GOES-R Proving Ground Status/Update Bonnie Reed January 2011

GOES-R Proving Ground
Bonnie Reed
January 2011
Aviation Weather
• Aviation Weather Center (Kansas City)
Convective Initiation and Nearcasting (Dec-Jan)
Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height; SO2 Detection (Jan-Feb)
Aircraft Icing Threat (Feb-Mar)
Low Cloud and Fog (Mar-Apr)
WRF Lightning Threat (Apr-May)
GEMPAK decoder hindering data
→Additional personnel added to
support AWC Testbed
• AK Aviation Weather Unit (Anchorage)
Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height (Dec)
SO2 Detection (Dec)
Low Cloud and Fog (Dec)
Cloud Top Height (Dec)
Convective Initiation (Dec)
• NWS Regions
→PG data is available throughout the Alaska
Region via NWS LDM and available in AWIPS in
Fairbanks WFO and Alaska AWU
In discussions with Scott Birch to bring in Aviation related products to WR WFOs and
CWSUs. WFO Monterey and CWSU Oakland have expressed interest in participating in PG
demonstration. Will expand to other regions after we develop a good “model” with WR.
High Latitude Testbed
and Alaska Demonstration
Snow/Cloud Discrimination
Nov 2010 – Mar 2011 (pushed to right)
– Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height
– Cloud Phase
– Cloud/Snow Discrimination (Cloud Mask)
– Low Cloud and Fog
– SO2 Detection
Gary Hufford, Jessie Cherry, Tom Heinrichs
– Products are flowing from CIMSS to GINA (in Fairbanks).
– The NWS firewall has been upgraded and permissions set so that data is flowing into the
Alaska NWS local data manager (LDM).
– Data is being displayed in AWIPS in the Fairbanks WFO.
– WFO job shadows performed by GINA staff; good two-way flow of knowledge.
– Volcanic ash products to AAWU 1-9 products via LDM from Fairbanks office.
– Still working with the color palette bars to be installed shortly for AWIPS viewing; getting help
form CIMSS
– PG data is available throughout the Alaska Region via NWS LDM and available in AWIPS in
Fairbanks WFO and Alaska AWU; will expand service to other WFOs once palettes resolved.
Space Weather
• Status:
Space Weather
May 2011 – Apr 2013
Solar Thematic Maps
University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for
Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and
Proposal Phase
Note: The list of Space Weather products in Appendix 1, for
legacy and funding reasons, refers to Level-1B products, not Level-2
products. The Space Weather proposal applies to space weather
level-2 products under development within the GOES-R Risk
Reduction project.
Storm Prediction Center
Hazardous Weather Testbed
• Focus:
• Dates:
• Products:
May 2011 – Jun 2011
Cloud and Moisture Imagery
Lightning Detection (multiple products)
Enhanced “V”/ Overshooting Top Detection
Convective Initiation (UWCI and SATCAST)
Nearcasting Model
NSSL - Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) based Lightning
Threat Forecast
– CAPS Ensemble Simulated Satellite Imagery
• POCs:
• Status:
Chris Siewert, Kristin Kuhlman, Steven Weiss, Travis
Proposal Phase
NESDIS/Satellite Analysis Branch
Focus: Hazardous Weather
Dates: Apr 2011 – Sep 2011
– Aerosol Detection (including
dust and smoke)
– Fire and Hot Spot
– Aerosol Optical Depth
– Vegetation Index
– Volcanic Ash: Detection and
– SO2 Detection
– Low Cloud and Fog
Jamie Kibler
Status: Proposal Phase
Rainfall Potential,
Probability, and Guidance
Dates: May 2011 – Dec 2011
– Rainfall Potential
– Probability of Rainfall
– Cloud Liquid Water
Jamie Kibler
Status: Proposal Phase
Ocean Prediction Center
& NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch
• Focus:
• Dates:
• Products:
Offshore T-Storms
Jun 2011 – Dec 2011
Cloud/Moisture Imagery
Cloud Top Phase
Cloud Top Temperature
Enhanced "V"/OTD
• POCs:
• Status:
Convective Initiation
Cloud Top Height
Derived Stability Indices
Lightning Detection
Joseph Sienkiewicz (OPC)
Jamie Kibler (SAB)
Initial planning telecom held with providers and OPC &
SAB, Developing Operations plan for demonstration,
Next planning telecom early Jan.
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
& NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch
• Focus:
• Dates:
• Products:
Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPFs)
Jul 2011- Jan 2012
Cloud/Moisture Imagery
Derived Motion Winds
RGB Air Mass
Rainfall Rate/QPE
• POCs:
• Status:
Ed Danaher and Dave Novak (HPC)
Jamie Kibler (SAB)
Initial planning telecom held with providers and HPC &
SAB, Developing Operations plan for demonstration,
Next planning telecom early Jan.
Around the corner…
(planning/early development stage)
– Satellite Focused Fire Weather Event Simulation (IMET Conference, March)
– Spring Experiment at SPC/HWT 2011 (May)
– Pacific Region Demonstration
Upcoming Meetings
– AMS (many GOES-R PG Talks)
– PG Face to Face (Boulder, CO, May)
– OCONUS Focused Workshop (Juneau, AK, July)
Other Activities
– PG Article for BAMS
– WFO Operations Plan
– Polar Proving Ground (JPSS)