Contour-Based Digit Recognition Chris Douglas

Contour-Based Digit Recognition
Chris Douglas
Normalized cross-correlation is fine for a single
font with a single size
Contours contain a lot of the information used
by humans to distinguish between characters
Using only contours shrinks the problem size
Shape Classification Methods
Fourier Descriptors
Zernike Moments
K-nearest neighbors
Legendre Moments
Decision trees
Statistical Moments
Mahalanobis distance
Hu's Invariant
Other descriptors
such as area,
eccentricity, height,
Support Vector
Machines (SVM)
Neural networks
Assume training images are pre-classified
correctly, binary, and mostly free of
Take the contours of the image
Find the contour lists of the contours
Mean center these lists and scale to a standard
size while preserving the overall shape of the
Rotate by angle from 'regionprops' 'orientation'
Resize so each contour is the same amount of
points in length
Isn't necessary for some descriptors
Can be done with interpolation in the spatial domain
Decided to carefully use the frequency domain and
pad an array of DFT coefficients with 0s to the
correct size
Special considerations need to be made
Fonts and handwritten numbers with varying
degree of carelessness (dataset 1)
1280 training images
Test data are handwritten samples by 2 willing
participants and paint-created samples
MNIST data base (dataset 2)
60,000 training images
10,000 test images
The images seen thus far
Carefully handwritten numbers by one person
(dataset 3)
1251 Training images
210 Test images
Dataset 1 Results
Single contour
(K=5) All but a 2 & a 3 were classified correctly
(K=4) All images were classified correctly
Multiple contour
Fourier misclassified a 3 as a 7
Absolute Difference of contour points misclassified the
same 3 as a 7, a 2 as a 1, and a 0 as a 1.
Fourier misclassified a 7 as a 4, a 3 as a 7
Absolute difference misclassified the same 7 as a 4, and
a 0 as a 4
Dataset 2 Results
(single contour)
Dataset 2 Results
(multiple contour)
Dataset 3 Results
Single contour
(K=5) A 5 was misclassified as a 9
Multiple contour
(K=5) Three 7s were misclassified as a 2,3,and a 5,
a 0 was misclassified as an 8
(K=1) A 7 was misclassified as a 2