THE QUALITY OF H-SAF ATOVS BASED PRECIPITATION PRODUCTS OVER POLAND Bozena Ĺapeta, and Danuta Serafin-Rek Satellite Remote Sensing Department, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute | 14 P. Borowego Str. | 30-215 Kraków, Poland INTRODUCTION H-SAF CONSORTIUM The main objectives of H-SAF are: The main goal of EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility in Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF) is to provide satellite products for operational hydrology. Products of H-SAF concerns precipitation, soil moisture and snow cover parameters. Among them, the H-SAF precipitation products based on both passive microwave sensors (AMSU and MSH) and IR sensors calibrated by MW have been operationally available for meteorological and hydrological users. a. t o provide new satellite-derived products from existing and future satellites with sufficient time and space resolution to satisfy the needs of operational hydrology; identified products: • precipitation (liquid, solid, rate, accumulated); • s oil moisture (at large-scale, at local-scale, at surface, in the roots region); • s now parameters (detection, cover, melting conditions, water equivalent); In the poster, the quality of mentioned above H-SAF precipitation products in precipitation detection and estimation is analysed. The analysis was performed using data from both rain gauges and radar data from Polish ground measurement networks. The quality of the satellite products was studied using continuous and categorical statistical parameters within appropriate precipitation classes. b. to perform independent validation of the usefulness of the new products for fighting against floods, landslides, avalanches, and evaluating water resources; the activity includes: ownscaling/upscaling modelling from observed/predicted •d fields to basin level; • f usion of satellite-derived measurements with data from radar and raingauge networks; • a ssimilation of satellite-derived products in hydrological models; • a ssessment of the impact of the new satellite-derived products on hydrological applications. COMPOSITION OF THE H-SAF CONSORTIUM No. Country Units in the Country (responsible unit in bold) Role in the Project 01 Austria - Zentral Anstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik - Technische Univ. Wien, Inst. Photogrammetrie & Fernerkundung Leader for soil moisture 02 Belgium - Institut Royal Météorologique 03 Bulgary - National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology 04 ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts Contributor for “core” soil moisture 05 Finland - Finnish Meteorological Institute Leader for snow parameters 06 France - Météo-France - CNRS Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphere - CNRS Centre d’études des Environnem. Terrestres et Planétaires 07 Germany - Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde 08 Hungary - Hungarian Meteorological Service 09 Italy - 10 Poland - Institute of Meteorology and Water Management 11 Romania - National Meteorological Administration 11 Slovakia - Slovenský Hydrometeorologický Ústav 13 Turkey - More information at H-SAF web page: Servizio Meteorologico dell’Aeronautica Dipartimento Protezione Civile, Presidenza Consiglio Ministri CNR Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima Ferrara University, Department of Physics Turkish State Meteorological Service Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department Istanbul Technical University, Meteorological Department Anadolu University Host + Leader for precipitation Leader for Hydrology Contributor for “core” snow parameters H-SAF ATOVS BASED PRECIPITATION PRODUCT H-02 - Precipitation rate at ground by MW cross-track scanners (with indication of phase) All 15-km pixels with brightness temperatures at 183±7 GHz that are below a threshold T7 are flagged as potentially precipitating, where Product H-02 is based on the instruments AMSU-A and AMSU-B or MHS flown on NOAA and MetOp satellites. The algorithm has been devoloped in CNR-ISAC. T7 = 0.667 (T53.6 - 248) + 252 + 6 cos θ and where θ is the satellite zenith angle and T53.6 is the spatially filtered limb-corrected 53.6 GHz brightness temperature obtained by selecting the warmest brightness temperature within a 7×7 array of AMSU-B pixels. This T7 threshold was determined empirically and can vary with atmospheric temperature. Algorithm: The 183±7 GHz channel can become sensitive to surface variations in very cold, dry atmospheric conditions. When T53.6 is less than 248 K, the 183±3 GHz brightness temperature is compared to a threshold T3. The algorithm uses data from MW absorption bands exploited for temperature sounding (the 54 GHz band of AMSU-A) or for water vapour sounding (the 183 GHz band of AMSU-B and MHS), in which the effect of surface emissivity is minimized. Precipitation is retrieved by exploiting the differential effect of liquid drops or ice particles at different frequencies associated to weighting functions peaking in different atmospheric layers. It is a highly indirect principle that implies that only part of the retrieval process is physically-based, whereas substantial part of the retrieval is currently relying on the use of neural networks trained with the use of Cloud Resolving Model (CRM). T3 = 242.5 + 5 cos θ The thresholds T7 and T3 are slightly colder than a saturated atmosphere would be, implying the presence of a microwave absorbing or scattering cloud. It is possible for the 183±3 GHz and the 183±1 GHz channels to be sensitive to surface variations. If T53.6 is less than 242 K, then the pixel is assumed not to be precipitating. Summary H-02 performance: • Status: Operational. • Coverage: Strips of ~ 2250 km swath crossing the H-SAF area [25-75°N lat, 25°W-45°E long] in direction approx. S-N or N-S • Cycle: Up to six passes/day (if one Met-Op-A and two NOAA satellites are available) at approximately 09:30, 01:30, 03:00 ECT (descending mode) and 21:30, 13:30, 15:00 ECT (ascending mode) Flow chart of the AMSU-MHS (H-02) precipitation rate processing chain. • Spatial Resolution: Corresponds to the nominal resolution of MHS, varying with the viewing scan angle from 16 x 16 km2 / circular at nadir to 26 x 52 km2 / ovate at scan edge • Accuracy: PRECIPITATION RANGE THRESHOLD TARGET OPTIMAL > 10 mm/h 90 80 25 1-10 mm/h 120 105 50 < 1 mm/h 240 145 90 Accuracy requirements for product PR-OBS-2 [RMSE (%)] PRECIPITATION RATE • Timeliness: 30 min from observing time • Dissemination: By dedicated lines to centres connected by GTS - By EUMETCast to most other users, especially scientific • Formats: BUFR with values on grid points corresponding to the MHS orbital projection. Also JPEG or similar for quick-look H-02 VALIDATION RESULTS: JUNE 2013-JUNE 2014 PDF Spring Mean Error, rr>=0.25 mm/h RD 1,0 PDF Summer H-02 RD 0,6 URD, precipitation classes 400% H-02 [0.25,1) 10000000 100000 0,8 CONCLUSIONS [1,10) >=10 350% 1000000 10000 300% 0,4 • The H-02 precipitation products underestimates the measured rain rate for the whole period, however, the slight overestimation was found for light precipitation during summer 2013. 100000 0,2 250% 1000 10000 0,0 200% 1000 100 -0,2 150% 100 10 PDF Autumn Mean Error, precipitation classes 2 RD 29≤ PR <30 28≤ PR <29 27≤ PR <28 26≤ PR <27 25≤ PR <26 24≤ PR <25 23≤ PR <24 22≤ PR <23 21≤ PR <22 20≤ PR <21 19≤ PR <20 18≤ PR <19 17≤ PR <18 16≤ PR <17 15≤ PR <16 14≤ PR <15 13≤ PR <14 12≤ PR <13 11≤ PR <12 10≤ PR <11 8≤ PR <9 9≤ PR <10 7≤ PR <8 6≤ PR <7 5≤ PR <6 3≤ PR<4 4≤ PR <5 0.25≤ PR <1 29≤ PR <30 28≤ PR <29 27≤ PR <28 26≤ PR <27 25≤ PR <26 24≤ PR <25 23≤ PR <24 22≤ PR <23 21≤ PR <22 20≤ PR <21 19≤ PR <20 18≤ PR <19 17≤ PR <18 16≤ PR <17 15≤ PR <16 14≤ PR <15 Jun 2014 13≤ PR <14 May 2014 12≤ PR <13 Apr. 2014 11≤ PR <12 Mar. 2014 10≤ PR <11 Feb. 2014 8≤ PR <9 Jan. 2014 9≤ PR <10 Dec. 2013 7≤ PR <8 Nov. 2013 6≤ PR <7 Oct. 2013 5≤ PR <6 Sep. 2013 3≤ PR<4 Aug. 2013 4≤ PR <5 Jul. 2013 2≤ PR<3 Jun. 2013 1≤ PR<2 -1,0 50% 1 0.25≤ PR <1 1 2≤ PR<3 -0,8 100% 10 -0,6 1≤ PR<2 -0,4 0% Jun. Jul. 2013 Aug. 2013 2013 Sep. 2013 Oct. 2013 RD 100000 Nov. 2013 POD PDF Winter H-02 Dec. 2013 Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014 Mar. 2014 Apr. 2014 May Jun 2014 2014 10000 0,9 0 0,8 10000 -2 -4 1000 0,7 0,6 1000 0,5 100 -6 100 0,4 -8 0,3 10 10 0,2 -10 REFERENCES Algorithms Theoretical Baseline Document for product H02 – PR-OBS-2, 2011, at 29≤ PR <30 28≤ PR <29 27≤ PR <28 26≤ PR <27 25≤ PR <26 24≤ PR <25 23≤ PR <24 22≤ PR <23 21≤ PR <22 20≤ PR <21 19≤ PR <20 18≤ PR <19 17≤ PR <18 16≤ PR <17 15≤ PR <16 14≤ PR <15 13≤ PR <14 12≤ PR <13 11≤ PR <12 10≤ PR <11 9≤ PR <10 8≤ PR <9 7≤ PR <8 6≤ PR <7 5≤ PR <6 4≤ PR <5 3≤ PR<4 2≤ PR<3 1≤ PR<2 0.25≤ PR <1 29≤ PR <30 28≤ PR <29 27≤ PR <28 26≤ PR <27 25≤ PR <26 24≤ PR <25 23≤ PR <24 22≤ PR <23 21≤ PR <22 20≤ PR <21 19≤ PR <20 18≤ PR <19 17≤ PR <18 16≤ PR <17 15≤ PR <16 14≤ PR <15 13≤ PR <14 12≤ PR <13 11≤ PR <12 May Jun 2014 2014 10≤ PR <11 Apr. 2014 9≤ PR <10 Mar. 2014 8≤ PR <9 >=10 Feb. 2014 7≤ PR <8 [1,10) Jan. 2014 6≤ PR <7 [0.25,1) Dec. 2013 5≤ PR <6 Nov. 2013 4≤ PR <5 Oct. 2013 3≤ PR<4 Sep. 2013 2≤ PR<3 Jun. Jul. 2013 Aug. 2013 2013 0,1 1 1≤ PR<2 1 0.25≤ PR <1 -12 0 Jun. 2013 Jul. 2013 Aug. 2013 Sep. 2013 Oct. 2013 Nov. 2013 Dec. 2013 • The quality of H-02 rain rate products depends on the season – the best results were obtained for autumn and winter and worst – for spring and summer. This dependence is strongly pronounced for light precipitation class. • Analysis performed for different precipitation classes showed that the quality of considered satellite precipitation product increases with increasing rain rate. The worst results were obtained for light precipitation – the URD reached 350% when compared with radar data, respectively. FAR 1 H-02 The H-SAF TOVS based precipitation product (H-02) was validated with the use of radar data for the period of June 2013-June 2014. On the basis of presented material it can be stated that: Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014 Mar. 2014 Apr. 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 • The ability of H-SAF rain rate products in precipitation recognition was found to be rather poor for winter and autumn and reasonably good for summer.