UI = nI cv (TI T1 ) need to find nI PV RT nI PI T1 5 atm 300K = = = 0.61 10 atm 246K n1 TI P1 n= nII = 1 nI = n1 (1 0.61) = 0.39n1 now from UI + UII = 0 UII = UI 0.39n1cv (TII 300) = 0.61n1cv (246 300) TII = 384K (c) Entropy change → S varies with T and P 18 ∂S dS = dT + dP ∂P T P ∂S cp ∂S ∂V R and = = = ∂T P T ∂P T ∂T P P ∂S ∂T cp R dT dP T P For the gas remaining in tank I dSI = 0 as it is undergoing an adibatic reversible expansion. For the gas ending up in tank II TII PII R ln S = nII cp ln To Po dS = Po = 10 atm, To = 300K nII = 0.39 (per mole of gas initial in tank I) TII = 384K nII RTII nII TII PII = = = 5 atm V n1 To 7 384 5 R ln S = 0.39n1 R ln 2 300 10 J S = 5.05n1 K mole LEVEL 4 PROBLEMS Problem 4.1 This is a very tricky question which is why it is alone in Level 4. First let’s determine the equilibrium conditions. Assume that the system has some how reached equilibirum with final values T1f , P1f , V1f for compartment 1 and T2f , P2f , V2f for compartment 2. We can ssk what criteria must there variable satisfy for the system to be in equilibrium. Well we know that for any reversible change around equilibrium dU = dU1 + dU2 = 0 i.e. U (V, S ) must be minimal at equilibrium, and dS = dS1 + dS2 = 0 i.e. S (U, S ) must be maximal at equilibrium. Since there is no heat flow between compartments and between the chamber and the environment (since all walls are adiabatic) dS1 = 0 dS2 = 0 So at equilibrium, the only reversible changes we can make are in the volume of the compartments, i.e. dV1 = dV2 Then we can write (for a reversible change dU1 = P1f dV1 = +P1f dV2 dU2 = P2f dV2 19 dU = dU 1 + dU 2 = (P1f P2f )dV2 = 0 since this should hold for arbitrary dV2 , P1f = P2f i.e. equilibrium is characterized by mechanical equilibrium. NOTE: Since dS1 = 0 and dS2 = 0, the equilibrium condition that dU = 0 does not yield any information about the final temperatures T1f and T2f . This means that the final temperatures of this system depend on the path followed by the system to attain equilibrium. The question remains: can we obtain equilibrium from the initial state T1 = To , T2 = To , P1 = P2 , and n1 = n2 by following a reverible path? The answer is: probably not. One candidate reversible path is to allow the piston to very slow move until the equilibrium pressures are attained (i.e. P1f = P2f ). This path, however, cannot proceed reversible for the following reason: Assume that is can proceed reversibly. Then an infinitesimal change in the volume of compartment 1 by dV1 will result in an increase of the internal energy of compartment one by dU1 = P1 dV1 The change in internal energy of compartment 2 is dU2 = P2 dV2 = P2 dV1 But since both compartments are adiabatically sealed from the environment, dU = 0 =⇒ dU1 = dU2 or P1 dV1 = P2 dV1 or P1 = P2 But this is not true except in the final equilibrium state. In the initial state P1 = P2 by assumption. =⇒Therefore the suggested path cannot proceed reversibly. The suggest path must be accompanied by dissipation (through friction between the piston and the walls for example). This dissipation will be accompanied by a production of heat. We cannot predict a-priori how much of that heat evolves to compartment 1 or compartment 2 though. 20