Guinea-Bissau (country code +245) Communication of 17.IX.2015: The Autoridade Reguladora Nacional das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (ARN), Bissau, announces the bringing into service, in Guinea-Bissau, of a new national numbering plan (NNP), which will come into effect on 1 November 2015. In the new national numbering plan (NNP), the existing seven (7) digit numbers in the fixed and mobile networks will be replaced by nine (9) digit numbers. The format of the number for calls from abroad (E.164 international number structure) will be the same for all telephone networks (fixed and mobile), namely +245 XXX XXX XXX (nine (9) digits (CC + N(S)N, in which CC is the country code and N(S)N is the national (significant) number. The new numbering plan will be brought into service on 1 November 2015. The digits “44” will be added in front of the existing fixed network N(S)N. For example, the existing fixed network N(S)N XXX XXXX (seven (7) digits) will become 44 XXX XXXX (nine (9) digits). Similarly, for mobile networks, the digits “9X” will be added in front of the existing N(S)N. Fixed network GUINÉ TELECOM Country code Old subscriber number (seven digits) New subscriber number (nine digits) Locality 245 320 321 XXXX XXXX 44 320 44 321 XXXX XXXX Bissau 245 322 XXXX 44 322 XXXX Sta Luzia 245 325 XXXX 44 325 XXXX Brá 245 331 XXXX 44 331 XXXX Mansoa 245 332 XXXX 44 332 XXXX Bissora 245 334 XXXX 44 334 XXXX Mansaba 245 335 XXXX 44 335 XXXX Farim 245 341 XXXX 44 341 XXXX Bafatá 245 342 XXXX 44 342 XXXX Bambadinca 245 351 XXXX 44 351 XXXX Gabú 245 352 XXXX 44 352 XXXX Sonaco 245 353 XXXX 44 353 XXXX Pirada 245 354 XXXX 44 354 XXXX Pitche 245 370 XXXX 44 370 XXXX Buba 245 391 XXXX 44 391 XXXX Canchungo 245 392 XXXX 44 392 XXXX Cacheu 245 393 XXXX 44 393 XXXX S. Domingos 245 394 XXXX 44 394 XXXX Bula 245 396 XXXX 44 396 XXXX Ingoré 245 397 XXXX 44 397 XXXX Bigene 1/5 Mobile network Country code Old subscriber number (seven digits) New subscriber number (nine digits) ORANGE – BISSAU 245 5 XXXXXX 95 5 XXXXXX SPACETEL GUINÉ-BISSAU 245 6 XXXXXX 96 6 XXXXXX 245 9 XXXXXX 96 9 XXXXXX GUINÉTEL 245 7 XXXXXX 97 7 XXXXXX Contact: Mr. Teófilo Lopes Autoridade Reguladora Nacional das TIC (ARN) Caixa Postal 1372 BISSAU Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 668 23 53 (as from 1 November 2015: +245 966 88 23 53) +245 529 60 07 (as from 1 November 2015: +245 955 29 60 07) +245 600 40 49 (as from 1 November 2015: +245 966 00 40 49) E-mail: ; ; URL: 2/5 Communication of 11.VI.2013: La Autoridade Reguladora Nacional das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (ARN), Bissau, announces the following modification to the E.164 National Numbering Plan (NNP) of Guinea-Bissau. Presentation of national ITU-T E.164 numbering plan for country code 245 a) Overview: – – b) The minimum number length (excluding the country code) is: (7) digits. The maximum number length (excluding the country code) is: (7) digits. Detail of numbering plan: N(S)N number length NDC (National Destination Code) or leading digits of N(S)N (National (Significant) Number)) Maximum length Minimum length 3 7 7 Usage of E.164 Number Additional information Geographic number – Fixed telephony services – Assigned to Guiné Telecom S A 40 7 7 Geographic number – Telephony services (VoiP) – Assigned to HARRY GROUP SARL 5 7 7 Non-geographic number – Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to ORANGE BISSAU SA 6 7 7 Non-geographic number – Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to SPACETEL GUINÉ – BISSAU SA 7 7 7 Non-geographic number – Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to GUINÉTEL SA 90 7 7 Non-geographic number – Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to ORANGE BISSAU SA 91 7 7 Non-geographic number– Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to SPACETEL GUINÉ – BISSAU SA 92 7 7 Non-geographic number – Digital mobile (GSM) telephony services – Assigned to SPACETEL GUINÉ – BISSAU SA Contact: Mr.Téofilo Lopes Autoridade Reguladora Nacional das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (ARN) AV. Domingos Ramos (Praça Enersto Che Guevara) BP 1372 BISSAU Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 320 48 73/4 Fax: +245 320 48 76 E-mail: URL: 3/5 Communication of 3.VII.2008: The Instituto, recalls implementation of a new National Numbering Plan (NNP) in Guinea-Bissau as from 6 July 2008. In the fixed network of the new National Numbering Plan (NNP), the current fixed six (6)-digit numbering will be replaced by seven (7)-digit numbering. The number format for calls from abroad (structure of the international E.164-number) will be uniform for all the telephone networks (fixed and mobile): +245 XXX XXXX (seven (7)-digits) (CC + N(S)N, where CC is country code and N(S)N is National (Significant) Number). The new numbering plan for fixed networks will be in use starting from 6 July 2008. In front of the existing fixed network N(S)N will be added digit “3”. For example, the current fixed network N(S)N XX XXXX (six (6)-digits) will be changed to 3XX XXXX (seven (7)-digits). Some localities, such as Ingoré, currently with N(S)N 33 XXXX, will completely change (see table overleaf). No change will be made to the current seven (7)-digit mobile network numbering plan. Fixed network GUINÉ TELECOM Country Code Old subscriber number (six digits) New subscriber number (seven digits) Locality 245 20 21 XXXX XXXX 320 321 XXXX XXXX Bissau 245 22 XXXX 322 XXXX Sta Luzia 245 25 XXXX 325 XXXX Brá 245 31 XXXX 331 XXXX Mansoa 245 31 XXXX 334 XXXX Mansaba 245 32 XXXX 397 XXXX Bigene 245 32 XXXX 332 XXXX Bissora 245 33 XXXX 396 XXXX Ingoré 245 94 XXXX 394 XXXX Bula 245 35 XXXX 335 XXXX Farim 245 41 XXXX 341 XXXX Bafatá 245 41 XXXX 342 XXXX Bambadinca 245 51 XXXX 351 XXXX Gabú 245 51 XXXX 354 XXXX Pitche 245 52 XXXX 352 XXXX Sonaco 245 53 XXXX 353 XXXX Pirada 245 70 XXXX 370 XXXX Buba 245 91 XXXX 391 XXXX Canchungo 245 92 XXXX 392 XXXX Cacheu 245 93 XXXX 393 XXXX S. Domingos 4/5 Mobile network ORANGE –BISSAU 245 5 XXXXXX 5 XXXXXX SPACETEL GUINÉ-BISSAU 245 6 XXXXXX 6 XXXXXX GUINÉTEL 245 7 XXXXXX 7 XXXXXX Contact: Mr Teófilo Lopes Director, Licencing and Spectrum Management Instituto das Comunicações da Guiné-Bissau (ICGB) R. Vitorino Costa Caixa Postal 1372 BISSAU Guinée-Bissau Tel: +245 20 4873 (as from 6 July 2008, Tel: +245 320 4873) Fax: +245 20 4876 (as from 6 July 2008, Fax: +245 320 4876) E-mail: Communication of 3.IV.2009: The Institut des Communications de la Guinée-Bissau (ICGB), Bissau, in its capacity as the National Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications, announces its concerns regarding the unauthorized use of Guinea-Bissau’s E.164 country code “245” by several unidentified operators, in particular for the purpose of providing “Audiotex or Videotex” and other services available on the Internet. In addition, the Institut des Communications de la Guinée-Bissau (ICGB) confirms that no operator or service provider has been authorized by Guinea-Bissau authorities to set up infrastructure or use existing infrastructure for the purpose of providing “Audiotex or Videotex” services or to use country code “245” for other purposes deemed illegal. The Institut des Communications de la Guinée-Bissau (ICGB) requests the cooperation of all telecommunication operators and administrations in recalling that it is prohibited to use the name of Guinea-Bissau for the purpose of providing “Audiotex or Videotex” services or for country code “245” to be used by unauthorized operators or for unauthorized purposes either within the territory of Guinea-Bissau or elsewhere. The Institut des Communications de la Guinée-Bissau (ICGB) wishes to reiterate that only the operators and providers of services headquartered in Guinea-Bissau, or duly established as representatives in Guinea-Bissau, can hold an authorization for the establishment and operation of telecommunication networks or the provision of telecommunication services within the territory of Guinea-Bissau or for the use of State public domain resources such as numbers and radio frequencies. Contact: Institut des Communications de la Guinée-Bissau (ICGB) Av. Domingos Ramos, 53 Caixa Postal 1372 BISSAU Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 320 48 73 / +245 320 48 74 Fax: +245 320 48 76 E-mail: 5/5